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Instructions for BSTAT 5301 Group Project

You've learned lots about statistics. It's time to apply what you have learned……
Due Dates
Topic due date: Thursday, October 15, send by email (
Project presentation due date: Thursday, December 3, in class.
Completed project (paper) due date: December 6, send by email (
General Description
For the project, you address some questions that interest you with the statistical methodology we
learn in business statistics. You choose the question, find/collect data and do the analyses. The
questions can address almost any topics related to business and economics.
The group project requires you to synthesize all the material from the course. Hence you need to
use as many techniques as possible to address your question of interest. Some techniques will be
covered at the end of the semester (e.g. hypothesis testing, and regression.) If you want to use a
technique that has not been covered in the course yet, feel free to reach out.
Where to find data:
There are some data websites that you can find data:
A to Z List of Library Databases ( (World bank) (Kaggle)
You can also collect data on your own (e.g. Scrape data from Twitter/Instagram)
You should work in groups on the project. You will use slides to present your work. For each
team, you have 20 minutes to present. Your presentations factor into the grade.
The presentation should be
• Consistent: Did you answer your question?
• Clear: Is it easy for others to understand what you did?
• Relevant: Did you use the proper statistical techniques to address your question (good),
or did you just present descriptive statistics (bad)?
• Interesting: Is the question interesting?
Your group project (presentation) should address the following aspects:
• Introduction: What is the topic of your project? What is background information about
your project? Why does the topic interest you? Why is it important?
• Data collection: Describe the data that you use or collect, including the variables
• Methodology: Describe the analyses you did. Explain why these methods are justified.
• Results: Present relevant descriptive statistics and inference statistics. Include tables or
graphs that support your analyses.
• Conclusions: Answer your question of interest.
• Discussion: What implications do your results have? What types of biases might exist?

The paper is to be written in a formal style and limited to 10 pages. The format is:
• A cover sheet with:
The title of your paper
Your names
The course number, course title, and semester
• Use 1" margins on all pages. 12 Times New Roman font, double spaced. Number each page.
You should have the following sections (similar to the presentation)
• Introduction.
• Data collection.
• Methodology.
• Results.
• Conclusions.

Library Information

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• Librarians by Subject (
• A to Z List of Library Databases (

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