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DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021


I. Pronunciation and Stress:
A.Choose the word that the underlined letter is different from others (0.5pt):
1. A. nature B. change C. gravity D. basis
2. A. agreed B. missed C. liked D. watched
B.Choose the word that has a different stress pattern (0.5pt):
3. A. innovate B. acquaintance C. charity D. celebrate
4. A. prohibit B. replace C. install D. damage
II. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (3.0 pts)
5. The girls and flowers__________ he painted were vivid.
A.who B. which C. whose D. that
6. I will look for another job ____________my salary is increased.
A. if B. whether C. unless D. when
7.  Lan will stay there _____ the beginning in September _____ November.
A. from/ to B. till/ to C. from/ in D. till/ of
8. “Shall we go boating tomorrow?” - “ ________ The weather report says a storm is coming”.
A. I’m afraid we can’t B. Sure
C. That’s a good idea D. That’s wonderful!
9. If we go on wasting water, there will be a ____________fresh water in a few decades.
A. lot of B. lacks of C. short of D. shortage of
10. Vegetables which are sprayed with ____________are not good for human’s health.
A. dynamite B. rubbish C. pesticides D. deforestation
11. We arranged to meet at 7:30, but she did not____________ .
A. turn out B. turn on C. turn off D. turn up
12. This television program is not only ____________but also entertaining.
A.convenient B. informative C. necessary D. economical
13. Remote controls are used ____________with TV.
A. to interacting B. interacting C. to interact D. to be interacted
14. A: “Let’s do something interesting this evening.” B:“________________________.”
A.Ok, why not? B. Don’t mention it. C. Not at all. D. You’re welcome.
15- A. Don’t go fishing here. B. Don’t eat, smoke and drink
C. Don’t eat, but you can drink. D. Let’s eat, drink and smoke here.

16- A. You can’t drive slowly. B. You must drive fast.

C. You can’t drive fast. D. You don’t drive slowly.
III. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the space in the following passage: (1.5pts)
Internet is advantageous if people use it in good purposes. Acquiring (17)______from Internet has
become very easy. Everything has become (18)_______ today: online shopping, online chatting,
online banking, etc. Everything can be gained (19)_______ using Internet everywhere at any
time. Distance education is
another (20)_______of Internet. Internet education can be given to rural areas where there are no
teachers (21)_______ .
Students in villages can learn through online courses. People even do not need to go outside for
food. (22)_______, they may use Internet to order food as if they were in restaurants.
17- A. institute B. achievement C. compliments D. information
18- A. e-mail B. google C. online D. Facebook
19- A. for B. by C. with D. without
20- A. facility B. surface C. advantage D. tunnel
21- A. left B. free C. bilingual D. available
22- A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. Moreover
IV. Read the passage:

Two of the most dangerous storms which affect America are hurricanes and tornadoes.
Hurricanes usually develop between July and October. Once they hit land they carry tremendous

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
power with driving rain and wind. Tornadoes are violent low - pressured storms. These storms occur
most often during the summer months and are noticeable by their strong wind and lack of rain. The
sky turns black as dust is sucked up into the air. Tornadoes are capable of lifting quite heavy objects
from the ground. They can pick up trees and cars right into the air and even uplift heavier objects such
as homes and railway cars. Both hurricanes and tornadoes cause millions of dollars worth of damage
to life and property every year. Today they can be predicted more easily than in the past, but they
cannot be stopped or ignored.

A. Decide True or False (1.0 pt )

23. Hurricanes and typhoons are two of the most dangerous storms in America. ________

24. Hurricanes usually develop between June and October. ________

25. Tornadoes can only lift light things from the ground. ________

26. Both hurricanes and tornadoes can cause great damage. ________

B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions ( 0.5pt)

27.Which of the following is true of tornadoes and hurricanes?

A. They cannot be predicted with accuracy. B.They are difficult to control today than in the

C.They can be predicted today with greater accuracy. D.They cannot cause great damage.

28. Which of the following was not mentioned in the article?

A.The number of people killed each year by these storms.

B. Hurricanes carry tremendous power with driving rain and wind.

C.The damage caused by hurricanes and tornadoes.

D.The time of year when they are most likely to strike.

V. Use the correct form of the words given in parentheses: (1,5 pt)
29. The topic they are discussing is rather..............………..., so some of them have fallen asleep.
30. We should use the world’s natural resources………………………..………….. (economy)
31. It is………………………………… of you to leave without saying anything. (consider)
32. In the future many buildings will be………………………………………by solar energy. (hot)
33. He was…………………………………….…….…described as a hero, a genius and a fool. (vary)
34. She made a lot of …………………………. for her final examination.(prepare)
VI. Rearrange the words given to make meaningful sentences: (0.5 pt)
35. with many kinds of wastes /that is destroying / It is man /the surroundings /. //
36. to people/are inaccessible /in remote areas /Some medical facilities /. //
VII.Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentences printed before
them :(1 pt)
37. It is not easy to take care of her little baby.
→ Looking ____________________________________________________________________
38. I began to be interested in healthy eating 3 years ago.
DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
→ I have ______________________________________________________________________
39. My friend plays the piano brilliantly.
→ My friend is a _______________________________________________________________
40.The flight was canceled. We were going to take it.
→ The flight which _____________________________________________________________

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021

I. Pronunciation(1 pt)
Choose the word having different stress pattern:
1. A. volcano B. eruption C. decorate D. delicious
2. A. memory B. charity C. distinguish D. humor
Choose the word having different sound pattern:
3. A. generous B. geography C. generation D. government
4. A. capture B. shape C. battery D. damage
II. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C, or D, that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5 pts)
5. The teacher suggests _____________ the classroom before leaving for Tet .
      A. to clean B. cleaning            C. we cleaning       D. cleaned
6. We decorated our house , and ____________ they.
      A. so did           B. neither  did     C. so either did D. either
7. They like Ho Chi Minh City, _______________ is one of the biggest cities in Vietnam.
      A. where                  B. what                          C. that                        D. which
8. Hoa is _______________ her little sister because her parents are visiting their hometown now.
      A. going on             B. looking after                 C. falling through     D. turning up
9. ___________ Mrs. Lien was sick, she tried to work.
A. So that                 B. Although                       C. Since                     D. If
10. I suggest we should ____________ them heavily because they use electricity to catch fish.
      A. ask                 B. pay                       C. fee                         D. fine
11. What do you usually do __________ Tet?
  A. at                  B. on                                  C. from                       D. in
12. Everest, which is the highest mountain is __________ the border of China and Nepal.
      A. at                          B. between C. with                          D. on   
13. “- Thanks for your helping.” “  - ____________________”
      A. You’re welcome!    B. I don’t like it.          C. Yes, go ahead!         D. Yes, please!
14. “- Minh’s interested in Math, isn’t he?”   - ______________.
      A. No problem         B. Yes, he is.     C. I ‘m sure he won’t. D.No, he isn’t.
III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D) for each sign: (0.5 pt)
15. What does the sign say?
A. Railway Crossing Road Sign B. Don’t go too fast
C. Zebra crossing D. A head only
16. What does the sign say?
A. low flying aircraft C. bus stop
B. long vehicle D. railroad crossing
IV. Read the following passage and do as requested (1.5pt)
A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine planets in our solar system,
and these nine planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Planets travel in orbits around their stars. All of
the planets of the solar system revolve in elliptical orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large,
flat circles. The time that it takes a planet to make one revolution around the sun is called its year.
The Greek were the first people to recognize and give names to some of the planets. The world
planet comes from a Greek word meaning wanderer. If a person wanders, this means that he goes
from one place to another and does not have a home. The Greeks thought that the planets “wandered
“in the sky. However, modern scientists can predict the movement of the planets very accurately.
A. Read the passage carefully, then answer True or False
17. A planet revolves around the earth. ______
18. Venus, Mars and Neptune are planets and stars. ______
19. The Greek were the first to recognize some of the planets. ______
20. The planets in our solar system travel around the sun and in elliptical orbits. ______
B. Choose the best answer

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
21. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. Earth B. Sun C. Planets D. Stars
22. What is untrue about the text?
A. A planet revolves around a star. B. There are nine planets in solar system.
C. Planets move in elliptical orbit. D. The Greek gave names to all the planets.
V. Сhoosе the word (A, В, C, or D) that best fíts the blank space in the following passage. (1.5
World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization, focus on
preserving wildlife and reducing human’s impact in environment. WWF is the largest conservation
organization (23) ________ over five millions supporters around the world, working in more than 100
countries including Viet Nam. The funds come (24) _________ various sources such as individuals,
bequests, government, environmental projects and corporations. WWF’s symbol is a giant panda,
which is an (25) ___________ animal. The panda’s name is Chi Chi, it (26) ___________ from
Beijing Zoo to London Zoo in 1958 and had become the only panda residing in the Western world at
that time. WWF was founded with an mission of preventing the degradation of natural environment on
earth. In a word, WWF plays an (27) _____________ role in the conservation of wildlife and
(28) ___________. Everyone should give a hand to help it complete its missions and protect our own
23. A. on B. with C. in D. of
24. A. in B. out C. to D. from
25. A. endanger B. endangered C. endangering D. dangerous
26. A. transferred B. had transferred C. had been transferring D. had been transferred
27. A.important B.unimportant C. importance D.unimportance
28. A. systems B. ecosystems C. human D.stars and planets
VI. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5pt)
29. Mr. Robinson is talking to some voluntary ………............…… . . (conserve)
30. Don't depend on him because he's a very …………..……….. person. (rely)
31. He's quite an…….......................… person. He plays sports everyday. (energy)
32. His boss told him off because he had behaved ……….........…..
33. She left school with good ………...............…. (qualify)
34. She has been …..…................…… old stamps for over ten years. (collect)
VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences (0.5pt)
35. which was built / over ten years ago / is / Rach Mieu. / The bridge / in Ben Tre
36. before / for you / It is / having an examination. / to revise your lessons carefully / necessary
VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it. (1 pt)
37. They are poor, but they still send their children to school.
-> In spite _______________________________________________________________
38. The film is so interesting that everyone likes to see again.
-> It is ___________________________________________________________________
39. We haven’t eaten fish for a week.
-> The last time ____________________________________________________________
40. The schoolboy is sitting beside me. I worked with his sister in a company a few years ago.
-> The schoolboy _________________________________________________________

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
I.Choose the word that has underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5pt)
1. A. caused B. closed C. raised D. increased
2. A. good B. foot C. school D. book
*Answers: 1.___________2.___________
II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently the others. (0.5pt)
3. A.benefit B. recycle C. logical D. grocery
4. A.extensive B. celebrate C. symbolize D. mineral
*Answers: 3.___________4.___________
III.Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank in each sentence (2.5pts)
5. Since I walked to the office every day, my shoes wore________very quickly.
A. on B. out C. off D. down
6. The local authorities are trying to ______ people to use public buses instead of motorbikes.
A. achieve B. provide C. reduce D. persuade
7. Students have to wear uniforms in Vietnam,_________?
A. haven’t they B. do they C. don’t they D. aren’t they
8. _____is the process of making something dirty or impure.
A. Pollution B. Preparation C. Transformation D. Population
9. In recent years, ______ has seriously made the climate change in many parts of the world.
A. water pollution B. environment C. recycling D. deforestation
10. He didn’t have much money, ______ he bought a lot of things at the shop for Tet.
A. or B. but C. and D. so
11. “Would you like some bread?” “ _________. I’m full.”
A. Yes, please B. All right C. No, thanks D. Never mind
12. It is some months ______ the tsunami happened.
A. on B. in C. at D. since
13. I don’t spend much time _____ the Net. I’m too busy with my homework.
A. going B. surfing C. swimming D. making
14. “Hi, Tom. ________?” “ Not bad. And you?”
A. How’s everything? B. What do you do? C. What’s everything? D. How do you do?
*Answers: 5.____6.____7._____8._____9.____10.____11._______12.______13.______14._____
IV. Choose the correct meaning of the following sign : (0.5pt)
15. What does this sign mean?
A. A two-way intersection ahead. C. T-road intersection ahead.
B. Side road intersection ahead. A four-way intersection
16. What does this sign mean?
15. What does this sign mean?
A.General service sign for a highway. C.General service sign for a hotel.
B.Route H highway sign D.General service sign for a hospital.
V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (1.5pts)
17. They are trying to ________________their newspaper. (popular)
18. The beach needs to be _________________cleaned up. (care)
19. Do you agree with the __________ of friendship between Viet Nam and Singapore? (enhance)
20. The beach is full of all kinds of_____________________. (pollute)
21. People are talking about the _______________circles on the fields in Great Britain. (mystery)
22. He is an _________doctor who just graduated from the medical school last year. (experience)
* Answers: 17. __________________18.__________________19.________________
20. __________________21.__________________22.________________
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answers: (1.5pts)
One good reason for people to learn a foreign language is work. If your work involves regular contact
with (23) ____ of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to
communicate with them. It may also help you to make sales and to negotiate and secure contracts. Knowledge
of foreign language may also increase your chances of (24) ____ a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer
overseas, or of going on foreign business (25) ____.Many English-speaking business people don’t bother to
learn other languages because they believe (26) _____ most of the people they do business with in foreign
countries can speak English, and if they don’t speak English, interpreters can help. The (27) _____ of foreign
DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
language knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage. In meetings, for example, the people on the
other side can discuss things among themselves in their own language without the English speakers
understanding, and using interpreters slows everything down. In any socialising after the meetings, the locals
will probably (28) ____ more comfortable using their own language rather than English.
23. A. talkers B. sayers C. tellers D. speakers
24. A. looking B. finding C. applying D. offering
25. A. trips B. journeys C. tours D. holidays
26. A. what B. when C. that D. how
27. A. use B. study C. fluency D. lack
28. A. know B. feel C. behave D. come
*Answers: 23._______24.________25._________26.________27._________28.___________
VII. Read the passage. Decide if the statements from 29 to 32 are True or False, and choose the
correct answers (A, B, C or D) for the questions 33 and 34 (1.5pts)
It is 11: 59 PM on December 31. In just a minute, New Year’s Day begins with a bang! Horns and noisemakers
blow. People drink champange. People kiss and hug each other. They say, “ Happy new Year!” everyone says
good-bye to the old year and hello to the new one.
New Year’s Eve is December 31. It is not a national holiday, so people often go to work on this day. But in the
evening, many people go to parties. They stay up late and wait for the new year. They eat, drink, and dance.
Some parties are at home. Other parties are at restaurants. In New York City, thousands of people wait outside
in Times Square on New Year’s Eve. They celebrate the new year with a lot of noise.
January 1 is New Year’s Day. It is national holiday, so most people don’t have to go to work. Most people have
a quiet day with family and friends. Some people have headaches because they drank too much alcohol the
night before. Many Americans are concerned about drinking and driving. Drinking and driving is dangerous
and illegal. On New Year’s Eve, many cities have free buses and taxis so people don’t have to drive.
Many Americans watch television on New Year’s Day. In the morning, there are parades on TV. After the
parades, there are college football games. One popular game is the Rose Bowl game in California. Millions of
football fans watch this game.
On January 1, people think about the new year. Many people make solutions. They decide to make changes in
their lives. Some people promise to exercise more. Some decide to stop smoking. Others decide to lose weight.
If people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions, they can try again next year.
29. New Year’s Eve is celebrated with a lot of noise. ________
30. Most people don’t often go to work on December 31 . ________
31. Rose Bowl game is watched in California by millions of handball fans . ________
32. There is a lot of public concern about drinking and driving on New Year’s Eve. ________
33. The phrase “ with a bang” in the first paragraph could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. in a very exciting way B. with a lot of noise C. with a loud noise D. in a noisy way
34. Which of the following is not true?
A. New Year’s Day is a national holiday.
B. Americans usually watch TV on New Year’s Day.
C. In many cities, people can take a taxi or a bus free of charge on New Year’s Eve.
D. On January 1, people have to make changes in their lives.
*Answers: 29._______30.________31.________32._______33._____________34._____________
VII. Rearranging sentences (0.5pt)
35. comes from a kind / was in Europe / The word jeans /of material that/./
36. response from your company / I look forward / you and seeing good / to hearing from/./
35. _____________________________________________________________________
36. ____________________________________________________________________
IX. Rewrite the sentence (1.0pt)
37. The boy feels sick because he eats too many cakes.
38. It’s necessary for everybody to clean up their neighborhood once a week.
39. “Is there a taxi coming now?” asked my friend.
40. Hue, the former capital of Viet Nam, is acknowledged as The World’s Cultural Heritage.
37. If the boy _______________________________________________________________
38. Everybody _______________________________________________________________
39. My friend asked ___________________________________________________________
40. Hue, which _______________________________________________________________

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
I. Choose one word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. (0.5pt)
1. A.purpose B. remote C. control D. respond
2. A.entertainment B. education C. development D. interactive
II. Choose one word whose underline part is pronounced differently. (0.5pt)
3. A. provision B. environment C. division D. dissolve
4. A.pleased B. smoked C. stopped D. missed
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best completes each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. At the airport, _____________ is given to pregnant women and the disabled.
A. consideration B. precaution C. alert D. priority
6. Pompeii was completely _______________ in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
A. destroyed B. struck C. collapsed D. erupted
7. This dictionary is written in two languages. It is a ______________dictionary.
A. international B. bilingual C. foreign D. unique
8. Are you ______ teaching on Saturday mornings this term?
A. enjoy B. likely C. busy D. expected
9. I hope _______ to know this beautiful city better.
A. to have B. to get C. to need D. to appear
10. Do you mind if I ________________ ?
A. Smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke
11. The hotel has nationwide reputation ______________ good service.
A. of B. on C. for D. about
12. The Lunar New Year normally comes _______ late January or early February.
A. at B. in C. on D. since
13. “Would you like to come and visit HCM City next summer?” - “ __________________”
A. I would like to go there. C. Not at all.
B. That would be great. D. That’s right.
14. You like watching sport, don’t you? - _______________.
A. Not really. I prefer drama. B. Yes, I prefer drama.
C. Yes, I don’t think I like sport. D. No, I’m not.
IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer. (A, B, C, D) for each sign traffic. (0.5pt)
15. What does the sign say?
A. Roundabout
B. Railroad crossing
C. Crossroads
D. Construction
16. The sign says:
A. Be careful with slippery road surface.
B. Falling rocks ahead here.
C.Road constructions ahead here.
D.Riverbank with no barrier ahead.
V. Use the correct forms of the word given in each sentence (1.5 pt)
17. The language of _____________________is Bahasa Malaysia. (instruct)
18. She enjoyed the _____________________atmosphere in the mosque. (peace)
19. English is a _____________________ second language in Malaysia. (compel)
20. The editor welcomes _____________________ from readers on any subject. (correspond)
21. I’m not _____________________ supposed to be here. (office)
22. The company is investing $10 million _____________________its factories. (modern)
VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5pt)
23. that family members/ a celebration/ Tet is so important/ try to come back home/ living apart/./
24. and developing nations/ the rivers and seas/ for polluting/ Both developed/ are responsible/./
VII. Read the following passage. (1.5pt)

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
There is a list of interesting jobs that we'll never have again, and a town crier is, of course, on
the list. It’s been a long time since town criers worked professionally, so there are not many people
knowing who town criers were. Today we can only see them in the movies or at some old tourist
sites. Before newspapers were invented, a town crier, who was usually an older gentleman with a
booming voice, always dressed officially and had a little bell which he carried with him always. His
job was to go through city streets ringing the bell and shouting the latest news as he was walking.
The occupation of the town crier was quickly replaced by radio, television, texting, internet,
and all the marvels of modern technology. Today this occupation exists only for entertaining
purposes and as local folklore. Competitions for the best town criers are still being held in some parts
of the world like America, Australia, Canada and England.

25. A lot of people now work as professional town criers. _________

26. Today people can get to know about town criers in films and at some tourist attractions.
27. Town criers had worked professionally before mass media were invented.
28. Town criers used to wear casual clothes when working.
29. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The birth of town crying B. Town crying, an extinct job
C. Town criers and modern technology D. Town crying for entertainment
30. It can be inferred from the passage that town criers used to ________.
A. live in a town square. B. be waited and welcomed to town
C. make loud deep sounds. D. take part in competitions in western
VIII. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage (1.5pt)
Many countries in Asia, such as Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, are very
(31)____________ to the Pacific Rim, which is known as the “Ring of Fire”. These countries are
affected by more earthquakes and volcanoes than (32)____________ else in the world. People in these
countries may experience landslides, liquid rock, ash and tidal waves (33)_____________ a result. In
June 1991, Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted. (34)_____________ scientist’s advance
warning of the eruption, hundreds of people were killed. The area around the volcano was badly
damaged. Flows of very hot ash, and liquid rock (35)______________ people to run away from the
area. They were not able to go back (36)_____________ several months afterwards.
31. A. familiar B. nearly C. close D. distant
32. A. wherever B. nowhere C. anywhere D. somewhere
33. A. at B. for C. as D. by
34. A. Despite B. In spite C. Although D. While
35. A. made B. forced C. enabled D. kept
36. A. since B. in C. before D. until
IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as
the sentence printed before it. (1.0pt)
37. We are eager to make a trip to the countryside this July.
We are looking ..............................................................................................................................
38. It’s two months since we last saw a movie.
We haven’t ....................................................................................................................................
39. Stop using the computer after 10 P.M.
You must shut ...............................................................................................................................
40. “Would you like to have dinner with me on Sundays?” Nam said to Hoa
 Nam invited ..................................................................................................................................

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
ĐỀ 5:
Thời gian 90 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
I.Choose the word whose main stress or sound is different from the others (1.0 pt)
1. A. image B. idea C. alive D. express
2. A. distinguish B. consider C. nominate D. description
3. A. benefit B. develop C. convenient D. expensive
4. A. national B. tornado C. volcanic D. character
II/ Choose the word / phrase( A,B,C,D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (3 pts)
5. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are natural_________________.
A. destruction B. disasters C. dangers D. resources
6. It’s time he ________________to school.
A. goes B. will go C. went D. has to go
7.They have to get ready for the fashion show,______________they?
A. have B. haven’t C. do D. don’t
8. The hotel has nationwide________________for good service.
A. dormitory B. fee C. reputation D. food
9. Vietnamese is famous ______________its beautiful views and excellent food.
A. in B. by C. with D. for
10 .Energy can be collected by solar ______________.
A. boards B. panels C. bars D. sheets
11. ____________pumped directly into the sea pollutes our oceans.
A. Raw sewage B. Garbage bin C. Water D. Treasure
12. English_____________widely _________in this country nowadays.
A. is/speaking B. is/spoken C. was/spoken D. is/spoke
13. “Let me introduce myself. I’m Mai.” – “__________”
A. Nice to see you again. C. I’m very pleased.
B. It’s my pleasure. D. Pleased to meet you.
14.. Tom: “____________” Jerry: “ I’d rather you didn’t”
A. Would you like a drink ? B.Can I help you ?
C. Let’s have a pizza ! D. Would you mind if I smoked ?
15. What does the sign say?

11. A. We should wash our hand carefully to prevent virus.
B. We should wear gloves to prevent virus.
C. We should leave our gloves
D. We shouldn’t wash our hands.

What does the sign say?

A. Wearing helmet is prohibited.
B. Wearing helmet is not good.
C. Wearing helmet should be optional.
D. Safety helmet must be worn.

III/ Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence: (1.5 pt)
17/ Learning Maths at school is ________________. (compel)
18/ The worldwide ________________ situation got worse in the 1990s. (economy)
19/ The hotel is __________________located far from the downtown area. (convenience )
20/ Thousands of hectares of forests are ______________ each year. (destruction)
21/ Would you like to go ______________with us on Sunday ? (picnic)
22/ He has become one of the most courageous _______________ in the world.  (mountain)

IV/ Read the passage and choose A,B,C,D for each of the following gaps. (1.5 pt)
Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear of problems (23)_____ the environment
and what a list of problems! - Pollution, acid rain, global (24)_____, the destruction of rainforests and other
DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
wild habitats, the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants, and so on.
Nowadays, most of us know that these threats exist and that humans have caused them. Many of us are very
worried (25)_____ the future of our planet and (26)_______ we can find a way of solving the problems we
have made then the environment will suffer even more.
It all sounds so depressing - but we certainly mustn’t despair! Everyone of us, whatever age we are,
do something to help to slow down and reverse some of the (27)______. We cannot leave the problem-
solving entirely to the experts. We all have (28) _________ for our environment.
23. A. are affecting B. affecting C. affect D. affected
24. A. warm B. warmth C. warming D. warmly
25. A. about B. in C. for D. at
26. A. if B. unless C. although D. because
27. A. result B. frequency C. damage D. need
28. A. prevention B. responsibility C. protection D. priority
V/ Read the passage, then finish the tasks below(1,5pt)
Covid-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by the new corona virus. The first it outbreaks in
Wuhan city of China and then breaks out and spreads to many countries around the world. Covid-19 has
killed so many people. The disease is spread by foam shot and exposure. People who are infected or
suspected of being infected should be isolated and treated at least for 14 days. We should know how to
protect ourselves and our family and community by: wearing a mask when going out, avoiding crowded
places, washing our hands often with soap or disinfectants, strengthening resistance.
We should get tested if there is a manifestation of cough, fever, chest pain, or sore throat. We
should join hands with the community to prevent covid-19.
A. Decide the statements True or False :
29. Covid-19 first appears in Hong Kong,China. ________
30. A few people died of this disease. ________
31. The infected people should be isolated and treated for at least two weeks. ________
32. Covid-19 is only spread in the Asia. ________
B. Read the passage again and choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D) :
33. What is the passage referred to?
A. Corona virus disease 2019 B. Lung cancer C. Broken heart disease D. Strange virus 2019
34. What should we do to prevent covid-19?
A. Wear mask when going out B. Avoid crowded places
C. Wash our hands with soap or disinfectants D. All are correct
VI/Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences (0.5 pt)
35. we arrived home / We were lucky / very late / and / that evening./ to catch the last bus /
 ............................................................................................................................................................
36. a hard-working week. / to mountain resorts / Many people go / after/ to have a rest /
 ............................................................................................................................................................
VII/ Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it . (1 .0 pt)
37/ We do not study as well as they do.
 They ……………………………………………………………………………………
38/ It is ten years since my father saw his brother.
 My father hasn’t ……………………………………………………………………...
39/ Today is not Sunday.We can’t go to the seaside.
 If………………………………………………………………………………………...
40/ “Are you enjoying your English class,Nam? Ann said
 Ann asked me …………………………………………………………………………
The end

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
I. Choose the word that the underlined letter is different from others: (0.5pt)
1. A. leisure B. pleasure C. television D. pressure
2. A. bill B. bulb C. plumber D. label
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern: (0.5pt)
3. A. priority B. congratulate C. nomination D. particular
4. A. product B. invent C. inform D. select
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits the space in each sentence: (2.5pts)
5. If our house is covered ………… trees and flowers, we’ll enjoy beauty, shades and fresh air.
A. to B. for C. with D. by
6. Due to spread of corona virus, workers are always measured their ………… before entering
the workplace.
A. temperature B. body C. weight D. height
7. Ho Chi Minh will ………… the cloud and wind tomorrow.
A. experiences B. warn C. hit D. expect
8. A great ………… caused over 50,000 people in Ethiopia to die of starvation last month.
A. famine B. flood C. storm D. fire
9. It’s time you ………… to study harder to pass the final exam.
A. try B. tried C. will try D. to try
10. The blind man and the boy ………… are walking along the street live next door to me.
A. which B. whom C. why D. that
11. The inhabitants wrote a letter of complaint to the local ………… about the noise from the
A. author B. authorities C. authority D. authorized
12. A: I have something ………… to tell you. – B: Go ahead. I’m listening to you.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly
13. Lan: That’s an excellent drawing. – Hoa: . ……………
A. Yes, I think so. B. Well done.
C. It’s very nice of you to say so. D. That’s a good idea.
14. A: Thank you very much for that! – B:………………
A. Well, you’re welcome. B. Well, of course.
C. Thank you. D. I don’t mind.
IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A,B,C or D): (0.5pt)
15. A. You should wear uniforms. B. You should wear blouse.
C. You should wear protective clothing. D. Don’t wear protective suit.

16. A. Use hair net. B. Use high visibility jacket.

C. Use adjustable guard. D. Use handrails.

V. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False: (1.5pts)
We can develop alternative sources of energy, and unless we try we’ll never succeed. Instead of
burning fossil fuels, we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity, because
electricity can be produced from any sources of energy.
If we didn’t waste so much energy, our resources would last longer. We can save more energy
by conservation than we can produce for the same money. Unless we do research on solar
energy, wind power, tidal power, hydroelectric plants … our fossil fuels will run out and we’ll
all freeze and starve to death.
Many countries are spending much more time and money on research because the energy from
the sun, the waves and the winds last forever. We really won’t survive if we don’t start working
on cleaner and safer sources of energy.
17. Electricity can be produced from any sources of energy. ……
18. We will all freeze and starve to death if we don’t try to develop alternative sources of
energy. ……
19. The energy from the sun, the waves and the winds are limited. ……

DET of Bình Tân District The Entrance Examination 10 Practice Test –4-2021
20. We will survive if we don’t start working on cleaner and safer sources of energy. ……
21. In the context of the passage, what does the word “conservation” mean?
A. the act of preventing something from being wasted B. the protect of the natural
C. the act of finding alternative sources of energy D. the act of burning fossil fuels
22. The word “run out” could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. be used up B. run away C. disappear D. be rare
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answers: (1.5pts)
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is also the highest trash pile in the world.
About 400 people try to ………………………… (23) the summit every year. The large number
of climbers also means a lot of trash. It is very dangerous to climb Mt. Everest. The air is very
thin and cold. Most people carry bottles of oxygen; they could die …………………………
(24) oxygen. When the oxygen bottles are ……………………………… (25), people throw
them on the ground. When …………………………… (26) winds rip their tents, people leave
them behind. They don’t have the energy to …………………………… (27) their trash away.
They only have enough energy to go down the mountain …………………………… (28).
Trash is a terrible problem. Since people first began to climb Mt. Everest, they have left 50,000
kilos of trash on the mountain. Several groups have climbed the mountain just to pick up the
23. a. reach b. take c. bring d. get
24. a. with b. without c. at d. for
25. a. full b. hurry c. empty d. strong
26. a. weak b. strong c. exciting d. ready
27. a. take b. put c. get d. make
28. a. dangerous b. safe c. dangerously d. safely
VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence: (1.5pts)
29. We could take the train or …………………………………. go by car. (alternate)
30. The use of light and dark ……………………………… good and evil. (symbol)
31. How often do you go…………………………… in the woods. (hike)
32. They are too young and ………………… to recognize the danger of drugs. (experience)
33. The teacher stressed the need for regular …………………. (attend)
34. I find her story about UFOs hardly ……………………………… (believe)
VIII. Rearrange these words to make complete sentences: (0.5pt)
35. it is called / storm reaches 120 / a typhoon / When a tropical / kilometers per hour, /./
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………
36. to be proud / Wearing uniforms / of their school / encourages students / of being students /./
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

IX. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with words given: (1.0pt)
37. We couldn’t go to work yesterday due to the snowy weather.
 Because the…………………….…………………………………………………………
38. Putting the garbage into the dustbins is one solution to minimizing pollution.
 If you……………………………………………………………………………………
39. He is such a slow speaker that his students get bored.
 He speaks ………………………………………………………………………………
40. I have difficulty in finding a better solution.
 I find it …………………………………………………………………………………

I. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. (0,5pt)
1. A. hurricane B. disaster C. eruption D. destruction
2. A. performance B. amazement C. architect D. impressive
II. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. (0,5pt)
3. A. location B. organization C. forward D. dormitory
4. A. missed B. raised C. watched D. laughed
III. Choose the word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (3,0pts)
5. Recycling one aluminum can save enough __________ to power a TV for three hours.
A. money B. energy C. run D. innovation
6. Woman: “Excuse me, where’s Nguyen Hue Street, please?” - Man: “___________”
A. OK, so long. B. Yes, that’s correct.
C. Over there, I think. D. I think you’re right.
7. Workers like wearing jeans because they don’t ____________ easily.
A . wear off B. make off C. wear out D. make out
8. How much time do you spend surfing the web a day? Please ____________ to these questions.
A. respond B. going C. wasting D. watching
9. Express Money Transfer is one of the fastest ways _______________ helps us to send money.
A. where B. who C. that D. whose
10. “I won the first prize in the last spelling contest.” –“ __________ “
A.It’s nice of you B. Congratulations!
C. Good luck! D. Try harder next time
11. When typhoon comes, we should tie the_____________ to the ground with pegs and ropes.
A. shoe B. cat C. roof D. rope
12. Hurricane Andrew ______________ through southern Florida in 1992.
A. swept B. arrived C. reached D. hit
13. The hurricane took several days to blow itself ______________.
A. down B. out C. off D. in
14. Children often receive chocolate or sugar eggs ………………Easter Day.
A. at B. in C. on D. with
15. What does this sign mean?
A. Wear face mask , please B. Wear face shield
C. Wear hard hat D. Wear safety helmet

16. What does this sign mean ?

A. no turn left B. no entry
C. no overtaking D. no U- turn

IV. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1,5 pts)
17. This edition ________________ a little from the first one. (variety)
18. Today, English is considered a _____________ language. (globe)
19. People use the Internet for _____________ ___. (entertain)
20. Nha Trang always attracts more and more ___________________. (sightseeing)
21. It was ________________ exciting that U23 won the silver medal of Asia cup this year. (surprise)
22. The most ______________earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama.(disaster)
V. Rearranging the words or phrases to make a complete sentence. (0,5 pt)
23. occur in Asia / Tropical storms/ known as typhoons/ in English frequently /which are /./
24. and high social position/ Someone /is usually respected very much /who gets good knowledge /./
VI. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5 pts)

These are some great ways for you to find (25) __________ people to make friend. If you like this topic,
try searching for a location where you can meet people (26) __________ share that interest.
Firstly, the good place may be a church, Mosque, temple or other house of worship is a great place to start
since you at least have a religious faith in common. (27) ______, if you enter a religious building, remember
to be respectful in the house of their God. Secondly, you should (28) ________ a sports team. Do not worry
that you are not really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others because as (29)
_______ as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates with a warm attitude could be a great way to
make new friends. Finally, Volunteering is also a good way for people of all ages to meet others. By working
together, you have (30) ______ to share each other your experience and feeling. Of course, friendship can be
gradually built.
25. A. the other B. another C. other D. others
26. A. whose B. which C. whom D. who
27. A. However B. Therefore C. Even if D. Although
28. A. participate B. join C. take part D. book
29. A. much B. well C. soon D. long
30. A. time B. chances C. places D. money
VII. Read the passage then finish the tasks below. (1,5 pts)
On July 20th, 1969, the Apollo 11 was launched. The astronauts on board of the spacecraft were Neil
Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.
On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. He was followed by Aldrin 40
minutes later. To walk on the moon surface, the astronauts need to wear a spacesuit with a portable life
support system. This controlled the oxygen, temperature and pressure inside the spacesuit.
Armstrong and Aldrin spent a total of two and a half hours on the moon’s surface. They performed a
variety of experiments and collected soil and rock samples to return to the Earth. An American flag was left
on the moon’s surface as a reminder of the achievement.
A. Read then decide to write True or False (1,0 pt)
31. There were 11 astronauts on board the spacecraft to the moon. ________
32. The astronauts landed on the moon’s surface at the same time. ________
33. The astronauts had to wear a suitcase with oxygen in it. ________
34. An American flag was placed on the moon’s surface after the moon landing. ________
B. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) (0,5 pt)
35. The word “They” refers to _______.
A. the experiments B. the space crafts C. the astronauts D. the samples
36. The main topic of the passage is _______.
A. The human interest in the moon. B. The first human moon landing.
C. An American flag was placed on the moon. D. The portable life support system.
VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences:(1,0 pt)
37. I can not study as well as my older brother.
 My older brother __________________________________________________
38. The boy hasn’t visited his grandparents for two months.
The boy last __________________________________________________________
39. My teacher said, “Why don’t we keep the schoolyard clean?
 My teacher suggested that the school yard __________________________________
40. The careful plumbers fixed the pipes in my house yesterday.
The plumbers _________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others (0.5pt)
1. A.collapse B. practical C. damage D. fashionable
2. A. environment B. widely C. pesticide D. littering
Answers: 1. _________ 2. _________
II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others (0.5 pt)
3. A. nominate B. distinguish C. dynamite D. entrance
4. A. celebration B. necessity C. reputation D. unpolluted
Answers: 3. _________ 4. _________
III. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank or answer the questions.
5. We should develop such sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy.
A. alternative B. traditional C. surprised D. hopeful
6. My whole family usually tries to at Tet.
A. Communicate B. get on C. put on D. get together
7. Tornadoes can anything that is in their path.
A. put down B. give out C. suck up D. laugh at
8. Plastic bags, paper and bottles should be ____________ for recycling.
A. Collect B. collected C. collecting D. collects
9. Auld Lang Syne is a song is sung on New Year’s Eve.
A. It B. that C. who D. whose
10. The students have to wear uniforms at school, ?
A. do they B. doesn’t he C. don’t they D. haven’t they
11. lots of difficulties, he ultimately succeeds in his project.
A. Although B. In spite of C. Despite of D. Because
12. _________ the first and second nights of Passover, people eat a special meal called Seder.
A. At B. In C. On D. Since
13. Customer: “Could you bring me some water, waiter?” _ Waiter: “ ”
A. Yes, I’d love to. B. Certainly, sir. C. It’s very kind of you D. No, I can’t.
14. Son: “Would you like some more soup?” _ Father: “ ”
A. No, thanks. Well done. C. That soup tastes very good.
B. Thank you very much. It’s my pleasure. D. Uh, well… just a little. Thanks.
15. What does this sign mean?
A. Drive fast C. Steep hill
B. Roundabout D. Mountain

16. What does this sign mean?

A. Only three people can use the elevator.
B. There is an elevator in this area.
C. The elevator is full of people.
D. There are lots of people in the elevator.
IV. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5pt)
17. They saved the paintings from _______________. (destroy)
18. Our team played very _______________ last week. We lost. (success)
19. Those who disobey the ________________ helmet rule will be fined. (compel)
20. Many designers have taken ___________ from Vietnam’s ethnic minorities. (inspire)
21. This village has been since last year. (electric)
22. People need to increase their daily ____________ of fruit and vegetables. (consume)
V. Read the passage. Then decide which option best fits each blank. (1.5pt)
One of the (23) things that can happen on our earth is an earthquake. When earthquakes take
place near large cities, many people may be killed and many buildings are (24) ____down. Fire may
start and (25) more damage than the quake itself. Earthquake comes (26) a shaking of the

rocks under the surface of the earth. Forces within the earth push against the rocks until they break. We
cannot tell exactly (27) an earthquake is coming, but we can know places on the (28)
where they happen most often.
23. A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst
24. A. knocked B. cut C. caused D. put
25. A. do B. make C. take D. pay
26. A. to B. from C. through D. in
27. A. while B. when C. before D. after
28. A. world B. country C. earth D. space
VI. Read the passage, then decide if the statements are True or False (1.5pt)
Environment is something new to many people because they simply think that it is the place where
they are living. Actually it is everything around us including the sea, land, air with all the creatures and
so on. Anything we can imagine may belong to the environment! Therefore, people may feel shocked
when they learn that we are polluting the environment at the moment we are breathing out. It doesn’t
mean that in order to keep the environment clean and unpolluted, we have to stop breathing. Of course,
it is impossible. What we really need to understand is that our activities all affect the environment and
we should have little impact on the environment. We never know whether we are doing right or wrong
to the environment until the disasters happens. We have learnt many lessons from our wrong doings.
However, some could not be repaired because the damage was so great. It is time we realized that we
are only a part of the environment, not the boss.
29. According to the author, the environment is the place where we are living.
30. We have to stop breathing in order to keep the environment unpolluted.
31. We are not sure whether or not we are doing the good thing to the environment.
32. It can be inferred that people did lots of bad things to the environment.
33. The sentence “We have learnt many lessons from our wrong doings” means:
A. People have suffered from consequences of what they had done to the environment.
B. People have learnt many things from the environment.
C. Wrong doings have helped people learn many interesting lessons.
D. All things from wrong doings haven’t affected people .
34. The main purpose of the passage is:
A. To remind people about the danger of nature.
B. To make people be aware of the importance of the environment.
C. To help people distinguish between right and wrong.
D. To confirm the importance of people to nature.
Answers: 29. _____ 30. _____ 31. ______ 32. _____ 33. _____ 34. ______
VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences (0.5pt)
35. a long silk tunic/Ao dai consists of/ on the sides and worn/ over loose pants. /that is slit
36. the city and /really impressed by/ Emma was /the friendliness of its people. /the beauty of
.……………… ………............……………………………………………...........
VIII. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (1pt)
37. My mother cooked the meal yesterday. It was very delicious.
 The meal which ___________________________________________________
38. Nowadays, the young people don’t read as much as the elder used to in the past.
 The elder people used to read ________________________________________
39. How about installing solar panels to reduce electricity bill?
 I suggested that we ________________________________________________
40. Don’t watch too much TV or you won’t be healthy.
 If _______________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three: (0.5 pt)
1. A. celebration                  B. plumber                   C. bulb                          D. blanket
2. A. covered                       B. installed                   C. described                 D. decorated
II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others: (0.5 pt)
3. A. benefit B. violent C. deposit D. article
4. A. government B. minority C. wonderful D. internet
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. Tornado can suck __________ anything that is in their path.
A. on B. of C. up D. at
6. They’re aware __________ saving energy and can save a lot of money every month.
A. of B. in C. on D. from
7. The boys gave their friends some posters __________ they bought yesterday.
A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
8. Daisy is very nice, __________ all her friends love her very much.
A. and B. so C. but D. however
9. If you want to save money, you should __________ the amount of water your family uses.
A. increase B. reduce C. adapt D. repair
10. She got a __________ to check all the water pipes in her house.
A. piper B. plumber C. tinker D. electrician
11. You don’t like English food. What about __________ Chinese food?
A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. to eating
12. What can you do in your school __________ pollution?
A. minimize B. minimizing C. to minimize D. minimized
13. – “Well done.” – “__________”
A. You’re welcome B. Thanks C. It’s very nice D. That’s fine
14. A: “I passed the driving test last Sunday.” – B: “_____________”
A. With pleasure. B. Congratulations. C. Have a good time. D. You’re welcome.
IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 15 and 16 (0.5 pt)
15. What does the sign say?
A. Don’t turn off water. C. Save water.
B. Turn on taps after using. D. A & B are correct.

16. What does the sign say?

A. Run away quickly. B. Do not go this way.
C. Use stairs when there is a fire. D. Fire can burn your body.
V. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 17 to 20 are True or False and choose the
correct answers (A, B, C, or D) for questions 21 and 22. (1.5 pts)
We can develop alternative sources of energy, and unless we try we’ll never succeed. Instead of burning
fossil fuels we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity, because electricity can be
produced from any sources of energy.
If we didn't waste so much energy, our resources would last longer. We can save more energy by
conservation than we can produce for the same money. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power,
tidal power, hydroelectric plants . . . our fossil fuels will run out and we'll all freeze or starve to death.
Many countries are spending much more time and money on research because the energy from the sun,
the waves, and the winds last forever. We really won't survive unless we start working on cleaner and safer
sources of energy.
17. _________We’ll never succeed in developing alternative sources of energy if we do not try.
18. _________We shouldn’t use electricity.
19. _________The energy from the sun, the waves and the winds last forever.
20. _________We will survive if we don’t start working on cleaner and safer sources of energy.
21. The word "run out" could be best replaced by which of the following?

A. be used up B. run away C. disappear D. be
22. What will happen if we don't try to develop alternative sources of energy?
A. We'll never be successful people. B. We will all freeze or starve to death.
C. Our resources would last longer D. We can save more energy.
VI. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (2.0 pts)
When Malaysia became (23) _______, Malay language was chosen as the national language. The
reason (24) _______ this choice is that it is the language of the Malays who are the natives of Malaysia. The
government of Malaysia takes pride in promoting this language among all the races in Malaysia. The
Chinese, The Indians and other non-Malay communities have accepted the decision of the government. It is
the official language (25) ________ the country. In Malaysia, the national language is (26) _______the
Bahasa Malaysia. It is the language of (27) _______in schools. Since the introduction of Malay in schools, it
has become the most (28) _______used language in Malaysia.
23. A. independence B. independ C. dependent D. independent
24. A. for B. in C. since D. at
25. A. in B. to C. of D. for
26. A. called B. calling C. named D. name
27. A. instruction B. instructors C. teachers D. compulsion
28. A. wide B. widen C. widely D. widening
VII. Use correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
29. What are western _______________ interested in? (consumers)
30. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save _______________. (electricity)
31. Giving up smoking _______________ the risk of heart disease. (reduces)
32. A complaint letter should be ended _______________. (politely)
33. She gave a _______________ laugh. (joyful)
34. It was _______________ of him to offer to pay for us both. (generous)
VIII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. / / / / /./
 Many scientists and doctors have been working with sophisticated technology to develop robotic limbs
that can be attached to humans

36. / / / / /./
 Online shopping is a quick and convenient way to purchase things and is becoming more and more

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1.0 pt)
37. It takes Minh 2 hours to do his homework every day.
 Minh spends 2 hours doing his homework every day..
38. No one in my class is more intelligent than Lan.
 Lan is the most intelligent student in my class.
39. It’s two years since I last spoke to her.
 I have not spoken to her for two years.
40. We were late for school because of the heavy rain
 Since it rained heavily, we were late for school.
-- The end --

ĐỀ 10:
TRƯỜNG THCS-THPT NGÔI SAO Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không tính thời gian phát đề.
Choose the word that has different pronunciation from that of the others.
1. A. bushes B. wishes C. researches D. headaches
2. A. kissed B. pleased C. increased D. ceased
Choose the word that has different stress from that of the others.
3. A. disaster B. natural C. thunderstorm D. tropical
4. A. achieve B. deforest C. refresh D. sewage
Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
5. She is writing a letter to tell her brother a _____________of news.
A. piece B. group C. bar D. couple
6. We have done a lot of work on tenses lately and we now ______ most of the rules.
A. were understanding B. are understanding C. understand D. will understand
7. Mike is not feeling well, so we gave him ______ to do than you.
A. fewer B. little work C. less work D. least works
8. _______ my friends were unsuccessful at the job interviews.
A. Most B. The most of C. Most of D. Most out of
9. _______ hard it is, we’ll finish solving it before you come back.
A. No matter what B. How far C. No matter how D. Whichever
10. Be patient ________ you won’t succeed.
A. because B. or C. unless D. otherwise
11. Susan couldn’t help _________when I told her the joke.
A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. laughed
12. “Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?” – “________.”
A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I am so glad. C. Sorry, the seat is taken. D. Yes, yes. Just
sit here.
13. The policemen ________ him to go with them to the station.
A. let B. caused C. forced D. made
14. Listen to what I am saying, ________?
A. don’t you B. will you C. don’t you D. are you
Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign.
15. A. If you jump into the water head first, you may end up in hospital.
B. If you jump into the water head first, you won’t wake up in hospital.
C. This is not the place if you are scared of reptiles.
D. It may look shallow, but you can swim in it.
16. A. People who do not have permission to enter.
B. People who have permission to enter.
C. Only authorized personnel are allowed to enter this area.
D. Authorized personnel aren’t allowed to enter this area.
Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Singapore is an island nation in Southeast Asia. It (17) ____ one major island and more than 50
small adjacent islets. Singapore is one of (18) _____ important port cities and commercial centers of
Southeast Asia. Singapore has a wet tropical (19) _____. The average temperature is about 27.2°C.
Considered as one of the Asia’s four Dragon, Singapore has one of the highest standards (20) ____ living
of any country in Asia. The economy (21) ____ heavily on exports, particularly in consumer electronics
and information technology products. Singapore has one of the largest international airports in Asia, and a
26-km rail line that crosses Johore Strait and link with the Malaysian railroad system. Singapore has been
considered by international travelers as an exciting travel (22) ______.
17. A. contents B. comprises C. consists D. connects
18. A. the more B. the most C. the better D. the less

19. A. weather B. temperature C. climate D. atmosphere
20. A. for B. on C. into D. of
21. A. belongs B. depends C. base D. prevents
22. A. point B. arrival C. destination D. departure
Read the passage then finish the tasks below.
People in Beijing cannot see the sun because the air is full of smog (a mixture of smoke and fog).
The smog is so thick that it blocks the sun all day. People really miss seeing the sun. Beijing's leaders
decided to put giant LED screens across the city. People stand in front of the digital screens and watch the
sunrise. The screen in Tiananmen Square also had a special message on it. It was a public announcement
that read: "Protecting the atmosphere and environment is everyone's responsibility." This is really a hit with
tourists. One from Mexico said: "It looks like science fiction. It's kind of cool, but it's also worrying." The
air quality in China's cities often becomes bad in winter. People burn more coal for heating in the winter
months. This causes more pollution. Many workers wore face masks on their way to work. They did not
want to breathe the poisonous air. One man told reporters: "I couldn't see the tall buildings across the street
this morning. The smog has become worse in the last two to three years. I often cough and my nose is
always running''.
 Decide the sentences True or False.
23. The smog in Beijing is too thick for people to watch the sunrise. ________
24. The giant screen which is in Tiananmen Square is the only one in Beijing. ________
25. The message on the giant screen told people to care for the Earth. ________
26. Tourists are interested in watching the sunrise on such a giant screen. ________
 Choose the correct answers:
27. Many people avoid breathing the poisonous air by _________
A. burning more coal in winter. B. wearing masks.
C. heating in the winter months. D. complaining to reporters about the pollution.
28. The main focus of this passage is __________
A. life in Beijing. B. the tourists and the atmosphere in Beijing.
C. air pollution in Beijing. D. giant digital screens in Beijing.
Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
29. _____________ issues, such as cliff erosion and pollution, directly affect people’s lives.
30. We have many well- ____________ teachers here. (qualified)
31. This book is not so big but it is ________________. (informative)
32. Male mosquitoes are completely _____________ - It's only the females that bite. (harmless)
33. The internet has helped students study more _______________. (effectively)
34. Each of us must take __________________ for our own actions. (responsibility)
Arrange these words or phrases into their correct order.
35. / / / / . /
we are making a prawn salad which is a favorite of mine.
36. I have to get up / concentrate on my work. /at 4 am because / when I can/ it’s the only time
I have to get up at 4 am because it’s the only time when I can concentrate on my work.
Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same.
37. Singing the national anthem in schools on Mondays is compulsory for teachers and students.
It is compulsory for teachers and students to sing the national anthem in schools on Mondays
38. They wanted the doctor to test his eyes.
They had the doctor test his eyes.
39. I wish I could speak English fluently.
It’s a pity I can’t speak English fluently.
40. The teacher said, “All the homework must be done carefully.”
The teacher said that all the homework had to be done carefully.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. environment B. provide C. pesticide D. litter
2. A. played B. looked C. laughed D. stopped
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. decorate B. nominate C. generous D. disaster
4. A. activity B. priority C. academic D. experience
III. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the space in each sentence (3 pts)
5. Passover is a festival __________ is celebrated by all Jewish people.
A. where B. which C. who D. when
6. If you wake up late, you’ll _________the school bus.
A. pass B. miss C. express D. improve
7. The sale of cigarettes to the people under 18 is ___________ by law.
A. preserved B. prohibited C. protected D. interacted
8. “I won the first prize in the last spelling contest.” –“ __________”
A. Congratulations! B. Good luck! C. Try your best! D. It's nice of you
9. "Thanks for the nice gift!" - "_________"
A. I'm glad you like it. B. Good luck.
C. Congratulations! D. OK.
10. Donald Trump, ___________ is the 45 and current President of the US, used to be a famous
A. what B. who C. which D. when
11. The field will be full __________ plastic and tins if all the pollution goes on.
A. on B. of C. with D. to
12. Don’t talk in class, ______________you? The teacher is explaining the lesson
A. do B. don’t C. will D. won’t
13. The material is strong. It does not _____________ out easily.
A. take B. find C. come D. wear
14. Nowadays, many Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern____________ at work.
A. clothes B. cloth C. cloths D. clothing
15. A. Free wireless internet.
B. No wifi here.
C. Free wifi available.
D. No horn.
16. A. No parking.
B. Road work.
C. Road narrow ahead.
D. Switch off your cell phone.
IV. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. (1.5pt)
17. They have a strong sense of ___________________ in their work. (proud)
18. The ____________ asked the bride and the groom to take photos with their guests.
19. Many people say that Sydney is one of the most ___________ cities in the world.
20. I want to be a _______________. (law)
21. She seemed ____________________ with her preparations for Tet. (satisfy)
22. _______________, it is English that helps you apply for a good job. (ultimate)
V. Use the suggested words to arrange the complete sentences (0.5 pt)

23. / wake up early / tomorrow morning / I have to / my English test / and study for /./
→ ___________________________________________________________
24. help people talk to / with others /Teamwork skills / and share information effectively/ ./
→ ___________________________________________________________
VI. Read the text then do the True/False task (1.5 pt)
Today's teenagers spend a lot of their free time using the Internet. They use it for many reasons.
Some keep a blog which is a kind of online diary where they post about their daily lives, hobbies, or
special experiences. Social networking sites are also a big part of modern teenagers' lives. They
simple fill in a profile and then choose a username. After that, they can use them to chat with their
friends and to post photos. They also like to comment on other users' posts. Teenagers don't need to
use a computer because they can download apps on their smartphones. This means they can chat or
use the Internet at school, home or even while hanging out with their friends. Life is very different
for today's teenagers.
25. Teenagers hate using the Internet. _________
26. Teenagers use Internet for many reasons. _________
27. Teenagers can only use the Internet at home. _________
28. Teenagers can use apps to learn a language. _________
29. What’s the passages mainly about?
A. Today teenagers' lives
B. The reasons for teenagers use Internet
C. Hobbies of teenagers
D. Education of teenagers
30. What are also a big part of modern teenagers' lives?
A. computer games C. social networking sites
B. books D. televisions
VII. Read the passages. Then choose A, B, C or D that best completes the passage. (1.5 pt)
Television first appeared some fifty years ago in the 1950s. Since then, it has been one of the most
popular sources of (31)_________ for both the old and the young. Television can actually satisfy
almost all kinds of taste. It (32)________ cartoons for children, world news, music and many other
programs. If someone is interested in sports, (33)_______, he can tune in to a sports channel. There
he can enjoy a (34)________ broadcast of an international football match. Television is also a very
useful way for companies to (35)_________ their products. It’s not (36)__________hard for us to
see why there is a TV set in almost every home today. And, engineers are developing interactive TV
which allows to communicate with viewers and producers.
31. A. entertain B. entertaining C. entertainment D. entertainer
32. A. offers B. responds C. invents D. explores
33. A. as a result B. therefore C. however D. for example
34. A. alive B. live C. lively D. life
35. A. advertise B. produce C. develop D. interact
36. A. such B. enough C. too D. very
VIII. Rewrite the following sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. (1.0 pts)
37. Lan doesn't learn Math as well as Hoa.
→ Lan wishes_____________________________________________________.
38. It's four years since he last ate noodles.
→ He hasn't ______________________________________________________.
39. She looks like her mother very much.
→ She takes_______________________________________________________.
40. Sarah is better at chemistry than Susan.
→ Susan isn't _______________________________________________________.
The end of the test

I. Pronunciation: (1pt)
A. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.
1. A. seat B. meat C. wear D. meal
2. A. increased B. collapsed C. promised D. advised
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
3. A. generous B. terrific C. priority D. effective
4. A. pesticide B. earthquake C. recycle D. dynamite
II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence or answer the question. (2.5 pts)
5. - “It’s a beautiful day. Shall we go to the beach?” – “_______ I have to prepare for the final test.”
A. Yeah. Why not? B. I would like that.
C. Count me out. D. A, B, and C are correct.
6. What aspect _______ learning English do you find the most difficult?
A. in B. for C. of D. to
7. What exactly is the influence of the Covid-19 outbreak _______ our lives?
A. on B. with C. in D. at
8. Do the stones need ____________ to another place?
A. to move B. move C. moving D. to moving
9. There are many ways for us to reduce energy ____________ at home.
A. consumption B. consumer C. power D. electricity
10. Nowadays the younger __________pays more attention to how to dress nicely than their parents did.
A. correspondence B. instruction C. fashion D. generation
11. LAN: I am having a trip to the countryside on the weekend. Would you like to come?
NAM: __________________
A. No, thanks. I feel better. B. I’d love to, but I can’t. I have another plan.
C. I think the countryside is a good place. D. I don’t like the countryside.
12. Learning a foreign language also includes learning the _____________ of that country.
A. scenery B. fame C. culture D. fashion
13. She is very tired; _______________, she has to finish her homework.
A. therefore B. moreover C. although D. however
14. You think Facebook is very useful, _________________?
A. don’t you B. aren’t you C. doesn’t it? D. isn’t it
III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign: (0.5pt)
15. What does the sign say?
A. Construction site ahead. B. Roundabout ahead.
C. Railroad ahead. D. Winding road ahead.
16. What does the sign say?
A. Please swing when you drive on this road.
B. Please take care as the road is uneven.
C. Please take care as the road is dark.
D. Please take care as the road is slippery.
IV. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)
17. ______________________are interested in protecting the green of the capital. (conserve)
18. The farmers are ____________________ their crops with pesticides. (pollution)
19. Nowadays, teenagers always try to be ________________________ of their parents. (depend)
20. The lazy boy is terribly afraid of his father then goes to school __________________. (compel)
21. Some of his _____________________ of the island are very detailed.  (describe)
22. She might be a rich kid, because she always wears ___________________ clothes. (fashion)
V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)
What is conservation? Conservation is the wise use of our natural resources. You know that plants are
(23)______ natural resources. Coal, oil and metal ores are examples of other natural resources. Natural resources

are the material (24) ______ in or on the earth that are useful to man. Then why should we use our natural
resources (25) ______?
We mine millions of tons of coal every year. We use millions of barrels of oil, we cut down thousands of acres
of (26) ______. But the earth produces only a (27) ______ amount of these natural resources. Coal and oil were
formed thousands of years ago, and the supply is gradually running out. That is why we must use our natural
resources as carefully and wisely as we can. We must make them last (28) ______ possible. Conservation is the
wise use of our natural resources.
23. A. useless B. harmless C. harmful D. valuable
24. A. taught B. bought C. found D. founded
25. A. carelessly B. cleverly C. clearly D. carefully
26. A. places B. forests C. areas D. regions
27. A. limited B. unlimited C. given D. taken
28. A. as long as B. as much as C. as well as D. as soon as
VI. Read the passage then finish the tasks below (1.5pt)
Solar power is energy from the Sun, which has been producing energy for billions of years, but only in recent
years this energy is being collected and changed into heat and electricity across the world.
The energy from the Sun has given power to all living things from humans or animals to other living organisms
through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis takes place when plants use the Sun's energy to make their own food,
and then of course, all other living organisms eat the plants or animals receiving that energy indirectly from the
However, collecting solar power to create electricity and heat is not easy like this. It requires solar panels which
are very expensive. Moreover, there are a couple problems with solar power collecting. Firstly, the amount of
sunlight will vary depending on location, time of day, year, and weather conditions. Secondly, the efficient way
to collect this energy is a difficult question which scientists are still working hard on.
In summary, solar power is a useful source of heat and electricity for the world, but there are some challenges to
overcome before it becomes the only source of energy for the world's needs.
A. Decide if the statements are True or False:
29. People have converted solar energy into electricity for a long time. _______
30. All living things in the world have been given energy from sunlight. _______
31. Solar energy resources vary by geographical location, time as well as weather conditions. _______
32. There are some difficulties in collecting solar energy. _______
B. Choose the correct answers:
33. Which of the following process best describes “photosynthesis”?
A. The Sun's energy used for electricity. B. Plants use sunlight to make their own food.
C. It is used by plants to take in oxygen. D. Earth is releasing energy into the air.
34. It can be inferred from the passage that:
A. It is easy to get solar power. B. There are some disadvantages of solar energy.
C. Solar energy is helpful for people. D. We should use solar energy to protect the environment.
VII. Rearrange the words or phrases to make complete sentences. (0.5pt)
35. with a rich source of / The internet / educational materials and courses / provides us /./
 ______________________________________________________________________
36. very popular today/ very easy/ because it/ around the world/ makes communication /Facebook has
become /./
 ______________________________________________________________________
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with words given. (1.0 pts)
37. The farmers continued to work despite the rain.
 The farmers went _____________________________________________________________
38. She started her career as a fashion designer two years ago.
 She has _____________________________________________________________________
39. It’s a pity that I won’t join your family on the trip to your home village
 I wish ______________________________________________________________________
40. Why don’t we keep the school yard clean?
 I suggest that the _____________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others. (0.5pt)
1. A. environment B population C. education D. inconvenience
2. A. predict B. measure C. happen D. differ
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. (0.5pt)
3. A. excited B. disappointed C. prepared D. decided
4. A. artificial B. cancel C. call D. congratulate
III. Choose the word/phrase A, B, C, or D that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5pts)
5. Other students______Thuy because she brought along her raincoat despite the fine weather.
A. shouted at B. turned down C. listened to D. laughed at
6. The weather is becoming hotter and hotter; ______________, my children often go swimming.
A. so B. therefore C. because D. however
7. Her father seldom writes letter,_________?
A. doesn’t he B. does he C. doesn’t she D. does she
8. Why don’t we put more effort in _________________ the endangered animals?
A. keeping B. encouraging C. preserving D. maintaining
9. Student A: “ Is this book good ?”
Student B: “___________________.”
A. Yes, I like reading B. I don’t have this one
C. Reading is my favorite D. I don’t know. I haven’t read it
10. - Sue: “ You have read that article on the website, haven’t you?’’
- Peter : ‘‘ __________”
A. Sure, Thanks B. Not at all ! Go ahead
C. Not yet. Why ? D. Yes, of course, I will
11. You should calm ____________and we will find out the best solution.
A. about B. up C. down D. from
12. ______________Saturday afternoons we usually play basketball.
A. On B. In C. At D. To
13. A tropical storm which reaches 120 kilometers per hour is called a __________In North and South
A. typhoon B. cyclone C. hurricane D. tornado
14. Maryam is the girl ____________ visited Lan and Nga last week.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
IV Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) for questions. (0.5pt)
15. What does this sign say?
A. Stop sign ahead B. Divided highway ahead
C. Construction ahead D. Rail road crossing ahead
16. What does this sign say?
A. You can see a lot of motor vehicles here. B. Motor vehicles aren’t allowed here.
C. You never use a motor or a car. D. You shouldn’t drive motor vehicles

V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pt)
17. It was__________ exciting that U23 won the silver medal of Asia cup this year. (surprise)
18. My Mom thinks that watching television is _____________. (consume)
19. What about ________all ordinary bulbs with energy -saving one to save electricity? (replacement)
20. They are old enough to be _______________________of their parents. (depend)
21. To get a good position in her company, she got a few ___________________. (qualify)
22. My friend has been nominated as one of the most effective ____ in the town charity program. (active)
VI. Read the passage then finish the tasks below. (1.5 pt)
Today almost everyone walking down the street has at least one mobile phone in their pocket. That is because
many mobile phones are upgraded every year around the world, and most people are interested in changing their
old mobile phone for a new one. There has been an estimated number of 90 million unwanted mobile phones in

the UK alone ! This mountain weighs around 12,000 tones, but only 5% of it is recycled. What makes us worried
most is that mobile phones contain harmful chemicals which are released into the environment when phones
begin to degrade and , in addition, large amounts of carbon dioxide are also produced during the manufacture of
phones. It seems that the more modern mobile phones become, the worse our environment gets.
A. Decide the sentences True or False (1.0 pt)
23. Mobile phones are modernized every year around the world . _________
24. Most people are keen on having a newer mobile phone . _________
25. About half of unwanted mobile phones in the UK are recycled . _________
26. Old mobile phones do no harm to the environment . _________
B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. (0.5 pt)
27. What is the passage mainly about ?
A. The manufacture of phones produces carbon dioxide .
B. There are more and more mobile phones in the world .
C. The modernization of mobile phones is necessary .
D. The modernization of mobile phones makes the environment worse .
28. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage ?
A. Modern mobile phones are worse for the environment than the older ones.
B. Mobile phones are getting cheaper .
C. Used mobile phones can pollute the environment .
D. People in the UK are very concerned to recycle old mobile phones .
VII. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pt)
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious. It is
complicated 29)__________ much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example exhaust from
automobiles causes a large percentage of air pollution.  But the automobile provides 30) __________ for
millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes the air and water but factories
give employment to a large 31) __________ of people.  
Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit
them. Most of the people do not want to do that, of course. But 32) __________ can be gradually reduced in
several ways. Scientists 33) __________ engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that
such things as automobiles and factories cause. 34) __________ can pass and enforce laws that require
businesses and traffic to stop, or to cut down on certain polluting activities.
29. A. but B. since C. although D. therefore
30. A. work B. jobs C. means D. transportation
31. A. number B. amount C. great D. lots
32. A. pollutants B. polluted C. pollution C. polluting
33. A. or B. and C. but D. so
34. A. School B. Family C. People D. Government
VIII. Rearrange the words or phrases to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. called coronavirus/ that your lungs can affect / COVID-19 / is a new illness / by a virus / and it's caused
 _____________________________________________________________________
36. customers want products / and money-saving. / that are / Companies realize that / both effective //
 ___________________________________________________________________________
IX. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with words given. (2.0 pts)
37. Hung did his homework easily.
 Hung had no__________________________________________________________________
38. I have never met people who are more pleasant than them.
 They are_____________________________________________________________________
39. It is my opinion that you should spend more time practicing English.
 If___________________________________________________________________________
40. “What an attractive dimple you have!”, Tim said to Liz.
 Tim complimented_____________________________________________________________

I/ Phonetics: (1.0 pt)
Choose the word that has the main stressed syllable different from the others
1. A. documentary B. limitation C. information D. economy
2. A. deposit B. appliance C. product D. minority
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
3. A. compose B. celebrate C. decorate D. collapse
4. A. experienced B. crowded C. heated D. disappointed
II/ Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (2.5 pts)
5. He forgets ___________ me in Hanoi, so he cannot recognize me.
A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting
6. You’d better buy this kind of ____________ bulb to save the power.
A. energy-saving B saving-energy C. power-saving D. saving-power
7. The doctors have rarely had a drink with each other, ___________?
A. haven’t they B. don’t they C. have they D. do they
8. My sister studied hard. _____________, she completed her exam successfully.
A. Though B. However C. Unless D. Therefore
9. Phil: “I think we should buy some canned food before a typhoon” - Sue: “_____________”
A. That’s wonderful. B. Yes, I agree with you.
C. Don’t worry. I can fix it D. Nonsense!
10. Huyen: “I love how you can paint such a nice painting.” - Trang: “_____________”
A. That’s very kind of you B. Yes, certainly
C. I'll do that. D. Yes, I think so too
11. Minh’s accident prevented him ____________ participating in the competition.
A. to B. for C. from D. with
12. UFOs are no longer human beings’ _____________. They’re real.
A. mystery B. imagination C. appearance D. announcement
13. “I wish you had a longer vacation,” Lan said to Maryam ____________ the end of the week.
A. by B. on C. until D. at
14. Hue, __________ is the former capital of Vietnam, is acknowledged as the World’s Cultural Heritage.
A. who B. which C. that D. whose
III/ Choose the correct meaning of the following signs: (0.5 pt)

15.What does this sign mean?

A. Road for children only C. Please slow down; this is a school zone
B. No children on this road
D. Zebra-crossing for children

16. What does the sign mean?

A. Keep safe distance from other people C. Avoid large crowds
B. Stay at home if possible D. Wear mask in public places

IV/ Use the correct form of the words in the parentheses: (1.5 pts)
17. There’s no evidence that life ____________ on other planets. [existence]
18. He finds his new shirt very _____________. It will be his favorite one. [comfortably]
19. The ____________ looked so strict that she forgot all that she had revised. [examine]
20. The community is grateful for the ____________ of the volunteers. [generous]
21. We are _____________ interested in deforestation. [especial]
22. There will also be thunderstorms over the _____________ highlands. [center]
V/ Choose the word or phrase that best fits the space in the following passage: (1.5 pts)
Ghen Co Vy is a Vietnamese song which conveys a message of maintaining a clean environment, washing
your hands properly, avoiding crowded places, and raising public awareness about the epidemic. When it
___ (23) ___ on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, the song received lots of positive comments from
people worldwide. The song can be seen ___ (24) ___ Youtube with MV lyrics and in animated version.
Youtube account Metic loves its creativity ___ (25) ___Vietnamese people’s effort to prevent the spread of
the virus. Metic likes the melody and the meaningful message.
Account Estelle Xgli in France said it’s marvelous. She wishes her country had songs like that.
Some people suggested that subtitles should be created in other ___ (26) ___, such as French, Italian, and
Spanish. ___ (27) ___ has the song gone viral in Vietnam, but international media have also picked up

on it. Billboard Magazine said “Vietnam’s catchy coronavirus song will ___ (28) ___ be stuck in your head
all day. The animation is fascinating.”
The MV lyrics has more than 1.4 million views while the animation version records nearly 1 million views.
23- A. appeared B. edited C. announced D. performed
24- A. by B. at C. on D. up
25- A. so B. and C. as D. but
26- A. benefits B. languages C. advantages D. countries
27- A. Moreover B. Whereas C. Even though D. Not only
28- A. likely B. rarely C. mostly D. nearly
VI/ Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks below: (1.5 pts)
Mrs. Nga: What’s the matter, Mrs. Hoa?
Mrs. Hoa: I’ve just received my latest electricity bill. It’s so enormous.
Mrs. Nga: Let me see. It’s 1,350,000 VND. What an enormous bill it is!
Mrs. Hoa: I paid 200,000 VND last month. I don’t know why it’s higher this month.
Mrs. Nga: Which counter is installed in your house?
Mrs. Hoa: The usual mechanical counter was replaced with an electronic counter at the
beginning of this month. It is said to run more exactly and be more convenient for
the power officials to record monthly electricity numbers.
Mrs. Nga:  I don’t know what happens. The usual mechanical counter is still used in my house.
Why don’t you complain to the Power Department of Ho Chi Minh City about it?
Mrs. Hoa: Thanks for your advice. I am writing a complaint letter right now.
A. Answer True or False:
29. The bill Mrs. Hoa received last month was lower than the latest one. ________
30. Mrs. Hoa has spent 1,550,000VND on electricity in the last two months. ________
31. Mrs. Nga insisted that the electrical counter is wrong. ________
32. Electricity numbers are recorded every month. ________
B. Read the passage again and choose the correct answers:
33. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. Mrs. Hoa is worried about her electricity bill. B. Her bill last month was higher than this month.
C. She has the mechanical counter installed. D. She will talk to the Power Department of HCMC.
34. What is UNTRUE about the text?
A. She’s just received an electricity bill. B. Her electricity bill is higher this month.
C. It is 350,000 VND. D. She will write a complaint letter to the Power
VII/ Rearrange these words into correct order to make the meaningful sentences: (0.5pt)
35. whether they are rich / in many ways, / or poor / wearing uniform / helps students feel equal//
Wearing uniform ______________________________________________________________
36. are guilty of / and developing countries / polluting activities / both developed//
Both developed ________________________________________________________________
VIII/ Rewrite each of the sentences so that the meaning stays the same: (1.0 pt)
37. The pollution in this city was affecting people’s breathing.
People’s breathing ____________________________________________________________
38. “If I were you, I would bring Kate some flowers.”, she said
She encouraged ______________________________________________________________
39. The last time we went out with him was last month.
We haven’t __________________________________________________________________
40. As she was violently sick, she couldn’t come to class.
Because of ___________________________________________________________________
***** THE END ****


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