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Experiences in English

linked with Behaviourism, Cognitive,

Humanism and Social Constructivism
P D P PTSL0 6 2 0 R
TSB R2 0 6 3 R
Experience: Reinforcement by Skinner’s S-R theory
Teacher asked everyone in class to stand up. Reinforcer: Verbal praise and reward after able to
answer correctly.
Students were told that they can sit down only if
they were able to answer questions correctly by Negative reinforcer: Students were still asked to
first raising their hand. stand up as punishment for answering incorrectly
During the first few times, students were given
the instructions above.
Behaviouristic view of language acquisition
After several lessons, students understood that
they will have to give the correct answers in Knowledge is the product of interaction with the
order to be able to sit down. environment through stimulus-response
◦ Students retain the knowledge they gained from
answering the questions correctly through
stimulus-response conditioning.
Experience:  Presenting information both visually and
verbally enhances recall and recognition
Teacher prepared a set of flash cards for (Paivio).
students to learn new vocabularies. • By using flashcards with pictures and
First, teacher pointed at the pictures and read introducing the words via pronunciation,
teacher was able to get students to
the words. Teacher repeated a few times until memorise.
students were able to pronounce the words
Teacher then said the word in random order  During childhood, abstract knowledge the
and had students repeat while pointing at the world can be gained through seeing objects
correct picture. around them and interact each other
(Piaget, 1959)
Students were able to memorise better with • Teacher uses everyday actions or norms as
this method. examples to relate students with the pictures
in the flashcard.
Experience: Humanism in language teaching
◦ Learner is the central person in the act of
After a mid-term school holiday ends, teacher learning
asked students to share what they did during
◦ Students felt good after describing recent
the period. Volunteers were encouraged. experiences and feelings.
After each students share their experiences,
Community language learning
teacher gave positive feedbacks to encourage
students. ◦ Students decide the curriculum, while the
teacher facilitates the environment.
Teacher will also ask other students on their
opinions after listening to their friends’
Teacher will only facilitate during the sharing.
Social Constructivism
Experience: School learning in a meaningful context
◦ Using technology for learning.
Teacher used interactive materials in the
laptop for teaching. For example, using the Strategies in social constructivism classroom
games provided in the CD from the Get Smart implementation:
Plus series. ◦ Reciprocal questioning: working together to ask
and answer questions.
Teacher divided students into groups and ask
◦ Students must discuss within their own group to find out
two groups to compete with each other in the the answer for the questions given in the game.
The games are in English and students must be
able to understand the instructions and Social constructivism theory is quite difficult to
questions on their own in order to answer be implemented in rural schools as they do
correctly and then win the game. not have a good and stabled internet

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