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Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia

Presented by-
Dr. Nashid Islam
Dr. Jheelam Biswas
Dr. Sabikun Naher Urmy

Residents (Phase-A),
Palliative Medicine
Anatomy of Cerebellum

Presented by-
Dr. Nashid Islam
Resident (Phase-A)
Dept. of Palliative Medicine
 Latin for ‘little brain’
 Largest part of hindbrain
 Occupies most of posterior cranial fossa lying
on the cerebellar fossa of occipital bone
 Lies behind pons & upper medulla forming
the roof of 4th ventricle
 Separated from posterior part of cerebrum
by tentorium cerebelli
Primary vesicle Primary Division Subdivision Adult structure
Forebrain vesicle Prosencephalon Telencephalon Cerebral hemisphere
, basal ganglia, hipp

Diencephalon Thalamus, hypothala

mus, pineal body, inf

Midbrain vesicle Mesencephalon Mesencephalon Tectum, tegmentum,

crus cerebri

Hindbrain vesicle Rhombencephalon Metencephalon Pons, Cerebellum

Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata
• Cerebellum is formed from the posterior part of the alar plates of
• On each side, alar plates bend medially to form rhombic lips
• As they enlarge, the lips project caudally over the roof plate of fourth
ventricle & unite with each other in the midline to form cerebellum
• At the 12th week, a small midline portion, the vermis and two lateral
portion, the cerebellar hemispheres, may be recognized
• The neuroblasts derived from matrix cells in the ventricular zone migrate
toward the surface of cerebellum and give rise to neurons forming
cerebellar cortex
Development of Cerebellum
External Features

 Two cerebellar hemispheres

 Median vermis
 Two surfaces : superior and inferior
 3 fissures:
– Primary fissure (fissura prima)
– Horizontal fissure and
– Posterolateral fissure
Anatomical Divisions
 Anterior lobe
 Middle or Posterior lobe
 Flocculonodular lobe
Lobes Vermis Hemisphere
Anterior L Lingual No lateral projectio
obe n
Central lobule Alae
Culmen Quadrangular lobu
Primary Fissure
Posterior Declive Lobules Simplex
(Middle) L Folium Vermis Superior Semilunar
obe Lobule
Horizontal Fissure
Tuber Vermis Inferior Semilunar l
Pyramid Biventral Lobule
Secondary Fissure
Uvula Tonsil
Postero-lateral Fissure
Flocculo- Nodule Flocculus
nodular L
Arbor vitae cerebelli

• In Latin “ tree of life” it is the white

matter of the white matter of
• It is so called because of the tree like
• It brings sensory and motor
sensation to and from cerebellum.
Cerebellar peduncles

• Superior cerebellar peduncles -

connect to midbrain,
• Middle cerebellar peduncles-
connect to the pons,
• Inferior cerebellar peduncles-
connect to the medulla oblongata.
Functional division of cerebellum
 Functionally the anterior and posterior lobes o
f cerebellum are organized into 3 areas
1. Lateral zone:
connected with association areas of brain and
involved in planning and programming muscular
2. Intermediate zone:
control muscles of hands, fingers feet & toe
3. Vermis:
control muscles of trunk, neck, shoulders and hips
Phylogenetic Subdivisions
Archi-cerebellum (Vestibular part)

• It is formed of the flocculonodular lobe+ adjacent

• Embryologically, it is the oldest part of cerebellum.
• It receives afferent fibres from vestibular
apparatus of internal ear via vestibulo -cerebellar
• It is concerned with equilibrium and eye
• Lesions of the vestibulocerebellum cause
disturbances of balance and gait
Paleo-cerebellum ( Spinal Part)

• It is formed of midline vermis + surrounding

• It receives afferent proprioceptive
impulses from muscles & tendons via spino-
cerebellartracts (dorsal & ventral)mainly.
• It sends efferents to red nucleus of midbrain.
• it is concerned with muscle tone and
• Lesions of the spinocerebellum cause
disturbances of muscle tone & posture.
Neo-cerebellum(cerebral part)
• It is the remaining largest part of cerebellum.
• It includes the Lateral parts of cerebellar
• It receives afferent impulses from the cerebral
cortex+ pons via cerebro-ponto- cerebellar
• It sends efferents to ventro lateral nucleus of
• It is involved in planning movement and
evaluating sensory information for action.
• It receives input exclusively from the cerebral
Histological Structure
 Gray mater
– Molecular layer.
– Purkinje cell layer.
– Granule cell layer.
 White mater
– Intrinsic fibers.
– Afferent fibers.
– Efferent fibers
Gray Matter
 Microscopically composed of three layers:
• Outer molecular
• Middle ,Purkinje cell layer and
• Inner , Granule cell layer
 Contains five types of neurons:
Stellate cells (outer) Molecular
• Basket cell (inner) layer
• Pukinje cell – Purkinje cell layer
• Granule cell &
Granule cell layer
• Golgi cell
 Purkinje cell axons, are the only output from
the cerebellar cortex, to the deep nuclei
Intracerebellar Nuclei

•Dentate nucleus - largest of the cerebellar

nuclei, contains efferent fibers to sup.
Cerebellar peduncle.

•Emboliform nucleus - situated medial to the

dentate nucleus

•Globose nucleus- consists of one or more

rounded cell groups that lie medial to the
emboliform nucleus

•Fastigial nucleus- lies near the midline in

the vermis and close to the roof of the fourth
Neuronal Activity & Connections
with Cerebellum

Presented by-
Dr. Jheelam Biswas
Resident (Phase-A)
Dept. of Palliative Medicine
White Matter

• 3 Types of fibers:
– Intrinsic fibers
– Afferent fibers
– Efferent fibers
Intrinsic Fibers

• They remain in the cerebellum

• Do not leave cerebellum
• Pass between cerebellar cortex & vermis
• Also pass from one cerebellar hemisphere to other
Afferent Fibers
• 2 TYPES:
from inferior olivary

– MOSSY FIBERS (all the

other afferent fibers
except the climbing are
called Mossy fibers).
Efferent Fibers
• Start as axons of Purkinje cells.
• Most of these axons synapse with
deep nuclear cells.
• From deep nuclear cells, efferent
fibers arise  go to different parts of
• Only few purkinje fibers bypass deep
nuclear cells  go to vestibular
nuclei (these are from flocculo-
nodular lobe).
Cerebellar Afferent Fibers
From the Cerebral Cortex
• This connection between cerebellum & cerebral hemisphere is important in
control of voluntary movement.
• Information regarding initiation of movement in cerebral cortex is transmitted to
the cerebellum so that movement can be monitored & appropriate adjustment
of muscle activity can be made.
Cerebellar Afferent Fibers From
the Spinal Cord

•Also receive Afferent Fibers From the vestibular nerve,

red nucleus and tectum
• Anterior spinocerebellar tract:
– conveys informatiom from muscle & joint of upper & lower limbs
• Posterior spinocerebellar tract:
– conveys information from muscle & joint of trunk & lower limbs.
• Cuneocerebellar tract:
– conveys information from muscle & joint of upper limb & upper part of
The Efferent Cerebellar Pathways
• Globose-emboliform-rubral and Dentothalamic tracts:
- Influences ipsilateral motor activity
• Fastigial vestibular tract:
- Influences ipsilateral extensor muscle tone
• Fastigial reticular tract:
- Influences ipsilateral muscle tone.
Blood Supply
• Superior cerebellar artery-
-branch of basilar artery, supplies the sup
erior surface
• Anterior inferior cerebellar artery-
-Branch of basilar artery, supplies anterior
and inferior parts
• Posterior inferior cerebellar artery-
-Largest branch of vertebral artery, supply
inferior surface of vermis, central
nuclei of cerebellum, undersurface of
Functions of the cerebellum
Mainly function of Spinocerebellum(Pyramid of the vermis and the adjacent
medial portion of the hemisphre.


Mainly function of Vestibulocerebellum (Flocculonodular lobe and nodule of
the vermis)


is chiefly done by neocerebellum(Lateral portion of cerebellar hemisphere).


Clinical Aspects
Common causes of cerebellar dysfunction

• Vascular disorders such as thrombosis of the cerebellar arteries

• Infections(abscess from otitis media, HIV)
• Drugs(phenytoin and carbamazepine)
• Toxins(CO poisoning, solvent abuse, lead poisoning)
• Alcohol
• Demyelinating(MS)
• Injury to head
• Neoplastic(haemangioblastoma,medulloblastoma etc.)
• Developmental- Congenital agenesis / Hypoplasia
Cerebellar dysfunction
• Mainly two basic defects:
-- Loss of influence of the cerebellum on the activities of the cerebral

• Symptoms associated with cerebellar lesions are expressed ipsilaterally .

Signs of Cerebellar Dysfunction

• Hypotonia: The muscle lose resilience to palpation.

• Postural Changes & Alteration of Gait: The head is often rotated & flexed, and t
he shoulder on the side of lesion is lower than on the normal side. Stance is wid
e based & when he walks , he lurches & staggers toward the affected side.

• Disturbances of Voluntary Movement:

 Ataxia
 Intention Tremor
 Decomposition of movement
 Dysmetria/ Past-pointing
Signs of Cerebellar Dysfunction

• Dysdiadochokinesia: Inability to perform alternating movements regularly

& rapidly.
• Disturbances of Reflexes: Because of loss of influence on the stretch reflexe
s, the movement continues as a series of flexion & extension (Pendular knee
• Disturbances of Ocular Movement: Nystagmus
• Disorders of Speech: Dysatrhria because of ataxia of the muscles of the
Signs of Cerebellar Dysfunction
Vermis Syndrome
• Trunkal Ataxia
• A wide base when standing
• Tendency to fall backward / forward
• Difficulty to hold head in upright position(Titubation)
• Drunken/Ataxic Gait
Cerebellar Hemispheric Syndrome

– Movements of the limb specially the arms are disturbed

– Swaying & falling to the side of the lesion

– Dysarthria

– Nystagmus

– Delay in initiating movements

– Inability to move all limb segments together

Clinical Tests of Cerebellar Dysfunction

 Head:  Upper limb: Lower limb:

- Nodding (titubation)  Intention tremor
 Eye:  Tone
(Heel Shin
- Nystagmus  Finger nose test
 Mouth:  Disdiadochokinesia Pendular jerk

- Scanning speech  Rebound Gait

phenomenon Tandem gait
Basal Ganglia

Presented by-
Dr. Sabikun Naher Urmy
Resident (Phase-A)
Dept. of Palliative Medicine
Basal Ganglia

• - The term basal nuclei or basal ganglia is applied to a collection of masses

of gray matter situated within each cerebral hemisphere.
• - The term basal has been used in the past to denote the position of the
nuclei at the base of the forebrain.
• - Develops from Telencephalon.


3. AMYGDALOID BODY (archistriatum)

The subthalamic nuclei, the substantia nig

ra are considered as functional compon
Caudate nucleus

• - Highly curved, C- shaped

band of grey matter.
• - Consists of Head, body & Tail.
• - Almost completely separated
from lenticular nucleus by
internal capsule.
• - It’s tail terminates anteriorly
in the amygdaloid body.
Lentiform Nucleus
• Wedge-shaped mass of grey
matter with broad convex base
directed laterally.
• Divided into 2 parts by
external lamina of white
-Putamen (outer darker portion)
-Globus Pallidus (inner lighter)
Amygdaloid Nucleus

• Situated in the temporal lobe close

to the uncus.
• Considered to be part of limbic system.
• Through its connections, it can influence
body`s response to environmental change.

• Claustrum is a thin sheet of gray matter that is s

eparated from the lateral surface of the
lentiform nucleus by the external capsule.
• Lateral to claustrum is subcortical white matter
is insula.
• Function is unknown.
Sub Thalamic Nucleus

• Biconvex mass of grey matter

caudal to the lateral half of
thalamus & inferomedial to
globus pallidus.
Substantia Nigra

• It is a curved pigmented band

of grey matter situated between
tegmentum & crus cerebri.
• Contains melanin.
• Divided into 2 parts:
• a) Pars compacta – Dorsal part;
contains dopaminergic (75%) &
cholinergic(25%) neurons.
• b) Pars reticularis Ventral Part.
Connections of the Basal Ganglia

• Main input – To Corpus Striatum ( Caudate Nucleus & Putamen)

• Main Output – From Globus Pallidus.
Connections of Corpus striatum
Afferent Efferent

Corticostriate Striatopallidal

Thalamostriate Striatonigral


Brainstem striatal fibres

Connections of the Corpus striatum
Corticostriate Fibers ( most projections are from cortex of same side)
• Primary motor area : Bilateral Putamen
• Premotor area: Ipsilateral Caudate Nucleus and Putamen
• Prefrontal cortex: Ipsilateral Caudate Nucleus
• Neurotransmitter: Glutamate
Connections of the Corpus striatum
• Thalamostriate Fibers
Intra laminar Thalamic nucleus to Striatum

• Nigrostriate Fibers (inhibitory)

Pars compacta of Substancia nigra to Striatum
Neurotransmitter: Dopamin

• Brainstem Striatal Fibers (inhibitory)

Mainly from Dorsal Nucleus of Raphe
Neurotransmitter : Serotonin
Afferent Fibers
Connections of Globus pallidus
Afferent Efferent

Striatopallidal Ansa lenticularis

Fasciculus lenticularis


Connections of the Globus pallidus
• Striatopallidal Fibers
Pass to Globus pallidus
Neurotransmitter: GABA
• Striatonigral Fibers
Pass to Pars reticulata of Substantia nigra
Neurotransmitter: GABA, Acetylcholine,
Substance P
Connections of the Globus pallidus

• Pallidofugal fibres
• Ansa lenticularis (thalamic nuclei)

• Fasciculus lenticularis (subthalamus)

• Pallidotegmental (caudal tegmentum; midbrain)

• Pallidosubthalamic (subthalamic nuclei)

Connections of the Globus pallidus
Function of basal ganglia: Mechanism

• Basically, corpus striatum receives afferent

information from cerebral cortex, thalamus,
subthalamus, brainstem, suntantia nigra.

• The information is integrated within corpus

Striatum and the outflow passes back to area
listed above is channeled through the globus
• The outflow then influences activities of motor
area of cerebral cortex or other motor center
in brainstem.
• Thus, the basal ganglia control muscular
movement by influencing cerebral cortex and
have no direct control through decending
Pathway to brainstem and spinal cord.
Functions of Basal Ganglia

• Voluntary movement
– Initiation of movement
– Control of ramp movement
– Change from one pattern to other
– Timing & scaling of intensity of movements
– Programming and correcting movement while in progress
• Postural control
– Automatic associated movement (walking, swimming)
• Control of muscle tone
Disorders of Basal Ganglia
Hyperkinetic disorders Hypokinetic disorders

Chorea Parkinson’s Disease



 Rapid , jerky involuntary

movements , nonrepititive.
 Swift grimaces and sudden
movements of the head or
 Due to damage to caudate

 Slow, sinuous, writhing

movements of the extremities.
 Mainly fingers & wrist.
 Due to damage to Putamen.
 Involves the proximal extremity musculature and the limb suddenly flies
about out of control in all directions.
 Due to damage of subthalamic Nucleus.
Parkinson Disease

 Progressive disease of unknown cause

with neuronal degenaration in the substantia nigra
and to a lesser extent, in the globus pallidus,
putamen and caudate nucleus.
 Characteristic signs and symptoms:
a) Tremor b) Rigidity c) Bradykinesia
d) Postural disturbance
e) No loss of muscle power & sensibility.

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