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Prophet Muhammad SAW

Faradila Putri



Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad by bringing an easy and straight religion.
With that religion, a blind person can see and reveal the darkness, he will also get
guidance after being in error. Prophet Muhammad was blessed with a noble
character and clean heart. The Prophet received specialties in the form of the
greatest intercession, good standing, honor and glory.

Keep in mind, understand and note is a discussion about the prophethood

and the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad. The scholars have composed a
lot about this in various books on history, character, speech, deeds, laws and so
forth. There are scholars who write a little, there are also many who according to
the level of knowledge and knowledge of each.

Muhammad; is a last prophet and apostle for Muslims. Muhammad began

the spread of Islamic teachings to all humanity and bequeathed a single Islamic
government. Muhammad equally upheld the teachings of monotheism to force
God as carried out by previous prophets and apostles.

The name of Muhammad saw, the Holy Prophet of Islam, has been followed
by the symbol saw, which is an abbreviation for the salutation 'may peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him.' The names of other prophets and messengers are
followed by the symbol as, an abbreviation for 'on whom be peace.'
A. How It All Began

When the political, economic, social and religious conditions both in the
West and in the East were very chaotic, a great figure of all time was born who
built the power of Islam between the two great powers of the world, in the
Arabian Peninsula as rahmatan lil 'alamin namely Prophet Muhammad SAW. It
has been mentioned, that Arab society is full of dark ages including those who
worship idols, their own creation. Prophet Muhammad was sent with a prophetic
mission, which teaches, there is no God except Allah who knows all human
behavior and retaliates or punishes according to his actions later. Before the
Prophet Muhammad became a prophet, the prophet was adorned with
praiseworthy and clean qualities of reprehensible qualities.

B. A Birth

Muhammad was born in Mecca, the southern city of the Arabian Peninsula,
around 570, close to the Year of the Elephant which was the year of the failure of
the Mecca invasion by troops under the command of Abrahah. The most famous
opinion refers to the 12th of Early Rabbi as the birthday of Muhammad. Based on
the text of the hadith, Muhammad called Monday his birthday. Sirah Sirah
Sulaiman Al-Manshurfuri and astronomer Mahmud Basya in his research tracked
Monday to coincide with the 9th of Rabiul Awal.

Muhammad came from one of the Quraysh clans, the Banu Hashim, who
had inherited a respectable lineage in Mecca, although they were not respected for
their wealth. His father, Abdullah, died while Muhammad was still in the womb,
six months before birth. Baby Muhammad was brought to live with a rural family
in the interior, following the urban traditions of the time to strengthen the physical
and prevent children from urban diseases. He was cared for and fed by Halimah
bint Abi Dhuayb in the village of Bani Saad for two years. After that, little
Muhammad was returned to take care of Umm Aiman's slaves. At the age of 6,
Muhammad lost his mother, Aminah due to illness. Over the next two years,
Muhammad's needs were covered and fulfilled by his grandfather from his father's
family, 'Abd al-Muttalib. When he was eight years old, his grandfather died and
Muhammad was next raised by his uncle Abu Talib who appeared as a leader of
the Bani Hashim after Abdul Muttalib's death.

C. Abdul Mutallib Death

His excitement with Abdul Mutallib did not last long. When Muhammad was
eight years old, Abdul Mutallib died. Abdul Mutallib's death was a great loss for
Banu Hashim. He has the determination, dignity, views that are pithy, respectable
and influential among the Arabs. He always provided food and drink to the guests
who were on a pilgrimage and helped the people of Mecca in distress.

D. Childhood Period
After Abdul Mutallib's health, Abu Talib took over the task of his father to
look after his brother Muhammad's son. Although Abu Talib was less able than
other brothers, he had the most refined and honorable feeling among the Quraysh.
Abu Talib loved Muhammad as much as he loved his own children. He was also
interested in Muhammad's noble character.
As a teenager, the Prophet participated along with the inhabitants of
Makkah in several important cases, including: Fajr War, namely the war between
Quraysh and Qais in the Haram months, and the al-Fudhul Accord, namely the
Quraysh made an agreement that nobody gets in Makkah unless they will help
One day, when they visited Sham to trade when Muhammad was 12 years
old, they met a Christian monk who had been able to see the signs of prophecy on
Muhammad. Then the monk advised Abu Talib not to go far to the Sham area
because it was feared that the Jews would harm Muhammad if these signs were
known. Abu Talib followed the monk's advice and he did not bring much wealth
from the trip. He returned to Mecca immediately and took care of his busy
children. Muhammad also became part of his family. Muhammad followed them
to the adjacent weeks and heard poems by famous poets and speeches by anti-
Arab Jewish residents. Muhammad was also given an assignment as a goat herder.
He tended his family's goats and the inhabitants of Makkah. His Majesty always
thinks and ponders about natural events while carrying out his duties. Therefore,
you are far from all human thoughts, the desires of worldly people. You avoid
vain deeds, according to the title given, namely "Al-Amin".

E. Marriage
When Muhammad reached his teens and developed into an adult, he began
to learn martial arts and archery, as well as knowledge to increase his trading
skills. Trading becomes a common thing to do and is considered as one of the
stable income. Muhammad often accompanied his uncle to trade north and news
of his honesty and trustworthiness spread rapidly, making him widely trusted as
an intermediary selling agent for the merchants of Mecca.
One person who heard about the news of a young person who was honest
and trustworthy in trading with was a widow named Khadijah. He is someone
who has a high status among the Arab tribes. As a trader, he also often sent
merchandise to various corners of the regions in the Arab lands. Muhammad's
reputation made Khadijah entrust him to manage Khadija's merchandise,
Muhammad was promised by him to be paid double and Khadijah was very
impressed when Muhammad's return brought more than normal trading results.
Over time Muhammad finally married Khadijah, they married when
Muhammad was 25 years old. At that time Khadijah was approaching 40 years
old. The vast difference in age and status of the widows of Khadijah did not
become an obstacle for them, although at that time the Quraysh had a culture that
emphasized marriage to a girl rather than a widow. Despite their increasing
wealth, Muhammad continued to live as a simple person, preferring to use his
wealth for more important matters.
F. Earned a Degrees
When Muhammad was 35 years old, he joined the Quraysh in repairing the
Kaaba. When the Quraysh leaders argued over who had the right to put down the
Black Stone, Muhammad could solve the problem and provide a fair solution. At
that time he was known among the Arab tribes because of his commendable
qualities. His people loved him so much, he finally got the title Al-Amin which
means "someone who can be trusted".

It was also reported that Muhammad was a person who fully believed in the
oneness of God. He lived in a very simple way and hated the greedy, arrogant and
arrogant traits that were prevalent among the Arabs at that time. He is known to
love poor people, needy widows and orphans and share their suffering by trying to
help them. He also avoided all the evil that had been entrenched among the Arabs
at that time such as gambling, drinking liquor, abusive behavior, etc., so that he
was known as As-Saadiq which means "right".

G. Apostolic Period
By the age of forty, he was too used to separating from the community,
contemplating the Cave of Hira, a few kilometers north of Mecca. There, first
many hours later days of meditation. On the 17th of Ramadan in 611 AD, the
Angel Gabriel appeared before him, delivering God's first revelation:
"Read in the name of your Lord who created. He created man from a clot of
blood. Read it, and your Lord is all-glorious. He has taught with Qalam. He has
taught humans what they do not know. " (Qur'an 96: 1-5).
With the first revelation down, it means that Muhammad has become a
prophet. In this first revelation it has not been ordered to call people to a religion.
After the first revelation came, Gabriel did not appear again for some time,
while the Prophet Muhammad waited for him and always came to the Cave of
Hira '. It was in this state of waiting that revelation brought orders to him. The
revelation reads as follows:
"Oh people who are clothed, get up and give them a reminder. You must
magnify your Lord and clean your clothes, leave behind sin, and do not give (with
the intention) to get more (reward) and to (fulfill the commandments) your Lord
be patient. " (AL-Mudatsir: 1-7).
With the descent of that command, the Prophet started preaching. After the
Prophet Muhammad was crowned an Apostle, Khadijah, his wife immediately
believed in him. He believed what came from Allah, and he was recorded as the
first man to believe in Allah and His Messenger. In addition, as is often said, Ali
ibn Abi Talib was the first man to believe in him from a man.
His age at that time was ten years, and he lived in the house of the
Messenger of Allah. Then followed by the conversion of Islam Zaid bin Harithah
former slave of the Prophet. Then followed by Abu Bakr who announced his
Abu Bakr brought Ustman bin Affan, Az-Zubair bin Awwam, Abdurrahman
bin Auf, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqash, and Talha bin Ubaidillah, to meet the Messenger
of Allah and announce their Islam in front of the Messenger of Allah. They were
the first eight people to convert to Islam. Then, followed by the conversion of Abu
Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, and others.
The period of time between the period of propagation of the Prophet in
secret or secretly to the period of open and open propaganda is about three years.
It began with the coming down of the word of God,

, ُ َ‫صدع ب ف‬
َ ْ َ ‫ؤم ُر َ ت ِما‬
“Announce what God has commanded you.”( Al-Hijir: 94)

. ِ ْ‫ي َن ْ َرب َق َ َك ْاأل ْ ِذ ْر َع ِ ْشي َرت َن َوا‬

“Give a warning to your immediate family.”(As-Syu’ara: 214).

When the verse came down, the Prophet Muhammad departed and stood on
the hill of Safa and then called the people, until the people of Quraysh asked about
who was the one who called them from the Safa hill. People of Quraysh even Abu
Lahab came to hear what was to be said. The Messenger of Allah said, "O all
Quraysh, save yourself from the torments of hellfire because I cannot help you
from the torments of hellfire. I am the prophet sent to you before the torment of

H. The Death of Prophet Muhammad

In the tenth year of Hijriyah, Rasulullah SAW went on the pilgrimage with
more than 100 thousand Muslims. In Jabal ‘Arafat the prophet delivered a
monumental sermon before those who were considered the basis of Islamic
teachings. It is not surprising, because in this sermon the prophet has explained
about Islamic law. Through this sermon, the prophet called for the principle of
equality among fellow human beings who did not recognize the difference
between the servant who was of Habasha's blood and the blood of Quraysh.
Two months after his return from the Hajj Wadha, the prophet complained
of pain in his head. In the early days of illness, the Prophet forced himself to
continue to lead the prayer. When his illness got worse, the prophet told Abu Bakr
to take his place as the prayer leader.
Prophet Muhammad's illness got worse until his last day in the world, which
was Monday 12 Rabiul Awal 11 Hijri. When Muslims do the morning prayer with
the faith of Abu Bakr, the prophet opens the veil or the mosquito net of Aisha's
room. The Prophet saw them marching in prayer, then smiled happily. Realizing
the presence of the Prophet, Abu Bakr immediately retreated back thinking the
Prophet would leave the room for prayer. Annas relates, "Muslims are very happy
when they see the prophet. However, the Prophet gave a signal that they continue
their prayers. The Prophet returned to the room and closed the veil again. After
that, the Prophet did not come out again at the next prayer times. "
Then Abdurrahman Ibn Abu Bakr came in with a siwak. Aisha said, "The
head of the prophet is on my guardian's lap. I looked at him looking at the siwak
and I knew the prophet wanted it. I soften the siwak by chewing it a little. " Near
the Prophet there was a vessel filled with water, then the Prophet dipped his
hands, then rubbed his face while saying, 'Laa ilaaha illa Allah, actually dying has
a dying or pain.' While cleansing, the Prophet raised his hands or fingers, focused
his gaze on the roof, and his lips moved saying, 'With those whom you have given
pleasure to, namely the group of prophets, martyrs, and pious people. O Allah,
grant your forgiveness and mercy to me, and meet me with Rafiq al-a'la10. O
Allah, meet me with Rafiq al-a'la. 'The Prophet repeated the words three times.
His hands began to limp. Then finally the prophet really met alRaiq al-A'la.
Innalilahi WaInnailaihi Rajiun (everything belongs only to Allah and only to him
will return).
When the prophet Muhammad had not died, at that time the Ansar saw that
the health condition of the Messenger of Allah tended to worsen they gathered in
the mosque. Seeing this incident then al-Fadl ibn al-Abbas and Ali ibn Abi Talib
convey it to the prophet. The prophet came out to them while being crushed by
Ali and al-Abbas, while al-Fadl was walking in front of them both. At that time,
the Prophet came to them with a head wrapped and walking. Arriving in their
midst, sit under the dais steps and say:
"O people! It has come to me that you are afraid of the death of your
prophet. Is there a prophet sent by God before the eternal me in your midst? Keep
in mind! Verily I will return to my Lord and you will also follow my da'a. So by
his message, I order you all to be kind to the first wave of Muhajirin. Likewise I
ordered the Muhajirins to make up among themselves. "
Before managing the body of the Prophet, there were differences of opinion
about the successor of the Prophet.
There was dialogue and debate and rebuttal between Muhajirin and Anshor
in the Saqifah of the Sa'idah. However, they finally did
agreed to appoint Abu Bakr as the caliph this happened so that it entered
night time on Monday. People were busy preparing to take care of the body of the
Prophet until the end of the night nearing dawn or Tuesday night. While the body
of the noble prophet was still stretched out on the bed covered with black cloth.
The door to the house is closed and only the family of the prophet can enter.
On Tuesday the relatives bathed the body of the Prophet without removing
the cloth covering it. As for the baths, al-Abbas, Ali, al-Fadl and Qatsam (both
sons of al-Abbas), Syaqran (assistant of the Prophet), Utsama bin Zaid and Aus
bin Khaili. Al-abbas, al-Fadl and Qatsam were tasked with turning over the body,
Syaqran splashing water, Ali cleaned it and Aus held the body of the Prophet on
his chest.
Then they relented the body of the prophet with three pieces of white cloth
without cotton including clothing or headgear. Then they disagreed with each
other, where the prophet would be buried then Abu Bakr said,
“Verily I have heard the Messenger of Allah say, lah It is not
a prophet died but he was buried where he died. “
Abu Talha removed the bed where the prophet died, then dig a grave right
under the bed.

a) Sons of the Prophet Muhammad

Rasulullah SAW has three sons, namely:

1. Al-Qasim, born in Mecca before Muhammad was appointed Prophet. Al-

Qasim died in Mecca at the age of two. But according to Qatadah, Al-Qasim
died when he was able to walk.
2. Abdullah, also called at-Thayyib (the good) and at-Thahir (the holy) because
he was born after Islam. There is an opinion that says that at-Thayyib and at-
Thahir are other sons of the Prophet Muhammad, but the first opinion is the
right one.
3. Ibrahim, was born and died in Medina in ten Hijri at the age of seventeen or
eighteen months. There is an opinion that says Rasulullah SAW has another
son named Abdul Uzza but this opinion is very weak because Allah SWT has
purified and protected the Prophet SAW from such things (naming Abdul
Uzza's son which means servant of Uzza named one of the idols of Quraisy-
Daughters of the Prophet Muhammad

1. Zainab, married Abu Al-Ash bin Rabi 'bin Abdul Uzza bin Abdul Shams
cousin of Zainab, because his mother was Hala bint Khuwailid (brother of
Khadijah bint Khuwailid). Zainab had a son named Ali who died as a child
and Umamah was carried by the Prophet when he prayed and after he was
married to Ali bin Abi Talib after Fatimah died.
2. Fatimah, married to Ali bin Abi Talib. From this marriage Fatimah gave birth
to Hasan, Husain, Muhassin who died as a child, Umm Kulthum who married
Umar bin Khattab, and Zainab who married Abdullah bin Ja'far bin Abi Talib.
3. Ruqayyah, married to Ustman bin Affan. Died on Ustman's lap. Ustman then
married Umm Kulthum (Ruqayyah's sister) who also died in his lap.
Ruqayyah had a son named Abdullah so Ustman was called by chewing Abu

b) War of the Prophet Muhammad

In the famous opinion of Muhammad bin Ishak, Abu Ma Mayar, Musa bin
Uqbah and others the Messenger of Allāh mengikuti took part in twenty-five
battles. And some say twenty-seven wars. While the number of dispatches of
troops and wars that were not followed by the Prophet SAW was around fifty

Of the twenty-five battles, nine battles were fought, namely in Badr, Uhud,
Khandak, Bani Quraizhah, Mushthaliq, Khaibar, Fathu Makkah, Hunain and Ta'if.
Some said there was also fighting in Wadil Qura, al-Ghaba and Bani Nadhir.
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