SOAL UTS Bhs Inggris Eksekutif

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HARI, TANGGAL : Jum,at, 9 April 2021
WAKTU : 20.00 – 21.00 (60 menit)
PENGUJI :Dr. Drs. Munsharif AC, SH.MH.


I. Garis Bawahi atau Tulis Dalam Lembar Jawan Kata Benda Yang Ada Dalam Bacaan Berikut !

As far as we know, the law began with the family. The father was the
head of the family, and the orders he gave, the rules of conduct made by him,
were the law. As family expanded and the members went out on their own,
the family group became known as a clan, subject to the rule of the man who
was selected to head it. Eventually, clans in the same area joined forces and
became members of a tribe. They chose a chief to head this larger group. The
chief of the tribe made rules or laws to govern the dealings of one clan with
another, but the head of the clan still made the laws for the family group. If a
tribal law was boken, the chief decided the guilt or innocence of the person
accused and fixed the punishment.

II. Jawablah Pertanyaan Di Bawah ini Dengan Jawaban Lengkap !

1. How many main words are there in English ?
2. How many nouns are there in English, what are they ?
3. What is concrete nouns ?
4. What word is Unissula ?
5. What is the function of nouns ?
6. Is Semarang adverbial word ?
7. What is proper nouns ?
8. How many verbs are there, what are they ?
9. What is invinitive ?
10.What is present tense ?
I. Garis Bawahi atau Tulis Dalam Lembar Jawan Kata Benda Yang Ada Dalam Bacaan Berikut !
As far as we know, the law began with the family. The father was the head of the family, and the
orders he gave, the rules of conduct made by him, were the law. As family expanded and the
members went out on their own, the family group became known as a clan, subject to the rule of
the man who was selected to head it. Eventually, clans in the same area joined forces and became
members of a tribe. They chose a chief to head this larger group. The chief of the tribe made
rules or laws to govern the dealings of one clan with another, but the head of the clan still made
the laws for the family group. If a tribal law was boken, the chief decided the guilt or innocence
of the person accused and fixed the punishment.

II. Jawablah Pertanyaan Di Bawah ini Dengan Jawaban Lengkap !

1. How many main words are there in English ? 5
2. How many nouns are there in English, what are they ? Concrete Noun, Common Noun,
Proper Noun, Collective Noun, Compound Noun, Countable Noun, Uncountable Noun
3. What is concrete nouns ? objects that are visible to the naked eye
4. What word is Unissula ?abbreviation
5. What is the function of nouns ? in place. Now, we usually need a preposition to describe a
6. Is Semarang adverbial word ? information from Semarang
7. What is proper nouns ? Noun
8. How many verbs are there, what are they ? Kata Kerja Dasar, Kata Kerja Turunan, Kata Kerja
Aktif, Kata Kerja Pasif, Kata Kerja Transitif, Kata Kerja Intransitif, Kata Kerja Benefaktif,
Kata Kerja Reflektif, Kata Kerja Resiprok
9. What is invinitive ? bentuk dasar dari kata kerja (verb)
10. What is present tense salah satu jenis bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
berbicara mengenai kebiasaan, kebenaran

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