Midterm Exam Basic 8

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I Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in
1 We were talking (talk) to our friends when a plane ______ (fly) noisily overhead.

2 One day I ______ (lie) in my hammock when suddenly a snake ______ (bite) me.
3 De Palma ______ (start) his journey in Russia and ______ (finish) it two years later in
4 ______ (you, go) out last night or ______ (you, stay) at home?
5 A man suddenly______ (come) running down the mountain while I ______ (climb) up.
6 What were the natives ______ (do) when he ______ (arrive) at the village?
V Choose the correct options.
It was Saturday afternoon and there were lots of people in the gallery. Some (1) looked /
were looking at the paintings, and some (2) talked / were talking on their mobiles. Can it
really be true that nobody (3) saw / was seeing the well-dressed woman who (4) took / was
taking a £1,000,000 Matisse picture? It seems incredible, but the cameras in the gallery (5)
recorded / were recording all day, and (6) didn’t show / were not showing a thing!
The thief (7) stole / was stealing the valuable picture from a London gallery yesterday. Then
she (8) got / was getting into a cab and she (9) drove / was driving away. The woman, who
(10) wore / was wearing a black coat and (11) had / was having a large hat on, (12) took /
was taking the drawing without anyone noticing, the London Voice (13) reported / was

VI Read the answers. Then use the notes to write the questions.
1 what / you / do / last night?
What did you do last night?
We watched the football.
2 why / you / go / Shanghai?
I went on business.
3 when / they / plant / the bomb?
Around seven o’clock, I think.
4 how / you / break / arm?
I was skate boarding and I fell badly.
5 why / you / not listen?
I wasn’t listening because I was tired.
6 who / be / on strike?
The train workers were.
7 he / pay / a fine?
Yes. It was $100.

VII. Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs in brackets.

1 He spoke. (often, slowly)
He often spoke slowly.
2 My son is thirty years old and he lives at home. (already, still)
3 Do you win when you play tennis with your dad? (always, easily)
4 She checked her emails, she started work. (first, then)
5 Check your work for mistakes. (always, carefully)
6 Does he speak Hindi? (really, fluently)
7 We work and we party. (hard, hard, too)

X Choose the correct options.

1 We almost / almostly died!
2 The gunfire hurt me bad / badly.
3 The answer was complete / completely wrong.
4 The train was fastly / fast but travelled smoothly.
5 Did you always get up late / lately when you were a student?
6 The dentist told me to clean my teeth regular / regularly.
7 We’re just / justly in time to catch the bus.
8 Were they getting on well / good when you saw them?
9 Please go in quietly / quiet. The film began ten minutes ago.
10 Did you pass your piano exam easily / easy?

XIII Write the preposition. Some sentences don’t need a preposition.

1 She arrived at the party at eleven o’clock.

2 Shall we go out to dinner __ Thursday evening?

3 I can’t believe we were on holiday __ a week ago!
4 Are you doing anything special __ tonight?
5 Our anniversary is __ 11 November.
6 __ winter we always go skiing in Norway.
7 We went to Trafalgar Square __ 2000 to celebrate New Year.

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