Pairing A Circular Economy and The 5G-Enabled Internet of Things - Creating A Class of Looping Smart Assets

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Creating a Class of
“Looping Smart Assets”

Andreas Miaoudakis, he increase in the world’s population has led to a massive rise
Konstantinos Fysarakis, in human consumption of the planet’s natural resources, well
Nikolaos Petroulakis, beyond their replacement rate. Traditional recycling concepts
Sofia Alexaki, George Alexandris, and methods are not enough to counter such effects. In this
Sotiris Ioannidis,
context, a circular economy (CE), that is, a restorative and regenera-
George Spanoudakis,
Vasilios Katos, and tive by-design economy, can reform today’s “take–make–dispose”
Christos Verikoukis economic model. On the other hand, the Internet of Things (IoT) con-
tinues to gradually transform our everyday lives, allowing for the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MVT.2020.2991788 introduction of novel types of services while enhancing legacy ones.
Date of current version: 2 June 2020 Taking this as our motivation, in this article we analyze the CE/IoT


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interplay, indicating innovative ways in which this inter-
action can drastically affect products and services, their Our current economy is based on an
underlying business models, and the associated ecosys- overwhelmingly linear model, which
tems. Moreover, we present an IoT architecture that is stretching the resource limits of
enables smart object integration into the IoT ecosystem. our planet.
The presented architecture integrates circularity-
enabling features by maximizing the exploitation of
assets toward a new type of IoT ecosystem that is circu- This article focuses on the interplay between the CE and
lar by design (CbD). Finally, we provide a proof-of-con- the IoT, highlighting the innovative ways in which it dras-
cept implementation and an application study of the tically affects products, services, business models, and
proposed architecture and results regarding the applica- ecosystems. A bidimensional and bidirectional method is
bility of the proposed approach for the telecommunica- presented in our analysis to accomplish the following:
tions (telecom) sector. ■■ emphasize the potential of CE business models and
service supply chains to unlock the cooperation need-
Restorative and Regenerative by Design ed to create increased value for end users and opti-
Since early times, the use of natural resources has followed mize resource usage
the same pattern: acquire materials and then manufac- ■■ sketch an open IoT architecture, referred to as CE–IoT,
ture, use, and dispose of them. Nevertheless, it is now that is circular by design, facilitating the integration of
clear that this is not a sustainable model, considering the smart objects with proven circularity-enabling proper-
constantly increasing demand [1] and our planet’s finite ties into the IoT ecosystem.
resources. Although efficiency in the use of resources and
rates of recycling have improved, there is still more to be Interplay Analysis
done. In this context, a CE has emerged in recent years,
inspiring the transition of modern societies from the The IoT as an Enabler for a CE
“take–make–dispose” model to an economy that is restor- Our current economy is based on an overwhelmingly lin-
ative and regenerative by design: a continuous cycle that ear model, which is stretching the resource limits of our
preserves and enhances existing resources while optimiz- planet. A CE proposes an innovative economic model,
ing their yields. restorative and regenerative by design, that necessitates
On the technological front, advances in computing the alignment of government policy, business practices,
and networking technologies drive the rapid expansion and consumer preferences. It drives new business mod-
of the IoT, also exploiting the evolution of 5G. Billions of els, which use as few resources as possible for as long as
smart objects are already deployed, and more devices possible, reuse resources as much as possible, extract as
are positioned daily, creating an open, global network much value from those resources in the most effective
connecting people, data, and “things” and generating a way possible, and then recover as much of those materi-
massive potential for innovative applications and servic- als and products as possible at the end of their life. The
es, thereby leveraging the convergence of a consumer– CE is positioned to decrease new materials consumption
business–industrial Internet. However, the realization of by 32% within 15 years and by 53% by 2050 [3]. Just mov-
the IoT’s potential still requires overcoming significant ing toward a CE could eliminate 100 million tons of waste
business and technical hurdles. globally in the next five years [4]. Besides material sav-
ings and increased efficiency, the CE can be a game
Motivation changer regarding the utilization of productive resources
A CE and the IoT provide a fertile ground for innovation and assets [3].
and value creation [2]. CE value drivers include the At the same time, the rapid increase in the number
extension of the useful life of finite resources, the maxi- of Internet-connected objects is reshaping the econ-
mization of assets’ utilization, and the regeneration of omy, with an estimated 75 billion connected devices
natural capital for more effective and efficient use. In par- by year 2025 [5]. Smart objects already generate real-
allel, IoT value drivers create new opportunities for a time readings that are unprecedented in both variety
new breed of circular economics: the IoT becomes an and volume, enabling insights previously inconceiv-
enabler by aggregating knowledge from smart assets able. Nevertheless, the further intertwining of data,
(e.g., location, condition, sensed parameters, and perfor- technology, business models, artificial intelligence, and
mance). Conversely, the feedback-rich nature of a CE societal trends has created nonlinear complexity that
facilitates the extraction of value from the vast, aggregat- seems unmanageable.
ed IoT data. Therefore, even more profound opportuni- To address these challenges and realize the full po-
ties emerge when CE and IoT value drivers are paired, tential of the CE–IoT interplay, the following two funda-
and their congruency must be extensively explored. mental research questions arise [6]:


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■■ How can IoT-enabled circular provisioning be exploit- with low cost and complexity. Therefore, efforts should
ed to create business value? focus on the following key issues [6]:
■■ What is the best way to reorganize supply, delivery, ■■ scalable IoT connectivity
and value chains in the interplay of the CE and IoT? ■■ semantic interoperability
Answering these questions requires advancing the ■■ high trustworthiness of IoT service chains.
state of the art in two directions: 1) developing new
IoT-enabled CE business models and 2) encouraging the Implementing the CE–IoT Concept
IoT-enabled provisioning of CE service supply chains. Al- Motivated by the aforementioned challenges, we pro-
though a global network of smart assets creates an enor- pose a structured and holistic approach toward the
mous potential for the generation of new IoT applications development of the CE–IoT ecosystem. A sketch of the
and business models, significant business and technical associated architecture is depicted in Figure 1, cover-
hurdles remain. ing IoT smart assets and other field devices, program-
First, at present, the IoT landscape is very fragment- mable networks, the cloud, and back-end services.
ed. Overcoming this fragmentation is a big challenge, Moreover, the three key technical challenges that must
but it is essential to fully leverage the change in business be addressed are shown with arrows at the left side of
value that the cocreation and continuous innovation of the figure.
IoT services brings. Additionally, key technical challeng-
es should be taken into account; these include providing Methodological Approach
scalable connectivity, the seamless interoperability and The implementation of a usable CE–IoT-enabled ecosystem,
adaptability of services, and highly trustworthy chains as shown in Figure 2 (also depicting the complementarity



es Ne



Network Infrastructure

C o n n e c t i v it
SDN Legacy

Networks Networks
a b ili t y
IoT Devices


rth o



ti o


ns Cl

From Linear to Circular

Figure 1  A Sketch of transitioning to a CE–IoT architecture. SDN: software-defined networking.


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of a CE and the IoT, which provides added value), must
be based on a requirements’ analysis focusing on the CbD can be considered a core property of
following [6]: the IoT that meets key technical properties
■■ the circularity-enabling properties of smart assets, in terms of scalable connectivity and end-
namely, location, condition, and availability (LCA) to-end CSPDI.
■■ key enabling IoT technologies, namely, connectivity,
security, privacy, dependability, and interoperability
(CSPDI) accessing services as necessary. This is essential to
■■ the application-specific business and technical needs ensure that the architecture will be able to interoperate
of each application domain (e.g., telecom, smart ener- with existing IoT solutions, networking, security and
gy, and e-health). smart device technologies and evolve to accommodate
Part of the goal is to design a product–services–sys- future technological changes.
tems supply chain framework with effective and secure A CE–IoT-enabled ecosystem advances the current
reverse logistics capabilities. The essential LCA and state of the art by introducing a holistic approach that
CSPDI properties of the CE–IoT deployment in each of we refer to as CbD in the IoT. CbD can be considered a
the application domains will have to be considered. Fur- core property of the IoT that meets key technical prop-
thermore, concrete business models and IoT-enhanced erties in terms of scalable connectivity and end-to-end
supply chains as well as robust networking, interop- CSPDI. Under this broader notion of CbD, the CE–IoT
erability, monitoring, and adaptation capabilities will improves the state of the art in several technical areas
need to be encompassed to address the needs of each that comprise circularity at the technical level. Such
specific domain. This will have to be carried out in two key areas are identified in the following sections.
phases. In the first phase, an initial set of architectural
CSPDI patterns has to be developed, along with CE and Key Building Blocks and Challenges
IoT value drivers. In the second phase, the outcomes of To support a CbD approach, several key building blocks
the first phase will be integrated into the overall CE–IoT are incorporated in the architecture, toward a solution
architecture and adapted to the specific application/ that also features security, privacy, dependability, and
vertical domain. interoperability by design. An emerging approach used
to secure IT systems, known as security by design, aims to
Toward a CE–IoT Architecture Definition guarantee system-wide security properties. A key,
The CE–IoT architecture is developed using open stan- required capability is the ability to verify the desired
dards and reference specifications across all layers, security properties as part of the design process.
including standardized networking and IoT protocols Pino et al. [7] use secure service orchestration pat-
(such as OpenFlow and MQTT) and security mecha- terns to support the design of service workflows with
nisms (e.g., authentication and authorization schemes). It required security properties. The adoption of a pattern-
also takes into account the existing capabilities of the IoT based approach for the CE–IoT ensures the circular-
platforms and service interfaces and offers adapters for ity of IoT ecosystems through the guarantee of CSPDI

Business Models Creation Supply Chain

Extend Asset’s s Cl
Use Cycle Length



E xte n si o n


Location of the IoT


Value Drivers

Enables Asset
b il i t y

Value Drivers

Increase the Utilization of


if e




d is
Pro ed Condition of the IoT


Enabled Asset
u re ss
fact The Regeneration of ine

Natural Capital two


ti o

Re r u s

cyc T

The Availability of li

le f

nu the IoT-Enabled Asset

ic e pp
Ma s rt A
Raw Materials Looping or Cascading Sma

Figure 2 The CE–IoT ecosystem, offering novel business models and supply chains that converge into value creation.


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reasoning behavior for pattern evaluation that exhibits
The key element enabling the proposed the following features:
implementation of the CE–IoT approach is ■■ composition structures for integrating smart objects
the use of architectural patterns. and components of the IoT, enabling platforms while
guaranteeing CSPDI properties
■■ the end-to-end CSPDI properties that the compositions
properties across compositional structures of IoT expressed by the pattern preserve
applications. CSPDI patterns in the CE–IoT define the ■■ the component-level CSPDI properties that the types
overall design goal of CbD and can set necessary and of smart objects and/or components orchestrated by
sufficient conditions not only for composing different the patterns must satisfy
components within IoT applications in ways that guar- ■■ additional conditions that need to be satisfied for guar-
antee CSPDI properties but also for ensuring that these anteeing end-to-end CSPDI properties
properties are guaranteed when IoT applications use ■■ monitoring checks performed at runtime to verify
the CE–IoT architecture. The CE–IoT’s CSPDI patterns that any assumptions about the individual smart
extend existing work on patterns [8], covering in an objects and pattern-orchestrated components
integrated manner not only security but also the con- are true
nectivity, dependability, privacy, and interoperability ■■ adaptation actions that may be undertaken to adapt
properties of the IoT. IoT applications and realize the runtime composition
In terms of semantic IoT interoperability, the focus is structure of the pattern.
on the definition of semantic annotations for respective The last on the list may include the replacement of
IoT architectural patterns and the development of data individual smart objects within a composition or the
transformation and validation mechanisms [9]. The se- modification of the configuration of the network servic-
mantic annotation process is based on the Web Service es used. Adaptation actions are specified along with the
Specification Language validation mechanisms used for guard conditions triggering their execution.
semantic interoperability, which rely on including in- Based on these features, a pattern specification lan-
teroperability conditions in the patterns and are based guage is defined, which identifies and specifies concrete
on the use of semantic reasoners or rule engines as well LCA and CSPDI machine-interpretable patterns. The de-
as logic programming. velopment of this pattern language is based on [7], focus-
Considering the trustworthiness of IoT service chains, ing on extensions that support both the LCA properties
the focus of the efforts is on preserving security, privacy, of intelligent assets and the CSPDI properties for the dif-
and dependability (SPD) properties in the IoT, a particu- ferent types of smart objects, network and software ser-
larly challenging problem despite the current existence vices, and components.
of various security and privacy mechanisms. Efforts
also focus on analyzing end-to-end SPD vulnerabilities Localized, Embedded Intelligence
and on making optimal the delegation of SPD issues to Although back-end analytics is a field that has been
the various control mechanisms. Another focus point is studied intensively in the past few years, the need for
preserving SPD properties when the components and localized analytics at the edge devices has emerged
compositions of the IoT change, are compromised, or [10]. An International Data Corporation FutureScape
stop behaving normally. More details on the associated report [11] for the IoT reported that, by 2018, 40% of IoT
building blocks are provided in the following section. data will be stored, processed, analyzed, and acted
upon locally for reducing both the volume of transmit-
LCA and CSPDI Patterns ted data and the reaction times because decisions are
The key element enabling the proposed implementation made locally.
of the CE–IoT approach is the use of architectural pat- To implement an effective and efficient CE–IoT ecosys-
terns. The patterns specify abstract and generic smart tem as well as the adaptative and autonomic behavior
object interaction and orchestration protocols and, if needed to maintain the required LCA and CSPDI proper-
necessary, define transformations to ensure data seman- ties across all layers, intelligent analysis is required. Lo-
tic interoperability. cal analytics are required for semiautonomous reaction,
Furthermore, smart object interaction and orchestra- but, considering smart objects’ resource constraints, it
tion protocols must have the proven ability to achieve the should also be possible to involve local intelligence at
specific CSPDI or LCA properties that may be required. higher levels, thereby enhancing the system’s smart
The compositions defined by patterns are both vertical behavior (see the circular purple arrows depicting em-
and horizontal, i.e., they can involve smart objects at the bedded intelligence in the architectural sketching pre-
same (horizontal) or at different layers (vertical) of the sented in Figure 1). Thus, localized analytics will not
IoT stack. Specifically, the CE–IoT agents implement a only enable semiautonomous smart operation but also


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improve the subsequent global analysis on the cloud.
The latter can create knowledge for the whole system Although back-end analytics is a field that
and extract global patterns that, again, can be used by has been studied intensively in the past few
local analytics to improve its performance. years, the need for localized analytics at
the edge devices has emerged.
Scalable IoT Connectivity
The vast number of smart objects connected daily to
the Internet increases the volume and diversity of net- In this domain, having already gone through big
work traffic, making the development of more scalable changes associated with the transition to 5G, it is possi-
and agile networking techniques an absolute necessity. ble to embed circular economic principles into the fabric
Networks will need to be dynamically reconfigured, of a telecom operator’s infrastructure, operations, and
maintaining connectivity across all layers. Software- culture and to integrate CbD into the information and
defined networking (SDN) and network function virtual- communications technology infrastructure of the tele-
ization (NF V ) have been used as key networking com operator.
technologies for 5G [12] to tackle connectivity and avail-
ability issues under heterogeneous communication Business Pillar of the Telecom Demonstrator
systems [13], [14]. Furthermore, to take full advantage The application of the CE–IoT concept on this domain
of underlying network programmability, IoT applica- can encompass the network infrastructure and its asso-
tions will need to be resource- and network-aware. ciated network components. For the business pillar, the
In this context, developing a CE–IoT ecosystem re- goal must be to understand the current practices in net-
quires the investigation of network challenges concern- work operations and the supply chain, including the
ing the interconnection of heterogeneous smart objects scale and scope of current practices and the further
to achieve end-to-end connectivity and adaptive IoT ap- opportunities that can be explored to expand CE practic-
plication deployment as well as the development of rel- es in the telecom industry.
evant supporting mechanisms, including
■■ frequency spectrum and power allocation utilizing Technical Pillar of the Telecom Demonstrator
the advantages of cognitive radio augmented by dis- For the technical pillar, the objective is to develop and
tributed, scalable, and load-adaptive protocols based apply CbD algorithms for discovering, aggregating, and
on the developed trusted patterns, avoiding interfer- dynamically (re)assigning physical resources to overlay
ence and achieving maximum wireless resources virtual entities, considering the context of the transferred
utilization data and telecom services that run over those entities. A
■■ an SDN architecture for the wired and wireless inter- key aspect will be the use of semantic information such as
connectivity of smart objects and efficient mecha- metadata, sensor/actuator information, sender details,
nisms for their effective internetworking and network information as well as the application
■■ SDN orchestration mechanisms for core networks
with different quality-of-service (QoS) levels between
different IoT domains to provide end-to-end ser- Table 1 The challenges to and the advancements needed
vice connectivity and meet different IoT application of the current state of the art.
requirements New Knowledge and
■■ VNFs to remove complexity from local and access sen- Advancement Area Academia Industry
sor networks by moving complex network functional- An IoT-enabled CE ✓ ✓
ities (e.g., routing and network security) The business modeling used for ✓ ✓
■■ adaptable and dynamic networking services offered to the interplay of the CE and the IoT
client IoT applications. The supply and delivery chains ✗ ✓
Table 1 lists the key technical and nontechnical areas used for the interplay of the CE
and the IoT
where challenges exist and required advancements to
the state of the art are needed, including technical, busi- The CE and IoT value drivers ✗ ✓
and value creation
ness, and academia- and industry-focused domains.
Scalable IoT connectivity ✓ ✗

Application Study—Telecom Sector Semantic IoT interoperability ✓ ✗

The CE–IoT interplay and the proposed framework can The trustworthiness of IoT ✓ ✗
value chains
bring benefits to various vertical domains. Herein an
application in the telecom domain is presented as a char- CbD IoT architectures ✓ ✗
acteristic example, covering both business aspects of a The business and technical inte- ✗ ✓
gration of the CE–IoT framework
CE and the different IoT-enabling technologies.


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requirements for describing the network’s resources and technology resides on the components before selling
QoS requirements. on the secondary market.
■■ Recycle: The aim is to maximize the recycling of net-
Telecom Supply Chain working material, including the electronic equip-
The supply chain consists of Internet Protocol network ment, that leaves the data centers. Equipment that
components, including network controllers, network cannot be repaired/reused is sent to a recycling part-
switches, cables, fiber optics, and other network equip- ner for secure processing and recycling into reus-
ment. The following CE requirements are essential to able materials.
the telecom supply chain:
■■ Maintain/prolong: Repairs of the network infrastruc- Technical Requirements
ture enable a longer life expectancy. As network The main technical requirements for applying the CE–IoT
components fail and fall into disrepair, defective concept on the telecom domain are
parts are replaced. Network components, devices, ■■ preservation of the scalability of network infrastruc-
and switches are the most commonly repaired ture and its interoperability with IoT platforms
(replaced) components. The repairs program replac- ■■ preservation of the privacy, confidentiality, and integri-
es failed components using a mix of new and refur- ty of data in transit
bished parts. ■■ preservation of a high degree of network infrastruc-
■■ Refurbish/remanufacture: Once network devices are ture and services availability.
decommissioned, they are sent back to the central
hub. At the hub, network devices are dismantled and Proof of Concept
de-kitted to their usable components (CPU, mother- As a proof of concept, the deployment of a 5G network
board, flash devices, hard disks, memory modules, infrastructure in the telecom domain is presented, using
and other components). After quality inspection, com- which we seek to investigate and evaluate the applicabili-
ponents are stored to be reused. ty and performance of the proposed CE–IoT framework.
■■ Reuse/redistribute: Any excess component should be The defined LCA and CSPDI pattern-based approach is
redistributed as determined by a periodic internal pro- deployed to satisfy the CE requirements on different IoT-
cess. After utilizing all internal avenues, a procedure enabling technologies. More specifically, as presented in
should be implemented to ensure that no proprietary Figure 3, a 5G infrastructure includes a multidomain

Knowledge Decision

Model Model
Facts Facts
Theory Theory Model
View View Facts
Model Theory
Facts View
CE–IoT Theory CE–IoT CE–IoT
Agent View Agent Agent

Data Center
RAN Local 5G
Server Deployment

Figure 3 The proof-of-concept, deployed 5G scenario, including the CE–IoT agent. RAN: radio access network.


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distribution of 5G-enabled network components aiming
to offer fast, reliable, and trustworthy communication. We utilized the Java Agent DEvelopment
The proof-of-concept evaluation of the proposed CE–IoT multiagent platform to implement the
framework includes proposed functionality on the various
■■ measuring the scalability and performance capabilities architectural layers.
of the agent
■■ multidomain LCA monitoring to enable predictive cir-
cularity, that is, preserving CSPDI properties. The agents collect data from the underlying system
components, integrate them based on semantic technol-
Scalability and Performance of the Agent ogies, exchange knowledge, and administrate their sub-
The core embedded intelligence agent was implemented systems based on the artificial intelligence processes
and tested on LCA properties, adopting intelligent agent derived from the LCA and CSPDI patterns. For this
technologies. We utilized the Java Agent DEvelopment proof-of-concept setup, the smart agents model the LCA
multiagent platform to implement the proposed function- parameters of the system. The agents are aware of each
ality on the various architectural layers. The platform component’s physical location, operative condition, and
supports all of the Foundation for Intelligent Physical availability (i.e., working, ready for reuse, or unusable).
Agents standards regarding agent development and the Figure 4 shows the agent’s graphical user interface, four
relevant technologies. emulated components, and the triggering event (compo-
The agents are deployed at nent C1 needs maintenance).
■■ the more powerful IoT devices or gateways used for Concerning the scalability and performance of the
embedded intelligence agent, the computational complexity is linear to the
■■ the network controllers used for local analysis and working memory size and affected by the number of facts
enhanced connectivity over heterogeneous settings, required in the modeling. In the examined scenario, each
■■ the cloud, which is used for global management, big component requires roughly 10–20 facts to be modeled;
data analysis, and machine learning. therefore, in the initial proof-of-concept setup featuring

Master Agent

CE–IoT Agent 1 CE–IoT Agent 2

(Domain 1) (Domain 2)


(c1, Switch, Room1, Maintenance, Working)

C1 Server

Room 1 Room 2

Location 1 Location 2

Figure 4 The proof-of-concept implementation of the core intelligent agent operating over LCA patterns.


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four embedded devices (specifically, credit-card sized LCA-monitoring network components. Thus, the number
Beaglebone embedded systems) that communicate infor- and the placement of agents is related to the number of
mation to the master agent (running on a local computer), monitored network components.
it takes, on average, 57 ms to perform a reasoning opera-
tion, while requiring 40 MB of random-access memory. Multidomain LCA Monitoring That Enables
The performance evaluation can define the maxi- Predictive Circularity
mum number of network components and the number One of the most important aspects of the proof-of-con-
of processed facts that each agent can support. More- cept CE–IoT framework evaluation is the multidomain
over, when the number of network components is in- and multiagent support of LCA monitoring and CSPDI
creased, more than one agent is required to support the guarantees that satisfy CE requirements. To achieve this

Figure 5 The deployment of a tree-network topology as an output of the LCA patterns.


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goal, the CE–IoT LCA patterns are used as an enabler to
establish these requirements. The LCA properties of the The role of the LCA pattern is to identify
network components collected by the agents are trans- the components that are not in good
ferred and stored as facts in the knowledge base of the condition so that they can be replaced,
pattern engine on the master agent. The enforcement of moved, or fixed.
the LCA patterns can be used to enable CE principles
(maintain, refurbish, reuse, recycle, and so on) in the
described 5G network infrastructure. Each router expresses a different domain, i.e., industrial,
As a proof of concept, the described scenario is imple- smart city, or home environment. In the tree topology, a
mented in the Eclipse Modeling Tool using the JBoss Drools number of SDN-enabled switches are connected to each
( The proposed patterns can be router, and a number of access points are connected to
expressed as Drools business-production rules and insert- each switch. Finally, apart from the location of the net-
ed in the rule engine. A Drools rule engine applies and work components correlated with the domain, the con-
extends the Rete algorithm, an efficient pattern-matching dition and availability factors are added randomly.
algorithm known to scale well for large numbers of rules To present the status of the network topology, a sim-
and data sets of facts, thus allowing for an efficient imple- ulation based on Vis.js ( was run. The
mentation of the pattern-based reasoning process. Each output of the network simulator is presented in Figure 5.
network component is defined as a Java class correspond- The different colors of the components (green, orange,
ing to the components of the system. and red) express the condition of the components (good,
A number of network components are deployed in 5G- requiring repair/refurbishment, or recycle), and its avail-
enabled infrastructure where the LCA can be collected ability factor (operating or usable) is added in the node
based on the multiagent approach proposed previously. properties and inserted in the knowledge base of the
To evaluate this approach, suitable, tree-based network pattern engine.
topologies are created by the enforcement of additional The role of the LCA pattern is to identify the compo-
architectural pattern rules [15]. The topology consists of nents that are not in good condition so that they can be
a master node interconnected with a number of routers. replaced, moved, or fixed. More precisely, a CE approach

CE Leveraged With LCA Patterns














AP Switch Router AP Switch Router AP Switch Router

Without CE LCA Pure CE LCA Advanced CE LCA

Recycle Repair Good

Figure 6  An evaluation of the developed LCA patterns enabling the CE–IoT concept. AP: access point.


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for the network components is supported based on the will remain focused on the urgent sustainability problems
following components’ condition: to be solved.
■■ The good condition component with operating-avail- The CE–IoT brings to the forefront another important
ability status will remain in its location. challenge that needs to be addressed. The red tape asso-
■■ The repaired/refurbished condition component with ciated with innovation-based investments and new tech-
operating-availability status will be replaced by a condi- nological advancements has always been a challenge;
tion component in a usable-availability status place- therefore, the value drivers resulting from the merging
ment in the network. of technologies with new concepts need to be facilitated
■■ Finally, the recycled-condition component will be using the necessary policy and legislative frameworks
replaced by a new component in good condition in the as well as targeted financing tools and mechanisms. A
case of an operating-availability requirement or by a rapid deployment of the capabilities used to harvest
repaired/refurbished condition in the case of a usable- the benefits and full potential of a data-driven economy
availability requirement. is needed; this will create CE models that can enable
To evaluate the performance of the LCA pattern, the a sustainable, restorative, and regenerative economy.
topology presented in Figure 5 is used. The pattern moni- Concerning the implementation of the CE–IoT vision, a
tors the location condition and the availability of the proof of concept was explored using the CE–IoT approach
components based on the agent data and identifies the applied in the telecom operator sector. Moreover, work is
required action to comply with a CE approach. When underway that specifies the detailed architecture and im-
weak components are identified, the applied pattern plements the individual building blocks based on a clear
proposes the relocation of unused or partially used set of requirements. When complete, the practicality of
components from other locations. In the event that ex- the developed solution will be validated using three di-
isting components (after the relocation) are not able to verse usage scenarios in the areas of renewable energy,
cover the needs, the pattern application proposes the health care, and a horizontal smart-sensing scenario. Fi-
purchasing of new, necessary equipment. nally, a future extension of the framework is also planned,
The results of these steps are presented in Figure 6. using the integration of blockchain-based mechanisms to
The left-hand side of the chart shows the status of the enable the transfer of asset ownership directly among
network as produced by the monitoring pattern. The sta- participating CE parties by introducing trust, efficiency,
tus of network after component relocation is presented and automation in asset-exchange contracts.
in the center of the graph. Finally, the right-hand side of
the graph shows, the purchase proposal used to cope Acknowledgments
with the network needs. Thus the use of the proposed The work presented in this article received funding from
LCA pattern-driven approach, its cost savings, and the the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova-
reusability of existing components will enable the tele- tion program under grant 780315 (SEMIoTICS); the Marie
com operator to adopt a CE business model. Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff
Exchange under grants 777855 (circular economy and
Conclusions the Internet of Things), 778229 (Ideal Cities), and 823951
As highlighted by the CE, the extension of the useful life (Bio-Phoenix); and from SPOT5G (TEC2017-87456-P) and
of finite resources and the maximization of asset utiliza- Generalitat de Catalunya under grant 2017 SGR 891.
tion, creating a class of “looping assets,” can reform and
revitalize modern economies by focusing on the target of Author Information
sustainable change and growth. Impactful technological Andreas Miaoudakis (miaoudak@ics
advancements enabling the realization of the IoT, when is a postdoctoral fellow in the Tele-
coupled with the CE concept, can unleash their full poten- communications and Networks Laboratory
tial at a faster pace. Many companies have already inte- of the Foundation for Research and Technol-
grated IoT technologies into their operations, and IoT ogy–Hellas Institute of Computer Science,
value drivers open a new window of opportunity on the Heraklion, Crete, Greece. His research inter-
economic cycle via a new class of circular business mod- ests include wireless communications, the Internet of
els. The interplay between a CE and the IoT stands out as Things, computer networks, and embedded systems.
a critical coupling in this evolutionary phase, and the     Konstantinos Fysarakis (fysarakis@
congruency of the two sectors can provide a fertile is the chief technology officer
ground for innovation and value creation, leading to the at Sphynx Technology Solutions AG. His
realization of the CE–IoT vision. Nevertheless, enabling interests revolve around the security, pri-
this interplay will require the alignment of the business vacy, dependability, and sustainability
and technical communities, policy makers, and citizens challenges that arise with the integration
themselves, ensuring that this IoT-driven transformation of smart ecosystems and next-generation networking


Authorized licensed use limited to: Chulalongkorn University provided by UniNet. Downloaded on May 22,2021 at 11:28:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
infrastructures into various vertical domains and our     Christos Verikoukis ( is
everyday lives. He is a Member of the IEEE. a fellow researcher with the Telecommu-
    Nikolaos Petroulakis (npetro@ics nications Technological Centre of Catalo- has been a research scientist at nia, Castelldefels, Spain; the head of the
the Foundation for Research and Technol- SMARTECH department there; and an
ogy–Hellas Institute of Computer Science, adjunct associate professor at the Univer-
Heraklion, Crete, Greece, since 2007. He sity of Barcelona, Spain. He has published 120 journal
has authored more than 40 journal and articles and more than 180 conference papers. He is also
conference publications and participated in a variety of a coauthor of four books, 18 book chapters, and three
research projects and conference committees. His patents. He is the chair of the IEEE Communication Soci-
research interests are in the areas of network security, ety’s Communications Systems Integration and Modeling
wireless networks, 5G security, and software-defined net- Technical Committee. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
working, among others. He is a Member of the IEEE.
    Sofia Alexaki (s.alexaki@pontsb​ References
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