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Name: Hollman Gervit Moreno Diaz

Date: __15___/ __06___ / ___21___ Teacher:

Comparatives /
better the best

bad Superlatives
worse the worst

Complete with better, the best, worse or the worst.

1. The shops here are smashing! Surely they are better__ in town. ( good)

2. Yesterday the weather was bad but today it is even _worse_. It’s impossible to go out.


3. Dan likes sun and hot weather. So summer is _better_ season for him. (good)

4. But for Winnie it’s the opposite. Summer is _worst_ season of the year. ( bad)

5. Lucy has got very good marks. She’s _best_ in her class. (good)

6. John isn’t very good. Tim’s _better_ than him.(good)

7. Dan’s composition is very bad this time. But it was even _worst_ last week. (bad)

8. She is very rich. She buys clothes from _better_ shops.(good)

9. The hotel is awful. It’s _worse_ I ever stayed in. (bad)

10. Is your scooter _best_ than mine? (good) No, it’s _worst_. (bad)

11. I got disappointed. The music was worse_ I expected. (bad)

12. That was _better_ film I saw last year. (good)

13. This is a very bad hotel. It’s worse in town. (bad)

14. The weather is _best__ in Algarve ___best___ in the north. (good)

Irregular comparatives /

A - Complete the sentences with better, the best, worse or

the worst.

1. These jeans are no good. They are _worst_ than the other ones. (bad)

2. The shops here are smashing! Surely they are _ better in town. (good)

3. Yesterday the weather was bad but today it is even the worst_. It’s impossible to go

out. (bad)

4. Dan likes sun and hot weather. So summer is_the best_ season for him. (good)

5. But for Minnie it’s the opposite. Summer is worse_ season of the year. (bad)

6. Lucy has got very good marks. She’s _best_ in her class. (good)

7. John isn’t very good. Tim’s _better_ than him. (good)

8. Dan’s composition is very bad this time. But it was even _worse_ last week. (bad)

9. She is very rich. She buys clothes from _better_ shops. (good)

10. This hotel is awful. It’s the worst_ I have stayed in. (bad)

11. Is your scooter _better_ than mine? (good) No, it’s worse_. (bad)

12. I got disappointed. The music was _the worst_ than I expected. (bad)

13. That was the best film I saw last year. (good)

14. This is a very bad hotel. It’s _worst_ in town. (bad)

15. The weather is __________ in the Algarve than in the North. (good)

High higher highest Alto

Long Longer Longest Largo

Strong Stronger The strongest Fuerte

Hot Hotter Hottest Caliente

Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful Hermoso

Expensive More expensive Most expensive Costoso

Useful More useful The most useful Util

Bad Worse Worst Malo

Good Better Best Bueno

Grammar Review
Far Review Worksheet:
Worksheet: Comparative
Farther Comparative and Superlative
Farthest and Superlative
Complete the
the chart.
Wet Wetter Wettest Húmedo

Write 66 sentences
sentences using
using the
the comparative
comparative and
and superlative
superlative forms
forms of
of the
the adjectives.
1.1. books/interesting/films
books/interesting/films thethe books
books More
More interester
interester that
that the
the films
2. Iván/good football player/in the school Ivan_is_the best playest in
Iván/good football player/in the school Ivan_is_the best playest in the
the school
3. the Amazon/wide river/in the world _the wides Rive in the Word Is the Amazon__
the Amazon/wide river/in the world _the wides Rive in the Word Is the Amazon__
4. fruit and vegetables/healthy/sweets and chocolate the fruit an vegetables More
fruit and vegetables/healthy/sweets and chocolate the fruit an vegetables More healthy
healthy that
that the
sweets and chocolate
sweets and chocolate
elephants/heavy/horses thethe elephants
elephants more
more heavy
heavy that
that Horses
6. I’ve got/big feet/in the class I’ve got the most big feet un the clases
I’ve got/big feet/in the class I’ve got the most big feet un the clases

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