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BUS8020 Organizational Behaviour SGBM/GBM

Reflection Assignments: 2 Reflections worth 12.5% each

For your Reflection Assignments, you will be assigned one (1) Organizational Behaviour concept by your
professor that you have learned about so far and demonstrate your thoughts on the topic. To demonstrate
your reflective thinking describe at least one (1) related theory or model from our textbook using your own
thoughts about the concept and how this is applied to a real-life experience. Your writing should be
approximately 2-3 pages, in 12-point font and should focus on:

1. Describe what you have learned from the one (1) OB concept. Use your own words to describe what
you have learned from this concept including 1 OB theory or model and use proper citation from your
textbook. You may describe the concept in terms of how you feel, what you think or what you have
learned about the OB concept. Do not copy over the details or definitions of the topic from your
textbook. Rather, you should demonstrate that you understand the meaning by using your words to
describe how you felt or what you learned from this topic.

2. Demonstrate one real-life application of your assigned concept. Describe a real-life experience that
relates to this OB concept. This can be your own experience in an organization, or the experience of a
family member, friend or colleague. You may also use a news or magazine article if need be. Be sure to
cite and reference any sources used in addition to your textbook. Establish a clear connection
between the OB concept and related model/theory and this real-life example.

3. Create 2 Personal Development Strategies that apply to the real-life example. Describe two (2)
personal development strategies in the context of what actions would help the organization in your
real-life example improve. Frame the goals as if you are the person in the real-life example (even if this
is not your personal example): “If I was the individual in this real-life example, I would improve the
situation with the following personal development goals…” With your goals, demonstrate the use of
OB concepts and how they show that these goals would improve the situation.

Each Reflection is out of 25 and detailed in your eConestoga Rubric.

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