PN - Round 3 Data Analysis Memo

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Data Analysis Memo

Round 3

Phuong Nguyen
Round 3 Data Analysis Memo

Research Question
My questions are, “What happens to students' learning in mathematics when I incorporate
technology tools to provide students immediate feedback to help them articulate their
understanding and use teacher guidance to meet their needs? How does feedback influence their
motivation to revise their work?”


In this round, students completed formative assessment/ exit tickets on Quizizz at the end of each
lesson. Students learned to connect transformations of parabolas with their equations in graphing
form. Quizizz was the technology tool used to monitor students’ progress and provide them
instant feedback. The lesson was being split between three days. On the first day, students
learned to define the terms stretch vertically and compress vertically and wrote equations of
parabolas when stretched or compressed. On the second day, students learned how to write
parabolic equations when the function shifted up, down, left, or right. On the third day, students
were taught to write equations for parabola with a combination of transformation. Fifteen or
twenty minutes before the end of each lesson, students took an assessment on Quizizz. Quizizz is
a student- paced assessment that presents questions in the form of a game. This platform requires
solutions to be pre- determined. As a result, students had access to the instant status on the
progress of their learning. Students were given two attempts for the assessment. Students had the
opportunity to retake the assessment if they were not satisfied with the results on the first
attempt. I used the teacher dashboard to monitor students’ progress, mark tallies, and collect data
of the result from both attempt. Once students were done, I shared students’ result on the teacher
dashboard and reviewed the commonly missed question as a class. To accommodate the needs of
high-performance students, I assigned an optional challenge problem to solve while we were
going over the most missed question on Quizizz.

On the next day, I gave students similar questions to the exit ticket to ensure they have
understood the concept. Then I compared the before- feedback (the first attempt) results and exit
tickets to track students’ growth.

At the end of this round, students were given a survey on how providing immediate feedback
using Quizizz has helped them articulate their understanding and if the feedback was used to
meet their needs. Students were also asked how the feedback has influenced their motivation to
revise/ complete their work.


From my observation and results received in round one and two, students expressed that going
over each question in the lesson was not necessary and some students felt anxious when
receiving feedback from me. In this round, I chose to use Quizizz as a technology tool to provide
students automatic feedback and monitor students’ progress. The goal of using the assessment
tool Quizizz was to lower the number of students who felt negatively towards feedback.
Also, the result from round one and two showed high- performing students’ attitudes toward
going over the most missed question was neutral and that their average on the exit ticket met
proficiency. In this round, I assigned students an optional challenge problem to work on while
the rest of class went over the most missed question.

Data Collected
 Survey: responses to open ended survey questions
 Before and after result (students’ work)
 Tallies
 Survey (scale 1-5)

Data Analysis

 Qualitative Data Analysis Strategies:

Students were given an open-ended surveys on Google Form. Their responses were
sorted into an Excel sheet. I used the “find” function in Excel to determine the number of
times a code was mentioned. The codes would then group into themes. For example,
when asking “how do you feel when you receive automatic feedback from Quizizz,”
students responses included the word “motivate” or other phrases that indicated similar
meaning. As a result, those responses were being grouped into the theme of motivation
and given a score of 1. Then an average calculated to determine the percentage of
students who were motivated by receiving feedback through Quizizz.

 Quantitative Data Analysis Strategies:

Before feedback, student’s individual scores were calculated and compared to their
averages on the exit ticket. Comparing both assessments allowed me to determine if
feedback resulted in students reaching proficiency (76% or above). Throughout the
lesson, I tallied the score before and after feedback for each individual student.
Comparing before and after provided insight to which students utilized feedback.
Students were also given an open-ended survey response that asks them their feelings
toward receiving automatic feedback and going over the most missed question from the

 Qualitative Data
The qualitative data revealed that the majority of students (57.65%) showed positive
feelings toward receiving feedback through Quizizz. Instant feedback not only motivated
students to do better, but also helped them be self- reflective. However, there were a few
students who felt neutral toward receiving feedback (12.94%). Those with neutral
feelings expressed that they felt good or bad depended on the result. If they got a high
score, they felt good. If they got a low score, they felt mad or disappointed about
themselves. Several of the students who felt neutral towards receiving feedback also
expressed that they felt less anxious when receiving feedback from Quizizz compared to
Pear Deck (round 1) and Google Slide (round 2) because it was automatic. Students who
felt negatively towards receiving feedback indicated that the automatic feedback did not
help them understand how to arrive at the right answer. For the automatic feedback,
students had to find out why their answer was marked incorrect on their own. The
findings suggest that I need to include the explanation for each answer option. If students
did not choose the right option, they can refer to the explanation to help them understand
why the option they chose wasn’t correct.
Compared to the result from round one and two, the percentage of students who felt
negative toward the feedback has decreased from 2.38% to 2.35%.
The percentage of students who felt neutral toward going over the most missed question
in this round (3.53%) is lower than the percentage in round 2 (6.024%). The percentage
of students who felt negative toward going over the most missed question in this round
(0%) is also lower than round 2 (6.024%). It appears that assigning an optional challenge
question has helped some of the high- performing students stay engaged while the rest of
the class went over the most missed question.

Q1: Explain how you feel when you received feedback from Quizizz.
Themes % Sample Responses
Positive Feeling 57.65  “I feel good since I know what I need to work
on for next time.”
 “I love getting the automatic results so I can
see if I need more practice with the lesson or
 “I feel happy when I see immediately that
what I am doing is correct (when I get a green
 “I feel accomplished when I get an answer
correct and shows if I need improvement.”
 “It's nice having a result as soon as possible
so that I'm aware of what I scored.”
 “I feel a sense of joy knowing what I got and
which problems I answered incorrectly.”
 “I feel a bit glad we get automatic results
rather than waiting since I get a bit anxious
with waiting for results.”
 “I feel good because it helps me progress as I
finish the assignment.”
 “I felt accomplished when I received the
result, because it most of the time gives you a
redemption question.”
Reflective 24.71  “Oh whoops I didn’t get that one right, I gotta
review that one a bit.”
 “I feel that it helps show how well I did, and
what questions I need to review.”
 “I was able to compare my answers with the
feedback I had.”
 “It gives me a better understanding of what I
need to work on more.”
 “If I didn't understand the topic, the feedback
will help with my understanding.”
 “I feel relieved that I can see where I am at
with a visual representation such as the graph
they put at the end when showing your score.”
 “I feel more understanding of the concept
because I know what areas need improvement
and the areas that I am doing great at.”
Neutral 12.94  “Good or bad depending on what the result
 “I'm more indifferent when it comes to
receiving the automatic result. When it shows
I got the answer right, I'm more confident of
my answer and my understanding of the
lesson. When it shows I got the answer
wrong, I'm only just a little bit disappointed in
 “I feel good if I get it correct but mad when I
get it wrong.”
 “It depends on my score, but I feel less
anxious that it's automatic.”
Motivate 2.53  It motivates me to do better.
Negative Feeling 2.35  “The automatic feedback does not help on
how the answer was solved.”
 “Usually bad because I do not know what I’m
Build Connection 0

Q2: Explain how you feel when Ms. Nguyen go over the most missed question on Quizizz.
Themes % Sample Responses
Reflective 55.29  “I feel that she helps us learn from our
 “I feel determined to fix my answer and
strengthen my knowledge of the concept if I
got it wrong, and I feel good when I get the
question right.”
 “I like when Mrs. Nguyen goes over the most
missed questions because it helps me better
understand and helps me be more prepared
and confident the next day.”
 “It helps me understand why or why not an
answer would/would not work.”
 “I feel more assured and understand the
lesson more when going over the correct
solution to the problem that I probably didn't
understand either.”
 “I feel like it’s a chance to understand
something that I didn’t understand before.”
 “I feel like that is smart because many people
will have made the same mistake if we didn't
go over it in class.”
 “It helps me gain an even better
understanding if I am having a hard time
trying to figure out the correct answer.”
 “I feel it will help in the long run because I
can always refer to her explanation.”
 “It helps out a lot, because chances are, I
struggled with the same question(s), so I can
see for myself how to work it out.”
 “I feel like I understand the concept better and
I know what to do to solve the problem.”
 “When you go over the most missed problem,
I get a better understanding of the question
and what I could've done wrong.”
Positive Feeling 41.18  “I feel good that she understands we needed
more input.”
 “I feel like if I got it wrong, she can help
teach me do it correctly.”
 “I felt relieved to know that I could be walked
through the problem.”
 “It makes me feel relieved that I don't have to
ask question I missed in front of the class.
 “A sense of relief since if it is the most
missed problem it is likely I also missed it.”
 “I appreciate when Ms. Nguyen does that
because it helps me understand the concept
 “I feel more confident and also feel that I get
enough of the learning experience I need to
learn the math concepts.”
 “If I also got that problem wrong it feels less
stressful in trying to find out what I did wrong
for that question.”

Neutral 3.53  “Same as reviewing a concept I already

mostly or fully understand.”
Negative Feeling 0

 Quantitative Data

Students were giving a closed ended survey response on a Likert scale from 1 (Strongly
Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). Survey questions gauged students’ attitude toward the
automatic feedback from Quizizz and how it has helped them understand
the concept better. I asked students to explain why they chose the number (1-5). Students
who chose 1 (Strongly Disagree), 2 (Disagree) or 3 (Neutral) expressed that the automatic
feedback only told them whether their answer was correct or incorrect. It did not explain
why the option they chose was incorrect or what they needed to do to arrive to the right
answer. Students who chose 4 (Agree) or 5 (Strongly Agree) stated that the automatic
feedback has helped them understand the concept better by helping them realize their
mistakes immediately they could reflect on their work and see what they did wrong. The
data reveals that many students (81.17%) agreed or strongly agreed that the automatic
feedback has helped them understand the concept better as they received the feedback
immediately and could reflect on their work. Many other students (18.83%) strongly
disagreed, disagreed, or felt neutral as the feedback lacked explanation. The findings
suggest that I need to include the explanation for each answer option. If students did not
choose the right option, they can refer to the explanation to help them understand why the
option they chose wasn’t correct.
Prior to this learning segment, I gave students a pre- assessment to assess students’ knowledge
about writing equations for quadratic functions from the graphs. At the end of the learning
segment, I gave students post- assessment, where the questions are the same as the pre-
assessment to assess students’ growth. Based on the data collected, students did not know much
about writing equations for quadratic function. The average of the pre- assessment was 53.91%,
which was below proficiency. Students’ average for the post- assessment has reached above
proficiency (82.67%).
Toward the end of the learning segment, students had two attempts for taking the post-
assessment. The average percentage for the first attempt (before feedback) and second attempt
(after feedback) are not much different as some students stated that the automatic feedback did
not explain why the answer they put in was incorrect. Although there wasn’t much difference in
the average before and after feedback on the post- assessment, the data shows that some students
benefited from receiving automatic feedback from Quizizz.

To ensure students have understood the concept after going over the most missed question on
Quizizz, I gave students similar questions on the exit ticket on the next day. The result on the exit
ticket shows that providing feedback on the most missed question has improved students’

Literature Connections
Balta, N., & Tzafilkou, K. (2018). Using Socrative software for instant formative feedback in
physics courses. Education and Information Technologies, 24(1), 307-323.


Balta and Tzafilkou (2018) conducted a research study on students’ attitudes towards the use of
an online software called Socrative. The researchers concluded that students generally displayed
positive attitudes towards the program because it was practical, saved time, provided immediate
feedback and allowed opinions to be exchanged (Balta, Tzafilkou 2018). Balta and Tzafilkou’s
(2018) research demonstrate the power of technology tools in helping students develop a positive
perspective. The goal of this research is to determine if similar results can be achieved through
the use of Pear Deck. Pear Deck is a similar online tool that has multiple question types, collects
students’ responses, and allows a variety of responses to be displayed. Utilizing an engaging,
timely and interactive tool will help students develop positive attitudes and become more
motivated learners

Clark, I. (2012, June). Formative Assessment: Assessment Is for Self-regulated Learning

[Review of Educational Psychology Review]. 205-249. Retrieved November 1, 2020, from


Clark explains that formative assessment can be divided into two categories, assessment for
learning and assessment as learning (Clark, 2012 p.208). The purpose of assessment for learning
is to monitor students’ progress toward the desired goal and close the gap between a learner’s
current status and desired outcome. Clark states that this can be achieved through the process of
sharing criteria with learners, effective questioning and feedback. On the other hand, assessment
as learning is the process where both students and teachers set learning goals, evaluate learning
through communication and self-assess (Clark, 2012 p.208). This research will explore the
impact of using online platforms such as Quizizz and Edulastic to serve as both assessment for
learning and assessment as learning. Quizizz is a student-paced assessment tool that asks
questions in the form of a game. Edulstic is an educational assessment platform that allows
teachers to assign digital tests and worksheets to students. These platforms require solutions to
questions be pre-determined. As a result, they can serve as assessment for learning because upon
completion, students are given an instant status on the progress of their learning. However, not
only can these platforms provide a snapshot into student learning, they can serve as learning
segments on their own. These platforms have features such as preview and flash cards that allow
the teacher to go over commonly missed questions. As a result, these technology tools can serve
as assessment as learning, where the teacher and student can evaluate the class progress as a
whole and provide data that can be used to determine future learning goals.
Fyfe, E. R., & Brown, S. A. (2017). Feedback influences children's reasoning about math
equivalence: A meta-analytic review. Thinking & Reasoning, 24(2), 157-178.


In round one, the majority of my students reacted positively to the feedback and found it helpful
in guiding them to understand the concept. Data from round 1 also showed that giving feedback
had a positive effect. However, a few high performing students left comments stating that they
did not need the feedback because they learned the concept from the previous course. Data from
round 1 revealed that high performing students got lower scores on the exit ticket (posted
assessment- after feedback is provided) compared to their pre- assessment (before feedback is
provided). The article describes that one possible explanation could be the post assessment being
delayed to the next day. I need to do an experiment in round two to evaluate this possibility.

Fyfe, E. R., & Rittle-Johnson, B. (2016). The benefits of computer-generated feedback for
mathematics problem solving. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 147, 140-151.


Second- grade students were randomly chosen to receive instruction on a correct problem-
solving strategy. They received no-feedback, immediate-feedback, or summative-feedback from
the computer. Results showed that low performance students scored higher on the posttest when
receiving immediate-feedback and summative-feedback when compared to no-feedback.
However, only immediate-feedback increased transfer and mastery of material for both low and
high-performance students. The study suggested that one of the reasons that summative-feedback
had minimal benefits because it increased attention to the self. Researchers hypothesized that
receiving feedback on problems all at once increased attention to the self, which caused a
negative affective response. This influenced students’ confidence and motivation to learn. In
round 2, I gave students feedback after they were done with all the problems on their slide since I
did not want to interrupt their conversation with their team members. This may influence
students’ confidence and motivation to learn. In the next round, I will implement the online tool
Quizizz, where feedback is provided immediately for each question.

Jug, R., MB, BCh, BAO, Jiang, X. S., MD, & Bean, S. M., MD. (March 14, 2018). Giving and
Receiving Effective Feedback. A Review Article and How- To Guide, 143, 224-250.


The survey for the round 1 research revealed the perils of praise. One student commented that
praises such as “good job” or “keep up the good work” made her feel good the first couple of
times but felt tired after repeating hearings. I reflected on my teaching practice and noticed that I
have repeatedly and incorrectly used praise. This article has helped me realize why I should
avoid using excessive praise and provided alternative strategies for giving students’ feedback.
Feedback should not go in one direction, but it be a bidirectional conversation, where discussion
is welcomed. The articles recommend several feedback strategies but in my second round, I will
implement the Ask- Tell- Ask method because of its simple implementation. 

Lai, C., Zhang, W., & Chang, Y. (2020). Differentiated instruction enhances sixth-grade
STUDENTS' mathematics SELF-EFFICACY, learning motives, and problem-solving
skills. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 48(6), 1-13.


 In this study, sixth grade students were examined the effectiveness of different instruction on
their mathematical self- efficacy (MSE), mathematics learning motives (MLM), and
mathematical problem- solving skills (MPSS). MSE is the belief in one’s self capabilities in
learning mathematics. MLM refers to students’ diligence and persistence in completing the task.
MPSS is the skill to solve problems that help them investigate and understand the concept. Their
results showed that students who received differentiated instruction in mathematics scored higher
on MSE, MLM, and MPSS at the end of a year- long intervention. Several of my high-
performance students reacted neutral or negatively to going over the most missed question in this
round. They found that going over the most missed question was not necessary as they already
understand the problem. In the next round, I will differentiate my instruction to improve students'
mathematics learning motives (MLM) by asking them to find a different way to questions to
engage them in the task. As students’ learning needs are satisfied, this may lead to successful
learning experience and positive emotional reactions to going over the most missed question.

Roschelle, J., Rafanan, K., Bhanot, R., Estrella, G., Penuel, B., Nussbaum, M., & Claro, S.
(2010, August). Scaffolding group explanation and feedback with handheld technology:
Impact on students' mathematics learnin [Review of Educational Technology Research
and Development]. 399-419. Retrieved November 1, 2020, from


The result of the study showed that students using TechPALs achieved higher results than those
in the control group. The researchers theorized that participants using TechPALs had better
results because they were provided group feedback and had opportunities for social processing.
In this research, Google Interactive Slides will serve as the technology tool that allows students
to work as a group. Interactive Slides is a strategy where a team of students work on a Google
slide simultaneously. The slides will have objects that can be moved, manipulated and typed
upon. Students will have to communicate and coordinate among themselves to solve math
problems. Google Interactive Slides provides opportunities for students to interact socially
through a virtual format and allows feedback to be received as a group.
Sidney, P. G., & Alibali, M. W. (2014). Making connections in math: Activating a prior
knowledge analogue matters for learning. Journal of Cognition and Development, 16(1),
160-185. doi:10.1080/15248372.2013.792091

It’s important to choose prior knowledge that aligns with the current learning goal to help
students improve their understanding. If students were free to make any connections they noticed
between the prior knowledge and current learning concept, they may make unhelpful links.
Therefore, the teacher needs to highlight specific connections in order to guide students and
avoid misconceptions. Since the majority of my students are visual learners, the prior knowledge
presented to students will include visual elements. When providing students feedback in round 2,
I will utilize videos and diagrams to promote conceptual understanding.

Ysseldyke, J., Tardrew, S., Betts, J., Thill, T., & Hannigan, E. (2004). Use of an Instructional
management system to Enhance math instruction of gifted and talented students. Journal
for the Education of the Gifted, 27(4), 293-310. doi:10.4219/jeg-2004-319


This study examined the effectiveness of the Accelerate Math (AM) curriculum on gifted and
talented (GT) students’ mathematical achievement. AM is a computer- based instructional
system that allows students to work at a self- selected pace and develop more advanced
mathematics skills. The curriculum allowed students to move at their own pace and even move
ahead of others. AM helps teachers assign instruction that matches to students’ level and monitor
their progress. It also provides immediate feedback to both teacher and students on students’
performance. Results showed that GT students do benefit from access to the AM curriculum. 
Quizizz is a student-paced assessment tool that asks questions in the form of a game. Upon
completion, students are given an instant status on the progress of their learning. Quizizz
provides the teacher dashboard which allows teachers to monitor students’ work. In round 3, I
will create two Quizizz assignments, one for all students and another will be optional for any
students to attempt for extra credit. The optional Quizizz assignment will contain challenging
problems, which allow students to challenge themselves and extend their understanding.

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