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Molde 1-3 Wn eorlP: a y on. aebiechtuecal technique wee shat alloca ovedap Here mute Me Cetall tadlvdval_ machine center ; words ‘rhe ore. ereeuled : wee ae m Aor, “level parallelism fo a ™ row) ony Of Imbuchon con ve exectled stmulione punky: There. axe jroo AsPTRE? Ay tastryelion. level a\pliom — OY Vorduane WY Sofhoore Hardware level werkr upon, dynaenicaty aypoica Feselleem ahete on Sofware level works UPR 8 porxalleliom «Th Dynan parallelinm {ha grocenoor decide ubich Imirudions to execute sparalel 4 whereas ta. Sakic porlelinn desde chidh Fm compiler decide wid tetrudions +o execute in. qoullel- Maventage;- speed up the excculion. @ Difference. belveen. ILP ond Poole ie .. a Porcallel oxchitecliure DARA SS arn ‘ iy Orextap individual mochine y Having sepocale. procenor 4 % Creston (4-44 5%). ? din she. seporole. code i So tha they aan execute of the . , Poxalleliy : Progrom iY Non- ert to the i} Tronposent to the [BY Non tranpor programma. } Programmax. i ity goal 2 geod up and Fe en quality up. | o eseeution. Scanned with CamScanner O Technique te inoveasing T LP s- Www we ; Ane arr , teebiual Tnshuclion — level povelletisen: ts on architec’ Technique hed olla ovedap of the overat individual mocking operation sHexe gnultite ppewlin axe excevled ene +Th other cords Wt nes werner oe WS eon ne lel gmultaneowsy « TE CE LO Feclnique to tqeteane. he LP — i) Save Scheduling - his aloo Krown % Compllar, a |Z . Fechnique tor gchedvding Ye tn YO a epb design thot % oble +o yun mothemot eal operation. oy, mulliple acta gimultones! eB employer multiple Vector pipeliner . Acroy PrOCOney Uner O To. of procerning Scanned with CamScanner cle ments operating wn poralel ¢ Tt tg a SIMD type PYOcemoe ond Yequires © host proceemow . Ty Ib O deronowy multiple ALU and each. ALY contobny Syn ALU together ust \ocal memory \oewh memory + The ve called proceming elements . Neclor ond oxxay procenor ove rool unually wred Tr home ond office computer. Alte technology seen tn Wigh-allic Sewers ty wnost olen. @ Difference belveen. Super Sealér & Vie es Ce Super. Seaton. NuIw : |} multple testrucion one Hootdeaane cost ond comply) | dynamically scheduled « Of sealer scheduling 1 a maior complexity in procono? designing: $0 comple me onaize Yo Yaysra to Wentfy and bundle depentent Tavtruchion ahak can be exceuted , concwrxentty ws Inprruction ate poked ond aispatelhed togelher $0 the nome ig VLIW. Ty More Hoxdwane, SuneHonality ty iv exe. compiler. finds portalleLem ond complerity , ‘iy Scheduling of instruckion. 16 Wy Scheduling of Saptruchion. are dehoomind two fador — only done Woy, Ye comeflar + P True dala depenienes, 'Y Resource, dependency Wyle progrum 6 not expected \ 4 convey omy expltelt infor moor regarding parallelizm, In. VLTW procemor he progam provider jnbemolion which. operahon cae independent one another, Scanned with CamScanner Corot precerser velforad unit, Veelyn L Waite. > ‘Al L od @ Mehitechture of Veclor Yrshudion. Sy = ANS ON AR nnn y Neclor - Vector tnstrudton !- From different vector register One or more thon one velor Neral url and the result 5 sent “ +upe. of \eclor Operclion. %4 The Ww diagram ts shown. OsVe ane diferert type oO vector | deline, by the We Follasing Koo WapPNG Luncion. Dod c f\3 Yo > Va and a ON Nig X Vg, Ne SS Seat Scanned with CamScanner 7s Vector Here one opexerd rnp clhee opexent %% Scaler . he sealax and Vector - Scalar operends of the Functional urit entex from ‘oot WeClor Yeaicler cad the veeull te Slored Tete Wee NeOT xegvtex , The st drogram 4 grown below where Vo and Yo axe different type of veckor register, ond 56 5 0 Seale Yegister.. and % con be detied oy & rapping, Gunction $y SXVQ aN, a | 6 || w The) {hy Nestor ~mmemary fashruskon. t= Vedor memory Twiruttion can be 5 defined ay Vedor Wood or Yedor Store. operation velween Yector veglsten. ond memory, Tt can: Ban aloo ve defied oy 400 mapping Cindhon &, and fy. Gems V ond Srv am (Wood) (gore) | a Scanned with CamScanner ree me he 4 ' cre two types of dpecalon Supported by SRT procemoy iy Register ~Yegister opexalion {= The apaxenteny oe Glehey SER a regiser opexation fromthe yegistes and Youle, + Afler the qanptlahon ‘S Stored Into the Yegister . X) Mery nenery open’ The apexanten) opexants axe fatehed Crom the TMHEMor; A J ond dreetly souled to the functional unit: compulsion the recut ty stored io The memory, de BMY 4 the Cunckonal uate the Veet + vy Nexticad S- Here all veclor compulation oste. _gerloraned Vetcallay from top to bottom. or tn a column. Santon. ~ Scanned with CamScanner Hortzontal i= Were compulsion. ib perforin fn eee lege mumioen. of daa The veel Operation gperahon ana performed port zontalhty Crom. kM fo right or Th Q “row fashions . Ry eS) sn Seip mining Ahe original Nedor iy divided tnly eqyal sine Nector Yeatsler ond prosered ttn gayod Sequentiol orden «The procen of ship inising pectormed ‘by, complan, Wal an hoard ware. @Veclor Stride 3-Thexe one Gllerence. oddverr pecthon ~~ memary of odfucert Alement Of O vector - So O dow Ahal cre i technique Y9 Fequlved 49 Qtech. elemerd & O Ve tot od} . Yucent ino mereory) « A veckor imntruckion. 14 sodd to be Side. GQ) 0. 5 Tetrudion type Court” caus [count _cysle_ [count integor —__s 50000 -> \ iF We distomce Wehween, ahe tao Sucsenive element dala tromyfon —y 35000 —> 2 floating pent — 90000 9 2 branch -~ 60000 % 2 Assume proceror 50 Miz + Compate, (3 Art opt > Tenhualion court YX @ clods eydle | cous 2 Count 00001 + 20000%2 + 35000 X? + 600,00%3 = ee hoo 10000 $5000 + 60000) = 206 Mie Scanned with CamScanner | hil proeersor eel 20 X1O0H000 VG X10 0000 MEPS = B25 xX clock tn, exeeuhion limes opt. x é tw tuclion count 5 +200 = bb x 1OOGGE x(sOa00 #99980 FANON. i o)X —— Gooo SOX Io' f = 26 xo” néee Sy Whol jis peaallel procersing and level of povaltel proce ring? " Pr encallet Proeeasing Yo a proceming of Cau) ‘woh, by Aividing, them. among mulliple. preeeriow eo the Pe ' © objective of Tunnlry a progro mening in lew Hine + i OO level of pevcaillal preening I~ YP Trobuekion level > Most procenon beve several execelin, . unit and execute geveral imbuction at a Hme , i» Loop level Here consteutive leap cpection. done for perellet execution, ty producer level » poxoilelizm. achtved by exeewiny perallel execulable procedones iy Program. level pp Reape nnibilly of operating system —S abt tun proeeny concwerent ly - Scanned with CamScanner ey different betweer mull procemor , nub co ep h and mult - core system a ccemor work/) ty muiprocesor '~ more than. ome i dmultancourly . ul i) null eompuler + move than, On sempre. ~ wort simultaneously , | tty raul cove * oy A single compuking omponanh | With. two or more independent ' oetuol eu. by mnanufactune typecably Integrate the cores onto a Single integrated « elreut. | mete Scanned with CamScanner . 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