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Mahesh Raj Bhatt

Structural/Civil Engineer

Address: Darchula , Far Western Nepal


Master in Structural Engineering (2017)

Kathmandu University Nepal
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (2014)
Pokhara University Nepal
Intermediate in Physical Science (2009)
Tribhuwan University Nepal
SLC Board, Government of Nepal(2007)
Darchula Nepal
All birds find shelter during rain, but The eagle avoids rain by flying above the cloud. Problems
are common, but attitude makes different.
-APJ Abdul Kalam
Contact Detail:

1. Mobile: 9848741565/ 9816107465

2. Email:
Kathmandu University

Hydraulic Structures (CIEG 304)

Year: III
Semester: I
Course credit: 3= (15*3=45 Teaching hours)
Examination Scheme

Total Marks 100 ,

(Internal 50%) and Final 50%

Lecture 2 and Tutorials 1

Course Objectives:

1. to provide basic concepts for the hydraulic

2. Types of dam and their analysis steps
3. Stability and design procedures of
hydraulic structures
1. Introduction to hydraulic Structures (4hr.)
i. Water resources use and its economic development aspects
ii. Classification of hydraulic structure
iii. Concept of hydraulic engineering
iv. Problems and purposes of hydraulic structures
v. Special Purpose hydraulic structure
vi. Water resources project and development (system)
vii. Flow behaviour and hydraulic structures
viii. Protection of scouring
ix. Effects of Seepage flow
x. Hydraulic structure and their relationship with foundation,
xi. Matter of concern in hydraulic design,
xii. Safety requirement for structures and Foundation
unit2: Analysis of Forces acting on Hydraulic
Structure (4 Hrs.)
i. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure
ii. Cavitation's
iii. Cavitation's control
iv. Aeration of flow
Unit 3: Dams (12 Hrs.)
i. Introduction
ii. Classification according to use
iii. Classification according to hydraulic design
iv. Classification according to material
v. Physical factors governing selection of type of a dam
vi. Selection of site for a dam
vii. Gravity Dams, Introduction , Forces acting on gravity dam –Water
pressure, weight of dam, uplift pressure
viii. Earthquake pressure (effect of horizontal, vertical acceleration)
ix. Ice pressure
x. Wave pressure
xi. Silt pressure, Wind pressure
xii. Combination of Loading for design
xiii. Modes of failure
Unit 3: Dams…
xiii. Modes of failure
xiv. Stability Requirement
xv. Principal and Shear Stresses
xvi. Quality and strength of concrete and masonry in gravity dam
xvii. Principal stress
xviii. Hydraulic concrete
xviv. Stability analysis of gravity dam and methods of analysis
Gravity method
graphical method
Analytical method
Trial and twist method
Slab analogy method
Latice analogy method
Unit 3: Dams…
Experimental method (direct, indirect methods)
xx. Elementary profile of gravity dam
xxi. Forces acting on elementary profile
xxii. Determination of base width of elementary profile
xxiii. Stress criteria and stability criteria
xxiv. Practical Profile of a Gravity Dam
xxv. Limiting height of a Gravity Dam
xxvi. Design of Gravity Dams:
Multiple step
Single step
Alternative method
xxvii. Galleries, Joints, Keys and water seals
xxviii. Control of cracking in concrete dams
#1 first intrenal examination
Unit 4: Arch Dam (2hr.)
i. Definition of arch dam,
ii. Types of arch dam: Constant radius, Variable radius,
Constant angle, Forces on arch dam
iii. Design method of arch dam: Thin cylinder theory,
Determination of central angle for minimum concrete,
Limitation of cylinder theory,
iv. The Elastic Theory, The trial load analysis
Unit 5: Buttress Dam (2 hr.)
i. Components of buttress dams
ii. Types of Buttress Dams
iii. Assignment#5
Unit 6: Earthen and Rock-fill dams (8hr.)
i. Definition and types of earthen dam
ii. Method of construction: Roll and fill, Hydraulic fill
iii. Causes of failure of earthen dam
iv. Criteria for safe design of earthen dam
v. Section of an earthen dam
vi. Downstream drainage system
vii. Preliminary dimension of earthen dam
viii. Stability analysis of earthen dam
ix. Stability of d/s slope during steady state
x. Method of locating centre of critical slip circle
(Fellenious method)
Unit 7: Seepage through the Hydraulic Structure
(8 hrs.)
i. Permeability of soil
ii. Gravity and capillary water
iii. Fundamentals of seepage theory
iv. Theoretical solution to seepage problem
v. Use of flow pattern
vi. Experimental and other methods of plotting
seepage flow nets
vii. ELECTRICAL hydrodynamic analogue method
viii.Solutions of practical seepage pressure problem
Unit 7: Seepage through the Hydraulic Structures…
ix. Method of drag coefficient
x. Drainage Vs seepage
xii. Free seepage in the hydraulic structure,
xiii.Dam with pervious foundation
xiv.Dam with core wall on impermeable foundation,
xv. Rock and earth fill dam with core wall
xvi.Rock fill dam with sloping screen
xvii.Dam with sloping screen and drainage
xviii.Seepage beneath structure on rock foundation
xviv.Elements of creep contour
Unit 8: Spillways and Appurtenant Works (5hrs.)
i. Definition and types of the spillways
ii. Types of spillway
iii. Separate spillway
iv. Chute, Stepped fall
v. Culvert surface
vi. Tunnel spillway
vii. Shaft spillway
viii. Appurtenant Structures
ix. River Transport and Hydraulic Power Facilities
x. Electric Power Generation Installation
xi. Fish-Pass Facilities
Assignment #8
#2nd internal examination
#project submission/presentation
Reference books:
1. “Hydraulics Structures”- M. M. Grishin
2. “Water Power Engineering”- M. M Dandekar and
K N Sharma
3. “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering”- Dr.
B.C. Punmia, Dr. B.B. Lal Pande
4. Irrigation engineering and hydraulics structures :
Santosh Kumar Garg
5. Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines: R.K
Ch1. Introduction
 Source or supply
 Form which benefit is produced
Resource types: The concept of resources applied in
diverse realms
i. Economic resources
ii. Biological resources
iii. Computer resources
iv. Natural resource
v. Labor or human resource
vi. Capital or infrastructure
Ch1. Introduction….
Characteristic of resources:
i. Utility
ii. Limited availability
iii. Potential for depletion or consumption

Resources can be categorized as

biotic versus abiotic
renewable versus non-renewable
potential versus actual
Ch1. Introduction….


Ch1. Introduction….

Coal Mine USA
Ch1. Introduction….
Water resources:
 sources of water that are useful or potentially
useful to humans
 needed for life to be exist (flora and fauna)
Use of water:
i. Agricultural
ii. Industrial
iii. Household/domestic
iv. Recreational (swimming, boating, rafting etc.)
v. Environmental
Ch1. Introduction….

Source: encyclopedia
Ch1. Introduction….
Economic aspect of water resource
 In early civilizations, water played a relatively
simple role
 It was needed for transportation and drinking
 and it provided a fishing and hunting source

As populations grow and economies expand

 water sectors are as financial and environmental aspect too
 National economy based on water
 Like Nepal water is major resource for economic development
Hydraulic structure
 A structure submerged or partially submerged in
any body of water
which disrupts the natural flow of water
They can be used to divert, disrupt or completely
stop the flow

A topic in engineering dealing with the mechanical
properties of liquids or fluids.
Concept of hydraulic engineering
Hydraulic engineering is
 sub-discipline of civil engineering
 concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids
 principally water and sewage
use of gravity as the motive force to cause the movement of the
related to the design of
 Bridges
 Dams
 Channels
 Canals
 levees (flood water controlling structure)
Concept of hydraulic engineering..
problems dealing with the
i. Collection
ii. Storage
iii. control,
iv. transport, of water=concept of hydraulic Engineering
v. regulation,
vi. Measurement
vii. and use

The hydraulic engineer is concerned with

 the transport of sediment by the river
 the interaction of the water with its alluvial boundary
 and the occurrence of scour and deposition
Concept of hydraulic engineering..

The hydraulic engineer actually develops conceptual designs

for the various features which interact with water such as
i. spillways and outlet works for dams
ii. culverts for highways
iii. canals and related structures for irrigation projects
iv. and cooling-water facilities for thermal power plants.
Types of hydraulic structure

1. Dams
2. Weirs
3. Barrage
4. Canal head structures
5. Spillways
6. Cross drainage structures
7. Falls
8. River training structures
9. Guide banks etc.
Kaligandaki dam
Sarda Barrage
Hydraulic structure broad classifications
1) Storage structure: to store water e.g. dam, barriers
2) Conveyances structure: to transport water e.g. canal, pipe
3) Navigation and water way: to support water transportation e.g. large
canal for transportation
4) Measurement or control structure: to measure discharge in particular
conduit e.g. weir, gate
5) Energy conversion structure: to transfer hydraulic energy to mechanical
or electrical energy e.g. turbine etc.
6) Sediment or fish control structure: to direct fish, to regulate sediment,
e.g. fish ladder, silt extractor, silt excluder
7) Energy dissipation structure: to control hydraulic energy e.g. spillway,
8) Collection structures: to collect water e.g. inlet in drainage is for
collection of run off water
9) Protection structures: e.g. guide bank, marginal bund, groynes/spur
 Obstruction of barrier built across the river/stream
 At back of it water pool , site called upstream
 Other side is called downstream
 Lake of upstream called reservoir/dam reservoir/river
reservoir/storage reservoir
Need of dam?
i. Irrigation
ii. Water supply
iii. Recreational
iv. Electricity/mill grinding
v. Navigation
vi. Flood control
vii. War strategy, etc.
Types of Dam:
Older types of dam are
1. Earth dams
2. Rock fill dams
3. Solid masonry dams
Recent types of dams
1. Hollow masonry gravity dam
2. Timber dam (agricultural area)
3. Steel dam (coffer dam)
4. Arch dam (concrete)
5. Buttress dam(concrete)

 further many more classification may be but will be dealt in next

Earth fill dam in Begnas lake Nepal
Typical earth fil dam section
Typical cross section of dam
Rock fill dam In USA
Salt spring dam (Rock fill) in California USA
Almendra Arch ( Concrete ) dam
Roselend Buttress dam
Dam Grande Dixence Gravity dam
Sayano dam Russia
Major river of Nepal
Kulekhani dam
Central crack after Gorkha Earthquake in Kulekhani Dam
Purpose of hydraulic structures:

i. Storage
ii. Conveyance
iii. Control/ flood
iv. Regulate/flow/ rise water level
v. Divert/direct in specified direction
vi. Safety for erosion
vii. Energy dissipate
viii. To convert energy from one to other form
ix. River bank protection
x. Environmental aspects/fish pass etc.
xi. Measure flow of water
End of class #1
The choice of type of dam

It is judgement and experience based

However, an intelligent study of the existing
conditions and requirements will assist to
choose the dam type

Cost of the structure

 Based on foundation soil  material availability
 some type will eliminate  Fund available
 Less number of choice
1. Solid gravity concrete dam

 Most permanent dam among all

 Less maintenance
 Suitable for all the localities
 But its height is limited because of strength of the
 Where the rock is considerably higher depth below the
surface , then earth fill dam is economical because it
should not be rest on the rock
 Solid dam requires less formwork than hollow dam
Galleries, Joints
Keys and water seals
Control of crack in concrete dams
Construction of gravity Dam
 Before construction river water must be diverted
 It is scheduled to construct lower portion of the dam
during normal period of flow, to minimize diversion
Ways of diversion of the water:
i. Provision of diversion tunnel /diversion open channel
(if geological and topographical conditions are favorable)
ii. By constructing the dam in two stages
-first flow is diverted and confined in one side, by
semicircular coffer type of dam
Construction of galleries in gravity dam
Are horizontal or slopping openings or passages
They may be parallel to the dam axis or transverse
Are provided at various elevations of the dam
All the are interconnected by steeply sloping
passage or vertical shaft
Size of the gallery depends upon the size of dam
and function of the gallery
Types of galleries
1. Foundation gallery
2. Inspection gallery
1. Foundation gallery
 Called foundation gallery/ drainage gallery
 It runs longitudinally and is located quite near to the U/S
face of the dam
 Its size usually (1.5m x 2.2 m, 1.8mx 2.8m)
 Drain holes are drilled from the floor of this gallery after the
foundation grouting has been completed
 Seepage is collected through these drain holes
 It may be helpful for drilling and grouting of the foundation
Types of galleries
1. Foundation gallery
2. Inspection gallery
1. Inspection gallery
The water which seepage through the body of the
dam is collected by means of system of galleries
provided at various elevations and interconnected
by vertical shaft
All these galleries beside of collection of seepage
water , serve inspection purpose
They provide access to the interior of dam
Types of galleries
Main function of inspection gallery
i. They drain the water seeping through the dam body
ii. Provide access to the dam interior
iii. Provide enough space for carrying pipe during
artificial cooling of concrete
iv. They provide the access for the grouting the
contraction joints when this can not be done from
the face of the dam
v. Access to the all the outlets and spillway gates,
valves etc.
vi. Provide space for the drilling and grouting of the
Various type of gallery section
Cracking of concrete in concrete gravity dam
 When concrete sets, tremendous amount of heat is
liberated (heat of hydration)
 Which will rise temperature inside dam and outside
temperature of dam will be similar to the atmospheric
 Due to these temperature differences , temperature
stress produced on the dam body
 Also as concrete cools the shrinkage of the concrete
takes place, which develops shrinkage stress
 Because of the temperature and shrinkage stress the
cracking of the concrete takes place
Remedial Measures to avoid cracking
i. Using minimum amount of cement in specified
strength ( cement can be reduced by better grading
of aggregate)
ii. “Low Lifts” should be used for concrete, generally 1.5
m lift is used in modern dams. If this lift is reduced
more horizontal joints will produce and
iii. By providing suitable contraction joints in additional
to the construction joints
iv. Special low heat cements may be used
v. Ice may be kept during concreting for cooling
vi. Further cooling is accomplished by circulation cold
water through pipes embedded in the concrete,
expensive method so adopted for large gravity dam
Joints in gravity dam
i. Vertical joints (Transverse joints)
ii. Horizontal joints (Longitudinal joints)

1) Vertical joints:
Run through entire height of the dam and extend
through the full width of the dam
Divide the dam length into number of vertical
Normally length of each block 15-30 meter
Joints in gravity dam
2.) Horizontal joints
Developed at each lift
Will extend thorough the entire width of the dam
Run through the entire length of the dam, but shall
be staggered between traverse joints
Construction and contraction joint
1.) Construction joint:
Joint left due to difficulty in laying concrete
Each lift joint i.e. horizontal joint

2.) Contraction joints

Joints left intentionally for the temperature and
shrinkage stress
All construction joints are contraction joint
Shear keys or key ways
Where foundation conditions are such that the
undesirable differential settlements or
displacements between adjacent concrete block
may occur
Always provided in between horizontal and
longitudinal joints
To make monolithic behaviour of the dam section
Water stops
Water stops or water bars required to be provided
in the horizontal, transverse joints in the adjacent
to the U/S face of the dam
The opening of joints if not sealed properly with
water stop, will provide passage for seepage water
through dam body
To stop this leakage water stops are kept
Water stop may be of metal , rubber, PVC and
2. Hollow gravity concrete dam

 Most hollow dam are reinforced dam as like as buttress

 Turbine and other apparatus have often been placed in
the hollow part
 In hollow buttress dam the uplift pressure will be less
 And overturning moment also less as resultant of the
force lies within the base
 Hollow dam has small weight so the pressure due to
foundation will be less to the soil below the soil
 Poor concrete in construction is most serious problem in
the hollow dam because, it may affect the dam in freezing
climate, however it is just construction problem not the
dam problem
3. Arched dam

 When the length is small in the proportion to the height

 When sides of the valley are of good rock can resist end
 It contains less material
 Not all the sites are suitable for this type of dam
 Weight of the dam is not counted to resist external load
 So the uplift on the base is also not the major external
force in this type

 Least cost than all other type

 When the materials are largely available
 It is not safe to allow pass the water from such type of
5.Timber dam

 Ideal temporary dam

 Maintenance charge are very high
 Often in soft foundations
 Coffer dam , to construct other permanent structures
6. Steel dam

 Claimed to be more economical

 These required to be anchored to the foundation
7. Other

 Particular shaped masonry dam

 Many forms of moveable dam
 And others

May be carried out by the following ways

1. Gravity method (Graphical and Analytical method)
2. Trial load twist method
3. Slab analogy method
4. Lattice analogy method
5. Experimental method (Direct and Indirect)
1. Gravity Method

 Used for preliminary calculation

 Is simpler then other methods
 This is approximate method
 Loads are resisted entire by the weight of the dam
 In this method dam is considered to be composed of parallel
sided vertical cantilever, each of which is free to act without
supporting or interfering with the adjoining cantilever
Earthen and Rock-fill dams

 Most ancient type of embankment dam

 Can be built with natural material with minimum processing
and primitive equipment's
 If construction material transportation cost is less then such
types of dam are cheaper (local material and less skilled labor)
 Gravity dam require sound rock foundation
 Earth dam may be constructed in earth foundation
 However earth dam are more susceptible to failure
 Before development of soil mechanics the dam construction
was experienced based
 Now days soil properties can be known and there are
theoretical approach to design the earthen dam
Types of earthen dam

1. Homogeneous embankment type

2. Zoned embankment type
3. Diaphragm embankment type
1. Homogeneous embankment dam
 simplest type
 Consisting of one material , homogeneous throughout
 When single material is available
 Sometimes a blanket of relatively impervious material may
be used in U/S side
 Low dam and moderate dam are constructed in such
category, large dam seldom built
 Major problem in such type is seepage , so it needed large
section and uneconomical
 For this problem it needed internal drainage e.g. horizontal
drainage filter
 Internal drainage system makes phreatic line within the dam
Homogeneous embankment dam, with filter
2. Zoned Embankment Dam
 Usually with central impervious core (Checks the seepage)
 Central zone covered by relatively pervious and transition
zone (prevents the piping through the crack which may
develop in the core)
 And transition zone is covered by high pervious material zone
(gives stability to the central fill and distribute the load to the
large area of foundation)
Zoned Embankment Dam
3. Diaphragm Embankment Dam
 Thin impervious core, which surrounded by earth or rock fill
 Impervious core ( thin material may be of concrete, steel,
timber or other )
 Diaphragm must be tied upto impervious bed rock in
 Thickness of the diaphragm at any elevation if ( less than 10
meters or less than height of the embankment above the
corresponding elevation)
• Td < 10 meter or
• Td < height of the embankment above the particular
 Else the dam is zoned embankment dam
Diaphragm Embankment Dam
Methods of Construction
Two types of methods
1. Hydraulic fill method
2. Roll fill method
Methods of Construction
1. Hydraulic fill method
Material excavated and transported by water
Soil mixed to water is pumped by water pipes and
dam is constructed
From both U/S and D/S the mixture is spread and
heavy mass gravel etc. collect in U/S and D/S side
while clay and impervious layer form in the middle
of the dam
Such construction are susceptible to the settlement
in long period and slow seepage in central zone
So such method are conservative and seldom used
now days
Methods of Construction
2. Rolled fill
Placing material in suitable thin layer (15-30 cm )
and compaction by roller
Ordinary road roller can be used for compaction
Moisture content of the soil must be controlled in
this method (optimum moisture content)
Cause of failure of Earthen dam
Earthen dam are less rigid so high susceptible to
failure, may fail due to
i. Improper design
ii. Faulty construction
iii. Lack of maintenance

Broad failure classifications:

1. Hydraulic failure
2. Seepage failure
3. Structural failure
Various failures In earthen dam
Cause of failure of Earthen dam
1. Hydraulic failure
 40% of the total failure fall under this category
 May occur due to following reason
i. By over topping (water may over top if no free board )
ii. Cracking due to frost action (when low temperature
top face may be under frost cracking, so free board
must be provided
iii. Erosion of D/S face by gully formation (because of the
heavy rainfall D/S gully may be formed) , So the
provision of the berm , grass turf etc.
iv. Erosion of the D/S toe, (may be due to erosion due to
tail water and erosion due to the water from spillway)
Cause of failure of Earthen dam
Cause of failure of Earthen dam
2. Seepage Failure
Uncontrolled/concentrated seepage may lead to
About (1/3) due to this case fail
Piping is the progressive erosion and subsequent
removal of soil from within the dam body or dam
Sloughing is the process of the progressive removal
of wet soil in the downstream
i. Piping through foundation
ii. Piping through dam body
iii. Sloughing of the D/S toe
Failure by piping
Cause of failure of Earthen dam
3. Structural Failure
Shear failure causing sliding of the portion
About 25% falls under this category
i. Foundation sliding
ii. Slide in embankments
iii. U/s failure by drawdown
iv. Failure by excessive pore water in D/S
v. D/S slope failure by sliding/spreading
vi. Failure by earthquake
vii. Failure by damage of burrowing animals
Structural failure
i. Foundation Slide (overall stability of the dam)
 When foundation material is soft like silt, fine silt, soft
clay etc. fissures, joints in foundation rock etc.
 The entire dam may slide over the foundation
 in this case top of the dam may get cracks and subsides
and the lower slope of moves outward forming large
mud wave in heel

Sliding due to weak foundation

Cause of failure of Earthen dam
ii. Slide in embankments
 When the embankment slopes are too steep
 Sudden drawdown in U/S face
 D/S slope failure due to pore pressure, gradual
reduction in the soil strength

U/S slope slide due to drawdown D/S slope failure from M.W.L.
D/S slope failure by sliding
Damage of burrowing animal may damage dam
Failure due to spillway
Design criteria of Earth Dam
Design criteria of Earth Dam
1. Fill of sufficiently low permeability should be done from
available materials , so that borrow pit must be close to
the dam site for economy
2. Sufficient spillway and outlets should be provided, to
prevent over toppings
3. Sufficient freeboard must be provided, so that wave
action , wind action and earthquake action can be
4. Seepage line (phreatic line) should lie within the dam
5. there must be no free flow of water from U/S to D/S
Design criteria of Earth Dam
6. U/S face must be provided to resist wave action while D/S site
must be safe in heavy rain fall. Rip rap on U/S side and up to
water level in D/S side and berm in D/S site
7. Portion of the dam below central core must be provided with
filter drain
8. U/S and D/S slopes should be designed for the critical load
condition , for U/S sudden drawdown is critical while for D/S
the steady seepage under full reservoir
9. Base width must be designed to take total load safely to
10. Dam height should be increased considering the effect of the
consolidation of long time ( many years later dam may
consolidate and height may reduce by certain amount),
generally 2-3% dam height is increased initially
11. Stability of embankments and foundation must be safe during
construction and after the construction too
Suitable preliminary section of the earth dam
 On the basic of existing preliminary dam of similar characteristic
1. Free board (FB): Vertical distance between MWL and crest
 Minimum height of FB= 1.5 hw
USBR recommendation

Spillway type Dam Height Minimum FB over

Uncontrolled (i.e. Any height 2 to 3 m.
Free spillway)
Controlled spillway < 60 m 2.5 m above the
top of gate
Controlled spillway > 60 m 3 m above top of
Suitable preliminary section of the earth dam
2. Top width (A)
 Should be sufficient to keep phreatic line within dam
 For small dam it is governed by road needed >6.0 m.
 Recommendations for top width (A)
Suitable preliminary section of the earth dam
3. U/S and D/S side slope
Terzaghi’s recommendations:
Type of material U/S slope D/S slope
(H:V) (H:V)
Homogeneous well graded 2.5:1 2:1
Homogeneous course silt 3:1 2.5:1
Homogeneous silty clay (H<15 m.) 2.5:1 2:1
Homogeneous silty clay (H>15 m.) 3:1 2.5:1
Sand or sand and gravel with central clay 3:1 2.5:1
Sand or sand and gravel with RC 2.5:1 2:1
Thank you!!

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