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S Tek chan en ee tS) = SS : add Canty RCA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC., CAMDEN, N. J., U.S. va & FOREWORD On radio communication rests man’s destiny. Like the magic of Merlin, it co trols airfleets, moves armies, guides convoys, dissolves horizons. It is the coordin- ator of fighting legions. It controls the destiny of nations. Power Tubes make radio communication possible. Within their geometric confines evolves the phenomena of electronics on which hinges the complicated functioning of communication equipment. Small wonder then that the need for Power Tubes on the front line of battle is tremendous and that a supreme effort is needed to sup- ply them in the quantities required. That means that Power Tubes for all other Purposes may become even more difficult ro replace. It is, therefore, a patriotic duty and sound business policy to operate tubes wisely, ‘We welcome the opportunity to cooperate in helping RCA Transmitting Tube users to extend tube life to the fullest by setting forth che following suggestions. ‘Operate tubes conservatively. Avoid ove-loading. Follow carefully the instruc- tions and published data outlined in the Instruction Book packed with each tube, Reduce grid, screen and plate dissipation. Use forced ventilation wherever pos- sible. Use adequate fuse and overload-relay protection. Preheat mercury-vapor rectifiers—measure ambient temperatures. Operate tubes having coated cathodes and thoriated-eungsten filaments at ratel cathode or filament voltages. Reduce filament voltage of pure tungsten-filameat types wherever possible. (A 5% de- crease will double tube life when the transmitter can be adjusted for operation closer to maximum permissible distortion). Operate spare tubes occasionally. In presenting the 1942 RCA GUIDE to radio engineers and technicians in the Services and in the war industries, it is oar belief that the up-to-date information contained in this volume will prove most helpful in choosing the right tube for the job and in getting the most from the tubes on the job. Should you desire addition- al information on any of the tubes described herein, or if you have special tube problems, we invite you to write to the Commercial Engineering Section, RCA. Manufacturing Company, Inc., Harrison, N. J. Should you need sales information on RCA tubes or any other RCA product, we invite you to write to the Sales De- partment, RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc., Camden, N. J. Prices in this book apply only in the MCENSE NOTICE FOR RCA TUBES United States of Amerien and are “Ligue fr ly ther han apparatin subject to change or withdrawal with- Revie sommuiation oc ive‘or tou Fhe ‘out notice, Prices are those effective Sot Se Sein do not ener any gene ‘ther Geviee 2 leat October 15, 1941, OUTSTANDING CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES OF THE 813 BEAM TRANSMITTING TUBE ‘The 813 Is RCA’s largest glues air-cooled beam transmitting, tube. It is designed for transmittexs requiring exceptional over- all eficiency. It is a logical choice for the ultra-modern final ‘and intermediate 1-£ amplifier that needs no neutralizing, adjust ments and that ean switch channels in a flash. Al the requirements for high-power transmitters haw ing controls and minimum of driver equipment. RCA-818 doubles, triples, and quadruples with unusually high efficiency and high harmonie output, In brief, this exceptional beam tube can handle a greater variety of big-time jobs than any other tube of its size or class, © »eprm werat car @ suorr rmnon PLATE CONNECTOR © euavenr supporr sprixcs @ wowsr surronr © ‘or ceramic mounr surrorr @ to? suey @ sueNep-rURN contROL AND SCREEN GRIDS © weavy ery enaeyr © ance srurpy craparre PLATE @ saeoc1ass vee @ s0rrom suey visc ® cram euaresurrorr sraczr ® vmectvervee carrer conraiser ® osurvee sre ® cenameawsnnr cant nase @® veurronuye riare © ruaverr covnecror ® rwnesrey-ro-c1ass seat ® vorton ceramic tount surpoer TUBE DATA BY TYPES 2vs-G 2x2/879 BAS BAPI/906P1 BAD4/906P4 SAPA/1805P4 SRPI/1802PL SBPA/1802P4 TAPS SAPs/1804P¢ T2APA/i8034 VRv5.30 YRI05-80 YRI0-20 203-4 20k 207 aut ar GENERAL INFORMATION Constructional View of 3 Beam Transmitting Tube Daia Charis Transmitting “Circuit Facts Varlable Fregueney ‘Oscillator Heonomy Transmiiter URE S15 "Transmitter 2 to 160. Meters) Single-Contro! ‘Trans: mitter Using 813 Plate-Modulated Trans- ‘mitter Filter Design Curves SALES DEPARFMENT commercial RCA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ine. RCA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ine. CAMDEN, S. HARRISON, X. J. TRANSMITTING PENTODE SPECIAL INTERNAL SHIELD DESIGN Sone eit ttre $950 Features Se a ee © mxcePrioxauty, we RCA-802 is a highly versatile transmitting pentode having a maximum plate-dssipation rating of 13 watte (ICAS). 1 is a handy tabe to have around the station because of its adaptability to innumer- able uses such as, for example, r-f amplifier, frequency multiplier, oseillator, and suppressor-, grid- or plate-modulated amplifier. It may also be used as a class A Neutralization is unnecessary in adequately shielded ; the 802 may be operated under the conditions shown - A small condenser of 2 to 3 wif should be connected ‘between control grid and plate to introduce external feed-back. The plate of the tube shows no color at the maximum plate-dissipation rating of 18 watts, The screen should ‘not be allowed to show mare than a barely pereeptible red colar. ‘Mac. Parmisibe Parentage of Max. Rated Plate Voltage and Plate Input FREQUENCY ™ = RATINGS im Yogun (Ao. = D6) oben ects ee ee eke Gc rns gece Sethe sor Cantata pind MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS foo epider of. Oncllatr Penfde — Clam C Tolegraphy Penk Reh Gol lle whoet modulation Bee Pinte Current 8 mo. "Gas, Vale Dib Geis Current (Apaiae Bi 0 her Dati Power (Aran) Be Gite Veurase (Gn Ne 1) 0 es: Yee + Won a precratng mage bt [NOME: Adjust eouoling of Ia and ta for maximum havmoole wat ‘Toke Meuntine Poston (Corret poleriation of Ly and Ty iw cesta \VERFICAL oe HORIZONTAL 4 — } TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA 803 TRANSMITTING PENTODE OO meeimect roe sap TRANSMITTING PENTODE ist Price 8] 00 TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA f TRANSMITTING TRIODE LOW-DISTORTION CLASS B MODULATOR 15 Warrs INPUT ist Price $13.50 8 0 5 Features CLASS B A-F OUTPUT DISTORTION BELOW 2% SiMe OPERATION AT FULL RATINGS 8 SPECIAL-PROCESSKD GRAPHITE ANODE RCA-B05 is a husky highsmu transmitting triode of the thoviated-tungsten lament type with a maximum plate dissipation of 125 watts (CCS). It is designed both for class B modulator service and for rf ampliger service, Grid-bias requirements of the tube are unusually low. For example, at the maximum plate-voltage rating of 1600 volts in class C telography, a bias of only ~10 volts ls needed to protect the tube against loss of grid-excitation voltage ‘The grid of the 805 Is designed co that the amplifieation of the tube varices with the amplitude of the input signal. This feature facilitates the design of class B at amplifiers and moduistors to give high output with low distortion. _ 'RCA-809 contains a graphite plate that is processed to insure high thermal radic ation and a minimum of gas. The plate tead is brought out to a vugged terminal at the top of the bulb. The small overall size of the tube lends itself to compact cireuit layout. “As an rf power amplifier, RCA-808 may be operated at maximum ratings at frequencies as high as 30 Me Stoccige Power Ouenut (ApBEGE) 00¢ RATINGS eerie BE care eee MAXIMUM CCS RATINGS and TYPICAL OPERATING" Beper"daite CONDITIONS Fae bo bo oer A tie Pn Dear tat BStmre ee ccc ee eae BE Ene core ana ‘Temas Ormao abista satel abe Powe oulgat (Appia) ne Waal APPLICATION ermine Prego Ma, Hed Pt Vtgs snd Pte pt for Mish-Prequencr Ope ‘hme 12 wat ‘Tobe Mountie Position EE tepuation “under the Yating ind of RORIZONTAL—Pisoe ot strode 6 TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA TRANSMITTING TRIODE WITH ENCLOSED ANODE tino WATTS INPUT ri Price 22M ewe 806 eee seen water ok Weller Oras Soe Tate te RCA.806 is designed for hard use as a hi Into. sil fb clan Clank nd requives only $4 watts of driving por tube is 225 watts (ICAS). power rf amplifier and class B moda oe can tale an tnt of 1000 watts Maximum plate dissipation of the ‘The plate of the RCA-806 shows an orange-red color at its maximum plate- dissipation ratings, “It is normal Zor the plate to show some color, even et. tow loads. Forced ventilation is required for continuous Key-down conditions in clase C telegraph service and ts recommended for all classes of service at frequencies of 20 Me. or higher. With a cow carrier power of 780 watts and 460 watte for ‘phone, the 806 is fone of the most remarkable Values ever offered in the “‘bigetuber class. RATIOS TerteaL Ormarion: Ee poe Kone Og Get Take 28 io Reser asin sates Oa vee : ss gy Reece e = YER Ccccccccceece: Me Eke weer eco BR ahs MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL ites seni ar he Ak Sabie (OPERATING CONDITIONS es . ai’ ens pra Fea oa pea Tene 1 Agee lg St Bie Beare Conan! m0 Vote BEG Pure Dissieation woe! Te0 mos. Wate waar kia aae00 sis eave 7 ak. Prine Fst eed Pie Yolame and Pe EEE Sa im oS BSC Grid'cutrenAbpzae) TRANSMITTING BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER "LOWEST GRID-DRIVING REQUIREMENT" : ° in Price 82-50 INIMIZES. NUMBNI OF DRIVER STAGES 1 is = beam power transmitting: tube of the hester-cathode type having a ‘of 20 watts (ICAS). It is capable of giving full ower. For example, ix clase C telegraph service, fivo a07'e wil deliver 100 watts of power with the at ing power of less than o low-power, portable, storage stor wil drive ft very i power sensitivity of the 8! ib eapecialy aseful as fveqvene multiplier where high harmonic output is essential, ‘The tube ip also well suited for ‘after ampliter in medium:power transmitters; and is fal be'g Baal spat in low-power transmitters. It is an excelient eryatal oscillator, Neutralization essary in, adeaus alts. “RCABOT cam be operated at ae ‘mum ratings at frequencies as high as 60 Me and at reduced ratings up to 125 Ab, eo ules are capable of modulating 200% anf amplifies of nearly 250 watts Deg Searen Woutace “(Gis No. BS Go Varna tons Ros) APPLICATION A ef ampli crit using the RCA-S7 is shown 08 this sak 6 age, Tt is capable of producing © power output of approx DEAM POWER RY AMPLIFIER on FREQUENCY Ieatey 50 walle as an rf amplifer and alu 2 watts ae pounuee doubler, with felephony' service (ICAS) is approximately 42 watts (Continued on page 9) S ratings. "The carrier power output in TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA ‘Tho “Tritet” erystal-oscillator circuit shown on this age has exceptional eiciencey when propery designed and adjusted. The plate circuit may. be. used. for Ge Cs Como. af, ton “straight-through” “operation, frequency doubling, or al midast frequency quadrupling, whichever is desired. In each tar case, ample excitation is available to fully excite an S07 butter amplifier. A guide for the cathode and plate coils may be obtained trom those designed in Tables 5 and 6 for the Plate-Modulated Transmitter, page 18. HLesCretl of tiautaey "The push-pull 807 circuit shown on this. page will Latent deliver Approximately 100. watts output. It” provides Tearpema DS aC ec ‘edium output with minimum driver requirements. Te alee useful as a ‘buffer to drive amare powerful + See QS? for Apri Ms, for ante on amplifier such as an 838-A, push-pull 806s, oF push-pull Seon Aer seins Hv The creat is devghet fur cathode eying: {t % Cae in desired to Lay the ceslator stage for bres oper shiny Ue screed volinge should bg obtaiged from = 2tS- Solt Soares having 0d regulation. rather. than fro Tin voriee seven reuittons Leradation, the grid len (8) should be raplaced by a fred bine soureorat about 26 13790 polis A wo porosities are encountared in the ci Chi ROH Ha ad Re should be ited: Tei i deszed ig tae plate odulaton, the folowing Shangee ‘should’ be made: He=7000 She wait; 120 ohms, 20 wattag Hees o00 thas, 2 watee; D8 vols maximums and a 1s, 660 oper condense shoulder ete eet ners Hy fp order to compen fale ioe ihe nudletiequench, Sy-pest: Ie of ‘he screen, condensers, Cand GF hath’ these changes the careers Dower output “wil be approximately a wal Eb"watis Phe secondary impesance of ita eansformer should be Shing allowing: for modo. TELS ih Sat: get Sine coms alegre se te taies {tos modulation with excelent (2) Retort of 4 ot 42 fineaiiy ean be obtained with © mode seariiay foihiel St [or Laing an eet power cutpet of shout 60 aie, ower Output 106 Watton Clans © Telegraph Service ! sre gun TRANSMITTING TRIODE QQQ ENCLOSED ANODE 200 WATTS INPUT se Price $95 Features @ EXCLOSED ANODE RCA-80S is a high-mu transmitting triode having a maximum plate-diselpation rating of 50 watts (CCS). It is excellent for use ay an rf amplifier, frequency multiplier, oscillator, and clase B modulator. The anode of the tube almost’ completely encloses the grid and. flament and thus conserves power by eliminating’ loss from bulb bombardment and stray electrons. No insulation is used within the tube between grid and plate. Wherever uninterrupted service and reliability are required, this rugged triode is a wise choice. RATINGS Peewee Yorn (AG. oe DEJ ote TH. 100 valu a Be ei aaa a or ftom on ett of ae oe es sailee aaa vaiaate! = SS MAXIMUM RATINGS with TYPICAL OPERATING Briving ower (Avpren Bos GS with TYE ratoxipet {ASB} owe ora © Max Permiae Pex FREGUENCE © { FUREY reephons TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA EB TRANSMITTING TRIODES ine ware niroT Pm rome ae Price $2580 809 Features Beareents tin Low VOLTAGE POWER strLy SOW DRIVING Fah fc OPNAATION AT PULL RATINGS ams Hate Eo OPE lee TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA h \ TRANSMITTING TRIODE GRAPHITE ANODE, SHIELDED FILAMENT Gina 20 Warns INUT tis Price 33} Features (© L0H owen wWirH RELATIVELY Low PLATE voLTAGE, Hn era an fare eon EAS) eee = OIG Rittror high thon radiation 7 enetr © SNIEMRE limo Dib bombnamens and sect ©: 20 OPERATION AT FULL RATINGS RCA-S10 is a high-power transmitting triode with a maximum plate dissipation gf 150 watt” UCAS} ad of $3- RCA-BIO esigne for'uso ase ado. equeney amplifier and clase B moviulator. Bceause of its high pervearce, it ean be operated at high plate efiianey with low driving power and relatively low plate voltage. For example, two 810's Yu class C telegraph acrviee (ICAS) will Take @ plate input of 1240 watts and require only 4 watts of driving power Tn clase’ B modulator service (ICAS} two tubes are capable of plate-modilating: 100% an ef amplifier having a power input of nearly one and one-half kilowatts! Grid-bias requivements are unusually low, Ata pate Votaze of 2000 volts, a grid blae af only 48 volts will protect the tube against overionding caused by lowe of grid. excitation. "The filament of the 10 is shiclded at each end. This construction increases power output by eliminating: losses from bulb bombardment and steay electrons. This tube has a graphite anode, specially ‘processed to snsure high thermal radiation and a minimum of gas. Plate and grid leads are brought out to rugged terminals at the top and aide af the bulb, respectively. This design provides very low lend inductance and permits compact eireuit layout for be? installations. RCA-BIO fan be operated at frequencies as high'as 30 Me with maximum ratings. sation tae rete Rar act tecss fautae sce. | Renee! : se. te RCA pe teas BLE Gat Vacrnae MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL, BG Gu cummens «2 SE TD mi OPERATING CONDITIONS ELS BOS aa, 25 ee ds or Power Am elon ‘ip ore ee bas ae ee otherwise meee vlucare or Stu Bee Gn Carne (Avi Be nea ie “SB YS Roeetouunt (dvom) HOSE BS Eerste irre ae Corie conditions per tube for woo with a maz. madlationfoctr of 10 Socket cnncetione itne Cmaie Butte Dus ‘3 mas, 18 ma HORIZONTAL —Piine of elecioodes Seat Ba ie 11 TRANSMITTING lek and eed supp id Ei and itd nt The ethos ‘Tesitor should be suitably’ by-passed for bath af. sme rt. ‘The combina” mts ot gl ak and Reo gage hs advance fe my ‘laitsine Ssrton by viarasooly som ane of Mas, Rated Plate Vola 1 S5 C{ Bithane! raashony | APPLICATION A typical single-ended r-f amplificr eixeuit using the 810 or 1627 is shown below. Keying is shown in the lament-to ground return lead. If it is desired to key the oselllator for break-in operation, a partial fixed bias of ~45 volts should bbe used in conjunction with a grid leak (R.) of about 2000, ohms (10 watts). This amount of fixed bias will protect either tube against removal of grid excitation when the key ig open. An RCA-809 operated at reduced ratings or an 807 suitable for the driver stage. For 10-meter operation with ‘an 80-meter crystal, a practical tube line up is an 807 oF GLB “Tritet” erystal oscillator-quadrupler, an 807 buffer~ amplifier and an 809 doubler. The 809 is neoded only for Umeter operation; it may be omitted for the other hands, With a 10-meter crystal and a 6J5 triode oscillator, an 807 can be used to drive the 810 or 1627 directly, thereby provide Ing a S-stage, 10-meter transmitter of respectable power output. (CLASS B MODULATOR (CCS AP Power Output 590 Wattet ‘The rf amplifier circuit shown om this page may be plate modulated by reducing the d-e plate voltage to 1600 volts and ‘the de plate current to 210 ma. The grid current should be inereased to 80 ma. ‘These are CCS values, ‘An important advantage of the RCA-S10 or the RCA-1627 is its suitability in application now using tubes of the so- called “S0-watt” class and where it is desired to increase power without completely re-building the transmitter. In seneral, these tubes can be used to replace a "5 0-watter” with only minor eiteuit changes, including re-neutralizing. If the existing plate supply delivers only 1250 volts, but has ample current eapaeity, the higher plate-current rating of these tubes can be used to increase the plate inpat from 220 to $10 watts. If the plate supply is changed so that it will deliver 2950 volts at 275 milliamperes, the power input can be in- cereased from 220 to G20 watts in clase C telegraphy service! At the higher voltages, some additional driving power will bbe needed, bat this can usually be obtained without any radi- cal changes in the exeiter and driver stages. ‘A class H modulator employing two S10's or two 1627's is also shown on this page, A recommended driver stage tor the modulator employs four 2A3's in class AB,, push-pull parallel, operating at a plate voltage of 200 volts and at a fixed grid bias of ~82 volts ‘The plates of these tubes show a dull red color at their maximum ICAS plate-dissipation ratings. They show only OCS plate. sipation ratings. ‘When considering an 810 or @ 1627 for high power, you save not only on initial tube cost, but also on the cost of the final-stage tank condenser, on the high-voltage power supply, and on the number of exciter stages required, RP POWER AMPLIFIER (60S Power Ontbut 375 Wattet +2000 (0) Bre HST RCA-BIO| [ts cu 3 i ig ak BF. i weit @arc Sourrur ta Gi Tt des : t6o¥. Se, a T | @mre eT E Js 4 o-oo % E°7 & “; ua Los aL colt Oise resaowas f ~ *+20n8y (wane BSOMAIMAK) To* algerie ince ed oma Se) 12 Sid (gone) 8 Avprostmately 47% watts for TOAS. CS satosnatuatd tlophony serve, roe Be Ao 160 sbi octane fet 8B ma The never tat fe appronioniy TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA TRANSMITTING TRIODE ZIRCONIUM-COATED ANODE 3.50 205 WATTS INPUT List Price ee 811 Jigh-mu triode having a maximum platevdissipation rating of 85 watts (ICAS), With a mu of 160, this tube requires mp. bias in clase R_morolator Fervice up to a plats vollage of 1250 volts—and only 1.5 ia —9 volts of bias up 19 1500 volts, ‘The remarkable ability of the $11 to “take it” is due in a large measure to its Bireoniura-coated plate, an RCA development. This ‘ype of anode has very high hheataissipating qualities and in addition Tunctions to Keep the tube hurd during tes entire life. Thus, the S11 i capable of withstanding heavy temporary overloads with- fut damage to ita Aloment emianion. The tube has a rugged, 25-watt, thotiated-tungsten hnlament which insures tremendous resery ‘The features of zero-bina operation, ton e-¥, 120 watts mutput on phone, and 295 watts of mudio in clase 1 (2 tubes) make the 81 one of the’ finest Values’ in transmitting triodes ever presented, RATINGS MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL OPERATING CONDITION teas Bec Pare Youn. ‘ Bi na DIOP Ge! 2275 tase ee 3 yaw Gwe [tne cee ee met cach APPLICATION ting tioned = TRANSMITTING TRIODE ZIRCONTUM-COATED ANODE ut Price SQ 225 WATTS INPUT Features SPATE ANODE ne tin, 812 aaa aaa ct stove ae Sees vats outa wih only 6.5 watie of grid drive, © cok OnFRATION 4m FULL Raminas RCA-812 is a high-perveance, casy-to-drive triode having a maximum plate-dissipation rating of $0 watts (ICAS). ‘This tube, with a mein mu of 2), requires unusually low driving power for class C telegraph and telephone services. ‘Two 12's in class © telegraph service will take a plate input up to 450 watts with the exceptionally: iow driving power of only Id watts, With a carrier power of 170 watts for c-w operation and 120 watts for ‘phone ‘operation, the RCA-S12 is a transmitting triode that is hard to beat on a basis er Yormance' versus cost vito Sim P erat (aDpee) wae ‘As RP Power Anmpliter and Onlatar—clas © Taleeraphy m ‘Trmteat Orman a We Pate alae... BIC Ge’ Gursent (Avia MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL Power Ovtmut (Approx) ‘OPERATING CONDITIONS eRe ts ed fl ease grid idk apd entods neater, Whe cabal Ey pire tor bone ant Bo geet cn TASTES wane Cao (ETT oer a 002 le, 300 ter enti, $2900 Bottom View of Socket Connections ‘ee Moantne Position None, Rotor ehatt TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA TRANSMITTING BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER HIGH POWER SENSITIVITY $27.00 360 WATTS INPUT. List Features © mice Powne wiTH suNiMUM oF EQUIPMENT 50 was output wth le than one wath of drive: Any crystal onlator ‘st Mch-power Goel amplifier Sor cick band-chanes, 813 (0 GIANT t-Pry nase Hae abort shell and ide in spacing, OASIS is » beam power transmitting tube of extremely high power sensitivity with 4 maxinum plate-dissipation rating of 100 watts. ‘The tube actually requires less than 1 watt of driving power fo give 205 watts ouiput on exw. Neutralization is unoecessary in adequately shielded circuits. RCA-S13 makes an excellent power amplifer for the final stage of medium-power transmitters where quick froquency-change without new twalizing adjustments ig desirable, and where ‘ minimum of driver eouipment is re. quired, ‘The tube requires a very low screen current. RCA-O13 is also a excellent fe. uency multiplier eapable of giving high harmonie output with unusually high eficloncy. RCA-813 employs the new Molded Glass-Dish type stem structure, which makes practical a compact but powerful tube— only 7% inches bigh—having very short leads and low lead inductance. Other features of the tube include @ heat 5 watt) thoriated-tungsten filament, over-size. graphite plate, domse-top bulb with eushion-mounted supports, and 2 base having a short shell and wide pin spacings. As a rosult of iia special construction, the 819 can be operated at maximum ratings at frequencios as high as 80 Me and at retced ratings as high as 60 Me RCA-815 is conservatively rated at 860 watts input for class C e-w service and 240 watts for plate-modulated service. nt Tpin Aros Bee Eees 2 BRE Se Sp rite, | Bibrageraesy tn ee Bieremeriren ce G HOSEN | SEGRE wath gh aE ara fis a Enea iten! sp Retabe meh: Ma EBs Rapat s Sromrceecs ag Ret Aa Re Power Ampliter snd Oncllatar—Claw © Teleraphy SEEN tia” at" ‘ag lan cos pr be fot mabe MAXIMUM RATINGS AND TYPICAL OPERATING BE some titate we 8 AND ae Be ae Sie z cant RafeModsaied RP Pomer Ampliter—cl aos ome eo ect faery ee Be Bin eats Week RTE ca allt i pre rahe Oa eee aR Eo Pram yeeros iit! at. B:SGuidGeren(Appcocy *t fe Fre a le ices ae Eecwows Wes} ad Re Tube sognting Potton FORIONTAL™Piate inertial pane ‘Series crue sesstr should note ued exept where the 818 Fe pte Be ur, ne rossor in series with maduicted Diatormltage vupply You ould Bot exe 10008 hina. Max, Pembaibe Percentare of Max, Rated Plate Voltage and Plate Taput cunss © | AMEN! teleshony 15 TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA APPLICATION A circuit employing the 813 im plate-modulated telephony service is shown on this page, In this circuit it will be noted that the plate-cireuit by-pass condenser Ce is connected to round in series with screen by-pass Cx This arrangement minimizes the by-passing effect of Cy at high audio frequencies and greatly improves the ‘modulation of the sereen voltage. Beeause the screen impedance of the 819 is about 20000 ohms and the series screen resistor required is 60000 ohms, the capacitance ratio of Cs to Cs should be about $ to 1, as indicated in the legend. For operation at 35 Me and lower frequencies, it may be desirable to in- crease the values of Ce and Cy, keeping their ratio the same In class © telegraph service, where the grid excitation or the cathode circuit of the 818 is to be keyed, it is important that the sereen voltage be obtained from a separate, low- voltage source, or from a tap on a bleeder circuit acrose the plate supply. Tt should not be obtained through a series re- sistor as shown in the plate-modulated-telephony eireuit. With the series-resistor method, the d-e gereen voltage will rise to the plate potential when the space current is reduced to zero. This voltage, of course, greatly exceeds the maxiniam screen- voltage rating. When the d-c screen voltage is limited ta approximately 400 volts under key-up conditions, a fixed grid bias of ~45 or ~50 volts is adequate to reduce the plate eur- rent to a safe value; partial fixed bias, therefore, mended in c-w transmitters where the occillator stage is to bbe keyed for break-in operation. The remainder of the Te. quired grid bias ean be conveniently obtained from @ grid Teale PUSIAPULE CW AMPLIFEER Pewer Outpt #20 Watts (Abpees) 1. Mediom Metal Cap 4 Filament Suppert Sern oguy-Duty ThoriatedTonesen The RCA-R13 may also he operated as a gvid-modulated ef power amplifier (class C). Typical oparating eonditions ave! Dee plate voltage, 2000 voltat de aerect) voltage, 400 Wolts; dee grid voltage,’ 120 volts; peak of grid voltage, volts! peak a-f grid voltage, 00 volts; beamforming plate Voltaire, 0; de plate current, 75 ma; and dec screen enrrent, 3 usa, Under these conditions, power output is approximately Bo watts. In gvid-modulated ‘service, the grid bias should be obtained from a Axed supply. Screen voltage. should, be ohtained from a separate source or froma voltage divider connected across the plate-voltage sapply.. Driving power Geually ts ‘negligible apd never more than 2 watts, Audio driving power iz generally never more than 1 Watt PLATEMODULATED CLASS © R-P POWER AMPLIFIER: eS Fs EEL Le r | a =1000¥. (MAX) Ee TOMA (Wa Blader Revisor (10000 obs Geld ele shouldbe sided from plate ecu Yp etal shes, it ct (on lrges) mien Rasen ob (otataer) a, (ortargee) mi, TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA TRANSMITTING BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER CARBONIZED NICKEL ANODE 225. WATTS INPUT tut Price 8730 Features IRBONTZED NICKEL. ANODE: MICANOL. BASE RCA-SI4 i beam tranumitting tobe of the thovated-tymesten lament type with ‘aximum plate dissipation rating of 65 watts (ICAS). The high power sensitivity of the tube makes {t-speclally ssited for uae as an i-t nmphner, freahency multiplier ot cillator, or grid or plate-modulated amplifier, Ror example, a single 814 is capable of Ning a power output of 160 watts jx clas © telegraphy’ (HCAS) with a driving power ofoniy 1.0 watts, The plate connection ofthe tube i brought out to separate eal at the top of the bulb ta maintain low gvid-plate capecitanc The S14 may be operated at maximum ratings fm all classes of service at frequen- cies as high as 30 Me’ and at seduced ratings a high as 75 Me.” Neutralization’ is wn ‘yin adequately shielded clrcuits. ‘For those who require moderately High Dower and dest plekel anode and imum number ‘of transmitter stages, the B14 with its earbonized jeauol base will be found unexeelled. RATINGS Shame Vourser (A, Gof DE) vevercns 309 Yate dusted ptesoitage Sorel ass of FRESE nator Fe tee ie “deo acrous eatee HORIZONTAL Not resommended. TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA I PUSH-PULL BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER re warns twetr 10 2 wares st Price S450 Features 815 a (© USES LESS THAN 44 WATT OF GRID DRIVE (© EXCELLENT FOR EXPERIMENTAL LOW-FOWEK Fat AND TELEVISION © ONLY 409 70 500 PLATE VoUTS REQUIRED © GLAS.UUTTON STEM STHUCTURE PROVIDES SHONT LEADS AND RCA-S15 is the new, low-cost, push-pull beam transmitting tube. It ia designed par- tealatly for use at wave lengths as low as 2 meters. Tt requires little diving power, minimam of driver equipment, and provides full output on only 400 i 500 volts. ‘The exceptional efficiency of the 815 at tho ultra high frequencies is made possible by the balanced and compact structure of the beam units, excellent internal shieldin and close electrode spacing. Internal leads are short in order to minimize lead in Goctance and resistance. A single Bio operating ix push-pull c-w service ts capable of handing 13 watt spt (ACAS) with lan than 0.2 tat of driving vower at freguen- eles aa high as 150 Me. It may be operated at reduced tnpue up to 295 Me (1-% meters) Neutralizing of the tube is usually unnecessary. RCA.S15 is equipped with a big octal-type metel-shell buse using low-loss Mieancl Inculation. ‘The heaters of the tube may be operated either in parallel Trom a 6.3-Volt supply o in series from a 126-volt supply. Whether you buy for regular transmitter requirements or with an eye to. your new whef and television transinitter, you will ind the RCA-819 just about the biggest Value on the market. Te provides push-pull oporation and yet requites but one socket, ‘one eathode resistor, and’ one sereen resistor. CHARACTERISTICS and RATINGS As Grid Mods UUntene otercine epeited, valve are for Doth waite ted Push-Pull WY Power Amplifer — Clase © Teephany iusthee nee ae anon ws Pe BS Ramps ms ‘Gria-Pnte. (With external hiding Somuie inrur Wate Pat nen seer [or rbegeoen Dec Screen. Valtage Yat MAXDMUM OO8 sel ead RATINGS wih TERIAL Een EE SnD Ws oa Remecrmin comune res a Dé Gra Cormat (Appa) occ and Modalator — Clans ABS ccs cas Drivin Power (Aporas)” De Plate VOREAGE coeesecosecece at mm 400 man. Vola Power Ostost (Apeoc) De Some Voucuoe (Grid Noa). mas. 290 as Vole MaxcStowae Scam Inver on) “tae an Waste D.C Plate Voltage 0 S20 Vol Due Sena Youraen (Grid Nol )"22)b00 meme ton ymas Vata Dic Sereon Vorane rie aoe #5 Valu DLC Gato Vantaa (0ri8 No. 1) 375 mas. Valls Bib Gra Volare (Grid Ne 3) AI Ai Yous 10 mas: Ba. Pak AGF Grier Valage @ © Yous = Bee Ga Commer mas, a ZereSieral DO Pate Carre oo 2 Me Peace Inv 0 mes. Wee ‘aed Resistance (Per Pte) et Ohne - Biggie Lead Haine” (Pe 00 Ohm TD Plate Valage soos 2 400 Vote ee Watt Die Sereen Vance te wate rom 8 faed muppiy of M8 Vole 18 Phat ree etn at From 6 grid resiaioy of ** 23000 Pak RP Griderld Vohage 8 Due Grd Current (Avorn) 1 A Ae Puhr RP Rover Ample and Onlalg — Cas Teleraphy Dc Pare Vaurnce Fram sail bat of ceaen | Sitch, iw Leieu, rabtance aboull new. exseed {8600 ine {iotal) ie of Mol cant perroat. ME"Satoat Mi Naa, Diiver stage should be cavaie of supplying the erie ot the ee APPLICATION In class C r-f telegraph sarviee, the 815 may be supplied ‘with screen voltage froma separate source, “rom a Volt- age divider, or from the plate supply through a series é- Sistor. "When a series sereen tesistar is used. the segulation of the plats supply should be good enough so thet the plate Yoltage will not exceed 600 volts under key-up concidions. Gi bias may be, obtained ty any ‘onvenient method, ex cept when a preveding stage is keyed. Tn this ease, sufficient fixed bias should be used to maintain the de piste current ata low value when the key’ ie tp Tin plate-modulated class C r-£ amplifier serviee the sereen voltage for the RCA-815 should preferably he obtained from fixed supply modulated simultaneously with the plate Volt Age, although it may also be obtained frum a voltagedrop- Ding resistor connected to the modulated plate supply. Tn aay fase the Screen Woltage tnt be modulated simaltanoasly with the plate voltage so that the ratio of screen vollage to plate voltage remains constant. Modulation of a Axed sepply fan be accomplished by eonnesting the sereen lead to a se. arate winding on the modulation transformer, In grid-modulated class rf service grid bias for the 815 should preferably be obtained from a fixed supply. The plates of the tube are supplied with unmodulated de’ volt: ge. ‘The audio power required im this service is very stall ‘and’ nced be sumiclent only to mest the peak power equine ‘ment of the grids of the clase © amplifier on the positive Power Outpt 4. Watts (HCAS) * crest of the input signal, The actual peal value is general: ly never more than 0.5 watt. The seveen voltae should be obtained from a separate source or from ® Voltage divider amnected across the plate supply. A circuit iMlustrating an ‘pplication of the 815 as an chef plate-modulated amplifier ts shown on thie page. In this service the tube is capable of delivering approximately 45 watts output at a plate voltage of 400 volts. The stage foquires about one watt of ueeful'rf power to insure ample geld excitation of the 815. D-e grid cureent adjustment may be made by varying the coupling between LI-and L2 and fuming C and C2. Amplifier loading is obtained by adjust- ing the coupling of the “hairpin” antenna coil to Li. L1 and LP should be well shielded fom L3 by metal chassis or by ‘4 vertical metal baffle plate used to mount the 815. If de sired, a small lomped Inductance canbe used in place of the grid lines, In this ease, eriieireaie tuning is best. ob= tained by ‘varying ‘the ‘ndietanes of the grid. coll rather than by tuning it with a variate condenser, ‘Additional cfeait information on the 816 ie given under TRANSMIT TER CONSTRUCTION, page 39 ‘The plates of the 815 show no color ‘when the tube is operated at {ts maximum plate-dissipation rat saiauve se ers Bea eT ow a oe Saag, am tee | TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA = HALF-WAVE MERCURY-VAPOR RECTIFIER "JUNIOR OF THE t66-4/t66" tit Price S00 816 RCA-816 ie the junior transmitting-type rectifer, for use partienlarly in medium Power transmitters of 100 watie inpot’ (eal) or Jess. Unlive ordinary, smallhalfe Raver mercury-yapor yecters of this type, the S16 {+ geglened ao that the plate Yead Shrug oot Uifough a separate seal at the top of the bulb, «construction which Simtialin Sem sectelyais and. makes it posse for the tube wo handle a maximum ssa ls, Pn Ales operating in a fulvase eee ring’ fo the input of a chokerinput type fier a restifed th good reptlatton, with exceptional We cand at a RAT FOR RCA-816 HALF-WAVE MERCURY-VAPOR Ue “A RECTIFIER TUBE WITH A LONGER LIFE” List Price 866-A Features 0 osc om 866 sad coment opera a een a a a a eas See iy baw i S teed vor Ro RSUEA/BU0 segment EA an1 BC and may ecco ae a os a Ce ett ea Ponheee aeettioe nee tee oe ee different in, design fs its edgewise= i great mechan i power rating. ron-emitting ea 6h iypes, Secret of the. 88 lnstrated_ on this page. 7 i area’ for the same Al ‘only has tremendous el tube ite For design of RATINGS FOR RC: {Poe avon 20 \ eR . TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA | Ww TRANSMITTING TETRODE POWER AMPLIFIER RCA’S MOST POWERFUL TETRODE 1500 Warns INPCT tis Price 313500 827-R RCAS27-R is a transmitting tebrode of the Air-Radiator type only inches high and less than’ inches in diameter—yet_has a maximum plate dieslpation of 800 watts! One 827-F te capable of delivering ite full power output of 1030 teat at Prequencies ax high a 120 Ate. 'Eor this reason the tabe is pareulanly for use as an t-f power ampliter both in frequeney-moddlation and veel as in general broadeast and communication services wing features of the 827-R include its use of (1) thoriated-tungsten filament. with ‘special low-resistance, e-ribbon I indie high eur rent without heating, (2) two multiple-ibbon grid leads that minimize the effect of lead inductance ‘and (3) am entrant metal header-type ‘construction. ‘The hreader-type desig serves not only as a low-induetance terminal for the screen Dut facilitates isolation of the input and output ciresits. Ax a result, nestraliza: ton of the tube is unnecessary except at the very highest frequencies, ‘The plate of the BBT-R is aitooled by means of a highly effeient Anned radiator which forms an integral part of the tube, This radiator must be cooled by means of a vertical How of air from a properly installed air-cooling system. RCA-R7-R is a Temarkable tetrode that opens the hay for Rew seonomies of tube installation ‘and application, Tt is tha answer for dependability of high power at the ultra highs RATINGS 08 mes ust MAXIMUM CCS RATINGS and TYPICAL OPERATING — RAviam, THxtbxsris CONDITIONS Be aaa Fram fod it ower Oviga Approsima TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA TRANSMITTING BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER 270 WATTS INPUT List Price $750 . ea vee 828 © Low-DIsTORTION cLass Au, MODULATOR ‘Tipo iis eter ip rate eapat he dortion. ROA-828 is a multi-electrode transmitting tube with a maximum plate-dissipation rating (ICAS) of 80 watts. The tube contains a suppressor and has beam power features. Because of its high power sensitivity, the 828 can be operated in rf services to give fall power output with very little driving power and, consequently, ‘with a minimum of driver equipment. For example, in class C telegraph xervier, th 828 is capable of delivering 200 watts (ICAS) with only 22 watts of driving power! Neuiralization is unnecessary in adequately shielded eireuits. The tube is well suited for use in rf applications as an rf power amplifier, frequency multiplier, oscillator, and grid- or plate-modulated amplifier. Tt makes an excellent power amplifier for the final stage of medium-power transmitters where quick band-change without neutralizing adjustments is desirable, The 828 may be operated at mazi- mum ratings at frequencies as high as 80 Mc and at reduced ratings up to 15 Me. RCA.828 is also well suited for use us a clase AB, modulator and a-f power amplifier, Two tubes in class AR, CCS, fare capable of delivering 400 watts of audio power with only 1 distortion! RCA-S28 is equipped with the MICANOL base having excellent insulating qualities at high frequencies, together with a low moisture-absorption characteristic. The plate connection of the tube is brought out through a separate seal at the top of the bulb to provide high insulation, RCA-828 contains a husky 22.5-watt thorinted-tongsten filament whieh has f great reserve of filament emission, RATINGS DC Sanprenor Cacrest . os Rrawner Vaurasr (AG. OF DG )ovsesesereese 109 Vole ‘aroSial Doo Sere Carn 2 ie Prawenr Cote S28 Amperee ——-MatoBignal IMC Seteon Current a Me Tuamscoxovoranen fr piste at of Gi murs-.. 2800 neomhoe —‘Msive Lond Revita CGutPiate (with eternal shld) ccseeecsoeee QS mA, HE ee teoe Pe af x 2 inpue ecient 38 ie Ha Masia Drawers ‘ Carver conditions ‘er taba for tne with mas, mndaation fester of 1.0 MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL ‘D-€ Surursson Vocraie (Grid OPERATING CONDITION Deny Vata (Ged Na 2 Sax-Stowat D-C Puare Conan len others enc vln are for # tubes oar RP Gre Vohaze vate ZoreStens) Df Pinte Carrent 28 x Drlelng Power (Aporom)er coco RE Wass TUBE DATA ‘Av Plate Modulated RP Power Amplifer—Clate © Tole CCarvieesouditone pr tbe fOr hac with mas, modietion Sartor 8f 24) pee'tnd Vtaact From a pid Tarkio of reer aan Bee ia Horan inet Bee Feate Voutae Bog Gam Voraer (anid Not) BS Fare, Gomer 3 Bee Gh coma Seam nro Finer prema. Be Seppremor Valine From « Bocd supply... orion Touur (Appear) ‘Averuzed oer any af ele of soecvave form 4 Zero'senal screen rotage mont sot extend 725 vl 4m cana Fae ‘Tube Mounting Paitin BORONTAESSP Sc Stament er f Hich-Freqeency Opeztion ‘capacitance jn ata ves Mine APPLICATION In pushopull clags AB; service the B28 may be operated as shown under CHARACTERISTICS, ‘The values are. deter= ined on the baats that. no. gid-current flows daving the ‘must positive ewing of the input signal and of cancellation of second-harmonic datartion by virkve af the ptsh-pull c= uit, Fixed blae of wood voltage regulation is tweowimended in onder to realize the maximum power-output capabilities of the class AB, stage. ‘Two 328% are capable of providing power outputs of 40 to 389 watts with very low distortion twhun inverte feedback used. Tn vrid-modulated clase C telephony service, the 828 is supplied wish unmodulated eof gvid voltage and’ with d-c rid bias which is modulated at audio frequencies. Grid bias Should preferably be obtained from a fixed supply. The sup Dressor voltage should te obtained from a batwry or amy Uther dc sotres of good regulation. ‘The screen voltage shoul te obsained frum a separate source or from m vllage divider ff good regulation. ‘The audio power required in this service 4 Sery small, being suficlent only’ to meet the peak irid- Power requirement of the elass C amplifier on the positive Grest of the at input, signal, ‘The actual a-f power is gen- rally never more than 2 watt, depending on cireuit conditions. A circuit illustrating. the application of the 828 in ew serviee is shown on this page. In this service the tube will deliver sppveximately 200 watts with a dee plate veltage of 1500 volts, The power output of the ‘iriver shouldbe fhout 5 watts. ‘Thus almost any. small act of 3-1 power ‘amplifier tbe is suitable for the driver stage. A GV6-G1/G or OLS as x “Tritet” crystal oseillator will drive an £28 satisfactorily, even if ffequeney doubling ie used in the oscillator plate eireut. Although the 828 has @ suppressor gid, this new tube is not recommended for ‘suppressor-modulaved telephony Service. "The tesson ig that the suppressox-voltage/power ‘output characteriatie of the tube ie not linear when the Suppressor is operated wwith a negative bias Tn class C i-f telegraph sexvice, the 828 should be supplied with seveen voltage from # fixed, low-voltage source ifthe 828 or any preceding stage is keyed. ‘The regulation Af this cource need only be geod enough to prevent the serven Voltage, uncer key-up conditions, {tom rising higher than twice the maximum sesven-voltage rating. Grid bias may be obtained by any convenient method, exept when a procesing: Stage ie keyed? in this ease, sufficient Bxed ‘bias shouldbe used to maintain the d-e plate eurent at a Jow value when the key is up. ‘The plate of the 828 shows @ barely perceptible ved color at ils maximum rated plate dissipation of 80 watea: it Shows no color at a plate dissipation of 70 watts or less. ‘The sereen should not Ue allowed to attain a temperature cot Fesponding to more than 2 barely perceptible ted color. PowsR AMPIriER TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA PUSH-PULL R-F BEAM POWER AMPLIFIERS 829 gus 1" 832 gus INPUT AT yt Price List Price 150 Me pike Small encugh to le comfortably in the palm of your handy vst “big” enough to ec unusually high outputs for their sit, the 629 and G3E fil'n long. oeed by en: cers and experiencers for a teanamiteig tube that wil "deliver the goods” at ura highs without need for neuiraliaon. ‘These to beauiflly constructed tee ona wg Bein fovea thin one envop, Tel masons pit de tipstion of the 820"ie'40"watts "otal maxonum plate dissipation of the 89. fe s20WATTS INPUT AT 200 Me A single 829 is capable of giving approximately 83 watts output with less than a watt of ref grid drive, at frequencies as high as 200 Me. Tis smaller brother, the S82, is capable of giving approximately 22 watts at frequencies as high as 150" Me. h tubes may be operated at higher frequencies at reduced inputs The unusual efficiency of these tubes at the ultrahigh frequencies is made pos- sible by the balanced and compact strueture of the beam power units, the excellent internal shielding, and the close electrode spacing. Both the 829 and 832 employ the molded glast’ dish stem which makes practieal a compact but powerful tube ‘and Iow lead inductance. ‘Their terminal arrangements pro- ‘and are designed to facilitate symmetry of elreult layout. having very shor vide excellent Inslati Both the 629 and S22 are of the heater-eathode type. Their heaters are arranged to permit operation from either a 12.6-volt or a 6.2-volt supply. RATINGS x Ha MAXIMUM RATINGS and TYPICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS. “A WHAL OF A TUB FOR ITS SH RCA-829 FREQUENGY [=| = oe 7 REQUENCY PLATE MODULATED 25 TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA ULTRA-MODERN TRANSMITTING TRIODE 2000 WATTS INPUT RCA-S33-A is the famous high-power, air-cooled triode with maximum plate dissipation of 480 watts (IGAS). Tt is designed for use az an r-f amplifier, class B modlatos, and oscillator. RCA-8I3-A is similar in appearance to ite’ well known predocescor, the 883, but utilizes a Zinconium-conted anode and includes many other processing refinements. In existing equipment using the former 885, the RCA-83S-A swith forced air cooling ean be used to boost power substan: ally, Small and compact, the S8-A will handle several kilo- watts of power in a tube less than 9 inches high and 45/8 RATINGS Faueenr Vocraoe (AC. oF BC) Vote MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL ‘OPERATING CONDITIONS MaxcSio, Plave Tyres? 125 max. 1600 max, Unlees atherwine apecited, values ove for & tuber Be Pinte Vote awe 00 ata meme esa mk tit Price 835-00 Features © ROA'S MOST POWERFUL cLAs (© 2060 WATTS MAXIMUM INPUT ON > oes: © GIANT ziRcONIUM.COATED ANODE ‘ED FOR LONG DEPENDABLE SERVICK Inches in diameter. For example, with forced air cocling it will take maximum input of 1800 watts (TAS) in plate- modulated service and 2,000 watts input (ICAS) on ew, ‘at frequencies as high as 20 Me. Under CCS ratings with natural cooling, the tube will take a maximum input of 1250 watts at frequencies as high as 80 megacyeles! RCA-SBI-A is designed with post terminals that pro vide a rugged structure and make bases unnecessary, The Zirconium-eoated unode is supported direct from its post terminal at the top of the bulb. The 100-watt thoriat tungsten filament of the 833-A has a tremendous reserve of emission. Thie filament is shielded by means of a special plate construction to conserve input. power by eliminating bulb bombardment and stray electrons. Designed to mest the specification vequirements of com- mereial high-power, high-frequeney applications, RCA-822-A ie built to Tost. Lend Resotnnee Sie, Desi ‘From a fel mupry of. 800 son aa Die Gell Cur. tAporax) TE . 0 Driving Power (Apron). 30 rr e ‘Avera over any tudltregsency eee of sine-mave form, Cte TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA BaF ose th ee we Peon Be sas as er eee hs oo oH |} : 2a. = Be ee [ees | ae = 1 ONS ee “8 ROBERT? service should be designed so that the resistance load pre- has exceptionally goad ‘voltage, regulation ented by the modulated class Camplin, is reflected as When the 883-A'is used in the final amplifier or a pre- the correct plate-to-plate load in the class B a-f stage. For ceding stage of a ow transmitter designed for treakein: ope: example, for the 3000-volt condition, a piate-to-plate load ation and oaillator, keying: a simul amount of fel Ries of 9500 chms ix required. If an, output transformer effeieney taut be used to maintain the plate current at a sate vale of 90% is assumed, two 83%-A’s operated under conditions With plate vollage of 4000 welts: @ ited Uae of gt feast Shown for a 8000-vale plate supply, are eapable of modulat~ “ydryolts shostd te used, Ing 1007 an inpot of ‘approximately 2070 watts to a class The plate of the 883-A shows an orange-red color at the Chr-t power amplifier, Since two 88i-4’s will modulate 2070 maximum plate wwatis'a convenient class © amplifier would be one operat- 2 ing st 6000 volts and 405 milliamperes, These conditions vepresent a resistance of approximately, 12120 ohms. The 06-4 Bh Coneetons Fatie of the outpus transformer ts then 12124-9500, or 1 to 1.18, step-up, Grid bias for class B modulator service thou be cbtained from a butiery or other source of good regula Hon. Te should not be obtained from a high-resistance supply sipation rating for euch class of service "and Plate input for Mirk-Freqencs Operation FREQUENCY = mm | me 27 TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA U-H-F TRANSMITTING TRIODE MOLYBDENUM ANODE sas WARTS INPUT oe rote UZ Features © 190 me Ar MAxtMEM RATINGS ToNggrEy gntD AND ob Me St reitcer nut © puate tal (© MOLYBDENUM PLATE (e ARD.GLASS MULE Nitec Pas Sree = ror a ESSE Bsn rane c {FES wacstoay | MAXIMUM CC HALE-WAVE HIGH-VACUUM RECTIFIER THE HIGH-VOLTAGE RECTIFIER WITH A HEATER CATHODE ist Price S50 RCA.836 is a half-wave, high-vacuum rectifier tube of the heater-cathode fave for use in high-voltage rectifying deviees where freedom {rom rt Glstorbances. in the output is an important factor. The excellent volta characteristic of the 838 is the cathode and plate fand to the use of double cal hace cireults, alle 836 ‘wave rectification is accomp ‘The acc input voltage (RMS) for two 826%, plate-to-plate in a full-wave, single-phase eiveuit ‘must not gxceed “580 folts in order to limi the maximn peak inverse’ voltage to the rated value of 5000-vol i ‘use of a suitable choke’ pi condenser im the filter cireuit, the nod we from the rectifier ‘Se Input voltage per tube. On'this b ‘ie output voltage is. 1600 the maximam arc inpUt voltage of 1765 volts Is used, Under the above voltage and filter con- aisle, the reaslaton produced by the drop inthe tube at fulloud enrrnt wi not be wreater han 35 volts, approximately "The eathode of the 886 is connected within the tube to one side of the heater. Therefore, the positive return lead to the Biter and load eiveult should be connected to the heater lead (Pin 4) To which the cathode is connected. When the heaters of two or more ‘operated in paval- lel,'the corresponding cathode leads must be connected together; likewise, the corresponding 28 its when of an6 Socket Connections neuter leads. TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA | DELUXE TRANSMITTING PENTODE 837 FOR EXACTING APPLICATIONS 57.50 2 WATTS INPUT ist Price SJ ia, pene transmitting tue of the 12.¢6-voltheater-cathode type Zor wee a2 ce mpi, reqoencyemulphen eccator, std upgretvor grid or plte-modaated separicusng ie acrageylce eomserca), and brondast equipment. ROAST ie'fomnefvativly rated at‘ maximum’ page dsipaion ot 2 wats. fe maybe operated fh gentmum Tatings ae Seeqaenier up €M0 Meat reduced caings at fropueee fo a Me ie suppreson of the 827 is connected te am individual ase pin to permit suppres: sor modalatln ofthe sabe ss well'arto provide for te ave af separate suppressor sh Voltage for obtaining opisnan power autor fromm the tube. CASH comune 8 Se Sl Interna Shc which, Slats eofimected am ngividual bast per Newtraliaton of the tube i unecessary in adequately soiled cet ‘he fy is equipped with Misens bose prcrone er neriirine Angus Poe tine We ines) wee SEG be iain ee Wes Sea NST ec ig TRANSMITTING TRIODE 838 ZERO-BIAS CLASS B MODULATOR $77.00 220 WATTS INPUT ice rice SI RCA-838 ip a highemu, 3 electrode transmitting tube particularly well sulted for use as a vero-bles class B modulator or a-f power amplifier. Maximum plate dissipation {s 100 watts ‘The grid of the 888 is designed so that the amplification factor of the fube varies vith the amplitude of the input signal, This feature facilitates the design of class B amplifier to Bive high output with low distortion. In class B autio service, two 888s are capable of (Giving an, output of 260 watts voith lese than 5% distortion? As an tof power amplifier, the S38 'may be used at maximum vatings at frequencies as high as 30 Me. RATINGS i i ne cane eather ace, SS RATINGS snd TYPICAL = Mejit Dy nee” "TE :ATING CONDITIONS a " Crean + Aseaged over ‘ dite of seo peraton, Seika ‘plete supply vagy of fat0 wit Foe AND TETRODE HOT-CATHODE GAS TRIODES List Price RCA-884 and RCA-S85 are grid-controlled, gascous-discharge tubes of the heater-cathode type. They are designed for use as sweeprelncvit oseil= Jators in cathode-tay tube circuits Operation of the 884 and 885 ean be controlled by means of a con- denser shunted across the plate eineult and charged thrown « resistor, When the plate voltage reaches brealeiown potential, the condenser dis: harmes through the tube, the plate voltae drops, the gid renumer con. trol and'a new eyele starts, ‘This action results ina. saw-tooth war sihich is exentilly neat, and which is especialy sulted. for ure as Vime base in a ‘cathode-ray oscillograph. The S84 and §83_are char- acterized by extremely low devonization time, the corresponding. prac Ueability of operation at high frequency, and stability of operation, okt cate HOT-CATHODE GAS TRIODE DATA each 884 885 RATINGS FOR 881 AND 885 HOT-CATHODE GAS TETRODES 2050 iat Price $3.00 2051. List Price $2.50 RCA-2050 and RCA-2051 are sensitive, gas-filled tetrodes of the heater endent of ambient temperature over a wide range. Because of the cathode type, designed for grid-controlled rectifier service, Both tubes bave'a steep control characteristic (high control ratio) whieh Is inde- 2 0 5 0 Special electrode structure employed, the precconduction or gas-leak- lage currents to the anode are exiremely small right up to the begin- gaff conduction eyes Tn ition, grid current very foe (les ‘han 04 microampere), so that a le resistance nay be used in the grid cireuit. ‘This characteristic provides tubes ‘with high sensitivity and permits thelr operation divectly from a yacuum-type phototube. 2051 SYVICAL WGWToPsRATED RELAY CELT paTINGS FOR 2050 AND 2051 @) ve] te] tte Circe : Ql : a gaat Se rr eg rere | PEEPS mann Yt ‘Comet vr. 100 mas we. tise wt 31 TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA TRANSMITTING TRIODE FOR HIGH PEAR-VOLTAGE REQUIREMENTS oo» warts seu 313.0 Features i a it ve ate era vas Lint Price 0 LGna Win poner resclemneter aid atta cutout with 9 watia of ark? deve OUR’ liane bull tomcat ed SP et 8000 (0 2eMe OPEMATION a FULL RATINGS RCA-800) is high-power transmitting triode with a lbw mu of 105 and a plate dissipation of 150 watts (ICAS), Special feature af the 8000 is ts construction which provides ih insulation Tesintance between electrodes, ‘This’ enables tube to withstand high peak voliages. JECA-S000 fe par iealarly aultable for Use aan ff amplifer and clase B Modulator. A single tube. in class. C) telegraph sorviee (CAS). wit tube «plate input of 620 waite with «grad drive of ‘ondy waite, In class % modulator eervice, two ‘000s wil modulate 1009% nearly 13g llowatts of power! ‘In selfrectifving osellator eleeuts, such a are used in Paonia ate ane 4 uselul power output of 390 watts (85% cireit ficiency): inthis application, as well aa in general radio transmitter Apolieations, the 8600 may be opersted at maxintun ratings at frequencies “os igh "as 0" Sean" wth reduced plate ‘and ipptt ax high as 100 Me. ‘Te tube has a large Mex Perm ‘anode, specially processed, to insure high thermal igton and @ minima of gam The pate and grid leads FREGUENOY fe brought out fo rugged terminals at the top and side of |S og5 c7hamornt aie the bulb respectively. 7 CLASS CFE tatty | 20 Priced right, RCA-8000 offers economy not only in initial tube cost but also in substantial savings in finalstage tank Ber rect Gutpet is Watin CAS condenser, high-voltage power supply, and the number of fexciter stages required [aeaceos RATINGS = RSE Bas Sele tne eh an OA pe a Tor MAXIMUM CCS and ICAS RATINGS with TYPICAL snp rena OPERATING CONDITIONS Be Mae, Yor fasta a Berke “ Septet es ‘From a feed supple of 0 a Soir for, bide ree PICAS plotermoduated telephony servien, rence Es to 1800 vate Bari esear Vase) AM cliche te Wn’ Phe bower nitow i asprosinatey FEE ED rinse tier Dee = ste mas mi Bet iene : (GRE Woe venricar_tue Deve ‘Peeveat Orson in ashi ee aa “38” Me _ HORIZONTAL —Plane of sovtrcen Be Ge comet ain) Ferg ta eg Saas ice soe 5 Watt 33 ws TRANSMITTING BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER HIGH BEAM POWER FOR THE HIGHER FREQUENCIES soo warts INpur ist Price S27 30 8 0 0 1 Features ARD-GLASS RULE ENCLOSED TANTALUM ANODE IVER EQUIEMENT. RCA-8001 is a multiclectrode transmitting tube with a maximum plate dissipation rating of 75 watts. The tube contains a suppressor and has beam power features RCA-S001 fills the need by engineers, experimenters, and amatears for a beam tube that. will deliver reasonably high power at the higher radio frequencies. For er ‘ample, one $001 wilt take a maximum plate input of 300 watte at frequencies os high as 75-Me, with only 14 watts of driving power—and without neutralization ‘The tube is particularly well suited as an rf amplifier, frequency multiplier, and suppressor rid-, or plate-modalated amplifier. It may also be used as a class Al a-f power amplifier or modulator and in this service it is eapable of delivering ai proximately 84 watts of audio power with very low distortion, Other features of the 8001 are its dish-type stem which makes possible the use of unusually short internal leads, its hard-glass bulb to withstand extremely high temperatures, its enclosed tantalum anode to insure permanent gas-free oper~ ation and to eliminate loss of power from electron bombardment of the bulb, « giant 7-pin base having ceramic insulation and wide pin spacing, and a S75-watt thoriated-tungsten lament, RATINGS ein biter ampliter'and ie noe ered FREQUENCY crass © { RESON” sarong 300 34 * 7 TRANSMITTING TUBE DATA aA TRANSMITTING TRIODE FOR HIGH PEAK VOLTAGE REQUIREMENTS a0 WATTS INPUT ist Price S200 Features fe yimusraxos mone peak voure — @ woHLLENT as ssLnsert {oes tian onoimany Swewarteas seo OeciuLATow SUCH AS fe icu Downe ovrrur wan tow USED IN THEHAPHUTC AF RCA-S003 is @ new transmitting triode with a maximum platedise sipation rating of 100 watts and a low nu of 12. RCA-S006 js suit. able for use as an rf power amplifier, class B modulator, and oscil lator, ‘In clase C telegraph service, it will deliver a power output of 250 watts. “In self-rectifying oecillator eivewits much us ave need therapeutic applications, two 8008'e are eapnble of delivering 0 useful power autput of 380 watt when the cirentt ficiency fe 8%, ‘the tube may be operated at maximum ratings at frequencies ax high as 80 Me—at reduced ratings to 60 Mc. RCA-S003 fs designed with the Standard 92.5 watt thoriated-tungsten filament For & thoroughly dependable, triode either in. standard. titer installations or in the special applieation field, the 8003, logical choice. It is as rugged as they come. Ra’ FuAMENT VaLEAGE (A.C. oh D.C.) As Sele sectiyine MAX, CCS RATINGS with, BS CM Gort TYPICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS Power ute fa sellin c.38 Phare Dageraniog 00ST SP Res a Men Wate See ss va heath s ae [RAF POWER AMPLIFIER USING RCA.H008 — Power Oxtout 350 Wale (Gane © sgehoieg bar ate a ie=36Ma 300 WATTS INPUT, 8005 “MINIATURE POWER HOUSE” RCA.8005 is a deluxe transmitting tube of the high-perve- lance type—most powerful of the small triodes. Tt has a maxi ‘mum plate dissipation of 85 watts (ICAS) and a low ma of 20. RCA-8005 is designed for use ax a radio-frequency am- lifer and class B modulator. A single tube in class C tele- graph service will handle 200 watts input (ICAS)—

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