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Related Literatures

Reliability is a quality which measures how a customer trusts an online website. With the
presence of reliability, an online store earns the trust and loyalty of customers and consumers. If
the online website is performing well and continuously reaching the customers’ needs, reliability
is present. It is necessary for consumers to know the risks of purchasing products online. To
check the reliability of an online website, consumers do some research first about the online
shop, provide and double check their complete information to the website, they check if their
payment is secured, and also the website or seller’s private and returns policy.

Foreign Literature

Due to the increasing competition in the services, it is needed that the way banks and post
offices be defined and to know how they must behave and act on the market. The key aspect of a
modern business which is being implemented in order to meet and to win loyal customers is
customer satisfaction. This orientation involves researching on customers behavior, their
segmentation and adaptive supply, developing the relationship in a way that suits both sides
(Tasic,Ratkovic,besli,2011).Thus established relations should be maintained in the long term,
because the longer it lasts, the cost of its maintenance is lesser. Banks and post offices must fully
adopt this concept. Consumers must be at the center of research, because they are the initial and
the final stage of relationship marketing. If a service organization wants to achieve the highest
possible customer satisfaction and loyalty, it must be able to create and deliver superior value.
The superior value can exceed the expectations of consumers. This value is treated in the
literature as an additional value, which means more attractive offering relation to competition.
Additionally, in contemporary environment it usually includes an appropriate mix of instruments
in the field of information - communication technologies. However, one should not neglect the
dimension of the quality of direct human contact since these relations may represent a field
where is possible to achieve significant competitive advantage in the service industry. Serve
equal questionnaire will cover quality of services relating to the information - communication
technologies and the activities implemented in direct contact between the employees and clients
in banks and post offices (Ratkovic,Grubic,2011)

Foreign Studies

Relationship marketing includes relationships with employees and relations with

customers, but also other groups of participants in supplying values to the end users; it is a
modern concept that sets marketing as a central task. Relationship marketing involves marketing
philosophy that should be present in every part of the bank (Ljubojevic, 1997). It is necessary to
represent the marketing approach of all employees in order to achieve a higher level of customer
satisfaction, not only to be activity within the marketing sector (Ciric, 2012) Traditional
marketing is replaced by the relationship marketing, which gives the greatest importance to
building and maintaining of the long-term relationships with all participants in the supply chain.
Relationship approach is crucial for setting up integrated marketing as a strategic business tool in
banks, and it requires a high level of proficiency and skills focused on business management
(Koprivica, 2007). Analysis of the entire business environment and discovering opportunities on
the market can be made using a large number of models and techniques. Also, since the market is
made up of many different elements, which perform mutual influence and have impact on the
business of the company, the possibility of creating strategies performances may include all of
the options in between, from choosing of a homogeneous segment and placement of a product,
up to choose of a large number of different segments and launching more products (Ratkovic,
Grubic, Tasic, 2011).

Local Literature

Filipinos are known for being cautious in terms of purchasing a product. They consider
security, fast transaction, mode of payment convenience, price and values, return or exchange
rules, website reputation, online reviews and feedback, good customer service, and low shipping
charges. Filipino consumers value online shopping because of its convenience and accessibity.
Product marketing and service marketing are equally significant because they both have the
ability to be direct in providing a proof and specific information and features about the product
and services a business provides (Leonard, 2018). Good Service marketing results to more
customer satisfaction and good customer experiences. This furthermore results to good customer
relationship and online shop reputation. When a customer was satisfied with a business service,
their purchase intention rises. According Sunita Jatav (2018), service marketing is how to satisfy
clients or customers in different ways, good communication, proper service and in a good way
that they will be remembered. Companies should make every service fine and proper for
different type of customers. Services are intangible, there are some types of service quality that
can be used to determine the behavior of consumers. Search quality relates to products and
services, it is when a consumer searched for certain products prior to purchase. It is in their
perception to check the quality of a product through multiple searches. Experience quality allows
consumers to experience first the service before evaluating. Lastly, the reputation of a business
relies on the credence quality which is based on the credibility of a service. (Marketing Teacher
Ltd., 2014). Furthermore, there are also characteristics of services that can be a basis to elevate
good business services.

Local Studies

Responsiveness in a business is important to attain market growth. Lack of

responsiveness can lead to issues achieving growth. It is not only necessary to be responsive
towards your customers but also to people inside the company. The relationship between the
people inside the company is important to be able to work well and serve the customers better
(Holtzclaw, 2015). Assurance of a service and quality is making sure that a business is providing
the proper service, quality, requirements that a customer need. It is necessary for a company to
ensure that the customers’ expectations were fulfilled (Russel, 2017). As per Kees De Vos
(2016), it is better for online stores to show good communication with customers by showing
delivery options display on their website as well as customers are delighted when the online
website would send an email confirmation and information on how to track their orders. Through
this, customers are assured that their items will be delivered in time. Tangibility is an item that a
person can detect using the senses. In a business, tangibility refers to tangible products and other
things, like the purchased product of a customer or the facilities the business are using to provide
the proper service and product quality a customer need (Hoare, 2014). Lennon (2011) stated that
online website designs are important in increasing consumers. From logos, website colors,
colored icons and many more help consumers revisit the same online shop and repurchase an
item. Most female consumers are easily attracted by website designs and have high chances of
revisiting the same online store. They consider the website designs before purchasing a product
in an online application or website. Customers also see empathy in a business service. Empathy
is a communication that helps employees build good relationship with their customers. It would
also help the business know the customer’s demands. In line with this, empathy is also relevant
to customer service experience which helps to gain number of satisfied customers as well as
customer’s trust and loyalty towards the store (Simons,2017)

To conclude, improve tangibility since it got the highest gap score between customer
expectations and perceptions, they should improve and be stricter in monitoring, screening, and
securing of products, including the qualities and product shipment packaging, before delivering
to customers. It was found that customers who have higher income level are more likely to shop

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Koprivica, M., „Svetuslugsa“, Novi Sad, UnijafakultetajugoistočneEvrope;
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Ratković, M., Grubić, G. (2011). Promene u marketingu i komunikaciji usled primene
savremenih informacionih tehnologija. Ekonomika, br. 1, str. 67-79.
Ratković, M., Grubić, G., Tasić. (2011) „Dobri odnosi sa kupcima kao faktor konkurentske
prednosti“, Zbornikradova: Upravljanjekvalitetom i pouzdanošću ICDQM-2011, Beograd,
Tasić, S., Ratković, M.,Bešlin, M. (2011). The Application of Cluster Analisys in
Marketing for the Purposes of Market Segmentation. AnaliEkonomskogfakulteta, Subotica, god.
47, br. 26, str. 157-167.
Hoare, David J. (2014). “Tangible and Intangible – Business Definitions and
Use” and-use/

Holtzclaw, Eric (2015). “The Importance of Responsiveness”

Leonard, Kimberlee (2018). “Importance of Service

Russel, J.P. (2017). “What are Quality Assurance and Quality Control”
Simons, Kathryn (2017). “Why Is Empathy Important in Customer

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