Manual Therapy: Anna Bjerkefors, Maria M. Ekblom, Karin Josefsson, Alf Thorstensson

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Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 502e507

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Original article

Deep and superficial abdominal muscle activation during trunk stabilization

exercises with and without instruction to hollow
Anna Bjerkefors a, b, *, Maria M. Ekblom a, b, Karin Josefsson a, Alf Thorstensson a, b
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH), Box 5626, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The deepest muscle of the human ventro-lateral abdominal wall, the Transversus Abdominis (TrA), has
Received 4 September 2009 been ascribed a specific role in spine stabilization, which has motivated special core stability exercises
Received in revised form and hollowing instruction to specifically involve this muscle. The purpose here was to evaluate the levels
31 March 2010
of activation of the TrA and the superficial Rectus Abdominis (RA) muscles during five common stabi-
Accepted 7 May 2010
lization exercises performed in supine, bridging and four-point kneeling positions, with and without
instruction to hollow, i.e. to continuously pull the lower part of the abdomen towards the spine. Nine
habitually active women participated and muscle activity was recorded bilaterally from TrA and RA with
Intramuscular electromyography
intramuscular fine-wire electrodes introduced under the guidance of ultrasound. Results showed that
Transversus abdominis subjects were able to selectively increase the activation of the TrA, isolated from the RA, with the specific
Training instruction to hollow and that side differences in the amplitude of TrA activity, related to the asymmetry
of the exercises, remained even after the instruction to hollow. The exercises investigated caused levels of
TrA activation from 4 to 43% of that during maximal effort and can thus be used clinically to grade the
load on the TrA when designing programs aiming at training that muscle.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and mass. In that perspective, documentation of the actual acti-

vation levels present during commonly used training exercises
Specific training of the innermost abdominal muscle, the would seem valuable.
Transversus Abdominis (TrA), has been prompted by experi- Several of the exercises routinely used to improve core stability,
mental findings of its involvement in unloading of the spine i.e. to support the spine against buckling under load, involve an
(Hodges et al., 2001), anticipatory postural control (Hodges and unsupported pelvis or upper trunk, e.g. trunk bridging exercises
Richardson, 1997) and intersegmental stabilization of the spine and exercises in four-point kneeling. A challenge in terms of
(Hodges et al., 2003). Exercises intended to specifically involve asymmetric loading is often introduced by lifting a limb in these
the TrA in isolation from the superficial abdominal muscles have positions, inducing a need to resist a twisting movement of the
been presented (Richardson and Jull, 1995). Using intramuscular trunk. While a systematic investigation of TrA activation levels
electrodes, Urquhart et al. (2005) reported that even after based on intramuscular recordings in such exercises is lacking,
a relatively brief instruction to hollow, i.e. to pull the lower a few studies using surface EMG placed over the oblique abdominal
abdominal wall inwards in a supine position, without pelvic muscles have been presented. Stevens et al. (2006, 2007) reported
tilting, it was possible to produce isolated activation of TrA. In abdominal muscle activation levels of 20e30% of maximum, and
recent training studies, abdominal hollowing involving about 5% found higher relative activation of Obliquus Internus (OI) than
activation of TrA was performed, attempting to improve the Obliquus Externus (OE) on the right side during bridging with right
coordination pattern of the TrA muscle (Tsao and Hodges, 2007, leg lift and vice versa during four-point kneeling with right leg lift.
2008). This level of activation is considerably lower than those By adding abdominal hollowing to such exercises, a selective
generally considered to be required for gains in muscle strength increase could be demonstrated in level of EMG recorded by surface
electrodes placed over the lower abdomen, presumably picking up
activity mainly from OI and, possibly some from TrA (Beith et al.,
* Corresponding author. Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH),
Biomechanics and Motor Control Laboratory, Box 5626, SE-114 86 Stockholm,
2001; Stevens et al., 2007; Chanthapetch et al., 2009). These find-
Sweden. Tel.: þ46 8 402 22 39; fax: þ46 8 402 22 87. ings suggest that combinations of core stability exercises with or
E-mail address: (A. Bjerkefors). without concurrent hollowing may be used clinically to grade the

1356-689X/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Bjerkefors et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 502e507 503

load on the different abdominal muscles when designing training performed as the first one, but with the following specific addition
and rehabilitation programs. However, to be able to make any to the pre-test instructions: “Breath in and out. Gently and slowly
conclusions about the involvement of TrA, experiments need to be draw in your lower abdomen below your navel without moving
performed with intramuscular EMG recordings. your upper stomach, back or pelvis” (Urquhart et al., 2005)
The purpose of this study was to use intramuscular electrodes to resulting in a situation referred to as hollowing (Richardson and
investigate (1) the level of activation bilaterally in the TrA and Jull, 1995). Between blocks, subjects practiced to hollow with
Rectus Abdominis (RA) muscles in common trunk stabilization instruction and verbal and tactile feedback until they were able to
exercises performed in different positions, requiring a symmetric or perform the manoeuvre in a satisfactory manner, as judged by the
asymmetric activation of the abdominal muscles to maintain the examiner. In no case did the instruction last more than 10 min.
posture, and (2) the effects of the instruction to hollow on TrA and All exercises were performed on a 2 cm thick soft rubber mat
RA activation in these exercises. placed on the floor. Subjects were barefoot and wore tight clothes.
The final, static, position in all exercises was held for 5 s and the
2. Methods time interval was indicated by a set beep-signal every second. The
foot and shoulder positions as well as the knee angle were
2.1. Subjects controlled at the start of each trial. Pauses of 30 s between trials and
60 s between exercises were given. Instruction time between the
Nine habitually active women (27  6 years, 1.73  0.04 m, two blocks ranged 5e10 min. Resting EMG-values were obtained
66.2  8.9 kg) volunteered to this study. All subjects were in good during 5 s in relaxed crook-lying before and after each block.
health and reported no history of neurological and/or respiratory At the end of the experiment, subjects were instructed and
diseases and none of them had been in contact with institutional verbally encouraged to produce one repetition of maximal volun-
care for back or neck pathology during the preceding year. All tary pressurization of the abdominal cavity (“Valsalva manoeuvre”)
subjects were given both oral and written information about all for 3e5 s in four different maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)
aspects of the study and gave their written consent to participate. tasks: I Crook-lying (60 knee angle) while asked to simultaneously
Approval was granted from the regional Ethics Committee. perform maximal voluntary trunk flexion against static resistance
to the shoulders, II Crook-lying, III Bridging with the hips extended
(Fig. 1B), and IV Four-point kneeling with the shoulders, hips and
2.2. Experimental design and procedure
knees in 90 flexion. In addition, a fifth MVC-task was performed: V
Crook-lying with maximal hollowing.
Five different stabilization exercises were investigated
(Fig. 1AeE). Three exercises were executed in supine crook-lying
position (Fig. 1AeC) and two in four-point kneeling position (Fig. 1D 2.3. Electromyography (EMG)
and E). All exercises were performed three consecutive times in the
order A to E in two separate blocks. In the first block, each exercise Muscle activity was recorded bilaterally with intramuscular
was preceded by a detailed verbal explanation by the examiner e EMG from TrA and RA, respectively. Bipolar fine-wire electrodes
a physiotherapist experienced in exercise prescription for the (strand diameter 0.079 mm) were constructed from seven-strand
abdominal muscles e followed by visual instructions, i.e. pictures of Teflon-coated silver wire (AG7/40T, Leico Industries, Inc., USA). An
start and end positions for each exercise were shown. Subjects also electric sensitive region of approximately 2 mm was made at the
performed one guided trial before each test. The second block was end of each wire by carefully removing the Teflon coating. The

Fig. 1. Pictures showing the positions in which the EMG measurements were made during the five different exercises (AeE) investigated. (A) Crook-lying with right leg lifted,
supine, straight leg, heel 10 cm above the floor and left knee in 60 flexion, (B) bridging, supine, pelvis lifted to straight hip joint from a starting position with 60 flexion at the
knees, (C) bridging with right leg lift, i.e. a combination of A and B, (D) four-point kneeling with straight right leg lifted horizontally, hip and knee straight, left hip and knee joints at
90 . (E) Four-point kneeling with right leg and left arm lift, as in (D) plus straight left arm lifted horizontally, shoulder and elbow straight.
504 A. Bjerkefors et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 502e507

uncovered tip was bent back to form a hook and each wire was Significant interaction effects were analysed further using the
threaded through a hypodermic needle (0.7  88 mm and Tukey HSD post hoc test. Level of significance was set to P < 0.05
0.6  60 mm) that was used to insert the intramuscular electrodes and a tendency was considered if 0.1 > P > 0.05.
percutaneously to the desired location. The insertion and precise
placement, with an inter-electrode separation of approximately 3. Results
5 mm, were controlled with real time sonographic imaging (GE,
General Electrics, Logiq 9, USA). The locations were, for TrA: at the 3.1. Exercises (AeE)
level of the umbilicus and between the lowest point of the rib cage
and the anterior superior iliac spine, and for RA: approximately A significant interaction was present between instruction and
3 cm lateral to the umbilicus. Needles were carefully removed prior muscle (F1,8 ¼ 5.85, P ¼ 0.042), and there was a tendency for a 4-
to recording, and sonographic imaging was used to ensure that the way interaction between instruction, muscle, side and exercise
wires had remained in their correct locations. A ground surface (F4,32 ¼ 2.26, P ¼ 0.084). Instruction to hollow caused a significant
electrode was placed over the left acromion. EMG signals were increase in EMG levels of TrA (Fig. 2), but not of RA (Fig. 3). With
amplified 1000 times (Myosystem 2000, Noraxon, USA), band pass instruction to hollow similar increases in TrA EMG amplitudes were
filtered 10e1000 Hz, notch-filtered at 50 Hz (NL 125, Digitimer Ltd, present on both sides, except for exercise C (bridging with right leg
UK), and sampled continuously at 2 kHz (Power, 1401, Cambridge lift), where activation only increased on the left side (Fig. 4). The
Electronic Design, UK). mean levels of activation without instruction to hollow in the five
exercises (AeE) ranged: 4e33% in TrA left, 6e36% in TrA right
2.4. Data processing (Fig. 2), 1e5% in RA left, and 1e3% in RA right (Fig. 3), respectively.
With the added instruction to hollow the corresponding ranges of
EMG processing was performed off-line using customized scripts mean levels of EMG amplitude were: 17e43% in TrA left, 17e35% in
developed within commercially available software (Spike2, Cam- TrA right (Fig. 2), 3e7% in RA left, and 1e5% in RA right (Fig. 3),
bridge Electronic Design, UK). Root mean square (RMS) EMG respectively.
amplitude was calculated for each muscle during 1 s in the middle There was a significant interaction between muscle, side and
part of the duration of the static end position of each exercise (AeE) exercise (F4,32 ¼ 7.20, P ¼ 0.007). Both with and without instruc-
and maximal effort (IeV). The RMS values were exported to Excel tions, the highest TrA amplitudes on the left side were recorded in
(Microsoft Office, USA) and mean values were calculated for the exercise D (four-point kneeling with right leg lift) and E (four-point
three trials of each exercise in each block. Resting EMG was sub- kneeling with right leg and left arm lift), being significantly higher
tracted. EMG amplitudes for each muscle during the exercises (AeE) compared to exercise A (crook-lying with right leg lift), B (bridging)
were normalized to, and expressed as percent of the highest EMG and C (bridging with right leg lift) (Fig. 2). On the right side, the
observed for that muscle during any of the maximal efforts (IeV). highest EMG level in TrA without instruction was observed in
exercise C (bridging with right leg lift), being significantly higher
2.5. Statistics compared to all other exercises (Fig. 2). With instruction, TrA EMG
in exercise C (bridging with right leg lift) was significantly higher
The statistics was carried out in Statistica 7.1 (StatSoft, USA). than in exercises A (crook-lying with right leg lift) and B (bridging).
Shapiro-Wilk’s W-test was applied to examine normality in the For RA, no significant differences were seen in EMG amplitude
distribution of data. Normalized muscle activity during the exer- between sides or exercises (Fig. 3).
cises (AeE) was analysed using a four-way ANOVA with the factors: Elevating the pelvis with the right leg lifted (exercise C versus A)
muscle (TrA and RA), side (left and right), exercise (AeE), and was accompanied by a significant increase of the activation of TrA
instruction (without and with hollowing). Absolute muscle activity on the right side (Fig. 2). Lifting the right leg in the bridging position
during maximal efforts was analysed using a three-way ANOVA (exercise C versus B) caused a significant increase of TrA on the right
with the factors: muscle (TrA and RA), side (left and right) and side (Fig. 2). Lifting the left arm in the four-point kneeling position
MVC-task (IeV). If the data did not conform to the assumption of with the right leg lifted (exercise E versus D) did not result in any
sphericity, the p-values were GreenhouseeGeisser corrected. significant change in TrA activation on either side (Fig. 2).

a 80
TrA Left b 80
TrA Right
Without instruction
With instruction
70 70

60 60

50 50
EMG (%)

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Exercise Exercise

Fig. 2. Mean values (þ1SD) of relative EMG amplitudes (in % of the highest observed in the MVC-tasks) for Transversus Abdominis (TrA) (a) on the left side and (b) on the right side,
without instruction to hollow (open bars) and with instruction to hollow (hatched bars) during the five exercises (AeE) investigated. (A) Supine with right leg lift, (B) bridging, (C)
bridging with right leg lift, (D) four-point kneeling with right leg lift, and (E) four-point kneeling with right leg lift and left arm lift.
A. Bjerkefors et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 502e507 505

a 80
RA Left
b 80
RA Right Without instruction
With instruction
70 70

60 60

50 50
EMG (%)

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Exercise Exercise

Fig. 3. Mean values (þ1SD) of relative EMG amplitudes (in % of the highest observed in the MVC-tasks) for Rectus Abdominis (RA) (a) on the left side and (b) on the right side,
without instruction to hollow (open bars) and with instruction to hollow (hatched bars) during the five exercises (AeE) investigated. (A) Supine with right leg lift, (B) bridging, (C)
bridging with right leg lift, (D) four-point kneeling with right leg lift, and (E) four-point kneeling with right leg lift and left arm lift.

There were no significant differences between sides for TrA in 4. Discussion

exercise A (crook-lying with right leg lift) and B (bridging) (Fig. 4). In
exercise C (bridging with right leg lift), the EMG level in TrA was 4.1. Main findings
significantly higher on the right than on the left side, whereas the
reverse was true for exercise D (four-point kneeling with right leg lift) This study presents bilateral activation levels obtained with
and E (four-point kneeling with right leg and left arm lift) (Fig. 4). intramuscular fine-wire EMG from one deep, TrA, and one super-
ficial, RA, abdominal muscle in exercises commonly used clinically.
By varying exercise and by adding the instruction to hollow a wide
3.2. Maximal efforts (IeV) range of activation levels could be obtained for TrA (4e43% of that
during MVC), whereas RA did not show a similar variation (1e7%).
A significant interaction was present between muscle and MVC- Furthermore, as has earlier been demonstrated in other situations,
task (F4,32 ¼ 28.95). In crook-lying positions (I, II and V), higher it was shown, firstly, that the current group of healthy subjects
EMG-values were present for task I (Valsalva plus attempted were able to use the abdominal hollowing technique to selectively
maximal voluntary trunk flexion) than task II (just Valsalva) and V increase the activation of the TrA, in excess of the activation needed
(maximal hollowing), whereas there was no significant difference for the executing the exercises per se, and, secondly, that the level
in EMG amplitude during Valsalva manoeuvres between MVC- of TrA, but not RA activation differed between sides depending on
tasks II (crook-lying), III (bridging) and IV (four-point kneeling) the degree of asymmetry of the exercise.
(Fig. 5).
The highest individual EMG-values during maximal efforts for
TrA were observed in crook-lying with Valsalva and attempted trunk 4.2. Bilateral activation levels during exercises
flexion (I, n ¼ 5), in bridging with Valsalva (III, n ¼ 2), in four-point
kneeling with Valsalva (IV, n ¼ 1), and in crook-lying with hollowing The activation of the TrA showed differences in activation level
(V, n ¼ 1). For RA the highest activation was seen in crook-lying with between the left and right side in the asymmetric exercises C
Valsalva and attempted trunk flexion (I) for all subjects (n ¼ 9). (bridging with right leg lift), D (four-point kneeling with right leg

a 80
TrA without instruction Left b 80 TrA with instruction
Right Right
70 70

60 60

50 50
EMG (%)

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Exercise Exercise

Fig. 4. Mean values (þ1SD) of relative EMG amplitudes (in % of the highest observed in the MVC-tasks) for TrA (a) without instruction and (b) with instruction, on the left side (open
bars) and on the right side (squared bars) during the five exercises (AeE) investigated. (A) Supine with right leg lift, (B) bridging, (C) bridging with right leg lift, (D) four-point
kneeling with right leg lift, and (E) four-point kneeling with right leg lift and left arm lift.
506 A. Bjerkefors et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 502e507

a 1.4 TrA b 1.4 RA Right

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0
EMG (mV)

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
MVC-task MVC-task

Fig. 5. Mean values (þ1SD) of absolute EMG amplitudes (in mV) for (a) TrA and (b) RA on the left (open bars) and right side (black bars) during the 5 maximal efforts (MVC-tasks
IeV) investigated: I Crook-lying (60 knee angle) with Valsalva plus a maximal voluntary trunk flexion against static resistance, II Crook-lying (60 knee angle) with Valsalva, III
Bridging with Valsalva, IV Four-point kneeling with Valsalva, V Crook-lying (60 knee angle) with maximal hollowing.

lift) and E (four-point kneeling with right leg and left arm lift). abdominal wall, the TrA, with, on the average, as much as 3 times
Although the side differences were slightly smaller in all exercises depending on the exercise, while the activation of RA remains
after instruction to hollow, they remained significant. This was unchanged at low levels. Interestingly, the increase in TrA EMG was
contrary to expectation, based on the hypotheses that TrA would be of similar absolute magnitude (8e19% of MVC) irrespective of
symmetrically activated in the exercises to cause a general, direc- exercise, and thus also of level of activation of TrA in the non-hol-
tion independent, stabilization of the spine, and that an instruction lowing condition, which varied between 4e36% of MVC. The only
to hollow would, if anything, increase the degree of symmetry exception was the right TrA activation in the bridging position with
between sides. On the other hand, side differences in activation of right leg lift (exercise C), where the already high activation level
TrA have been observed before in trunk twisting tasks (Cresswell (36%) remained unchanged even after the instruction to hollow.
et al., 1992) and some asymmetric training exercises (Urquhart Our finding of an increase in TrA activation independent of RA is
and Hodges, 2005). This suggests that TrA might have a mechan- in accordance with the intramuscular EMG-study by Urquhart et al.
ical role in counteracting asymmetric loading of the pelvis and (2005), who showed that an inward movement of the lower part of
trunk, e.g. unilateral leg lifting in certain positions. Thus, elevating the abdomen (hollowing) in crook-lying was the exercise that most
the pelvis with the right leg lifted, i.e. going from Exercise A (crook- selectively activated the TrA, in comparison with hollowing in
lying with right leg lift) to C (bridging with right leg lift), was a prone position, pelvic tilting, abdominal bracing and simulta-
accompanied by a selective increase of TrA activation on the right neous inward movement of the upper and lower parts of the
side. This indicates that TrA is not just involved in lifting the leg per abdomen. Their finding of less selective activation during hollow-
se, but in counteracting the load transmitted from the leg to an ing in prone position with unsupported abdomen, i.e. a similar, but
instable pelvis. The reversed activation pattern of TrA in the four- not identical, position to our four-point kneeling, could be due to
point kneeling exercises (D and E), where the unilateral leg lift differences in levels of effort between studies, their “mild” effort
tends to rotate the pelvis in the opposite direction, supports the corresponding to only 3e7% of maximal TrA EMG.
interpretation of a role for TrA in opposing a load torque in the In a recent study (Chanthapetch et al., 2009), surface electrodes
ipsilateral direction. These findings are in line with earlier findings were used in an attempt to study the effects of instruction to hollow
from studies on trunk (Cresswell et al., 1992; Juker et al., 1998) and on abdominal muscle activation in four positions, crook lying,
pelvis (Urquhart and Hodges, 2005) rotation. prone lying, four-point kneeling and wall support standing. The
To understand more about the function of TrA in the exercises results demonstrated that EMG recorded with the surface elec-
associated with asymmetric loading, concurrent recording of the trodes placed over the lower part of the OI muscle, possibly picking
oblique abdominal muscles might have been helpful. Cresswell et al. up activity also from TrA, showed selective activation in all four
(1992) reported that greater TrA and OI EMG activity was observed positions with the hollowing instruction. EMG was not recorded in
on the side to which the trunk was rotated, whereas greater OE the un-instructed situation, but it is worth noticing that the levels
activity was found on the contralateral side. In line with this, Stevens of activation in the instructed situation were similar to those
et al. (2006, 2007) found higher IO:OE surface EMG ratios on the obtained here, mean values for “TrA/OI” ranging 19e28% and RA
right side during bridging with right leg lift, and lower IO:OE surface 1e2% of MVC. With a similar approach using surface electrodes,
EMG ratios on the right side during four-point kneeling with right Beith et al. (2001) reported that hollowing caused a selective
leg lift. Based on findings from this and previous studies it seems as if increase of EMG from the electrodes placed over OI (35% of MVC in
TrA is activated in synergy with muscles that are able to rotate the prone lying and 19% in four-point kneeling), whereas EMG of the
spine, its mechanical role in this context is, however, still obscure, more superficial muscle, OE, remained below 10% of MVC; activa-
considering its transverse fibre direction. tion of RA was recordable only from 2 of their 20 subjects.

4.3. Effects of instruction to hollow 4.4. Muscle activation in maximal voluntary efforts

The results demonstrated that in healthy subjects it is possible, In the present study the intention was to normalize the EMG
by a relatively short-term specific instruction to hollow, to increase obtained during the exercises to that recorded during a maximal
the activation of the deepest muscle of the ventro-lateral voluntary static trunk flexion task combined with a Valsalva
A. Bjerkefors et al. / Manual Therapy 15 (2010) 502e507 507

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highest values on a group level, both for TrA and RA (Cresswell assistance.
et al., 1992). The effect of adding resistance to the Valsalva
manoeuvre was, however, much greater for RA than for TrA acti-
vation. Similar results were obtained here. Combined Valsalva and
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Urquhart DM, Hodges PW. Differential activity of regions of transversus abdominis
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Financial support from the Swedish Centre of Sport Research Urquhart DM, Hodges PW, Allen TJ, Story IH. Abdominal muscle recruitment during
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