Ch5 Practice Mult Choice Solns

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AP Physics Ch 5 — Forces 1 Extra Multiple Choice Practice 1. With one exception, each of the following units can be used to express mass, What is the exception? , @) newton = Force © gam © kilogram @) slug @ (Nem ‘ Gea) B= bg Which one of the following terms is used to et the oa tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion st a constant speed along e straight line? © ves ) aeeon => = Solutions = | (®) force (@) equilibrium Hosters 7 ows be Me ¢ haw of Inert 3 . A net force F is required to give an object with mass m an acceleration a. Ifa net force 6 F is applied ‘to an object with mass 2m, what isthe acceleration on this object? Bh Fame Gk - | aE 23 = ge (OF slamja | e545 = Fe | E 4, the figure shows the velocity versus time curve for a car traveling along a straight line. Which of the following statements i false? (a) No net force acts on the car during ‘ngerval BP Uscnst G20 Fao () Ne fret gon he x ang tras A ln 7Pte One Coned (©) Opposing forces may be acting on the ear dining interval B-7rae as Ongas Freh=O __ (@) Opposing forces may be acting on the eae interval C.- 774e @s long os Fp ss siovon 15 (© ele magnitude of the pt spre ting during iteryal A is ess than that during object Fale Shpe oA 1s qpeete PE i greeter tind Yocy i greeter” Ds. nis.xnine: force is applied for 6.00 a 12-45 box inialy at et, What te speed ofthe box a the ‘end of the 6.0-s interval? Velocity (m/s) t Time (6) Slope (a) 1.8 m/s (c)_ 3.0 m/s © 30ms () Sms (a) 7.5 m/s: KN zI2aCe 2? ae Up arate Fe S(t) > 75 mls B 6. A.2150-kg tick is traveling along a straight, evel road at a constant speed of 55.0 km/h when the river removes his foot from the accelerator. After 21.0 s, the truck's speed is 33.0 lam/h. What is the ‘magnitude of the average net force acting on the truck during the 21.0 s interval? (a)_2250N (&) 1890N © 229N Oo) © 92N 5 hr 122m hay, er = ELE Up eure at Fr” Foose Thm ea GAT = 5.28 ~% (2!) Qa 4G W/s2 F 2 2150 hey (24 m/s) = 53 Ge = FIT ls Questions 12 through I5 pertain to the situation described below: A.2.0ckg object moves in a straight line on = borizontal frictionless surface, ‘The graph shows the velocity of the object fs a fiction of time. The various equal time intervals are labeled using Roman numerals: I, HH, 1V, and V. Velocity (als) The net fren on the objet always xs eae mh along te line of motion ofthe objec. L shpe @1 @v Which section ofthe graph conespois ia the pplication ofthe Jargon net force? ©) ¢ 1 Ee shpe Fema = sm gy E : & 8. In which section(s) of the graph is the net force changing? ju (@) Vand 1 © W @ 108) “ | (b) Wand IV @ Vv 2A 1 & | Slope changing In Sectens Lan, “Two foroes act on a 16-kg object. The frst force has a magnitude of 68 N and is directed 24° north of cast, The second force is 32 N, 48° north of west, What is the acceleration ofthe abject resulting from |S the action of these two forces? . teeny @ 16mis2, 55° north of east @ 3.6, 5.5° north of west = 4.1K +53. @) 19 mle? 18° north of west (@) 4.1 mvs" 52° north of east Fi #04 J (©) 2.4 mis’, 34° north of east ack ee LIB myo Mi De [Ss I Ay s0.ryatassacrmn a sag kang Fst vas st shown, Whats te magattde ofthe bo zutlacelertion of te 59 block? BIN male tami @ 3208 @) 12mg (© 89m6 aa (©) 0821s? em ax SF Cass “3 ~~ 3 245 Ce, Ox F115 2 & = 45 (ax) frearts < ¥ Question 11 pertains to the situation described below: A horse pulls a cart along a flat road. Consider the following four forces that arise inthis situation (() the force of the horse pulling on the cart (3) the force of the horse pushing on the road (2) the force ofthe cart pulling on the horse @ the foree ofthe road pushing on the horse 11.. Which two forces form an "action-reaction" pair that obeys Newton's third lew? ae ioe an rats OD Fas Foy ts Question 12 pertains to the situation described below: iA Fer = © ‘A physics student in a hot air balloon ascends vertically at constant speed, Consider the following four forees that arse inthis situation: |= the weight of the hot air balloon Fy =the force ofthe student pulling on the earth Fp =the weight ofthe student =the free ofthe ot ar ballon pling on the stadt Oe i ae eae enti (a) Fy and Fy (c) Fy and F3 (©) Fy and Fy : ©) Foands (@ Paand Fs Foz Fon stadent Eye Fon cath Rey arte 5 by student Question 13 pertains 10 the situation described below: ‘A bookis resting on the surtace ofa table. Consider the following four forces that arse in this situation: (D the force of the earth pulling on the book (3) the force of the book pushing on the table (2) the force of the table pushing on the book —_(¢) the force ofthe book pulling on the earth C13. which toc om an etonsestn” phat obeys Newton's he i (a) Jand2 O@ITE © jade (b) Pand3 @ 2mdF ” On! anc! “by suite for Ci) end C1) Btn we “gracitetions | Question 14 pertains to the statement and figure shown: ‘A.70.0-kg astronaut pushes to the left on a spacecraft with a force F in “gravity-troe” space. The spacecraft has a total mass of 1.0 x 10" kg. During the push, the astronaut accelerates to the right with an __- acceleration of 0.36 mi. E14, wai one oft flowing snemensconceming this station i true? (@) The spacecraft does not move, but the astroneut moves tothe right with a constant speed. (b) The astronaut stops moving after he stops pushing on the spacecraft (©) The force exerted on the astronaut is larger than the force exerted on the spacecraft ‘The force exerted on the spacecraft is larger than the force exerted on the astronaut (c) ihe velocity of the astronaut increases while he is pushing on the spacccraft. Thisc ‘ne Bree on the astronaut by the space ship as he gushes 0% he is decclerahng as he pushes. Question 15 pertains o the situation described below: ‘A force P pulls on a crate of mass m that is in contact with @ rough surface, The figure shows the magnitndes and directions of the forces that act on the erate inthis situation, W represents the weight of the crate, Fy represents the normal foree on the crate, and £ D represents the frictional force. 15. Which statement best desribes the motion ofthe erate? (a) The crate must be atest (©) The erate must be moving with constant velocity The erate must be moving with constant acceleration ae ((@)) The crate may be either at rest or moving with constant velocity. F Net, = ©) The erato may be ether at rest or moving with constant acceleration. 16. A 10-kg block is set moving with an intial speed of 6 mis on 2 rough horizontal surface. Ifthe force of fiction is 20 N, approximately how far does the block travel before it stops? @ 15m © sn ase pe © em AK= 36 ® 3m ae = Ug rt BOAY 7 Fpado=ll0)a axrmhs ve 256 ¢2C2)OX 29m E- 17, 5.25021 fore is circ horizontally a8 shown to push a 29-kg box up an inclined plane at a constant speed. Determine the magnitude of the normal force, Fy, and the coefficient of kinetic friction, 1. Fy He @ 330N 031 @) 310N 033 © 250N 027 @ 290N 030 @) 370N 0.26 A 10. owing stations Ato Fa Case Case? case3 M Jn which case will the magnitude of the nortnal force on the block be equal to (Ig + F sin 8)? (@) case J only (©) both cases 7 and 2 (@) cases J, 2, and 3 (b) case 2 only (@) both cases 2 and 3 Tom if Speed = Const CG : : < there 18, Arockssuponied fom rng and moves downward at conta peed. Which Setementistme HE concerning he ain in he sing Ii rssaes BSE (Tho tension Is zero nevis Tr no (b) The tension points downward. accel. ‘he tension equ the weight ofthe rock. : (@ The tension i los tha the weight ofthe rock. (©) The tension is greater than the weight of the rock. Vw Tn genre! eT mg ema YS B on aretisnapnded tom ast nt tests donor, Wilh eno be loving salements concerning the tension inthe string is tue? : 2 Tees is down €G = —sometung , not ~ 9.8 mer 'The tension is Jess than the weight of the rock. pensey (6) The tension is equal to the weight of the rock. 50 7 -™ 1G =m (-a) (@) Tho tension is greater than the weight of the rock, (@) The tension is independent ofthe magnitude ofthe rock's acceleration, T20g-™0 D sr tos nests ah mon 45-m team ps ihn vets oS, Wit en nae rice (@) zero newtons 1c), 500N {e) 5000N (b) 100N 2500 N 7 i Ont rope = One tension E._ 22.4 stg bloc is comected by means of a massless ropé to a 2kg block as shown in the figure, Complete the following statement: If the 4-kg blook is to begin sliding, the coefficient of static friction between the -kg block and the surface must be (@) less than ze. (0) greater than 2, (©) areater chan 1, but less than 2. (@), sreater than 0.5, but less than 1. (Ness than 0.5, but greater than zero. Z(G) ILM 23.A muscle builder holds the ends of @ massless rope. At the center of the rope, a 15-kg ball is hung as shown, What is the tension in the rope if the angle 0 in the drawing is 4.5°? @ 1900N © 470N @) 940 (@ 230N 15656) 2177 735-Tsinbs' Cy 24.0 204g crates suspended from xed beam by two vertical ropes. What isthe approximate tension [T= 437 A) ineachvope? @) 10N (© 100N (©) 390N (b) 40N, (@ 200N iT T ——— QT =196 [T= 98N l Aok; (9.9m )= 176 Questions 25 through 26 pertain to the situation described below: ‘A block of mass M is held motionless on a ftictionless inclined plane by ‘means ofa string attached to a vertical wall as shown in the drawing, »D 25. What is the magnitade of the tension T in the string? ie (@ zero newtons (©) Me cos 8 © Mgtan 6 ne Gin () Mg (d) Mg sin @ 2D. sero sng tess, vais the mui be slant skits dow te nnd plane’? (@) zero mi? © geo © etme Os @ gsine Bor. 10 ses we hsked gate intanden s shown int ge, Tis! sleds teas masv wees m 2m ed ed “Theses are pulled along ations sre by nappa fore F. The tension inthe roo betwoen the sleds is T. Determine the ratio ofthe magnitudes of te two forces, J. (@) 025 tm led (© 0.50 © 20 (b) 0.33 (d) 0.67 : . Tima +4 Just => T=ma Fe Lom Ja Fo sma 3 Question 28 pertaisn tothe system desribed below: ae i VAs Te sin30 A system of two cables supports a 150-N ball as shown, 28. What is the tension in the right-hand cable? @ aN @ 260N : 150N 300N ye How . Te, 5in30" = 1500 en Te = J00N © 2». ya sans no salina lar anova. Thee eat 0% pecs ops cons en ey ems ares te sr eee noe) (@) 10ON A ©) 500N (ce) 750N () 250 () GON : 30 oor ale -™ an Gz? Segle Fy efee Zé (2 =Ut4)G wath fsr witb o 14 Fong = (02) Foy - 1 b the kf Unevupled => iz 34, Three spring scales are attached along a straight line as shown, The scale on the left is attached to 2 wall. A force of 15 N is applied to the scale atthe right, Chath Peectisn of AR pars Watt edng on th ne att (a) ON, (©) 10N {e) ISN i ton © 45N @ sn wall Fee Moots k Pr sp mates art! nts tet ova the hinge O. Which ore of the following phrases best describes the force thatthe hinge pin apples fo the strut ifthe weight ofthe cables is also neglected? (@) 50lb, 0 theright (©) 1001, straight up (c) 200 Ib, to the right (@ 2641, 2? abovetestat = eda, ‘G J (©) 561b, tothe lek Ti fencer Twsate t Fan Hole = F215 N ge BAT TH 100 =2N = 26.6° Questions 36 and 37 pertain to the situation described below: ‘Two 5-N boxes are attached to opposite ends of a spring scale and suspended from pulleys as shown. J 5 sw sw v V5 36,What isthe reading on the scale? @ ON © 5N © 25N © 25N @ 10N Chon reactisn of A-R pairs D. sr spose a em were pact ina lever tha sclera daivard a2 ah? et would scale radh @ 6N (© ON © 2N (&) 8N (@) 4N CT o+- 51-2 P-5 = 51)-2) T=5-102 = 3.98 ae railway car. When a 10-Kg block is hing from the scale, it reads 12 N and is oriented as shown inthe figure. What isthe approximate acceleration ofthe car ss measured by an observer atest onthe | gromd outside ofthe car? (@) Tmils'to the right ©) Tmo te let < (©) 12s’ to the right . - (@). 12 mis" to the left | (©) Its impossible to calculate since the angle @has not been given. Thnk of @8 & Sideways elevator eee mg = (lhg 2.8) : [2 088 = GEN = ope, Cose= G5 = 8/7 12. O= OST, $17) = 55.15" /2SING548°) = Max =I Nex) Ox = 7 Mc Answer Key amowUmoh> mOwo> 15.D 30.

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