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With the rapid global expansion in electronic commerce, businesses all over the world are using
e-commerce as a means to interact with potential customers which helps them in gaining a
competitive edge over its competitors (Demangeot and Broderick, 2007). Businesses suchs as
fast food chains and restaurants were managed to increase their sales and capture larger shares in
the food industry as they create partnership with food delivery companies. Online food delivery
service industry appears to be simple and manageable whereas customer satisfaction is crucial
for the industry to gain competitive advantages. It comes to understanding that good and positive
feedbacks are the key to obtaining customer loyalty and in order to meet their expectations,
service providers should acquire great understanding on how customers perceived the quality of
services being offered. These factors contribute to the company’s effort in fulfilling its mission
as well as surviving the very competitive market environment. (Agus and Yusra, 2019).

Customer satisfaction plays a vital role in customer loyalty. As mentioned above, the quality of
service and customer experience are interrelated, when the service provider was able to provide
the service with the highest possible quality, customer will be happy and satisfied therefore, the
higher chances of retention, repurchase and loyalty. So as the other way around. As researchers
continuously debate the direct relationship between service quality and customer loyalty, some
consider the contribution of customer satisfaction over this relationship.

Purchasing online is in the process of becoming a norm for people, especially for those young,
busy and working professionals who order food online aside from the reason that t is fast,
convenient and very simple, but also they have no time to travel outside, wait in the long line and
sit just to eat. According to a study conducted by Chaudhary in 2018, 50.8% of the total
population who order food through an online application do not prefer to cook, as it they would
rather wait for the food to get in front of their houses or office less than an hour. It can be
concluded that personal preferences impacts the buying behaviors of consumers.
Among the countries in the Southeast Asia Region, Philippines has the second largest population
and based on the data collected from Digital 2021: The Philippines, it showed that 89.00 million
people were social media users in the Philippines in January 2021. Internet surfing becomes a
habit for most of the users of internet and with the continuous development in web connections
through gadgets, people are more likely to be exposed to merchants who sell their products
online and to the culture of capitalism in constant ways. Shopping through social media is
becoming increasingly popular activities nowadays, with Facebook being the top 3 of the most
used online platform for online shopping.

Online Shopping is an activity where consumers purchase goods and services from retailers and
wholesalers who sell their products on the internet. It is a trend of being capable to obtain
everything without the need to go outside through the help of technology and according to a
research study conducted by Alrick et al., (2009), they mentioned that consumers view online
shopping as a convenient and time-efficient strategy. The term convenient incorporate factors
such as time saving, information availability, opening time, ease of use, websites navigation, less
shopping stress, less expensive and shopping fun.
Alreck, P. L., DiBartolo, G. R., Diriker, M., Dover, H. F., Passyn, K. A., & Settle, R. B. (2009).
Time Pressure, Time Saving And Online Shopping: Exploring A Contradiction. Journal of
Applied Business Research (JABR), 25(5).

Chaudhary, S. S. (2018). Consumer Perceptions on Online Food Ordering. International Journal

of Management and Business Studies , 17. Dr Sonali P.Banerjee, D. D. (2019). Measuring S

Kemp, S. (February, 2021). DIGITAL 2021: THE PHILIPPINES. Retrieved from

Dublin, (2020). 2019 Study of the Philippines B2C E-Commerce Market - Trends, Sales &
Shares, Internet Users & Online Shoppers, Products, Payment, Delivery, Players. Retrieved from

Agus, A., Yusra, (2019). The Influence of Online Food Delivery Service Quality on Customer
Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: The Role of Personal Innovativeness. Retrieved from

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