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Republic of the Pbilippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CALAPAN CITY Office of the Schools Division Superintendent MEMORANDUM TO FROM SUBJECT DATE Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerney -MASCAREN. Eduffation Program Supervisor Offifer In-charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH PANGLUNGSOD NA PEDERASYON NG SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN NG CALAPAN AND SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CALAPAN CITY June 8, 2021 Attached is the Memorandum of Understanding with Panglungsod ng Pederasyon ng Sangguniang Kabataan ng Calapan and Schools Division of Calapan City, for your reference and guidance. Further, the Office welcomes updates, feedback, and recommendation elementary and secondary schools including Alternative Learning System (ALS) centers to improve partnership and linkages of the Schools Division. from all public Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ‘SGOD/SHANU/RASiO Quezon Drive, Hilltop, Calero, Calapan City ‘SDO Telefax: (043) 288-1581 ‘SDO Email Address: deped.calapan@deped. fae gant alse) TE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ‘This Memorandum of Understanding is made and entered into this _ at Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, by and between: The DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - Schools Division of Calapan City, an agency of the national government of the Republic of the Philippines, created by virtue of Batas Pambansa (B.P.) No. 232 known as “The Education Act of 1982" as amended by Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9155 otherwise known as “Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001”, with principal office address at Hilltop, Calero, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, represented by the OIC-Schools Division Superintendent, LAIDA M. LAGAR- MASCARENAS, herein referred to as “DepEd”. -and- PANLUNGSOD NA PEDERASYON NG SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN NG CALAPAN, duly organized and existing association under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, created by virtue of Republic Act 10742 otherwise known as “Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015”, with office address at Guinobatan, Calapan City represented in this transaction by its President, NOEL CIRUJANO, hereinafter referred to as the "SK’ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Republic Act No. 1955, otherwise known as “Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, was enacted to mandate the functions and duties of the Department of Education to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality basic education and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all; WHEREAS, DepEd is dedicated to seek support from government agencies to ensure provision of quality education to all Filipinos; WHEREAS, Section 8 of Republic Act No. 10742, otherwise known as the Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015, provides the Powers and Functions of the Sangguniang Kabataan and states that the SK shall (d) Initiate and implement, in coordination with any national government agency and/or any private or nongovernment institution, program and projects designed to promote general welfare, development and empowerment of the youth; WHEREAS, SK has responded to the call of DepEd for public sector participation in the Division based program that will provide and render assistance to promote educational programs and activities for the public elementary, secondary schools and Alternative Learning System (ALS) learning centers which will contribute to the holistic implementation of DepEd K to 12 Basic Education Program; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the PARTIES hereby agree as follows: Section 1 Description of the Project The Project shall consist of assistance in promoting and developing educational Programs and activities for the public elementary and secondary schools and Alternative learning System (ALS) learning centers in relation to the holistic implementation DepEd’s K to 12 Basic Education Program. Section 2 Rights and Obligations of the Parties 2.1 DepEd shall: 2.1.1 Support SK’s PAPs through information dissemination, proper coordination and management to all concerned schools; 2.1.2 Provide policy and guidelines in the implementation of the Project; 2.1.3 Assign personnel to take charge of the coordination and monitoring of the Project: 2.1.4 Coordinate with 8K for the information dissemination of DepEd’s Programs, activities and projects (PAPs) during SK’s assemblies and meetings; 2.1.5 Ensure coordination of school concerned with the barangay SK tegarding needed assistance for advocacy campaigns and other relevant activities for school development; 2.1.6 Assist in the advocacy campaigns of the 8K for the benefit of the learners of the City of Calapan, specifically campaigns related to teenage pregnancy and Project Adolescent Health; 2.2 SK shall: 2.2.1 Support DepEd’s PAPs through information dissemination, proper coordination and management to all concerned barangays; 2.2.2 Provide policy and guidelines in the implementation of the Project; 2.2.3 Coordinate with DepEd for the information dissemination of the SK’s PAPs through management committee meetings and other assemblies; 2.2.4 Ensure coordination of barangay SK concerned with the school regarding needed assistance for community development; “ J Section 4 Section 7 Section 8 2.2.5 Provide assistance to DepEd in identifying possible partners and supporters for the needed resources under Adopt-A-School Program; 2.2.6 Render assistance in the implementation of Basic Education — Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). Scope of the Project Beneficiaries The project beneficiaries shall be the learners, teaching and nonteaching personnel and external stakeholders of the forty-nine (49) elementary schools, nine (9) secondary schools and three (3) Alternative Learning System Learning Centers of DepEd Schools Division of Calapan City. Project Effectivity This Memorandum of Understanding shall take effect upon its signing and shall remain in full force and effect during the entire project duration which will be from May 2021 - May 2023. Capacity and Authorization. The parties herein warrant that they have the capacity, power and requisite authorization to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Separability Clause. Should any part of this understating be judicially declared null and void, such nullity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions hereof. Breach of Contract. The violation or omission of any of the provisions of this MOU shall be a ground for the cancellation or rescission of the same without the need for legal or court action. Amendments. This understanding may be revised, amended or modified only through a written instrument, duly executed and signed by all parties. SIGNED on the date and at the place below. FOR DEPED ‘M. LAGAR-MASCARERAS OCAchools Division Superintendent SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ope ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) i t __ €TE No / Government Issued ID | _Date Insued | | TIN No. 127-164-414 _ | not appicabie | NOEL C. CIRUJANO TIN Ne. 723-072-123 [sme ty 20H | Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed, and that of the corporations herein they represented. This Memorandum of Understanding consists of four (4) pages including this page in which this acknowledgement is written, signed by the parties in their instrumental witnesses each and every page thereof. WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, on the date at the place first written above. Doc. No. "iy Page No.4 Book No. Series of _ 202) Until December 31| 2020 Atienza Malaizanan Lasquite & ssam Law Offices JP Rizal St, Camilmi, Calapan Cty, Oriental Mindoro (043) 288-7670 | BP No. 095657 November 25, 2019-Oriental Mindoro PTR No. 0581465 January 15, 2020 - Calapan City Roll No. 67697 | Admitted tothe Bar May 25, 2017 MCLE Compliance No. VI - 0029431 Beeeckd WAKL Une 20 2621 Woke BM. eS

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