Ben and Holly Batch 2 Final

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Scene 1

Mime –Superheroes

Ben – Hello Everyone

Holly – Hi Ben

Ben – I am not Ben

Holly – Yes you are

Ben – When I put on my superhero costume, I am Elf man

Elf Man can run, and jump and fly

Jake and Barnaby – oooohhhh!!

Jake – We want to play Superheroes too

Barnaby – Can we be Superheroes please!

Holly –That’s not flying – This is flying.

Mime – flying

Ben – But I can fly in Elf Mobile

Liz – That’s just Gaston

Ben – No It’s the Elf Mobile – The Elf Mobile can go on land,
Sea or Air

Liz- Wow we can be superheroes too!!

Everyone- Yes

Holly – I’ll be the Fairy Girl

Liz – I’ll be the Elf Boy

Jake- I’ll be captain Crazy

Barnaby – I’ll be the strongest boy in this world

Jake –I’ll be the strongest

Barnaby – Hey I’ll be the strongest

Jake – I!!

Barnaby – I! !

Jake - I’ll turn you into a frog!

Barnaby – I’ll turn you into a pig!

Liz – Relax boys! You can together be “The Strongest” duo

Strawberry – Superb! We can all do nice things and help


Jake – Hang on! We can’t all be goodies

Barnaby – Yes, someone has to be a baddie

Ben – You know a super villain

Everyone – ooooohhhh!!

Strawberry – Can I be the Super villain?

Ben – ok Strawberry

Strawberry – Do I help people too?

Holly – No you have to try and take over the world

Strawberry – The whole world?

Jake – Well maybe we can start with the little kingdom – I

love being a baddy

Barnaby – Yeah! We are the bad guys!

Holly – and we’ll try and Stop you!

Strawberry – Ok, I’ll be the Ice Queen, Strawberry ice cream!

Mwah ha ha ha

Holly – Eh Eh …. Strawberry ice cream? Yum Yum!

Strawberry – Ice Queen not Cream

Jake – Super villains have a gang, we’ll be the gang

Barnaby – The Bad gang

Liz – It’ll be the good gang against the bad gang

Holly – The Goodies will win

Strawberry – The Baddies will win!

Ben – Let’s go Goody gang

Liz – Do your worst Ice Cream!! Hehehe

Scene 2

Strawberry – What bad can we do?

Mime – The idea

Jake – You are the Ice Queen may be you should make it a bit

Strawberry – Good idea

Everyone starts shivering

Barnaby – It’s too chilly

Strawberry – that’s because I am the Ice cream ..oops I mean Ice

Queen Mu ha ha ha

Narrator – Strawberry Ice Queen waves her magic wand and

soon the whole world of the little kingdom is covered in deep
deep snow.

Scene 3

Liz – Snow in July! That’s ridiculous. It must be magic. I Must go

to Elf man and fairy girl.

Mime –

Liz - Help!! Help!! The little Kingdom is covered in snow

Holly – Aaahh!! This is the work of super villain

Ben – Do not fear, we will take care of it! But we must keep our
identities secret!

Narrator- The Goodie gang is flying to Strawberry Ice Queen’s

secret hideout – a huge sparkling palace made of ice!

Mime –

Scene 4

Strawberry – Muwah haha… the whole of the little kingdom is

freezing cold

Jake – Brrrr… even in here

Strawberry – My bottom is freezing cold sitting on this ice


Barnaby – You can be the sunshine Queen instead…Brrrr

Strawberry – Its too late now – I am the Strawberry Ice Queen.


Holly – Not so fast Strawberry Ice Queen

Strawberry – What brings you here?

Ben & Holly – We’ve come to stop you Ice Queen!

Strawberry – You can’t stop me –I am the Strawberry ice Queen

Muwah haha

Jake – Come on Ice Queen – Its freezing out here

Barnaby – Yeah and I can hardly blink my eyes !!

Liz – The grown ups are a little bit cross about all the freezing

Strawberry – oops are they?

Jake and Barnaby – Are we in trouble

Ben – I don’t think we are in trouble as long as the game is over

Strawberry – Ok, Do I win?

Holly – No the goodies win

Strawberry – not fair, you’re stuck in ice.

Holly – ok, you win!!

Bad Gang – Hurray!!

Strawberry – That’s better, My bottom was freezing, sitting on

that icy throne.

Holly – Oh Good, the sun has come out again.

Ben- Yes the little kingdom has been saved.

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