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Instruction Exaquantum Engineering Guide

Manual Volume 3 – Support Tools

IM 36J04A15-03E

IM 36J04A15-03E
© Yokogawa March 5 2011
11th Edition Issue 1
Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools i

Copyright and Trademark Notices

© 2012 Yokogawa Electric Corporation

All Rights Reserved

All rights are reserved in this document, which is the property of Yokogawa Electric
Corporation. Information contained herein is the property of Yokogawa Electric Corporation.

Unless agreed in writing by Yokogawa Electric Corporation, the licensee shall not remove,
release, disclose, reveal, copy, extract all or part of the documentation.

Trademark Acknowledgements

Exaquantum, Exaopc and CENTUM are trademarks of Yokogawa.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,
Windows 7 Professional, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 2007,
Microsoft Office 2010, Visual Basic, Visual C++, SQL Server, MDAC, Microsoft .NET and
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Exaquantum uses Microsoft SQL Server as part of an Integrated Value Added Solution.

Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated, and registered
within particular jurisdictions.

Ethernet is a registered trademark of XEROX Corporation.

Basic Scripting Engine provided by Cypress Software Inc., Copyright 1993 – 2000, all rights

All other company and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

We do not use TM or ® to indicate trademarks or registered trademarks in this manual.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

ii Contents


The Highlights section gives details of the changes made since the previous issue of this

Summary of Changes

This is 11th Edition of this document.

Detail of Changes

The changes are as follows.

Chapter/Section/Page Change
Chapter 2 Updated for R2.70.
Chapter 10
130H Updated to reflect changes to OPC Server Viewer and Data
Recovery Tool.
Chapter 11
13H Added chapter for Auto OPC Recovery service.
Chapter 13 Minor update to description of
UseSystemTimeForFirstOPCNotification registry value.
Chapter 15
132H Updated to reflect changes to System Events Viewer.
Chapter 23 Added chapter for OPC Logon Tool.
Appendix A Newly Added Section.
Section 4.8 Detail change
Section 5.1 Detail change
Section 19.3 Additional command for QSendHISMessage

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools iii

Exaquantum Document Set

The documents available for Exaquantum are:

Exaquantum General Specification (GS 36J04A10-01E)

Exaquantum Technical Information (TI 36J04A10-01E)

Exaquantum/PIMS User's Manual (IM 36J04A11-01E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 1

General Information (IM 36J04A12-01E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 2

Custom Controls (IM 36J04A12-02E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 3

Microsoft Excel Reports (IM 36J04A12-03E)

Exaquantum/Explorer User's Manual Volume 4

Advanced Configuration (IM 36J04A12-04E)

Exaquantum Installation Guide (IM 36J04A13-01E)

Exaquantum API Reference Manual (IM 36J04A14-01E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1

Administration (IM 36J04A15-01E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 2

Network Configuration (IM 36J04A15-02E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 3

Support Tools (IM 36J04A15-03E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 4

Web Authoring (IM 36J04A15-04E)

Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 5

PI Connection (IM 36J04A15-05E)

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

iv Contents

Table of Contents
Copyright and Trademark Notices .....................................................................................i
0H 13H

Highlights......................................................................................................................... ii
1H 134H

Exaquantum Document Set............................................................................................. iii

2H 135H

Table of Contents .............................................................................................................iv

3H 136H

Chapter 1
4H Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1-1 137H

5H Intended Audience ............................................................................................................. 1-1 138H

6H General ............................................................................................................................... 1-1 139H

Chapter 2
7H Database tools, Support Tools and Development Tools....................................... 2-1 140H

8H Database tools .................................................................................................................... 2-1 14H

9H Support tools ...................................................................................................................... 2-2 142H

10H Development Tools ............................................................................................................ 2-3 143H

Chapter 3
1H Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool ....................................................................... 3-1 14H

12H Definitions.......................................................................................................................... 3-2 145H

13H Displaying the Cross Reference Tool................................................................................. 3-2 146H

14H Access to the Cross Reference Tool................................................................................... 3-2 147H

15H Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool – Window Components ............................................. 3-3 148H

16H Search Definition – Window Components......................................................................... 3-5 149H

17H How To Create a New Cross Reference Search................................................................. 3-7 150H

18H Calculation Cross Reference Searches ............................................................................... 3-8 15H

19H Shortcut Cross Reference Searches.................................................................................... 3-9 152H

20H Shortcut and Calculation Searches ................................................................................... 3-10 153H

3.10 Tag Template and Function Block Template Cross Reference Searches......................... 3-13
21H 154H

Chapter 4
2H Versioning Tool........................................................................................................ 4-1 15H

23H Display the Versioning Tool .............................................................................................. 4-1 156H

24H Exaquantum Versioning Tool - Window Components ...................................................... 4-2 157H

25H Start a File Version Check ................................................................................................. 4-4 158H

26H Filter the Files .................................................................................................................... 4-4 159H

27H Sorting Files ....................................................................................................................... 4-4 160H

28H Saving or Printing the Results............................................................................................ 4-4 16H

29H Updating the File List......................................................................................................... 4-5 162H

30H Command Line Operation.................................................................................................. 4-5 163H

31H Typical Operation............................................................................................................... 4-6 164H

Chapter 5
32H Tag Configuration Viewer...................................................................................... 5-1 165H

3H Display the Tag Configuration Viewer Program ............................................................... 5-1 16H

34H Tag Configuration Viewer Screens .................................................................................... 5-6 167H

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools v

35H Tag Configuration Viewer – Window Components........................................................... 5-7 168H

36H Tag Configuration Viewer Excel Add In ........................................................................... 5-8 169H

37H Display the Tag Configuration Viewer .............................................................................. 5-9 170H

38H Tag Configuration Details Screen ...................................................................................... 5-9 17H

39H How To Display Tag Configuration Information............................................................. 5-11 172H

Chapter 6
40H Consistency Checker ............................................................................................... 6-1 173H

41H Check Types....................................................................................................................... 6-1 174H

42H Display the Consistency Checker Program ........................................................................ 6-1 175H

43H Access to the Consistency Checker.................................................................................... 6-1 176H

4H Consistency Checker Window ........................................................................................... 6-2 17H

45H Running the Consistency Checker ..................................................................................... 6-2 178H

Chapter 7
46H Historian Management Support Tool.................................................................... 7-1 179H

47H Startup ................................................................................................................................ 7-1 180H

48H Historian Maintenance Application ................................................................................... 7-1 18H

49H Storage Analysis................................................................................................................. 7-6 182H

50H Disk Usage Prediction Application .................................................................................... 7-9 183H

Chapter 8
51H Database Creation Tool .......................................................................................... 8-1 184H

52H Screen Components............................................................................................................ 8-1 185H

53H How to use the Exaquantum Database Creation Tool........................................................ 8-5 186H

Chapter 9
54H Expand Databases Tool........................................................................................... 9-1 187H

5H Screen Components............................................................................................................ 9-1 18H

56H How to use the Exaquantum Expand Databases Tool........................................................ 9-2 189H

Chapter 10
57H OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool..................................................... 10-1 190H

10.1 Overview of User interface .............................................................................................. 10-1

58H 19H

10.2 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 10-6

59H 192H

10.3 Starting the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool................................................ 10-8
60H 193H

10.4 OPC Gateways Tab .......................................................................................................... 10-9

61H 194H

10.5 Data Recovery Tab......................................................................................................... 10-13

62H 195H

10.6 Add OPC Downtime Tab ............................................................................................... 10-20

63H 196H

10.7 Lower section of form of the tool................................................................................... 10-22

64H 197H

10.8 General behavior of GUI................................................................................................ 10-23

65H 198H

Chapter 11
6H Auto OPC Recovery Service................................................................................. 11-1 19H

11.1 Operation on startup ......................................................................................................... 11-1

67H 20H

11.2 Searching for OPC Downtime eligible for recovery or recalculation .............................. 11-1
68H 201H

11.3 Processing of OPC downtimes......................................................................................... 11-3

69H 20H

11.4 Displaying Of Auto OPC Recovery Progress Information .............................................. 11-4

70H 203H

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vi Contents

11.5 Auto OPC Recovery Service Stopped.............................................................................. 11-4

71H 204H

Chapter 12
72H Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export Tool........................................... 12-1 205H

12.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 12-1

73H 206H

12.2 Operation.......................................................................................................................... 12-1

74H 207H

12.3 Technical details............................................................................................................... 12-1

75H 208H

12.4 User interface ................................................................................................................... 12-6

76H 209H

Chapter 13
7H System Configuration Tool................................................................................... 13-1 210H

13.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 13-1

78H 21H

13.2 Operation.......................................................................................................................... 13-1

79H 21H

13.3 Technical details............................................................................................................... 13-1

80H 213H

13.4 User interface ................................................................................................................... 13-7

81H 214H

Chapter 14
82H Exa Package Log Save Wizard............................................................................. 14-1 215H

14.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 14-1

83H 216H

14.2 Operation.......................................................................................................................... 14-1

84H 217H

14.3 Technical details............................................................................................................... 14-1

85H 218H

14.4 User interface ................................................................................................................... 14-2

86H 219H

Chapter 15
87H System Events Viewer ........................................................................................... 15-1 20H

Chapter 16
8H Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS) ................................................................ 16-1 21H

16.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 16-1

89H 2H

16.2 Typical Uses of the Text File Import/Export Facility ...................................................... 16-2
90H 23H

16.3 Command Line Operation................................................................................................ 16-6

91H 24H

16.4 Scheduling Data Import and Export................................................................................. 16-9

92H 25H

Chapter 17
93H Connecting to Various OPC Servers ................................................................... 17-1 26H

17.1 Introduction to Exaopc Configuration.............................................................................. 17-1

94H 27H

17.2 Connecting to Exaopc-XL and/or μXL Server ................................................................ 17-1

95H 28H

17.3 Connecting to the Exaopc-CS Server when another Exaopc Cassette is Installed........... 17-3
96H 29H

17.4 Connecting to Third Party OPC Servers .......................................................................... 17-5

97H 230H

17.5 OPC Type Configuration Tool......................................................................................... 17-8

98H 231H

Chapter 18
9H Value Format Tool ................................................................................................ 18-1 23H

18.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 18-1

10H 23H

18.2 Technical Details.............................................................................................................. 18-2

10H 234H

18.3 Examples .......................................................................................................................... 18-3

102H 235H

18.4 User Interface ................................................................................................................... 18-8

103H 236H

18.5 Formatting in operation.................................................................................................. 18-10

104H 237H

Chapter 19
105H Status Monitoring Tool ......................................................................................... 19-1 238H

19.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 19-1

106H 239H

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools vii

19.2 Setup................................................................................................................................. 19-1

107H 240H

19.3 Operation.......................................................................................................................... 19-5

108H 241H

Chapter 20
109H Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool........................................................... 20-1 24H

20.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 20-1

10H 243H

20.2 Startup .............................................................................................................................. 20-1

1H 24H

20.3 Setup................................................................................................................................. 20-1

12H 245H

Chapter 21
13H Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool ............................................................. 21-1 246H

21.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 21-1

14H 247H

21.2 Startup .............................................................................................................................. 21-1

15H 248H

21.3 User Interface ................................................................................................................... 21-1

16H 249H

21.4 Configuring Aggregation Switching ................................................................................ 21-2

17H 250H

21.5 Storing Aggregation Switch Configuration...................................................................... 21-2

18H 251H

Chapter 22
19H History Data Checker ........................................................................................... 22-1 25H

22.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 22-1

120H 253H

22.2 Startup .............................................................................................................................. 22-1

12H 254H

22.3 User Interface ................................................................................................................... 22-1

12H 25H

Chapter 23
123H OPC Logon Tool.................................................................................................... 23-1 256H

23.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 23-1

124H 257H

23.2 Startup .............................................................................................................................. 23-1

125H 258H

23.3 User Interface ................................................................................................................... 23-1

126H 259H

Appendix A. OPC Recovery Technical Details .............................................................................. 1

127H 260H

Appendix A.1
128H Downtime Threshold............................................................................................. 2 261H

Appendix A.2
129H Network Recovery Delay......................................................................................2 26H

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viii Contents

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IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 1-1

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Intended Audience
The Exaquantum Engineering Guide contains tasks that need to be completed by users
within your organization that have Windows administrative privileges. The user(s) of this
document must also be familiar with the following topics:

♦ Windows security (Users, Groups, Permissions, etc.)

♦ DCOM Settings

♦ Microsoft Excel

♦ Configuring Networking components.

This documentation therefore assumes that the person carrying out the procedures has
knowledge and experience in the areas mentioned above. It also assumes that you have
already completed the relevant Exaquantum course(s).

1.2 General
The Engineering Guide summarizes what is considered by Yokogawa as to be the 'good or
best practice' in the operation of an Exaquantum system. It is not intended that the methods
or procedures detailed in this document represent the only approach to configuring,
monitoring and using an Exaquantum system, but rather the procedures described are proven,
practical and effective.

This Engineering Guide has been divided into, Volumes and Chapters that detail various
procedures and methods. Certain Chapters may not be relevant to your Exaquantum system.

Volume 1: Administration

Volume 2: Network Configuration

Volume 3: Support Tools

Chapter 1: Introduction
263H 264H

Chapter 2: Database tools, Support Tools and Development Tools

265H 26H

Chapter 3: Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

267H 268H

Chapter 4: Versioning Tool

269H 270H

Chapter 5: Tag Configuration Viewer

271H 27H

Chapter 6: Consistency Checker

273H 274H

Chapter 7: Historian Management Support Tool

275H 276H

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

1-2 Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 8: Database Creation Tool

27H 278H

Chapter 9: Expand Databases Tool

279H 280H

Chapter 10: OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

281H 28H

Chapter 11: Auto OPC Recovery Service

283H 284H

Chapter 12: Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export Tool

285H 286H

Chapter 13: System Configuration Tool

287H 28H

Chapter 14: Exa Package Log Save Wizard

289H 290H

Chapter 15: System Events Viewer

291H 29H

Chapter 16: Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

293H 294H

Chapter 17: Connecting to Various OPC Servers

295H 296H

Chapter 18: Value Format Tool

297H 298H

Chapter 19: Status Monitoring Tool

29H 30H

Chapter 20: Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool

301H 302H

Chapter 21: Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool

30H 304H

Chapter 22: History Data Checker

305H 306H

Chapter 23: OPC Logon Tool

307H 308H

Appendix A. OPC Recovery Technical Details


Volume 4: Web Authoring

Volume 5: PI Connection

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 2-1

Chapter 2 Database tools, Support Tools and Development

The Exaquantum Support Tools for helping with administration, system maintenance and
trouble-shooting tasks.

These tools will be installed on a server or client computer when the appropriate option is
chosen in the Select Features dialog box during the installation procedure. Alternatively
they can be added later by using the Windows Add/Remove programs applet, and selecting
Change. The Exaquantum Installation guide has information about changing an installation.

By default, the Tools are located in:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\.

They are started by running the associated executable file.

There are three categories of tool available:

♦ Database tools – Provide the functionality to create and extend an Exaquantum


♦ Support tools – For routine administration and reporting tasks.

♦ Development tools – For system maintenance, configuration and troubleshooting


2.1 Database tools

♦ Database creation – used to create a brand new Configuration, Historian Administration,
and Historian Data, databases.

♦ Expand databases – allows users to expand databases that hold Exaquantum Historian

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

2-2 Chapter 2 Database tools, Support Tools and Development Tools

2.2 Support tools

♦ Cross Reference – provides information about the impact on the system of making
changes to certain criteria.

♦ Version Checker – provides version details of all the Exaquantum files on the computer.

♦ Tag Configuration – provides diagnostic information about the configuration of tags.

♦ System Event Message Viewer – for inspecting the major events recorded by the
Exaquantum system.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 2-3

2.3 Development Tools

♦ Consistency Checker – checks for inconsistency within some system items.

♦ Historian Management – comprehensive management tools for the historian database.

♦ OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery – view OPC gateway DA and A&E status.
Recover Tag or Alarm and Events data from an OPC server, recalculate aggregation data,
and add OPC Downtime that was not recorded by the Exaquantum server.

♦ Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export – save a set of Templates on one

Exaquantum server to a file that can be imported to other Exaquantum servers.

♦ System Configuration – convenient access to configuration settings stored in the

Windows registry.

♦ Information Gathering – creates a comprehensive report to help with support and


♦ Exa Package Log Save Wizard – collects all the operating information affecting
Exaquantum and stores it in a single compressed report file.

♦ Text File Data Import/Export – allows Exaquantum data to be imported and exported
through simple formatted text files.

♦ Connecting to Various OPC Servers – explains extra steps needed to connect to various
types of OPC Server.

♦ Value Format – configure the way numerical data values are displayed in some
Exaquantum client components.

♦ Status Monitoring – collects information pertaining to: disk usage, SQL server database
usage and the Exaquantum - OPC connection. Either a windows message is sent to a
specified computer, or a program, or script is executed, as defined by the system

♦ Exaquantum Startup Configuration – provides the ability to: Enable History Catch-up
whilst Exaquantum is not running and configure Exaquantum to start upon starting of the
operating system.

♦ Aggregation Switch Configuration – configure which data is requested by a trend (raw or

aggregation) dependent on trend duration, to achieve best performance.

♦ OPC Logon Tool – configure and test connections to OPC Gateways while Exaquantum
is not running.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

2-4 Chapter 2 Database tools, Support Tools and Development Tools

The following chapters describe the tools in more detail.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 3-1

Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

The Cross Reference tool is used to assess the impact that changes (such as updating a Tag
Template) will have on the Exaquantum system. It allows users to choose search criteria
from the predetermined menu and generate a list of all the references to that criteria held in
the Exaquantum system. In a multi-server Exaquantum configuration a single server can be

In particular, the Cross Reference tool will provide useful information in the following

♦ Calculation – provides a list of referencing calculation for one or more tags.

♦ Shortcut – provides a list of referencing shortcuts for one or more tags.

♦ Shortcut and Calculation – when one or more tags are to be deleted or moved, the tool
will list any referencing calculations or shortcuts that will be affected.

♦ Tag Templates – before a Tag Template is changed, a list of the tags affected by the
change will be listed

♦ Function Block Templates - before a Function Block Template is changed, a list of the
function blocks affected by the change will be listed.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

3-2 Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

3.1 Definitions
Each of the cases listed above (Calculations, Tag Templates and Function Block Templates)
are objects within the Exaquantum system. These objects in turn reference other objects
within the system and those that are relevant to the Cross Reference tool are shown in Table 310H


Table 3-1 Types of Reference

Objects that make a reference (Source) Objects that are referenced (Target)

Calculation Item

Shortcut Item

Shortcut and Calculation Item

Tag Tag Template

Function Block Function Block Template

In the Cross Reference tool, an object that makes a reference is known as a source, and an
object that is referenced is known as a target. A search comprises of a search type (one of
Calculation, Shortcut, Shortcut and Calculation, Tag Template or Function Block), a source,
and one or more targets.

Note: Calculations, Shortcuts and Shortcuts and Calculations use items, rather than tags,
as inputs. However, tags are deleted or modified, not items. When a Calculation,
Shortcut or Shortcut and Calculation search is defined, the user selects tags that are
proposed for deletion or modification; the Cross Reference searches for items of the
selected tags, but reports references made, by tag path.

3.2 Displaying the Cross Reference Tool

To display the Cross Reference tool:

From the Start menu, select Programs, Exaquantum then Cross Reference Tool.

- or -
Use Microsoft Windows to locate the following folder:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\

Click on the ExaquantumXref.exe file.

3.3 Access to the Cross Reference Tool

Users must be members of the specified Exaquantum Users Group, to be able to run Cross

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 3-3

3.4 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool – Window Components

The Exaquantum Cross Reference tool (Figure 3-1) comprises; a menu bar, a tool bar, a

search list and an Exaquantum Cross Reference Report output list.

Figure 3-1 Exaquantum Cross Reference Window

Search List

Report Output

Menu Bar

The menu bar has the menu options: File, Edit, Run and Help.

File Menu
Table 3-2 File Menu

Option Function

New Creates a new blank search file.

Open Opens a previously created search definition file.

Save Xref Search Saves the Target and Source definitions to known text file (.xrf file).

Save Xref Search As Saves the Target and Source definitions in a new text file (.xrf file).

Save Report Saves the results to an existing .txt file.

Save Report As Saves the results in a new .txt file.

Print Prints the current search results on the selected printer.

Exit Closes the Exaquantum Cross Reference tool.

Select Server Choose one from multiple Exaquantum servers

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

3-4 Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

Edit Menu

Table 3-3 Edit Menu

Option Function

Add Search Displays the Search Definition window, allowing a new search
to be defined.

Edit Current Search Shows the Search Definition window for the selected search.
This allows the search definition to be modified.

Delete Current Search Deletes the currently selected search from the search list.

Copy Results Copies the report Results to the Clipboard.

Clear Search Clears all the defined searches from the search list.

Clear Report Clears the report list definitions.

Run Menu

Table 3-4 Run Menu

Option Function

Start Starts the search.

Report Format Toggles between Rich Text and Plain Text as the report format.

Note: The Report Format option is provided because, on Japanese systems, the Rich
Text control displays some of the characters in the tag names incorrectly. If this
occurs, the user should select Plain Text (or deselect the B button on the toolbar),
and re-execute the report.

Help Menu

Opens the online Help files associated with the Exaquantum Cross Reference tool.

Search List

The search list contains a list of the currently defined searches. Double-click on a search in
the search list to display the Search Definition window, allowing modification of the selected

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 3-5

3.5 Search Definition – Window Components

Figure 3-2 Search Definition Window

The Search Definition window comprises the following fields and controls:

Search Type

Select the type of search you want from the drop down list. The options are:

♦ Calculation

♦ Shortcut

♦ Shortcut and Calculation

♦ Tag Template

♦ Function Block Template.

Note: Access to the fields in the Search Definition window change depending on which
option you select.

Search Path

This field is only active for Calculation, Shortcut and Shortcut and Calculation search types.
Use the Search Path field to specify the folder the will start from. You can drag and drop a
folder name from the Browser list. The search path can be modified, using any of the
standard regular expressions.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

3-6 Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

External Tags Only

This check box is only relevant to Calculation, Shortcut and Shortcut and Calculation search
types. Select the External Tags Only check box when you want to do a search for items
external to the specified search path. This option is useful, prior to deleting a folder, to filter
out references by calculations in the folder, and to show references made by calculations
outside the folder to items within the folder.

Show Shortcuts

This check box allows you to include or exclude Short Cuts from the search. Typically, you
will want to see all references to a tag and the box will be checked.

For Targets List

In the Targets list you can specify the calculated tag, tag template or Function Block
template name that you want to search for cross references tags. You can drag and drop a
name or folder from the Browser list into the For Targets list. Any target path can be
modified; regular expressions can be included in the path if required. Multiple targets can be
added to the For Targets list.

To make changes to the For Targets list:

1 In the For Targets list, right-click, a pop-up menu is displayed. The options are:

♦ Add - adds a new target (as an alternative to dragging targets from the Browser)

♦ Edit - changes the target

♦ Delete - removes the target

♦ Clear All Targets - removes all targets from the list.

Browser List

The Browser list shows a tree structure, the contents of this list depend on which Search
Type has been selected:
Table 3-5 Browser List

Search Type Data Shown in the Browser

Calculation Exaquantum/Explorer Data Selector.

Shortcut Exaquantum/Explorer Data Selector.

Shortcut and Calculation Exaquantum/Explorer Data Selector.

Tag Template Tag Template browser.

Function Block Template Function Block Template browser.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 3-7

3.6 How To Create a New Cross Reference Search

1 Open the Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool.

2 From the Edit menu, select Add Search. The Search Definition window is displayed.

3 In the Search Type field, select the search type you require.

Note: For Calculation, Shortcut and Shortcut and Calculation searches only. In the
Browser list, select the folder the search will start from. Drag and drop the
selection into Search Path.

4 Using the Browser list, select the required target(s); drag and drop the selection(s) into
For Targets.

5 Click OK to save the search definition.

6 Repeat steps 2 to 5 again for more searches.

312H 31H

7 In the Exaquantum Cross Reference window, from the Run menu select Start.

The Report list will display the results of the search. The results can be printed or saved
as a .txt file.

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3-8 Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

3.7 Calculation Cross Reference Searches

This section describes the report format for calculation searches.
In Figure 3-3 the example search list shows two defined Calculation searches. In the report

output (the Exaquantum Cross Reference Report list) the results of each search are shown.
Figure 3-3 Example of a Calculation Search

The following information is displayed for each search:

♦ The Target column lists the targets specified in the search.

♦ The Result column lists the tags that match the specified targets and have references
made to them by calculations.
♦ The Match column lists the calculations that make a reference to other tags.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 3-9

3.8 Shortcut Cross Reference Searches

This section describes the report format for a Shortcut search.


In Figure 3-4 the example search list shows a defined Shortcut search. In the report output

(the Exaquantum Cross Reference Report list) the results of the search are shown.

Figure 3-4 Example of a Shortcut Search

The following information is displayed for the search:

♦ The Target column lists the targets specified in the search.

♦ The Result column lists the tags that match the specified targets and have references
made to them by shortcuts.
♦ The Match column lists the shortcuts that make a reference to other tags.

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3-10 Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

3.9 Shortcut and Calculation Searches

This section describes the report format for a Shortcut and Calculation search.


In Figure 3-5 the example search list shows a defined Shortcut and Calculation search. In

the report output (the Exaquantum Cross Reference Report list) the results of the search are

Figure 3-5 Example of a Shortcut and Calculation Search

The following information is displayed for the search:

♦ The Target column lists the targets specified in the search.

♦ The Result column lists the tags that match the specified targets and have references
made to them either by shortcuts or by calculations.
♦ The Match column lists the shortcut and calculation tags that make a reference to other

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 3-11

Nested Calculations

If a tag proposed for delete is referenced by a calculation, which itself is referenced by

another calculation, then both calculations would be affected by the tag deletion.

Figure 3-6 is an example of a report format. In this example the tag


Root.plant1.mantag1 is referenced by the calculation Root.plant1.calctag2,

which in turn is referenced by the calculation Root.plant1.calctag3. In this
example, Root.plant1.calctag3 is shown below the tag it is making a reference to.
The “I” signifies that Root.plant1.calctag2 is an input to

Figure 3-6 Example of a Nested Calculation

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3-12 Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

Calculations having secondary outputs

In a calculation, any secondary calculations can be defined. The Exaquantum Cross

Reference Report will list any references made by these secondary calculations to specified
targets, and the calculation where the secondary calculation is defined. The example in
Figure 3-7 shows:

The tag Root.plant4.mantag1 is referenced by the secondary calculation in

Root.plant4.calctag3 whose (secondary output) is Root.plant4.mantag2.

Figure 3-7 Example of a Calculation with a Secondary Calculation

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 3-13

3.10 Tag Template and Function Block Template Cross Reference

This section describes the report format for tag template and function block template

In the example shown in Figure 3-8, the search list shows two defined searches and the

Exaquantum Cross Reference Report shows the results of each search.

Figure 3-8 Example of a Report Format

The following information is displayed for each search:

♦ The Target column lists the targets specified in the search.

♦ The Result column lists the templates that match the specified targets and have
references made to them by tags.
♦ The Match column lists the tags that have been created from the template.

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3-14 Chapter 3 Exaquantum Cross Reference Tool

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 4-1

Chapter 4 Versioning Tool

The Exaquantum Versioning Tool checks that the versions of all Exaquantum related files on
your computer are correct. The files checked are those directly installed by Exaquantum and
common files that are already installed as part of other software. The Exaquantum
Versioning Tool compares a list of all expected files and their version numbers with the
actual files on a specific computer.

The Exaquantum Versioning Tool allows you to check:

♦ That all the required files have been successfully installed

♦ That all versions are correct i.e. versions have not changed as a result of new software
(installed after Exaquantum)

♦ For missing files.

The Exaquantum Versioning Tool also allows you to create a log of the file version
information, based on what is currently installed on the computer. This file can be used as a
base point to perform the same version checks (instead of the file supplied with the
installation). This option is useful after an installation, to check the 'as installed' software
and identify changes after commissioning due to other software installations.

When the tool is used for the first time, a file is created called filelist.log. This file
contains the names and versions of all the files the installation program will attempt to install.

Note: The installation program may not install all the files. Some may already exist (in
this case only newer versions will be installed). The Exaquantum Versioning Tool
will compare the filelist.log file with what is currently installed on a specific

4.1 Display the Versioning Tool

Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to find and open the Exaquantum Versioning Tool.

The tool is installed in the following location:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\

To open the Exaquantum Versioning Tool, click on the QVersion.exe file.

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4-2 Chapter 4 Versioning Tool

4.2 Exaquantum Versioning Tool - Window Components

The Exaquantum Versioning Tool comprises; Menu bar, general field and an information

Figure 4-1 Typical Exaquantum Versioning Tool Screen

Menu Bar

The menu bar has the menu options File and Filter.

File Menu

Table 4-1 File Menu

Option Function

Start Runs the test and collects the data.

Save Saves the results in a log file.

Print Prints the results.

Open Alternate Allows the selection of the base comparison file. (Normally the
fileasinstalled.log but this could be your own post installation

Exit Closes the Exaquantum Versioning Tool.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 4-3

Filter Menu

Table 4-2 Filter Menu

Option Function

None Removes the filter.

Missing Files Displays missing files.

Wrong Version Displays files with the wrong version or date.

General Field

The general field contains information about the current Exaquantum installation version
and release number.

Information Pane

The information pane will display a six-column list. The columns will contain the
following information:

♦ A list of files as defined by filelist.log or the selected version of the log file

♦ The Check Version and Check Date columns specify the expected version and date

♦ The Actual Version and Actual Date column specify the information from the

♦ The Status column will contain one of the options listed in Table 4-3 Status Options.

Table 4-3 Status Options

Status Description

Correct The version and date information are as expected.

Newer version The version is newer than expected. This is generally OK, but
should be investigated.

Older version The version is older than expected. This situation must be

Missing The file scheduled for installation is missing. It was either not
installed or has been deleted. This must be investigated.

Note: Double clicking on a file name will display a Property window; this will give more
details about the file.

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4-4 Chapter 4 Versioning Tool

4.3 Start a File Version Check

To start a check of the file versions:

1 From the File menu, select Start.

The files on the computer will be checked and a six-column list will be displayed in the
information pane.

4.4 Filter the Files

The Exaquantum Versioning Tool has a filter option that allows you to view files with a
specific status. To do this:

1 From the File menu, select Start.

2 From the Filter menu, select Missing Files or Wrong Version.

Note: These filters can be applied separately or together. The filter menu identifies active
filters with a tick. By default the None option is checked.

To turn a filter off, use the Filter menu to either select it again or select the None option.

4.5 Sorting Files

In the information pane, each column can be sorted to assist in identifying files. The most
useful column to sort is the status column. The status column lists, in groups, all the
incorrect versions, missing files and correct files.

To sort a column, click on the column header.

Clicking on the column header again will reverse the sort order.

4.6 Saving or Printing the Results

After you have completed a versioning check you can save or print the results.

To print the results:

1 From the File menu, select Print.

2 In the Print window, select the required printer and click on OK.

To save the results:

1 From the File menu, select Save.

2 In the Save As window, enter a filename which must have the extension .rlt. Click on OK.

Note: This file can be viewed as a text file. The text file cannot be reloaded into the
Exaquantum Versioning Tool.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 4-5

4.7 Updating the File List

During the installation of Exaquantum a file is created called filelist.log. The
filelist.log contains all of the files scheduled for installation. However this may
differ from the list of files actually installed. The reason for this is, some of the files
required by Exaquantum may already exist on the specified computer (Microsoft ‘core’
components for example). These files will only be overwritten if the version or the date of
the Exaquantum install copy of the file is more recent than the copy currently installed. It is
possible that the computer has a more recent version of the file (which may be required by
another application). This application may fail if the file is overwritten so it is not changed.
Although unlikely, it is possible that a newer version of a file may cause Exaquantum to fail.
This is one reason why it is useful to run the Exaquantum Versioning Tool after an

If the Exaquantum Versioning Tool is run after installing Exaquantum and there are different
file versions, Exaquantum may still function correctly. If this is the case, it is necessary to
update the filelist.log file so that subsequent checks are made against the files
actually on the computer.

The log file takes the form of a Comma Separated Values (CSV) ASCII file, data can be
entered directly. The Exaquantum Versioning Tool will create the log file automatically;
this is the option we recommend.

To perform an update of the filelist.log file it is necessary to run the tool in command
line mode.

4.8 Command Line Operation

When the Exaquantum Versioning Tool is operated from the command line, the following
parameters are used to set options and functions:


This parameter specifies that the tool needs to create a CSV file. The CSV file will contain
information on the files actually installed on the target computer. In this mode there is no
visible user interface.

The filename created is not user-definable. It will be named FilesAsInstalled.log.

This log file will be created in the folder above the Exaquantum Versioning Tool
(..Yokogawa\Exaquantum PIMS by default). The file can be updated at any stage but must
not be updated if there are outstanding discrepancies between expected and actual version

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4-6 Chapter 4 Versioning Tool

Using a User Defined Log File

After creating a user-defined log file using the command line parameter –CSV, you must use
this file (filesasinstalled.log) when comparing versions rather than the default file

To achieve this you can use the File menu option Open Alternate. This allows you to
specify the filesasinstalled.log as the ‘base-line’ for the version comparison. After selecting
this file you can use the Start menu command as before.

Note: Although the user-defined log file will remain in memory until the Exaquantum
Versioning Tool is closed, subsequent running of the tool will default to the
filelist.log file.

4.9 Typical Operation

The Exaquantum Versioning Tool can be used for fault investigation at any time but these
three cases are the most common:

Post Installation Health Check

The tool will check all the files scheduled for installation against those actually installed.
Any missing or incorrect files should be immediately investigated.

Running the tool after an installation also provides a base-line for the installation. You will
be able to establish exactly which versions of files are on the computer. The file list can be
updated at this time, if it is different from that expected. See the section on Updating the
File List for reasons why this may occur and the procedure involved.

When a Repeated Failure Occurs

There are other applications which will assist when a system ceases to function correctly,
(e.g. Event viewer), the Exaquantum Versioning Tool can also provide useful information.
Assuming the original post-installation check was successful, subsequent checks will verify
which files have been deleted or have different versions.

Before a Software Update

The Exaquantum installation, in common with most software, will only overwrite files if the
version number or the date is more recent than that of the existing file. However this can
still cause some compatibility problems. The Exaquantum Versioning Tool must be run
before and after new software is installed to see if any Exaquantum files are updated. This
will highlight any likely source of problems should Exaquantum not function after the
installation of new software.

Note: Exaquantum uses its own specific files and ‘shared’ files that may already exist on
the computer. The shared files are those most at risk when additional software is
installed. The tool checks all files.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 5-1

Chapter 5 Tag Configuration Viewer

The Tag Configuration Viewer allows you to run a variety of reports on an Exaquantum
system for diagnostic and information purposes. In a multi-server Exaquantum
configuration a single server can be selected.

The Tag Configuration viewer is available both as a standalone executable, and as an Excel

Note: Only users who are members of the specified Exaquantum group, are allowed
access to the Tag Configuration Viewer.

5.1 Display the Tag Configuration Viewer Program

From the Start menu, select Programs, Exaquantum then Tag Configuration Viewer.

Report Types

Table 5-1 Report Types

Report Name Description

Tag Viewer Displays configuration information about the selected tags.

Tag Version Displays tags that are not built to the latest version of the
Tag template.

FB Version Displays Function Blocks that are not build to the latest
version of the Function Block template.

OPC History Mismatch Lists the (OPC) tags where the OPC update rate does not
match the Historian interval.

Locked Tags Outputs a list of tags that are locked.

Shortcuts Lists all the shortcut references made to all tags in the
selected path.

Bad Calculations Lists the calculated tags where the script contains errors.

Bad Shortcuts Lists all shortcut references with a broken tag association.

Offline Tags Lists the tags that are currently offline.

Tag Viewer

This report outputs configuration information about all tags found in the specified path. The
content of this information is as follows:

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5-2 Chapter 5 Tag Configuration Viewer

Table 5-2 Tag Viewer Report

Information Notes

Tagname The tag pathname

Tagid The Exaquantum internal tag id

Datatype The data type of the tag; one of:

♦ Integer
♦ Long
♦ Single Precision Float
♦ Double Precision Float
♦ String.
Tag Template The name of the tag template used to create the tag.

Version The version number of the tag template used to create the tag.

Tag Type The tag type; one of:

Description The tag description

Units The tag units; set to <NOT PRESENT> if units not configured for the tag

High Eng The tag high engineering range. Set to <NOT PRESENT> if the high
engineering limit is not configured for the tag.

Low Eng The tag low engineering range; set to <NOT PRESENT> if low eng not
configured for the tag

Writable Checked if the tag can be written back to from clients

OnState The onstate value, for discrete aggregations

OnTime Checked if ontime configured for tags with discrete aggregations

Min Checked if minimum configured for tags with continuous aggregations

Max Checked if maximum configured for tags with continuous aggregations

Mean Checked if mean configured for tags with continuous aggregations

Count Checked if count configured for tags with discrete aggregations

StdDev Checked if standard deviation configured for tags with continuous


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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 5-3

Information Notes

Sum Checked if sum configured for tags with continuous aggregations

Differential Checked if differential summation is configured for tags with continuous

Summation aggregations

DiffSum Reset Differential summation reset value


DiffSum Valid Valid percent difference for differential summation

Percent Diff

DiffSum Round Number of decimal places to be rounded to in differential summation


Spot Checked if spot value configured for tags with continuous aggregations

Sum Time Factor Summation Time Factor

Raw History The frequency, in seconds, at which the tag is written to the historian. 0
Period indicates am OnChange setting; no value indicates that the tag is not
written to history

OPC server The opc server, from which tag values are sent; applies to opc tags only

OPC item id The item on the opc server, from which values are sent; applies to opc
tags only

OPC period The opc update period, in seconds; applies to opc tags only

OPC percent The opc dead-band in percent; applies to opc tags only

Aggregation A list of aggregation periods that the tag uses; no value means the tag
Periods has no aggregation periods

Aggregation by A list of calculation-dependent aggregation periods among the above

Calc. Periods aggregation periods.

Script The script used, when the tag is a calculation

ShortCut Checked if the tag is a short cut.

Offline Checked if the tag is set to be offline.

FB Template The template name, to which the function block was built

FB Version The version label of the template, that the function block was built to

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5-4 Chapter 5 Tag Configuration Viewer

Tag Version

This report lists all tags that are not built to the latest version of their tag template. The
details of this report are as follows:

Table 5-3 Tag Version Report

Information Notes

Tagname The tag pathname

Tag Template The template name, to which the tag was built

Version The version label of the template, that the tag was built to

FB Version

This report lists all function blocks that are not built to the latest version of their function
block template. The details of this report are as follows:

Table 5-4 FB Version Report

Information Notes

Function Block The function block pathname

FB Template The template name, to which the function block was built

FB Version The version label of the template, that the function block was built to

OPC History Mismatch

This report lists all tags that are written to history at a different rate to which they are
updated. The report only includes opc tags; it excludes those opc tags with a Raw History
Period of “On Change”. The details of this report are as follows:

Table 5-5 OPC History Mismatch Report

Information Notes

Tagname The tag pathname

Raw History Period The frequency, in seconds, at which the tag is written to the historian.

OPC period The opc update period, in seconds

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 5-5

Locked Tags

This report lists all tags and function blocks that are locked. The details of this report are as

Table 5-6 Locked Tags Report

Information Notes

Path The pathname

Type Tag or Function Block


This report lists all shortcut references to tags in the specified path (this includes tags
external to the specified path, making shortcut references to tags internal to the specified
path). The details of this report are as follows:

Table 5-7 Shortcuts Report

Information Notes

Path The pathname

Shortcut A list of shortcuts to the specified path, including the path itself

The format of the report is illustrated in the following example:

Table 5-8 Shortcuts Report Format

Path Shortcut

Root.folder 1.fb0.PV Root.folder 1.fb0.PV

Root.folder 1.fb0.PV Root.folder2.fb1.MV

Root.folder 1.fb0.PV Root.folder 1.fb2.PV

Root.folder 1.fb2.PV Root.folder 1.fb2.PV

Root.folder 1.fb2.PV Root.folder 1.fb0.PV

Root.folder 1.fb2.PV Root.folder2.fb1.MV

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5-6 Chapter 5 Tag Configuration Viewer

The selected path from which to display shortcuts is Root.folder 1. The report finds two tags
in this folder, having shortcuts, these tags being Root.folder 1.fb0.PV and Root.folder
1.fb2.PV. The path column shows each tag found with shortcuts, and the shortcut column
lists all of the tags making shortcut references.

Bad Calculations

This report lists all calculation tags having a bad calculation script (such a tag may have a
bad script, due to one of the inputs being deleted). The detail of this report is as follows:

Table 5-9 Bad Calculations Report

Information Notes

Path Pathname of tag having bad script

Bad Shortcuts

This report lists all shortcuts having a broken tag association (such a shortcut may be
associated with a tag which has been deleted). The detail of this report is as follows:

Table 5-10 Bad Shortcuts Report

Field Value

Path Pathname of shortcut having broken


5.2 Tag Configuration Viewer Screens

The Tag Configuration Viewer (Figure 5-1) consists of two main sections. These are:

♦ Tag Configuration Viewer

♦ Tag Configuration Details.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 5-7

5.3 Tag Configuration Viewer – Window Components

Figure 5-1 Tag Configuration Viewer Screen

Report Pane

The Report pane displays the results of the Report.

To change the sort order of the items in the column, click on the title bar of the column you
wish to sort.

Note: It is also possible to click on the first row of a column to sort the order of the items.
This happens because the first row has the same ID as the header row. Therefore
any code that sorts after a click on the header, also runs after a click on the first row.

Clicking twice reverses the sort order on the column.

Menu Bar

The menu bar has the menu options File, Edit and Help.

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5-8 Chapter 5 Tag Configuration Viewer

File Menu

Table 5-11 File Menu

Option Purpose

Export Saves the report to a .csv file

Print Print the report

Exit Closes the Tag Configuration Viewer

Select Server Choose one from multiple Exaquantum servers

Report Menu

Table 5-12 Report Menu

Option Purpose

Define Runs the Tag Configuration Details window, allowing selection and
definition of a report

Clear Clears the report pane

5.4 Tag Configuration Viewer Excel Add In

The reports can also be defined and run, from a Microsoft Excel Add In.

Installing the Tag Configuration Viewer

Provided Microsoft Excel is installed before Exaquantum, the add-in will be installed into
the correct folder to enable use in Excel, but the add-in needs to be enabled within Excel.

To enable the Tag Configuration Viewer:

1 Start Excel. From the Tools menu, select Add-ins. A list of available add-ins will be

2 Select the Exaquantum Tag Documenter option, and tick its checkbox.

3 Click OK. A message is displayed informing you that the add-in has been successfully

4 Acknowledge this message and close the Add-ins window.

The Exaquantum Tag Configuration Viewer menu option will have been added to the
Exaquantum menu.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 5-9

5.5 Display the Tag Configuration Viewer

1 Start Excel. Click on the Exaquantum menu and select Exaquantum Tag
Configuration Viewer.

2 The Tag Configuration Details Window is displayed.

5.6 Tag Configuration Details Screen

The Tag Configuration Details screen (Figure 5-2) allows you to select the report type, and

define any report parameters.

Figure 5-2 Tag Configuration Details Screen

The Tag Configuration Details screen comprises the following fields and controls:


[Read only field]

The Server field displays the name of the selected Exaquantum server. The default will be
the designated server.


[Read only field]

The Database field displays the name of the RTDB Configuration database.

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5-10 Chapter 5 Tag Configuration Viewer


The Report drop-down list contains a list of the defined reports.

Report Style

The Report Style options are:

♦ As List: Shows one tag per row

♦ Per Item: Shows each item of a tag per row.

Include Sub Folders

If checked, includes all tags in sub-folders under the selected path, in a report, as well as tags
in the selected folder.


The Description field gives a brief description of the function of selected report.

Selected Tags

The Tags field is where the tags, and/or paths to report on are defined. These can either be
by drag/drop from the browser, or by using the pop-up menu.

The pop-up menu is available by right mouse click on the Tags field. The menu has the
following options:

Table 5-13 Tags pop-up menu

Option Purpose

Add Tag Allows manual input of a tag or path, including wildcards or regular

Modify Tag Allows modification of selected tag or path

Delete Tag Deletes selected tag or path

Clear All Tags Clears the Tags field

Note: The Tag list is only available when you select the Tag Viewer and Shortcuts report.


The Browser shows the hierarchical structure that represents the available Exaquantum
process data the data.

Note: The Browser is only available when you select the Tag Viewer and Shortcuts report.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 5-11

Run Report Button

The Run Report button, when clicked, starts the procedure.

Cancel Button

Closes the Tag Configuration window.

5.7 How To Display Tag Configuration Information

1 Select the report you require.

2 Add the tag or path names (if necessary), click Run Report.

When the reports are run, if the report output contains no data, a dialog will be output
informing the user of this case.

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5-12 Chapter 5 Tag Configuration Viewer

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 6-1

Chapter 6 Consistency Checker

The Consistency Check runs four checks to provide information on system inconsistencies;
these are not reported to the user by any other means, and thus may go undetected.

6.1 Check Types

Table 6-1 Consistency Check Types

Check Notes

Items with missing Check is for items which should be stored in history (because
history write plan they have a Raw History Period set), but do not have a historian
write plan.

History Orphan Items Check is for items that exist in the historian, but not as an item
in the RTDB (Configuration database). This can include deleted

OPC notification rate Check is run per OPC server, to establish if the notification rate
for that OPC server has been exceeded. In this case,
notifications for some items would not be sent by the OPC

OPC groups Check that the maximum number of OPC groups allowed per
OPC server has not been exceeded.

When the application is run, a Pass/Fail result is shown against each of the checks. “Fail”
means there is a consistency problem, “Pass” the reverse.

6.2 Display the Consistency Checker Program

Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to find and open the Consistency Checker application.

The Consistency Checker application is installed in the following location:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\

To open the Consistency Checker application, click on the QConsist file.

The application is only available on an Exaquantum Server.

6.3 Access to the Consistency Checker

Only users who are members of the specified Exaquantum group, are allowed access to the
Consistency Checker

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6-2 Chapter 6 Consistency Checker

6.4 Consistency Checker Window

The Consistency Checker window (Figure 6-1) contains a list of the four check boxes, plus a

box for the result of each check. It also has two control buttons:

Table 6-2 Consistency Checker Window Control Buttons

Option Purpose

Run Checks Runs the consistency checks

Exit Exits the application

Figure 6-1 Consistency Checker Window

6.5 Running the Consistency Checker

1. Run the application

2. Click on the run checks button

3. The checks are run, with “Pass”/ “Fail” being shown against each check, after it has been

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 7-1

Chapter 7 Historian Management Support Tool

The Historian Management support tool comprises three applications that allow management
of the historian. The three applications are:

♦ Historian Maintenance, allows the removal of:

♦ Streams, where the corresponding item has been deleted from the Real Time Database

♦ Future data and "old" data, when the disk and filegroup are full.

♦ Storage Analysis, shows how efficiently data is being stored

♦ Disk Usage Prediction, predicts when the disk containing history data will become full.

Note: You can only use the Historian Management support tool on the Exaquantum
Server computer when the Exaquantum server is offline. The disk usage predictor
can be used when the service is running.

7.1 Startup
Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to find and open the Historian Maintenance application.

The Historian Maintenance application is installed in the following location:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\

To open the Historian Maintenance application, click on the HistMaint.exe file.

7.2 Historian Maintenance Application

Its purpose is to perform maintenance on the historian database. Historian Maintenance
comprises three functions:

♦ Physically delete streams that have been marked for deletion by the historian

♦ Delete future storage data

♦ Delete storage data prior to a specified time.

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7-2 Chapter 7 Historian Management Support Tool

Historian Maintenance Startup Screen – Window Components

The Historian Maintenance displays a startup window (Figure 7-1), this window gives the

user three operation options. This allows you to disable the Remove Future Data operation.
The operation to remove future data can take a long time.

Figure 7-1 Startup Window

Historian Maintenance Application – Window Components

The Historian Maintenance window (Figure 7-2) has two tabs:


♦ Streams

♦ Storages.

Figure 7-2 Historian Maintenance – Streams Tab

Streams Tab

The Streams tab displays a list of items that have been deleted from the RTDB. If there are
no entries in the Delete Candidates list, then there are no items that can be deleted.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 7-3

In the Delete Candidates list, select the streams you want to permanently delete. Click the
Add button, the selected steams are added to the Items to Delete list. The format of data in
the Delete Candidates list is:

<Storage>:<Item path>:<Item id>

Note: Streams can be removed from the Items to Delete list by clicking on the item name
and clicking the Remove button.

In practice, any streams that appear in the Delete Candidates list are no longer required by
the Exaquantum system and normally all would be removed.

Note 1: Removal of streams can take a substantial period of time, up to five seconds per
stream, depending on the period of history being removed.

Note 2: The application only has the capacity to load and delete a maximum of 32 000 items
in one pass.

When you have all the streams that you wish to delete in the Items to Delete list, click on
Delete. This permanently deletes all streams for the selected items.

The number of candidates for delete is displayed, below the Delete Candidates list. When
the deletion of items has been started, the number deleted, and the total to delete (that is, the
progress) is shown below the Items to Delete list.

The fields and controls associated with the Streams tab are described below.

Delete Candidate List

Lists all candidates that have been marked for deletion by the historian.

Items to Delete List

Displays the items that have been selected from the Delete Candidates list.

Add Button

Moves the selected items from the Delete Candidates list to the Items to Delete list.

Add All Button

Moves the all the items from the Delete Candidates list to the Items to Delete list.

Remove Button

Moves selected items from the Items to Delete list to the Delete Candidates list.

Remove All Button

Moves all items in the Items to Delete list to the Delete Candidates list.

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7-4 Chapter 7 Historian Management Support Tool

Delete Button

Deletes streams in the Items to Delete list.

Exit Button

Closes the Historian Maintenance application.

Storages Tab

The Storages tab (Figure 7-3) comprises two options: Remove Future Data and Free Up Disk


Figure 7-3 Historian Maintenance – Storages Tab

Remove Future Data

The Remove Future Data option is enabled if there is data in the historian that has a
timestamp greater than the current time.

This situation will only occur when the time of the system has been accidentally set forward
of the real time, resulting in future data being sent from OPC servers to Exaquantum. If this
time is corrected, and Exaquantum is restarted, data in Exaquantum would then be written
over existing data, making the system very inefficient, and heavily loaded. This would
continue until the current time passes the time of the original future data. This situation
makes running of the Remove Future Data option essential.

To permanently delete all Future data, click the Remove Future Data OK button. Only
future time stamped data will be deleted.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 7-5

Free Up Disk Space

This Free Up Disk Space is enabled when the historian data filegroup file is full, and the free
space on the partition holding the filegroup file is less than the pre-set threshold (i.e. it is
almost full). If the partition and the filegroup file are full, the historian will not be able to
store data and the table space file cannot be extended. In this situation, the application will
delete a small amount of data (raw and Alarm and Event only) from the start of history.

Note: It is anticipated, with correct regular archiving and maintenance the free up disk
space option will not be used.


The Free Up Disk Space button is provided as a means of recovering a system that has run
out of disk space. Permanent data loss will occur if this button is clicked. It must only be
used when it is not possible to archive data due to a full disk

A well-maintained Exaquantum system should never need this facility. The likely scenario
for use is that the historian database has been allowed to fill the physical disk to such an
extent that it is not possible to archive old data. The two options available are to migrate the
database to a larger physical disk or to remove some data from the existing database.

For more information about migrating to a larger physical disk, see “Disk Space
Extension” in the Exaquantum Engineering Guide Volume 1 Administration (IM

The second option is achieved by using the Free Up Disk Space function of this utility.
This function permanently deletes the earliest data held in the historian database. Only
raw, and alarm and event data is removed, aggregation values are left in the system.

To execute the function, click on the Free Up Disk Space OK button; this will execute the
function and permanently remove the history data. The amount of data removed is governed
by the registry key:

This determines the percentage of raw and AE data to remove. The default is 10%

The controls associated with the Storage Deletion tab are described below.

Remove Future Data Button

Deletes the storages with end dates in the future. The button is only enabled when data is
found in the historian, with a timestamp of greater than the current time.

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7-6 Chapter 7 Historian Management Support Tool

Free Up Disk Space Button

Removes storages before a pre-defined time period. The button is only enabled on two

1. The historian database is full

2. The total free disk space where the historian data filegroup resides contains less than a
pre-defined amount of free space. This amount is a percentage, held in the registry key:

The default is 5%.

Exit Button

Closes the Historian Maintenance application.

7.3 Storage Analysis

The Storage Analysis application produces a .csv file that contains information about the
space occupied by each stream in the selected storage.

Each storage should use a similar amount of storage space, this application will allow you to
check each storage individually. The .csv file type should be viewed using Microsoft Excel.

This application is primarily intended for use by developers and system integrators.

Display the Storage Analysis Application

Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to find and open the Storage Analysis application.

The Storage Analysis application is installed in the following location:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\System

To open the Storage Analysis application, click on the HistAnalysis file.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 7-7

Storage Analysis Application – Window Components

Figure 7-4 Storage Analysis Window

The Storage Analysis window (Figure 7-4) comprises four fields and two buttons. These are

described below.

Table 7-1 Storage Analysis window

Name Purpose

Storage Name Drop down list, containing the names of all storages in the Exaquantum system.

Results File Select or enter the full path of the name you want to use for your results file. The
results file must have a .csv extension, the extension is added automatically.

Start Time Enter a start time using the time and data selector. The associated check box
must be checked to enable the start time control. If the check box is unchecked,
the start time is ignored in the analysis

Note: Only storage rows with a timestamp which is equal to or more than the
specified start time will be included for analysis.

End Time Enter an end time using the time and data selector. The associated check box
must be checked to enable the end time control. If the check box is unchecked,
the end time is ignored in the analysis

Note: Only storage rows with a timestamp which is equal to or less than the
specified end time will be included for analysis.

Run Runs the program which generates the output file.

Exit Closes the Storage Analysis window.

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7-8 Chapter 7 Historian Management Support Tool

Running the Storage Analysis Application

To use Storage Analysis application, use the following procedure:

1 In Storage Name, select the storage that you want to check.

Note: Storages are given numbers when they are created by the Historian.

2 In Results File, enter a name and path for the output file. Using the extension .csv.

3 Enter a Start Time and End Time, if required.

4 Click Run to generate the output file.

5 The Analysis Complete message window is displayed.

6 Click Exit to close the Storage Analysis window.

Viewing the Output File

The output file must be viewed in Microsoft Excel. Navigate to the output file using
Windows Explorer and double-click on the file name to open it.

The output file lists all the streams within the storage (this may be delimited by use of start
and end times) and has two columns. The left column contains the id number of the stream
and the right column contains the size of the data in bytes.

The different streams should be of similar size to ensure optimum efficiency. Any
discrepancies may be investigated.

Note: If the item is in the wrong storage it is not possible to move it.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 7-9

7.4 Disk Usage Prediction Application

The Disk Usage Prediction application will calculate the amount of space used by historian
data, and the speed at which it is being used. From these figures it will calculate when the
available disk space will fill up. The predicted value does not reflect when the disk will
actually fill up; moreover, it assumes that the user will want to have space to restore archive
from backup media, and also allows space for archives to be created, if the system does run
out of disk space.

The application does not take into account downtimes when calculating its prediction. Thus
frequent short downtimes may result in the predictions being pessimistic, whilst long
downtimes will result in the prediction being optimistic.

Display the Disk Usage Prediction Application

Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to find and open the Disk Usage Prediction application.

The Disk Usage Prediction application is installed in the following location:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools

To open the Disk Usage Prediction application, click on the DiskUsage.exe file.

Disk Usage Prediction Application - Window Components

Figure 7-5 Disk Usage Window

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7-10 Chapter 7 Historian Management Support Tool

The Disk Usage window (Figure 7-5) application’s fields and controls are described below.

Table 7-2 Disk Usage window

Name Purpose

Results Contains the Disk Usage report after running the application.

Run Runs the application which generates the Disk Usage Report

Exit Closes the Disk Usage Prediction window.

The Warning messages generated are:

Maximum archive size exceeded. If any of the online archives has a size greater than the
size specified during installation/database creation.

Online archive count exceeded. If the number of online archives is greater than that
specified during installation/database creation

Running the Disk Usage Prediction Application

To use the Disk Usage Prediction application click on the Run button.

This generates the Disk Usage report which will be displayed in the Results list.

Report Contents

Note: If the database is set to expand then all physical space on the drive will be
considered. If the database is a fixed size, then only the space allocated to it will be
considered. If the historian filegroup files are stored on different partitions, this
factor is included in the calculation.

Table 7-3 Disk Usage Report

Title Information

Date The date on which the report has been run.

User Name The user that has run the report.

Current The total disk space held by all storages.

The rate at which disk space is being used in Mb per day.

Current Free Space The free physical space available to the historian.

Predicted Four entries that show the predicted date and time that 25%, 50%,
Consumption 75% and 100% of the currently free disk space will be used.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 8-1

Chapter 8 Database Creation Tool

The Database Creation Tool allows users to create databases that hold Exaquantum Historian
and configuration information. Database creation is normally done during the installation of
the Exaquantum server, using this tool with the default configuration parameters.

Note: For the installation default parameters, refer to the Exaquantum Installation Guide
(IM 36J04A13-01E).

However, this tool may be used to explicitly create new or re-create the databases.


Database creation is a serious action that can have significant impact on the Exaquantum
system. Users should be aware that running this tool essentially destroys the existing
databases. Usage of this tool must therefore be limited to those who are responsible for the
Exaquantum system administration.

Only use the database creation tool if you are sure of its effect.

8.1 Screen Components

The Database Creation tool has a number of fields (divided into ‘groups’) in which
parameters can be specified. These fields are described below.

Database Group

These fields accept the parameters by which the Exaquantum databases will be configured.

Config Database Size

Specifies the Configuration database size in MB. The database is always set to Auto-expand.
The default is 30 MB (this is the Small Database option).

Admin Database Size

Specifies the ‘HistorianAdmin database’ size in MB. The database is always set Auto-
expand. The default is 16 MB (this is the ‘Small Database’ option).

Percent of Disk for Historian

Specifies how large the Historian database should be in terms of a percentage of the
available free disk space. The database is either Auto-expand or Fixed, depending on which
Historian Databases option (see below) has been checked by the user. The default
percentage is 80%.

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8-2 Chapter 8 Database Creation Tool

Expand Historian Databases

This check box provides an option to make the Historian database auto-expand. The default
is Not Expand (i.e. the box is not checked). In this case the database will grow to a specified
size, but will not be able to accept new data once the limit is reached.


The Auto-expand option may appear useful when the system is first installed, and the
Historian data has not grown too large. However, as the system grows, the Historian
database size may reach that of the available disk space. At this point, the auto-expand
option could turn out to be dangerous, as there is no space for archiving data. Creating space
for more data is then not possible, unless part of the already present Historian information is

We therefore recommend that, for most cases, you use the database with the pre-allocated
space and the Expand Historian Databases option unchecked.

Overwrite Existing Databases

This check box provides the option to specify whether any existing databases will be


Overwriting existing databases is a serious action that can have significant impact on the
Exaquantum system. Take care when using this option. If it is selected, the content of the
existing databases will be lost.

Only use the Overwrite Existing Databases option if you are sure of its effect.

Security Group

Exaquantum implements the security feature, utilizing Windows network security and the
SQL Server security mechanism. During the installation process, users are prompted for the
whole set of parameters, while using this tool users are prompted for the SQL access
oriented parameters only. As for the exact value to place in this field, ask your network

Note: This value should be the same as that used in the installation (the bottom parameter
in the DCOM setting step).

Domain/Machine Name

Depending on the network configuration of the Exaquantum server, specify either the
domain name or the local machine name.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 8-3

21 CFR 11 Settings Group

Not all customers will want to use the security and logging features that Exaquantum
provides for 21 CFR 11. Consequently these features can be switched on or off.

Enable Auditing

This checkbox controls whether 21 CFR 11 auditing is switched on or off. The default
setting is that auditing is not enabled.

Password Reconfirmation Timeout

When 21 CFR 11 auditing is on, any function that enables a user to change values in the
database has a timeout period; this forces the user to reconfirm their password if the timeout
period has expired without any write operation being carried out. The timeout is designed to
prevent unauthorized users from making changes using an authorized user’s workstation that
has been left open.

The required timeout period is specified in minutes.

Archiving Group

The archiving fields allow the user to specify how much free space should be reserved for
the archive operation.

History Archive Size

This field specifies the maximum single archive size. The value should be less than or equal
to the media that is going to be used to backup archives. The default is 640 MB (CD-ROM

Maximum Online Archives

This field specifies the number of archives that can stay online at the same time. The figure
excludes the space required for making an archive. Therefore, ‘1’ is always added to the
figure specified here. The default is ‘2’.

Information Group

These fields are for information only. They will be particularly useful to determine the
figure to specify for the ‘Percent of Disk for Historian’ parameter.

Current Free Space

This is the free disk space on the drive to which the SQL Server’s databases are allocated. It
is primarily a free disk space, plus the existing database size (if the databases exist and the
overwrite existing databases option is selected). The databases are considered to be
‘existing’ when the name with a prefix character matches to an existing database name.

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8-4 Chapter 8 Database Creation Tool

Database Disk Space

This is the sum of space used by the three databases: Configuration database, Historian
Admin database and Historian database.

Disk Space Reserved for Archiving

This value is the result of ‘History Archive Size’ multiplied by ‘Maximum Online Archives
plus 1’.

Estimated Free Disk Space after Database Creation

Using the data supplied, this field show the free disk space. This value is calculated by
subtracting the ‘Database Disk Space’ and ‘Disk Space Reserved for Archiving’ from the
‘Current Free Space’. If this value is not sufficient, some of the other parameters (i.e. figures
already entered in some fields) should be adjusted until an appropriate value is calculated.

The definition of ‘appropriate’ varies depending on whether or not ‘Overwrite Existing

Databases’ has been checked. If it has been checked, the free space calculation is accurate.
(The value must be greater than zero for Create to become enabled.) If ‘Overwrite Existing
Databases’ has been left unchecked, the resulting free space calculation is not reliable (the
tool cannot know which databases the user will choose to overwrite and which ones will be
left, during the creation process). In this case, therefore, even a negative free space value
may be ‘appropriate’. (Create is always enabled.)

SQL Install Path

This shows where the tool thinks that the SQL Server database files are located.

Licence Key Code

This is the Exaquantum License Key Code; it is only displayed when Exaquantum has been
installed with a proper license key code.

Control Buttons

The Database Creation Tool has following control buttons:

Refresh Disk Updates the calculation of free disk space based on the specified
Information parameters.

Create Creates or re-creates databases based on the specified parameters.

Note: It may take a long time to complete database creation if the
Historian size is large.

Exit Quits the operation of this tool and does not update the databases.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 8-5

8.2 How to use the Exaquantum Database Creation Tool

The following are typical situations in which the Database Creation Tool is used:

♦ The installation default parameters are not satisfactory. In this case, use this tool after
the installation has completed. No data exists and hence the Overwrite Existing
Databases option should be checked.
♦ The installation’s database creation process fails. This tool should be run with the
appropriate parameters. In this case, do not check the Overwrite Existing Database
option, as the tool creates only non-existing database(s).
♦ When users want to remove database contents. In this case, the Overwrite Existing
Databases option should be checked.

View the Exaquantum Database Creation Tool

1 From the Start menu, select Programs, Exaquantum.

2 Select Database Creation Tool; the Exaquantum Database Creation Tool is displayed.

Create a Database

1 Run the program.

2 Complete the fields as appropriate, with the relevant parameters.

3 Click on Refresh Disk Information to update the free space calculation.

4 If the resulting free space value is appropriate (see “Estimated Free Disk Space after

Database Creation” in the Information Group section above), click on Create to start

creating databases.

Note: Depending on the size set for the Historian database, it may take a long time to
create the databases.

5 If the calculated free space value is not appropriate (see “Estimated Free Disk Space after

Database Creation” in the Information Group section above), repeat Steps 2 and 3.

6 After the database creation was successful, please reapply the IT Security settings (using
the current Security Model) by running the IT Security Setting Tool. Refer to "How to
use IT Security Setting tool" in "IM36J04A1502E".

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8-6 Chapter 8 Database Creation Tool

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 9-1

Chapter 9 Expand Databases Tool

The Expand Databases Tool allows users to expand databases that hold Exaquantum Historian

9.1 Screen Components

The Expand Databases tool has a number of fields (divided into ‘groups’) in which
parameters can be specified. These fields are described below.

Figure 9-1 Exaquantum Database Expansion Tool

Database Group

These fields accept the parameters by which the Exaquantum databases will be configured.

Percentage of Disk for Exaquantum Database

Specifies how large the Historian database should be in terms of a percentage of the
available free disk space. The database is Fixed and the default percentage is 90%.

Information Group

These fields are for information only. They will be particularly useful to determine the
figure to specify for the ‘Percent of Disk for Historian’ parameter.

Current Free Space

This is the free disk space on the drive to which the SQL Server’s databases are allocated. It
is primarily a free disk space, plus the existing database size. The databases are considered to
be ‘existing’ when the name with a prefix character matches to an existing database name.

Database Disk Space

This is the sum of space used by the QHistorianData database.

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9-2 Chapter 9 Expand Databases Tool

Estimated Free Space after Expansion

Using the data supplied, this field shows the free disk space. This value is calculated by
subtracting the ‘Estimated database space after expansion’ from the ‘Current Free Space’
and ‘Database Disk Space’. If this value is not sufficient, some of the other parameters (i.e.
figures already entered in some fields) should be adjusted until an appropriate value is

Estimated Database Space after Expansion

Using the data supplied, this field shows the database space after expansion. The database
space after expansion is calculated by percentage-expressing the ‘Database Size (% of disk
space)’ from the ‘Current Free Space’ and ‘Database Disk Space’. If this value is less than
the database disk space, expansion processing cannot be performed for the database.

SQL Install Path

This shows where the tool thinks that the SQL Server database files are located.

Control Buttons

The Expand Databases Tool has following control buttons:

Refresh Updates the calculation of free disk space based on the specified

Expand Expands databases based on the specified parameters.

Note: It may take a long time to complete database expansion if the
Historian size is large.

Exit Quits the operation of this tool and does not update the database.

9.2 How to use the Exaquantum Expand Databases Tool

The following are typical situations in which the Expand Databases Tool is used:

♦ Avoiding a situation where history data cannot be stored

If the disk space is filled up with historian data, the history data may not be stored. This
situation can be avoided by expanding the database space.

View the Exaquantum Expand Databases Tool

1 From the Start menu, select Programs, Exaquantum.

2 Select Expand Databases Tool; the Exaquantum Expand Databases Tool is displayed.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 9-3

Expand Database

1 Run the program.

2 Complete the fields as appropriate, with the relevant parameters.

3 Click on Refresh to update the free space calculation.

4 If the resulting free space value is appropriate (see “Estimated Database Space after

Expansion” in the Information Group section above), click on Expand to start expanding

the database.

Note: Depending on the size set for the Historian database, it may take a long time to
expand the database.

5 If the calculated free space value is not appropriate (see “Estimated Free Space after

Expansion” in the Information Group section above), repeat Steps 2 and 3.

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9-4 Chapter 9 Expand Databases Tool

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-1

Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

10.1 Overview of User interface
The OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool is a multi-function application

♦ List the status of all OPC servers

♦ Recover data lost over OPC downtimes where the Exaquantum/PIMS misses data
from an OPC server.

♦ Aggregation recalculation, for tag data affected by OPC downtime.

♦ Allows OPC Downtime periods to be added manually.

In the upper section of the form of the tool there are 3 tabs, these are:

♦ OPC Gateways – (details in section 10.4) 36H

♦ Data Recovery– (details in section 10.5)


♦ Add OPC Downtime – (details in section 10.6) 38H

It is possible to switch between any of the tabs at any time.

In the lower section of the form of the tool is:

♦ Data recovery progress status indication

♦ An abort button

♦ A button to close the tool

(Details in section 10.7) 39H

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10-2 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

Summary of functionality found on the OPC Gateways Tab

On the first, and default tab ‘OPC Gateways’, is displayed a list of all the available OPC
Gateways configured, and their DA and A&E status information. (See Figure 10-1)
Selecting OPC Gateways includes the Gateway in the OPC Downtime search seen on the
‘Data Recovery’ tab.

Figure 10-1 OPC Gateways Tab

Summary of functionality found on the Data Recovery Tab

The second tab ‘Data Recovery’ shows two regions: (Seen in Figure 10-2)

♦ Search Period - Time entry boxes to define the search period for OPC downtimes.

♦ OPC Data Downtime - List of downtimes for both tag and / or A&E data.

OPC downtimes are located by the search using the online time of the downtime, current
downtimes that do not have an online time are located by the search using the offline time.
Date and time entry fields are used to select the start and end time of the search. Following
change of the search parameters, click the ‘Refresh’ button to update the list of downtimes
displayed. (See section ‘Search Period Frame’ for more details)

To start recovery, one or more downtimes must be selected, post recovery options are set,
then the ‘Recover’ button clicked; a confirmation message will appear before the recovery is
initiated. (See section ‘Starting Downtime Recovery and Recalculation’ for more details)

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-3

To start aggregation recalculation, one or more downtimes must be selected, then the
‘Recalculate’ button clicked; a confirmation message will appear before the aggregation
recalculation is initiated. (See section ‘Starting Downtime Recovery and Recalculation’ for

more details)

Only user added downtimes can be deleted (See section ‘Deleting User Added Downtime’

for more details). To delete user added downtime, one or more downtimes must be selected
then the ‘Delete’ button clicked; a confirmation message will appear before the downtimes
are deleted.

Figure 10-2 Data Recovery Tab

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10-4 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

Summary of functionality found on the Add OPC Downtime Tab

In the event that an OPC Downtime is not added to the database automatically, the OPC
Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool allows a downtime to be added manually.

The third tab ‘Add OPC Downtime’ of the tool as seen in Figure 10-3 provides:

♦ Time entry boxes to define the OPC Downtime period.

♦ Check boxes to select the type of downtime.

♦ Description box to specify the cause of downtime.

♦ List of OPC Gateways to apply the OPC Downtime for.

To create a new downtime, select the required gateway and downtime options, click the
‘Add’ button. The user will be prompted for confirmation.

Figure 10-3 Add OPC Downtime

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-5

Summary of functionality found on the lower section of the form of the tool

The overall progress and the progress of the current or most recent downtime being
processed is displayed at the lower section of the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery
tool and is visible to the user at all times, as shown in Figure 10-4. (See section ‘Display of
347H 348H

Progress Information’ for more details)

The current process can be aborted from the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool
using the ‘Abort’ button seen in Figure 10-4 regardless of whether the process was initiated

manually from the tool or by the Auto OPC Recovery Service. (See section ‘Abort the

current process’ for more details)

Figure 10-4 Recovery and Recalculation Progress

Any of the following methods can be used to initiate the closing of the OPC Server Viewer
and Data Recovery tool:

♦ Clicking the close button seen in Figure 10-4.


♦ Using the context menu in the top left corner of the tool and selecting close.

♦ Using the cross in the top right corner of the tool.

The user will be prompted for confirmation before the tool closes. Closing the OPC Server
Viewer and Data Recovery tool will not affect any recovery or recalculation in progress,
irrespective of whether it was initiated by the Auto Recovery Service or manually using the

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

10-6 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

10.2 Overview
The OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool allows flexibility by enabling the user to:

♦ View DA and A&E status information for all OPC gateways in a single view, with
highlighting of those having unprocessed downtimes awaiting recovery and

♦ View information on cause of downtimes, and user defined information for user added

♦ View all downtimes with data recovered both manually and automatically in a single
view. (Downtimes processed by History Catch-up are not displayed)

♦ View recovery and aggregation recalculation progress information for both the
automatic and manual processes.

♦ Recover missing Tag data or Alarms/Events on one or more connected OPC servers,
on demand.

♦ Recalculate aggregations for Tag data affected by downtime on one or more

connected OPC servers, on demand.

♦ Add user defined Tag data or Alarms/Events OPC Downtime with a user defined
description on one or more connected OPC servers, on demand.

♦ Choose the period over which to filter the display of OPC downtimes.

♦ Choose when to recover the Tag data or Alarms/Events, and recalculate aggregations,
if automated recovery and aggregation recalculation is not configured.

Note 1: All recovery & recalculation operations are done by the Auto OPC Recovery

Exaquantum also provides automatic OPC recovery and aggregation recalculation. The Auto
OPC Recovery service allows flexibility by enabling the user to configure:

♦ The time threshold for automatic recovery, through a registry key.

♦ Whether to automatically recover downtimes, through the Exaquantum

Administration Tools.

♦ Whether to recalculate aggregations for downtimes automatically or manually

recovered, through the Exaquantum Administration Tools.

All tag data or Alarms/Events recovery operations are recorded in an audit log.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-7

Note 2: Alarms/Events data can only be partially recovered for a time range that has
been archived (Alarm and Event archive group only).

Note 3: Tag data can only be partially recovered for a time range that has been archived
(Raw Fast and/or Raw Slow archive groups).

Note 4: Recalculation of aggregations can only be partially recalculated for a time range
that has been archived (Hourly + Custom or Daily Aggregation archive groups).

History catch-up

Exaquantum already provides an automated form of data recovery known as History Catch-
up. History catch-up can be configured to run whenever the Exaquantum/PIMS server has
been shut down and restarted. If missing Tag data or Alarms/Events is available on the OPC
servers, the Exaquantum/PIMS server will collect and merge it with the existing Tag data or
Alarms/Events to restore the database as completely as possible during the startup process.

Difference in History catch-up & OPC Recovery Recalculation Process

There is a difference in the scope of the recalculation process when it is performed by

History Catch-up and when it is performed by OPC Recovery.

When recalculation is performed by History Catch-up it will recalculate in the correct time
sequence all tags all OPC tag aggregations, all calculated tags and their aggregations, and
trigger custom events if the system is configured to do so.

When recalculation is performed following an OPC Recovery it will only recalculate; the
recovered OPC tags’ aggregations, this is also referred to as reclosing aggregations.
Calculated tags (other than those with ‘scripted aggregations’) will not be recalculated or

Throughout the rest of this document recalculation as performed by OPC Recovery is

referred to as aggregation recalculation.

OPC Recovery

The OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool allows data recovery to be carried out
manually at any time while Exaquantum is running. This will allow Tag data and or
Alarms/Events to be recovered after downtime due to network or other system interruptions.

OPC Data Downtimes can be generated as a result of the following:

♦ Network Failure

♦ Login Failure

♦ OPC Server Shutdown - (Data cannot be recovered from a OPC server shutdown)

♦ Exaquantum Shutdown

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10-8 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

The tool can be used to recover over a period of Exaquantum shutdown:

♦ If history catch-up on start-up is not configured.

♦ If history catch-up on start-up is configured only to recovery from the start of an

aggregation period.

♦ If history catch-up failed to recover data when Exaquantum was started.

Because some OPC servers may be configured to only store a small amount of historical data,
typically between 3 - 7 days, there is a limitation on which data is recovered for downtime.
There is a reliance on system administrators to regularly check for the presence of downtime,
and attempted recovery while the data is still available on the OPC server.

The introduction of Auto OPC Recovery Service in release R2.70 is designed to monitor
OPC Gateway connection loss and automatically recover missing data. For each OPC
Gateway that Auto OPC Recovery and, optionally, Recalculation is configured, if
unrecovered downtimes are found the service will initiate the recovery of Tag Data and
Alarm/Events from the OPC Gateway, and recalculate aggregations affected by the

10.3 Starting the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool

The OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool is only available on Exaquantum data
servers and Exaquantum combined servers. The tool can only be run by users in the correct
windows user group; the user group depends on the IT Security Model.

IT Security Model Windows user group

Legacy QAdministratorGroup on the Exaquantum server

Standard (Standalone) QTM_MAINTENANCE on the Exaquantum server

Standard (Domain) QTM_MAINTENANCE on the domain or

QTM_MAINTENANCE_LCL on the Exaquantum server

Starting the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool

The OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool is started from the shortcut in the
Exaquantum program menu, or by running the executable file:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\OPC Server Viewer Data


The Exaquantum service and the Auto OPC Recovery service must be running for the tool to
be used. If the services are not running the tool will display a message to the user that it is
unable to start, will log any errors in the windows event log, and then exit.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-9

On Startup

Only one instance of the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool can be running at any
one time. A search for OPC downtime is performed automatically on starting the OPC
Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool. This displays downtimes within the OPC Downtime
Default Threshold for all gateways. This allows the user to quickly view downtimes that
have occurred. All downtimes are also preselected to minimize the number of user actions to
initiate a recovery or recalculation.

10.4 OPC Gateways Tab

For each OPC Gateway, one row is shown, each of which has a number of fields. These are
described in Table 10-1. By default the check list is sorted alphabetically on the column
Gateway Name.

Table 10-1 OPC Gateway Information Displayed

Column Name Data Represented

(Check Box) Inclusion in Data Downtime events search if checked.

Includes the OPC Gateway in the search for Data
Downtime events. (See section Search Period)

Gateway Name OPC Gateway Name

Computer Name OPC Server Name

DA-Status Current Status of the OPC DA connection.

Represented as:

• Online status –is denoted by

• Offline status –is denoted by

• No OPC DA connection is configured – is denoted


A&E-Status Current Status of the OPC A&E connection.

Represented as:

• Online status –is denoted by

• Offline status –is denoted by

• No OPC A&E connection is configured – is denoted


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10-10 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

Column Name Data Represented

Last DA-Status Update Time of last status change from DA OPC Gateway. (See
section Last Status Update)

Note: This is not the same as the time at which the status
was last checked.

Last A&E-Status Update Time of last status change from A&E OPC Gateway.
(See section Last Status Update)

Note: This is not the same as the time at which the status
was last checked.

OPC-Groups Number of registered groups

Formatted as ‘<groups> (<online groups>)’
<online groups> the number of groups that have an OPC
status of ONLINE.
OPC-Items Number of registered items
Formatted as ‘<items> (<online items>)’
<online items> the number of items that have an OPC
status of ONLINE.
Description OPC Gateway Description

OPC-Gateway Type Exaquantum OPC Gateway Type

Status Comment Any available error information about the OPC DA


Auto Recovery Indicates whether auto recovery is enabled or disabled for

this gateway.

Auto Recalculation Indicates whether auto recalculation is enabled or

disabled for this gateway.

ProgID (DA) OPC DA interface Programmatic Identifier

ProgID (HDA) OPC HDA interface Programmatic Identifier

ProgID (AE) OPC A&E interface Programmatic Identifier

ProgID (HAE) OPC HA&E interface Programmatic Identifier

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-11

Figure 10-5 OPC Gateway Display - Columns 1 to 10

Figure 10-6 OPC Gateway Display - Columns 11 to 18

Figure 10-5 and Figure 10-6 show examples of the OPC Gateway states information that is

Selecting Gateways

Checking the check box for an OPC Gateway includes the Gateway in Data Downtime
events search, the results from the search are shown in the OPC Data Downtime check list
automatically without needing to click the ‘Refresh’ button on the Data Recovery tab (See
section 10.5).

The check box in the header row of the first column as seen in Figure 10-7 can be used to
quickly select or de-select all OPC Gateways listed. Individual rows can still be
independently selected or de-selected as required. By default all of the OPC Gateways are
selected on first entry.

Figure 10-7 Column Select

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10-12 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

Last Status Update

Time of last status change from OPC Gateway. There is a value for each of DA and A&E is
displayed, as shown in Figure 10-5.

Data representation conditions:

♦ White background color - The most recent status update indicated the OPC Gateway
was Online. The field has a white background color and shows the date and time of
the last status change.

♦ Red background color with date and time displayed - The most recent status update
indicated the OPC Gateway was Offline. The field has a red background color and
shows the date and time of the last attempted check.

♦ Red background color with no date and time displayed - There was an error retrieving
the status information about the OPC Gateway in the most recent status update, the
field has a red background color but no date and time is shown.

♦ Yellow background color - The most recent status update indicated the OPC Gateway
was Online, but there are OPC Data Downtime periods where data recovery or
recalculation is not ‘Complete’ or ‘Partial Recovery’. The field has a yellow
background color and shows the date and time of the last status change.

The date and time displayed for ‘Last DA-Status Update’ is that of the last status change of
the OPC DA connection. (See Note 1: )

The date and time displayed for ‘Last A&E-Status Update’ is that of the last status change of
the OPC A&E connection. (See Note 1: )

The search for OPC Data Downtime used to determine the field’s background color, uses the
time range ‘NOW - 72 hours to NOW’. Note that 72 hours is the default, and can be
modified if required.

Note 5: A status change of an OPC connection could be when the connection was re-
established after a period of downtime, it is not the last time the status was requested.

OPC-Groups and OPC-Items

When an OPC Gateway is Offline, status information for OPC-Groups and OPC-Items are
unavailable, the number of online OPC-Groups and OPC-Items will be reported as 0.

When one OPC Server is configured with multiple OPC Gateways, these OPC Gateways
will display the same status information for OPC-Groups and OPC-Items.

If the number of configured values displayed for OPC-Groups or OPC-Items do not match
the number indicated as online, further details of which groups or items are not online can be
found in the log files for OPCDAManager “<Exaquantum PIMS install

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-13

Refreshing of OPC Gateway Data

All the OPC Gateway status information will be updated at frequent intervals with a default
of 30 seconds between the end of one refresh and the start of the next.

10.5 Data Recovery Tab

When Exaquantum loses its connection to an OPC server, it records the start and end of the
downtime in the database.

The OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool can access this information to provide
details of all the missing Tag data and or Alarms and Events. (See Table 10-2)

Search Period Frame

Restrictions of the start and end entry fields are as follows:

♦ Start time must be less than End time

♦ End time must be less than or equal to the current time

Using the same date and time entry fields it is possible to select a relative start and end time
in the ‘NOW-72 Hours’ format, as seen in Figure 10-8. The default is ‘NOW-72 Hours’.

Figure 10-8 Time entry field selection

If a relative end time is selected, the refresh function will be automatically triggered, to keep
the OPC Data Downtime search up to date. The interval of the automatic refresh has a
default of 10 minutes.

Only the OPC Gateways selected (see section 10.4) are included in the search.

Note 6: The automatic triggering of the refresh of the grid function will be temporarily
disabled if an OPC Data Downtime recovery is in progress.

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10-14 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

OPC Data DowntimeFrame

OPC Downtime lists all downtimes constrained by the default search period; OPC
Downtimes processed by History catch-up are not displayed. The data displayed is described
in Table 10-2 with examples shown in Figure 10-9 and Figure 10-10.
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Table 10-2 OPC Data Downtime Information Displayed

Column Name Data

Data Type

Represented as:

• OPC Item Data (Tag Data) –is denoted by

• OPC Alarm and Event Data –is denoted by
(Check Box) If checked, includes the OPC Downtime in the recovery or
recalculation process, or deletion of user added OPC Downtime.

Gateway Name OPC Gateway Name

Computer Name OPC Server Name

Offline Time Time the data loss began

Online Time Time the data recording resumed

Recovery Status The recovery status of the downtime event

See Table 10-3 for details of the possible status values.


Recalculation status The aggregation recalculation status of the downtime. This is not
available for OPC Alarm and Event Data downtimes.

See Table 10-3 for details of the possible status values.


Description The cause of the downtime.

Represented as:

• Network Failure
• Login Failure
• OPC Server Shutdown
• Exaquantum Shutdown
• User Added: <User Entered Description>
<User Entered Description> Is a comment added by the user
creating the downtime. Limited to 50 characters.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-15

Column Name Data

Recovered Data A time between Offline Time and Online Time indicating the
Time data recovered.

Recovery Start Time The time that recovery was started, if relevant.

Recovery End Time The time that recovery ended, if relevant.

Recalculation Start The time that aggregation recalculation was started, if relevant.
This is not available for OPC Alarm and Event Data downtime.

Recalculation End The time that aggregation recalculation ended, if relevant.

This is not available for OPC Alarm and Event Data downtime.

Table 10-3 Recovery and Recalculation Status Definitions

Status Description

Not Started Recovery or Recalculation has not been started. See Note 7:

In Progress Recovery or Recalculation is in progress.

Error Recovery or Recalculation finished unsuccessfully.

Not all of the data has been recovered and / or recalculated.

Error information can be found in the Windows Application

event log.

Complete Recovery or Recalculation finished successfully.

The data has been recovered and / or recalculated.

Partial Recovery Recovery of part of the OPC Data has been completed successfully.
Not all of the data was available from the OPC Server.

This is not available for OPC Alarm and Event Data downtime.

Partial Recovery Recovery or Recalculation of part of the OPC Data has been
(Abort) completed successfully; the processing was aborted as a result of
user action, before it reached the end of the downtime.

For Recovery State see Note 8:


For Recalculation State see Note 9:


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10-16 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

Partial Recovery Recovery or Recalculation of part of the OPC Data has been
(Exaquantum completed successfully; the processing was aborted as a result of
Abort) an Exaquantum shutdown, before it reached the end of the

For Recovery State see Note 8:


For Recalculation State see Note 9:


Note 7: Downtimes generated before release R2.70 where downtime aggregation

recalculation was not available. For these downtimes the recalculation state is displayed
as ‘Not Started’.

Note 8: The current time slice of downtime recovery will be completed. Data forward of
the recorded Recovered Data Time (as defined in Table 10-2) will be missing (up to the

Online time). When recovery is started again for this downtime, it will start from the
recorded Recovered Data Time.

Note 9: When recalculation is started again for this downtime, it will start from the
Offline Time.

Figure 10-9 OPC Data Downtime Display – Columns 1-8

Figure 10-10 OPC Data Downtime Display – Columns 9-14

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-17

Selecting a Downtime

The check box in the header row of the second column as seen in Figure 10-11 can be used

to quickly select or de-select all OPC Downtime. Individual rows can still be independently
selected or de-selected as required.

By default all of the OPC Downtimes are selected on first entry.

Figure 10-11 Column Select

For each Downtime found in the search, its eligibility for manual recovery / recalculation or
deletion is indicated as follows:

♦ Downtime is eligible for one or more of recovery, recalculation or deletion. The check
box is visible and can be checked.

♦ Downtime is eligible for one or more of recovery, recalculation or deletion, but its
OPC Gateway state is currently Offline. The check box is visible but it is grayed out
and cannot be checked.

♦ Downtime is not eligible for any of recovery, recalculation or deletion. The check box
is not visible.

For an OPC downtime to be eligible for Deletion it must comply with the following rules:

1 The downtime recovery state must be ‘Not Started’.

2 The downtime must be a user added downtime, in the ‘Description’ column these are
displayed as ‘User Added: <user defined description>’.

For an OPC downtime to be eligible for Manual Recovery it must comply with the following

1 The downtime’s gateway is not in the Offline state. As defined by there being no DA or
A&E downtimes that exist for the downtime’s gateway that have no Online time.

2 For the downtime’s gateway there are no other A&E downtimes currently being
processed by AE History Catch-up.

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10-18 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

3 The downtime recovery state is one of the following:

♦ Not Started

♦ Error

♦ Partial Recovery (Aborted)

♦ Partial Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)

For an OPC downtime to be eligible for Manual Aggregation Recalculation it must comply
with the following rules:

1 Only DA downtime can be recalculated.

2 The downtime recovery state is one of the following:

♦ Partial Recovery

♦ Complete

3 The downtime recalculation state is one of the following:

♦ Not Started

♦ Error

♦ Partial Recovery (Aborted)

♦ Partial Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)

Starting Downtime Recovery and Recalculation

Before starting manual recovery, the user can set post recovery options. Post recovery
options are saved when the tool is closed, and then restored when the tool is next opened by
the same user. The default option selected is ‘Recalculation as per OPC Gateway settings’.

These options seen in Figure 10-12 are described in Table 10-4.

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Figure 10-12 Post Recovery Options

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Table 10-4 Post Recovery Options Descriptions

Options Description

No Recalculation After all selected downtimes are recovered, no aggregation

recalculation is performed.

Recalculation as per OPC After all selected downtimes are recovered, aggregation
Gateway settings recalculation of a downtime just recovered is only performed if
the downtime’s OPC Gateway has Auto Recalculation enabled
and the downtime complies with the rules for Manual
Aggregation Recalculation.

Recalculation After all selected downtimes are recovered; aggregation

recalculation of a downtime just recovered is performed if the
downtime complies with the rules for Manual Aggregation

If none of the selected downtimes are eligible for recovery or aggregation recalculation the
user will be notified of this.

If not all of the selected downtimes are eligible for recovery or aggregation recalculation the
user will be notified of this, and will be given the option to continue. In this case only
downtimes that are eligible for recovery or aggregation recalculation remain selected.

Recovery and recalculation of downtimes initiated from the OPC Server Viewer and Data
Recovery tool are processed in the same way as those initiated from Auto OPC Recovery
service, see section Processing of OPC downtimes for more details. Data from OPC

downtimes are recovered first, processing them one at a time, in order of the oldest Offline
time first.

All recovery results are recorded in the OPC Recovery Audit log, which can be viewed from
the Exaquantum System Events Viewer.

Deleting User Added Downtime

If none of the selected downtimes are eligible for deletion the user will be notified of this.

If not all of the selected downtimes are eligible for deletion the user will be notified of this,
and will be given the option to continue.

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10-20 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

10.6 Add OPC Downtime Tab

To create a new downtime according to the options specified below, click the ‘Add’ button.
The user will be prompted for confirmation.

The following basic checks are performed on OPC Downtime being added:

♦ Start time must be less than End time

♦ End time must be less than or equal to the current time

♦ For OPC Servers with multiple Gateways configured for DA and supports HDA, DA
Downtime is only added for the first Gateway configured to that server.

♦ For each OPC Gateway, A&E OPC Data Downtime is only added if the gateway is
configured for A&E and supports HAE.

Note 10: If none of the selected gateways are eligible for the type of downtime selected
the user will be notified of this.

The following user input controls can be reset to the default state by clicking the ‘Clear’

♦ Start Time

♦ End Time controls

♦ Type of OPC Downtime

♦ OPC Downtime Description

♦ OPC Gateway selection

Select range of OPC Downtime

Date and time entry fields are used to select the period of the downtime to be added. Enter
the start time and the end time of the outage in LOCAL time as shown on the PC clock of the
server. By default the date and time entry fields are in the ‘Please Select’ state, as seen in the
top of Figure 10-13.

Figure 10-13 Time entry field selection

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-21

Note 11: Care should be taken when entering dates to avoid overlapping or erroneous
entries. If downtimes overlap OPC Recovery will occur more than once for the period
that is overlapping.

Select OPC Gateway

Select all Gateways or Specific Gateways to match the downtime that is to be generated, the
data displayed is described in Table 10-5. Some OPC Gateways do not support history data

retrieval and it is not possible to create downtime for these Gateways. By default all of the
OPC Gateways are selected.

Table 10-5 OPC Gateway Information Displayed

Column Name Data Represented

(Check Box) Inclusion in add OPC Downtime if checked. Creates downtime for
the OPC Gateway where it is eligible for the type of downtime.

Gateway Name OPC Gateway Name

Computer Name OPC Server Name

Description OPC Gateway Description

OPC-Gateway Type Exaquantum OPC Gateway Type

Select type of OPC Downtime

The type of OPC Downtime to be created is selected using the check boxes, allowing the
following selection to be made:

♦ Alarm and Event

♦ Data Access

♦ (Both of the above)

OPC Downtime Description

The description of the OPC Downtime added by the user, this field is restricted to 50

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10-22 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

10.7 Lower section of form of the tool

Display of Progress Information

The OPC Data Downtime display will be updated at the start and at the end of processing of
each downtime, reporting the new recovery and recalculation status.

The progress information displayed on the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool

♦ Description of the overall operation being performed.

♦ Automatic Recovery and Recalculation, Manual Recovery, etc.

♦ When processing is complete.

♦ When an abort has been initiated, and when the processing has been aborted.

♦ Total overall progress, displayed as a progress bar.

♦ The state of the progress bar is defined as a percentage of the number of

operations on downtimes remaining to process.

♦ Description of the downtime being processed.

♦ The operation being performed on the downtime, Recovery or Recalculation.

♦ The type of downtime, Item Data or A&E Data.

♦ The OPC Server that the downtime belongs to.

♦ The Offline and Online times of the downtime.

♦ Progress of the downtime being processed, displayed as a progress bar.

♦ The state of the progress bar is defined as a percentage of the number of time
periods within the downtime remaining to process.

Note 12: While an OPC Recovery or recalculation is in progress the ability to start
another manual recovery / recalculation or delete user added OPC Data Downtime is
disabled, the selecting of Downtimes is also disabled.

Abort the current process

The tool will prompt for confirmation before the abort is executed. Once the abort has been
confirmed, the current recovery or recalculation will continue until it reaches the next time period
within the downtime being processed or the end of the current downtime, whichever is first.

Recovered or recalculated downtime will be assigned the appropriate status as defined in

Table 10-3. Any other recovery or recalculations that were scheduled will not be started.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 10-23

10.8 General behavior of GUI

If a manual or automated recovery or recalculation is in progress the following functionality
will not be available:

♦ Selecting or deselecting of downtimes.

♦ Starting manual OPC recovery.

♦ Starting manual aggregation recalculation.

♦ Deleting user added downtime.

It is possible to resize the tool both horizontally and vertically, the tool has a minimum size
to ensure that all elements of the tool are displayed correctly.

It is possible to change the display width and ordering of columns within data grids, to
enable all data within the column’s fields to be viewed. Columns will have a default width to
best display relevant data in all columns. Where all the data within a cell cannot be displayed,
a tooltip is shown, displaying the data. Column headers that are unable to display the full
title of the column on a single line will attempt to display the title on multiple lines.

User customization of the width is saved and reinstated when the tool is next run by the same

Where there are more columns or rows than the tool is able to display all at once, the data
grids allows horizontal and vertical scrolling of the data.

If the Exaquantum service or the Auto OPC Recovery service is stopped while OPC
Recovery is in progress, the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool will exit, displaying
a message indicating the reason for the tool closing. An abort is initiated as described in
section Abort the current process.

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10-24 Chapter 10 OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery Tool

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 11-1

Chapter 11 Auto OPC Recovery Service

11.1 Operation on startup
The starting and stopping of the Auto OPC Recovery service is managed by Exaquantum
Executive, the service and its status also appears in the list of services within Exaquantum
Service Manager.

Figure 11-1 Exaquantum Service Manager

On starting the Auto OPC recovery service will first search for any OPC downtime records
that need repairing as a result of the Exaquantum server losing power while a downtime was
being recovered or recalculated. These records would otherwise be left with a state of ‘In

The downtime search is restricted to the OPC Downtime Default Threshold, see section
Appendix A.1 Downtime Threshold for details. Note that 72 hours is the default, and can

be modified if required.

Any OPC downtime records found in this state are updated to have the state ‘Partial
Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)’, which will then allow the downtime to be automatically
or manually recovered / recalculated again.

After an initial delay with a default of 30 seconds, the service will attempt to search for OPC
Downtime at regular intervals with a default of 30 seconds.

11.2 Searching for OPC Downtime eligible for recovery or

At the defined regular intervals the service poll event will attempt to search for OPC
downtimes that are eligible for auto recovery or auto aggregation recalculation. The
following conditions will prevent the poll event from searching for OPC downtimes:

♦ OPC downtime recovery or recalculation is already in progress, manually initiated by

the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool.

♦ OPC downtime recovery or recalculation is already in progress, initiated by the Auto

OPC Recovery service as a result of a previous search for eligible OPC downtimes.

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11-2 Chapter 11 Auto OPC Recovery Service

If the search attempt was successful, all OPC downtimes retrieved have an Online time that
is within the Appendix A.1 Downtime Threshold.

The OPC downtimes are then filtered using the following rules to find downtimes that are
eligible for Auto Recovery:

1 The downtime’s gateway must have Auto Recovery enabled.

2 The downtime’s gateway is not in the Offline state. As defined by there being no DA or
A&E downtimes that exist for the downtime’s gateway that have no Online time.

3 For the downtime’s gateway there are no other A&E downtimes currently being
processed by AE History Catch-up.

4 For the downtime’s gateway there are no other DA or AE downtimes that has an Online
time that is within the Appendix A.1 Downtime Threshold of before the current

5 The downtime recovery state is one of the following:

♦ Not Started

♦ Partial Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)

The OPC downtimes are then filtered using the following rules to find downtimes that are
eligible for auto aggregation recalculation:

1 Only DA downtime can be recalculated.

2 The downtime’s gateway must have Auto Recalculation enabled.

3 The downtime recovery state is one of the following:

♦ Partial Recovery

♦ Complete

4 The downtime recalculation state is one of the following:

♦ Not Started

♦ Partial Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)

If there are downtimes that are eligible for Auto Recovery or Auto Recalculation the
processing of these downtimes are then initiated.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 11-3

11.3 Processing of OPC downtimes

The Auto OPC Recovery service processes all OPC downtime recoveries first, processing
them one at a time, in order of the oldest Offline time first. Recoveries from different OPC
Gateways are not run concurrently. If more than one OPC Gateways with A&E enabled
points to the same OPC Server, these A&E Downtimes are still processed separately.

If a downtime’s recovery or recalculation status is set to ‘Partial Recovery’ or ‘Error’ this

does not affect the processing of other Downtimes.

If more than one OPC Gateway with items configured point to the same OPC DA Server
only a single entry is present in the Item Downtime table for this server.

Each downtime is processed in time slices that may be smaller than the overall downtime
period; this is done to optimize performance. The size of the time periods has a default of 30

This is done to recover as much data and Alarm/Events data as possible from the OPC
servers before that data is removed from the OPC server’s limited historical store.

As the processing of each downtime recovery finishes, if the downtime was in the list of
those eligible for auto aggregation recalculation pending auto recovery, the downtime is then
added to the list of downtimes eligible for auto aggregation recalculation, providing the
downtime complies with the following rules:

1 Only DA downtime can be recalculated.

2 The downtime’s gateway must have Auto Recalculation enabled.

3 The downtime recovery state is one of the following:

♦ Partial Recovery

♦ Complete

4 The downtime recalculation state is one of the following:

♦ Not Available

♦ Not Started

♦ Partial Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)

All recovery results are recorded in the OPC Recovery Audit log, which can be viewed from
the System Events Viewer.

The Auto OPC Recovery service then processes all OPC downtime aggregation
recalculations, processing them one at a time, in order of the oldest Offline time first.

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11-4 Chapter 11 Auto OPC Recovery Service

11.4 Displaying Of Auto OPC Recovery Progress Information

The Auto OPC Recovery service passes progress information to be displayed on the OPC
Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool if it is currently running, this information includes:

♦ Description of the overall operation being performed.

♦ Total overall progress, displayed as a progress bar.

♦ Description of the downtime being processed.

♦ Progress of the downtime being processed, displayed as a progress bar.

11.5 Auto OPC Recovery Service Stopped

If the Auto OPC Recovery service is stopped, usually as a result of Exaquantum being
stopped, while processing of downtime is in progress, the processing of the current
downtime will be aborted at the end of the next time period, the downtime status will be set
to ‘Partial Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)’.

Any remaining OPC Data Downtime that was due to be processed, are still eligible to be
recovered and recalculated at a later time. Only those with a recovery and recalculation state
of ‘Not Started’ or ‘Partial Recovery (Exaquantum Aborted)’ are eligible for auto recovery
and recalculation, the others will have to be done manually using the tool.

Stopping the Exaquantum service or Auto OPC Recovery service will also result in the OPC
Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool being closed, the user will be presented with a
message indicating the reason the tool is closing.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 12-1

Chapter 12 Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export Tool

12.1 Overview
It is frequently necessary to share a common set of Tag and Function Block templates across
several Exaquantum/PIMS servers. The Template Import/Export tool enables this to be
easily achieved by providing the facility to:

♦ Export the Tag or Function Block templates to a CSV file.

♦ Import a CSV file to create a set of Tag or Function Block Templates

Thus to distribute a template it can be exported to a CSV file from one server and imported
on all the others that require to use it. This enables the easier setting up of additional
Exaquantum/PIMS servers.

Although the Exaquantum system provides comprehensive template creation and editing
tools, if one or more templates needs to be changed, in some situations it can be easier to edit
the CSV file than edit the templates. For example exporting a set of templates, making a
series of small changes and import to all the new servers can be easily accomplished.

12.2 Operation
A set of templates on one Exaquantum/PIMS server can be saved to a file and then imported
to one or more other Exaquantum/PIMS servers in the same system.

There are two types of template, Tag and Function Block, which have to be treated
separately. However, the procedure is the same in each case.


To save a set of templates to a file run the Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export tool
and select Export. Choose the type of templates to be saved and provide a name and path for
the file to be saved.


Importing of template files should only be carried out on a clean, empty Exaquantum
database. To import a set of previously saved templates, run the Tag/Function Block
Template Import/Export tool and select Import. Choose the type of template to be imported
and identify the file containing the data.

12.3 Technical details

In order to import and export a template, the Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export
tool will translate the Tag or Function Block template information held in the
Exaquantum/PIMS server into a single CSV format file.

The contents of each file starts with a header followed by the body.

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12-2 Chapter 12 Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export Tool

Conceptually, the body of the data is in the form of a matrix:

Table 12-1 Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export tool CSV file format

Column name 1 Column name 2 Column name n

Template 1 Value 1 Template 1 Value 2 Template 1 Value n

Template 2 Value 1 Template 2 Value 2 Template 2 Value n

There are two specific formats, one for Tag Templates and one for Function Block Templates.

Note: The Template version number is always set to 1 when it is imported.

Tag Template file format

When examined in a text editor, the contents of the file will be as follows:

♦ First line – header line showing the file name and the date and time it was created

♦ Second line – is a comma separated list of data column names.

♦ Third line onward – each line is a set of data values for one Tag Template. Each value
represents one of the column headings shown in the second line.

Transfer file name, , dd/mm/yy hh;mm, Rev2.0

Tag Template, Version Label, Tag Type, Data Type, Aggregation Type,
RawHistoryPeriod, Unit, HighLowEng, Description, Writable, OPCPeriod,
OPCPercentDeadband, OnState, Mean, OnTime, Max, Min, Count, StdDev, Sum,
SpotValue, DifferentialSummation, DiffSum Reset Counter, DiffSum Valid Percent Diff,
DiffSum Round DP, SumFactor, Aggregation Periods, Aggregation by Calc. Periods

Template 1 Comma Separated list of values

Template 2 Comma Separated list of values

Template n Comma Separated list of values

Note 1: Data lines can be longer than the displayed line length. In some editors, long lines
will be wrapped, making them cover more than one line.
Note 2: There must be an identical number of values (commas) on each line except the
header. An empty value must be represented by an empty field with a comma on each side.
For example this line has a missing Value 3, thus; “Value1, Value2,Value4”.
Note 3: The file contains a block of system information that must not be edited. The
following delimiters are used to enclose this section:
♦ System use information, prohibition of editing! START =================

♦ System use information, prohibition of editing! END ===================

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 12-3

The following table shows the name and purpose of the columns and associated values.

Table 12-2 Tag Template columns

Column name Purpose Typical values

Tag Template The tag template name
Version Label The template version
Tag Type The tag type OPC, MAN, CALC
Real, Double, Integer, Double integer,
Data Type The data type
Aggregation Type The deadline type Continuation, Discrete
None, On change, it is 1, 2, 5, 10, 30
RawHistoryPeriod The Raw history period
seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 minutes, 1 hour
Unit The industrial unit
The Engineering high and low
Description Comment
Writable OPC data write back enabled
1, 2, 5, 10, 30 seconds; 1, 2, 5, 10
OPCPeriod OPC period
OPCPercentDeadband Deadband 0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5, 100
Calculation aggregation
OnState On status
Count Status count
OnTime TStatus on time
Max Maximum value
Min Minimum value
Mean Mean value
StdDev Standard deviation
Sum Summation value
Differential Summation Differential Summation value.

DiffSum Reset Counter Differential summation reset


DiffSum Valid Percent Valid percent difference in

Diff differential summation

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12-4 Chapter 12 Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export Tool

Column name Purpose Typical values

DiffSum Round DP Number of decimal places to
be rounded to in differential

SpotValue Spot value

SumFactor Summation time factor
Aggregation Periods Aggregation period
Aggregation by Calc. A list of calculation-
Periods dependent aggregation
periods from the above
aggregation periods.

Function Block Template file format

When examined in a text editor, the contents of the file will be as follows:

♦ First line – header line showing the file name and the date and time it was created

♦ Second line – is a comma separated list of data column names.

♦ Third line onward – each line is a set of data values for one Function Block Template.
Each value represents one of the column headings shown in the second line.

Transfer file name, dd/mm/yy hh:mm

FB Template, Version Label, Tag, Tag Type, Data Type, Tag Template, TagID,
Description, Unit, HighEng, LowEng, Initial Value, Script

Template 1 Comma Separated list of values

Template 2 Comma Separated list of values

Template n Comma Separated list of values

Note 1: Data lines can be longer than the line length available for displayed. In some editors,
long lines will be wrapped, making them cover more than one line.

Note 2: There must be an identical number of values (commas) on each line except the
header. An empty value must be represented by an empty field with a comma on each side.
For example this line has a missing Value 3, thus; “Value1, Value2, ,Value4”.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 12-5

The following table shows the name and purpose of the columns and associated values.

Table 12-3 Function Block Template columns

Column name Purpose Typical values

The Function Block
FB Template
template name
Version Label The template version
Tag The tag
Data Type The data type
Tag Template The tag template
TagID Tag ID (See Note 1)
Description The tag comment
Unit The industrial unit
HighEng High Eng.
LowEng Low Eng
Initial Value Initial Value MAN
Script The calculation definition CALC (See Note 2)
Note 1: The TagID is generated automatically and must not be edited.

Note 2: The following escape sequence must be used to enclose a calculation script entry:
♦ @!START - denotes the start of a script
♦ @!END – denotes the end of a script

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12-6 Chapter 12 Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export Tool

12.4 User interface

Starting the Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export tool

The Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export tool is started by running the executable

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\QTemplateInpExp.exe

The Exaquantum service must be running in order to use this tool. If it is not, an error
message will be displayed.

All the operations available are accessed from the Tag/Function Block Import/Export dialog

Tag/Function Block Import/Export dialog box

The Tag/Function Block Import/Export dialog box is divided into four main sections which
are described below.


The selection here determines the basic mode of operation:

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 12-7

Import – Runs the tool in import mode so that a previously created CSV file can be imported,
and a set of templates created. Making this selection enables the Import/Export File box (see
below) for identifying the file to be imported. Import mode can only be run when the
Exaquantum service is stopped. If an attempt is made to start the tool when the Exaquantum
service is running, an error message will be displayed.

Export – Runs the tool in Export mode in order to create a CSV file of the existing templates.
Making this selection enables the Import/Export File box (see below) for naming the file to
be created and selecting the location in which it will be saved.


This selection determines the type of templates to use for the operation selected above:

♦ Tag – The current operation will be performed on the set of Tag Templates.

♦ Function Block – The current operation will be performed on the set of Function
Block Templates.

Import/Export File

The information in the box will identify the name and path to the CSV file being used for the
operation. The nature of the information will change depending on the selected operation.

♦ Import – for an import operation, either enter a file name and path; or use the button
to open a file browser to locate the required file.

♦ Export – Enter a name for the file and the path to where it will be saved.


Displays the result of the import or export process, and any error messages.


Starts the operation selected above.

In the case of an import operation, if a template name already exists, the Confirm Template
Overwrite dialog box will be displayed, see below.

If a file formatted using an older version is to be imported, a dialog box will be displayed to
confirm whether to convert the file to the latest format. When clicking on the [OK] button,
the file is converted to the latest format and then imported. The file in the older format is
saved with a .bak extension.


Closes the Tag/Function Block Import/Export dialog box.

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12-8 Chapter 12 Tag/Function Block Template Import/Export Tool

Confirm Template Overwrite dialog box

This dialog box is displayed when a template being imported has the same name as an
existing template.

The name of the template is displayed above the buttons. There are four option buttons; only
ones that are applicable will be enabled.


Will overwrite the template named above.

Yes To All

Will overwrite all the templates with identical names.


Do not overwrite the template named above.


The import process is cancelled.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 13-1

Chapter 13 System Configuration Tool

13.1 Overview
The purpose of the System Configuration tool is to make changes to some of the system
configuration settings that are held in the Windows registry. This was previously achieved
using a registry editor, so this tool was created to:

♦ Make it easier.

♦ Reduce the possibility of error

The configuration defaults installed will be those chosen to be applicable in most cases, or
gathered during the installation procedure. However, some sites have hardware,
infrastructure and system requirements that mean the configuration has to be changed for
optimum performance. Not all the Exaquantum system settings are available using this tool,
only those that are most likely to need changing.

The system configuration settings available using the System Configuration tool should not
be changed for trivial reasons. It should only be used after consulting your support
representative. The wrong setting could lead to reduced performance, undesired behavior or
even system failure in some circumstances.

13.2 Operation
After being advised by your support representative that a configuration change is necessary,
start the System Configuration tool.

♦ From the tabs along the top, select the one containing the setting to be changed.

♦ The values shown in the page are the currently configured settings.

♦ Make the changes suggested by your support representative.

13.3 Technical details

The System Configuration tool provides a safer and more intuitive method to change some
of the more commonly used configuration settings that are held in the Windows registry. It
makes the tasks easier my providing suitable options and checking the values and data-types
are legal.

When opened, all the values displayed are the ones currently configure in the registry.

The values changed in the interface are not activated until either the Apply or OK buttons are
used. At this point, the new values are written to the registry.

There is no facility to undo any changes. Once the new settings have been activated the old
ones can only be restored by re-entering the original values and activating them again.

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13-2 Chapter 13 System Configuration Tool


The settings are organized into tabbed pages with the logical groups as shown in the
following tables:

Table 13-1 RTDB Settings


Setting Description Default

Aggregation Spot Value At Period Determines if the Spot value is set from Not selected
Start the first or last data value received in the
aggregation period.

Show Partial Aggregation Results Determines if partial aggregations can be Not selected
referred to or not.

Timestamp Minimum/Maximum Determines if the timestamp on dependent Not selected

Aggregations at Actual Time for aggregations is set at the actual time or at
Dependent Aggregations the time of conversion.

Scripted Aggregations Delay The additional delay, beyond the normal 10 Seconds
Period flush delay, to allow aggregation
calculated tags to be completed.

Restore Calculations On Start-up Determines if calculations will be updated Not selected

after a shutdown or will the value at
shutdown be used.

Run Calculations on Start-up Determines if all scripted calculations will Selected

be run at start up or only when the first
input item changes.

Use Latest Values in Calculations Determines whether to use the latest Selected
values, or used the cached value, for
performing calculations.

Timeout Calculations after... The period to wait for a script to be 5 Seconds

completed before the task is abandoned.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 13-3

Table 13-2 OPC Settings


Setting Description Default

Use The System Time For If the timestamp of the first OPC data notification Selected
The First OPC Notification is earlier than the Exaquantum shutdown time,
then it will be overwritten with the Exaquantum
shutdown time + 1 second.

Discard OPC Data with a If any item has a timestamp more than this value 1 Minutes
Timestamp newer than ahead of the current Exaquantum system time
then it will be ignored and an error reported.

Check Connection Every... How frequently the connection to the OPC server 1 Minutes
is checked.

On Lost Connection Retry After being disconnected, how many attempts 2

will be made to reconnect.

Retry Connection Every... Determines the period between checking the 2 Seconds
connection to any connected OPC DA server.

Use OPC Timestamp upon Determines whether to use the OPC server Not
Loss of Connection timestamp or Exaquantum system time, when Selected
logging the time of a lost connection,

On Lost Modify Choose what data will be modified when a Modify

Value/Quality communication error occurs. Value and

Primary Quality on Lost Determines the primary quality code to which Bad
Connection items should be set when the connection is lost. 0x00000000

Secondary Quality on Lost Determines the secondary quality code to which OPC Error
Connection items should be set when the connection is lost. 0x00070000

Disable OPC notification No notifications are sent if the deadband is set to Selected
when 100% Deadband 100%.

Check Connection Every... Determines the period between checking the 1 Minutes
connection to any connected OPC AE server.

On Lost Connection Retry Sets the number of times a lost connection will be 2

Retry Connection Every... Sets the period between each retry of the lost 2 Seconds

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

13-4 Chapter 13 System Configuration Tool

Table 13-3 Historian Settings


Setting Description Default

Queue Size The maximum allowed size of the Historian 1000

read/write queue.

Number of Permitted Maximum number of online archives allowed. 30

Online Archives

Archive Folder Path to the Archive folder. Empty

Restore Archives Folder Path to which archives will be restored. Empty

Archive Creation Timeout The period before copying the data of one storage 2 Hours
to the archive will timeout.

Table 13-4 General Settings


Setting Description Default

Check Connection every Period between checking multi-server 10 Seconds


Expect a Response within Period within which a response is expected. 30 Seconds

Retry to Connect after Period between each attempt at trying to re- 1 Minutes
losing Connection every establish a lost connection.

Enable Write Audit Choose to enable or disable Audit logging. Selected


Notify Clients on Server Determines if clients will be notified when the Selected
Shutdown server is shutting down.

Enable Access Root Folder Enables access to the root folder when RBNS is Not selected

Timeout Exaquantum The time allocated for Exaquantum to gracefully 10 Minutes

shutdown after shutdown when the PC is shutdown.

Write Before Tag Allows user to write data with timestamps Not selected
Generation before the date when tags were added

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 13-5

Bulk Write Update Allows control over whether data is written Last data
straight to history or whether live values should points written
be updated. to RTDB
(only if latest
Data written to History Only. This setting should data)
be used when importing historical data into

Last data points written to RTDB (only if latest

data). This is the default behavior for backward
compatibility with Exaquantum R2.30. This
option may be used when OPC HDA is being
used to import latest data into Exaquantum and
no calculations are configured for the items for
which data is being imported.

All data points written to RTDB (only if latest

data). This option may be used for improved
performance when OPC HDA is being used to
import latest data into Exaquantum. To improve
performance Write Audit Logging should also
be disabled by setting registry value:

\Server\WriteAuditLogging = 0

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

13-6 Chapter 13 System Configuration Tool

Table 13-5 History Catch-up Settings

History Catch-up

Setting Description Default

Enable Audit Logging to Determines if the Audit log will be written to Selected
the EventLog the Event log.

Timeout on Writing to The maximum period before a write to 20 Minutes

the Historian Historian event will time-out.

Failure Delay The period after which a catch up event will 60 Seconds
be considered to have failed.

Switch Over Delay The time allowed between registering OPC 0 Seconds
items for live data notifications and the first
data arriving. [3 Minutes for

Number or HDA Items Maximum number of HDA items allowed 100

Block Size The block size used for History Catch-up. 1800

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 13-7

13.4 User interface

Starting the System Configuration tool

The System Configuration tool is started by running the executable file:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\QSystemConfig.exe

This tool cannot be used when the Exaquantum service is running. If this is attempted, an
error message will be displayed.

All the operations available are accessed from the System Configuration dialog box.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

13-8 Chapter 13 System Configuration Tool

System Configuration dialog box

The System Configuration dialog box presents a series of pages accessed by selecting the
appropriate tab from the top of the window.

Figure 13-1 System Configuration dialog


The tabs are used to organize the settings into logical groups.

Each page will be divided into one or more areas devoted to particular configuration criteria.

Each setting will be labeled.

The settings shown initially will be current configuration.

Changes are not applied until either the OK or Apply button is used.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 13-9


Opens a confirmation dialog box.

If the operation is confirmed then any changes are applied and the System Configuration
dialog box is closed.


Closes the System Configuration dialog box without apply any changes made since the OK
or Apply buttons were used.


Opens a confirmation dialog box. If the operation is confirmed then any changes are applied
and the System Configuration dialog box remains open so that further changes can be made.

Confirmation dialog box


The operation to make any changes will proceed.


The operation to make any changes will be cancelled.

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13-10 Chapter 13 System Configuration Tool

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 14-1

Chapter 14 Exa Package Log Save Wizard

14.1 Overview
During normal operation, and particularly when a problem occurs, several Exaquantum
system components write information about their status to various log files. The Windows
operating system also records routine and irregular events. If there is a problem affecting the
Exaquantum system, it useful for you or your support representative to be able to access all
the operational information recorded over the preceding period.

The purpose of the Exa Package Log Save Wizard is to collect all the operating information
affecting Exaquantum and store it in a single compressed report file that can then be
forwarded to the support representative.

The Wizard based user interface leads you through the steps necessary to produce a report
file that contains the correct information.

14.2 Operation
When requested by the support representative, run the Exa Package Log Save Wizard. Make
sure you understand what information is required.

Step through the Wizard, and when requested:

♦ Select the information to be included in the report.

♦ Provide a suitable name for the file and save it to a suitable location.

14.3 Technical details

This tool was developed by Yokogawa for general use across the whole range of Exa
products. As a consequence some aspects are not applicable or exclusive to Exaquantum.

Any Yokogawa Exa product installed on the computer being interrogated will be shown in
the Load Save Package list and be available for inclusion in the report.

All the available products, including Exaquantum, are selected by default. The two major
items of importance to the Exaquantum system; Exaquantum and Common; are described in
the following two sections.


The Exaquantum item in the Log Save Package list is selected by default. However, it
contains only one sub-item Exaquantum database. This will not be selected by default and
should be selected manually.

Selecting the Exaquantum database item will save the following databases to the report file:

♦ QConfig

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

14-2 Chapter 14 Exa Package Log Save Wizard

♦ QHistorianAdmin

♦ QHistorianData


The Common item in the Log Save Package list is selected by default. When the details are
selected, the all the following sub-selections are available, and selected by default:

♦ Windows System information

♦ Windows Event log

♦ Registry information

♦ Process information

♦ Dr. Watson log

♦ Network information

♦ Exa revision number

♦ Exa log

Zip file limitations

After the final report is created it will be compressed using the zip format. As a result the
maximum size of file is limited to 4GB.

14.4 User interface

Starting the Information Gathering tool

The Exa Package Log Save Wizard is started by running the executable file:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer Tools\PMCDumpWiz\PMCDumpWiz.exe

All the operations available are accessed from the Log Save Wizard dialog box.

NOTE. This tool must be run by a user who is a member of the Administrator Group or
run on Windows 2008, it must be run with elevated Administrator rights (Right click
on PMCDumpWiz.exe, and select Run as administrator)

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 14-3

Log Save Wizard dialog box

The buttons at the bottom of the Log Save Wizard dialog box are common to each page.
They provide the navigation facilities to work through the Wizard. A button will only be
active if the function is available. If necessary, it is possible to return to a previously visited
page to alter the settings previously made.


Step back to the previous page of the Wizard.


Step on to the next page of the Wizard


Cancel the operation and close the Log Save Wizard dialog box.


Starts the process of creating the report file.

Log Save Wizard - Step 1

Figure 14-1 Log Save Wizard – Step 1

The page for the first step in the Wizard is for selecting the packages about which the
information is to be collected.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

14-4 Chapter 14 Exa Package Log Save Wizard

Log Save Package list

This tool is applicable to all Yokogawa Exa products, so any such product installed on the
computer will be shown in this list. By default all items are selected. Some of the items
consist of several other sub-selections. See section 14.3 - Technical details, for more
38H 389H

information. The supplementary list is accessed using the Detail... button.

Items in the main and supplementary list are selected when a tick is indicated in the
checkbox on the left.


Some of the items in the Selecting Log Save Package list comprise several other items that
can be selected individually. The individual items can be accessed by highlighting the
appropriate top level package in the list and then clicking on the Details... button. A
supplementary list will open in a new dialog box. In the new list, check the items needed for
the report file, and close the dialog box. For further information please refer to 14.3 - 390H

Technical details.

Log Save Wizard - Step 2

Figure 14-2 Log Save Wizard – Step 2

Output Archive File

Enter a name and path for the report file to be created. Clicking on the button to the right of
the text box will open a file browser.

Work Folder

The Work folder is a temporary storage area used during the creation of the report file. This
field will normally be completed automatically using default information obtained from the
computer environment variables. If necessary the location can be changed to suit local

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 14-5

Log Save Wizard - Step 3

Figure 14-3 Log Save Wizard – Step 3


The Wizard has now collected all the information needed. The selections made are shown in
the Confirm list. Check that this contains the information expected.

When the Next button is used, the report file will be created.

During the process of information gathering and report creation, a command console and
other applications may be opened in order to extract or process the information requested.

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14-6 Chapter 14 Exa Package Log Save Wizard

Log Save Wizard - Step 4

Figure 14-4 Log Save Wizard – Step 4


When completed, the status of the file creation process will be shown in the Result list. Any
error messages should be investigated and resolved.

Note: If the Dr. Watson log file is not found an error message will be reported. This will
have no effect on the rest of the information.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 15-1

Chapter 15 System Events Viewer

The System Events Viewer displays messages that are generated when significant events
occur within Exaquantum. The event messages are stored within the Exaquantum database,
and may be viewed for a selected time range for individual or selected categories. In a
multi-server Exaquantum configuration, a single server can be selected.

One message is written for each event.

System Event messages are treated in the same manner as other event messages. They are
part of the System Event archive group, and are archived or deleted according to the rules
currently defined for the group.

By default, the Viewer will show all categories of event messages for the past hour, starting
with the most recent message. Start and end dates/times can be changed, and the list
refreshed using the current selection. Double clicking on any event message in the list will
display more detail for that message.

The contents of the list can be saved as a CSV file for use in other packages or applications.

There are nine categories of event messages (System Operations, Write Operations, Archive
Operations, Tag Generation Operations, Namespace Operations, Re-calculation, Alarm and
Event Filter Configuration and OPC Recovery Audit Log). These categories themselves
have further subdivisions, and are described below.

System Operations

♦ System Start Up

♦ System Shut Down

♦ History Catch Up.

Write Operations

♦ Item Write

All writes that are performed manually generate an event message e.g. entering Value,
Quality and Timestamp data using the Data Entry Grid.

Archive Operations

♦ Archive Operations (Backup, Cancel, Create, Offline, Online, Restore, Shutdown,

Startup, and Delete)

♦ Auto-archiving operations (Auto-backup, Auto-offline, Auto-create, and Auto-delete).

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

15-2 Chapter 15 System Events Viewer

Tag Generation Operations

♦ Tag build using the Tag Editor

♦ Tag build using Tag Generation (Equalization and File Import)

♦ Function Block Generation

Namespace Operations

♦ Move (Folder, Function Block, Tag)

♦ Rename (Folder, Function Block, Tag)

♦ Create Folder (Other create activities for Function Blocks and Tags are logged by Tag
Generation Operations)

♦ Delete (Folder, Function Block, Tag)

The system event logs are key features that support 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. All logs
contain the Machine Name and the Full User Name of the person who performed an
operation. However, in the NT user administration scheme filling in of the Full User Name
is not mandatory, and it is possible to have a blank Full User Name. In this case, the
Account name will be logged.

Re-Calculation Log

♦ Executing re-aggregation processing

Information is recorded when re-aggregation processing is executed.

A&E Filter Configuration Log

♦ Changing the Alarm and Event filter configuration

Information on the modified configuration is recorded for each OPC gateway.

OPC Recovery Audit Log

♦ OPC Recovery of AE Downtime

♦ OPC Recovery of Item Downtime

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 16-1

Chapter 16 Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

16.1 Introduction
Exaquantum data can be imported and exported through simple formatted text files. This
allows Exaquantum to import data created by third party tools. It also allows Exaquantum to
export data to be read by external systems and applications. Exaquantum can:

♦ Import tag current and historical values from a text file, e.g. LIMS results, externally
gathered manual data.

♦ Import tag configuration data that is contained in text files, in order to complete the
configuration of Exaquantum tags.

♦ Export Exaquantum current tag values to other systems via text files.

Real-time data can be imported into and exported from Exaquantum. Historical data,
however, can only be imported into Exaquantum.

NOTE. The QTFS application should only be used to import small quantities of data. For
information regarding large quantities, it is recommended to contact your local Yokogawa

Command Line Operation

A command line utility is supplied with Exaquantum/PIMS to carry out the physical file
imports and exports. This utility can be:

♦ Run interactively from the command line

♦ Scheduled using the Windows scheduler

♦ Launched from a batch command file.

The usage of the utility is described in Section 16.3; an example of how it might be used in a

scheduled environment is given in Section 16.4.


Error Log

Any errors that occur during an import or export operation can be logged to specified text
files – this allows users to identify whether errors occurred during import or export, and to
see what went wrong.

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16-2 Chapter 16 Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

16.2 Typical Uses of the Text File Import/Export Facility

Periodic Data Import

The Data Import facility is generally executed on a periodic basis, e.g. for importing data
from legacy historian, LIMS systems or data capture spreadsheets. The emphasis is on
importing the actual and historical values of the destination tags, rather than their reference
information import; this is typically done manually using the Configuration Data Import
facility (see below).

As well as containing the actual values, the text files for this mode typically also contain the
data’s associated quality and timestamp.

Configuration Data Import

One of the typical uses for this particular file import mechanism is updating the
configuration of PCS tags created by file import.

During file-based import, tags are created in the Exaquantum database, but without the
necessary reference information such as descriptions, engineering units and ranges. The
Configuration Data Import facility can be used to complete the configuration of such file-
based tags.

Note: This is only required in the case where configuration activities are being carried out
away from the target PCS.

Data Export

This function would typically be used for exporting Exaquantum data to an external system.
Systems often require access to Exaquantum data; the data export facility provides this
access in a similar text file format to that used by data import.

The Data Export facility writes item name, value, timestamp and quality to an ASCII file.
Here, ‘value’ covers anything from tags’ real-time values, to their reference data. The list of
data to be exported has to be defined using a simple text file (the Export List File), which is
described later.

File Formats

Import and Export Data File Formats

All the text files are CSV (comma-separated value) files that are readily prepared by external
systems or users’ desktop tools such as Excel, Notepad, etc.

Each <CR> terminated line in the text file represents one Exaquantum data item and has the
following comma-separated format (blank lines are not permitted):

TIMESTAMP=DataDate&Time,QUALITY=DataQuality <CR>

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 16-3

TagPath&Name Fully qualified name of an existing tag, including its parent folder(s)
(eg Root.02FIC102.PV)
ItemString A recognised string value of an Exaquantum item, eg:
Valid strings are:
VALUE – its current value (e.g. 47.34)
UNITS – engineering units (e.g. m3/h)
LOWENG – engineering scale low limit
HIGHENG – engineering scale high limit
DESCRIPTION – the tag’s description/comment
DataValue Data item’s value at the timestamp
DataDate&Time DataValue’s timestamp in the form:
dd/mm/yy HH:mm:ss (eg 19/05/99 14:59:09)
Note: The format used is LOCALE setting aware and must match the
time format used on the client machine, that is, the one doing the file
import/export. (Check ‘Use Settings’, ‘Control Panel’, ‘Regional
Settings’, ‘Time & Date’ tabs to confirm the format to use.)
Tip: To confirm that you are using the correct date and time format, do
a file export to check what the system itself produces. Then copy this
format for your files.
Quality Data’s quality status.
Exaquantum uses only three statuses (the OPC foundation’s quality
192 = Good
64 = Questionable/Uncertain
0 = Bad

Note: TIMESTAMP and QUALITY are optional fields, all the others are mandatory. If
omitted, the server’s current time will be applied as Timestamp, and ‘Good’ will be
applied for the quality.

Export List File Format

Each <CR> terminated line in the text file represents one Exaquantum data item to be
exported and has the following comma-separated format (blank lines are not permitted):

TagPath&Name <CR>

TagPath&Name Fully qualified tag name including its parent folder(s)
(e.g.: Root.02FIC102.PV)

For example: Root.AI101.PV

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16-4 Chapter 16 Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

Examples of Periodic Import Files

The following samples show the format used for various tasks.

Current Value Import Sample

The following is an example of a current-value import file – the server applies the current
time as timestamp and Good status:

Spot Values Import Sample

The following is an example of a spot-value import file:

TAGNAME=Root.EffluentPH.PV <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=5.6,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:44:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>
TAGNAME=Root.EffluentTurbidity.PV <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=3.31,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:43:21, QUALITY=192 <CR>
TAGNAME=Root.EffluentTDS.PV <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=17.81,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:51:19, QUALITY=192 <CR>

History Value Import Sample

The following is an example of history value import:

ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.76,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:44:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.71,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:45:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.72,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:46:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.77,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:47:48, QUALITY=64 <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.81,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:48:48, QUALITY=0 <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.73,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:49:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 16-5

ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.69,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:50:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.70,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:51:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>

Note 1: Current, history and configuration values can be mixed in a single file. However, it
is strongly recommended that separate files be used for each of these.

Note 2: The optional Timestamp and Quality fields may be omitted. If so, the current server
time is applied as Timestamp, and Good as data Quality.

Note 3: Data does not need to be time stamped sequentially.

Note 4: You cannot import history that predates the tag’s creation time.

Example of a Configuration Data Import File

The following is an example of a configuration data import file:

ITEM=UNITS,VALUE=ppm,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:43:21, QUALITY=192 <CR>

Note 1: Current, history and configuration values can be mixed in a single file. However, it
is strongly recommended that separate files are used for each of these.

Note 2: The optional Timestamp and Quality fields may be omitted. If so, the current server
time is applied as Timestamp, and Good as data Quality.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

16-6 Chapter 16 Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

Examples of Export Files

Current Value (Spot Value) Export Sample

The following is an example of an export file. All parameters for a tag (six lines per tag) are
exported with individual data lines following the tag name:
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=7.76,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:44:48, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=DESCRIPTION,VALUE=, PM1 Reel Moisture, TIMESTAMP=02/02/99 09:02:31, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=HIGHENG,VALUE=6.5,TIMESTAMP=02/02/99 09:02:31, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=LOWENG,VALUE=4.5,TIMESTAMP=02/02/99 09:02:31, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=UNITS,VALUE=pH, TIMESTAMP=02/02/99 09:02:31, QUALITY=192 <CR>
ITEM=VALUE,VALUE=3.31,TIMESTAMP=15/04/99 15:43:21, QUALITY=192 <CR>

Note 1: Current and configuration values can be mixed in a single file.

Note 2: Data export is limited to current (spot) RTDB values; history data export is not
catered for in this release.

Note 3: Timestamp is defined as when the value was last updated in the RTDB.

Note 4: Quality is that which was last received by the RTDB.

Note 5: Timestamp and Quality are always included in the output text file.

Export Data List Sample

The following is an example of an export data list:

Root.AI101.PV <CR>
Root.AY121.PV <CR>

16.3 Command Line Operation

In order to support unattended execution of imports and exports, a utility that carries out the
physical file imports and exports is supplied, namely QTFS.Exe. This utility is normally
located in the Exaquantum installation directory. The full path to QTFS (from the
installation directory) is:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\System\QTFS.Exe

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 16-7

The QTFS utility can be run in one of three ways:

♦ It can be run from the command line

♦ It may be scheduled (using the NT ‘at’ scheduler for example)

♦ It can be launched from a batch command file.

It accepts the following set of comma-separated command line parameters:

QTFS.Exe Direction
Direction /I = Import (*1), /E = Export (*1)
/IQ = Import (*2), /EQ = Export (*2)
Confirmation window will be shown.
Confirmation window will not be shown.
ImportExportFileName Path and filename of the file to import from, or to export to.
ErrorLogFilename Filename of the file to log any errors to. This file summarizes
any error that occurred during the run, and created in a special
log file subdirectory, called:
“..\QTFS Files (nn) mmm yy\”
For more details, see “Error Logging”.

ExportDataListFilename Path and filename of the file that holds the list of Exaquantum
data to be exported (used only if Direction = /E).

QTFS returns a status number to the calling program that signals success (status = 0) or
failure (status = -1).

The command line may also be run with just a /? argument to give Help information.

Data Import Command Line

The following is an example of the command line used for text file based data import:

QTFS /I, “F:\Data\ LabValues.Txt”, “ImportLog”

This will attempt to import a file named “LabValues.Txt” in the “F:\Data” directory and
write any errors to a file called “ImportLog.Txt” – see also “Error Logging”.

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16-8 Chapter 16 Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

Data Export Command Line

The following is an example of the command line used for text file based data import:

QTFS /E, “F:\Data\ APCValues.Txt”, “ExportLog”, “F:\Data\APCTags.Txt”

This will attempt to export to a file named “APCValues.Txt” in the “F:\Data” directory, the
values of tags specified in file “F:\Data\APCTags.Txt”. Any errors will be written to a file
called “ExportLog.Txt” – see also “Error Logging”.

Error Logging

When any data import or export job is run, two error files are created; one defined by the
user (see ErrorLogFilename parameter) and one created by the system.

Log file location

Both of these files will be created in system-created sub-directories that are created under the
“System” directory within the Exaquantum installation folder. If you used all the default
installation paths in the Installation procedure, the location would be:

drive:\Program Files\Yokogawa\Exaquantum PIMS\System

If the user does not have permissions to write to this area, then the folder and log file will be
created in the user’s temporary folder, defined by the %TEMP% environment variable. By
default this will typically be:

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Temp.

In operation, QTFS will first try to create the log file folder within the <Exaquantum
Installation Folder>\System folder. If the user does not have suitable permissions, then a
message will be written to the Event Log and the folder will be created in the user’s
temporary folder.

Log file and directory naming system

A new subdirectory is created for each job that is run. The name given to the sub-directories
will reflect the run number, month and year of the QTFS job. For example, jobs that were
run during October 2001 would have directory names as follows:

“..\QTFS Files (nn) Oct 01”,

where nn is an incrementing run number.

Each log has a filename that begins with “QTFS” and the extension “.Log”. The date and
time of the job are appended to the log file name such that when the job is complete, a new
log file is available for inspection. For example, a job number 23 run at 11:07:47 a.m. on the
20th October 2001 would result in a new subdirectory containing the following two files:

“..\QTFS Files (23) Oct 01\ImportLog.Txt”

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 16-9

“..\QTFS Files (23) Oct 01\QTFS 20 Oct 01 11:07:47.Log”

The first file is the user-specified file (see ErrorLogFilename parameter) and contains only
error messages. The second file is the system-generated file and contains error as well as
success logs. To get more details about errors reported in the first file, examine the second
file too.


There is currently no automatic purging of old log files and directories. This should form
part of routine system maintenance, otherwise your disc will soon fill up. Alternatively,
schedule an NT batch job to remove error log directories older than, say, one month.

16.4 Scheduling Data Import and Export

The NT ‘at’ scheduler is an effective tool that can be used to schedule imports and exports
using command line operation. The syntax of the ‘at’ command is given below.

Note: This is an NT tool.

The ’at’ command

The ’at’ command line schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at a
specified time and date. The following are ‘at’ command line formats:

at [\\computername] time [/interactive] [/every:date[,...] | /next:date[,...]] "command"

at [\\computername] [[id] [/delete [/yes]]

Note: The Schedule service must be running to use the ’at’ command.

’at’ Command Parameters

Parameter Description

none Used without parameters, at lists scheduled commands

\\computername Specifies a remote computer. If this parameter is omitted, the

commands are scheduled on the local computer.

id An identification number assigned to a scheduled command.

/delete Cancels a scheduled command. If ‘id’ is omitted, all the scheduled

commands on the computer are cancelled.

/yes Forces a yes answer to all queries from the system when deleting
scheduled events.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

16-10 Chapter 16 Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

time Specifies the time when command is to run. Time is expressed as

hours:minutes in 24-hour notation (00:00 [midnight] through 23:59).

/interactive Allows the job to interact with the desktop of the user who is logged on
at the time the job runs.

/every:date[,…] Runs the command on every day(s) of the week or month specified (for
example, every Thursday, or the third day of every month). Specify the
date as one or more days of the week (M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su), or one or
more days of the month (1 through 31). Separate multiple date entries
with commas. If the date is omitted, the current day of the month is

/next:date[,…] Runs the specified command on the next occurrence of the day (for
example, next Thursday). Specify the date as one or more days of the
week (M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su), or one or more days of the month (1 through
31). Separate multiple date entries with commas. If the date is omitted,
the current day of the month is assumed.

“command” Is the Windows NT command, program (.EXE or .COM file) or batch

program (.BAT or .CMD file) to be run. When the command requires a
path as an argument, use the absolute path that is the entire pathname
beginning with the drive letter. If command is on a remote computer,
specify the server and sharename, rather than a remote drive letter. You
may use quotation marks around the command, whether you are using
‘at’ at the command line or in a batch file. If the command includes
switches that are used by both the command and ‘at’, you must enclose
command in quotation marks. If the command is not an executable
(.EXE) file, you must precede the command with cmd /c (for example
cmd /c dir > c:\test.out).

Sample ‘at’ command

The following command will schedule the Exaquantum data import utility to run on the local
server every day (except Saturdays and Sundays) at 01:00 in the morning; it will import
values from the file “F:\Data\TankValues.txt”. Any errors will be written to a local log file
called “ImportLog.txt”.

at 01:00 /every:M,T,W,Th,F QTFS /I,

“F:\Data\TankValues.txt”, “ImportLog.txt”<CR>

Example of Scheduled Data Import

You wish to perform the text file import every 15 minutes to keep your Exaquantum users up
to date with laboratory values.

Using ‘at’ to run the data import utility every 15 minutes would appear to be simple.
However, two problems exist:

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 16-11

♦ ’at’ jobs execute at best on a daily cycle, hence ‘at’ is not directly usable to import data
every 15 minutes

♦ The lab system might not have a new data file ready every 15 minutes. The data import
utility would then generate numerous, space-filling error log files because it could not
find the import data file.

It is therefore better to use a simple command file that works in two stages. It first checks
for the existence of a new lab data text file, and import its data only if it exists (thus avoiding
unnecessary error logs). Then it reschedules ‘at’ to run the command file 15 minutes later.
An example of such a command file is DoImport.cmd (Table 16-1). 397H

As stated, the last part of this command file simply issues an ’at’ command, which will re-
invoke this command file every ‘Intrvl’ minutes.

To use this command file for checking every 15 minutes for a new lab data file, enter the
following in the Start – Run text box (or in a command console window):

DoImport.cmd QTFS F:\Data\LabValues.txt ImportLog.txt 15

This example assumes that DoImport.cmd is in the Windows PATH; otherwise its fully
qualified path and filename would have to be supplied.

Table 16-1 Listing of a Command File used for Periodic File Import
@echo off
rem Filename: DoImport.cmd
rem Created: 24/5/99 by LM/JDV
rem Description:
rem Command file to check whether a new file exists before launching
rem the required .EXE Also reschedules itself for a user-defined
rem number of minutes later. It accepts 4 parameters:
rem 1. ExeName - the executable to fire off if file exists
rem 2. ImportFile – file to import from (e.g. F:\Data\LabValues.Txt)
rem 3. ErrLog - file to log errors to (e.g. ImportLog)
rem 4. Intrvl - the re-run interval (time bewteen file imports)
rem Notes:
rem =====
rem 1. Ensure ExeName is in the Windows PATH, otherwise specify its
rem full path and filename when calling DoImport.cmd
rem 2. This example assumes a 24hour time setting (e.g. 23:21
rem and NOT 11:21 p.m.)
rem 3. The re-run interval MUST be less than 60 minutes for this
rem sample to work correctly

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

16-12 Chapter 16 Text File Data Import/Export (QTFS)

set ExeName=%1
set ImportFile=%2
set ErrLog=%3
set Intrvl=%4
set ParamString=/I, "%ImportFile%", "%ErrLog%"

if not exist "%ImportFile%" @( goto :EOF )

start /wait %ExeName% %ParamString%

rem Remove the data file if the import was successful

if errorlevel 0 del /f/q %ImportFile%"

rem Now figure out when to run this command file again
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=ap:" %%f in ('time /t') do @set /a hour=%%f &&
set /a minute=%%g
set /a minute=%minute%+%Intrvl%
set /a over60=%minute%/60
if not %over60% == 1 goto SKIP
set /a minute=%minute%-60

set /a hour=%hour%+1
set /a over24=%hour%/24
if not %over24% == 1 goto SKIP
set /a %hour%=%hour%-24

rem Now schedule the command file to run again in the required
rem number of minutes’ time
at %hour%:%minute% DoImport.cmd %ExeName% %ImportFile% %ErrLog% %Intrvl%

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 17-1

Chapter 17 Connecting to Various OPC Servers

When you need various OPC servers configured to connect to the Exaquantum server, there
are extra steps to follow. In this Chapter, the background of the work is explained then a
description of the tool used for the configuration.

17.1 Introduction to Exaopc Configuration

The Exaopc OPC server ProgID (an unique string to identify a COM component) is not a
constant and varies depending on the configuration, hence adjusting ProgID is sometimes an
extra step after the installation.

The ProgID, for example Yokogawa.Exaopc.DAXL1 for the XL cassette, contains a tailing
number, in this case 1, which varies depending on how many cassettes and in which order
they are installed on a single computer. The number depends on the number of copies of
whole Exaopc cassettes; if a PC has two cassettes, one for CS and another for XL, and they
are installed in this order, two ProgID’s will look like:

♦ Yokogawa.Exaopc.DAXL1

♦ Yokogawa.Exaopc.DACS2

17.2 Connecting to Exaopc-XL and/or μXL Server

In order to connect Exaopc-XL and/or μXL, the following configuration is required on both

Exaopc Station

Check the ProgID for Exaopc-XL/μXL cassette. The ProgID can be checked by Exaopc
setup program.

For more information about the Exaopc setup program, see the NTPF1 Exaopc OPC
Interface Package Guide Manual (IM36J02A11-01E).

Table 17-1 gives the required ProgIDs.


Table 17-1 Exaopc ProgIDs

OPC DA server ProgID Exaopc Data Access server ProgID

OPC AE server ProgID Exaopc Alarm & Event server ProgID

OPC HDA server ProgID Exaopc Historical Data Access server ProgID

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

17-2 Chapter 17 Connecting to Various OPC Servers

Exaquantum Server

1 Run the Exaopc-XL/μXL client installation program. The program is in the Exaquantum

♦ Yokogawa/Exaopc-XL/setup.exe (Exaopc-XL)

♦ Yokogawa/Exaopc-μXL/setup.exe (Exaopc-μXL).

Note: This step is not required if Exaopc server is installed in the same computer as
Exaquantum server.

2 Configure OPC server type.

The ProgIDs must be the same as the Exaquantum default ProgIDs shown in Table 17-2. 39H

To change the ProgID, use the OPC Server Type configuration tool.

Note: If the OPC server type is already used in Exaquantum, DO NOT modify the
entry. Instead create new OPC server type.

The PC server type is already in use if Exaquantum has a connection set up for
another Exaopc-XL/μXL or more.

Table 17-2 Exaopc-XL/μXL Cassette Default ProgID

Exaopc-XL Yokogawa.Exaopc.DAXL1

(Default setting) Yokogawa.Exaopc.AEXL1


Exaopc-μXL Yokogawa.Exaopc.DAMXL1

(Default setting) Yokogawa.Exaopc.AEMXL1


IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 17-3

17.3 Connecting to the Exaopc-CS Server when another Exaopc

Cassette is Installed
If an Exaopc-CS cassette is to be installed on the computer that has another Exaopc cassette
installed, the following work is required on both computers.

Exaopc Station

1 Check the ProgID for Exaopc-CS cassette. The ProgID can be checked by Exaopc setup

For more information about the Exaopc setup program, see the NTPF1 Exaopc OPC
Interface Package Guide Manual (IM36J02A11-01E).

Table 17-3 gives the required ProgIDs.


Table 17-3 Exaopc ProgIDs

OPC DA server ProgID Exaopc Data Access server ProgID

OPC AE server ProgID Exaopc Alarm & Event server ProgID

OPC HDA server ProgID Exaopc Historical Data Access server ProgID

2 Create OPC client installation disk.

Note: This step is not required if the Exaopc server is installed in the same computer
as the Exaquantum server.

If the ProgID checked in Table 17-3 is different from the Exaquantum default setting in

Table 17-4, you must create an OPC client installation disk.


For more information about creating an installation disk, see the NTPF1 Exaopc OPC
Interface Package Guide Manual (IM36J02A11-01E).

Table 17-4 Exaopc-CS Cassette Default ProgID

Exaopc-CS Yokogawa.Exaopc.DACS1

(Default setting) Yokogawa.Exaopc.AECS1


IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

17-4 Chapter 17 Connecting to Various OPC Servers

Exaquantum Server

If the ProgID checked in Table 17-1 is different from the default ProgID, the following work

is required.

1 Run the OPC client installation program

Insert OPC client installation disk and run “Setup.exe”

Note: This step is not required if the Exaopc server is installed in the same computer
as the Exaquantum server.

2 Configure OPC server type.

The ProgIDs must be the same as the Exaquantum default ProgIDs shown in Table 17-4. 40H

To change the ProgID, use the OPC Server Type configuration tool.

Note: If the OPC server type is already used in Exaquantum, DO NOT modify the
entry. Instead create new OPC server type.

The OPC server type is already in use if Exaquantum has a connection set up for
another Exaopc-CS or more.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 17-5

17.4 Connecting to Third Party OPC Servers

For a list of the supported OPC servers, see the Exaquantum General Specification (GS

In order to connect third party OPC server, the following steps are required.

OPC Servers

No configuration required.

Exaquantum Server

1 Check the ProgID for the OPC server.

OPC server vendors provide their own ProgID. Check the following ProgIDs.

Table 17-5 ProgIDs

OPC DA server ProgID Exaopc Data Access server ProgID

OPC AE server ProgID Exaopc Alarm & Event server ProgID

OPC HDA server ProgID Exaopc Historical Data Access server ProgID

2 Check these parameters.

The following parameters also need to be checked on the OPC server.

Table 17-6 OPC Server parameters

Maximum Items Maximum OPC items allowed by the server

Maximum groups Maximum OPC groups allowed by the server

Maximum items per group Maximum OPC items per group allowed by the

Description ID OPC property ID for Description

Engineering unit ID OPC property ID for engineering unit

High engineering scale ID OPC property ID for high engineering scale

Low engineering scale ID OPC property ID for low engineering scale

Maximum Notification Rate Notifications per second

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17-6 Chapter 17 Connecting to Various OPC Servers

Note 1: Even if the OPC server declares no limitation for Maximum Items, Maximum
Groups, or Maximum Items Per Group, it is recommended to set following

♦ Maximum Items - 100,000

♦ Maximum Groups - 1,000

♦ Maximum Items Per Group - 10,000

Exaquantum assures these limitations assuming the OPC server operates


Note2: Four of the OPC property IDs can be typically:

♦ Description ID - 101

♦ Engineering Unit ID - 100

♦ High Engineering Scale ID - 102

♦ Low Engineering Scale ID - 103

These values are the recommended values of OPC standard.

If the OPC server does not support the feature, the values should be left blank.

Note3: The Maximum Notification Rate is used to check the communication load that is
an outcome of the Exaquantum tags configurations. This value is for
information purpose only and does not affect any behavior of the OPC
configuration. The recommended value, if applicable, is 500.

2 Install the client installation program for the OPC server.

Each OPC server vendor provides the Install client installation program.

Note: This step is not required if the OPC server is installed in the same computer as
the Exaquantum server.

3 Configure the OPC server type.

Create a new entry for the OPC server type in Exaquantum.

Use the OPC Server Type Configuration tool to set the ProgID and other settings to the
parameters in section 17.4, Exaquantum Server, steps 1 and 2.
405H 406H

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 17-7


TOKIMI Exaquantum
Exaopc-XL casette


Exaopc- μXL casette Foxboro OPC

(Yokogawa.ExaopcDAMXL (Foxboro.OPC)
Exaopc-CS casette

When configuring the above case, the following work is required on both computers.

Table 17-7 Example configuration

Configuration OPC server side Exaquantum side setting


EXAOPC-μXL ON GAIL Nothing Section 17.2 Exaquantum Server


Exaopc-CS on GAIL Section 17.3 Exaopc

408H Section 17.3 Exaquantum Server


Exaopc-XL on TOKIMI Nothing Section 17.2 Exaquantum Server


Foxboro OPC on ANNAF Section 17.4 OPC

41H Section 17.4 Exaquantum Server

Server (Nothing)

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17-8 Chapter 17 Connecting to Various OPC Servers

17.5 OPC Type Configuration Tool

This tool is to set up the OPC type configuration values as specified in the preceding section.

The OPC servers have a different scope of functions. Depending on the particular OPC
server you are using, these options can be set up:

♦ The OPC server may or may not support the property access (retrieving from the OPC
server; Description, Engineering Unit, High Engineering Scale and Low Engineering

♦ OPC server may or may not support Alarms and Events access

♦ OPC server may or may not support HDA (Historical Data Access)

♦ OPC server may or may not support HAE (Historical Alarm and Event Access)

♦ OPC server may or may not support OPC equalization.

Note: The OPC equalization is supported only for Exaopc-CS. Do not select this option
for other OPC servers.

Displaying the OPC Type Configuration Tool

Use the Microsoft Windows Explorer to find and open the tool.

The tool is installed in the following location:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Developer tools

To open the tool, click on the OPC Server Type Wizard.exe file.

Operation Flow

The tool is a wizard type tool that guides you through the steps to create a proper definition.
The wizard is a simple tool to use therefore only some of screens and their usage will be
explained below.

Select Operation

Note: These settings are for a typical usage of the tool, the setting may differ depending
on the OPC server you are working on:

♦ CS cassette. Choose Modify and update the tailing number of ProgIDs.

♦ XL/μXL cassette. Choose Modify and update the tailing number of ProgIDs.

♦ Matrikon OPC server. Choose Create and use Exaopc-STN as the template.

♦ Third party OPC server. Choose Create and use Exaopc-STN as the template.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 17-9

OPC Server Type Details

Options the user can choose are consideration as follows:

♦ A&E message requires other database set up properly, which is only done for Exaopc-
STN, Exaopc-HIS and Exaopc-XL/μXL. Other OPC servers therefore should not select
this option.

♦ In most cases, HDA or HAE will not be supported. There is no HDA relevant features
available in Exaquantum, so user can leave it unselected.

♦ Property access makes the values read from the control system at the creation of tags. If
the IDs are not correct, there are error messages at the time of creating tags. Be careful
to set up the correct values.

♦ OPC equalization is available only for Exaopc-STN and Exaopc-HIS. If it is set for
other OPC servers and the one is selected during the OPC equalization process, OPC
equalization program may terminate in an unexpected manner.

♦ Other values that should be set are as follows:

♦ DA Manager ProgID. YokogawaMarex.QOPCDAMgr

♦ Property access server ProgID. YokogawaMarex.QOPCProp

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17-10 Chapter 17 Connecting to Various OPC Servers

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 18-1

Chapter 18 Value Format Tool

18.1 Overview
The purpose of the Value Format tool is to configure the way numerical data values are
displayed in some Exaquantum client components.

Display criteria

Two aspects of the display can be controlled:

♦ The total number of digits displayed.

♦ The number of digits after the decimal point.

For Float/Double Values, an additional level of control is available which allows numbers of
different magnitudes to be configured differently, such that smaller numbers can have greater
precision and larger numbers less precision.

Supported client components

Each client uses several components to display data.

Components that support value formatting are:

♦ Trend control in Exaquantum/Explorer and Exaquantum/Web.

♦ Data Entry Grid in view mode.

♦ Exaquantum/Explorer client; Button, CheckButton, EditBox, Frame, Listbox,

MultiEditBox, and Text.

♦ Exaquantum/Explorer scripting using the QValueFormat function.

♦ Exaquantum/Explorer Excel Add-In (Except no formatting is supplied for strings or


♦ Exaquantum/Web client; Tag Viewer, Function Block Viewer and Mimics.

Components that do not support value formatting are:

♦ Tag Editor.

♦ LiveXplore.

♦ OLE DB provider.

♦ Query Excel Add-In.

♦ Data Entry Grid in edit mode.

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18-2 Chapter 18 Value Format Tool

18.2 Technical Details

There are two types of value that can be separately configured:

♦ Integer/Long values

♦ Float/Double values

The Value and Width settings apply to both categories. The Precision setting is only relevant
for Float/Double Values. The examples in 18.3 - Examples and 18.5 - Formatting in
413H 41H 415H 416H

operation, will help clarify the issue.

Definition of the settings labels


Specifies the value to which this format applies in the range from 0 to 3.40E + 38. For each
value to be formatted, a “greater than or equal to” comparison is made with the Value
column. If the value being tested is smaller than the smallest value specified, then the format
for the smallest value is used. If a negative value is being formatted, then its absolute value
is used for comparison. Values must be unique for each type of value.


Specifies the minimum number of digits in the output. If the number of digits in the output is
less than Width, then the output is padded on the left with zeroes. If the number of digits in
the output is greater than width, then they will not be truncated. The Width does not include
the decimal point or minus sign characters.


Specifies the number of digits after the decimal point. The last displayed digit is rounded as

How the changes are implemented

The Value Format Tool is used to change settings stored on a server. Clients that connect to
that server will download the settings and use them to define the format for displaying the
data. These settings are only read by a client application when it initially starts up and
connects to the server.

Note: When changes are made on the server, all the client applications that are connected
at the time will need to be shut down and re-started in order to update the changes.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 18-3

18.3 Examples
The following examples demonstrate the behavior of settings made using the Value Format
Tool. Each example includes a set of rules, and a table showing the output values that result
for a variety of input values. The accompanying notes briefly explain how the output was
derived. For a graphical demonstration of the tool in action, see section 18.5 - Formatting in
417H 418H


Integer and Long value formats


For this example, the following values are set in the Integer/Long values section of the Value
Format Tool dialog box:

Table 18-1 Integer/Long values

Row No. Value Width

1 0 2

2 10 3

3 100 4

4 1000 0


Using the settings above, the results would be as shown in the table below:

Table 18-2 Results

Input Output Notes

value value

Value matches row 1.

0 00
Minimum width of 2 is not met, so leading zero is added.

Value matches row 1.

1 01
Minimum width of 2 is not met, so leading zero is added.

Value matches row 1.

-1 -01 Minimum width of 2 is not met, so leading zero is added. Note that
the minus sign is not counted as part of the Width.

Value matches row 2.

12 012
Minimum width of 3 is not met, so leading zero is added.

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18-4 Chapter 18 Value Format Tool

Input Output Notes

value value

Value matches row 2.

-12 -012 Minimum width of 3 is not met, so leading zero is added. Note that
the minus sign is not counted as part of the Width.

Value matches row 3.

150 0150
Minimum width of 4 is not met, so leading zero is added.

Value matches row 3.

-150 -0150 Minimum width of 4 is not met, so leading zero is added. Note that
the minus sign is not counted as part of the Width.

Value matches row 4.

123456 123456
Minimum width of 0 is met so has no effect.

Value matches row 4.

-123456 -123456
Minimum width of 0 is met so has no effect.

Float and Double value formats


In this example the following values are set in the Float/Double values section of the Value
Format Tool dialog box:

Table 18-3 Float/Double values

Row No. Value Width Precision

1 0 0 6

2 10 1 5

3 100 8 4

4 1000 8 0

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 18-5


Using the settings above, the results would be as shown in the table below:

Table 18-4 Results

Input value Output Notes


Value matches row 1.

Precision of 6 decimal places maintained by padding
0.123 0.123000
with zeros.
Minimum width of 0 is met so has no effect.

Value matches row 1.

Precision of 6 decimal places maintained by rounding
0.1234567891 0.123457
Minimum width of 0 is met so has no effect.

Value matches row 1.

Precision of 6 decimal places maintained by padding
-0.1 -0.100000
with zeros.
Minimum width of 0 is met so has no effect.

Value matches row 1.

Precision of 6 decimal places maintained by padding
1.1 1.100000
with zeros.
Minimum width of 0 is met so has no effect.

Value matches row 1.

-1.12345678 -1.123457 Precision of 6 decimal places maintained by rounding.
Minimum width of 0 is met so has no effect.

Value matches row 2.

Precision of 5 decimal places maintained by padding
15 15.00000
with zeros.
Minimum width of 1 is met so has no effect.

Value matches row 2.

Precision of 5 decimal places maintained by rounding
15.123456 15.12346
Minimum width of 1 is met so has no effect.

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18-6 Chapter 18 Value Format Tool

Input value Output Notes


Value matches row 3.

Precision of 4 decimal places maintained by padding
with zeros.
123 0123.0000
Minimum width of 8 is not met so leading zero is
added. Note that the decimal point does not count as
part of the Width.

Value matches row 3.

Precision of 4 decimal places maintained by padding
with zeros.
-123 -0123.0000
Minimum width of 8 is not met so leading zero is
added. Note that the decimal point and minus sign do
not counted as part of the Width.

Value matches row 3.

Precision of 4 decimal places maintained by rounding
123.45678 0123.4568
Minimum width of 8 is not met so leading zero is
added. Note that the decimal point does not count as
part of the Width.

Value matches row 4.

Precision of zero decimal places is not altered.
123456 00123456
Minimum width of 8 is not met so leading zeros are

Value matches row 4.

Precision of zero decimal places is maintained by
123456.123 00123456 removing the digits to the right of the decimal point.
Minimum width of 8 is not met so leading zeros are

Value matches row 4.

123456789 123456789 Precision of zero decimal places is not altered.
Minimum width of 8 is met so has no effect.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 18-7

Input value Output Notes


Value matches row 4.

Precision of zero decimal places is not altered.
-123456789 -123456789
Minimum width of 8 is met so has no effect. Note that
the minus sign is not counted as part of the Width.

Value matches row 4.

Precision of zero decimal places is maintained by
-123456789.82345 -123456790 removing the digits to the right of the decimal point,
and the value is rounded up.
Minimum width of 8 is met so has no effect.

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18-8 Chapter 18 Value Format Tool

18.4 User Interface

The Value Format tool is started by running the executable file:

<Exaquantum Installation Folder>\Product Tools\QValueFormat.exe

The Value Format tool can only be used on the Exaquantum/PIMS server.

You need to be a member of the QAdministratorGroup to run this tool.

Value Format Tool dialog box

The dialog box is divided into two main areas for the different types of Values, plus some
additional generic controls. The functionality is described below.

Figure 18-1 Value Format Tool

Value Formatting Enabled

This checkbox is use to enable or disable value formatting on a global basis. When enabled
the settings are used. If disabled then the settings will have no effect on the data displayed.

Integer/Long Values and Float/Double Values

Click on this icon to add a new line to the list

Click on this icon to remove the line currently highlighted.

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 18-9

You can add or change the Values, Width and Precision settings by clicking in the relevant
part of the grid and entering a number.

♦ Value – The related Width formatting will affect this and all larger values; or those up
to the next value, if one is configured. If 0 is entered, all values are affected.

♦ Width – This is the minimum number of digits to be displayed; unless the value is
actually larger, in which case it will be displayed in full. The decimal point and
negative sign are not included in this count.

♦ Precision (Float /Double Values only) – The number of digits to the right of the
decimal point. The final digit will be rounded if necessary.

For more information see 18.2 - Technical Details and the examples in 18.5 - Formatting in
419H 420H 421H 42H



To accept any changes and close the dialog box, click on the OK button.


To close the dialog box and lose any changes, click on the Cancel button.


To apply any changes but leave the dialog box open, click on the Apply button.

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18-10 Chapter 18 Value Format Tool

18.5 Formatting in operation

To demonstrate the effect of these settings in operation there are some examples below. For
a more technically detailed description of how the formatting is derived see section 18.3 -423H


Figure 18-2 shows an Exaquantum/Explorer report with no additional formatting. Each of


the following examples shows the same data using different settings applied using the Value
Format Tool.

Figure 18-2 Example with no Value Formatting

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 18-11

Example 1 – Width and Precision

In this simple example, Float/Double Values have been given a width of 3 digits and a
precision of 2, as shown in Figure 18-3.

Figure 18-3 Value Format settings for Example 1

The display that results is show in Figure 18-4. 427H

Figure 18-4 Results for Example 1

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

18-12 Chapter 18 Value Format Tool

Example 2 – Value, Width and Precision

In this more complicated example, Float/Double Values have been given a width of 8 digits.
However the precision is determined by the magnitude of the value from 0 to 10,000,000 in
8 steps.

Figure 18-5 Value Format settings for Example 2

The display that results from this can be seen in Status Monitoring Tool.

Figure 18-6 Results for Example 2

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 19-1

Chapter 19 Status Monitoring Tool

19.1 Overview
The Exaquantum Status Monitoring Tool collects information pertaining to: disk usage, SQL
server database usage and the Exaquantum - OPC connection. Either a windows message is
sent to a specified computer, or a program, or script is executed, as defined by the system
administrator. These messages will be sent via a user defined method.

For details of how to start this tool refer to section 19.2 Setup.
429H 430H

For details of how to set the conditions and the method of notification refer to section 19.3 431H


The notification message will be transmitted to a specified computer at one o'clock a.m.
every day if the destination is available.

It is necessary to start the “Messenger Service” to use a Windows Message.

How to Start Messenger Service.

1. Open Administrative Tools ([Start] – [Settings] – [Control Panel] from Start Menu)

2. Click Services in Administrative Tools

3. Click Messenger in Services

4. Click Start button in Messenger Properties (General Tab)

19.2 Setup
The Status Monitoring Configuration Tool resides in the following directory:

<Exaquantum Installation

You need to be a member of the following group to run this tool.

Legacy Model : QAdministratorGroup

Standard Model : QTM_MAINTENANCE

Double-clicking the executable will launch the tool, displaying the following screen:

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

19-2 Chapter 19 Status Monitoring Tool

Figure 19-1 Status Monitoring Tool

When one of the expansion icons [+] is selected, the specific item details will be displayed.
For operational details please refer to section, 19.3 Operation.
43H 43H

How to automatically start this tool

This Tool can be made to start automatically at an appointed time. There are a number of
manual steps to this procedure, which only needs executing following one of these actions:

• Installation

• Reinstallation

• Migration

• Change of the IT Security Model

These steps basically comprise of:

• Remove the existing job

• Add in the new status monitor job

1. In both steps, use of the CMD window is necessary. Click [Start] – [Run] from Start
menu in Windows, and enter cmd in Run dialog.

(For Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, From Start Menu, click [Start] -
> [All Programs] -> [Accessories] -> [Command Prompt], right click, select [Run As

Removal of existing job.

There are two parts.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 19-3

2. Remove the Status Monitor job created in previous version of Exaquantum:

cd <Exaquantum Installation Folder>\StatusMonitor

AddMonitoringTask.exe /del QStatusMonitor.vbs

3. Remove the Status Monitor job created in current version of Exaquantum:

Schtasks /delete /tn StatusMonitorTask

Note: enter spaces before and after "/del", "delete" and "/tn".

Figure 19-2 Disk Monitoring Setup View

Adding a new job

4. Enter the following command to add a new task "StatusMonitorTask":

cd <Exaquantum Installation Folder>\StatusMonitor

- In case of Legacy Model

AddMonitoringTaskForWindowsTask.exe "<Exaquantum Installation

Folder>\StatusMonitor\QStatusMonitor.vbs" hh:mm <Task execution user name> <Task
execution user password>

- In case of Standard Model

AddMonitoringTaskForWindowsTask.exe "<Exaquantum Installation

Folder>\StatusMonitor\QStatusMonitor.vbs" hh:mm

Note: In case of Legacy Model, in the <Task execution user name> and <Task execution
user password>, specify user name and password for executing the StatusMonitorTask.

Note: In case of Standard Model, The user for executing StatusMonitorTask is

QTM_PROCESS. This is the default and does not need to be specified.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

19-4 Chapter 19 Status Monitoring Tool

Note: Enter spaces before and after "<Exaquantum Installation

Folder>\StatusMonitor\QStatusMonitor.vbs", "<Task execution user name>" and "<Task
execution user password>".

Note: hh:mm sets task start time. hh range is from 0 to 23. mm range is from 00 to 59.

Figure 19-3 Disk Monitoring Setup View

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 19-5

19.3 Operation
The following items can be monitored using the Status Monitoring tool:

♦ System resource: Disk space - Monitors the free and used space of each disk drive.

♦ SQL Server resource: Database size - Monitors the free and used space of each
Exaquantum database.

♦ Exaquantum - OPC connection: OPC connection status at the point of data collection:
Monitors the interruption frequency of the OPC communications within a given time

Disk Space

This section describes how to set the disk monitoring items.


Selecting the “System Resource” branch from either the tree view or main view expands to
display “Disk Space”. Selecting “Disk space” will display the disk monitoring setup view.
There are two main sections in this view; “Condition Setting” and “Notification Method”.
Initially there are no conditions or notices set.

Figure 19-4 Disk Space Setting View

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

19-6 Chapter 19 Status Monitoring Tool

Setting the Condition Attributes

The Drive Name, Free Space/Used Space, Comparator and Unit column values are all
available from drop-down lists. The Size column value must be manually entered and is

♦ Free Space/Used Space - Select either to monitor the free or used space of the drive.

♦ Comparator - Select an operator from one of the following: <, >, >=, <=, =, !=

♦ Size - Enter a numerical value greater or equal to one.

♦ Unit - Specify the unit relating to the size value from one of following: %, Byte, KByte,
MByte, GByte

Note: Clicking the Add button before all the column attributes have been defined will
cause the undefined column(s) to be displayed in red and a related error message to
be displayed.

DB Space

This section describes how to set the SQL server monitoring items.


Selecting the SQLServer item from either the tree view or main view will display the
DBSpace node. Selecting this node will display the SQL server monitoring setup view.
There are two main sections to this view; “Condition Setting “and “Notification Method”.
Initially there are no conditions or notices set.

Figure 19-5 DB Space Setting view

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 19-7

Setting the Condition Attributes

The Database Name, Free Space/Used Space, Comparator, and Unit column values are all
available from drop-down lists. The Size column value must be manually entered and numeric.

♦ Database Name – Select the SQL server, Exaquantum related, database from one of the
following: QConfig, QHistorianAdmin, QHistorianData and FrameworkSchema

♦ Free Space/Used Space - Select either to monitor the free or used space of the database.

♦ Comparator - Select an operator from one of the following: <, >, >=, <=, =, !=

♦ Size - Enter a numerical value greater than or equal to one.

♦ Unit - Specify the unit relating to the size value from one of following: %, Byte, KByte,
MByte, GByte

Note: Clicking the Add button before all the column attributes have been defined will cause the
undefined column(s) to be displayed in red and a related error message to be displayed.

OPC Connection

This section describes how to set the monitoring items for the Exaquantum – OPC


Selecting the Root\Server\OPCConnection item from the tree view will invoke the
Exaquantum-OPC connection monitoring setup view. There are two main sections to this
view; “Condition Setting” and “Notification Method”. Initially there are no conditions or
notices set.

Figure 19-6 OPC Connection Setting View

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

19-8 Chapter 19 Status Monitoring Tool

Setting the Condition Attributes

The Server Name and Unit column values are all available from drop-down lists. The Time
column value must be manually entered and numeric.

♦ Server Name – Select an OPC server name. The first server name in the list will be
displayed as default.

♦ Time - Enter a numerical value greater or equal to one. This value in conjunction with the
Unit value will define the period to monitor how many times the OPC communication is
interrupted between Exaquantum and OPC.

♦ Unit - Specify the unit used in conjunction with the Time, selecting from one of the
following: minute, hour and day.

Note: Clicking the Add button before all the column attributes have been defined will
cause the undefined column(s) to be displayed in red and a related error message to
be displayed.

Common Setting Operation

Setting the Conditions

Adding or deleting a condition

Clicking the Add button will append a new condition to the list.

Clicking the Delete button will remove the currently selected condition from the list.

Setting the Notification Method

Checking either the “Command” or “Windows Message” check box in the “Notification
Method” section will set the Notice value for the currently selected row.

If a condition is fulfilled, a notification will be made once a day according to the definition
of the Notice entry.

The following steps describe how to set the notice method:

1 Checking the Command checkbox will enable the Command and Parameter entry fields.

Figure 19-7 Notice Method View Before setting

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Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 19-9

2 Clicking the […] button adjacent to the Command entry field will display the Open file
dialog window. Select the Application to be used for the Notice.

Figure 19-8 How to select command file

The “Open” dialog will be


In the Command entry field the user may enter either the file name with the directory
path, as shown above, or just the file name, for example, "QSendHISMessage.exe."

Note 1: The execution of desktop applications, i.e. applications that provide a user interface
to the user, are Not Supported.

3 This parameter entry is a command line parameter that can be used to pass information to
the Command file when it is executed. The parameter is optional.

4 Checking the Windows Message checkbox enables the HostName and Message entry
fields. Enter the destination computer name in the HostName field and the error message
string in the Message field. In the example figure below the “%VALUE%” parameter
indicates the current free disk space. Note that the “%VALUE%” parameter is the only
parameter that may be used and represents the current value of the condition that is being

Note 1: In the case of Windows Server 2008, it is not possible to send or receive a message.

Note 2: In the case of Windows Vista and Windows 7, it is not possible to receive a

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

19-10 Chapter 19 Status Monitoring Tool

Figure 19-9 Notification Method View After setting

Message notification is also possible as a system alarm to the HIS. In this case, the
Command and Parameter fields for the Command “NotificationMethod” are as follows:

Command: <Exaquantum Install Folder>\StatusMonitor\QSendHISMessage.exe

Parameter: <HIS computer name>, <message to be displayed>
Example: HIS0164, Warning Exaquantum disk usage is reaching full capacity.

If the OPC gateway security is configured and enabled (refer to the Exaquantum/PIMS
User’s Manual (IM 36J04A11-01E), Chapter 2 OPC Gateway Configuration), the
Command and Parameter fields for the Command “NotificationMethod” are as follows:

Command: <Exaquantum Install Folder>\StatusMonitor\QSendHISMessage.exe

Parameter: <HIS computer name>,<message to be displayed>,<OPC gateway name>

HIS0164, Warning Exaquantum disk usage is reaching full capacity,HISOPC

5 Clicking the Apply Method button in the “Notification Method” section will apply the
configured notifications to the Notice value for the currently selected Condition Setting.
When Windows Message is used, “Messenger Service” must be running.

Saving the setup contents

Once setup has been completed, click on the Save button to commit any changes made. The
configured Setting entries will be written to the monitoring parameter definition file and a
confirmation message will be displayed.


Clicking the Close button will close the current window.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 20-1

Chapter 20 Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool

The Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool provides the ability to:

♦ Enable History Catch-up whilst Exaquantum is not running

♦ Configure Exaquantum to start upon starting of the operating system

20.1 Overview
The Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool provides the following functionality:

♦ Configuration of History Catch-up before the Exaquantum starts.

♦ Setting Exaquantum to automatically start when the operating system starts.

20.2 Startup
To launch the Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool, double-click on the following file:

<Exaquantum Install Folder>\Developer Tools\QCatchupConfig.exe

20.3 Setup
The Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool is displayed in the figure below:

Figure 20-1 Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

20-2 Chapter 20 Exaquantum Startup Configuration Tool

Operating System Start Up Settings

Checking the “Start Exaquantum when OS starts” checkbox will ensure that Exaquantum
automatically starts when the operating system starts.

Exaquantum Start Up Settings

Enable History Catch-up – By default History Catch-up is disabled. Checking this checkbox
will enable History Catch-up.

Abort on first failure – If this checkbox is checked Exaquantum will wait until the History
Catch-up operation has been completed before starting. If an error occurs during History
Catch-up and the checkbox is unchecked Exaquantum will start up irrespective of the error
received. No data will be collected from the time of the error to the time of Exaquantum start

Catch-up All Down Time – History Catch-up can recover data for all items between the
Exaquantum Server shutdown time and the start-up time

Catch-up from Aggregation Period Boundary – History catch-up can recover a reduced
amount of data for items between the Exaquantum Server shutdown time and the start-up
time. The catch-up to Aggregation Period Boundary option uses the specified “Period for
Catch-up” for the time to start the recovery of data. The purpose is to get a consistent
aggregation result for the specified aggregation period even if the shutdown time is too long
to recover the entire downtime period.

Clicking the Cancel button will clear all the changes made and restore the default settings.

Clicking the OK button will save the current settings and exit.

Clicking the Apply button will save the current settings.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 21-1

Chapter 21 Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool

21.1 Overview
♦ The Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool allows the user to specify the Aggregation
Switch configuration as used in the standard Trend, Tabular Trend and X-Y Plot.

♦ The idea behind Aggregation Switching is to reduce the amount of data returned for large
time ranges and hence improve display times. To do this, rather than return raw data, the
Aggregation data (e.g. the MEAN aggregation) are returned for the requested time range

♦ After Aggregation Switching is configured, the switching to use aggregation data is

automatic and hidden from the user.

21.2 Startup
To launch the Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool, double-click on the following file:

<Exaquantum Install Folder>\Developer Tools\ AggSwitchConfig.exe

The tool can only be ran on the server if the user is a member of QAdministratorGroup. If it
is ran on the client the user must be a member of QUserGroup.

21.3 User Interface

The Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool is displayed in Figure 21-1

Figure 21-1 Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

21-2 Chapter 21 Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool

21.4 Configuring Aggregation Switching

There are three pieces of data that define a duration threshold. These are described in Table 436H


Table 21-1 Aggregation Switch – threshold parameters

Data Item Description

Threshold Threshold is the time range in minutes.

The duration must be equal or greater than
this specified value to switch in the
aggregation specified.

Aggregation Aggregation is the Aggregation Period

name, e.g. HOUR

AggregationType AggregationType is the aggregation type,

e.g. MEAN

21.5 Storing Aggregation Switch Configuration

The Aggregation Switch Configuration can be stored on an Exaquantum Client on a per user
basis; it can also be stored on the Exaquantum Server with read access available to all
Exaquantum users.

There may be situations where Aggregation Switching is configured on a client and on the
server the client is connected to. In this situation the client configuration for the current user
will override the server configuration

The table below shows the availability of the two options, depending on whether the tool is
running on a client or server.

Table 21-2 Availability of Aggregation Switch Configurations

Running on Exaquantum Client Running on Exaquantum Server

Server Read Only. Allowed

The current Aggregation Switch

configuration on the server can be viewed
but cannot be altered from a client.

Client Allowed. Not Allowed.

Any AggregationSwitch configuration on Option is disabled.

the server will remain unaffected.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 21-3

With no Aggregation Switch Configuration stored, the tool will appear as in Figure 21-2; the

Server option is selected by default. Note that the Server option is disabled as this is running
on a Client, this option will only be enabled when run on a Server.

Figure 21-2 No Aggregation Switch Configured

Aggregation Switch Thresholds can be added or removed by clicking on the Add Threshold
( ) and Remove Threshold ( ) icons. Refer to Table 21-1 for a description of the

individual data items that define a duration threshold.

After adding Aggregation Switch thresholds, select either Server or Client option to specify
where this configuration will be stored and click OK to store the configuration. Storing the
Aggregation Switch configuration on the Server can only be carried out with an instance of
the Tool running on the server, and likewise, storing the configuration on a Client can only
be carried out on a Client.

On starting the Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool again, the previously configured
thresholds will be shown as well as the location, either Server or Client.; Figure 21-1 shows

an example of an Aggregation Switch Configuration.

The location of the existing Aggregation Switch Configuration can be changed from Server
to Client (only on Exaquantum Client).

Note: When changes are made using the Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool on either
Client or Server, all the client applications that are connected at the time will need
to be shut down and re-started in order to update the changes.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

21-4 Chapter 21 Aggregation Switch Configuration Tool

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IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 22-1

Chapter 22 History Data Checker

22.1 Overview
The Exaquantum History Data Checker (or Blob Checker) scans historian data for any
inconsistencies in historian blobs in particular, incorrect bounding values. Any inconsistent
bounding values are shown and can be repaired by this tool.

22.2 Startup
To launch the History Data Checker, double-click the BlobChecker.exe file in the following

<Exaquantum Install Folder>\Developer Tools\ BlobChecker.exe

The tool can only be ran on the server if the user is a member of QAdministratorGroup and
can only be executed after stopping Exaquantum.

22.3 User Interface

To launch the History Data Checker, double-click the BlobChecker.exe file in the following

Figure 22-1 History Data Checker

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

22-2 Chapter 23 OPC Logon Tool

♦ All storages can be selected or only one storage can be selected to be scanned

♦ The time range of the scan be restricted to only data after the specified time, or all
historian data can be scanned

♦ If the Auto Correct Bounding Value option is checked prior to running the check, then all
bounding values found that are incorrect will be automatically corrected

♦ The current scan status is shown in the Processing field.

♦ The Reduce %CPU option (check prior to starting the scan if required) reduces
the %CPU time used when the History Data Checker is scanning historian. The number
represents a small delay (in ms) that the tool will wait between processing blobs.

♦ Click on the Run Blob Check button to start the scan and optional correction. After scan
has completed there are log files created in the tools directory.

NOTE. If the tool is running on Windows 2008 or Windows Vista, with Virtualization
enabled (Local Security Policies, “User Account Control: Virtualize file and registry
write failures to per-user locations”), the log files are stored in the Virtual Store Folder.
Virtualization was introduced in these Operating Systems, as part of the security
enhancements. This feature controls write access to files and folders, to which the user
does not have write access (for example, to the windows “Program Files” folder). If the
user runs the History Data Checker, the Operating System writes the actual log files to
the users Virtual Store Folder. This location is determined by the value of the userprofile
environment variable. The effect of this is that users other than the user who ran the
History Data Checker will not be able to read that location

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools 23-1

Chapter 23 OPC Logon Tool

23.1 Overview
Enhanced connection security to OPC Gateway’s is introduced in the R3.70 release of
ExaOPC. For OPC Gateways that support enhanced connection security, the OPC Logon
Tool provides the ability to:

♦ Configure the Logon credentials that are used to connect to an OPC Gateway when
Exaquantum is not running.

♦ Test the connection to a configured OPC Gateway while Exaquantum is not running.

23.2 Startup
To launch the OPC Logon Tool, double-click on the following file:

<Exaquantum Install Folder>\Developer Tools\OPCLogon.exe

You need to be a member of either of the following groups to run this tool.

Legacy Model : QAdministratorGroup

Standard Model : QTM_MAINTENANCE

23.3 User Interface

The OPC Logon Tool is displayed in Figure 23-1

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

23-2 Chapter 23 OPC Logon Tool

Figure 23-1 OPC Logon Tool

♦ The OPC Logon Tool will only start if Exaquantum is not running.

♦ Select an OPC Gateway from the list, modify the logon details as required and click on
Test to verify the connection to the OPC Gateway is valid.

♦ After successful test of the connection to the OPC Gateway, click on Apply to save the
logon credentials. If there are multiple OPC Gateways configured with the same OPC
Server, the logon credentials for each affected OPC Gateway are updated following user

♦ If OPC Logon Tool is running when Exaquantum is started, the tool will exit when an
attempt is made to modify the configuration.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools App A-1

Appendix A. OPC Recovery Technical Details

The Exaquantum/PIMS collects and stores data or Alarms/Events from OPC servers. When
the expected data or Alarms/Events is unavailable, this status is recorded in the database.

Note: Data or Alarms/Events for periods already exported to an Archive database – data or
Alarms/Events cannot be recovered to the Archive.

Not all data or Alarms/Events are recoverable.

Data or Alarms/Events that are recovered by the OPC Server Viewer and Data Recovery tool
are merged back into the existing data within the main Historian database.

When the OPC update rate of a tag is changed after the period of the OPC connection loss,
the data or Alarms/Events for that period for the tag cannot be recovered. The OPC data
update rate should be changed only after the missing data or Alarms/Events are recovered.

All recovery operations are recorded in the OPC Recovery Audit log.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

App A-2 Appendix A OPC Recovery Technical Details

Appendix A.1 Downtime Threshold

In Exaquantum OPC recovery a downtime threshold is provided, this is a user definable
parameter which can be configured to match the time capacity of the OPC servers. This
downtime is the oldest time threshold relative to the downtime that the OPC server will hold
history data.

For this reason, only those OPC downtimes which have an online time that is within this
value are scheduled for automatic recovery.


Downtime A

Downtime B

Downtime C

Downtime D

Downtime E

Time Now

Figure A-1 Downtime Threshold and Ordering

In the example shown in Figure A-1, downtime E is not processed because its online time is
outside the threshold. The other downtimes are processed in the order of their offline time,
this order being B, D, A, C.

Appendix A.2 Network Recovery Delay

Due to the nature of network failures it is quite likely that when the network is re-established
after an OPC disconnect, connections to OPC Gateways may not be stable and so can
experience multiple disconnects after the main network failure.

Attempting to perform OPC Recovery immediately after a reconnect may also make the
network unstable again due to the additional load of the OPC Recovery process. This may in
turn cause another OPC disconnect, and the OPC recovery that was started to fail due to the
OPC Gateway no longer being available.

By providing a configurable delay between when the last downtime’s online time was
recorded for an OPC Gateway, and when the Auto OPC Recovery service will attempt to
recover the downtime for that OPC Gateway the network is given time to stabilize. If further
OPC disconnects occur for that OPC Gateway before the delay has ended, the recovery of
the earlier downtimes will not have been interrupted.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

Exaquantum Engineering Guide – Volume 3 Support Tools App A-3

Figure A-2 Network Recovery Delay

In the example shown in Figure A-2, the Auto OPC Recovery process has been for the last
60 minutes or more processing earlier downtime events, and has just finished processing.

At the ‘NOW’ time it is assessing the downtimes that require processing.

With the default network recovery delay of 10 minutes, downtimes from each OPC Gateway
are only eligible for processing if there hasn’t been any downtime for that OPC Gateway in
the last 10 minutes.

So in the example:

♦ Downtimes A to C for OPC Gateway 1 will be processed this time.

♦ Downtimes D to E for OPC Gateway 2 will be processed this time.

♦ Downtimes F to J for OPC Gateway 3 will NOT be processed this time because
downtimes H to J occurred within the last 10 minutes.

♦ Downtimes F to J for OPC Gateway 3 will be processed NEXT time, provided that:

♦ It is more than 10 minutes since downtime J online time.

♦ Another downtime has not occurred for OPC Gateway 3 since downtime J.

IM 36J04A15-03E 11th Edition Issue 1 March 5 2012

App A-4 Appendix A OPC Recovery Technical Details

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