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Rabu, 16 Juni 2021
Dosen: Dr. Mulya Juarsa, S.Si., MESc. /NIK. 410 100 617

Problem 01. A heat pump provides 75 MJ/h to a house. If the compressors require an
electrical energy input of 4 kW, calculate the COP. Ans. 5.21

Problem 02. A power plant burns 1000 kg of coal each hour and produces 500 kW of
power. Calculate the overall thermal efficiency if each kg of coal produces 6 MJ of energy.
Ans. 30%

Problem 03. An automobile that has a gas mileage of 13 km/L is traveling at 100 km/h.
At this speed essentially all the power produced by the engine is used to overcome air
drag. If the air drag force is given by  v 2 ACD , determine the thermal efficiency of the
engine at this speed using projected area A = 2 m2, drag coefficient CD = 0.28, and heating
value of gasoline 9000 kJ/kg. Gasoline has a density of 740 kg/m2.v Ans. 51.9%

Problem 04. Show that a violation of the Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law
implies a violation of the Clausius statement.

Problem 05. A battery does work by producing an electric current while transferring
heat with a constant-temperature atmosphere. Is this a violation of the second law?
Ans. No. This is not a cycle.

Problem 06. Show that all reversible engines, operating between two given temperature
reservoirs, have the same efficiency as a Carnot engine operating between the same two
temperature reservoirs.

Problem 07. A Carnot cycle operates between 200°C and 1200°C. Calculate ( a ) its
thermal efficiency if it operates as a power cycle, ( b )its COP if it operates as a refrigerator,
and (c) its COP if it operates as a heat pump.
Ans. ( a ) 67.7% ( b )0.473 ( c ) 1.473

Problem 08. A Carnot engine rejects 80 MJ of energy every hour by transferring heat to
a reservoir at 10°C. Determine the temperature of the high-temperature reservoir and
the power produced if the rate of energy addition is 40 kW. Ans. 236.4oC, 17.78 kW

Problem 09. A proposed power cycle is designed to operate between temperature

reservoirs, as shown in Fig. 01. It is supposed to produce 43 hp from the 2500 kJ of energy
extracted each minute. Is the proposal feasible? Ans. No.

Problem 10. A Carnot engine operates on air with the cycle shown in Fig. 02. If there are
30 kJ/kg of heat added from the high-temperature reservoir maintained at 200 "C
determine the work produced. Ans. 16.74 kJ/kg.


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Terakhir pengumpulan Tugas jam 23.59, hari Selasa, 22 Juni 2021

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