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Arts 7

3rd Quarter
Week 4

Development and Quality Assurance Team

Developer: Jonna C. Kilario-Pormentira

Content Evaluator: Jessan M. Lindog
Language Evaluator: Glory B. Balatero
Layout Evaluator: Jj Evan Aries C. Handugan
Learning Area Supervisor: Antonio V. Salazar, Ed.D.

Illustration Credits:

Title Page: Marieto Cleben V. Lozada

Visual Cues: Ivin Mae M. Ambos
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.
1. Derives elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s
artwork. (A7PR-IIIf-2)
2. Shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific areas
of the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized
expertise, and availability of resources (e.g., pottery, weaving,
jewelry, and basketry) (A7PR-IIIf-3)
3. Shows the relationship of Mindanao’s arts and crafts to Philippine
culture, traditions, and history, particularly with Islamic influences and
indigenous (Lumad) practices. (A7PR-IIIh-4)
4. Creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials,
guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc). (A7PR-
5. Participates in exhibit using completed Mindanao-inspired arts and
crafts in an organized manner. (A7PR-IIIg-5)

Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have:

o identified characteristics of architecture, sculptures and functional
o created a miniature of vinta using your own color combination and
pattern; and
o appreciated the different Mindanao-inspired artworks by compiling
the completed arts and crafts of Mindanao.

Learner’s Tasks

Lesson Overview

Architecture is the art or practice of designating and constructing buildings.

Nowadays, the term does not only refer to structures. It may also include the
designed environment, such as gardens, which falls under landscape
Sculpture is an artistic form in which hard or plastic are worked into three-
dimensional art objects. The designs may be embodied in freestanding objects,
in reliefs on surfaces, or in environments ranging from tableaux to context that
envelop the spectator.
Functional art refers to aesthetic objects that serve utilization purposes. The
genre is remarkably inclusive: it encompasses everything from furniture and
lightning to dishes.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.


The Torogan is the ancestral house of
the upper-class Maranao. It is the dwelling
place of the datu along with his wives and
children. There could not be any house larger
than torogan of the datu within the sultanate,
for this signifies rank, prestige and wealth.

The National Museum has declared the Maranao Torogan, specifically the
kawayan torogan as one of the National Cultural Treasures through Museum
Declaration No. 4-2008.


Panalong is a wing-like ornament of the

torogan flaring out from the beams. This okir
carving usually features the naga or serpent,
pako rabong or stylized fern, as well as floral
and star-and-bud motifs.

The Grand Mosque of Cotabato

The largest mosque in the Philippines,
Sultan Hadji Hassanal Bolkiah Masjid sitting
near the idle bank of Tamontaka River is
founded by the Philippine Government and
the Sultan of Brunei, after whom the masjid
was named. The mosque occupies 5000
square meters of a 5-hectare land. The four
minarets stand at the towering 43 meters high
(more or less 15-story building).
Fort Pilar of Zamboanga

The historical Fort Pilar, also called Real

Fuerza de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de
Zamboanga, was founded in 1635 and still
stands strong until today. It was engineered
by Fr. Melchor de Vera, a Jesuit priest. It was
built to protect the people from pirates of Sulu

Monastery of the Transfiguration of Bukidnon

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

The Monastery is located atop of the hill
of Malaybalay, Bukidnon, founded by Fr.
Abbot Eduardo Africa and run by the
Benedictine Monks. The pyramid-like structure
was designed by the National Artist for
Architecture, Leandro Locsin. It is one of his
last designs and considered as one of his best,
aside from the Cultural Center of the
Philippines and Davao International Airport.

Santo Rosario Church of Camiguin

The Church is located at the town of

Sagay, Camiguin Island. The original church
was built in 1882 using coral stones, but the old
infrastructures were too weak. It was
retrofitted with steel bars using modern
building techniques.


Maitum Jar

An earthenware vessel for a secondary burial jar

from Sarangani province. These artifacts were first
discovered in 1992 and are now in the protection of
the National Museum.

T’boli Wood Carving and Brass Casting and Pottery

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

Wood carvers get their inspiration on the wildlife in their local area. Artisans
use the lost-wax casting method to produce more copies of sculpture with
intricate design such as bells, boxes and figures.

Maranao Wood Carving and Metal Casting

Rarub-A-Kong is a metallic armor made of brass plates, carabao horn and

interlocking ringlets. It is protective armor of Moro warriors as a counterpart to the
vest used by the Spanish soldiers.

Kampilan is a single-edged steel sword with a handle made of hand carved

ivory in the form of the head of the naga or a serpent, handcrafted gold, and
hanged horse hair at the bottom of the handle.

Batigue is a large manually carved wooden top inlaid with mother-of-pearl.

It is used by adult males to test their skills and strength.

Kendi is a heirloom
teapot or kettle used for hot
water, coffee, or tea.

Gador is a large
intricate decorated white
metal tobacco container. It
has become an item of
interior decoration in proper
Maranao households.

Functional Art
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.


The balanghai is also known as

balangay or Butuan Boat, is a large wooden
boat used by the colonial Filipinos to traverse
the seas for trade or migration.
It was first mentioned in the 16th
Century in the Chronicles of Pigafetta, and is
known as the oldest Pre-Hispanic watercraft
found in the Philippines.


Vinta is traditionally made by the

Badjaos who live in the Sulu archipelago. It
consists of several colors and geometric
shapes, representing the colorful culture and
history of the Muslim people.

These boats are small and not meant

to be used for long ocean travel. They are
used for livelihood activities such as fishing and diving for pearls and
transportation around the archipelago.

Activity 1
Direction: Identify the following arts and crafts whether they are classified as
Architecture, Sculpture or Functional Art. Write A for Architecture, S for Sculpture
and FA for Functional Art on the space provided.

1. Kendi 2. Panolong 3. Torogan

_____________________ ___________________ __________________

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

4. Balanghay 5. Maitum Jar 6. vinta

_____________________ ___________________ __________________

7.T’boli Wood Carving 8. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga 9. Gador

_____________________ ___________________ __________________

10. Grand Mosque of Cotabato


Activity 2 – Create A Vinta

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

Direction: By using ordinary materials, create a miniature vinta using your own
color combination and pattern.

1. 1.5-L PET bottles cut in half, lengthwise
2. 2 pcs. of short bond papers
3. Popsicle sticks or broomsticks
4. Art papers
5. Coloring materials

1. The Body
a. Fold the paper diagonally, and then cut the excess piece to make a
b. Fold the paper in half horizontally.
c. Fold one half of the paper outward and upward towards the centerfold.
d. Unfold one side (leaving the other side folded facing down) then fold all
the corners inward to the center evenly.
e. Fold back in half inward to form a trapezoid.
f. Open the longest side fully making 2 opposite tips overlapping each other.
g. Make a small crease inward on both new made tips to create a flat base.
h. Finally open the overlapping flaps to form the boat.

2. The Sail

Use the bond paper, art papers and coloring materials to design your own
vinta sail patterns. Use popsicle sticks or the like to act as a pole to support the

3. The Outriggers (Katig)

Use popsicle sticks and form a 2-step ladder then attach it at the bottom of
the body.

After assembling your vinta, you may add more detail to give character to
your creation.
Category (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Attractiveness/ The artwork shows that The design and the The artwork looks
craftsmanship the creator took great construction were thrown together at the
pride in his/her work. The planned. The item has last minute. It appears
design and the several flaws that little design or
construction look (unwanted bumps, planning was done.
carefully planned. The drips, marks, tears), that Craftsmanship is poor.
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

item is neat (free of detract from the
unwanted bumps, drips, overall look.
marks and tears).
Sources The students have 3 or The students have 2 The student has only
more materials of materials of inspiration one material of
inspiration correctly correctly cited. inspiration correctly
cited. cited or none at all.
Time and Effort Much time and effort Less time and effort Time and effort were
went into the planning went into the planning not used wisely.
and design of the vinta. and design of vinta.
It is clear the student
worked at home as well
as at school.

Activity 3
Direction: Compile and showcase your completed artworks (Mindanao-inspired
arts and crafts). Take a video of those artworks and submit a copy of it to your
MAPEH teacher thru Facebook/messenger. Rubric is shown below.

Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Needs development

(3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Craftsmanship Artworks and ideas are Artworks are unique and Artworks are incomplete,
/skill (color, original, well made and original, yet are clearly could show a little bit
elements, pleasing to the eye, colors from the regional more uniqueness and
principles and used are vibrant and theme, follow the set originality, did not follow
creativity detailed, clearly shows guidelines and the necessary guidelines
well-planned and thought instructions, utilize color and instructions, did not
of ideas, shows to create an emotional utilize proper use of color
resourcefulness with effect or to define to show details of culture,
materials used, with all character. quickly thrown together
guidelines and instructions with no care or control.
followed with an
unadvanced level of
Functionality Artworks clearly depict Artworks clearly support Artworks are creative, but
and the character and the the regional details and are somewhat out of
relevance to culture they are cultures, and portray or place.
the performing and showcase properly.
theme/lesson interpreting, making it
easier for the audience to
understand and
Attitude Works extremely hard, On task most of the Did bear minimum during
shows efficiency and time, pays attention preparations, was often
independence. Pays when the teacher gives off task, had poor use of
attention and contributes additional guidelines time, did not pay
by mentoring others, takes and instructions, takes attention to the guidelines
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

care of surroundings and care of materials, keeps given and did not give
materials used, keeps work space clean. proper care or respect to
work space clean. materials used. Minimal or
no clean-up of work

Formative Test

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Do it in your answer sheet.
_________ 1. It is the dwelling place of the datu along with his wives and children, also
known as the ancestral house of the upper-class Maranao.
A. Torogan C. Bahay Kubo
B. Mosque D. Panolong

_________ 2. It is the largest mosque in the Philippines sitting near the idle banks of
Tamontaka River.
A. Al-Dahab Mosque C. Sheik Karimol Makdum Mosque
B. Dimaukom Mosque D. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato

_________ 3. The National Artist who designed the Monastery of the Transfiguration of
A. Salvador Dali C. Guillermo Tolentino
B. Fernando Amorsolo D. Leandro Locsin

_________ 4. An earthenware vessel for a secondary burial jar from Sarangani province.
A. Manunggul Jar C. Maitum Jar
B. Yawning Jarlet D. Catalagan Ritual Jar

_________ 5. A large wooden boat used by the pre-colonial Filipinos to traverse the seas
for trade or migration.
A. Balanghay C. Vinta
B. Paraw D. Karakoa

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.

Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2
S Answers will vary.
A Activity 3
FA Answers will vary.


Siobal, L. R. et al. Music and Arts – Grade 7: Learner’s Material. First Edition. Pasig City:
Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources, 2017.

Siobal, L. R. et al. Music and Arts – Grade 7: Teacher’s Guide. First Edition. Pasig City:
Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources, 2017.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides
released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and
constitutes fair use. All Rights Reserved.


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