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Healing by Color: Reflection

At the start of the Communication 495 Capstone course, I was not sure what to expect. I

knew I would be testing my communication skills, but what I did not know was which specific

skills I would be putting to use. In reflecting on my understanding at the start of the course, and

my experience now at the end, I am aware of a growth in some of my skills, as well as what

skills I must continue to improve.

In my contract, I listed “to gain knowledge on research strategies” as one of my

objectives. I can honestly admit, I believed researching wellness providers of color would be the

easy part. But it was not. I initially began by simply Googling one of the professions and

browsed the first few websites that appeared, looking at their staff to determine whether they

employed individuals of color, or not. The research became challenging due to most successful

practices being managed and practiced by Caucasian individuals. I then realized I needed to look

further than Google. I began to look through personally built websites and other databases for

small business or individuals, which gave more promising results.

Although I believe I was able to achieve my objectives, I also believe I could have spent

more time on truly building my interpersonal skills. Instead of simply emailing and filling out

forums, I also could have directly called and spoken to representatives or the providers

themselves, thus creating a more professional and concrete connection between Healers of Color

and the providers. I believe what kept me from fully achieving my objectives was lack of

planning and following through. Most of my responsibilities in partnering with HCCM required

browsing the internet, which required a lot of time sitting at a desk. I would aside the time and

day that would be my workday, but when the day would arrive, something in my personal life

would interfere. I was always able to work around the interference, but then it would not follow
through as I would originally plan. In the future, I hope to be more mindful of my lack of

planning and also where my time can be managed better.

Despite the small and big delays throughout the course, I was able to test and analyze

what I personally am also allowing to interfere with my concentration. This enabled me to

become more mindful of my approach in reaching out to providers, ultimately enhancing my

emotional intelligence and my research methodology. I could not simply chain message 30+

professional providers and expect instant feedback; I needed to speak to each provider on a

personal level. In acknowledging this, I was able to change my approach and edit my emails to

the providers in a way that was personal to them. I began dissecting the providers’ websites,

tweaking the wording in my email to compare their values with HCCM’s, address them based on

their profession/service, and also enhance the difference they would be making in allowing the

organization to refer individuals to them.

To me, working with Healers of Color Collaborative was meaningful, and I truly believe

myself and the other 2 student interns were able to make a difference in the organization. Nedra,

the founder, and the other board members also hold a full-time job, dedicating their free time to

building this non-profit organization to help marginalized communities within the state. In being

able to find wellness professionals outside of clinical mental health providers, price for venues

for potential fundraising events, reach out to donors, as well as finding affordable, custom

promotional items, it all becomes one less item to complete on their long list of needs. The

organization is still in its beginning phases, where creating a solid foundation and following are

its priority.

Although I had a small part in this soon-to-be great organization, I am grateful for the

opportunity. I was able to learn more about my weaknesses, while also enhancing and
developing the skills I learned in my previous courses within the program. I am now confident in

my ability to maintain and build my education acquired thus far. I am grateful to have taken this

course, as it has given us students the ability to truly test our knowledge and the effectiveness of

the Communication Program at EMU. I look forward to seeing how much further my knowledge

and skills may develop.

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