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Writing 12: A Narrative

3. Write a sentence to complete the story

The strange howl came from a desert fox, who seemed very hungry and tired,
the fox wanted us to help it, so we let him into the cave and gave him some


4. Write a paragraph in your notebook telling a story about a mysterious

or frightening event at the place shown in the picture.

It was Edward's vacation, and in all the years

he never made a trip to another place, on the
advice of one of his friends he decided to
travel to Ancash to visit all the tourist places in
the region, and in the last days they would go
to Nevado Huascarán to skiing on snow. On
the first day in the Nevado Huascarán, Edward
and his friends managed to climb towards a
snow hill where they practiced a little skiing,
after a few hours of skiing, they decided to
climb a very steep snow hill, and from there
each one of the friends was going to rush
down the hill. The first person to jump was a
friend of Edward's and he did very well that he
got safely to the bottom of the hill, immediately the one who went down the hill
was Edward, but as it was his first time skiing he had trouble staying on his feet.
foot when he was falling, so he fell and that fall caused a small avalanche that
reached him and buried him under 50 cm of snow. Immediately all his friends
went to help him, and as a ski could be seen on the surface of the snow, then
his friends knew where exactly he was buried, so they dug up and managed to
remove him from under the snow with severe blows, but alive, so they took him
to a hospital to recover, and with that event Edward promised not to ski again

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