Father Manning, L & O, Criminal Intent

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#05005 /#86256 f. MANN N 6p 8/24/05 — : 20. & att INT. CHURCH, SAINT MARTIN'S - NIGHT . A once-grand House of God, now reduced to a crime scene. Csu at work, Unis at the doors. While Eames talks to father Manning, Goren kneels by Dorothy’s corpse, inspects the vandalized scene. A plaster statue lies broken, pieces of plaster on Dorothy; a three-tiered votive candle stand fas been dragged a ways, and turned over onto its side. The wax has spilled and pooled next to Dorothy, over the blood seeping from her head. L FATHER MANNING —> Thursdays the Sextant has the night off. Tonight was Sister Dorothy's turn to do a final check. ~ EAMES You notice iF any valuables were taken? FATHER MANNING Besides a human life? If we ever had a gold chalice, it was stolen a long time ago. - FATHER MANNING Just the usual annoyances, homeless urinating on our flowerbeds, graffiti -- aMES/ We'll take photos of those. The officers said you run a shelter here -- FATHER MANNING The sisters do, for rescued girls, from prostitution. Sister Olivia started the program. She's the one who found Dorothy. Ss We'll need Aes to her. FATHER MANNING She’s downstairs calming her girls. I'll get her. (CONTINUED) L+0: cL white 8/24/05 #05005 /#B6256 42 33 CONTINUED: (3) 33 GOREN TheNgpeculation was sh; from I don't, nt to hs 34 34 INT. CONFESSIONAL, SAINT MARTIN'S - EVENING sister Olivia confessing through screen to Father Manning. FATHER MANNING stark) It's vanity to think any of us could have prevented Sister Dorothy's death. She was called home by God. We can’t prevent His plan from unfolding. Cstsrer_oLivia qhat‘s what I fear now. The unfolding. T don't know if I’m strong enough. FATHER MANNING You mean for your girls? To continue your work? SISTER OLIVIA God's voice seems so far away. Sometimes I wish I was back in the cloister. Safe and not of this world. FATHER MANNING But you belong in this world. It's what God chose for you. He‘ll find you here, and give you the strength to face what comes. SISTER OLIVIA I hope so, Father. I pray for it f off Olivia's torn expression ~~ FADE OUT END OF ACT THRE!

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