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Saint Louis University – John Cook School of Business

April Sports Business Industry Symposium

Friday April 15th

Keynote – 5p
Bill DeWitt III, Saint Louis Cardinals President Fri Keynote
Mark Lamping, CEO New Meadowlands Stadium Co. Fri Keynote

Saturday April 16th

8:30a – 9:45a CLE Panel I:

Symposium: aligning industry & academia
Sports, Law, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Statistics, and Analytics

Dr. Dennis Coates: Professor of Economics, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Greg Kirkorsky: Senior Vice President, Sales, STATS, the Americas
Dr. Jeff Ohlmann: Associate Professor of Management Sciences and Sports Analytics, Tippie College of
Business, University of Iowa
Dr. Ryan Rodenberg: Assistant Professor, The Florida State University (former Associate General
Counsel, Octagon)
Rudy Telscher: Harness, Dickey & Pierce, Principal

10a – Noon State of the Industry Panel:

Panel discussion: sport industry leaders’ perspectives
Issues & Trends: Industry executives

Dani Apted: President, St. Louis Aces

Kevin Demoff: COO, Executive Vice President Football Operations, Saint Louis Rams
Dan Farrell: Senior Vice President, Marketing, Saint Louis Cardinals
Dan Flynn: CEO/Secretary General, US Soccer Federation
Tim Hayden: Managing Director, The Stadia Group & Senior Adjunct Professor, John Cook School of
Business, Saint Louis University
Todd Leyden: President, NCAA Eligibility Center
Bill Ordower: Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Major League Soccer
Jeffrey Stern: Managing Director, IFM Sports USA
Eric Stisser: Senior Vice President – Business Development, Saint Louis Blues


1:15 – 2:15p CLE Panel II:

Panel discussion: Sporting Goods Industry, Marketing, Sponsorships, and Licensing
Executives and General Counsel

Paul Loving: General Counsel and international sport marketing, adidas

John Matterazzo: Asst. General Counsel, Nike
Declan O’Neill: Saint Louis University Asst. Athletics Director, Marketing, Corporate Sales, and
External Operations
Ben J. Reiling: Director, Motorsports Marketing, Coca-Cola North America

2:30 – 3:30p CLE Panel III:

Panel discussion: Entertainment & Gaming Industry
Executives and General Counsel
Mike Bradley: General Counsel, Missouri Gaming Commission
Mike Fries: Vice President & General Counsel, Isle of Capri (past General Counsel, IL Gaming Board)
May Scheve Reardon: Executive Director, Missouri Lottery

3:45 – 5p CLE Panel IV:

Panel discussion: Agents, Contracts, Negotiations, and Ethics
Licensed Player Representatives, Executives, and General Counsel

George Andrews: NBA/FIBA Player representative and past VP/GC, Vancouver/Memphis Grizzlies
Harold Lewis: President, National Sports Agency
Dr. Ryan Rodenberg: Assistant Professor, The Florida State University (former Associate General
Counsel of Octagon)
Bob Wallace: General Counsel, Saint Louis Rams

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