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5 principles about Teamwork

1. Trust is important in a team because it is foundational to the relationships between

individual people. Based on my experience last Intramurals I was one of the players on the
DBA Volleyball team, my position was lebero. so I have the 1st game because they trust in
me so I was first taken inside the court, So It is because I want to win the game I no longer
trust my teammates , I thought that I need to do my best to win the game, So even if I don't
have the ball I will take it big because Im over confidence to my self , that I forgot that I
have teammates but I realize in the long run it seems like I didn't play right because I didn't
pass the ball to my teammates. I realize I should pass the ball to my teammates I should trust
them in the game. That’s why we need trust in order to build a teamwork, To make a team
we need more than shared space, time and objectives. We need connection and flowing
communication, all of which can only happen on a foundation of trust. No trust means no
communication. And at a team level, no trust means you won’t be able to do our job . But at
any level, trust is mandatory. and we need to nurture trust at a team level in order to create a
foundation for teamwork.

2.Communication is essential as it will provide a wide room for understanding among a

members of a troupe for what needs to be carried out. Based on my experience of my game
last Intramurals , Our scored is already tied so of course we want to win the game it have a lot
of pressure in order to win our game but we have communication they getting shit on their
mouth that’s why we lost our game because we have no communication , without clear and
consistent communication, there is a higher chance of misunderstandings and potential

3. Support We should support one another so that the team is more effective.
I always support my teammates whether its practice or in game scenario. Based on my
experience if my teammate and I are practicing together we are working each other to get
better , we encourage each other to get better. So we need to encourage with our teammates
to be the different between the feeling of defeat and motivation when overcoming a bump on
the road.

4.Positive Approach fun and laughter brings the connectivity and positivity among the
team . We can sit all the time before and after the system , a small chat, a party . Or else it
become boring .If your is supportive and comfortable then your life will be interesting.

5. Collaboration is essential in teamwork because we can not do it alone deciding for any
group projects. We need others help and one another participation, that is why it is a team
work. Based on my experience were 5 in a group to do the Final requirements which is
Financial Statement last March ,and I thought I could do FS alone but it is not easy it so very
difficult I need to have a partner to do the FS . Not one of us has all the answers we need each
other to contribute our best to the projects we are part of.

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