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Which ROLE Are You Currently Playing in Your Business:

The Underpaid Overworked INTERN:

You’re wearing all the hats yourself, working way too long, and there’s still nothing to
show for it

The Dead-End Job EMPLOYEE:

You’re a glorified employee in your own business. You want to GROW the business,
but there’s no time or energy left in the day.

The Modern-Day MARKETER:

You’ve began building an audience, and you’re starting to make money from your
digital products, but you feel like you’re on the “launch rollercoaster” still working
way too much managing over-priced freelancers, you’re wondering what you’re
doing wrong.

The Digital CEO:

You’ve successfully build a “Business Machine” that requires as little of your input
and energy to run as possible. You have a clear vision and strategy. You have
proven and repeatable processes for consistently building your list, generating
sales, and creating recurring revenue in your business. You have the STRUCTURE
required to create the FREEDOM desired.

Your Test Results are in!
You are currently operating as…

The Dead-End Job EMPLOYEE

If your assessment results came out as the EMPLOYEE, chances are.. you feel like an employee,
right? You’re constantly working overtime, spending time on the mundane, low-level activities that
you never signed up for in your own business.

You’re most likely generating revenue, but it’s NOT ENOUGH to sustain your business. And
chances are, it’s for services that you reluctantly provide.

Perhaps this is a done-for-you service, client work, or 1-on-1 consulting. These are things that the
EMPLOYEE feels “forced” to do, not inspired to do.

Right now, you may feel required to do these things just to keep the doors open.

Does this sound like you?

The EMPLOYEE is constantly overwhelmed, confused on where to focus their time and energy,
and not experiencing ANY progress in their business. They feel like they are “STARTING OVER”
far more more than “moving forward.”

There is also little to NO PLAN in place. And every action taken is re-active, not calculated or
intentional. It’s the classic, “throw $h@$ against the wall, and see what sticks strategy” …and it’s

If this sounds a little TOO ACCURATE, that’s simply because I have been there myself.

Heck! I was there for FOUR YEARS. And I’m clear, that if you stay here it leads to one place:
BURN OUT. When you burn out, you quit. You go back to getting a J.O.B. (just over broke)

And chances are, that has already been lurking in the back of your mind… that you might have to
pack it up, give up on the dream, and go back to what is “realistic” and “sensible.”

If you’d like a way out, here’s what to do…

First, I’d like you to consider that how you’ve been showing up in your business is like an
EMPLOYEE. Like most, an employee’s money or compensation comes from their effort. If the
employee work longer hours, they make more money. If they work harder, they get promoted and
make more money.

Most of us (myself included) took this “Employee Strategy”

and adopted it to business. If I just work harder and work
longer, then I can guarantee my success!


But… how’s that working out for ya?

It doesn’t matter how long and how hard you work in your
business *IF* you’re working on the WRONG THINGS,

When you shed the “Employee-Mindset” and adopt the

Mindset of the DIGITAL CEO, the first thing you discover is
that MONEY does NOT come from Effort.

And if you would like to make more money in your business, there are only two things you DO
need to focus on:

1) Reach MORE People

2) Solve BIGGER Problems

In fact, the DIGITAL CEO knows intuitively that there are less than 5% of activities that are directly
responsible for the 95% of results they want in their business. And if you spent more of your time
on the 5% activities, and began to LET GO of the rest, you could begin to experience REAL
PROGRESS in your business.

In order to do that, you’ll need a few things in place first, including…

Your Leveraged Irresistible Offer

Businesses SOLVE PROBLEMS. Period. And you can get paid to solve problems when we create
an OFFER that does that for our customers.

And if you’re not making YOUR irresistible offer your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY in your
business… how do you ever expect to get paid?

And unfortunately, most entrepreneurs quickly cap their potential, by creating unscalable,
unleverage-able offers.

ex: if you create websites for clients, and it takes you an average of 10 hours to build a website,
you couldn’t possibly take on more than four clients a week. And that’s assuming you spend 100%
of your time fulfilling on your clients. What about marketing, client-attraction and general business
admin tasks.

But if you created an online course on how to create your OWN website, you could have 1,000
customers without ever having to work longer or fulfill on any requirements.

A leveraged offer is one that allows you to break free from that “one-to-one” model so you can
serve one to MANY. This can be in the form of digital products (online courses, membership site),
group-coaching, live events, workshops, etc.

An Offer that allows you to increase REVENUE
without increasing your workload or fulfillment.

And EVERY irresistible offer has THREE VITAL INGREDIENTS that we will cover our live Rise of
the Digital CEO Three-Part Training Experience.

Get notified as soon as Part 1 of the Rise of The Digital CEO Experience goes live by clicking
the button below:




After becoming known in the industry as the Go-To-Guy

for everything YouTube and Video Marketing, James
began showing others how they too can create a Digital
Brand around their knowledge, content, and expertise.

Today, with his podcast (The Mind Your Business

Podcast), his signature program, Business By Design
and his events and workshops, James shows others
how they too can step into the Digital CEO Role of their
business in order to scale, reach more people and make
a greater impact.

To learn more about James’ 15 year journey, and how

he has generated millions online, check out his entire
story here:

Here are just a few of the results that James’ students experience:

“One course generated $255,000 in the

very first launch!”

"James guided me in my first launch and it

was pretty mind blowing! He showed me
what it felt like and what it meant to be truly
fulfilled and wildly successful without being
attached to the outcome."

~ Jasmine Star | Social Curator

"I 10x'ed my BBD investment in less than
30 days! "

"In December, I also did a co-webinar with a

friend for my Build Your Challenge course,
and sold another 60+ spots! So I 10x'ed my
Business By Design investment in 30 days
and 20x'ed my BBD investment in 120 days!"

~ Jadah Sellner | Tribe of World Changers

“Now I have more clarity in terms of

getting my business to the next level.”

“Even though I had been taking other

courses in the past I didn’t have that holistic
approach of how my business should
perform and how I can scale 2 different parts
of the business…”

~Fatema Karim | Peace in Power

I haven’t boughten a course since I joined

in December 2016.

“BBD was like a life raft. BBD gave me the

proof there was another way, and the
roadmap to get there.”

~Liz Melville | Facebook Ads Strategist @ Liz


“I’ve launched three programs since my
first BBD experience"

Since BBD I have been able to completely

support my family while my husband works
on building his own business. I’m so grateful
to James and Team Wedmore…”

~ Sarah Drury | Sarah Drury Local Looks

"Business By Design has changed my

business and my life!"

"Finally, I have the system to take my

message, put it out in the world, and make
money doing it."

~ Chris von der Mehden | Mind Prana

"We made 3x our costs for the program in

the first week!"

“We are blown away by Business by Design

and everything James is teaching here. This
was your hidden talent! This program has paid
for itself over and over already!"

~ Steve & Kiki Smith | Eat More 2 Weigh Less

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