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An II, Sem.II

Asist.univ. drd.Sorina Postolea

Student,anul II : Anton Mihail

"Write a 1-2 page essay. Identify an attitude / behavior / belief that you would like to change in

yourself and indicate ways to do so."


Self-image, or "how we see ourselves," refers, as is already implied, to the way we perceive

our own physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual characteristics.

Self-image influences our behaviors. When you have a good self-image you can achieve your

goals because a good self-image gives you the enthusiasm, energy and determination necessary

for this and the obstacles are perceived as challenges that must be overcome to achieve the goals.

A good self-image makes you relate harmoniously with others, by achieving goals you can have

professional performance, social success, etc.

Methods of positively influencing self-image:

• make a list of achievements so far (the most insecure of you can ask others but only people you

appreciate and in whose opinion you trust, because the saleswoman on the corner may tell you

that you are not sociable enough because you didn't once want to be patient listening to his soap


• analyze objectively what qualities you used to achieve them (certainly people with low self-

image will attribute the successes to external factors but on the principle "God gives you, but do
not put in your bag" is obvious whether external factors would could have favored success -

which is also normal - the road to that success is due to the person who had the ability to use

external factors - this being in itself a quality)

• "celebrate" any success, brag to yourself for accomplishing anything because you "put it in

your bag", you could have passed it very well ... not having the courage to risk a try. .. or you

could simply not have the courage to want that thing out of the belief that you can't get it

• turn failure into feedback: than blaming yourself for failing to better analyze what went wrong

and can improve in the future or what you did wrong and not repeat in the future. Remember that

self-blame sabotages now but also later, creating that vicious circle

• start with small steps, big steps can unbalance you. If you are the kind of person who avoids

acting out of fear of not failing and postpones things for the same reason, I suggest you make a

daily list of some easy-to-achieve goals, then at the end of the day analyze what went well and

what didn't, taking thus, decisions accordingly for the next day. After a month of such practice,

set bigger and longer-term goals. Be patient and persevere in this technique, you will take small

but safe and stable steps. Achieving personal goals, no matter how small, contributes to

strengthening self-esteem and improving self-image

Equally important in strengthening one's self-image is awareness and satisfaction of the

fundamental needs of man as A. Maslow .

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