Other School Related Responsibilities: Learning Task

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Republic of the Philippines


Educ 421 – Student teaching
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2020 – 2021


Learning Task No. 9

Other School Related Responsibilities

Name of Student Teacher: Carina T. Evero
Course : BSED- Filipino___________________________________ Year and Section: 401
Cooperating Teacher _____________________________ Signature __________________ Date: June 18, 2021
Cooperating School _______________________________________________________________________________________



My Map (Learning Task Direction)

These are the things I need to do:

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My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)
There are different school activities that I need to join to develop my resourcefulness,
creativity, diligence, and industry. These activities will also strengthen the spirit of teamwork,
unity, and cooperation. Some schools have their own unique activities. These are some of the
usual school activities celebrated every month.

JUNE - School Opening

- Orientation Activities
- School Elections
JULY - Nutrition Month
- National Disaster and Preparedness Month
AUGUST - Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa
SEPTEMBER - Linggo ng Kasuotang Pilipino
- Clean and Green Month
OCTOBER - World Teachers’ Day
- United Nations Week
NOVEMBER - National Reading Month
- Book Week Celebration
DECEMBER - Education Week
- Christmas Celebration
JANUARY - National Cancer Consciousness Week
FEBRUARY - Valentine’s Celebration
- Philippine Arts Month
- National Dental/Oral Health Week
MARCH - Graduation / Moving Up Ceremonies
- Fire Prevention Month

1|Pre-Service Teaching learning Tasks

My Tasks (Activities)
A. Complete the cyclical web to show the steps in preparing the activity.
Title of the Activity: Teachers Day

Date: October 15, 2021

Participants: Students, Student teacher, and Teachers

Materials Needed for the Activity: Sound System, Stage Décor , Table and Chairs.

Meeting with with teachers
Teachers and for the Outlining
Student materials the flow of
Supreme which will be the event.
Council. used in the

Posting an
t to Bulletin Securing the
Board. availability of
the materials
Enviting all needed for
students must the event.
attend the

2|Pre-Service Teaching learning Tasks

My Analysis

Why do I need to participate in the school activity?

I need to join/ participate in the school activities because it is my pleasure to be part of my

cooperating school and there is no reason to draw back. Instead I am actively participate in

preparing the events like decorating the stage, setting up the table and chairs and fascilitating the

SSC officers to make a program and reserving the sound system on the said date. When the

cooperating teacher wants me to join the events of the school why not. I am the intern teacher I

should be part of any activities gathered in my cooperating school. Above all it is my additional


My Reflections / My Insights
How did I feel?
 before the activity I feel so much pressure for the possitive outcome of it and yet
challenge because of my willingness to learn and experience in preparing for the
said event. I think that was the bussiest day I had experience in my cooperating

 after the activity

After the activity I feel so happy witnessing the succesful event. Teachers are so
happy watching for the intermission we prepared also for the student’s messages.
They keep on laughing, crying hearing the different inspirational message to their
beloved teachers. I am extremely happy experiencing those kinds of events, some of
my students also giving me flowers as their appreciation and respect of their
student teacher. It so overwhelming that was the best experience ever in my
student teacher journey.

3|Pre-Service Teaching learning Tasks

 After the activity,
 I learned that as a teacher I should involve myself to social activities in school, not only by
that but also as a good role model to the students. Because as I can see the teachers day
event there are some teachers did not attend the program, maybe because they know
thereself that rare student would appreciate the goodness of their attitude, and as I
observe some teachers has abundant of gift and flowers, maybe because he/she idolize the
students. It is counted, teachers skills, strategies in teaching and attitude is important.
Students learn from your academic lesson daily but the memorable is they also learn from
your inspirational advice and your actions not only your thoughts.

My Application (From theory to practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which activity promotes the love of the Filipino language in school?
A. Buwan ng mga Puso
B. Buwan ng Wika
C. Buwan ng Aklat
D. Buwan ng mga Nagkakaisang Bansa
2. To instill the importance of the right kind and amount of food among children, what
school activity must you plan?
A. Nutrition Month Celebration
B. United Nations Week Celebration
C. Literacy Week
D. Valentine’s Day Celebration
3. To instill cost-saving devices, what must you do, while preparing materials for the
school activity?
A. Get sponsors
B. Collect from your class
C. Use less materials and props
D. Commercially-made materials


4|Pre-Service Teaching learning Tasks

My Performance Task
PERFORMANCE TASK 1: List down the relevant school programs celebrated by your
Cooperating School. Complete the matrix below:
School Program Activities Learning Outcomes
Valentines Day

Buwan ng Wika

Nutrition Month The students need to recognize their

performance in extracurricular activities and
academic matter it helps them to motivate and
develop thier talents and skills to do more and
learn more.

Christmas Program

5|Pre-Service Teaching learning Tasks

PERFORMANCE TASK 2: What are other learning programs designed by the school to assist
students in their academic success?
Academic Programs Desired Learning Outcomes
Reading Habit The students will be able to read not only
Filipino textbook but also in English and
further to master reading.

PERFORMANCE TASK 3: Design a learning program using the given template.

I. TITLE of the Learning Program : Learning with Cooperation

II. Rationale : Student will be able to learn with their classmate

III. Specific Objectives : Students will share their knowledge with their partner _

IV. Conditions which prompted you to design the program: I design this to show how can
students socialize with the other ._

V. Persons Responsible / Duties and Responsibilities

Person Responsible Duties/Responsibilities

Implementation of learning
Teacher Approval of proposed learning.
Follow and participate the
learning program and activity.

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VI. Program of Activities : By the chosen year level students will go to the open place and
choose their partner and giving enough time to brainstorm and share each other then reflect
individually and after that they must share their idea to each other.

VII. Evaluation Instrument (Formulate your instrument to gauge the effectiveness of the

Criteria Beginner 1 Acceptable 2 Proficient 3

Process Skills Members do not Members Members always
demonstrate occasionally demonstrate
targeted process demonstrated targeted process
skills targeted process skills.
Time Members do not Members finish on Members finish
Management finish on time with time with ahead of time with
incomplete data. incomplete data. complete data.

Cooperation Members do not Members have Members are on

and Teamwork know their time defined task and have
and have no responsibilities defined
defined most of the time , responsibilities at
responsibilities. Group conflicts are all times. Group
Group conflicts cooperatively conflict are
have to be settled managed most of cooperatively
by their teacher. the time . manage at all

Neatness and Messy workplace Clean and orderly

teamwork during and after workplace with
the activity. occasional mess
during and after
the activity.


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My Learning Artifacts
Make a collage of the school’s learning programs and activities where you participated.

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School learning programs and activities are relevant to the student to the students
progress. It is equally important that each activity is meaningful, and ensures
student development and advancement through the unit. Activities should build on
previous activities and avoid being repetitive, they should enable students to
engage with and develop their skills, knowledge and understandings in different
ways. Meaningful activities engage students in active, constructive, intentional,
authentic, and cooperative ways.
Useful learning programs and activities are ones where the student is able to take what
they have learnt from engaging with the activity and use it in another context, or for
another purpose.

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

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Records, etc.)

My Scoring Rubric
INDICATORS Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet

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Standard of Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standards Standard

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance  has all the  has some aspects  has minimal  no aspect of work
Tasks aspects of work of work that aspects of work meets level of
that exceed level exceed level of that meet level of expectation.
of expectation expectation. expectation.  has errors,
 Shows  Demonstrates  with some errors omissions, and
exemplary solid and MASTERY is misconceptions
performance performance and not thorough
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers
Learning The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of
Artifacts evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
learning is/ are learning is/ are learning is/ are learning is/ are
aligned with aligned with SOME aligned with ONE NOT aligned with
learning of the learning of the learning the learning
outcomes. outcomes. outcomes. outcomes.
Creativity and The learning tasks The learning tasks The learning tasks The learning tasks
Resourcefulness are done very are done are done quite are poorly done
creatively and creatively and creatively and and need
resourcefully. resourcefully. resourcefully. improvement.
Submission of The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned
Requirements learning tasks are learning tasks are learning tasks are learning tasks are
submitted on or submitted on a submitted 2 days submitted 3 days
before the day after the after the deadline. or more after the
deadline. deadline. deadline.

Signature of Practicum Supervisor

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