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BAB y does not vary directly as x because the value of
Ubahan x
1 Variation
is not a constant.

x 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.4

1. (a) (i) Bilangan hari menyimpan berkurang dua
kali ganda. y 0.16 1.00 2.56 5.76 7.84
The number of days saving decreases by two y
times. 4 4 4 4 4
Bilangan hari menyimpan bertambah
80%. y berubah secara langsung dengan x2 kerana
The number of days saving increases by 80%. y
nilai 2 ialah pemalar. Maka, y  x2.
x y
2. y varies directly as x2 because the value of is a
Ubahan Persamaan x2
constant. Thus, y  x . 2
Variation Equation
4. (a) y
(a) p  q3 p = kq3 x3 y
1 1 8 0.04
st 2
s = kt 2
(b) 0.4
s  
t s = k
t 27 0.14
(c) Cj C = kj 64 0.32
1 1
w  h3 w = kh 3 91 0.46
(d) 0.1
w  3 w = k 
h h
(e) v  q2 v = kq2 O 20 40 60 80 100

Benar kerana graf garis lurus melalui asalan.

3. (a) True because the straight line graph passes through
x 216 343 729 1 728 2 197 the origin.
y 12 14 18 24 26 (b)
2 2 2 2 2 
x y

y berubah secara langsung dengan 3x kerana 5 17.5

nilai 3 ialah pemalar. Maka, y  3x. 8 22
x 15
y varies directly as 3
x because the value of 3 is a
x 10 25 10
constant. Thus, y  3x.

(b) 5
x 2 3 4 6 7
y 4 6 12 18 21 √x
O 2 4 6 8 10
x 2 2 3 3 3 Tidak benar kerana graf garis lurus tidak
y tidak berubah secara langsung dengan x melalui asalan.
Not true because the straight line graph does not pass
kerana nilai bukan pemalar. through the origin.

J1 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

5. (a) y  x Apabila / When p = 12,

y = kx 12 = 3q2
Gantikan nilai y = 6 dan x = 3, q2 =
Substitute the values of y = 6 and x = 3, = 4
6 = k(3) q = ±4
6 q = 2 atau / or –2
k =
=2 (b) v  
∴  y = 2x v = k

(b) y  x3 Gantikan nilai

y = kx3 Substitute the values of
v = 10 dan / and w = 25,
Gantikan nilai y = 16 dan x = 2,
Substitute the values of y = 16 and x = 2, 10 = k25
16 = k(23) 10
k = 
k = 16 25
23 = 2
= 2
∴  y = 2x3 ∴  v = 2

(c) y  
x Apabila / When v = 12,
y = k
x 12 = 2w
w =
Gantikan nilai y = 18 dan x = 196 2
Substitute the values of y = 18 and x = 196, = 6
w = 62
18 = k(196) = 36
k =
196 7.
Ubahan Persamaan
= Variation Equation
9  (a) y  x2z3 y = kx2z3
∴  y = x
(b) y  x3z y = kx3
6. (a) p  q 2

p = kq2 (c) y  (x )(3z ) y = k(x )(3z )

Gantikan nilai (d) p  q3r p = kq3r

Substitute the values of
p = 27 dan / and q = 3, 8. (a) y  xz2
y = kxz2
27 = k(32)
27 Gantikan nilai
k = 2 Substitute the values of
= 3
y = 1.2, x = 48 dan / and z = 1
∴  p = 3q2 1 2
1.2 = k(48)  
k = 2
(48) 1
 
= 1.6
∴  y = 1.6xz2

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Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(b) y  x
z Apabila / When u = 200, v = 125,
y = kx z 200 = 5(3
Gantikan nilai 
w = 3
5( 
Substitute the values of
= 8
y = 40.32, x = 3.2 dan / and z = 0.49
w = 82
40.32 = k(3.2)
0.49 = 64
k = 40.32
0.49 10. (a) (i) G  t 2
= 18 G = kt 2

∴  y = 18x
z Gantikan nilai
Substitute the values of
9. (a) e  
fg 3 G = 128 dan / and t = 8,
e = k
f g3 128 = k(8)2
Gantikan nilai k = 2
Substitute the values of
= 2
e = 512, f = 16 dan / and g = 4
∴  G = 2t 2
512 = k(
512 (ii) Apabila / When t = 9,
k =
= 2 G = 2(9)2
= 162
∴  e = 2
f g3
Maka jumlah upah ialah RM162 jika dia
Apabila / When e = 1 750, g = 5, bekerja selama 9 jam.
1 750 = 2(
f )(5)3 Thus, the total wages is RM162 if he works for 9
1 750 hours.
f =
= 7 (iii) Apabila / When G = 84.5,
f = 72 84.5 = 2(t 2)
= 49 84.5
t 2 =
(b) u  3
v 
w = 42.25
3 
u=k v w t =  42.25
= 6.5
Gantikan nilai Maka, dia bekerja selama 6.5 jam.
Substitute the values of
Thus, he works for 6.5 hours.
u = 180, v = 64 dan / and w = 81
(b) (i) H  AT
180 = k(364)(81) H = kAT
k = 3 Gantikan nilai
( 
Substitute the values of
= 5
H = 63.18, A = 2.16 dan / and T = 7.5,
∴  u = 5(3v )(
63.18 = k(2.16)(7.5)
k =
= 3.9
∴  H = 3.9AT

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(ii) A = 2.1 × 1.8 = 3.78 14. (a) y berubah secara songsang dengan  x kerana
T = 307 – 299 = 8 graf y melawan 1 ialah garis lurus yang
H = 3.9(3.78)(8) bermula daripada asalan.
= 117.94 Watts y varies inversely as 
x because the graph of y against
1 is a straight line that starts from the origin.
(iii) Perubahan kehilangan haba
The change in the heat loss (b) y tidak berubah secara songsang dengan x3
= 0.95 × 1.10 kerana graf y melawan 13 bukan garis lurus
= 1.045 x
yang bermula daripada asalan.
Bertambah 4.5%. y does not vary inversely as x3 because the graph of
Increase 4.5%. y against 13 is not a straight line that starts from the
11. (a) (i) Masa yang diambil bertambah tiga kali
15. (a) y  1
The time taken increases by three times. x
y = k
(ii) Masa yang diambil berkurang 80%. 
The time taken decreases by 80%.
Gantikan nilai y = 3 dan x = 16
12. Substitute the values of y = 3 and x = 16,
Ubahan Persamaan k
Variation Equation 3 =
1 k k = 3 × 
(a) d d=
t2 t2 = 12

k ∴  y = 12
(b) j
3 

1 k (b) y  13
(c) t t= x
a a
y  k3
13. (a) x 0.4 0.5 2.0 2.5 Gantikan nilai y = 108 dan x = 2,
y 37.5 19.2 0.3 0.1536 Substitute the values of y = 108 and x = 2,
yx 3
2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 108 =
k = 108 × 23
y berubah secara songsang dengan x3 kerana = 864
nilai yx3 ialah pemalar. Maka, y  13 . 864
x ∴  y =
y varies inversely as x3 because the value of yx3 is a x3
constant. Thus, y  13 .
x 16. (a) d  13
(b) x 2.56 4 16 25 d = k3
y 122.5 98 49 32.5
Gantikan nilai
yx 196 196 196 162.5 Substitute the values of
d = 72 dan / and m = 2
y tidak berubah secara songsang dengan 
72 = k3
kerana nilai y
x bukan pemalar. 2
y does not vary inversely as 
x because the value of k = 72 × 23
x is not a constant. = 576
∴  d = 3

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Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Apabila / When d = 9, (b) (i) s  1

576 n
9 =
m3 s= k
576 n
m3 =
9 Gantikan / Substitute
= 64 s = 345, n = 1,
m = 3
345 = k
= 4 1
k = 345
(b) y  1
∴  s = 345
k n
(ii) Apabila / When s = 230,
Gantikan nilai 230 = 345
Substitute the values of n
y = 3 dan / and x = 36, n = 345
k 230
3 =
36 = 1.5
k = 3 × 
= 18 18. Ubahan Persamaan
Variation Equation
∴  y = 18
x e 3
(a) d d=
3 f
Apabila / When x = 81,
y = 18 p
81 (b) s2 s2
x2 kx2
(c) w w=
v v
17. (a) (i) p  1
x(3z) kx(3z)
(d) s=
p= k s
t2 t2
Gantikan / Substitute 19. (a) y  x3

p = 40, q = 300, z
y = kx3
40 = k
300 z
k = 40 × 300
Gantikan nilai
= 12 000 Substitute the values of
∴  p = 12 000 y = 16, x = 6 dan / and z = 3,
16 = k(6)

(ii) Apabila / When p = 1 200, 3 3

16 × 33
1 200 = 12 000 k =
12 000 = 12
q =
1 200 12x2
∴  y =
= 10 z3

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Apabila z = 2 dan y = 37.5, (ii) Apabila n = 5 600 dan x = 40,

When z = 2 and y = 37.5, When n = 5 600 and x = 40,
37.5 = 3 40 = 16(5 600)
2 35d
37.5 × 23 d = 16(5 600)
x =
12 35(40)
= 25 = 64
x = ± 25
x = 5 atau / or –5 Maka, bilangan hari bekerja ialah 64 hari.
Hence, the number of working days is 64 days.
(b) L 
r (b) (i) R  p2
kpq2 d
r R = kp2
Gantikan nilai
Substitute the values of Gantikan nilai
L = 30, p = 4, q = 2, r = 12 Substitute the value of
R = 3, p = 25, d = 4.5,
k(4)(2)2 k(25)
30 =
12 3 =
30 × 12
k = 3 × 4.5
k =
4 × 22 25
= 22.5 = 2.43
22.5pq2 2.43p
∴  L = ∴  R =
r d2
Apabila L = 86.4, q = 4 dan r = 25, (ii) Apabila R = 22.5, p = 30,
When L = 86.4, q = 4 and r = 25, When R = 22.5, p = 30,
86.4 = 22.5 = 2.43(30)
25 d2
86.4 × 25
p =
22.5 × 42 d2 = 2.43(30)
= 6
= 3.24
20. (a) (i) x  n d =  3.24
d = 1.8
x= kn
d (iii) Gunakan wayar yang lebih pendek untuk
Gantikan nilai x = 80, n = 4 200 dan d = 24, menurunkan rintangan wayar itu kerana
Substitute the value of x = 80, n = 4 200 and nilai R adalah berubah secara langsung
d = 24, dengan nilai p.
k(4 200) Use a shorter wire to decrease the resistance of
80 = the wire because the value of R varies directly as
80 × 24 the value of p.
k =
4 200
= 16
∴  x =
35d Kertas 1

1. g  12
Jawapan / Answer : C

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Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Apabila / When W = 4, X = 6, Y = 27,

2. I  j 3 k(6)
4 = 3
I = kj 3 
k = I3 4 × 3
j k=
Jawapan / Answer : B = 2
∴  W = 32X
3. P  Q
P = kQ Apabila / When W = 16, X = 4, Y = p,
32 = k(8) 2(4)
16 = 3
k =
32 p
8 3 8
= 4 p =
∴ P = 4Q = 1
Jawapan / Answer : C
p = 1

2 
4. x 3 4 5 6 7 = 1
y 45 80 125 180 245
y Jawapan / Answer : A
5 5 5 5 5
y3 y3
7. x   atau / or x  1

∴  y = 5x2 z z2

Jawapan / Answer : C Jawapan / Answer : C

1 8.
G  V
5. y 
3x + 4
G = kV
y= k p = kq
3x + 4 p
3 = k k = q
3(2) + 4
k = 30   = 8
30 ∴  G = 8V
∴  y =
3x + 4
Apabila / When G = 72, V = r,
Apabila / When y = –15,
72 = 8(r)
–15 = 72
3x + 4 r =
30 = 9
3x + 4 =
= –2 Jawapan / Answer : A
x = –2
Jawapan / Answer : C Kertas 2
1. (a) t 
6. W  3 X k
Y t =
W = 3kX


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  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Gantikan nilai t = 2.75, w = 4, (b) Beza harga kos

Substitute the values of t = 2.75, w = 4, Difference in cost price
k 82 52
2.75 = = −
4 4 4
k = 2.75 × 4 = 11 = RM9.75
∴  t =
(b) Apabila / When w = 10,
Sudut KBAT
t =
= 1.1 jam / hours A  j(j + t)
= 66 minit / minutes A = kj(j + t)
1 069.64 = k(7.7)(7.7 + 14.4)
2. (a) C  j2 k = 44
C = kj2 7
44j(j + t)
Gantikan nilai C = 9 dan j = 6, ∴  A =
Substitute the values of C = 9 and j = 6,
9 = k(6)2 Apabila / When A = 645.48, j = 6.3
k = 92 645.48 = 44(6.3)(6.3 + t)
6 7
= 6.3 + t = 645.48 × 7
4 44 × 6.3
j2 = 16.3
∴  C =
4 t = 10

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Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

5. (a) 4 + p = 10 7 = 7r
Matriks p = 6 r = 1
2 Matrices
6 = 5 + 2q 4s = 16
13 11 2q = 1 s = 4
1. (a) 13 8 10   atau / or  8 12
q =
11 12 6 10 6 2
0 28 35 (b) 4p = 8 3
(b) 28 0 32 = 5s – 3
p = 2 2
35 32 0 3 = 2(5s – 3)
9 = 3q 10s – 6 = 3
2. q = 3 10s = 9
Bilangan Bilangan
Peringkat 6r = 12s 9
baris lajur s =
Number of Number of Order r = 2 10
rows columns
1 3 2 –4
(a) 3 1 3×1 6. (a)  + 
0 –8 9 3
(b) 3 2 3×2 + 2 3 + (–4)
0 + 9 –8 + 3
(c) 2 2 2×2
3 –1
(d) 1 4 1×4 9 –5

(e) 2 4 2×4 (b) [6  1] + [2  –9]

= [6 + 2  1 + (–9)]
= [8  –8]
3. (a) b22 = –2 b11 = 2
b24 = 1 b34 = 3 5 2
2 (c)  + 
b14 = 5 2 –3
b31 = 4
b32 = 5 5+2
b13 = –3 =
2 + (–3)
(b) c42 = 2.8 c21 = 0
c44 = 0 c43 = –1.0 =
c34 = 0.1 c13 = 4.2
c14 = 0.2 c42 = 2.8
3 –1 3 –4
(d)  + 
4. (a) A = B kerana peringkat matriks adalah sama 2 –3 4 –2
dan setiap unsur adalah sepadan. 3 + 3 –1 + (–4)
A = B because the matrices have the same order and =
2 + 4 –3 + (–2)
each corresponding element is equal.
6 –5
(b) A ≠ B kerana unsur yang sepadan adalah tidak =
6 –5
A ≠ B because the corresponding element is not equal. 2 1 3 –2
(e) 3 0  +  4 5
(c) A ≠ B kerana peringkat matriks adalah tidak –6 –7 1 –5
A ≠ B because the matrices do not have the same 2 + 3 1 + (–2)
order. 3 + 4
=  0+5
–6 + 1 –7 + (–5)
5 –1
7 5
–5 –12

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7 –3 –4 8 4 5 15 – 1
(f) 2 –1  +  1 0 (c) 8  –  2
5 6 –5 –3 12
– 7 3
5 5
7 + (–4) –3 + 8 5 – – 1
2 + 1
=  –1 + 0
4 – 15
8  2 
5 + (–5) 6 + (–3) 3
– 12 – 7 – (–8)
3 5 5 5
3 –1
=  –11 9
0 3 = 8
–3 15
(g) 2 –6 3  +  1 –1 5 1 –4 –1 5
10 4 0 2 3 –4 (d)  – 
3 5 3 –4
2 + 1 –6 + (–1) 3 + 5
=  1 – (–1) – 4 – 5
10 + 2 4 + 3 0 + (–4) =
3 – 3 5 – (–4)
3 –7 8
=  2 –9
12 7 –4 =
0 9
(h) 7 –5 1  +  6 –6 1
11 3 2 3 5 0 (e) 5 0 3  –  –2 –1 1
7 + 6 –5 + (–6) 1+1 1 –4 –4 –3 4 6
11 + 3 3 + 5 2+0 5 – (–2) 0 – (–1) 3 – 1
1 – (–3) –4 – 4 –4 – 6
13 –11 2
14 8 2 7 1 2
4 –8 –10
7 0 1 4 6 –1
(i) –1 –2 5  +  –1 8 –3 9 0 3 5
2 3 –1 7 10 –5 (f) –2 3  –  –1 2
7 1 2 4
7 + 4 0 + 6 1 + (–1)
–1 + (–1) –2 + 8 5 + (–3)
=  9 – 3 0 – 5
2 + 7 3 + 10 –1 + (–5) –2 – (–1) 3 – 2
7 – 2 1 – 4
11 6 0
–2 6 2 6 –5
9 13 –6 –1 1
5 –3

3 1
7. (a)  –  2 –3 5 –1
–4 6
(g) 1 –5  –  –2 3
3–1 6 9 0 6
–4 – 6 2 – 5 –3 – (–1)
2 =  1 – (–2) –5 – 3
= 6 – 0 9–6

(b) [5  6] – [3  –2] –3 –2

= [5 – 3  6 – (–2)] 3 –8
= [2  8] 6 3

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Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

10 8 7 0 4 –4 15 –25
1 –10 5
(h) –1 2 1  –  3 1 –5 (b)
5 –1 9 –2 6 –1 5 10 –20

10 – 0 8 – 4 7 – (–4) 1 1
–1 – 3 2 – 1 1 – (–5)
=  5 5
5 – (–2) –1 – 6 9 – (–1) = 1 (–10) 1
5 5
10 4 11 1 1
(10) (–20)
–4 1 6
=  5 5
7 –7 10
3 –5
= –2 1
8. (a) [x 4 y + 2] + [–2  –5  6] = [0  –1  11]
2 –4
[x – 2  4 – 5  y + 2 + 6] = [0  –1  11]
[x – 2  –1  y + 8] = [0  –1  11] 10 16 2
1 –4 4 –6
(c) –
x – 2 = 0   , y + 8 = 11 2 1 –8 14
x = 2 y = 3
– 1 (10) – 1 (16) – 1 (2)
2 2 2
(b) 3 x –1  +  5 –1 0 = 8 –3 –1 1 1 1
–4 5 6 y –9 –2 –2 –4 4 = – (–4) – (4) – (–6)
2 2 2

3 + 5 x + (–1) –1 + 0
8 –3 –1 – 1 (1) – 1 (–8) – 1 (14)
–4 + y 5 + (–9) 6 + (–2) –2 –4 4 2 2 2
8 x – 1 –1 8 –3 –1 –5 –8 –1
y – 4 –4 4 –2 –4 4 2 –2 3
= 1
x – 1 = –3   , y – 4 = –2 – 4 –7
x = –2 y = 2
11 4 1 –2
1 x 3 –2 (d)  +5
(c) 4 3  –   =  –5 3 2 3
1 –2 – y –4 –3 5 7
11 + 5(1) 4 + 5(–2)
4 – 1 3–x 3 –2 =
= –5 + 5(2) 3 + 5(3)
1 – (–4) –2 – y – (–3) 5 7
16 –6
3 3–x 3 –2 =
= 5 18
5 1–y 5 7
3 – x = –2   , 1 – y = 7 –3 –4
(e) –2 +
x = 5 y = –6 2 3
–2(–3) + (–4)
1 =
9. (a) 16 0 –12 –2(2) + 3
4 4 –8 20
1 1 1 =
(16) (0) (–12) –1
4 4 4
1 1 1 (f) 1 0 2  + (–1) –1 –0.3 –1
(4) (–8) (20) 2 –1 3 2 –2 –4
4 4 4
1 + 1 0 + 0.3 2+1
4 0 –3 = 
= 2 – 2 –1 + 2 3+4
1 –2 5
2 0.3 3
0 1 7

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x –4 15 6 –3 4
10. (a) –3  =  (d)
4 y –8 2 5 –2
x + 12 15 (6)(4) + (–3)(–2)
=  = 
4 – 3y –8 (2)(4) + (5)(–2)
x + 12 = 15   , 4 – 3y = –8 30
x = 3 3y = 12 = 
y = 4
0 8 2 –3
10 –7 y –2 6 –3 (e)
(b) 6 1 7 3
  –2  = 
x –3 3 –3 –10 3
(0)(2) + (8)(7) (0)(–3) + (8)(3)
10 – 2y –7 + 4 6 –3 = 
=  (6)(2) + (1)(7) (6)(–3) + (1)(3)
x – 6 –3 + 6 –10 3
56 24
10 – 2y –3 6 –3 = 
=  19 –15
x – 6 3 –10 3
3 –4 0 2
x – 6 = –10   , 10 – 2y = 6 (f)
6 2 –4 5
x = –4 2y = 4
y = 2 (3)(0) + (–4)(–4) (3)(2) + (–4)(5)
(6)(0) + (2)(–4) (6)(2) + (2)(5)
2 x 1 16 –14
(c) (–2) y + 2  +  –7  =  –13 = 
–8 22
–2 4 8
–4 + x 1 (g) 1 8 –4 –5
–2y – 4 – 7 =  –13 3 –1 2 –1
4+4 8 (1)(3) + (8)(–5) + (–4)(–1)
x–4 1 (3)(3) + (–1)(–5) + (2)(–1)
–2y – 11 =  –13 –33
8 8 = 

x – 4 = 1   , –2y – 11 = –13 1 –1 4 2

x = 5 2y = 2 (h) 6 5 –2 –9
y = 1 4 –7 3 3
(1)(2) + (–1)(–9) + (4)(3)
11. (a) [–4  1] (6)(2) + (5)(–9) + (–2)(3)
(4)(2) + (–7)(–9) + (3)(3)
(–2)(–4) (–2)(1)
=  23
(3)(–4) (3)(1)
8 –2 80
–12 3
(b) [4  –1]
5 12. (a) [2  y  –4] = 6 3 –12
–6 x 8 4 –16

=  [(4)(5) + (–1)(–6)] 3(2) 3y 3(–4)  =  6 3 –12

= [26] 2x xy –4x 8 4 –16
6 3y –12  =  6 3 –12
2 5 2x xy –4x 8 4 –16
(c) [3  1]
–1 3
= 8  , 3y = 3
=  [(3)(2) + (1)(–1)   (3)(5) + (1)(3)] x = 4 y = 1
= [5  18]

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J12

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

–3 2 15. (a) AB
(b) [x 2]  = [19  –8] 2 –1
5 y 3 2
[–3x + 10  2x + 2y] = [19  –8]
Gantikan x = –3
5 4 – 5 3
2 2
–3x + 10 = 19   ,   2x + 2y = –8 6 – 5 –3 + 3
3x = –9 2(–3) + 2y = –8 =
10 – 10 –5 + 6
x = –3 2y = –2
1 0
y = –1 =
0 1
7 x –1 y 11 11 BA
(c)  = 
–4 2 –3 4 –2 –12 2 –1
3 2
–7 – 3x 7y + 4x 11 11 = 5 3
 =  – 5 4
–2 –4y + 8 –2 –12 2 2
–7 – 3x = 11  , –4y + 8 = –12 6 – 5 4–4
3x = –18 4y = 20 = 15 15
– + –5 + 6
x = –6 y = 5 2 2
1 0
5 3 1 0 =
13. (a) PQ = 0 1
–4 6 0 1
AB = BA = I
5 + 0 0+3 Maka, B ialah matriks songsang bagi matriks A.
–4 + 0 0+6 Hence, B is the inverse matrix of matrix A.
5 3
= (b) AB
–4 6
Q ialah matriks identiti kerana PQ = P. –3 1 –1 – 2
Q is an identity matrix because PQ = P. =
4 –2 3
–2 –
5 4 –1 0 2
(b) PQ = 3 3
–2 –3 0 –1 3 – 2 –
= 2 2
–5 + 0 0 – 4 –4 + 4 –2 + 3
2 + 0 0 + 3

–5 –4 1 0
= =
2 3 0 1

Q bukan matriks identiti kerana PQ ≠ P. BA

Q is not an identity matrix because PQ ≠ P. 1
–1 – –3 1
= 2
14. (a) I(E – F) 3 4 –2
–2 –
=  IE – IF 2
=  E–F 3 – 2 –1 + 1
3 –2 6 –4 =
=   –  6 – 6 –2 + 3
–1 4 5 –2
–3 2 1 0
=  =
–6 6 0 1

(b) IF – IE AB = BA = I
=  F–E Maka, B ialah matriks songsang bagi matriks A.
6 –4 3 –2 Hence, B is the inverse matrix of matrix A.
=   – 
5 –2 –1 4
3 –2
6 –6

J13 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(c) AB 1 2 –2
5 3 –5 –2 (d) B –1 =
= (7)(2) – (2)(5) –5 7
–2 6 3 –6
2 –2
–25 + 9 –10 – 18 = 1
= 4 –5 7
10 + 18 4 – 36
1 1
–16 –28 –
= = 2 2
28 –32 5 7

4 4
AB ≠ I
Maka, B bukan matriks songsang bagi matriks 1 3 2
(e) S –1 =
A. (1)(3) – (–2)(6) –6 1
Hence, B is not the inverse matrix of matrix A.
3 2
= 1
16. (a) ad − bc = (2)(4) − (−3)(3) 15 –6 1
= 17 ≠ 0 1 2

= 5 15
∴ Matriks songsang wujud. 2 1
Inverse matrix exists. –
5 15
(b) ad − bc = (8)(–2) − (−4)(4) 1 –6 4
(f) D –1 =
= 0 (3)(–6) – (–4)(5) –5 3
–6 4
∴ Matriks songsang tidak wujud. = 1
Inverse matrix does not exist. 2 –5 3
–3 2
1 2 0
17. (a) R –1 = = 5 3
(3)(2) – (0)(–1) 1 3 –
2 2
2 0
= 1 18. (a) ad − bc = 0
6 1 3
(4)(−5) − (−2)(m) = 0
0 −20 + 2m = 0
= 3 2m = 20
1 1
m = 10
6 2
1 –5 –4 (b) ad − bc = 0
(b) L–1 =
(–3)(–5) – (4)(5) –5 –3 (m)(4) − (5)(–2) = 0
–5 –4 4m + 10 = 0
=– 1 4m = –10
5 –5 –3 5
m = –
4 2
= 5 3 2
3 19. (a) A ialah matriks songsang bagi .
1 9 5
3 2
1 2 –1 A is the inverse matrix of .
(c) M–1 = 9 5
(6)(2) – (1)(13) –13 6
1 5 –2
2 –1 A = —————
= (–1) 3(5) – 2(9) –9 3
–13 6
=–— 1 5 –2
–2 1 3 –9 3
13 –6
5 —
– — 2
= 3 3
3 –1

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J14

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

6 –1 x 16 7 –2 x 18
20. (a) = (d) =
7 2 y 25 8 –3 y 17
2 3 x 4 x 1 –3 2 18
(b) = =
6 5 y 20 y (7)(–3) – (–2)(8) –8 7 17
4 –1 x –11 –54 + 34
(c) = = – 1
–1 13 y –13 5 –144 + 119
–3 2 x –8 = – 1
(d) =
1 –4 y 6 5 –25
2 –3 x 13 5
21. (a) =
1 –4 y 9 ∴  x = 4, y = 5
x 1 –4 3 13
= 2 3 x 5
y (2)(–4) – (–3)(1) –1 2 9 (e) =
4 7 y 13
–52 + 27
= – 1 x 1 7 –3 5
5 –13 + 18 =
y (2)(7) – (3)(4) –4 2 13
= – 1 = 1
35 – 39
5 5 2 –20 + 26
5 = 1
–1 2 6

∴  x = 5, y = −1 –2
–2 1 x 16 ∴  x = –2, y = 3
(b) =
5 4 y –14
x 4 –1 16 22. (a) Katakan / Let
= 1
y x = harga sebuah buku / price of a book
(–2)(4) – (1)(5) –5 –2 –14
y = harga sebatang pen / price of a pen
64 + 14
= – 1
13 –80 + 28 (i) 3x + 4y = 26
= – 1 x−y=4
13 –52
–6 (ii)
4 3 4 x 26
∴  x = –6, y = 4 1 –1 y 4
x 1 –1 –4 26
3 –4 x 12 =
(c) = y (3)(–1) – (4)(1) –1 3 4
1 –1 y 5
–26 – 16
= – 1
x 1 –1 4 12 7 –26 + 12
y (3)(–1) – (–4)(1) –1 3 5 –42
= – 1
–12 + 20 7 –14
–12 + 15 6
8 2
3 Oleh itu, harga sebuah buku ialah RM6
∴  x = 8, y = 3 dan harga sebatang pen ialah RM2.
Thus, the price of a book is RM6 and the price of
a pen is RM2.

J15 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(b) (i) Katakan / Let

x = bilangan orang guru / number of teachers PRAKTIS SPM 2
y = bilangan orang murid / number of pupils
Kertas 1
x + y = 40 1. ad – bc = 0
70x + 50y = 2 200 (8)(2) – (–1)(x) =0
16 + x = 0
(ii) x = –16
1 1 x 40
= Jawapan / Answer : A
70 50 y 2 200
x 1 50 –1 40
= 2. P Q = R
y (1)(50) – (1)(70) –70 1 2 200
2 × 3 m × 4
2 000 – 2 200
= – 1 ∴  m = 3
20 –2 800 + 2 200
Jawapan / Answer : B
= – 1
20 –600
–2 –5 3 6
10 3. P + =
= 3 1 2 0
3 6 –2 –5
P = –
2 0 3 1
Oleh itu, terdapat 10 orang guru dan 30
orang murid yang menyertai lawatan 5 1
sambil belajar itu. –1 –1
Thus, there are 10 teachers and 30 pupils who
joined the study tour. Jawapan / Answer : D

(c) (i) y = x + 3 − 4 2
y = x − 1 15 0 1 –
4. – 2Q = 5 5
x − y = 1 …   8 –7 4 –5

2(x + 3) + 2y = 32 2
15 0 1 –
2x + 6 + 2y = 32 2Q = –5 5
8 –7 4 –5
2x + 2y = 26 …  
15 0 5 –2
= –
8 –7 20 –25

10 2
1 –1 x 1 =
= –12 18
2 2 y 26
5 1
x 1 2 1 1 = 2
= –6 9
y (1)(2) – (–1)(2) –2 1 26 5 1
Q =
–6 9
2 + 26
= 1
4 –2 + 26
Jawapan / Answer : C
= 1
4 24

∴ x = 7, y = 6

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J16

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

3 0 3 –2 Kertas 2
–2 1 1 3 1. (a) Matriks songsang / Inverse matrix
9 + 0 –6 + 0 1 11 –3
= =
–6 + 1 4+3 (4)(11) – (3)(8) –8 4

9 –6 1 11 –3
= —–
= 20 –8 4
–5 7
Jawapan / Answer : B 11 – 3
20 20
– 1
6. 5(45.00) + 4(34.40) = x
5 5
6(45.00) + 7(34.40) = y
Dalam bentuk matriks / In matrix form : (b) Katakan harga sebatang pen merah ialah RMx
5 4 45.00 x dan harga sebatang pen biru ialah RMy.
6 7 34.40 y Let the price of a red pen is RMx and the price of a blue
pen is RMy.
Jawapan / Answer : C 4x + 3y = 4
8x + 11y = 11
7. Daripada / From
4 3 x 4
ad – bc = (4)(–3) – (6)(1), =
8 11 y 11
4 6
M= x
1 –3 = —1 11 –3 4
y 20 –8 4 11
1 –3 –6
M–1 =
(4)(–3) – (6)(1) –1 4 1 11
= —
∴ r = –3, s = –1 20 12
Jawapan / Answer : A =

3 –1 –5 –6 –10 1 Maka, harga sebatang pen merah ialah RM0.55
8. 2 –3 +
5 4 2 4 9 –8 dan harga sebatang pen biru ialah RM0.60.
6 + 15 – 10 –2 + 18 + 1 Thus, the price of a red pen is RM0.55 and the price of
a blue pen is RM0.60.
10 – 6 + 9 8 – 12 – 8
11 17
= 2. Katakan harga satu rim kertas A4 dan satu rim
13 –12
kertas A3 masing-masing ialah RMx dan RMy.
Jawapan / Answer : C Let the prices of a rim of A4 paper and a ream of A3 paper
3 –4 are RMx and RMy respectively.
9. Matriks songsang bagi
5 –1 3x + 2y = 42
3 –4 2x + 5y = 61
Inverse matrix of

5 –1
3 2 x 42
1 3 –4 2 5 y 61
(3)(–1) – (–4)(5) 5 –1 x 1 5 –2 42
1 –1 4 = ——––
= y 15 – 4 –2 3 61
17 –5 3
= —1 88

p = 17, q = 4 11 99
pq = 17 × 4 8
= 68 9

Jawapan / Answer : C

J17 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Maka, harga satu rim kertas A4 ialah RM8 dan –a = –1 ab = 3

harga satu rim kertas A3 ialah RM9. a = 1 (1)b = 3
Thus, the price of a ream of A4 paper is RM8 and the price of b = 3
a ream of A3 paper is RM9.
5 –3 x 1
(b) =
x 1 –1 –5 –7 2 –1 y 5
3. =
y (4)(–1) – (5)(3) –3 4 –10
x –1 3 1
1 57 =
=–— y –2 5 5
19 –19
–1 + 15
–3 =
= –2 + 25
∴ x = −3, y = 1 23

4. (a) Matriks songsang / Inverse matrix ∴ x = 14, y = 23

1 –8 4
= ———–——
–24 – (–20) –5 3 6. Katakan bilangan peket gula ialah x dan bilangan
1 –8 4 peket tepung ialah y.
4 –5 3 Let the number of packets of sugar is x and the number of
packets of flour is y.
2 –1
= 5 3 5x + 6y = 1 200
— – — 7x + 4y = 1 240
4 4
5 6 x 1 200
3 –4 x 7 =
(b)  =  7 4 y 1 240
5 –8 y 11
x 1 4 –6 1 200
x –8 4 7 =
=– 1 y 5(4) – 6(7) –7 5 1 240
y 4 –5 3 11
4 800 – 7 440
= – 1
22 –8 400 + 6 200
1 –56 + 44
= – — –2 640
4 –35 + 33 = – 1
22 –2 200
1 –12
= – — =
4 –2 100
Bilangan gula ialah 120 peket dan bilangan tepung
ialah 100 peket dalam setiap kotak.
= 1 The number of packets of sugar is 120 and the number of

2 packets of flour is 100 in each box.

∴ x = 3, y = —
5. (a) ST = I
T = S–1I
T = S–1
–1 b 1 –1 3

a =
–2 5 –5 – (–6) –2 5

–a ab –1 3
–2a 5a –2 5

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J18

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Sudut KBAT
72 + 3x = 3 (50 + y)
48 + 2x = 50 + y
2x – y = 2  … 
3x + y = 108 … 

2 –1 x 2
3 1 y 108
x 1 1 2
= 1
y 5 –3 2 108
2 + 108
= 1
5 –6 + 216
∴  x = 22, y = 42

J19 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(c) Premium tahunan / Annual premium
Matematik Pengguna: Insurans = RM600 000 × RM2.36
3 Consumer Mathematics: Insurance RM1 000
= RM1 416
1. (a) Syarikat insurans / Insurance company:
Premium bulanan / Monthly premium
Syarikat Insurance Pelita
Pemegang polisi / Policyholder : = RM1 416
Puan Sharma = RM118
Had perlindungan / Coverage limit :
RM300 000 5. (a) Jumlah perlindungan untuk penyakit kritikal
Premium / Premium : Amount of coverage for critical illness
RM90 = 30% × RM150 000
Risiko yang dilindungi / Risk insured : = RM45 000
Kemalangan diri ketika berada di luar negara
Personal accident while in abroad Premium tahunan Zulmi
Annual premium of Zulmi
2. (a) Insurans perjalanan
Travel insurance
= RM150 000 × RM2.12 + RM45 000 × RM1.74
RM1 000 RM1 000
(b) Insurans motor = RM318.00 + RM78.30
Motor insurance
= RM396.30
(c) Insurans kemalangan diri
Personal accident insurance 6. (a) Polisi komprehensif / Comprehensive policy:

3. (a) Premium (a) RM1 000 yang pertama

The first RM1 000
= RM500 000 × RM2.72 (b) RM26 × 54
RM1 000 RM1 404
= RM1 360 (baki / balance)
(c) Premium asas = (a) + (b)
RM1 677.80
(b) Premium Basic premium

= RM1 200 000 × RM1.63 (d) NCD 38.33% RM643.10

RM1 000 (e) Premium kasar = (c) – (d)
= RM1 956 RM1 034.70
Gross premium

4. (a) Premium tahunan / Annual premium Polisi pihak ketiga, kebakaran dan kecurian:
Third party, fire and theft policy:
= RM200 000 × RM2.86
RM1 000 (a) Premium asas 0.75 × RM1 677.80
= RM572 Basic premium = RM1 258.35
(b) NCD 38.33% RM482.33
Premium bulanan / Monthly premium
(c) Premium kasar
= RM572 Gross premium
12 RM776.02
= RM47.67 = (a) – (b)
Polisi pihak ketiga / Third party policy:
(b) Premium tahunan / Annual premium
(a) Premium asas
= RM550 000 × RM4.06 RM120.60
RM1 000 Basic premium
= RM2 233 (b) NCD 38.33% RM46.23
Premium bulanan / Monthly premium (c) Premium kasar = (a) – (b)
Gross premium
= RM2 233
= RM186.08

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J20

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(b) Polisi komprehensif / Comprehensive policy: Bayaran pampasan

(a) RM1 000 yang pertama Compensation payment
RM243.90 = RM82 000 – RM5 000
The first RM1 000
= RM77 000
(b) RM20.30 × 34
(baki / balance)
Bagi tuntutan RM3 500,
(c) Premium asas = (a) + (b) For the claim of RM3 500,
Basic premium RM3 500 , RM5 000
(d) NCD 45% RM420.35
Tiada bayaran pampasan.
(e) Premium kasar = (c) – (d)
RM513.75 No compensation payment.
Gross premium

Polisi pihak ketiga, kebakaran dan kecurian: (c) Bagi tahun pertama,
Third party, fire and theft policy: For the first year,
RM21 400 , RM30 000
(a) Premium asas 0.75 × RM934.10
Basic premium = RM700.58 Tiada bayaran pampasan.
(b) NCD 45% RM315.26 No compensation payment.

(c) Premium kasar

Gross premium RM385.32 Bagi tahun kedua,
For the second year,
= (a) – (b)
RM280 000 . RM30 000

Polisi pihak ketiga / Third party policy:
Bayaran pampasan / Compensation payment
(a) Premium asas = RM280 000 – RM30 000
Basic premium = RM250 000
(b) NCD 45% RM38.34
8. (a) (i) Bayaran pampasan
(c) Premium kasar = (a) – (b)
RM46.86 Amount of compensation
Gross premium
= RM460 000 – RM8 000
= RM452 000
7. (a) Tuntuan 1 / Claim 1:
RM2 300 . RM500
(ii) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli
Bayaran pampasan / Compensation payment Amount of required insurance
= RM2 300 – RM500 = 0.80 × RM1 500 000
= RM1 800 = RM1 200 000
Tuntutan 2 / Claim 2: RM780 000 , RM1 200 000
RM800 . RM500 Bayaran pampasan
Bayaran pampasan / Compensation payment Amount of compensation
= RM800 – RM500 RM780 000
= × RM460 000 – RM8 000
= RM300 RM1 200 000
= RM299 000 – RM8 000
Tuntutan 3 / Claim 3: = RM291 000
RM150 , RM500
Tiada bayaran pampasan. Penalti ko-insurans
No compensation payment. Co-insurance penalty
= RM460 000 – RM299 000
(b) Bagi tuntutan RM82 000, = RM161 000
For the claim of RM82 000,
RM82 000 . RM5 000

J21 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

9. (a) Kos perubatan selepas deduktibel 5. Tuntutan Pampasan

Medical costs after deductible Bulan
Claim Compensation
= RM74 000 – RM750 Month
(RM) (RM)
= RM73 250
April / April 690 690 – 300 = 390
Jumlah kos yang ditanggung oleh syarikat Jun / June 260 Tiada / None
Amount of cost incurred by insurance company
Oktober / October 450 450 – 300 = 150
= × RM73 250
100 Jumlah bayaran pampasan yang diterima
= RM51 275 Total compensation payment received
= RM390 + RM150
Jumlah kos yang ditanggung Puan Tan = RM540
Amount of cost borne by Madam Tan
30 Jumlah kerugian sebenar yang dialami
= × RM73 250 + RM750
100 Total actual loss suffered
= RM22 725 = RM690 + RM260 + RM450
= RM1 400

PRAKTIS SPM 3 Nisbah / Ratio

= 540 : 1 400
Kertas 1 = 27 : 70
1. Kemungkinan berlakunya kejadian yang Jawapan / Answer : C
The possibility of a profitable event happens. 6. Katakan x = jumlah sebenar tuntutan
Let x = the actual amount of the claim
Jawapan / Answer : C
Jumlah kos yang ditanggung Chin Ze = RM5 200
2. Mengganti kemusnahan kereta dengan kereta Amount of cost borne by Chin Ze
baharu. × x + RM800 = RM5 200
Replace the destroyed car with a new car. 100
0.2x = RM4 400
Jawapan / Answer : D x = RM22 000
Jawapan / Answer : B
3. Premium tahunan / Annual premium
= RM150 000 × RM2.12
RM1 000 Kertas 2
= RM318 1. (a) Polisi komprehensif:
Comprehensive policy:
Premium bulanan / Monthly premium
= RM318 (a) RM1 000 yang pertama
12 The first RM1 000
= RM26.50
(b) RM26 × 79 RM2 054
Jawapan / Answer : A
(c) Premium asas = (a) + (b)
RM2 359.50
Basic premium
4. Jumlah sebenar kerugian
The actual loss
(d) NCD 30% RM707.85
= RM1 490 + RM500
= RM1 990 (e) Premium kasar = (c) – (d)
RM1 651.65
Gross premium
Jawapan / Answer : D

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J22

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(b) Polisi pihak ketiga:

Third party policy: Sudut KBAT
(a) Premium asas
RM135.00 Katakan x = jumlah insurans yang telah dibeli
Basic premium Let x = amount of insurance purchased
(b) NCD 30% RM40.50
Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli
(c) Premium kasar = (a) – (b) Amount of required insurance
Gross premium = 0.8 × RM1 750 000
= RM1 400 000
2. (a) Pemegang polisi / Policyholder : Jian Ming
RM63 240 + RM3 000 = RM66 240 , RM92 000
Syarikat insurans / Insurance company :
AB Insurance
Jumlah insurans yang telah dibeli , RM1 400 000
Nilai muka / Face value : RM200 000
The amount of insurance purchased , RM1 400 000
(b) Premium tahunan / Annual premium × RM92 000 − RM3 000 = RM63 240
RM1 400 000
RM200 000
= × RM2.34 x = RM1 008 000
RM1 000
= RM468

Premium bulanan / Monthly premium

= RM39

3. Jumlah kos yang ditanggung Hazli = RM4 850

Amount of cost borne by Hazli
× (RM17 900 – RM500) + RM500 = RM4 850
y RM4 850 − RM500
100 RM17 400
= 0.25
y = 25
x = 100 − 25
= 75

∴ x = 75, y = 25

J23 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Matematik Pengguna: Percukaian
4 Consumer Mathematics: Taxation

Untuk mengawal penjualan barangan
Sebagai sumber pendapatan negara
As a source of government revenue atau perkhidmatan tertentu
Tujuan To control sales of certain goods or services
Purposes of
taxation Sebagai alat kewangan untuk
Sebagai alat pelaksanaan polisi kerajaan
As government policy implementation tool menstabilkan ekonomi
As a financial tool to stabilise the economy

2. Jenis cukai Pihak berkuasa Cukai pendapatan / Income tax

Type of taxes The authority = RM1 800 + RM994 – RM360
= RM2 434
Lembaga Hasil Dalam
Cukai pendapatan
(a) Negeri
Income tax (b) Cukai dasar / Base tax = RM150
Inland Revenue Board
Majlis bandaran atau Cukai atas baki berikutnya
Cukai pintu Tax on the next balance
(b) Property assessment majlis daerah
tax Municipal council or = (RM33 900 – RM20 000) × 3%
district council = RM417
Jabatan Kastam
Cukai jualan dan Cukai pendapatan / Income tax
(c) perkhidmatan Diraja
Royal Malaysian = RM150 + RM417 – RM400
Sales and service tax = RM167
Customs Department
Jabatan (c) Cukai dasar / Base tax = RM4 600
Cukai jalan Pengangkutan Jalan
(d) Cukai atas baki berikutnya
Road tax Road Transport
Department Tax on the next balance
= (RM83 900 – RM70 000) × 21%
3. (a) Pendapatan bercukai / Chargeable income = RM2 919
= RM65 400 – RM4 320 – RM3 000 –
Cukai pendapatan / Income tax
  RM31 500
= RM4 600 + RM2 919
= RM26 580
= RM7 519
(b) Pendapatan bercukai / Chargeable income
(d) Cukai dasar / Base tax = RM1 800
= RM189 600 – RM32 000 – RM8 500 –
  RM41 025 Cukai atas baki berikutnya
= RM108 075 Tax on the next balance
= (RM67 380 – RM50 000) × 14%
(c) Pendapatan bercukai / Chargeable income = RM2 433.20
= RM83 700 – RM7 200 – RM2 500 –
  RM24 325 Cukai pendapatan / Income tax
= RM49 675 = RM1 800 + RM2 433.20 – RM410
= RM3 823.20
4. (a) Cukai dasar / Base tax = RM1 800
5. (a) Pendapatan bercukai / Chargeable income
Cukai atas baki berikutnya = RM60 600 – (RM9 000 + RM3 500 +
Tax on the next balance
RM2 500 + RM1 000 + RM4 000 + RM2 000
= (RM57 100 – RM50 000) × 14%
+ RM5 300 + RM250)
= RM994
= RM33 050

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J24

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Cukai pendapatan / Income tax Cukai pendapatan . Jumlah PCB tahunan

= RM150 + (RM33 050 – RM20 000) × 3% – Income tax . Total annual PCB
RM400 Pendapatan bercukai
= RM150 + RM391.50 – RM400 < RM35 000 Bayaran cukai yang tidak mencukupi
Chargeable income Insufficient tax payment
= RM141.50 < RM35 000
= RM141.50 – RM120
Jumlah PCB tahunan = RM21.50
Total annual PCB
= RM10 × 12 Oleh itu, RM21.50 akan dibayar oleh pembayar
= RM120 cukai kepada LHDN.
Thus, RM21.50 will be paid by the taxpayer to IRB.

6. (a) Taksiran Cukai Bersama Taksiran Cukai Berasingan

Perkara / Item Joint Tax Assessment Separate Tax Assessment
Encik Izani & Puan Alia Encik Izani Puan Alia
Jumlah pendapatan 58 600 + 48 000 RM58 600 RM48 000
Total income = RM106 600
(–) Jumlah pengecualian (Derma) 800 + 1 200 RM800 RM1 200
(–) Total exemption (Donation) = RM2 000
Pelepasan cukai / Tax relief
(–) Individu / Individual RM9 000 RM9 000 RM9 000
(–) Gaya hidup / Lifestyle RM2 500 RM2 500 RM2 500
(–) Ibu dan bapa / Parents RM3 000 RM3 000 RM1 800
(–) Insurans dan KWSP
RM7 000 RM3 000 RM3 000
   Insurance and EPF
Pendapatan bercukai
RM83 100 RM40 300 RM30 500
Chargeable income
Cukai dasar / Base tax RM4 600 RM600 RM150
Cukai atas baki Baki / Balance Baki / Balance Baki / Balance
Tax on the next balance = 83 100 – 70 000 = 40 300 – 35 000 = 30 500 – 20 000
= RM13 100 = RM5 300 = RM10 500
13 100 × 21% 5 300 × 8% 10 500 × 3%
= RM2 751 = RM424 = RM315
Rebat cukai / Tax rebate – – RM400
Zakat/Fitrah 230 + 65 = RM295 RM230 RM65
600 + 424 – 230 150 + 315 – 400
Cukai pendapatan 4 600 + 2 751 – 295 = RM794 – 65
Income tax = RM7 056 = RM0
794 + 0 = RM794

Taksiran cukai bersama . taksiran cukai berasingan. Maka, taksiran cukai berasingan lebih sesuai.
Joint tax assessment . separate tax assessment. Thus, separate tax assessment is more suitable.

7. (a) Cukai jalan / Road tax = RM350

(b) Cukai jalan / Road tax = RM30
(c) Cukai jalan / Road tax = RM42

J25 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

8. (a) Cukai jalan / Road tax

= RM224 + (1825 cc – 1800 cc) × RM0.25
= RM224 + RM6.25
= RM230.25

(b) Cukai jalan / Road tax

= RM90

(c) Cukai jalan / Road tax

= RM280 + (1950 cc – 1800 cc) × RM0.50
= RM280 + RM75
= RM355

9. Cukai pintu setiap setengah

Cukai pintu setahun
Nilai tahunan tahun
Property assessment tax per
Annual value Property assessment tax for each

RM800 RM800 × 12 = RM9 600 8.8% × RM9 600 = RM844.80 RM844.80 ÷ 2 = RM422.40

RM1 000 RM1 000 × 12 = RM12 000 8.8% × RM12 000 = RM1 056 RM1 056 ÷ 2 = RM528

RM1 250 RM1 250 × 12 = RM15 000 8.8% × RM15 000 = RM1 320 RM1 320 ÷ 2 = RM660

10. (a) 230 × RM0.22 = RM50.60

(b) 185 × RM0.92 = RM170.20
(c) 305 × RM1.44 = RM439.20

11. (a) Cukai jualan / Sales tax

= RM349.99 × 5%
= RM17.50

12. (a) Cukai perkhidmatan / Service tax

= RM36.45 × 6%
= RM2.19

13. (a) (i) Pendapatan bercukai / Chargeable income

= (RM5 200 × 12) – RM500 – (RM9 000 +
  RM3 000 + RM2 350 + RM4 000 +
  RM3 600 + RM5 020)
= RM62 400 – RM500 – RM26 970
= RM34 930

(ii) Pendapatan bercukai , RM35 000, Encik Fahmi layak mendapat rebat cukai RM400.
Chargeable income , RM35 000, Encik Fahmi eligibles to receive tax rebate of RM400.
Jumlah rebat cukai / Total tax rebate
= RM400 + RM80 = RM480

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J26

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(iii) Cukai dasar / Base rate = RM150 5. Lebihan potongan bermaksud cukai yang perlu
Cukai atas baki / Tax on the next balance dibayar , PCB.
= (RM34 930 – RM20 000) × 3% Excess deduction means the income tax , PCB.
= RM447.90
PCB setahun / PCB in a year
Cukai pendapatan / Income tax
= RM150 + RM447.90 – RM480 = RM145 × 12
= RM117.90 = RM1 740

(b) (i) Jumlah sebelum cukai / Subtotal before tax Cukai pendapatan , RM1 740
= 18.80 + 16.50 + 24.50 + 21.60 + 18.80 + Income tax , RM1 740
∴  RM1 630
= RM114.60
Jawapan / Answer : A
Cukai perkhidmatan / Service tax
= RM114.60 × 6% Kertas 2
= RM6.88
1. Cukai jalan bagi kereta 1783 cc
Road tax for 1783 cc car
(ii) Jumlah yang perlu dibayar
= RM200.00 + (1783 – 1600) × RM0.40
Total amount needs to pay
= RM273.20
= RM114.60 + RM6.88 + RM0.02
= RM121.50 Cukai jalan bagi kereta 2982 cc
Road tax for 2982 cc car
= RM880.00 + (2982 – 2500) × RM2.50
Jumlah cukai jalan / Total road tax
Kertas 1 = RM273.20 + RM2 085
1. Menambah beban rakyat. = RM2 358.20
Add people’s burden.

Jawapan / Answer : C Sudut KBAT

2. Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia Cukai pendapatan = cukai dasar + cukai atas baki
Royal Malaysian Customs Department Income tax = base rate + tax on the next balance

Jawapan / Answer : B 108 975 = 83 650 + (x – RM400 000) × 0.25

108 975 – 83 650
3. Cukai yang dikenakan sekali sahaja pada peringkat x – 400 000 =
pengeluaran atau pengimportan. = 101 300
The tax that levied only once at the stage of manufacturing
x = 101 300 + 400 000
or importation.
= 501 300
Jawapan / Answer : C

4. Katakan x = jumlah pelepasan cukai

Let x = amount of tax relief

RM37 200 – RM300 – x = RM18 150

x = RM18 750
Jawapan / Answer : B

J27 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Kekongruenan, Pembesaran dan 2. (a) ∴ Bukan kongruen. Panjang sisi pentagon

BAB Gabungan Transformasi ABCDE dan PQRST tidak sama.
Congruency, Enlargement and Combined Not congruent. The side lengths of pentagon ABCDE
5 Transformations and PQRST are not equal.
360° – 2(65°)
(b) ∠DAB = ∠BCD =
1. (a) Sisi sepadan Sudut sepadan 2
= 115°
Corresponding sides Corresponding angles = ∠PSR = ∠PQR
PQ = UV ∠SPQ = ∠UVW 360° – 2(115°)
QR = TU ∠PQR = ∠TUV ∠SPQ = ∠QRS =
RS = TW ∠QRS = ∠WTU = 65°
SP = VW ∠RSP = ∠VWT = ∠ADC = ∠ABC
∴ Kongruen. Semua sisi sepadan dan sudut
sepadan adalah sama.
Congruent. All corresponding sides and angles are
3. (a) Sudut-Sisi-Sudut / Angle-Side-Angle



Sudut / Angle ∠BAC = ∠QPR Sudut / Angle ∠BAC = ∠QPR

Sisi / Side AC = PR Sisi / Side AB = PQ

Sudut / Angle ∠ACB = ∠PRQ Sudut / Angle ∠ABC = ∠PQR

(b) Sudut-Sudut-Sisi / Angle-Angle-Side



Sudut / Angle ∠ABC = ∠PQR Sudut / Angle ∠ABC = ∠PQR

Sudut / Angle ∠BAC = ∠QPR Sudut / Angle ∠BAC = ∠QPR

Sisi / Side AC = PR Sisi / Side BC = QR



Sudut / Angle ∠ABC = ∠PQR Sudut / Angle ∠ABC = ∠PQR

Sudut / Angle ∠ACB = ∠PRQ Sudut / Angle ∠ACB = ∠PRQ

Sisi / Side AC = PR Sisi / Side AB = PQ

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J28

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

4. Segi tiga PQR Segi tiga STU Sifat kekongruenan segi tiga
Triangle PQR Triangle STU Property of triangle congruence

(a) Sudut-Sudut-Sisi

(b) Sisi-Sudut-Sisi

(c) Sudut-Sudut-Sudut

(d) Sudut-Sisi-Sudut

5. (a) (i) Segi tiga ABD dan BCD adalah kongruen. 6. (a) ∠C = ∠S,  ∠D = ∠R,  ∠A = ∠P,  ∠B = ∠T
Triangles ABD and BCD are congruent. ∠E = 540° – 90° – 130° – 100° – 90°
3x = 15 = 130° = ∠Q
AB 6
(ii) ∠ADB = ∠CDB = =2
PT 3
sin ∠ADB = BC CD 12
17 = = =3
15 ST RS 4
∠ADB = sin–1  17  DE 8
= =2
= 61°55 QR 4
AE 13.2 11
∠ADC = 2 × 61°55 = =
PQ 3.6 3
= 123°51
Tidak serupa kerana nisbah sisi sepadan tidak
(b) EF = [–3 – (–2)] + [4 – (–2)] = 6.1 unit / units
2 2 sama.
Not similar because the ratios of the corresponding
EG = [–3 – (–5)]2 + (4 – 2)2 = 2.8 unit / units sides are not equal.
FG = [–5 – (–2)]2 + [2 – (–2)]2 = 5 unit / units
(b) ∠A = ∠R
KL = (7 – 1) + (2 – 1)] = 6.1 unit / units
2 2
∠C = 180° – 70° – 30°
LM = (7 – 3)2 + [2 – (–1)]2 = 5 unit / units = 80° = ∠P
KM = (1 – 3)2 + [1 – (–1)]2 = 2.8 unit / units ∠Q = 180° – 80° – 30°
EF = KL, EG = KM, FG = LM = 70° = ∠B
Maka, segi tiga EFG dan KLM adalah kongruen Serupa kerana semua sudut sepadan adalah
menggunakan Sisi-Sisi-Sisi. sama.
Thus, triangles EFG and KLM are congruent using
Similar because all the corresponding angles are

J29 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

AD 3 PM
(c) = Faktor skala =
Scale factor
DC 2 2
= =
SR 4 4
1 1
= =
2 2
Tidak serupa kerana nisbah sisi sepadan tidak
∴  Pembesaran pada pusat (1, 1) dengan faktor
sama. 1
Not similar because the ratios of the corresponding skala .
sides are not equal.
Enlargement at centre (1, 1) with a scale factor of 1 .
7. (a) (c) y
4 L


x M
–6 –4 –2 O 2 4 6 x
K –6 –4 –2 O 2 4 6
G –2
P –4

Faktor skala / Scale factor KM

Faktor skala =
= Scale factor
KL 4
6 =–
= 2
2 = –2
∴ Pembesaran pada pusat (–1, 2) dengan
∴ Pembesaran pada pusat (–5, –4) dengan faktor skala –2.
faktor skala 3. Enlargement at centre (–1, 2) with a scale factor of –2.
Enlargement at centre (–5, –4) with a scale factor of 3.

8. Faktor skala Imej

(b) y
Scale factor Image
0.5 A
–0.5 C
L 1.5 B
2 –1.5 D

–6 –4 –2 O 2 4 6


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J30

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

9. (a) 72
11. (a) x2 =
= 4
  x = ±4
M = 2 atau / or –2
2 2 80
M 3 
(b) – =
x 
80 × 9
  x =
= 180

(c) 52 =
(b) 20
  x = 25 × 20
M = 500

12. (a) (i) Faktor skala

Scale factor
4.8 + 6
k =
= 1.8

(ii) k =
M 3.6
1.8 =
VW = 2 cm
10. (a)
k =
1.8 =
D PR = 9 cm
D QR = 9 – 5
= 4 cm

VW = WX, RS = PR
= 4 + 9 + 2(3.6) + 4.8 + 2(2) + 5
= 34 cm
(iii) Luas PQXWV / Area of PQXWV P A 3 cm Q
= ×3×4+6×2
4 cm

2 6 cm
= 6 + 12 X
= 18 cm2
D D 2 cm
P Luas PRSTU / Area of PRSTU
= 1.82 × 18
= 58.32 cm2
Luas kawasan berlorek
Area of the shaded region
= 58.32 – 18
= 40.32 cm2

J31 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(b) Katakan jarak antara plastik lutsinar itu dengan (c) y

dinding ialah d cm.
Let the distance between the transparent sheet and
the wall is d cm. A
d + 12 40
20 =

d + 12 = 240 A
d = 228 cm
20 (20, 20)

Oleh itu, jarak antara plastik lutsinar itu dengan 10

dinding ialah 2.28 m.
Thus, the distance between the transparent sheet and x
–30 –20 –10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60
the wall is 2.28 m.
(30, –10)
13. (a) y y=x

14. (a) y
12 x=8

10 8
8 6
N (9, 7)
6 4
4 2
2 x
–4 –2 O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
x –2
O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

(b) –4

+13 (b) y
12 10
(5, 10) M
10 8
8 6
6 A B +11

4 A 2 –5

2 x
–6 –4 –2 O 2 4 6 8 10 12
x B
O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 –2


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J32

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(c) y



(10, 3)

O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


15. Transformasi PQ Transformasi QP Kalis tukar tertib

Transformation PQ Transformation QP Commutative law
(a) y y=x y y=x

6 6

K K +2
4 4 
2 +2 2
x x
O 2 4 6 8 10 O 2 4 6 8 10

(b) y y

4 4
2 K 2 K
K 
x x
O 2 4 6 8 10 O 2 4 6 8 10
+4 –1 K
–2 K –2
–4 –4

16. (a) y

A Q = Pantulan pada garis x = 1
Reflection in the line x = 1
4 P
P = Putaran 90° ikut arah jam pada titik (6, 5)
Rotation of 90° clockwise about point (6, 5)
–2 O 2 4 6

J33 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(b) y
Q = Pembesaran pada pusat (6, –2) dengan
faktor skala –2
Enlargement at centre (6, –2) with a scale factor
8 of –2
P = Pantulan pada garis x = 6
6 Reflection in the line x = 6
4 17. (a) y

2 Q
–4 –2 O 2 4 6
P 4

Q = Pantulan pada paksi-y

Reflection in the y-axis
P =
Pembesaran pada pusat (2, 3) dengan
faktor skala 2. –8 –6 –4 –2 O 2 4 6
Enlargement at centre (2, 3) with a scale factor
of 2. (i) L = Pantulan pada paksi-y
Reflection in the y-axis
(c) y
K = Pembesaran pada pusat (4, 4) dengan
8 faktor skala 3.
Enlargement at centre (4, 4) with a scale
A factor of 3.
(ii) Pembesaran pada pusat (–8, 4) dengan
4 P faktor skala 3.
Enlargement at centre (–8, 4) with a scale factor
of 3.

x (b) y
O 2 4 6 8 10 12

A 6

Q = Pantulan pada paksi-x
Reflection in the x-axis 2
P = Pembesaran pada pusat (12, –2) dengan
faktor skala 2. O
Enlargement at centre (12, –2) with a scale –4 –2 2 4 6

factor of 2. (i) L = Putaran 180° pada titik (0, 4)

Rotation of 180° about point (0, 4)
(d) y x=6 K = Pembesaran pada pusat (3, 4) dengan
6 P faktor skala 2.
Enlargement at centre (3, 4) with a scale
4 factor of 2.
A (ii) Pembesaran pada pusat (–1, 4) dengan
2 faktor skala –2.
Enlargement at centre (–1, 4) with a scale factor
x of –2.
O 2 4 6 8 10 12



© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J34

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

18. (a) y Luas kawasan berlorek

Area of the shaded region
= 92 – 23
10 = 69 cm2

8 19.
(a) Merupakan teselasi yang terdiri daripada
heksagon sekata sahaja.
A Q A tessellation which consists of regular hexagons
4 P only.
(b) Bukan teselasi kerana terdapat pertindihan
2 A bentuk dan ruang.
Not a tessellation because there are overlapping of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 shapes and spaces.
(c) Merupakan teselasi yang terdiri daripada
(i) P ialah putaran 90° ikut arah jam pada titik gabungan segi tiga sama sisi, segi empat sama
(8, 2). dan heksagon sekata.
P is a rotation of 90° clockwise at point (8, 2). A tessellation which consists of the combination of
Q ialah pembesaran pada pusat (2, 3) equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons.
dengan faktor skala 2.
Q is an enlargement at centre (2, 3) with a scale 20. (a)
factor of 2.

(ii) Luas kawasan berlorek

Area of the shaded region
= 22 × 85
= 340 cm2

(b) y


P 8
D J I 21.
6 B

4 A
x = –1 2 60°
60° J
x H 60° D
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8
(i) P ialah pantulan pada garis x = –1.
P is a reflection in the line x = -–1.
Q ialah pembesaran pada pusat (6, 11)
dengan faktor skala —.
Q is an enlargement at centre (6, 11) with a scale
(i) Pantulan pada garis DH. / Reflection in the line
factor of —. DH.
Putaran 360° pada titik D. / Rotation of 360° about
(ii) Luas KGLMN / Area of KGLMN point D.
1 2 (ii) Sudut / Angle = 60° + 90° = 150°
2 1 2
= — × 92 = 23 cm2
Putaran 150° ikut arah jam pada titik D.
Rotation of 150° clockwise about point D.

J35 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(iii) Sudut / Angle = 90° + 60° = 150° 8

5. k = =2
Putaran 150° ikut arah jam pada titik D. 4
Rotation of 150° clockwise about point D. Luas trapezium AEFG
Pantulan pada garis HDJ. / Reflection in the line Area of trapezium AEFG
= 22 × 60
= 240 cm
PRAKTIS SPM 5 Luas kawasan berlorek
Area of the shaded region
Kertas 1
= 240 – 60
1. P S = 180 cm
Jawapan / Answer : C

R Q U T 7
6. T = Translasi / Translation
Dua sudut sepadan adalah sama saiz dan satu sisi 1
sepadan yang bukan terletak di antara dua sudut itu S = Pantulan pada paksi-x

adalah sama panjang. Reflection in the x-axis
Two corresponding angles are equal in size and one Jawapan / Answer : B
corresponding side that does not lie between the two angles
are equal in length.
Kertas 2
Jawapan / Answer : B
1. y

2. Dua sudut sepadan adalah sama saiz dan satu sisi 6

sepadan di antara kedua-dua sudut itu adalah sama
panjang. Maka, ASA digunakan. 4
Two corresponding angles are qual in size and the length +11
of the corresponding side between the two angles are 2
equal. Thus, ASA is used. –5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Jawapan / Answer : C
–2 B
3. k2 =
4 (a) (2, –1) (b)  (12, –2)
= ±  16
= ± 4 2. y
Jawapan / Answer : C 6

4. Bagi anak panah K / For arrow K 4

3 2

Bagi anak panah L / For arrow L

2 x
k= –4 –2 O 2 4
Bagi anak panah N / For arrow N
k= –4
Bagi anak panah P / For arrow P –6
3 –8
Jawapan / Answer : D

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J36

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(a) (i) Putaran 180° pada titik (–0.5, 0.5). (ii) Luas / Area
Rotation of 180° about point (–0.5, 0.5). = 70 ÷ 22
(ii) Pembesaran pada pusat (1, –1) dengan = 17.5 m2
faktor skala 2.
Enlargement at centre (1, –1) with a scale factor 4. (a) y
of 2.
(b) Pembesaran pada pusat (–1, 1) dengan faktor 6
P(4, 5)
skala –2.
Enlargement at centre (–1, 1) with a scale factor of –2. 4
3. (a) 2
y P
(a) (ii)
6 x
(a) (i) O 2 4 6 8
(i) (4, –1)
(ii) (4, 3)

x (b) y
–4 –2 O 2 4 6 8

(i) (–1, 5)
4 K J
(ii) (3, 6) A
(b) 2

y B C
–4 –2 O 2 4 6
(i) (a) Putaran 90° ikut arah jam pada titik
C Rotation of 90° clockwise about the origin.
D (b) Pembesaran pada pusat L(1, 2) dengan
E faktor skala 3.
–4 –2 O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Enlargement at centre L(1, 2) with a scale
J factor of 3.
G (ii) Luas LNPQ / Area of LNPQ
–4 = 32 × 50
= 450 m2
Luas kawasan berlorek
–8 Area of the shaded region
= 450 – 50
S ialah putaran 90° lawan arah jam pada
(i) = 400 m2
titik (4, 6).
S is a rotation of 90° anticlockwise at point
(4, 6).
R ialah pembesaran pada pusat (5, 3)
dengan faktor skala 2.
R is an enlargement at centre (5, 3) with a scale
factor of 2.

J37 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Sudut KBAT
Putar 60° ikut arah jam
A corak sisi AB pada titik A
Rotate 60° clockwise pattern
of side AB about point A


Putar 180° separuh corak

sisi BC pada titik tengah BC
Rotate 180° half pattern of
side BC about the midpoint
of BC

(Terima jawapan mengikut kreativiti murid)

(Accept answer according to pupil’s creativity)

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J38

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

(b) 164° (Sukuan II / Quadrant II)
Nisbah dan Graf Fungsi Trigonometri tan 164° = –tan (180° – q)
6 Ratios and Graphs of Trigonometric Functions = –tan (180° – 164°)
= –tan 16°
= –0.2867
1. (a) y Sukuan IV
Quadrant IV (c) 256° (Sukuan III / Quadrant III)
Sudut rujukan sepadan tan 256° = tan (q – 180°)
336° = tan (256° – 180°)
x Corresponding reference
O α
angle = tan 76°
a = 360° − 336° = 4.0108
= 24°
(d) 315° (Sukuan IV / Quadrant IV)
(b) y Sukuan I tan 315° = –tan (360° – q)
Quadrant I = –tan (360° – 315°)
Sudut rujukan sepadan = –tan 45°
x Corresponding reference = –1
a = 81° (e) 138° (Sukuan II / Quadrant II)
kos 138° = –kos (180° – q)
(c) Sukuan III = –kos (180° – 138°)
Quadrant III = –kos 42°
Sudut rujukan sepadan = –0.7431
259° Corresponding reference
x angle (f) 237° (Sukuan III / Quadrant III)
α kos 237° = –kos (q – 180°)
a = 259° − 180°
= 79° = –kos (237° – 180°)
= –kos 57°
= –0.5446
(d) y Sukuan II
Quadrant II
(g) 334° (Sukuan IV / Quadrant IV)
147° Sudut rujukan sepadan kos 334° = kos (360° – q)
α Corresponding reference
angle = kos (360° – 334°)
a = 180° − 147° = kos 26°
= 33° = 0.8988
(e) Sukuan IV 3. (a) sin q = 0.174
Quadrant IV kos q = –0.985
Sudut rujukan sepadan cos q
289° Corresponding reference
tan q = 0.174
O α
angle –0.985
a = 360° − 289° = –0.177
= 71°
(b) sin q = –0.342
kos q = –0.940
2. (a) 312° (Sukuan IV / Quadrant IV) cos q
sin 312° = –sin (360° – q) tan q = –0.342
= –sin (360° – 312°)
= 0.364
= –sin 48°
= –0.7431 (c) sin q = –0.966
kos q = 0.259
cos q
tan q = –0.966
= –3.730

J39 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

4. (a) sin 225° = – sin (225° − 180°) (c) Sudut rujukan sepadan y
= – sin 45° Corresponding reference angle
=– 1 = sin–1 0.5592
2 = 34° x

(b) sin 300° = – sin (360° − 300°) q = 34°, (180° – 34°)

= – sin 60° =34°, 146°
=– 3 (d) Sudut rujukan sepadan
2 y
Corresponding reference angle
(c) tan 135° = – tan (180° − 135°)
= kos–1 0.7193
= – tan 45°
= 44° x
= –1 O 44°

(d) tan 240° = tan (240° − 180°) q = 44°, (360° – 44°)

= tan 60° = 44°, 316°
= 
(e) Sudut rujukan sepadan
(e) tan 330° = – tan (360° − 330°) Corresponding reference angle
= – tan 30° = kos–1 0.1564 81°
=– 1 = 81° O
3 81°
(f) kos 120° / cos 120° = – kos (180° − 120°) q = (180° – 81°), (180° + 81°)
= – kos 60° = 99°, 261°
2 (f) Sudut rujukan sepadan y

(g) kos 210° / cos 210° = – kos (210° − 180°) Corresponding reference angle
= – kos 30° = kos–1 0.5446 57°
3 = 57° O
=– 57°
q = (180° – 57°), (180° + 57°)
(h) kos 315° / cos 315° = kos (360° − 315°)
= 123°, 237°
= kos 45°
= 1 (g) Sudut rujukan sepadan y
2 Corresponding reference angle
5. (a) Sudut rujukan sepadan y = tan–1 0.7002
Corresponding reference angle = 35° O
= sin–1 0.3584 35°

= 21° 21° x
q = 35°, (180° + 35°)
= 35°, 215°
q = 21°, (180° – 21°)
= 21°, 159° y
(h) Sudut rujukan sepadan
Corresponding reference angle
(b) Sudut rujukan sepadan y = tan–1 1.4281
Corresponding reference angle x
= 55° O
= sin 0.6820

= 43° x q = 55°, (180° + 55°)

O 43°
43° = 55°, 235°
q = (180° + 43°), (360° – 43°)
= 223°, 317° (i) Sudut rujukan sepadan y
Corresponding reference angle
= tan–1 0.3640
= 20° O 20°

q = (180° – 20°), (360° – 20°)

= 160°, 340°

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J40

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

6. (a) tan q = BC (ii) RS = 2 × 8

AB = 16 cm
4 = 16
3 AB QS = 8 + 16
AB = 12 cm = 24 cm
AC = 162 + 122 tan z = – 15

= 20 cm 24

90° , p , 180° =–5

∴  p berada pada sukuan II.
p is in quadrant II. (e) (i) tan q = 1.7321
Sudut rujukan sepadan
sin p = sin ∠ACB Corresponding reference angle
= 12 = tan–1 1.7321
20 = 60°
= 3
Oleh kerana 90° , q , 270°, maka
(b) ∠UST = 180° – 44° Since 90° , q , 270°, thus
= 68° 2 q = 180° + 60°
= 240°
90° , x , 180°
∴ x berada pada sukuan II. (ii) P O 9m
x is in quadrant II. 60°
tan x = –tan ∠UST
= –tan 68° Q
= –2.4751
sin 60° = PQ
(c) PR = 
102 – 82 5

= 6 cm PQ = sin 60° × 5
= 4.33 m
TR = 6 ÷ 2
= 3 cm kos 60° = OP
RS = 8 ÷ 2 OP = kos 60° × 5
= 4 cm = 2.5 m
TS = 
32 + 42

= 5 cm PR = 2.5 + 9
= 11.5 m
kos x = –kos ∠RTS
= –3 4.332 + 11.52
QR = 
= 12.29 m
(d) (i) sin x = PT
PQ Maka, jarak antara hujung signal dengan
= 204 Naim ialah 12.29 m.
5 PQ Thus, the distance between the end of the signal
PQ = 25 cm and Naim is 12.29 m.
QT = 
252 – 202
= 15 cm
RT = 
152 + 82
= 17 cm
kos y = – 8

J41 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Fungsi y = kos x
y = sin x y = tan x
Function y = cos x

Graph y y y

1 1 1

x x x
0 0 0
90° 180° 270° 360° 90° 180° 270° 360° 90° 180° 270° 360°

–1 –1 –1

Nilai maksimum
1 1 
Maximum value

Nilai minimum –
–1 –1
Minimum value

0°, 180°, 360° 90°, 270° 0°, 180°, 360°

0 1 0

8. (a)
1 (d) y

x 1
0 90° 180° 270° 360°
0 90° 180° 270° 360°
–1 –1


(b) y (e) y

2 3
1 1
x x
0 0 90° 180° 270° 360°
90° 180° 270° 360° –1
–1 –2
–2 –3

(c) y
(f) y

3 1
1 x
0 90° 180° 270° 360°
0 90° 180° 270° 360°
–1 –1

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J42

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

9. (a) y 11. (a) (i) Amplitud / Amplitude

(ii) Tempoh / Period  = 12
360 = 12
0 90° 180° 270° 360° b
b = 360
= 30
∴  h = 6 sin 30t
(b) y

(b) (i) a = jejari roda Ferris
radius of the Ferris wheel
3 16
2 2
= 8
x Satu pusingan / A rotation = 50 s
0 90° 180° 270° 360°
b = 360
(c) y
= 7.2
c = 8 + 2
1 = 10
90° 180° 270° 360° ∴ h = 8 kos 7.2t + 10
–1 h = 8 cos 7.2t + 10

(ii) 1.8 minit = 108 saat
1.8 minutes = 108 seconds
10. (a) Sudut rujukan sepadan Apabila t = 108,
Corresponding reference angle When t = 108,
= sin–1 0.9397 h = 8 kos 7.2(108) + 10
= 70° = 14.29 m
Sukuan I / Quadrant I
∴ p = 70° PRAKTIS SPM 6
Kertas 1
(b) Sudut rujukan sepadan
Corresponding reference angle 1. y
= kos–1 0.2079
= 78° α

Sukuan III / Quadrant III O

∴ p = 180° + 78°
= 258°
Jawapan / Answer : C
(c) Sudut rujukan sepadan
Corresponding reference angle 2. 195° (Sukuan III / Quadrant III)
= tan 1.4281 –1 a = 195° – 180°
= 55° = 15°
Sukuan II / Quadrant II Jawapan / Answer : D
∴ p = 180° – 55°
= 125°

J43 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

3. Sudut rujukan sepadan QS = 

392 – 362
Corresponding reference angle = 15 cm
= sin–1 0.9136
= 66° kos ∠SRP = 5
RQ 5
x = 360° – 66° =
13 13
= 294° RQ = 5 cm

Jawapan / Answer : C RS = 15 – 5
= 10 cm
4. a = nilai negatif / negative value Jawapan / Answer : A
b = nilai positif / positive value

Jawapan / Answer : C 9. PS = 
52 + 122
= 13 cm
5. tan x = – 4
3 12
kos x = –
x 13
O x°
4 Jawapan / Answer : A

Jawapan / Answer : A
270° – 180°
10. = 45°
0.86 2
6. tan q =
–0.5 k = 180° + 45°
= –1.72 = 225°
Sudut rujukan sepadan Jawapan / Answer : C
Corresponding reference angle
= tan–1 1.72 11. Tempoh / Period y
= 59°49
= 180° ÷ 2
q = 180° – 59°49 = 270° x
O 135° 270°
= 120°10 270° ÷ 2 = 135°
∴  p = 135°
Jawapan / Answer : B Jawapan / Answer : B

7. sin 30° – kos 30°

 12. a = 4
= – 3 360°
2 2 b=
3 180°
= 1 –   = 2
∴ y = 4 kos 2x
Jawapan / Answer : A
y = 4 cos 2x

12 Jawapan / Answer : D
8. sin ∠TSQ =
QT 12
39 13
QT = 36 cm

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J44

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

13. y Kertas 2

y = kos 3 x + 1
2 y = kos 2x + 1
0 90° 180° 270° 2

Jawapan / Answer : B
0 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360°
14. y

P(–0.866, 0.5)
2. (a) a = 40 – 20 = 10
β 2
b= 360 = 24
Q(0.707, –0.707)
60 ÷ 4
c = 10 + 20 = 30
sin p = 0.5
a = sin–1 0.5 ∴ H = 10 kos 24t + 30
H = 10 cos 24t + 30
= 30°

kos q = 0.707 / cos q = 0.707 (b) Diameter putaran pedal basikal

b = kos–1 0.707 / cos–1 q = 0.707 Diameter of the bicycle pedal rotation
= 40 – 20
= 45°
= 20 cm
Sudut major POQ
Angle of the major sector POQ
=q Sudut KBAT
= (180° – 30°) + 45°
= 195° (a) Populasi maksimum ikan
Maximum fish population
Jawapan / Answer : C
= 4 800 + 6 400
= 11 200
5. OK = 
1 92 + 122
Populasi minimum ikan
= 15
Minimum fish population
= –4 800 + 6 400
sin q = = 1 600
= (b) t = 0, 180, 360
Jawapan / Answer : B (c) 4 800 sin t + 6 400 = 1 889
sin t = –0.9398
16. m = 1
kos x = –0.5 / cos x = –0.5 a = sin–1 0.9398
a = kos–1 0.5 / cos–1 = 0.5 = 70
= 60° ∴  t = 180 + 70, 360 – 70
= 250, 290
x = 180° – 60°
= 120°
∴  R(120°, –0.5)
Jawapan / Answer : B

J45 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Sukatan Serakan Data Terkumpul
7 Measures of Dispersion for Grouped Data

1. (a) Saiz selang kelas / Size of class interval

5.80 – 1.00
= 0.96 ≈ 1

Harga (RM) Kekerapan Had bawah Had atas Titik tengah Sempadan bawah Sempadan atas
Price (RM) Frequency Lower limit Upper limit Midpoint Lower boundary Upper boundary
1.00 + 1.90 0.90 + 1.00 1.90 + 2.00
1.00 – 1.90 5 1.00 1.90 2 2 2
= 1.45 = 0.95 = 1.95
2.00 + 2.90 1.90 + 2.00 2.90 + 3.00
2.00 – 2.90 6 2.00 2.90 2 2 2
= 2.45 = 1.95 = 2.95
3.00 + 3.90 2.90 + 3.00 3.90 + 4.00
3.00 – 3.90 4 3.00 3.90 2 2 2
= 3.45 = 2.95 = 3.95
4.00 + 4.90 3.90 + 4.00 4.90 + 5.00
4.00 – 4.90 4 4.00 4.90 2 2 2
= 4.45 = 3.95 = 4.95
5.00 + 5.90 4.90 + 5.00 5.90 + 6.00
5.00 – 5.90 1 5.00 5.90 2 2 2
= 5.45 = 4.95 = 5.95

2. (a) (b)
Kekerapan Kekerapan
Diameter Kekerapan longgokan Jisim (kg) Kekerapan longgokan
Frequency Cumulative Mass (kg) Frequency Cumulative
frequency frequency

100 – 109 4 4 40.0 – 44.9 8 8

110 – 119 2 6 45.0 – 49.9 7 15
120 – 129 9 15 50.0 – 54.9 3 18
130 – 139 4 19 55.0 – 59.9 5 23
140 – 149 3 22 60.0 – 64.9 6 29
150 – 159 3 25 65.0 – 69.9 1 30

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J46

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

3. (a) Panjang / Length (cm) 7–9 10 – 12 13 – 15 16 – 18 19 – 21 22 – 24

Bilangan utas reben / Number of ribbons 6 8 7 5 4 2
Sempadan bawah / Lower boundary 6.5 9.5 12.5 15.5 18.5 21.5
Sempadan atas / Upper boundary 9.5 12.5 15.5 18.5 21.5 24.5
Titik tengah / Midpoint 8 11 14 17 20 23


0 6.5 9.5 12.5 15.5 18.5 21.5 24.5

Panjang/Length (cm)

(b) Masa (min) Bilangan pelanggan Sempadan bawah Sempadan atas Titik tengah
Time (min) Number of customers Lower boundary Upper boundary Midpoint
50 – 59 10 49.5 59.5 54.5
60 – 69 11 59.5 69.5 64.5
70 – 79 11 69.5 79.5 74.5
80 – 89 10 79.5 89.5 84.5
90 – 99 11 89.5 99.5 94.5




49.5 59.5 69.5 79.5 89.5 99.5
Masa /Time (min)

J47 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

4. (a) Bilangan Titik 5. (a) (i) Bentuk taburan histogram bagi kumpulan
Masa (jam) A adalah sedikit pencong ke kiri manakala
Time (hours) mentol tengah
Number of bulbs Midpoint bagi kumpulan B ialah bentuk loceng.
The shape of distribution of group A is slightly
0–2 0 1 skew to the left whereas group B is bell-shaped.
3–5 15 4 (ii) Serakan jisim kumpulan B lebih luas
daripada kumpulan A kerana beza jisimnya
6–8 30 7 adalah lebih besar.
The dispersion of group B is wider than group A
9 – 11 40 10 because the different of the masses is larger.
12 – 14 35 13 (iii)
Pesakit dalam kumpulan A kerana
kebanyakan jisim pesakit dalam kumpulan
15 – 17 30 16 itu lebih besar berbanding kumpulan B.
18 – 20 20 19 Patients in group A because most of the masses
of patients in the group are larger than in group
21 – 23 0 22 B.

(b) (i) Bentuk taburan data di dewan M ialah

Kekerapan/Frequency pencong ke kanan manakala di dewan N
40 ialah hampir seragam.
The shape of data distribution in hall M is skew
35 to the right whereas in hall N is approximately
(ii) Serakan umur pelanggan di dewan M
25 lebih luas daripada dewan N kerana beza
umurnya adalah lebih besar.
20 The dipersion of ages of customers in hall M is
wider than in hall N because the different of the
15 ages is larger.
(iii) Dewan M kerana kebanyakan umur
pelanggannya adalah lebih muda.
Hall M because most of the customers’ ages are
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22
Masa (jam) / Time (hour)

6. (a)
Wang saku (RM) Kekerapan Sempadan atas Kekerapan longgokan
Pocket money (RM) Frequency Upper boundary Cumulative frequency

6–9 0 9.5 0
10 – 13 3 13.5 3
14 – 17 6 17.5 9
18 – 21 7 21.5 16
22 – 25 8 25.5 24
26 – 29 6 29.5 30
30 – 33 3 33.5 33

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J48

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Kekerapan longgokan /Cumulative frequency







0 9.5 13.5 17.5 21.5 25.5 29.5 33.5

Wang saku (RM) / Pocket money (RM)

(b) Umur (tahun) Kekerapan Sempadan atas Kekerapan longgokan

Age (years old) Frequency Upper boundary Cumulative frequency

10 – 12 0 12.5 0
13 – 15 8 15.5 8
16 – 18 10 18.5 18
19 – 21 12 21.5 30
22 – 24 9 24.5 39
25 – 27 6 27.5 45
28 – 30 2 30.5 47

2 cm
Kekerapan longgokan /Cumulative frequency
2 cm









12.5 15.5 18.5 21.5 24.5 27.5 30.5
Jisim (g) / Mass (g)

J49 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

7. (a) Kekerapan longgokan /Cumulative frequency 1

× 100 = 25
80 4
Kuartil pertama / First quartile, Q1 = 158 min
70 Terdapat 25 orang pelanggan menunggu
kurang daripada atau sama dengan 158 minit.
60 There are 25 customers wait for less than or equal to
158 minutes.
× 100 = 50
40 2
Median, Q2 = 163.5 min
Terdapat 50 orang pelanggan menunggu kurang
20 daripada atau sama dengan 163.5 minit.
There are 50 customers wait for less than or equal to
10 163.5 minutes.
274.5 484.5 3
× 100 = 75
99.5 199.5 299.5 399.5 499.5 599.5 699.5 4
Upah (RM) / Wages (RM) Kuartil ketiga / Third quartile, Q3 = 169 min
Terdapat 75 orang pelanggan menunggu
× 80 = 20 kurang daripada atau sama dengan 169 minit.
4 There are 75 customers wait for less than or equal to
Kuartil pertama / First quartile, Q1 = RM274.50 169 minutes.
Terdapat 20 orang pekerja memperoleh upah
kurang daripada atau sama dengan RM274.50.
There are 20 workers obtained wages of less than or 8. (a) (i)
Sempadan Sempadan Kekerapan
equal to RM274.50. Jarak
Distance bawah atas longgokan
1 Lower Upper Cumulative
× 80 = 40 (km)
2 boundary boundary frequency
Median, Q2 = RM399.50
Terdapat 40 orang pekerja memperoleh upah 15 – 19 14.5 19.5 3
kurang daripada atau sama dengan RM399.50.
There are 40 workers obtained wages of less than or 20 – 24 19.5 24.5 9
equal to RM399.50.
3 25 – 29 24.5 29.5 23
× 80 = 60
Kuartil ketiga / Third quartile, Q3 = RM484.50
30 – 34 29.5 34.5 28
Terdapat 60 orang pekerja memperoleh upah
kurang daripada atau sama dengan RM484.50.
There are 60 workers obtained wages of less than or 35 – 39 34.5 39.5 30
equal to RM484.50.

(b) Kekerapan longgokan /Cumulative frequency

(ii) Kekerapan longgokan /Cumulative frequency


158 163.5 169
0 0
150.5 155.5 160.5 165.5 170.5 175.5 180.5 14.5 19.5 24.5 29.5 34.5 39.5
Masa (min) / Time (min) Jarak yang dilalui (km) / Distance travelled (km)

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J50

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

45 10. (a) Julat / Range

9. (a) (i) (a) 
× 20 = 9
100 801 + 1 000 1 + 200
=  – 
Daripada ogif / From the ogive, 2 2
P45 = 419.5 g = 900.5 – 100.5
80 = RM800
× 20 = 16
100 (b) Julat / Range
Daripada ogif / From the ogive, 61 + 70 11 + 20
=  – 
P80 = 519.5 g 2 2
= 65.5 – 15.5
Bilangan atlet dengan jarak lontaran
= 50 km
sekurang-kurangnya 5 m
Number of athletes with the distance of throw at 1
11. (a) × 120 = 30
least 5 m 4
= 20 – 15 Q1 = 47.5
= 5 orang atlet / athletes
× 120 = 90
(iii) 20 – 12 = 8 4
8 Q3 = 67
× 100 = 40%
Julat antara kuartil / Interquartile range
= Q3 – Q1
= 67 – 47.5
= 19.5 cm

12. (a) Panjang (cm) Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x 11 650 640 2

Length (cm) Frequency, f Midpoint, x

fx fx2 σ2 =

40  
5–9 6 7 42 294

= 35.25

10 – 14 11 12 132 1 584 σ = 
15 – 19 12 17 204 3 468 = 5.937

20 – 24 7 22 154 3 388
25 – 29 4 27 108 2 916
f = 40 fx = 640 fx2 = 11 650

(b) Perbelanjaan 58 165 1 665 2

Expenses Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x

fx fx2 σ2 =

50  
Frequency, f Midpoint, x
= 54.41
21 – 25 8 23 184 4 232
σ = 
26 – 30 13 28 364 10 192 = 7.376
31 – 35 10 33 330 10 890
36 – 40 9 38 342 12 996
41 – 45 7 43 301 12 943
46 – 50 3 48 144 6 912
f = 50 fx = 1 665 fx = 58 165

J51 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(c) Jisim (kg) Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x 13.1175 27.1 2

Mass (kg) Frequency, f Midpoint, x

fx fx2 σ2 =

60  
0.20 – 0.29 7 0.245 1.715 0.4202

= 0.0146
0.30 – 0.39 13 0.345 4.485 1.5473 σ = 
0.40 – 0.49 17 0.445 7.565 3.3664 = 0.1209
0.50 – 0.59 15 0.545 8.175 4.4554
0.60 – 0.69 8 0.645 5.16 3.3282
f = 60 fx = 27.1 fx2 = 13.1175

13. (a) Daripada ogif / From the ogive: (b) Daripada ogif / From the ogive:
Nilai minimum / Minimum value = 10.5 Nilai minimum / Minimum value = 39.5
Nilai maksimum / Maximum value = 70.5 Nilai maksimum / Maximum value = 69.5
1 1 3 1 1 3
× 60 = 15 × 60 = 30 × 60 = 45 × 120 = 30 × 120 = 60 × 60 = 90
4 2 4 4 2 4
Q1 = 25 Q2 = 30.5 Q3 = 38.5 Q1 = 52.5 Q2 = 57.5 Q3 = 61

10.5 20.5 30.5 40.5 50.5 60.5 70.5 39.5 44.5 49.5 54.5 59.5 64.5 69.5

Umur (tahun) / Age (years old) Masa (minit) / Time (minute)

Taburan data ini ialah pencong ke kanan. Taburan data ini ialah pencong ke kiri.
The distribution of the data is skew to the right. The distribution of the data is skew to the left.

14. (a) Bagi kumpulan Alfa / For Alfa group,

Min / Mean,
Markah Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x –x = 2 290
fx fx2
Marks Frequency, f Midpoint, x
40 – 44 4 42 168 7 056 = 57.25
45 – 49 3 47 141 6 627
Sisihan piawai,
50 – 54 5 52 260 13 520 Standard deviation,
55 – 59 11 57 627 35 739 133 450 2 290 2

60 – 64 9 62 558 34 596
σ =
40  
= 7.66
65 – 69 8 67 536 35 912
f = 40 fx = 2 290 fx = 133 450

Bagi kumpulan Beta / For Beta group,

Markah Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x Min / Mean,
fx fx2
Marks Frequency, f Midpoint, x –x = 2 365
40 – 44 2 42 84 3 528 40
= 59.13
45 – 49 2 47 94 4 418
50 – 54 4 52 208 10 816 Sisihan piawai,
55 – 59 10 57 570 32 490 Standard deviation,
141 625 2 365
60 – 64 13 62 806 49 972 σ =
40  
65 – 69 9 67 603 40 401 = 6.70
f = 40 fx = 2 365 fx = 141 625

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J52

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Prestasi kumpulan Beta adalah lebih baik kerana min markahnya lebih besar daripada kumpulan Alfa
(59.13 . 57.25) dan sisihan piawainya yang lebih kecil (6.70 , 7.66) menunjukkan prestasi yang lebih
The performance of Beta group is better because the mean of the marks is larger than Alfa group (59.13 . 57.25) and the
smaller standard deviation (6.70 , 7.66) shows that the performance is consistent.

(b) (i) × 300 = 120
Daripada ogif / From the ogive, P40 = 56.7 g
Maka, jisim minimum telur yang akan dijual sebagai telur biasa ialah 56.7 g.
Thus, the minimum mass of eggs that will be sold as regular eggs is 56.7 g.

(ii) Jisim (g) / Mass (g) Kekerapan / Frequency

45.0 – 49.9 20
50.0 – 54.9 80 – 20 = 60
55.0 – 59.9 200 – 80 = 120
60.0 – 64.9 280 – 200 = 80
65.0 – 69.9 300 – 280 = 20

(iii) Jisim (g) Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x

fx fx2
Mass (g) Frequency, f Midpoint, x

45.0 – 49.9 20 47.45 949 43 030.05

50.0 – 54.9 60 52.45 3 147 165 060.15
55.0 – 59.9 120 57.45 6 894 396 060.3
60.0 – 64.9 80 62.45 4 996 312 000.2
65.0 – 69.9 20 67.45 1 349 90 990.05
f = 300 fx = 17 335 fx2 = 1 009 140.75
Sisihan piawai,
Standard deviation,
1 009 140.75 17 335
σ =
 –  
300 
= 4.99

4.99 g , 5.12 g
Ini menunjukkan jisim telur ayam pada hari sebelumnya itu adalah lebih terserak. Pernyataan penternak
itu adalah benar.
This shows that the egg’s mass for the previous day is more dispersed. The breeder’s statement is true.

15. (Jawapan berdasarkan hasil dapatan murid)

(Answer based on results obtained by pupils)

J53 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

3. P = 25 – 10

Kertas 1
Q = 25 + 10
= 35
1. Saiz selang kelas
Size of class interval Q – P = 35 – 15
= 130.5 – 120.5 = 20
= 10 Jawapan / Answer: A
Jawapan / Answer : B
4. 1 × 20 = 5 3 × 20 = 15
4 4
Q1 = 3.75 Q3 = 4.45

Julat antara kuartil

Pemboleh ubah Interquartile range
= 4.45 – 3.75
Beza antara nilai data adalah lebih kecil. = 0.7
The difference between the data values is smaller.
Jawapan / Answer: B
Jawapan / Answer : D

Kertas 2

1. (a) Jisim (kg) Kekerapan Sempadan bawah Sempadan atas

Mass (kg) Frequency Lower boundary Upper boundary

51 – 55 2 50.5 55.5
56 – 60 5 55.5 60.5
61 – 65 8 60.5 65.5
66 – 70 12 65.5 70.5
71 – 75 10 70.5 75.5
76 – 80 3 75.5 80.5

(b) Kekerapan longgokan / Cumulative frequency



50.5 55.5 60.5 65.5 70.5 75.5 80.5
Jisim (g) / Mass (g)

(c) 10 + 3 = 13 biji telur / eggs

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J54

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

2. (a)
Elaun (RM) Kekerapan Titik tengah Sempadan atas Kekerapan longgokan
Allowance (RM) Frequency Midpoint Upper boundary Cumulative frequency

0 0 0 0.5 0
1 – 50 3 25.5 50.5 3
51 – 100 9 75.5 100.5 12
101 – 150 20 125.5 150.5 32
151 – 200 28 175.5 200.5 60
201 – 250 11 225.5 250.5 71
251 – 300 6 275.5 300.5 77
301 – 350 3 325.5 350.5 80

(b) Min anggaran / Estimated mean

3(25.5) + 9(75.5) + 20(125.5) + 28(175.5) + 11(225.5) + 6(275.5) + 3(325.5)
3 + 9 + 20 + 28 + 11 + 6 + 3
= 13 290
= RM166.13

(c) Kekerapan longgokan / Cumulative frequency 3. (a) Perbelanjaan Titik

80 Expenses
Frequency tengah
(RM) Midpoint
0–4 0 2
60 5–9 3 7
50 10 – 14 4 12
15 – 19 7 17
20 – 24 8 22
25 – 29 6 27
20 30 – 34 4 32
10 35 – 39 0 37

0.5 50.5 100.5 150.5 200.5 250.5 300.5 350.5 (b) Min / Mean
Elaun (RM) / Allowance (RM)
3(7) + 4(12) + 7(17) + 8(22) + 6(27) + 4(32)
(d) 80 – 60 = 20 orang pekerja / workers
20 × 100 = 25% 32

= RM20.44

J55 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

(c) Kekerapan / Frequency (b) Sempadan Kekerapan

8 Markah Kekerapan atas longgokan
Marks Frequency Upper Cumulative
7 boundary frequency

6 31 – 40 0 40.5 0

5 41 – 50 8 50.5 8

4 51 – 60 17 60.5 25

3 61 – 70 19 70.5 44

2 71 – 80 9 80.5 53

1 81 – 90 5 90.5 58

0 91 – 100 2 100.5 60
2 4 12 17 22 27 32 37
Perbelanjaan (RM) / Expenses (RM)
Kekerapan longgokan / Cumulative frequency

6+4 60
(d) × 100 = 31.25%


(a) f = 8 + 17 + 19 + 9 + 5 + 2 = 60 20

fx = 8(45.5) + 17(55.5) + 19(65.5) + 9(75.5)

  + 5(85.5) + 2(95.5)
= 3 850 0
40.5 50.5 60.5 70.5 80.5 90.5 100.5
fx2 = 8(45.5)2 + 17(55.5)2 + 19(65.5)2 + 9(75.5)2 Markah / Marks

  + 5(85.5)2 + 2(95.5)2
= 256 535
256 535 3 850
σ =
60  
= 12.58

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J56

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

2. (a) Mengenal pasti dan mendefinisikan
Pemodelan Matematik masalah
8 Mathematical Modeling Identifying and defining the problems
• Tentukan masa yang diperlukan untuk
1. (a) (i) – Diketahui suhu awal dan kadar menaip 450 patah perkataan.
Determine the time needed to type 450 words.
penurunan suhu di bandar itu
It is known the initial temperature and the
• Diketahui bahawa semakin banyak bilangan
rate of temperature decrease in the city perkataan yang ditaip, semakin banyak masa
– Cari suhu di bandar itu selepas 4 jam yang diperlukan. Oleh itu, jumlah masa
Find the temperature of the city after 4 hours yang diperlukan berubah secara langsung
dengan bilangan perkataan yang ditaip.
(ii) – Kadar penurunan suhu di bandar itu It is known that as the number of words typed
adalah tetap increases, the time needed increases. Therefore,
The rate of temperature decrease in the city is the amount of time needed varies directly as the
fixed number of words typed.
– Tiada faktor luar yang mengganggu suhu Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti
kawasan persekitaran yang direkodkan pemboleh ubah
No other factors that affecting the temperature Making assumptions and identifying the problems
of the surrounding area being recorded
• Andaikan kecekapan jurutaip semasa
(iii) P = suhu dalam °C / temperature in °C menaip semua perkataan adalah sama.
Assume that the efficiency of the typist when
t = masa dalam minit / time in minute typing all words is the same.
• Katakan x mewakili bilangan perkataan
(b) (i) – Jarak antara Klang, Selangor dengan yang ditaip dan y mewakili jumlah masa
Johor Bahru, Johor yang boleh diperoleh yang diperlukan.
dari Internet Let x represents the number of words typed and y
Distance between Klang, Selangor and Johor represents the amount of time needed
Bahru, Johor can be obtained from internet • y berubah secara langsung dengan x, maka
– Masa yang diambil oleh Encik Kamal y = kx dengan keadaan k ialah pemalar.
memandu dari Klang, Selangor ke y varies directly as x, thus y = kx such that k is a
Johor Bahru, Johor boleh dihitung constant.
menggunakan rumus laju × masa
Time taken by Encik Kamal driving from
Mengaplikasi matematik untuk
Klang, Selangor to Johor Bahru, Johor can be menyelesaikan masalah
calculated using formula speed × time Applying mathematics to solve problem
– Cari masa yang diambil jika Encik Kamal
Gantikan y = 60 dan x = 30 ke dalam y = kx
memandu keretanya dengan kelajuan Substitute y = 60 and x = 30 into y = kx
seragam 60 km/j 60 = k(30)
Find the time taken if Encik Kamal driving his
car at a constant speed of 60 km/h
30k = 60
(ii) – Kelajuan kereta yang dipandu oleh Maka, / Thus, y = 2x
Encik Kamal adalah tetap Apabila / When x = 450,
The speed of car driven by Encik Kamal is
y = 2(450) = 900
– Encik Kamal menggunakan laluan yang
Maka, jumlah masa yang diperlukan oleh
Encik Kamal uses the same road jurutaip tersebut untuk menaip 450 patah
perkataan ialah
(iii) t = masa yang diambil dalam jam / time 900 saat.
taken in hour Thus, the amount of time needed by the typist to type
450 words is 900 seconds.
v = laju kereta dalam km/j / speed of the car
in km/h

J57 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Menentusahkan dan mentafsir Two variables involved are the total profit, P and
penyelesaian the number of units of calculators sold, x.
Verifying and interpreting solutions
Model fungsi linear y = 2x yang diperoleh tidak Mengaplikasi matematik untuk
dapat digunakan untuk semua situasi masa menyelesaikan masalah
menaip dan jumlah patah perkataan yang Applying mathematics to solve problem
ditaip kerana nilai tersebut mungkin berbeza • Graf P(x) melawan x dilukis. Bentuk graf
mengikut situasi. yang terhasil menunjukkan lengkung graf
The model of linear function y = 2x obtained cannot fungsi kuadratik.
be used to all situations of the time needed to type and Graph of P(x) against x is drawn. The shape of the
the total words typed as the values may be different graph shows a quadratic function curve.
according to the situation. • Berdasarkan graf, keuntungan maksimum
y ialah RM270 400 apabila 3 000 unit
kalkulator dijual.
y = 2x Based on the graph, the maximum profit is
RM270 400 when 3 000 units of calculator are
O x sold.
Memurnikan model matematik P(x)
Refining mathematical model
300 000 (3 000, 270 000)
Pemurnian model tidak dapat dilakukan kerana
maklumat yang diberikan adalah terhad. 200 000
Refining the model cannot be done because the
information provided is limited.
100 000

Melaporkan dapatan
Reporting the findings 0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000
Buat laporan berdasarkan tafsiran penyelesaian
–100 000
yang diperoleh.
Make a report based on the interpretations on the
obtained solution. Menentusahkan dan mentafsir penyelesaian
Verifying and interpreting solutions
(b) Mengenal pasti dan mendefinisikan Fungsi kuadratik / Quadratic function P(x)
masalah = ax2 + bx + c
Identifying and defining the problems Apabila / When (0, –90 000), (1 000, 110 000)
Dapatkan model keuntungan jualan syarikat dan / and (6 000, –90 000),
itu dan tentukan keuntungan maksimum −90 000 = a(0)2 + b(0) + c → c = −90 000
daripada model tersebut.
Obtain the sale profits model of the company and 110 000 = a(1 000)2 + b(1 000) − 90 000
determine the maximum profit from the model. 1 000 000a + 1 000b = 200 000
1 000a + b = 200 … 
Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti −90 000 = a(6 000)2 + b(6 000) − 90 000
pemboleh ubah 36 000 000a + 6 000b = 0
Making assumptions and identifying the problems
36 000a + 6b = 0 … 
• Andaikan bahawa keuntungan maksimum
dicapai pada suatu paras jualan tertentu dan   : 36 000a + 6b = 0
jumlah keuntungan maksimum ini bukan –  × 6  : 6 000a + 6b = 1 200
dicapai berdasarkan bilangan unit kalkulator 30 000a = −1 200
tertinggi yang dijual. a = −0.04
Assume that the maximum profit is achieved at a
certain sale level and this maximum profit is not
achieved based on the highest number of units of Gantikan a = –0.04 ke dalam 
calculators sold. Substitute a = –0.04 into 
• Dua pemboleh ubah yang terlibat ialah b = 200 − 1 000(−0.04) = 240
jumlah keuntungan, P dan bilangan unit ∴ P(x) = −0.04x2 + 240x − 90 000
kalkulator yang dijual, x.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J58

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

Apabila / When x = 3 000,

P(3 000)
= −0.04(3 000)2 + 240(3 000) – 90 000
= 270 000

Memurnikan model matematik

Refining mathematical model
• Model ini mungkin tidak benar bagi keuntungan maksimum yang diperoleh syarikat lain. Model baharu
diperlukan untuk situasi yang berbeza.
This model may no be true for maximum profit obtained by other company. New model may be needed for different
• Kejituan jawapan akan bertambah jika lebih banyak data yang diambil.
The answer will be more accurate if more data is taken.

Melaporkan dapatan
Reporting the findings
Buat laporan berdasarkan tafsiran penyelesaian yang diperolehi.
Make a report based on the interpretations on the obtained solution.

(c) Mengenal pasti dan mendefinisikan masalah

Identifying and defining the problems
Tentukan populasi penduduk di sebuah negara bagi 4 tahun akan datang dengan populasi 2.5 juta dan
kadar pertumbuhan 6% setiap tahun.
Determine the population of a country for the next 4 years with population of 2.5 million and the growth rate of 6% per

Membuat andaian dan mengenal pasti pemboleh ubah

Making assumptions and identifying the problems
• Andaikan bahawa kadar kelahiran dan kematian adalah tetap setiap tahun di negara itu.
Assume that the birth and death rates are fixed every year in the country.
• Katakan P ialah populasi dan r ialah kadar pertumbuhan.
Let P is the population and r is the growth rate.

Mengaplikasi matematik untuk menyelesaikan masalah

Applying mathematics to solve problem

Tahun Populasi Pertambahan populasi Jumlah populasi

Year Population Population increment Total population

1 2 500 000 2 500 000 × 0.06 2 500 000 + 2 500 000 × 0.06 2 500 000(1.06)
= 2 500 000(1 + 0.06)

2 2 500 000(1.06) 2 500 000(1.06) × 0.06 2 500 000(1.06) 2 500 000(1.06)2

+ 2 500 000(1.06) × 0.06
= 2 500 000(1.06)(1 + 0.06)
3 2 500 000(1.06)2 2 500 000(1.06)2 × 0.06 2 500 000(1.06)2 2 500 000(1.06)3
+ 2 500 000(1.06)2 × 0.06
= 2 500 000(1.06)2 (1 + 0.06)
4 2 500 000(1.06)3 2 500 000(1.06)3 × 0.06 2 500 000(1.06)3 2 500 000(1.06)4
+ 2 500 000(1.06)3 × 0.06
= 2 500 000(1.06)3 (1 + 0.06)

J59 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Menentusahkan dan mentafsir penyelesaian Populasi / Population, P(t)

Verifying and interpreting solutions
Pola jumlah populasi, P(t) pada masa tahun ke-t digeneralisasikan 4 000 000

kepada model matematik dengan P0 ialah populasi awal dan r ialah

3 800 000
kadar pertumbuhan:
The pattern of the total population, P(t) at t year is generalised to mathematical

model with P0 is the initial population and r is the growth rate: 3 600 000

P(t) = P0(1 + r)t

3 400 000
Graf P(t) melawan t menunjukkan satu pertumbuhan eksponen
apabila t bertambah. 3 200 000
The graph of P(t) against t shows an exponential growth when t increases.
3 000 000
Memurnikan model matematik
Refining mathematical model 2 800 000
Kejituan jawapan akan bertambah jika lebih banyak data yang
diambil. 2 600 000
The answer will be more accurate if more data is taken.
2 400 000
Melaporkan dapatan
Reporting the findings 0
2 4 6 8
Buat laporan berdasarkan tafsiran penyelesaian yang diperolehi. Masa, t (tahun) / Time, t (year)
Make a report based on the interpretations on the obtained solution.

y berubah secara langsung dengan x, maka y
PRAKTIS SPM 8 = kx dengan keadaan k ialah pemalar.
y varies directly as x, then y = kx such that k is a
Kertas 2 constant.
1. (a) – Untuk menentukan masa yang diperlukan
tukang jahit itu untuk menjahit 13 helai 2. (a) – Andaikan kalori bagi sebiji burger ayam
baju. adalah sama.
Assume the calories of a chicken burger is the
To determine the time needed by the tailor to sew
13 shirts.
– Diketahui bahawa apabila bilangan baju – Katakan x mewakili bilangan burger ayam
bertambah, maka masa yang diperlukan dan y mewakili jumlah kalori.
Let x represents the number of chicken burgers
untuk menjahit baju bertambah. Oleh itu, and y represents the total calories.
masa yang diperlukan untuk menjahit baju – y berubah secara langsung dengan x, maka y
berkadar secara langsung dengan bilangan = kx dengan keadaan k ialah pemalar.
baju. y varies directly as x, then y = kx where k is a
It is known that when the number of shirts constant.
increases, then the time needed to sew increases.
Therefore, the time needed to sew shirts varies (b) Gantikan y = 1 080 dan x = 2 ke dalam y = kx
directly as the number of shirts. Substitute y = 1 800 and x = 2 into y = kx
1 080 = k(2)
(b) – Andaikan masa yang diperlukan untuk
k = 540
menjahit sehelai baju adalah sama.
Assume the time needed to sew a shirt is the same. ∴  y = 540x
– Katakan x mewakili bilangan baju dan y
mewakili masa yang diperlukan untuk (c) y = 540(6)
menjahit baju. = 3 240
Let x represents the number of shirts and y
represents the time needed to sew shirts.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J60

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

3. Bentuk graf itu ialah graf kuadratik.

The shape of the graph is a quadratic graph. Sudut KBAT
v = at + bt + c

Bagi / For (0, 12), 12 = a(0)2 + b(0) + c (a) Andaikan diameter paip itu diabaikan.
c = 12 Assume the diameter of the pipe is negligible.

Bagi / For (1, 7), 7 = a(1)2 + b(1) + 12

(b) (i) Katakan p ialah panjang paip.
a + b = −5 …  Let p is the length of the pipe.
Bagi / For (6, 12), 12 = a(6) + b(6) + 12
2 AC adalah satu garis lurus, maka
AC is a straight line, thus
36a + 6b = 0 … 
2 y
x 2
Daripada / From , a = −b − 5 …  4
Gantikan  ke dalam  / Substitute  into   
y =
36(−b − 5) + 6b = 0 xm
−36b − 180 + 6b = 0 A B
30b = −180 2m
b = −6 2m
Gantikan b = –6 ke dalam  C
Substitute b = –6 into 
a + (−6) = −5
a = 1
p2 = (x + 2)2 + (y + 2)2
Maka, model matematik bagi halaju zarah p = (x + 2)2 + (y + 2)2
Thus, the mathematical model for the velocity of the
= (x + 2)2 + 4 + 2  
v = t 2 − 6t + 12 x

(iii) Panjang paip (m)

xm ym
Length of the pipe (m)
1 4 6.7
2 2 5.7
3 1.3 6
4 1 6.7
5 0.8 7.5
6 0.7 8.4
7 0.6 9.4
8 0.5 10.3

J61 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

Panjang paip / Length of the pipe (m)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x (m)

Berdasarkan graf, titik terendah ialah (2, 5.7).

Based on the graph, the lowest point is (2, 5.7).

(iv) Gantikan nilai x = 2

Substitute the value of x = 2
p = (2 + 2)2 +  42 +2 
= 5.66 m
Hampir dengan jawapan yang diperoleh daripada graf.
Approximately with the answer obtained from the graph.

(d) Ya, pekerja itu dapat menghantar paip tersebut melalui koridor itu kerana 4.8 m , 5.66 m.
Yes, the worker able to deliver the pipe through the corridor because 4.8 m , 5.66 m.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J62

Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

5. Semua segi tiga sama kaki mempunyai dua sisi

KERTAS MODEL yang sama panjang.
All isosceles triangles have two equal length of sides.
1. Nombor Nilai tempat Jawapan / Answer : D
Number Place value
2 84 6. Bilangan maksimum peserta bagi kedua-dua kursus
0 83 ialah 100 orang.
The maximum number of participants for both courses is
7 82 100 people.
6 81
x + y < 100
4 80

Bilangan peserta yang menyertai kursus memasak

Nilai digit / Digit value adalah sekurang-kurangnya 20 orang.
The number of participants who joins the cooking course
= 7 × 82
is at least 20 people.
= 448

x > 20
Jawapan / Answer: C
Jawapan / Answer : D
2. 1 0 1 1 02
+ 1 0 0 12
7. ∠OSU = 90° – 60°
1 1 1 1 12 = 30°

Jawapan / Answer : D
Sudut major ∠VOS / Major angle of ∠VOS
1 = 360° – (2 × 50°)
3. 0 2 0 2 2
= 260°
1 0 1 1 0 02
– 1 1 0 0 12
y = 360° – 50° – 30° – 260°
1 0 0 1 12
= 20°

Nilai nombor / Number value

Jawapan / Answer : A
= (1 × 24) + (0 × 23) + (0 × 22) + (1 × 21) + (1 × 20)
= 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1
8. ∠RQS = (180° – 110°) ÷ 2
= 1910
= 35°
3 19 = ∠RSQ
3 6 – 1
3 2 – 0 Jumlah sudut pedalaman pentagon
Sum of interior angles of pentagon
0 2
= (5 – 2) × 180°
100112 = 2013 = 540°

Jawapan / Answer : A ∠RQP = 540° – 120° – 100° – 90° – 110°

= 120°
4. (–8)2 , 82
x = 120° – 35°
Jawapan / Answer : B = 85°

Jawapan / Answer : C

J63 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

9. ∠AGD dan ∠GDE ialah sudut selang-seli.

14. sin n = 3
∠AGD and ∠GDE are alternate angles. 5
PQ = 3
(5 – 2) × 180° PR 5
∠AGD =
QR = 
52 – 32
= 108°
= ∠GDE
tan m = – 3
x = 360° – 108° – 108° 4
= 144° Jawapan / Answer : B

Jawapan / Answer : C 15. Graf kosinus / Cosinus graph

10. 1.35 × 6 – 0.008 1
= 8.1 – 0.008
= 8.092 0 90° 180° 270° 360°
= 8 (1 a.b / 1 s.f) –1

Jawapan / Answer : B

Jawapan / Answer : A

11. (1.02 × 10 )
2 –3 R V
0.008 5m
= 1.18 × 10–4 T
12 m

Jawapan / Answer : A
12. y
tan 52° = 12
5 A B
4 RV = 9.38 m
tan q = VT
1 RV
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 = 5
D –1 9.38
F –3 q = tan–1 5 
E –4 S = 28°3

Garis RS Jawapan / Answer : B

Line RS
17. A
Jawapan / Answer : B

13. kos x = 0.87 B

sin y = 0.94
kos x + sin y = 0.87 + 0.94
= 1.81 40°
10 m
Jawapan / Answer : D

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tan 40° = BC RM286 000 , RM440 000

10 Bayaran pampasan
BC = 10 × tan 40° Compensation payment
= 8.39 m RM286 000
= × RM200 000
RM440 000
AC = 2 × 8.39 = RM130 000
= 16.78 m
Jawapan / Answer : C
Jawapan / Answer : C
21. (3x – 2y)(3x + 2y) + 4xy
Encik Amirul ingin membeli sebuah kereta = 9x2 – 4y2 + 4xy
berharga RM95 000 jika dia mempunyai wang
yang mencukupi. Jawapan / Answer : A
Encik Amirul wants to buy a car with the price of
RM95 000 if he has enough money.
22. n – n + 5 = n – 2n – 10
2 2 2

4 2n 4n
Tidak jelas dan tiada tempoh masa dalam matlamat –n2 – 10
kewangan Encik Amirul. 4n
Not clear and no time-bound in Encik Amirul’s financial
goal. Jawapan / Answer : B

Jawapan / Answer : C 23. p = 2q + 3r

3r = p – 2q
19. Aliran tunai individu P p – 2q
r =
Cash flow of individual P 3
= RM2 500 – RM1 800
Jawapan / Answer : D
= RM700 (+)

3x – 2 1
Aliran tunai individu Q 24. =
x+3 4
Cash flow of individual Q
x + 3 = 4(3x – 2)
= RM3 000 – RM2 500 12x – x = 3 + 8
= RM500 (+) 11x = 11
x = 1
Aliran tunai individu R
Cash flow of individual R
Jawapan / Answer : D
= RM2 400 – RM2 250
= RM150 (+)
25. x – 4 . 2x + 6
Aliran tunai individu S x
– 2x . 6 + 4
Cash flow of individual S 3
= RM3 840 – RM4 000 – 5 x . 10
= RM(–160) 3
x , –6
Jawapan / Answer : D
Jawapan / Answer : C
20. Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli
Amount of required insurance
= 0.8 × RM550 000
= RM440 000

J65 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

26. r 2 = 1 r 2s–2
31. n(A  B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A  B)
4s 4 36 = 15 + 24 – n(A  B)
Jawapan / Answer : A n(A  B) = 3

n(B) = 15 – 3
(34 × 625) –1
4 (34 × 5 ) 4 – 14 = 12
27. = 1
(5 × 27) 3
–3 –1
(5–3 × 33)– 3
1 1
Jawapan / Answer : A
(34)– 4 × (54)– 4
= 1 1
(5–3)– 3 × (33)– 3 2. n(R  S) = n(R) + n(S) – n(R  S)
3 ×5–1 –1
= 130 + 100 – 25
5 × 3–1 = 205

= 1 Bilangan penduduk yang tidak menyertai kedua-

dua kelab
Jawapan / Answer : A Number of residents who did not join both clubs
= 220 – 205
= 15
28. 108, 114, 122, 124, 129, 132
Jawapan / Answer : A
Median = 122 + 124
33. 2y + 3 = (–4 + p)x
= 123
y =  –42+ p  x – 2
Jawapan / Answer : C m1 = m2

–4 + p
29. x 2p + 1 =
f fx fx2 2
0 3 0 0 4p + 2 = –4 + p
1 4 4 4 3p = –6
2 2 4 8 p = –2
3 3 9 27
Jawapan / Answer : B
4 6 24 96
5 7 35 175
34. Kebarangkalian memilih sebiji oren yang tidak
= 76 310
76 2 Probability of choosing not a rotten orange
σ2 = 310 –
25 25   = 1 –
= 3.1584 8
Jawapan / Answer : D

30. fx = 6(24.5) + 12(34.5) + 14(44.5) + 8(54.5) Bilangan oren yang tidak rosak
Number of oranges that are not rotten
= 1 620
= × 200
Min / Mean = 1 620 = 125
= 40.5
Jawapan / Answer : C
Jawapan / Answer : B

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Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

35. Kebarangkalian hanya salah seorang daripada 39. 10(30) + 14(60) = x

mereka yang lulus 11(30) + 7(60) = y
Probability that only one of them passes
= P(M, K’) + P(M’, K) 10 14 30 = x
11 7 60 y
2 1 3 3
= × + ×
5 4 5 4
Jawapan / Answer : C
2 9
= +
20 20
20 40. 7 1  + 1 –6 n  =  5 5
3 –6 3 9 –6 6 –4
Jawapan / Answer : D
5 1 + n
 3 =  5 5
36. R  S3 6 –4 6 –4
Jawapan / Answer : B n
= 5
7. y  3x
3 = 4
y = k(3x) n = 12
18 = k(3 729)
k = 18 Jawapan / Answer : D
= 2
∴  y = 2( x)
1. (a) S T
Jawapan / Answer : C

38. p  (b)
r S T
p =
4 =
9 2. Nilai nombor / Number value
k = 6 = (2 × 35) + (1 × 34) + (1 × 33) + (0 × 32) + (2 × 31)
6q   + (0 × 30)
∴ p= = 486 + 81 + 27 + 0 + 6 + 0
= 60010
Apabila / When p = 6, q = s dan / and r = 16 8 600
6 = 6s 8 75 – 0
16 8 9 – 3
6s = 24
8 1 – 1
s = 4
0 1
Jawapan / Answer : A
Jarak antara Bandar A dengan Bandar B ialah
11308 km.
Distance between City A and City B is 11308 km.

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  Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan

3. x − 4y = −8 …  12
(c) 4 = –
3x + 7y = −5 …  Pintasan-x / x-intercept
Daripada / From : x = 4y − 8 …  12
Pintasan-x / x-intercept = –
Gantikan  ke dalam : / Substitute  into : 4
3(4y − 8) + 7y = −5 = –3
12y − 24 + 7y = −5
19y = 19 8. (a) Simpanan bulanan untuk dana kecemasan
Monthly savings for emergency fund
y = 1 12
= × RM2 500
Apabila / When y = 1, 100
x = 4y − 8 = RM300
= 4(1) − 8
= −4 Jumlah terkumpul
Accumulated amount
∴  x = –4, y = 1 = RM300 × 12
= RM3 600
4. −(3x − 1)2 = 25x + 1
−(9x2 − 6x + 1) = 25x + 1 (b) Aliran tunai bulanan Encik Lau
Mr Lau’s monthly cash flow
−9x2 + 6x − 1 = 25x + 1
= RM2 500 + RM480 – RM300 – RM1 150
−9x2 − 19x − 2 = 0
  – RM940
9x2 + 19x + 2 = 0
= RM590
(9x + 1)(x + 2) = 0
x = − , x = −2 9. (a) Laju seragam objek N
Uniform speed of object N
5. Kebarangkalian / Probability = 16 m s–1
2 4 2
= × × (b) Jumlah jarak yang dilalui oleh objek M
6 9 6
4 Total distance travelled by object M
= 1
81 = × T × 16
= 8T
1 Jumlah jarak yang dilalui oleh objek N
6. (12 + p + 4)(9)(4) + (15)(4)(4) = 780
2 Total distance travelled by object N
18(16 + p) + 240 = 780
288 + 18p = 540 = × (T + T − 5)(16)
18p = 252
= 8(2T − 5)
p = 14
= 16T − 40
Pintasan-y / y-intercept
7. (a) mPQ = –
Pintasan-x / x-intercept Perbezaan jarak = 16
Pintasan-y / y-intercept Difference in distance
–2 = – 16T − 40 − 8T = 16
8T − 40 = 16
Pintasan-y / y-intercept = 2 × 6
8T = 56
= 12
T = 7
∴  Q(0, 12)
10. P(memilih nombor ganjil / picking an odd number)
12 – (–4) 2
(b) mQR = =
0 – (–4) 3
= P(memilih huruf vokal / picking a vowel)
=4 1
∴  y = 4x + 12

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Matematik  Tingkatan 5  Jawapan 

P(memilih nombor ganjil dan huruf vokal / picking 12. (a) y

an odd number and a vowel)
x=1 L
2 1
= × 12
3 4
6 10

11. (a)
2y >  y + 2 8
1 C H G
y >  x + 1 D J
y = x+1
2 A E
x 2 8
y 2 5 2

5x + 4y , 40 K
4y , –5x + 40 –4 –2 O 2 4 6 8
y , – x + 10
(i) Transformasi N ialah pantulan pada garis x
y = – x + 10 = 1.
4 Transformation N is a reflection in the line x = 1.
x 0 8
y 10 0 (ii)
k= =3
y Transformasi M ialah pembesaran pada
pusat G(5, 7) dengan faktor skala 3.
Transformation M is an enlargement at center
G(5, 7) with a scale factor of 3.
8 (6, 8)
(b) Luas GJKL / Area of GJKL
= 32 × 40
(4, 5)
= 9 × 40
2y = x + 2 = 360 m2
(2, 4)
Luas kawasan berlorek / Area of the shaded region
= 360 − 40
= 320 m2
5x + 4y = 40

O 2 4 6 8 10
13. (a) Jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli
The amount of required insurance
(b) (i) Ya = × RM420 000
= RM315 000
(ii) Tidak
(b) (i) Bayaran pampasan
Compensation payment
= RM39 000 – RM2 800
(iii) Tidak
= RM36 200

J69 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

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(ii) RM200 000 , RM315 000 Jumlah jarak minimum

Bayaran pampasan Minimum total weight
Compensation payment =5+7+3+5
RM200 000 = 20 m
= × RM39 000 − RM2 800
RM315 000
= RM24 761.90 – RM2 800 15. (a) (i) Lokus bagi titik R yang bergerak dengan
= RM21 961.90 keadaan jaraknya sentiasa 10 cm dari titik
(c) Bayaran pampasan Locus of a moving point R which is constantly
Compensation payment
10 cm from point O.
= RM250 000 – RM2 800
= RM247 200 (ii) Garis AC dan garis BD.
Line AC and line BD
14. (a) (i) Jumlah darjah
Sum of degrees (b) (i), (ii), (iii)
= 12
Lokus X
Graf boleh dilukis kerana jumlah darjah Locus of X
adalah genap.
Graph can be drawn because the sum of degrees
Lokus Y
is even.
Locus of Y
(ii) Jumlah darjah
Sum of degrees
=2+2+3+1+4+1 16. (a) x = bilangan murid dalam kumpulan Sigma
= 13 number of pupils in Sigma group
Graf tidak boleh dilukis kerana jumlah y = bilangan murid dalam kumpulan Gamma
darjah adalah ganjil. number of pupils in Gamma group
Graph cannot be drawn because the sum of
degrees is odd. x + y = 55 … 
(b) (i) Bilangan darjah  +  : 2y = 60
Sum of degrees y = 30
= 2(7)
= 14 Gantikan y = 30 ke dalam 
(ii) A B Substitute y = 30 into ,
x + 30 = 55
x = 25
5 7 3 C
x : y = 25 : 30
5 =5:6
(b) 12 cm

Bilangan bucu / Number of vertices A

=5 6 cm

Bilangan tepi / Number of edges 12 cm

Bilangan tepi yang perlu dibuang
Number of edges to be removed
OA = 
122 − 62
= 108
= 10.39 cm

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Luas satu segi tiga 17. (a) (i) p − 2 < 9

Area of one triangle p < 11
= × 12 × 10.39
2 ∴  Nilai maksimum p ialah 11.
= 62.34 cm2 The maximum value of p is 11.

Luas heksagon sekata

Area of regular hexagon (ii) Min / Mean
= 62.34 × 6 10(2) + 11(5) + 12(6) + 13(9) + 14(10) + 15(8)
= 374.04 cm2 =
2 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10 + 8
Luas lebihan kadbod yang tidak digunakan 40
Area of the remaining unused cardboard = 13.1
= × 122 − 374.04
7 (b)
= 452.57 − 374.04
= 78.53 cm2 Bilangan mesej yang
dihantar 10 11 12 13 14 15
Number of messages sent

(c) (i) p + 2q = 7 Kekerapan

2 5 6 9 10 8
15p + 20q = 85
1 2 p = 7 longgokan 2 7 13 22 32 40

15 20 q 85 Cumulative frequency

p = 1 20 –2 7
Nilai minimum = 10
q (1)(20) – (2)(15) –15 1 85
Minimum value
1 140 – 170
= – Kuartil pertama
10 –105 + 85
First quartile
= 3 1
× 40 = 10
2 4
Q1 = 12
∴  p = 3, q = 2
Median / Median
(ii) Jumlah markah kumpulan Sigma 1
Total marks for Sigma group × 40 = 20
= 12(3) + 14(2) Q2 = 13
= 64
Kuartil ketiga / Third quartile
Jumlah markah kumpulan Gamma 3
× 40 = 30
Total marks for Gamma group 4
Q3 = 14
= 10(3) + 18(2)
= 66
Nilai maksimum
Maximum value = 15
Ya, pernyataan murid itu adalah benar
kerana jumlah markah kumpulan Gamma
lebih tinggi daripada kumpulan Sigma.
Yes, the statement of the pupil is true because
the total marks for Gamma group is higher than
Sigma group.

10 11 12 13 14 15

Bilangan mesej yang dihantar / Number of messages sent

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(c) (i)
Jumlah masa yang
Kekerapan, f Titik tengah, x
digunakan (s) fx fx2
Frequency, f Midpoint, x
Total time taken (s)

1 – 10 103 5.5 566.5 3 115.75

11 – 20 113 15.5 1 751.5 27 148.25

21 – 30 118 25.5 3 009 76 729.5

31 – 40 102 35.5 3 621 128 545.5

41 – 50 88 45.5 4 004 182 182

f = 524
fx = 12 952
fx2 = 417 721
σ =
417 721 – 12 952
524 524  
= 13.65 s

(ii) Serakan jumlah masa yang digunakan oleh Sri Devi adalah lebih luas daripada Shahirah kerana sisihan
piawainya lebih besar, iaitu 15.23 s . 13.65 s.
The dispersion of the total time taken by Sri Devi is wider than Shahirah because her standard deviation is larger, that
is 15.23 s . 13.65 s.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. J72

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