Marriage Children Divorce Red 3

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; Neal, a Notary Public, authorised to practise throughout England and an office at, Telegraph House, High Street, Sheffield S1 2GA, England _ CERTIFY that Barbara Tomasella of 18 Osborne Mews, Sheffield S11 9EG, identified by presentation of Italian Passport YBO751396 and Juan Facundo Contreras of 2 Aukley Road, Sheffield S8 QUA, identified by presentation of Irish Passport PQ7829218, appeared before me and being adults with legal capacity in my presence acknowledged and signed this PARENTING AGREEMENT (the Agreement) as a record of the agreement between them relating to the care of their children. The parties have not had legal advice with regard to the ‘Agreement. The Agreement is not intended to be endorsed by the Courts of England and Wales. ISSUED at Sheffield, ENGLAND, under my signature and seal this Nineteenth day of January Two thousand and twenty-one. ty Charles B Neal t Notary Public Protocol Number: saa parents are equally responsible for the si attached list will be attached to this agreement and modifications will be mad as expenses vary (Google drive file as above). The maintenance of instrumer s such as the Piano thatis kept at the father's house or the violin that Jul te must be monthly recorded and paid equally by both parents. upport of the Children. An rents As per the agreement in clause 8 (health) and since Lucas has had two asthma episodes in the past few months, a specialized professional should be consulted to find out the real problem and the solution In the same way, a specialist in oral health should be consulted promptly since the children have visible deformations in their teeth. 8- Ifeither Parent believes that the terms of this Parenting Agreement are breaking down, the Parents will seek to resolve the issue by use of negotiation or mediation in order to resolve matters in an amicable manner with the welfare of the Children being of paramount importance. At the moment, the agreement will be simply validated in front a notary in a friendly manner, such cost is spl equally. - The agreement in clause 8 shall be without prejudice to the right of either Parent to apply subsequently to the court for any order in respect of the Children. If any parent wishes to do so, he will have to incur in the cost of the form C100 (currently £ 215) independently from the other parent. 40-Where in this Parenting Agreement it is stated that the Mother and Father shal together agree on an issue or a particular course of action, the Parents confirm that they will at all times act reasonably and in a flexible manner in seeking to reach an agreement on any such matters. 44-The parents are concurrently agreeing to a) proceed to the divorce, already raised on 14/12/2020 and share its cost of £500; b) agreeing to sign a clean break statements, wnereby they expect to not lay financial claim to each other in the future (form D81); Barbara will pay for this expense. Signed by Bal Tomasella ‘Signed by Juan Facundo Contreras a Date 19/1/2026. Date 19/1/20264 mornings. Julia and Lucas can request to change this routine from age of 14 years old, as long as both Parents agree to such changes a “a Li {twill be the Father's responsibility to provide and coordinate transportation to drop off the Children at the Mother's house or such other location are in advance between the Parents on Saturday evenings between the hours of 19:00 and 20:00. It will be the Mother's responsibility to provide and coordinate transportation to drop off the Children at the Father's house or such other location agreed in advance between the Parents between the hours of 18:00 and 20:00 on Wednesday evenings. 3- It is agreed that the Parents will endeavour to split the time spent with the Children during holiday time and special days (as set out below) as equally as possible, and sometimes spend these days all together. However, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Parents agree to the following arrangements: a. Bank holidays, midterm schools and special days: will be agreed in advance without obstructing the desire of each ‘each parent. Mother's Day with the mother and Father's Day with the father. Christmas and Easter should be agreed upon in time to prepare for trips abroad and to agree with the work of both parents. The holiday time due to each parent will be accumulated indefinitely. The same number of days will correspond equally to each parent. b. Bank holidays and other annual holidays should be divided in half between the parents, except in situ agreed to by parents, would make this unfeasible. 4. The Parents agree to exchange contact details, without exception, mobile phone numbers and email addresses, and to keep these details up to date, to enable the Parents to contact each other in relation to any matters regarding the Children. Parents agree to communicate mainly via email. Parents use text messaging ‘or phone for urgent messages only. 5- The Children have savings accounts in Ireland that are currently in the mother’s and Children’s names,-must-be-in-the-joint-name-of-both-parents. Provide information on how much this money is the account/s and where the funds are being deposited, If the account cannot be accessed by the non-account the account holder must consent to the other parent as a substitute for account holder. 5 It is agreed that the fami agreed between the Parents before the Children were born should be maintained, Any changes that do not conform to the model of Christian family we have accepted be subject to termination of this agreement and must be taken to court to evaluate the psychological impact on the children. 6 Other family values are: EDUCATION: Parents should continue to focus on the education of children, prioritising this aspect of their life in the choices they make; for example, perents preferred throughout the life of the children an after school care from nannies (rather than children play centre), to maintain a focus on afternoon homework. USE OF TECHNOLOGY: Parents agree to limit the use of technology of their children, in various ways: a) limiting the number of hours spent on social media/videogames/etc to 3 hours; b) limiting the use of social media etc particularly during homework hours (4.30 to 6pm). c) after 9pm the phones will be ‘switched off and given to the parents until the next day when the child goes to school; same goes when in school the phone is to be switched off. Any changes that do not conform to this model of education will be subject to termination of this agreement and must be taken to court to evaluate the psychological impact on the children. 7 Itis agreed that that no verbal or physical violence will be acceptable between the Parents, especially when the Children are present. Shouting, pushing, or any attitude of verbal intimidation or harassment must be immediately stopped and rectified. If this occurs, the responsible(s) must immediately retract the incident within a reasonable framework of understanding. 8 It is agreed that if the Children suffer for any health problem, , we should consult the appropriate professional and follow that professional instructions, In case of agreement and of clarification of the previous clauses. We can agree on the following conditions CONDITIONS The Parents agree to the following arrangements in respect of the day-to-day care of _ the Children throughout the year: 1- Julia and Lucas will live with the father from Wednesday aftemoon | Saturday afternoon and with the mother from Saturday afternoon u Wednesday afternoon. Attending, if they wish, mass with the father on 1 CLAUSES F een Se FB a28 in Venice City Counci on 03/08/2006 and by the vurch in Buenos Ai ires, Argentina on the 08/12/2007, and C. The Parents have been living separately since 06. 10.2017. D. The Parents recognise that the Children have the right to enjoy the love, care and affection of both their Mother and Father and other extended family members and to experience this in time spent with them, There should be flexibility in the conditions for taking care of the Children when a parent is sick and needs rest and medical attention, or with a particular need. This should not be a reason for the person who was ill to charge unscrupulously for the situation after he or she has improved. It is agreed that the Parents can request with a reasonable advance notification to the other part, to take the Children with him/her for especial events. The other parent, depending on the importance of the event or cause may refuse or not be available except in cases of extreme urgency where they must take care of the Children promptly as the urgency requires. The person who takes care of the Children in the absence of one of their parents must be communicated to the other parent in advance, with the necessary precautions of the caretaker’s suitability and acceptance of the other parent. In ‘addition, that person must have the other parent's emergency contacts. Ifa third person be required to take care for the Children in the absence of either parent, the other parent must be notified in advance, with adequate precautions regarding the suitability of the caregiver and the acceptance of the other parent. In. addition, that person must have the other parent's emergency contacts, The third person must provide a valid certification (DBS check) that she does not hold a criminal record. In addition, that person must have the other parent's emergency contacts. Both parents should meet the person (at least within 15 days since the person is contracted) and be able to object on hiring the person (if there are reasonable grounds). j PARENTING AGREEMENT uns AGREEMENT made this 23 of November 2020, with updates 13 January BETWEEN Barbara Tomasella of 18 Osborne Mews, Sheffield $11 9EG ("Mother") AND Juan Facundo Contreras of 2 Aukley Road, Sheffield S8 QUA ("Father") IN RESPECT OF THEIR CHILDREN: Julia Contreras Tomasella (born on 20/05/2007) AND Lucas Contreras Tomasella (born on 20/02/2011) (together "the Children") RECITALS Parenting Agreement as a statement of their intentions regarding child arrangements in respect of the Children. ss ries eeneal is carried out through the internet, telephone conversation mails, skype andor zoom meetings. No face-to-face meetings h to agree on terms. cia ivity: Internal COMUNE DI VENEZIA DIREZIONE INTERDIPARTIMENTALE SUPPORTO ORGANI ISTITUZIONALI ‘SERVIZI DEMOGRA\ Ufficio dello Stato Civile ESTRATTO PER RIASSUNTO DELL’ATTO DI WATRIMONIO n.296/p.2/s.C/uff.1/2006 Dal registro degli atti di matrimonio risulta che Il giorno TRE del mese di AGOSTO dell’anno DUENILASET alle ore undici @ minuti trenta hanno contratto matrimonio in VENEZIA CONTRERAS JUAN FACUNDO ato il 01/05/1971 a BUENOS ATRES (RA) residente in DUBLINO (IRL) ° TOMASELLA BARBARA nata il 03/09/1974 a CONEGLIANO (TY) residente in DUBLINO (TRL) ANNOTAZIONI: Con dichiarazione resa nell’atto di matrimonio controseritte, gli sposi hanno scelto il regime della separazione dei beni. on , 03708/2006 i \eNezED ICIALE Dt 196 grviie Enzo DIREZIONE IN} ERTIFICATO in conformita’ alle risultanze degli atti CERTIFICA CHE CONTRERAS JUAN FACUNDG nato 42 01/05/1971 a BUENOS ATRES (RA) La BARBARA ta 11 09/09/1974 a CONEGLIANO (TV) HANNO CONTRATTO MATRIMNONTO i1 03/08/2006 a VENEZIA VENEZIA, 0370872006 ye “verserpu pr Garo crvite dra. MIREISCOSST euro SEITE St Si TER, St_VENDS aoa — Convenio de Paris del 27 Septiembre 1956 sobre la expedicién de ciertos extractos de actat del estado civil destinados para el extranjero ‘Overeenkomat van Parijs van 27 september 1956 betreffende de afgifte van bepaside vittrkscls uit skten van de burgerlike stand be- stemd voor het buitenland ‘Yabenci memleketlerde kullanilmak Gzere verlecek nifus (Ahvali Sahsiye) kayit hlasani suretleri habkindski 27 Bylal Paris s8sleeme etenilen wen Malet aa di) Caper cre rn: M — Bete; F— Kadi, ) : ace aie i oer A= Bln. Bu teen sore seal vee but ele 1956 tara Seioglimento o anaullamet © fipon —~ Aufloruag oder Nicgrklarens — BP aliicaton dluciin o amlacion ~ ont SBledgvessiaring — val Yey® stand omtrent een huvelie 7ag/1974 CONEGLIANO (TY) eID TET TF calte iT reaine GI

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