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The functation of hotel’s sanitation

1. The objectives of the application of Occupational Safety and Health are as follows:

A ) Healthy Protect workers and others at work, 2) Ensure that each source of production can be
used safely and efficiently, ensuring the production process runs smoothly

C ) Psychological Role

The role of hotel sanitation here is to guarantee a sense of satisfaction from the guests / visitors
of the hotel and employees / hotel management. This satisfaction in the sense of giving a sense of
"relax", comfort, security, safety and privacy.

D ) Physical role

Sanitation is expected to provide assurance of general cleanliness outside or inside hotel

buildings. Understanding of cleanliness here in a broad sense which includes: cleanliness of
water, food-drinks, germs - kitchen germs, toilets, equipment and free of interference from
insects and rodents (Rats).

2. five target hotel’s sanitation

a. The Ministry's Policy and Strategy for the Policy and the Ministry of Health's Strategy in
Health Development Activities in Regional Sanitation Development Activities by the Director of
Environmental Health Presented in: Presented at the 2015 PPSP Socialization of Best Western
Hotels Hariston, 27-29 October 2014 MINISTRY OF HEALTH

b. OUTLINEOUTLINE 1.1. Background Background 2.2. Targets and Achievements of Targets

and Achievements 3.3. The role of the STBM achieving Universal Access to the STBM role
reaches Universal Access 4.4. Scheme of PPSP-STBMS Implementation PPSP-STBM
Implementation Scheme 5.5. Opportunities for Synergy Program in Synergy Opportunities
Program in Sanitation Sanitation 6.6. Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions and
Recommendations MINISTRY OF HEALTH

c. Why is sanitation important? • There are still 40.2% of Indonesians who have not yet received
a reasonable assessment (Riskesdas, 2013) • Indonesia experiences economic losses of 56.7
trillion years due to poor conditions (WSP2006 Study) • The World Health Organization (World
Health Organization) in 2005 stated that each US $ 1 invested in repair services gives a small
return of US $ 8. • Interimodification results can reduce disease in 94% (StudiWHO2007)
d. Towards INDONESIAN SANITATION Universal Access, Towards Universal Sanitation
Access INDONESIA 20192019

e. 2014 2014 INDICATOR Targets and Achievements 2019 Percentage of households that
have access to MDGs 59.71% (2013 Susenas) 60.36% 62.41% 100% Percentage of
households that have access to water sources MDGs 67.73% (Susenas 2013) 67% 68.87%
100% Number of villages / kelurahan implementing STBM (RPJMN) 16,228 20,000 TW 3:

3. the practice hygien and hotel’s sanitation

a. parking area

-Large enough to accommodate hotel guest vehicles as a benchmark for every 5 rooms, 1 parking
space is needed.
-Parking floors must be hard, preferably paved or concrete, so it does not muddy during the rain
and is not thick during the dry season.
-Lighting is provided according to the parking area.-Traffic signs need to be installed to prevent

b. park area
What is meant here is a plot of land planted by various kinds of plants with the intent to beautify
the landscape, prevent erosion, maintain freshness of the air.

c. Water supply
1.Tap water (PAM)
 2.Ground water (drill well).
1.try to formulate a definition of public relations that emphasizes efforts to build and maintain
relationships between organizations and audiences

a. Give information to the public.

b. Direct referral to the community to change attitudes and actions
c. Efforts to integrate attitudes and actions from problems with the community and from the
community on the problem.

2.give an example of how you use public relations in your daily life

a. Determine agency events as the implementation of the Marketing Public Relations (MPR).
b. Propose a form of offering cooperation with other institutions.
c. Hold a press conference to build the image of the institution
d. Carry out programmatic and integrated socialization of institutions.
e. Responsible for the harmony of cooperative relationships with other institutions.
f. Responsible for developing institutional programs through presentations and socialization.
g. Responsible for the smooth publicity of the institution.

3.mention the difference between public relations and marketing and its functions
It is very difficult to draw the red thread of the difference between PR and Marketing, even it
seems unclear. These two fields influence each other and are very important for a company or
organization. PR and Marketing determine the success or failure of a company. Some Managers
do not really understand the nature of the function and purpose of the existence of PR in a
company. The PR function is seen only as a sub-part of the marketing function and only
performs the publication function. Even so, if we examine more deeply, PR is not only a sub-part
of the marketing function, but also functions in managing relationships, both internal and
external to a company for maximum results.
1. Activities aimed at gaining good faith, trust, mutual understanding and good image from the
public or society in general.
2. Has a goal to create public opinion that is acceptable and beneficial to all parties.
3. Important elements in management in order to achieve specific goals, according to the
expectations of the public, but is a distinctiveness of the organization or company. It is very
important how the organization has color, culture, image, atmosphere, which is conducive and
pleasant, performance increases, and productivity can be achieved optimally.
4. Efforts to create a harmonious relationship between the organization or company and the
public, while creating public opinion as an effect, which is very useful as an input for the
organization or company concerned.

4.mention the difference between publicity, advertising, presagentri, public a fair, issue
management, lobbying and investor relations

Because paid advertising, then the determination of the sound of the message, when and where /
through the media what the message will be displayed can we control in such a way. Unless there
are indeed obstacles that change the plan. But that does not mean that publicity is not reliable.
Publicity has a much greater strength compared to advertising. This is because publicity must be
connected with something that has the value of news or useful and interesting information that
makes it a force to influence the public.
Issue management is an effort of an organization or company to see the tendency of issues or
public opinion not to develop negatively so that it harms the company or so that the issue does
not develop into an unwanted conflict.
The lobby is:
- Entrance (building)
- Trying to influence

5.explain how public relations can help management improve organizations or companies in

1. Support management's main activities in achieving common goals (functions inherent in

agency / organizational management)
2. Establishing a harmonious relationship between the body / organization and the public which
is the target audience.
3. Identify everything related to the opinions, perceptions and responses of the community to the
agency / organization it represents or vice versa.
4. Serve the wishes of the public and give contributions to management leaders for the purpose
and mutual benefits.
5. Creating reciprocal two-way communication, and regulating the flow of information,
publications and messages from agencies / organizations to the public in order to achieve a
positive image for both parties.

Pasuruan, 10 februari 2019

M . Idrus al Bustomi
The functation of hotel’s sanitation


Tahun ajaran 2019-2020

Name : - Cintya Anggrain

-Wanda Dwi Wardani
Class: X IPA

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