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Name When you enter a settlement Survive
that respects the custom of
hospitality to the Rangers, Traverse
they will take you as their
guest. Wreck
Ashlander Mastery
Additional XP trigger: you've
freed someone from shackles,
Background literal or figurative. Finesse
Elf Sneak
When you push yourself to
Passion shoot something with a bow, Shoot
mark 1 Doom instead of 2.
Enchanted longbow
Doom Leather armor
Bonds Mystical compass
________________ and I took down a great Beast once, and paid Black arrow
for it dearly. Pair of daggers
I found ________________ in the ash-forest, shaken. I wonder
what they’ve seen there. Throwing knives
________________ does not understand me, or my culture. I will Beastbane charm
explain myself to them, no matter how long it takes.
Alchemic fire
Arcane implements
Climbing gear
Lockpicking tools
Potion of healing
Mild Mild Mess kit
Ration Some more
Moderate Moderate Lantern Spare oil
Bedroll Tent
Grave Beartrap Calptrops
Light (3) Normal (5) Heavy (6)
Experience Coins
Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an
attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.
You cleansed the wilderness from the Dark
You expressed your bonds, blood, or background.
You struggled with issues from your passion or darkness during the session.

Special abilities
At the start of the game and each time your Experience tracker fills up, choose one of the following:
When you take a moment to aim, you can push yourself to make an impossible shot: hit an enemy at extreme distance, far
beyond what's normally possible — shoot multiple arrows at multiple targets — make your mark drop something it's holding — cripple it,
but let it live.
Spirit animal
When you are in the wilds, you can mark 1 Doom to make your spirit animal manifest. It takes blurry, translucent, but still
very much physical form, capable of ripping and tearing through flesh and bones, and obeys your commands. Every time it's
hurt, you must mark 2 Doom to keep it on this plane of existence.
When you track someone or something you've already hurt, roll +1D.
When you keep still in natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until you make a movement.
Beast ward
When you set up a camp in the wilderness, lesser Beasts are afraid to come close.
Sixth sense
You’re always aware of supernatural entities in your presence. Take +1D whenever you gather information about the
supernatural by any means.
When you attack from hiding or spring a trap, you get +1D to your roll.
Pick an ability from another playbook. You can do it up to three times.
When you accept the deal of the Death herself or choose to be touched by the Dark when Meeting your Doom, choose
one of the following:
When you b, natural or artificial, you take a form, resembling your spirit animal, but twisted — too many teeth, too long claws,
too thick of a hide.
Wild tongue
You can speak with animals and Beasts of the Dark.
Eye of Thousand Eyes
When you hurt someone, you mark them as your prey. You can see through their eyes and hear echoes of their thoughts.
There's nothing that your prey can do to escape this effect. When you're tracking it, roll +1D.
You succumb to the Darkness completely and become an NPC. Describe, what horrifying form your former husk will take.

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