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::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::

PICTURE : 3 questions ( No. 1 - 3 )

1. Present Progressive (kegiatan sedang berlangsung)

2. Preposition of place (Lokasi benda)
3. Physical Appearance

1. Present Continuous/Progressive (kegiatan sedang berlangsung).

 Menentukan pernyataan lisan dengan tepat tentang kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di dalam
ruangan (indoor)/di luar ruangan (outdoor) sesuai dengan gambar.

TENSES Example Time signal

PRESENT PROGRESSIVE am eating the dinner now, right now, at this moment, today,
is Look……, Listen……

Active Voice She is cleaning the room. (active)

Passive Voice The room is being cleaned. (passive)

For example : He is watering the plants. - The plants are being watered.
They’re having a meeting. - The meeting is being held. etc.
The woman is repairing her dress. - The dress is being repaired.
The receptionist is serving the guests. - The guest is being served by the hotel staff.

2. Presposition / Kata depan (Lokasi benda)

 Menentukan pernyataan lisan dengan tepat tentang lokasi suatu benda/posisi seseorang sesuai
dengan gambar.

Hal penting memahami preposition adalah 1) macamnya dan artinya 2)penggunaannya. Macamnya
lihat table berikut :

In = di/didalam Of = dari
Inside = di dalam Before = sebelum
Outside = di luar After = setelah
At = di For = selama
on = di/ di atas (menempel) Since = sejak
Above/ over = di atas (tidak menempel) Like = seperti
To = ke By = sekitar/mendekati
Into = ke/menuju Along = selama/sepanjang
Up = ke atas
Down = ke bawah from = dari
Under = di bawah During = selama
Through = melalui As : sebagai
Round = di sekitar Till/until = sampai
Past = melalui with = dengan
Across = menyebrangi without = tanpa
Between = di antara (dua) etc.
Among + di antara (banyak)

Preposition of place : in, on, and at

 Use preposition in for : continent, island, country, province, city, and town. ( in Asia, in
Bali, in Japan, in Central Java, in Bandung, in Purwokerto, etc.)
 except : in the house, in the classroom, in the office
 Use preposition on for : address ( on Jl Diponegoro, but at Jl Diponegora 9 )
 Use preposition at for : a point of place ( at school, at home, at bus station, at airport.
at the back

on the right side on the left side

in front of
For example:
 The cab is being parked at the parking lot.
 Some books are arranged inside the bookshelf.
 The picture is attaching on the wall.
 The police officer is standing by the traffic light.
::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
 The receptionists are waiting the guests behind the desk.
 The boys is standing on river bank.

3. Physcical Appearance : DESCRIBING PEOPLE

 Menentukan pernyataan lisan dengan tepat tentang penampilan (ciri-ciri fisik) seseorang/deskripsi
benda sesuai dengan gambar.

Describing People – Appearance, phisically

Hair : straight, wavy, curly, a crew cut, bald, receding (=moving back).
long, middle, short.
black, blonde, ginger haired, red haired, grey.
auburn hair (red-brown).

Face : thin-faced, round-faced, dark-skinned, freckles-face, chubby-face,

a few wrinkle face, pointed nose, flat nose. Big eyes, small eyes.

Height and build : tall man, short girl, a rather plump or stout man, a slim woman,
obese man (very fat), over weight, well-build man or
muscular man, skinny woman (very thin).

General appearance : smart, elegant, well-dressed, untidy-looking, good-looking.

pretty, beautiful, gorgoeus, awesome, ugly.

Describing People – Character

Intellectual ability : intelligent, bright, clever, smart, able, gifted, talented, brainy.
Lacking ability : stupid, foolish, half witted, simple, silly, brainless, daft, dump.

Attitude : optimistic x pessimistic, extroverted x introverted, relaxed x tense.

Sociable, easy-going, even-tempered, sincere, jealous, envious.
Stubborn, arrogant, aggressive, bossy,
Weird, odd, peculiar, eccentric, permissive x strict, naïve, sensible, courteous.

For example:
 The woman has long blonde hair.
 The man is wearing the scarf around his neck.
 Both men are wearing suits and ties.
 Only one girl is wearing the headscarf.
 The man looks fat and bald.
 One of the boys is shorter than the girl.

4. Describing Things ( Place, sites and regions)

 Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang keadaan/situasi di suatu tempat/gedung/wilayah, sesuai
dengan gambar.
For example:
 The road looks very crowded.
 The road winds around the hill.
 The building is still under contruction.
 The lawn is very clean and tidy.
 The office looks vacant for its employees.
 The stadium is full of spactators.

Study the following pictures and statements.

Picture 1.

Correct statements.
a. The man is repairing something of his car.
b. The car is being repaired in the garage.
c. The man is in front of the car.
Incorrect statements.
d. The man is working with some machines.
e. The man is repairing the tires in the workshop.
f. The man is filling gasoline into the car.

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Picture 2.
Correct statements.
a. The women are smiling happily.
b. All the women are wearing glasses.
c. Only one woman is not holding her glasses.
Incorrect statements.
d. The women are wearing jackets.
e. All the women are holding their new glasses.
f. The women had bad toothache.

QUESTION – RESPONSE : 4 questions( No. 5 – 8 )

5. Giving suggestion (advice) and requests

 Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap ungkapan saran/permohonan yang diberikan secara lisan.
6. Describing things (Degree of compariosons)
 Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap ungkapan yang mendeskripsikan benda/perbandingan
suatu benda secara lisan.
7. Describing events of people (news, facts)
 Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap ungkapan yang mengungkapkan kejadian/peristiwadi
koran/berita/kejadian yang dialami seseorang secara lisan.
8. Giving direction/location
 Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap ungkapan tentang arah atau lokasi suatu
tempat/keberadaan seseorang yang diberikan secara lisan.


Giving Suggestion/ ADVICE adalah ungkapan untuk memberikan nasihat pada orang lain. atau untuk
memberi saran.


Do you think I should …. ? RESPOND S FOR ADVICE
What do you think! Thanks
Do you think I should do? Thanks for your advice
How d you think? Yes, you’re right. Thanks.
What gonna we do now? Thanks for your suggestion
Yes, let’s …..
You should … That’s a good idea
You ought to … What a brilliant idea!
If I were you, I would…. Why not?
You’d better Suit me
Why don’t you …… Good idea
I advise you to….. OK.
What if you ……. No, I haven’t yet
Shall we…...
Why don’t we……..
Perhaps we should…….
Let’s……. V1
You may/might want to…...
Maybe we should …….

How about … V-ing

What about ....
Have you ever thought of…….

For example :

Girl: What do you think should be done with the funds?

A. You should learn the fundamentals.
B. They should be set aside for emergencies.
::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
C. We had fund last night.


Here is expressions for comparing things in English

1. Which sofa should we buy? This one is larger, but it is also more expensive.
2. I need a new watch. The Classie is nicer than the Timebox.
That one is less affordable though.

3. Which runner are you cheering for? Sammy. He's the fastest.
But Timmy is the most handsome.

4. I like the blue sweater. I think the red one is better.

but the green one is the best.

5. How much sugar should I add? Only a little.

That's too much!

 Comparison
If we compare people or things, we use comparative adjective or adverb.

1. Positive Degree
Positive degree expresses similarity. Remember that to make this sentences we write with
construction : S+verb/be as + adjective + as or + N
as + adverb + as
For example : The car runs as fast as bus.
The red bag is as expensive as the blue one.
Isana can type as fast as my secretary.

2. Comparative and Superlative.

Remember that two and three syllable adjectives and adverbs form the comparative by using
“more” and the superlative by using “most” before the adjective or adverb. One syllable
adjectives and adverbs form comparative by using”–er” and superlative by using “ -est “ after the
Note: Remember that - the comparative uses( comparative +than …)
- superlative uses ( the + superlative)

e.g. This fruit costs more expensive than canned fruit.

This canned fruit is cheaper than fruit itself.

If we go to Bali, plane is the most expensive of all transportation.

If we go to Bali, bus is the cheapest of all transportation.



Kemampuan penting lain ditempat umum adalah bagaimana (Asking and giving direction) menanyakan
dan menunjukan arah dalam bahasa Inggris. Pelajari table berikut.


Could you tell me the way to ….? Go down this road until you get to …
Could you direct me to the...? Keep going this road…
Can you direct me the way to….? Turn left / right.
Please tell me how I can get to…. Take the first left / right turn.
Which way is it to…..? Follow this road as far as the junction -does.
I need direction to get to…. It’s the second “U” turn.
I’d like to go to… It’s ……next to the bank.
Is this the way to…
Where is the nearest bank? On Jl MT Haryono
How long does it take to Baturaden? It’s about 20 minutes
How far is to the square? …. It’s about 5 km.

::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::

SHORT CONVERSATION : 4 Questions ( 9 – 12 )

9. Talking about possibility or plan.

10. Daily activity, past event and future plan.
11. Reservation and acknowledgment.
12. Degree of Comparison and preference (choice).


1. Expressing possibility with may and might

 To express possibility we use with modal auxiliary may or might. There is no difference between
may and might.
Read examples below :

Perhaps Pikka is at home. She may be at home.

Perhaps Pikka is waiting for dinner. She may be waiting for dinner.
Perhaps Pikka felt disappointed. She might feel disappointed.

 For negative sentences, we only add word not after the word may or might.
For Example :
I, he, she, you, we they may/might + not be waiting for dinner.

2. Expressing possibility in Past tense.

To say possibility in Past, we use : may/might have + Past Participle (V3).
For Example :
Last night, Pikka may have felt very hungry.
I might have failed for National Exam if had not studied hard.

3. Expressing possibility with could.

Possibility can be expressed with could. For example.
Pikka wasn’t come to school. She could be sick.
The day is overcast. It could be raining.

What will you do...? I will have a dinner with him.
What are you going to do...? I am going to have a dinner with her.
What’s your plan for.... ? I plan for a dinner with him.


FUTURE TENSE will/shall do Tomorrow, next...., this Aktivitas akan dilakukan
weekend dimasa yang akan datang
Tonight, this evening
The following day/week
FUTURE will be doing At this time tomorrow, Aktivitas akan berlansung
PROGRESSIVE At ten tomorrow, dimasa yang akan datang
when + klausa (present)
FUTURE PERFECT will have done Before 7 am. tomorrow Aktivitas telah akan selesai
By + the end of this week (ket. ketika aktivitas lain terjadi
waktu) di wakti yang akan datang
When + klause (present)

FUTURE PERFECT will have been For..

CONTINUOUS doing Since
When+klause (present)

::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
What does she usually do...?
What do you usually do...?


SIMPLE eat/eats everyday, now and then, nowadays, generally, usually, always,
PRESENT don’t/doesn’t eat in the morning/afternoon/evening, once a week

The following english expressions are related to greetings for daily activity :
Expressions of formal greeting Expressions of informal greeting
 Good morning?  Hi?
 Good afternoon? Or Good day?  Hello?
 Good evening?  How’s life?
 How’ re things?
 How are you?  How are you feeling?
 How are you doing?  How’s everything?
 How are things going?
Responses Responses.
 I’m fine, thank you.  Great, thanks. And you?
 I’m very well. Thank you.  Very well, thank you.
 Pretty good, thanks.  Not too bad.
 It’s nice to meet you.  So far so good, any problem?
 I’m pleased to meet you  Long time no see
 What a nice surprise to meet you.
 How about you?


Parting atau Leave Taking adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengakhiri salam dan sapaan.

Parting Response Meaning Note

Good bye Good bye Selamat Tinggal Diucapkan saat berpisah
Good night Good night Selamat malam/selamat Diucapkan saat berpisah pada
tidur malam hari atau pergi tidur
See you See you Sampai jumpa Diucapkan saat berpisah
Take care.

Formal Introducing Alternative Responds
 Let me introduce myself. My name’s …..
 May I introduce myself. I am …….  How do you do…..
 I’d like to introduce myself? I’m Hasan. Hasan  Nice to meet you
Muhammad.  Pleased to meet you
 May I introduce my self? My name is Tutia. I  I’m glad to meet you
come from Indonesia.
 Good morning, I am ……..

Informal Introducing
 Hi, my name’s Sukma.
 Hi, I’m Diana. What’s your name?
 Hello, My name is Tasya.

Introducing others Alternative Responds
 Please allow me to introduce you to Mr. Hasan.  How do you do…..
 May I introduce you to my secretary? Sukmawati?  Nice to meet you
 Let me introduce you to Mrs. Annisa…  Please to meet you
Mrs. Annisa this is John. John this is Mrs. Annisa  I’m glad to meet you

::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
Thanking expressions Responses
 Thank you.
 Thank you very much indeed.  You’re welcome.
 Thank you so much.  You’re most welcome
 Thank you for all your troubles.  Don’t mention it.
 Thanks to you.  No trouble at all.
 Thanks a lot.  Not at all.
 Thanks for a million.  It’s a pleasure.
 Thanks for everything  With my pleasure.
 Thanks for help / your coming
 Never mind.
 I can’t thank you enough.  Forget it.
 I’m very much obliged to you.  That’s quite all right.
 I’m much obliged / Much obliged.  It’s Okay / all right.
 I’m very grateful
 I don’t know how to thank to you.
 I can’t find words how to thank you.
 How kind of you.
 It was very nice of you.
 Very kind of you.
 I won’t forget it during my life.
 I’m deeply indebt.


What did you do last Saturday night? I went to Gor to see ISL soccer match?
What was your weekend? Wonderful, I spent it with my girl friend.
Did you have a nice weekend?

SIMPLE PAST ate Yesterday, last……, in 1990 Aktifitas dilakukan di masa
TENSE Two days ago, this morning lampau
PAST was eating While...., as……. Aktivitas sedang terjadi
PROGRESSIVE were when+S+V2 dimasa lampau
PAST PERFECT had eaten before +S+V2 Aktivitas telah selesai
when dilakukan ketika aktivitas
by the time + past tense masa lampau terjadi
PAST PERFECT had been For.... +when/before S+V2 Aktivitas terjadi dimasa
PROGRESSIVE eating lampau dan masih
berlangsung ketika
aktivitas lainterjadi

In English, Used to is used to express a past situation or habit
that no longer exists at present. It is habitual in the past situation
but now we don’t do it anymore.
Study this case:

Mr. Fabian was a poor farmer with a lesser rice field.

After he had worked hard, he became a successful and rich one.

He used to live in small inn, but now he has a big one.

He used to do everything with hand, but now he uses a tractor.
He used to take the crop by a bicycle, but he takes them by truck.

a) I used to live with my parents. Now I live in my own flat. Positive

b) Sue used to be afraid of dogs, but now he likes dogs. S + used to + V1 …..
c) Kamilin used to smoke, but now he doesn’t do
d) Did you use to go to the beach? Yes I did. Question
No, I didn’t. Did + S + use to ……..
e) I didn’t use to drink tea for my breakfast Negative
f) She never used to drink tea for her breakfast S + didn’t use to + V1 …
::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
SHORT TALKS : 3 questions ( No. 13 – 15 )

13. Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat dengan

tepat dari monolog procedure text or describing process.
14. Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat talking
about experience or past activity at school or business venue.
15. Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat
announcement and advertisement.

INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE : 15 questions ( No. 16 – 30 )

16. Request and Giving suggestions.
 Sudah dibahas

17. Handling guest and Phone


1. Asking the name
Could I have your name, please It’s Adam. Adam Smith.
Your name, please
How do you spell your name? It’s A-D-A-M. S-M-I-T-H
How do you spell last name? It’s S-M-I-T-H
Could you spell your name, Sir/ madam?
2. Asking the address
Where do you live? I live at Jl. Asem 9 Sudagaran
What’s your address?
Is that in Purwokerto? No, It’s in Banyumas.
What’s your telephone number? It’s (0281) 631572
Your telephone number, please? I don’t have a phone
I have no phone
3. Other related questions
What do you do? I’m a doctor
And what’s your occupation?
What’s the name of your employer? I work for Margono Hospital.


Handling an order at a restaurant Make an order in a restaurant
 Are you ready to order?  I'd like to reserve a table for dinner.
Would you like  I’ll have fried eggs and sausages, please.
 What would you like  Yes, please. I’ll have coffee.
 What will you have  I’ll have French-fries peas, please.
 Would you like …. anything to drink  Not yet, thanks.
something to eat?
tea or coffee?  Yes. I’d like a steak.
any vegetable?  Well done, please
 How do you like your steak? Medium / Rare
meal?  Make it small, please
 How do you want your beef?  I want it to be very, very lean
 Anything else, Sir/Madame?  It's my treat.
 Well, enjoy your food.  It's on me.


Handling an order for hotel rooms Booking hotel rooms
 How can I help you Sir?  Yes. I’d like two single rooms.
May I help you  I’ll have a double room with a bathtub.
 What can I do for you?  We’ll stay for three nights.
a couple of ….
 What sort of room do you need?  We will be here from 2 until 5 of May.
 How long, will you stay in this hotel?  Can you tell me how much is a day?
 Would you mind to register first, Madam?  Does it cost for a single room? It costs 45
 Please fill this form, Sir. dollar per night.
 What’s name is it for?  It’s Rp 50.000 including the breakfast and
 This is a tip for you.

::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
 Expression used in taking telephone call

Good morning, can I speak to ……..

May I speak to …..?
Hello, is Mrs. Nania there?
Hello, is it 4445543…
Would you please give him a message?
Would you please ask him to call me back at 5554322, tonight?
Would you please hold the line?
Would you please ask him to deliver the message?

 Expression used in handling telephone call

Offering Assistance to the Caller

 How can I help you?
 Are you interested in …
 Would you like to call back in 30 minutes?
 Would you like me to get him to return your call?
Establishing the Purpose of the Call
 Who is calling / speaking, please?
 Who would you like to speak to?
 What is it in relation to?
 What is the call concerning?
 That’s right, It’s 444553.
 Yes, who is speaking, please?
 Yes that’s right, who is calling?

Asking Caller to Wait

 One a moment, please.
 Just a moment and I’ll put you through.
 Please hold the line.
 Would you mind waiting for a moment?
 Hold the line. Thank you.
Apologizing to the Caller
 I’m sorry, Sir/Madam. Mr. Ishak is not here at the moment.
 I’m sorry, Madam. Mrs. Smith is in a meeting at the moment.
 Miss. Anne is unavailable this morning.
 What number are you calling? I’m sorry. You have the wrong number.
Recording the Caller’s Details (Message)
 Can I take a message / Can I pass on message?
 Let me take down your details.
 Could (May) I have your name and contact number?
 Sure, I would give him your message.

18. Talking about past event and progressive past events. (was/were Ving – when S+V2)

PAST was eating While...., as……. Aktivitas sedang terjadi

PROGRESSIVE were when+S+V2 dimasa lampau

19. Invitation and message.

Invitation adalah ungkapan untuk mengundang seseorang. Pelajari ungkapan inviting berikut :


 Let’s … ( Let’s go! , Let’s be happy! )  Alright
 I’d like to invite you to my party.  I’d love to.
 Can you drop by my house after school?  Yes, that would be nice
 Would you like to come to my party?  Yes, I’d be delighted to.
come along?  I’m pleased to do that.
to join for English course?  It a good idea. I’ll join with you.
 With pleasure.
 Would you mind joining us to see a movie?  Sure
 What will you have?
 Will you be joining us to go camping?
::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
 Do you have a plan this weekend? REFUSING INVITATION
We will- sightseeing to the beach.  I’d love to, but …
 I’d like but….
 It’s a great idea, but I have to …
 Thank you, but I have another program.
 I’m afraid I can’t. Thanks anyway.
 I’m so sorry. I’m very busy lately.

20. Permission and notice. (Bolehkah.....)

May I....
Can I...

21. Complaining and favor or help

Handling complaints adalah penanganan keluhan baik oleh pelanggan maupun orang lain. Bagaimana
meneangani keluhan pada orang lain. Pelajari tabel berikut.

Expressions for complaining something

 It is not actually what I want.
 At first you say that, but now ….
 Why doest the service feel so disappointed?
 Why should we wait to long?
 Excuse me, I’d like to complain you, first you said that.....

Expressions in handling complaints

 What wrong with the flight?
 I’m very sorry Sir. Due to the technical disorder…
 I guarantee. It won’t happen again ..
 Just trust it to me, I will settle the problems as soon as possible.
 Please, believe me. we will take care of it.
 Don’t worry, Sir. We promise it won’t occur again anymore.

SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION adalah ungkapan yang berisi kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan.
Berikut ungkapan satisfaction and dissatisfaction dalam bahasa Inggris.

Satisfaction Dissatisfaction
 We feel very satisfied  I dissatisfied with it
 I contended with it  It is dissatisfactory one.
 It make us satisfied  It makes me disappointed
 It gives my satisfaction  It’s very sad.
 Its very poor

22. Command and request.

Command adalah perintah seseorang kepada orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu, sedangkan request
adalah perintah yang lebih halus atau permintaan. Pelajari ungkapan baku command and request

 Clean the blackboard!

 Open the door slowly
Positive Command
 Come forward and show to your friend!
Gunakan simple verb (V1) dalam
 Do the task, please.
perintah dimana kalimat yang
 will you please.
digunakan mengadung unsur kata
 Please, rise your hand!
kerja (verb)
 Rudi, stand up, please.

Jika kalimat perintah tidak memiliki

 Be careful.
unsure kata kerja, harus kita
 Be happy.
gunakan “be” deadpan unsure
 Be patient

::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
 Don’t clean the blackboard!
 Don’t turn on the fan!
 Don’t rise your hand now!
Dalam larangan atau (perintah
 Don’t come forward just read loudly
negatif ) kita awali denan kata
and show to your friend!
“Don’t” sebelum simple verb (V1)
 Don’t do the task noisy!
 Don’t be lazy

23. Talking about future plan and promise. (sudah di diskusikan)

24. Conditional sentence and preference.

A. Conditional sentence
If clause (choice sentence) Result clause

1. Real conditional sentence

If - Simple present future tense, simple present, command

(V1/ Vs / am is are) (will, can, may + V1, V1/ Vs / am is are, V1

If the day is rain I will bring an umbrella (future tense)

If the day is rain I bring an umbrella (simple present)
If the day is rain Bring an umbrella (command)

If you come She is happy (or) She feels happy

If you are beside me I will be happy, I am happy, be happy.
I will feel happy, I feel happy, Feel happy

2. Unreal Conditional sentence (fact present)

If clause (choice sentence) Result clause

Simple past past future

V2 / were would, could, might + v1

If the day rained I would bring an umbrella

If I were you I would bring an umbrella.
Fact :
The day does not rain I do not bring an umbrella.
I am not you I do not bring an umbrella.

3. Impossible conditional sentence (fact past tense)

Unreal past conditional sentence
Past perfect past future perfect
Had + v3 would have + v3

If the day had rained I would have brought an umbrella.

The day didn’t rain I didn’t bring umbrella

B. Preference
Adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan lebih suka.
1. General Preference
a. Prefer ….. to ……
To say what we prefer to do in general, we may use prefer + Noun or prefer + V-ing with a bit
difference in structure.
Example : She prefers rice to bread for my breakfast
I prefer ice cream to fruits for the dessert.
I prefer cooking by my self to buying it from the restaurant.
I prefer seeing film to playing football for killing my spare time.

b. would rather ….. than ……

To say preference we can use would rather …. than. We may use would rather + Noun or + V1
Example : The girl would rather fried chicken than burger for the lunch.
I’d rather ice cream than fruits for the dessert.
She’d rather cook dinner by my self than buy it from the restaurant.

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We’d rather see comedy than horror film.
c. like ….. better than ……
To say preference we can use would rather …. than. We may use would rather + Noun or + V1
Example : The girls like fried chicken better than burger for the lunch.
She likes cooking by myself better than buying from the restaurant.
We like seeing comedy better better than horror film.

2. Particular Preference
To say what someone wants to do in a particular situation, we say would prefer to (do)
For example :
 What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?
I prefer tea.
I prefer dinking tea
 Should we go by car?
I’d rather walk.
 Do you want to go out this evening?
I’d rather not to go.
I’d rather not to stay at home.
When we want someone to do something, we say I’d rather you/he (verb II)
For example : I’d rather you didn’t go.
I’d rather you sold the house.

25. Sympathy, compliments and agreeing disagreeing.

A. Symphanty and compliments
Admiration (pujian).
Compliment (pujian) digunakan orang untuk memuji akan sesuatu hal. Ungkapan ini kerap
digunakan saat berjumpa dengan seseorang setelah menanyakan kabar (greeting) atau situasi

Ungkapan Arti Response Arti

You look so great! Kau tampak hebat Thanks Terima kasih
A nice shirt! Baju yang indah! Thank you
How beautiful of Cantik sekali Many thanks
your hair! rambutmu!


 Nice…  Oh thank you.

 Awesome  That’s very kind of you.
 Gorgeous  It’s very kind of you to say that.
 What charming dress you have.  Do you really think so?
 It’s very beautiful house, isn’t it?  Thanks I needed that.
 Fantastic! / It’s fantastic!  You’ve made my day!
 Wonderful  I can say how pleased I am
 Terrific! / That’s terrific!  I’m delighted to hear that
 Your performance on the stage is amazing!  Thanks for your compliment
 How wonderful to listen to your great voice!
 That’s well done
 That’s nice
 That’s not bad
 That’s really remarkable
 How marvellous
 The food is very delicious

PRIDE merupakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan rasa bangga seseorang kepada orang lain. Berikut
ungkapan bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan :

I’m very proud of you… Thanks a lot

I feel proud of you Thank you very much
Good girl!
You’ve done your best. I’m proud of you.

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B. Agreeing and Disagreeing

AGREEMENT AND DISAGREEMENT adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan persetujuan dan
ketidaksetujuan. Pelajari ungkapan Agreement dan Disagreement berikut :

Agreeing Disagreeing
 I agree that/ with you  I disagree with you….
 I couldn’t agree more  I couldn’t disagree more.
 I got along with that  I couldn’t disagree less.
 Yes I know exactly what I mean.  I don’t get along with that..
 Yes that sounds like me.  I agree with you, but …
 I thought so  I don’t see it quite like that.
 I suppose you’re right  I’m not sure,
 Just always I’ve always thought.  I don’t believe it
 Absolutely  No, definitely not!
 Yes, definitely  I don’t think that’s very fair.
 You are absolutely right  I don’t think so
 Are you pulling my leg?
 Yes, but don’t you think …
 Yes, but on the other hand …

Right or Wrong
Demand explanation  Correct!
 Can you explain why …  That’s correct / (very) true
 Do you mean to say …  That’s absolutely right…
 I don’t understand why …  Right … / OK…
 Why is it that …  Exactly …
 How come …  I agree that/ with you
 Does this mean …  Yes I know exactly what I mean.
 No I’m afraid not …
 Not quite … You’re close
 I don’t know… / I’m not sure….
 I don’t think so…

26. Giving direction of people and place. (indoors and oudoors)

27. Habitual activity and past event. (used to V1)
A. Habitual Activity.
B. Past Events

28. Resevation for things or services.

Reservation (Booking) adalah pemesanan sesuatu baik itu makanan di restauran, tiket, hotel dsb.
Expressions in Taking a Reservation
 I would like to reserve a single ticket to Sydney.
return ticket / business class/ night flight
 I would like to book a single room for this weekend.
am going
am supposed
 Could / Can / May I reserve a table for three?
 Could I make a reservation for my traveling/ trip/ traveling to London?
 Can I book a train seat for tomorrow afternoon?
7 p. m. tonight
 It’s for ... ( tonight, next Wednesday )
 We would like it for two days starting from ... ( Monday, 10 June, etc.)
 How much is it per day ?
 How much do you charge per day ?
 How much should I pay the tickets?
 It’s for Mr. ...
 Please pick me up at the airport/ the railway station at ... ( hour ), on ... (day/date ) etc.

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Expressions in Handling a Reservations
 What Can I do for you, Sir?
 May I help you, Madam?
 May I have your name?
 What name is it for, please?
 Could you spell your name?
 How do you spell that, please?
 Where are you from?
 Please fill this form first
 When is it for?
 How many nights do you want the room for?
 How long will you stay?
 I am afraid we are full.
 I am so sorry we don’t have vacancies for tonight.
 your room number is ... And here is your key.
 How would you like to come?
 I beg your pardon.
Arrangement adalah rencana, pengaturan, atau kesepakatan. Ungkapan ini biasanya meliputi
kesepakatan, pemesanan, konfirmasi atau penundaan (cenceling). Pelajari ungkapan baku berikut.

Expressions for Arrangements

 Can you make it after lunch?
 What about / How about tomorrow morning?
 Is next Wednesday OK for you.
 Shall we meet on Tuesday instead Monday?
 I’m so busy recently. Would you mind to see me again next week?
 I’m sorry. I’m not available at that time.
 I’m so Sorry. I’m not at my office tomorrow.
 Yes, I’m sure I can make it.
 Good, see you at ….
 Well, We’ll met at the airport. / Ok, let’s meet at 9.00 tomorrow.
Expressions used in confirming
 Yes, I’d like to confirm that we will have a meeting. Please come on
 Just for confirming, Will we go together tomorrow morning.
 Will you come on time?
 I would like to confirm, is it at 9.00 tomorrow.
 I will confirm about my flight tomorrow.
 I’ll check my ticket for the Executive class to Bandung this day.
Expressions used in canceling
 I regret to tell you that I have to cancel the meeting.
 I’m sorry that I have to cancel the room I reserve. The name is...
 Sorry, I won’t come on next meeting.
 I regret that I have to cancel the departure this week.
 The report is not ready and we should cancel the conference.
 Sorry, we have to cancel it.

29. Possibility and giving opinions.

A. Possibility
 May be…  Don’t /doesn’t know anything about….
 Might be…  Are not able to …..
 It’s possibly..  Incapable of ….
 Probably….  I know nothing at all.
 Perhaps

B. Giving Opinion


Starting How something affects you
The reason why … In my opinion
Because … From my point of view,
Well, personally,
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Personal Opinion If I had my way,
In my opinion, … What I’m more concerned with is. ..
I personally believe … In my case …
I personally think …
I personally feel … Conviction
Not everyone agree with me, but … I honestly feel that..
To my mind … I strongly believe that…
I I don’t think I care for it. I’m convince that …
I think it’s good/nice. terrific … I’m positive …
I think that… I’m absolutely certain that ….
What I have in my mind …
The way I see it is that …. Correcting Yourself
What I mean is …
Continuing What I mean was …
Because of that … Let me put it another way, ..
That’s why … What I’m saying is
That’s the reason why … What I’m trying to say is …
For this reason … If I said that, I didn’t mean to …
Let me rephrase what I said.

Arguments and counter arguments
Yes, but …
That’s a good idea, but don’t forget …
That would be great, except …That probably true, but …
Counter arguments
Even so, … / Even if that is so, …
That may be so, but…
That probably true, but …
Possibly, but ….
Illustrating your Point
For example, .. / For instance, … / Take for example …
For one thing …
To give you an idea …
Look at the way …
By way of illustration ….

30. Talking about plan and continuous events.

ERROR RECOGNITION : 5 questions ( 31 – 35 )

31. Degree of comparison (things and person).

32. Describing things and places. (Adjective Clause)
33. Talking about offering, persuasion, and request.
34. Describing people (physical appearance)/ things.
35. Conditional sentences and preference.
36. Talking about feeling (like and dislike), and symphaty


LIKE adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan rasa suka, sedangkan dislike adalah ungkapan untuk
menyatakan tidak suka.
don’t mind dislike…
like… hate…
be fond of…, be keen on… can’t stand…,
love.., be crazy about…, can’t bear….,
be mad about…. detest….
adore …

 Hobby and interest

What’s your hobby/interest? I like/enjoy/fond of/keen on swimming
What do you do for your spare time? I love watching TV programs.

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 Gerund
Gerund is a verbal noun. Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata kerja. Jenis
gerund :
1. Gerund as subject. Subject kalimat dalam bentuk kata kerja, maka subject berbentuk gerund.
For example:
 Swimming is my interest lately.
 Smoking is dangerous for human healthy.
 Having a trip to Bali is very interesting.
2. Gerund as Object : Bila objek kalimat dalam bentuk kata kerja, maka harus dalam bentuk benda
dalam hal ini berbentuk Gerund.
For example:
 We have delayed staying longer in this hotel.
 She will enjoy seeing the reality show on TV program.
The verbs that must be followed by gerund are: appreciate, admit, avoid, consider, delay,
like, discuss, enjoy, finish, mind, miss, postpone, quit, risk, regret, suggest.

3. Gerund as Object of Preposition. Bila ada preposisi dan diikuti kata kerja maka kata kerjanya
harus berbentuk benda atau Gerund.
For example:
 The committee will talk about solving the recent problem.
 Their preparation for traveling abroad is ready.
 After listening the radio, he started to eat dinner.
Preposition in English such as : about, after, at, before, by, during, for, in, of, on , with,
without etc.

4. Gerund as Predicative complement. Jika object complement dalam bentuk kata kerja maka
berbentuk Gerund.
For example:
 My main interest is seeing the art gallery.
 His hobby is fishing on the sea.

5. Prefer ing form to ing form : Bila kalimat prefer diikuti kata kerja maka juga harus berbentuk
For example:
 I prefer going to the cinema to watching TV programs


Study these examples:
Someone is interested because something is interesting:
- Nina is interested in politics. She finds politics is interesting. (bersifat)
- Are you interested in attending the party? (merasa)
Someone is surprised because something is surprising.
- Everyone was surprised that he passed the examination.
- It was quite surprising that he passed the examination
Someone is disappointed because something is disappointing.
- I was disappointed with the dirty river.
- The river is smell bad and was disappointing.

Other pairs of adjectives ending in –ing and – ed are:

Fascinating – fascinated (mengagumkan-kagum) Horrifying – horrified (mengerikan-keri)

Exciting – excited (menyenangakan-senang) Terrifying – terrified (menakutkan-takut)
Amusing – amused (menyenangkan/senang-lucu) Frightening – frightened (menakutkan-takut)
Amazing – amazed (mengagumkan-kagum) Depressing – depressed (memuramkan-muram)
Astonishing – astonished (mengherankan-heran) Worrying – worried (mengkhawatirkan-hawatir)
Shocking – shocked (mengagetkan-kaget) Annoying – annoyed (menjengkelkan-jengkel)
Disgusting – disgusted (menjijikan-jijik) Exhausting – exhausted (meletihkan-letih)
Embarrassing – embarrassed (memalukan-malu) Satisfying – satisfied (memuaskan-puas)
Confusing – confused (membingungkan-bingung) Tired – tiring (melelahkan-lelah)


ASKING FOR PERMISSION AND REFUSING PERMISSION adalah ungkapan meminta izin dan respondnya
baik menolak atau membei izin. Pelajari table berikut :

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Giving permission
Can I …. / Could I ….  Yes, you can…
May I ….  Okay. Sure.
Would be alright if I…  Of course.
Do you mind if I ….  No problem
Would you mind if I….  By all means.
I was wondering If I could… Refusing permission
 Sorry… / I’m sorry, you can’t.
 I’m afraid not…
 I was wandering if I couldn’t lend my car for

CAPABILITY AND INCAPABILITY adalah ungkapan untuk menyatakan kemampuan (bisa) dan ketidak

Capability Incapability
 can/could …  Don’t /doesn’t know anything about….
 be able to…  Are not able to …..
 capable of …  Incapable of ….
 …....have qualifications..  I know nothing at all.

ADVISING adalah ungkapan untuk memberikan nasihat pada orang lain. Sedangkan, Giving
suggestion digunakan untuk memberi saran.


Do you think I should …. ? RESPOND S FOR ADVICE
What do you think! Thanks
Do you think I should do? Thanks for your advice
How d you think? Yes, you’re right. Thanks.
What gonna we do now? It’s a good idea, thanks.


You should … Thanks
You ought to … Thanks for your suggestion
If I were you, I would…. Yes, let’s …..
You’d better That’s a good idea
Why don’t you …… What a brilliant idea!
I advise you to….. Why not?
What if you ……. Suit me
Good idea
Shall we…... No, I haven’t yet
Why don’t we……..
Perhaps we should…….
Let’s……. V1
You may/might want to…...
Maybe we should …….

How about ….. / What about…… V-ing

Have you ever thought of…….


1. Necessity : adalah ungkapan yang menyatakan keharusan. Necessity bermakna (What
one is expected to do ) dan ungkapan ini bersifat lebih kuat dan mendesak dibandingkan
dengan obligation. Berikut ungkapan necessity dalam bahasa Inggris :
 Must
 Have/has to
 Have got to
Pelajari dengan baik table berikut :
Subject Auxiliary verb 1 adjuncts
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I You He She It, they , must see a new film
we have to / had to read some novels
We They has to / has got to receive a package

For example :
Present :
 I must study harder to face the final exam.
 You have to see the dictionary if you want to know the English meaning.
 You have got to get enough rest if you want to pass the exam.
Past :
 I had to study harder to face the final exam last year.
 You had to see the dictionary when I was writing a passage.
 You had to get enough rest if you want to pass the exam.

Be obliged to, need to, had better: can be used as necessity for contextual expressions.

2. Obligation : adalah ungkapan keharusan yang bersifat lebih lunak. Obligation lebih
bermakna (What is wise for one to do ). Dalam obligation kalimat biasanya menggunakan
kata “should”. Berikut contoh obligation dalam bahasa Inggris.
 It’s a very touching and good film. We should see it together.
 You shouldn’t do the work alone. you can work in group.
But we often use thinks with should :
 I think it’s a very touching and good film. We should see it together.
 I don’t think you should do the work alone. You can work in group.


Bagaimana ungkapan baku (gambit expression) dalam mengungkapkan fakta atau anka? Pelajari
ungkapan berikut.

a. Introductory Expressions
As can be seen from the graph /table/chart
As the graph/table/chart reveal ….
The graph shows/indicates/illustrates/reveals/ represents …
As shown by the graph/ table/chart…
The ratio 1:7 means …
The total number of … reflects …
The graph of ….. shows that …
The scheme demonstrates that …
This diagram explains that …
This figure gives you an idea about that …
The pie-chart above describes that ….

b. Measurement Expressions
Upward Downward Constant Movement
Increase Fall Remain unchanged
Climb Decline / Remain constant
Rise Decrease Remain stable
Go up Go down Even out
Fall / Drop Level off

c. Mathematical expressions
Half Average Threefold
Double equal Halve Divide
Triple Multiply partial
Quarter Total

d. Adjective and adverb expression

Speed change Size change
adjective adverb adjective adverb
Slow Slowly Considerable Considerably
Gradual Gradually Dramatic Dramatically
Quick Quickly Slight Slightly
Rapid Rapidly Substantial Substantially
steady steadily noticeable noticeably
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The example of how identify the graph.

 The graph explain about the international arrival of tourists from 1950 to 1990
 Figure on the horizontal axis means the years.
 Figures on the vertical axis means the numbers of International arrival (in million)
 The line shows increasing one
 The biggest increasing happened in a decade of 1970 -1980


Descibing process adalah mendeskripsikan proses sesuatu secara singkat dan jelas.

Asking for describing process

Tell me how to operate the machine?
How do you ….?
Could you show me the way to ….?
What is the instruction to ….?
Which button do you press to ….?
What is the problem of ….?
Why isn’t it working well. Does it stop/finish like that?
Where is the on/off switch/button?

Describing process
The process works like this….
To cook fried noodle is ….
First, switch on the power, second …, next…. after that, …. finally….

Sequencing words
Beginning: Stage: Ending:
 First, …  Then, …  Finally, …
 To stat with …  Next, …  Eventually, ….
 After that, …  Lastly, ….
 Meanwhile, …  The last step, …
 In the meantime, …
Berikut adalah ungkapan baku (gambits) dalam mempresentasikan laporan.

Expressions used in a presentation.

a. Opening
Introducing you:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’m …..
Well, let me introduce my self. My name is ….
Before we start the presentation, I’d like to introduce my self….

Main Part/Discussion
OK, let’s start now, to my first point with….
So, let’s turn now to a brief overview of …..
Anyway, I’ll….
By the way, you may ….
Anyway, let me get back to what I’m saying about….
So before I go on, are there any questions?
Before we move to the next point, any other questions?
We strongly believe that ….
So far, from my point of view. We see that ….

b. Closing
Well, finally we come to conclusion that….
In brief, we can conclude that….
Well, this is my presentation, thank you for your attention.

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Noun (kata benda) kata yang menujukan benda atau sesuatu yang dibendakan.
Jenis Noun (KB)
a. Countable noun (kb bisa dihitung) : terdiri dari = singular (tunggal) : pen, table, cab, finger,
child, etc.
= plural (jamak) : pens, tables, cabs, fingers,
children etc.
b. Uncountable noun (kb tak bisa dihitung) : water, sand, fruit, oil etc.
c. Abstract noun (kb abstrak) : love, happiness, sadness, confidence, childhood etc.

Bagaimana membentuk Plural Noun (kata benda jamak)? Kata benda yang bisa diubah
menjadi bentuk jamak adalah kata benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun)
1. Add suffix “s” to a noun.
e.g. We need two pencils now.
I have many books in my own library.
2. Add suffix “es” to a noun ending in sh, ch, ss, o, x.
e.g. There are three matches on the table
We can get some potatoes in the kitchen.
3. Change “y” to “ies” if “y” is preceded by a consonant
e. g There are five babies in the room.
There are many butterflies in the garden.

Namun harus diperhatikan concord antara Noun dan Determiners berikut :


QUANTITY ( e.g. apple ) ( e.g. apples ) ( E.G. WATER )
it they
a/an An apple X X
One One apple X X
Each Each apple X X
Every Every apple X X
Another Another apple X X
Two X Two apples X
Both X Both apples X
A couple of X A couple of apples X
Three X Three apples X
A few X A few apples X
Several X Several apples X
Many X Many apples X
A number of X A number of apples X
Other X Other apples X
A little X X A little water
Much X X Much water
A great deal of X X A great deal of water
Not any/ no Not any / no apple Not any / no apples Not any / no water
The The apple The apples The water
Some ( some apple ) Some apples Some water
A lot of X A lot of apples A lot of water
Lots of X Lots of apples Lots of water
Plenty of X Plenty of apples Plenty of water
Most X Most apples Most water
All X All apples All water
Note : X means not used
A or AN is used with countable nouns to indicate One. How we do choose between A
and AN.

1. Kita gunakan A sebelum consonant sound.

e.g. a stamp a computer
a good book a picture
Namun hati-hati dengan huruf U :
e.g. a university
a useful thing
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2. Kita gunakan AN sebelum vowel sound
e.g. an apple an umbrella
an awful job an egg
Namun hati-hati denan huruf H,
e.g. an hour an honest girl


Merupakan kata yang menggantikan benda atau sesuatu yang dibendakan. Ada beberapa pronoun
dalam bahasa Inggris.
A. Personal Pronoun (Kata ganti orang)

ADJECTIVE PRONOUN  A possessive adjective is used
I me my … mine with a noun following it.
You you your … yours  A possessive pronoun is used
He him his ….. his alone, without a noun
She her her … hers following it.
It it its … -  Both pronouns have same
We us our … ours meaning.
They them their … theirs

I am Indonesian. You are English. She is Japanese.

They are Egyptian.
You send me a beautiful car. This book is for him.
Don’t look at me like that. Send us a post car from Tokyo.
Possessive My book is on the table. Your computer is made in Japan.
adjective He will solve his problem alone.
Possessive Pronoun This book is mine and that is yours.

This dictionary is belong to me. It’s my dictionary. It’s is mine


This is my dictionary The dictionary is mine.
This is your dictionary The dictionary is yours.
This is her dictionary The dictionary is hers.
This is his dictionary The dictionary is his.
These are our dictionary The dictionary are ours.
These are their dictionary The dictionary are theirs.

B. Demonstrative Pronoun (Kata ganti tunjuk)

Apa yang harus kita ketahui dari kata ganti tunjuk adalah kategori singular (tunggal) atau plural
(jamak) :
This (ini) book These (ini) books
That (itu) child Those (itu children


Tenses merupakan unsur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang menunjukan kapan aktivitas terjadi. Untuk
itu pemahaman tenses sangat penting dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Ada 8 jenis basic tenses
(tenses dasar) yaitu :
PRESENT eat / eats (am is are) eating has/have eaten will eat
PAST ate (was were) eating had eaten would eat

Sekarang kita pelajari tenses dasar beberapa jenis tenses campuran (complex tenses) pada tabel berikut.
SIMPLE eat/eats Everyday, now and then, kebiasaan sekarang,
PRESENT nowadays, generally, usually, kebenaran umum
always, in the

::: Summery of English materials for UN Materials : module 1, 2, 3 :::
PRESENT am eating Now, right now, at this/the Aktivitas yang sedang
PROGRESSIVE is moment, today, Look……, berlangsung sekarang
are Listen……
PRESENT has/have So far, lately, recently, Aktivitas (hasil) telah selesai
PERFECT eaten For, since dikerjakan sekarang
PRESENT has/have been All day, all this week Aktivitas dimulai lampau,
PERFECT eating For, since masih berlanjut dan berlanjut
PROGRESSIVE di masa yg akan datang

PAST TENSE ate Yesterday, last……, in 1990 Aktifitas dilakukan di masa
Two days ago, this morning lampau
PAST was eating While...., as……. Aktivitas sedang terjadi
PROGRESSIVE were when+S+V2 dimasa lampau
PAST PERFECT had eaten before +S+V2 Aktivitas telah selesai
when dilakukan ketika aktivitas
by the time + past tense masa lampau terjadi
PAST PERFECT had been For.... +when/before S+V2 Aktivitas terjadi dimasa
PROGRESSIVE eating lampau dan masih
berlangsung ketika
aktivitas lainterjadi

 I ate the dinner yesterday.

 I was eating the dinner when my boyfriend came.
 While I was eating the dinner, my boyfriend came.
 I had eaten the dinner when (before) my boyfriend came.
 I had been eating the dinner when (before) my boy friend came.


FUTURE TENSE will/shall eat Tomorrow, next...., this weekend Aktivitas akan dilakukan
Tonight, this evening dimasa yang akan datang
The following day/week
FUTURE will be eaing At this time tomorrow, Aktivitas akan berlansung
PROGRESSIVE At ten tomorrow, dimasa yang akan datang
when + klausa (present)
FUTURE will have eate By + the end of this week (ket. Aktivitas telah akan selesai
PERFECT waktu) ketika aktivitas lain terjadi
When + klause (present) di wakti yang akan datang

FUTURE Will have been For..

PERFECT eating Since
CONTINUOUS When+klause (present)


Active and Passive Voice

 Passive voice adalah kalimat yang tidak menekankan pelaku
 Rumus : be+V3
be = (is/am/are/was/ were/has been/be/being etc.), V3 = the past participle.
 The verb harus dalam bentuk transitive verb.
 The subject passive voice berasal dari objek pada active voice.
 Perhatikan elemen tenses dan verb untuk membuat kalimat passive yang baik dan benar.

Tense Verb of Passive forms

Present simple Isana cleans this room every day. (active)
This room is cleaned everyday. (passive)
Past simple Isana cleaned this room yesterday. (active)
This room was cleaned yesterday. (passive)
Present Isana is cleaning the room at the moment. (active)
continuous The room is being cleaned at the moment. (passive)
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Past Continuous Isana was cleaning the rooms when I arrived. (active)
The rooms were being cleaned when I arrived. (passive)
Present perfect The room looks nice. Isana has cleaned it. (active)
The room looks nice. It has been cleaned. (passive)
Past perfect The room looked much better. Isana had cleaned it. (active)
The room looked much better. It had been cleaned. (passive)
Future Isana will clean the room tomorrow. (active)
The room will be cleaned tomorrow. (passive)


Modal auxiliaries can be used for different functions, study the following table:
Modal Function For example
can Asking for permission Can I take this file?
Giving permission You can take this file.
Requesting something Can you help me lift this table, please?
Expressing ability I can finish this report in two hours.
Offering something How can I help you?
may Asking for permission May I sit here?
Giving permission You may sit here if you want to.
Expressing possibility They may be out of stock.
Offering something May I help you?
will Expressing possibility When do you think you will have more in stock?
Requesting something Will you give me a copy of this file?
could Asking for permission Could I leave this meeting earlier?
Giving permission You could leave this meeting earlier.
Expressing ability I could dance well when I was a child.
Requesting something Could you wrap it up for me, please?
Giving suggestion You could ask your boss to let you take a vacation.
Offering something Could I take your message, please?
Expressing probability I think we could go to the new restaurant tonight.
would Requesting something Would you lend me some money?
Offering something Would you like a cup of tea?
should Giving advice You should take some medicine

 Relative Clause atau disebut Adjective Clause adalah suatu anak kalimat ( sub clause ) yang
berfungsi menerangakan noun atau pronoun. Anak kalimat merupakan bagian dari induk kalimat (
main clause ) yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Adjective clause dapat menerangkan subject, object,
atau possessive.

 Adjective Clause selalu di awali dengan relative pronoun atau relative adverb :

Relative pronoun
Relative pronoun Used for
1. Who Person as subject
2. Whom Person as object
3. Whose (+ noun) Person for possessive ( milik )
4. Which Things
5. That Things/ person

Relative Adverb
Relative adverb Used for
1. Where Place ( tempat )
2. When Time ( waktu )
3. Why Reason ( alasan )

Two main sentences Complex sentences with adjective clause

The man drives the car very fast.  The man who drives the car very fast is my
The man is my uncle. uncle.

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I met the girl.  I met the girl whom I speaks to about the
I speaks to her about the project. project.
This is the girl.  This is the girl whose picture you have seen.
You have seen her picture. (possessive).
He broke the chair.  He broke the chair which is being repaired.
The chair is being repaired.
This is the year.  This is the year when the Olympic Games are
The year of Olympic Games are held. held.
Here is the house.  Here is the house where I live.
I live in this house.
You give me a reason.  You give me a reason why you decide the
You decide the problem problem.

Note: Sekali lagi di perhatikan Adjective Clause merupakan anak kalimat (sub clause). Ia tidak bisa berdiri
sendiri dan merupakan bagian dari induk kalimat (main clause). Adjective clause berfungsi menerangkan
bagian kalimat. Hanya ia memiliki unsure subject dan verb jadi seperti kalimat.

Combine the sentences below into good sentences with adjective clause pronoun ( such as: who, whom,
whose, which, that, where, when etc.)

He broke the chair. The chair is being repaired.

 He broke the chair, which is being repaired.
This is the girl. You have seen her husband.
 This is the girl whose husband you have seen.

1. The man is sitting on the beach. He wears a scarlet T-shirt and blue jeans.
2. Bandung is a big city. The weather in Bandung is very cold in the middle of the night.
3. This is the time. The time of English examination begins.
4. She buys a new computer. The computer is very expensive.
5. I meet the girl. The girl is very beautiful.
6. She is the girl. Her car is parking in front of my house.


Single conjunction : and, but, with (too-so, either-neither)
For example :
Last night, my friend bought a pair of sport shoes. I bought a pair of sport shoes.
Last night, my friend bought a pair of sport shoes, and I did too. (or so did I)

Last month, my friend didn’t buy a blue jean. I didn’t buy a blue jean.
Last month, my friend didn’t buy a blue jean and I didn’t either (or neither did I)

Last week, my friend bought a DVD player. I didn’t buy a DVD player.
Last week, my friend bought a DVD player, but I didn’t.


Subjunctive adalah ungkapan yang mengemukakan pengandaian atau harapan yang biasanya
bertentangan dengan fakta yang sesungguhnya. Ada tiga jenis subjunctive dalam bahasa Inggris.
1. Future Subjunctive
Subject + wish + subject + would + V1 + Adverb of time (tomorrow, tonight,

Contoh :
Subjunctive : I wish you would come on my party tonight
Fact : I don’t know you will come to the party tomorrow or not.

Subjunctive : I wish you could marry me next year.

Fact : I don’t know you will marry me next year.

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2. Present Subjunctive
Subject + wish + subject + V2 (verb past) / were

Contoh :
Subjunctive : I wish I passed the final exam
I wish I were not fail.
Fact : I don’t pass the final exam.

Subjunctive : We wish you won the first winner of the speech contest
Fact : We don’t know you will win the first winner of speech contest or not.

2. Past Subjunctive
Subject + wish + subject + had + V3 (past participle) + past time adverb (yesterday,
last.. etc

Contoh :
Subjunctive : I wish he had come on my party last night
Fact : I didn’t know he came to the party.

Subjunctive : She wish you had written a card from Bali last week
Fact : You didn’t write a letter from Bali.

Exercise : What type of subjunctive are they below and write the fact.
1. I wish I knew how to cook rice.
2. We wish we had a motorcycle.
3. Ron wishes he had brought driving license for driving.
4. I wish I could speak Spanish and French.
5. I wish I would at the workshop to repair the car tomorrow.
6. I wish it were not raining to day
7. I wish (that) I had known how to cook rice.
8. We wish we had finished the job yesterday.
9. Ron wishes he had seen the concert two days before.
10. I wish I would be in Hawaii next year.


Make Better STUDY and Better SCORE for your UN

Class Held By:

Mr Riyad Firdausi


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