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Now complete these future perfect sentences:

1 - By this time next year I will have ___ from university.

Graduated graduating graduation

2 - Will you have ___ enough money to study abroad next year?

Saves saved save saving

3 - Do you think you will have ___ childern by the time you are 30?

Been made given had

4 - They will ___ cooked dinner.

Have having had

5 - Do you think they ___ have received my letter by Thursday.

Will we is had

Negative questions (preguntas negativas)

Crea oraciones negativas usando las palabras dadas.

1. you / not / like her? ………………………………………………………………
2. you / not / have / any? ………………………………………………………………
3. it / not / be / good? ………………………………………………………………

Complete the Sentences with the 1st Conditional. (completa)

 If you (go) ……………………. out with your friends tonight,

I (watch) …………………….the football match on TV.
 I (earn) ……………………. a lot of money if I (get) ……………………. that job.
 If she (hurry / not) ……………………., we (miss) ……………………. the bus.

2nd Conditional
Now, complete the following sentences
(Note: I’d = I would. Please write I would below):

1. If I a million dollars, I ___________ you a house.

2. If I a million dollars, I ___________ you furniture for your house.
3. If I a million dollars, I_________________ a tree fort in our yard.
4. If we a tree fort, we ______________ a little tiny fridge
5. If we a tree fort, we_________________ there and
6. If I a million dollars, there _______________ foods laid
out for us.
3rd Conditional
1. If I had studied harder, I __________ my exam. 

a) would pass

b) would have passed

c) will pass

d) would passed

2. If you ___________ to the party, you would have seen me.

a) went

b) have gone

c) had gone

d) go

3. If she had listened to me, she _________ problems.

a) will not have

b) would not had

c) would not have

d) would not have had

4. I __________ milk at the store last night.

a) should buy

b) should bought

c) should have bought

d) should have buy

5. If he __________ the opportunity, he could have gone.

a) has

b) had

c) have had

d) had had

Commands, Requests and Exclamations

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