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“Experimental Investigation on the

strength of Light Weight Aggregate

B-Tech civil Final Year Project Presentation


Muhammad Qadeer Ali SUIT-15-01-079-0794

Roll no 15-FA-64094
Faisal Ali SUIT-15-01-079-0430
Roll no 15-FA-64621
Bilal Saleem SUIT-15-01-079-0729
Roll no 15-FA-64620
1) Abstract
2) Introduction
• Objectives
3) Literature Review
4) Methodology
5) Results and Discussions
6) Conclusions and Recommendations
➢The Project focuses on experimental investigation for determining the strength
properties, Unit weight and workability of light weight aggregate cement concrete
using slate as partial replacement in different percentage proportions of 0, 20, 40, 60,
80 and 100 by volume of light weight aggregate concrete
➢ For L-1 to L-6 the properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength,
workability and unit weight are studied by casting and testing around samples
consisting 54 no of cylinders of size 150mm dia and 300mm height.
➢12 cylinders (6 for M-20 concrete and 6 for M-30 concrete) are tested for
compression test and 6 cylinders for M-20 are tested for split tensile test.
➢ For L-1 to L-6 unit weight decreases from 150lb/ft3 (for normal concrete) to
114lb/ft3 (for lightweight concrete).
➢slump values ranges for 110mm to 101mm for M-20 concrete and 74 to 61 mm for
M-30 concrete.
➢ Reduction in compressive strength were recorded from 1377 psi(NWAC) to
1032(LWAC) for M-20 concrete and 1862 psi(NWAC) to 1360psi(LWAC) were
recorded for M-30 concrete .
➢increase in the values for Split tensile strength 219psi(NWAC) to 318 psi (LWAC)
was observed.
➢ Lightweight concrete can be defined as a type of concrete which includes
an expanding agent in that it increases the volume of the mixture while giving
additional qualities such as lessened the dead weight.

➢It is lighter than the conventional concrete

➢Densities of Light weight concrete ranges from 1,800, 1,700, 1,600 down to
300 kg/m3.

➢Compressive strengths range from up to 40 MPa down to almost zero for

the really low densities in the case of Light weight aggregate concrete.

➢Lightweight aggregate concrete is usually chosen for structural purposes

where its use will lead to a lower overall cost of structure than would be
expected with normal weight concrete.
➢ The primary use of light weight concrete is to reduce the dead load of the
concrete structure, which then allows the structural designer to reduce the size of
the column, footing and other load bearing elements.

➢ Structural lightweight concrete mixture can be designed to achieve similar

strength as normal weight concrete.

➢ Lightweight Concrete is ideal for roof deck repairs, elevated floor slabs or overlays
on existing floor decks.

➢ it can be used where ease in lifting and carrying is important.

➢ Lightweight Concrete also offers slower temperature transfer rates than standard
weight concrete, resulting in improved insulation factors.
➢ Objective of the Research

➢ To study the influence of different percentages of Lightweight aggregates

on mechanical performance of Lightweight Aggregates Concrete (LWAC).

➢ To check the suitability of different percentages of light weight aggregates

with respect to different concrete properties.

➢ To achieve the stipulated minimum strength .

➢ To make the concrete in the most economical manner.

➢ Structural lightweight concrete has an in-place density (unit weight) on the order
of 90 to 120 lb/ ft3 (1440 to 1900 kg/m3) compared to normal weight concrete
with a density in the range of 140 to 160 lb/ ft3 (2240 to 2400 kg/m3).
➢ According to ASTM C330. For structural applications the concrete strength should
be up to 3000 psi (21 MPa) at the age of 28 days.
➢ Light weight concrete has a surprisingly long history and was first patented in
1923, mainly for use as an insulation material.
➢ The generally higher unit cost of lightweight structural concrete is offset by
reduced dead loads and lower foundation costs
➢ There may be a special advantage when existing structures are being altered or
expanded. For example, four stories were added to an existing Cleveland
department store without modifying the foundation.
➢ When the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was replaced, the original piers were able to
carry the load of additional traffic lanes.
➢ Use of LWA in Pakistan
▪ 850 ton material is used in Khairabad-Bridge recommended by Sachal
▪ 80 ton for the construction of Sherpow bridge in Lahore on the recommendation
▪ 11 ton for Council for Works and Housing Research (CWHR) Karachi.
▪ 22 ton for National Physical and Standard Laboratories (NPSL) Islamabad.
LWA used in Pakistan

Khairabad bridge,Attock

National Physics Lab,

➢ The main features of light weight aggregates are :
• Lighter weight and greater strength.
• Fire resistance.
• Thermal insulation and moisture resistance.
• Sound insulation.
• Textured finish and workability.
➢ The main features of light weight aggregate concrete are:
• Bond of light weight aggregate with hydrated cement
• Mixing of light weight Aggregate Concrete
• Workability of light weight concrete
• Pumping of light weight concrete
• Shrinkage of light weight concrete
• Water absorption of light weight aggregates concrete..
• Curing of light weight concrete
➢ Main focus of research
❑ Evaluation of
• Compressive Strength
• Tensile Strength
• Workability and Density
➢ A total of 12 cylinders were cast.
➢ Two Mixes were used for testing purposes
➢ Selection of mixes were carried according to IS-10262-2009
o M 20
▪ Mix ratio (1:1.5:3) w/c ratio (0.5)
o M 30
▪ Mix ratio (1:1.09:3.42) w/c ratio (0.4)
➢ Cylinders were casted according to replacement of NWA (0,20,40,60,80,100%)
with LWA.
➢ Curing was done for 28 days.
▪ 12 specimen were tested for Compression strength.
▪ 6 cylinders for M-20 concrete and 6 cylinders for M-30 concrete.
▪ 6 specimen for M-20 concrete were tested for Split Tensile strength.
➢ Tests on normal weight aggregates are performed as following:
• Particle size and gradation.
• Hardness or resistance to wear.
• Durability or resistance to weathering.
• Specific gravity and absorption.
• Chemical stability.
➢ Tests on Fine aggregate are performed as following:
▪ Sieve Analysis.
▪ Fineness Modulus
➢ Light weight aggregates:
▪ We used light weight aggregates manufactured from natural recourses found in
Pakistan. Extensive deposits of shale and slate are found on northern foothills of
Attock-Cherat ranges in Peshawar District, Naka Pabni area in the north Karachi
and some parts of Margalla near Islamabad. In this investigation, raw materials
(Slates) were collected from “Manki (Attock).
▪ The Raw materials (Slates) from respective location were transported to Pakistan
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) Laboratories Complex,
Peshawar for further processing. The raw materials were crushed to a size of 2 cm
Process flow diagram for lightweight aggregate manufacturing
Light weight aggregates
manufactured by using slate
Furnaces Section

Bloating at 1200*C is in operation

❑ Tests on Light weight Aggregate
➢ Grading of light weight coarse aggregates
According to ASTM C136-06, sieve analysis was performed for grading of light
weight coarse aggregates and results are given below.

Retained %cumulative %cumulative

BS (mm) ASTM % retained
weight(grams) Retained Passed

25.4 1 inch 0 0 0

19 ¾ inch 198 9.52 9.52

12.7 ½ inch 1076 51.75 61.28

9.5 3/8 inch 568 27.3 88.6

4.75 3/16 inch 158 7.6 96.20

Pan 79 3.79 100

Total 2079
➢ Specific Gravity of Light weight coarse aggregate
The specific gravity test was carried out, according to ASTM C 127-04, the
specific gravity of coarse aggregate sample was 0.61.
Specific gravity (SSD) = B/(B-C)

➢ Water Absorption of light weight coarse aggregates

Water absorption was found according to ASTM C 127-04. Water
absorption of light weight coarse aggregates was calculated by:
Water absorption (%) = {(B-A)/A}100
The water absorption of the LWCA was measured as 6.31%.
➢ Unit weight of Light weight coarse aggregate
The unit weight or bulk density of light weight coarse aggregates was
found according to ASTM C 29/C 29M-97.
It was calculated by:
Bulk density of aggregates = (G-T)/V
The unit weight of LWCA was found to be 794.14 kg/m3.
❑ Tests on Natural weight Aggregate
NWA were collected from Margalla Deposit.
➢ Grading of normal weight coarse aggregates
➢ Specific Gravity of normal weight coarse aggregate
• The specific gravity test was carried out, according to ASTM C 127-04, the specific
gravity of coarse aggregate sample was 2.60.

➢ Water Absorption of normal weight coarse aggregates

• Water absorption was found according to ASTM C 127-04. Water absorption of
coarse aggregates was calculated by:
• The water absorption of the NWCA was measured as 0.8%.

➢ Unit weight of normal weight coarse aggregates

• The unit weight or bulk density of normal weight coarse aggregates was found
according to ASTM C 29/C 29M-97.
• The unit weight of NWCA was found to be 1490.5 kg/m3.
➢ Tests performed on concrete are given below:
➢ Selected Mix
• To determined several properties of Light weight concrete mix ratios were selected
on the basis of IS-10262-2009
• 1:1.5:3 mix ratio (by volume) with w/c ratio 0.5 was used for M 20 concrete and
1:1.09:3.42 (by volume) with w/c ratio 0.40 was used for M 30 concrete.
• Hand mixing was used to mix concrete.
➢ Workability Test
Slump test was carried out according to ASTM C143-78.Slump test is very useful
to detect the variation in material being fed into specimen moulds. The slump value
for all types of mixes was measured.
➢ Unit Weight Test
• This test was performed according to ASTM C-138.
➢ Size of cylinder 6“ dia 12“ height
➢ Mixed ratio's
• 1:1.5:3
with w/c 0.5 for M20
• 1:1.09:3.42
with w/c 0.4 for M30

Mixing of Material
• Curing
• 28 days standard curing is done.
➢ Compressive strength test

▪ This test was performed according to ASTM C873-99.

▪ Total of 12 cylinders were casted for to check compressive strength .
▪ 6 cylinders with w/c 0.5 were casted for M 20 concrete.
▪ 6 Cylinders with 0.40 w/c ratio were casted for M 30 concrete.
▪ A total of 2 cylinders for each mix(0,20,40,60,80,100% of LWA replacement with
NWA) were casted .
▪ To achieve strength greater than 4000 psi a super plasticizer “Chemrite-530” was
▪ it is a high range water-reducing and slump retaining concrete admixture also
complies with ASTM C 494,type A,F&G.
▪ recommended dosage of 0.8% by weight of cement was added with water while
mixing of concrete.
Test is in
➢ Split tensile strength test
• This test was performed according to ASTM C 496-71.
• Total 6 specimens of M-20 concrete were tested .
• For the determination of tensile strength, 2 cylinders (6in diameter x 12in
height) were tested for each (0,20,40,60,80,100%) LWA as replaced with
NWA) mixes.
• If the load is applied along the vertical axis, then an element on the vertical
diameter of the cylinder is subjected to a vertical compressive stress and a
horizontal tensile stress is calculated by following relation.
ft=2P/π DL
ft = tensile strength of concrete in MPa
P = compressive load on the cylinder in N
L = Length of cylinder in mm
D = Diameter of cylinder in mm
Is in
• All the tests on lightweight aggregates including their crushing, screening,
bloating, test and iron staining tests were carried out in Pakistan Council of
Scientific and Industrial research (PCSIR) Laboratories Complex, Peshawar,
• Gradation, water absorption, specific gravity, unit weight and bulk densities of
light weight aggregates as well as normal weight aggregates were determined in
the concrete laboratory of Civil Engineering Department,Comsats Wah .
• Casting, curing and testing of light weight aggregate concrete (LWAC) and normal
weight aggregate concrete (NWAC) were also carried out in the concrete
laboratory of Civil Engineering Department, Comsats Wah.
• Water absorption of LWA and NWA
Water absorption was determined according to ASTM C 127-04.
▪ LWA have high water absorption(6.31%) as compared to Normal weight
aggregates (0.8%).

▪ If the LWA are saturated before mixing, the strength of the resulting concrete is
about 5 to 10 percent lower as compared by to concrete casted by using dry

▪ It is common practice that when water absorption is more than 10 %, LWA are in our case water absorption of LWA is 6.31% so it is not pre-

▪ The porosity and water absorption of LWA depends on expansion during bloating
of aggregates. Higher expansion mean the LWA are more porous and ultimately
absorb more water. .
• Bulk density and Specific gravity of LWA and NWA

Bulk density and specific gravity was determined according to ASTM C 127-04.
➢ Bulk density is the mass of LWA divided by the volume they occupy.
• LWA have bulk density much less than that of normal weight aggregates (NW).

• Comparing bulk densities of LWA with NWA, it is evident that the light weight
aggregate concrete is considerably lighter than concrete made with normal weight

• So LWAC have less unit weight according to NWAC which is its biggest
advantage as less unit weight refers to less dead weight of the concrete.

➢ Specific gravity is the ratio of density of a material to the density of water at a

standard temperature.

• LWA showed least value of specific gravity as compared to NWA.

➢ Tests on Concrete
• Workability
• The workability of LWAC and NWC at constant mix and water-cement
ratio for specified concrete was measured by slump test. Slump for M-20
and M-30 concrete was measured separately to check which concrete is
more workable.
➢ Unit weight of concrete
• The density or unit weight of hardened concrete is of our particular interest to
achieve light weight concrete. The porous structure of LWA is responsible for
lower density of LWAC as compared to normal weight concrete. 60 to 70 % of
weight of concrete is due to coarse aggregates, so by using LWA instead of NWA,
the weight of concrete can be reduced considerably
➢ Compressive strength for M 20 Concrete
• According to ASTM C330, for structural applications the LWAC strength should be
greater than 21 MPa at the age of 28 days so every concrete mix (L-1,L-2,L-3,L-4,L-
5,L-6) is applicable for the construction purposes.
• The low compressive strength of LWAC is due to low specific gravity and low
bulk density. For a given cement and water content, the strength increases with
increase of bulk density of aggregates, so decrease in bulk density of LWAC cause
reduction in strength. Moreover by replacing NWA with LWA compressive
strength considerably goes on increasing.
• Compressive strength considerably goes on increasing by addition of NWA with
LWA. Practically it is not possible to get 30 Mpa strength in the case of LWA except
by addition of admixture in the mix .

• for this purpose we use a super plasticizer “Chemrite-530” .

• It is a high range water-reducing and slump retaining concrete admixture also

complies with ASTM C 494, type A.F&G .

• recommended dosage of 0.8% by weight of cement was added with water while
mixing of concrete.

• Moreover strength can be increased by adding mineral admixture like (fly ash,
blast furnace slag etc ) as well as by adding chemical admixture .
➢ Split Tensile strength
• Splitting tensile strength test on concrete cylinder is a method to determine the
tensile strength of concrete.

• The concrete is very weak in tension due to its brittle nature and is not expected
to resist the direct tension.

• The concrete develops cracks when subjected to tensile forces.

• Thus, it is necessary to determine the tensile strength of concrete to determine

the load at which the concrete members may crack
➢ light weight aggregate concrete have high tensile strength at the age of 28 days as
compared to that of NWC. This behavior of LWAC confirms the good bond of LWA
with hydrated cement.
▪ This is due to many facts.
• First one is the porous surface of LWA.
• There is some penetration of cement paste into the pores of LWA, which results in
good bond between hydrated cement and LWA.
• Second, the moduli of elasticity of LWA and hardened cement paste do not differ
from one another and consequently no differential stresses between the two
• Third the water absorbed by LWA during mixing is available for hydration of
remnant of cement. So, additional hydration occurs.
• Thus bond between aggregates and hydrated cement becomes stronger.
Conclusions and Recommendations
• On the basis of results presented in the present study following conclusions can be
• Test results show that the slates from Manki can be bloated at 1100 oC and the
bloated material becomes lighter than conventional aggregates.

• Physical and chemical testing on bloated material shows that bloated material is
suitable for use in construction where weight saving is required.

• LWA have high water absorption as compared to NWA.

• With the presence of LWA in concrete, high workability can be achieved.

• LWAC have less unit weight as compared to NWA this is very helpful in those
constructions where reduction of dead load of the structure is required.

• Light weight aggregate concrete has high tensile strength at age of 28 days as
compared to that of NWC. LWAC have a comparable compressive strength at the
age of 28 days.
Conclusions and Recommendations
➢ Recommendations
• Properties of LWAC can be investigated by using light weight fine aggregates in
place of normal fine aggregates.
• Strength of LWAC can be checked by using different mix ratios.
• Strength of LWAC can be checked by using different Water cement ratio.
• Effect of mineral admixtures on LWAC can also be investigated.
• Bleeding and plastic cracking behavior of LWAC can also be checked.
• Effect of curing on LWAC can be found.
• Cost comparison can be carried out for different types of light weight aggregate
concrete cast in Pakistan.
• Kamsiah. M. I. (2003). Study of lightweight concrete behavior.

• Clarke, J.L. Design Requirements. Structural Light weight Aggregate Concrete,

Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 45-74, 1993.

• 1.T. Parhizkar*, M.Roll

no and A.R. Pourkhorshidi, “(Application of pumice
aggregate in structural lightweight concrete”, asian journal of civil engineering
(building and housing) VOL. 13, NO. 1 (2012) PAGES 43-54

• Owens, P.L. (1993). “Light weight aggregates for structural concrete,”

Structural Light weight Aggregate Concrete, Chapman & Hall, London, pp.1-

Muhammad Qadeer Ali SUIT-15-01-079-0794
Roll no: 15-FA-64094
Bilal Saleem SUIT-15-01-079-0429
Roll no: 15-FA-64620
Faisal Ali SUIT-15-01-079-0430
Roll no: 15-FA-64621

It will take about 3–4 months to complete this project.


Supervisor Signature: ________________________

Date: ________________________

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