Research Paper Group 1

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We would be more than glad to allow us to acknowledge the

ever growing support and guidance of our practical research
teacher “Ms.Patis” in the making of the research. Whom she
never failed to help and hand out advices in succeeding our
To the members in the group; achieving this research would be
incomplete without the presence and the overall help from
To our parents, who supported us individually financially in
order to contribute equally and the guidance us well from them.
We’d like to thank as well our classmates, whom we influence
and also being influenced by throughout the process.
To God who gave us the opportunity in the making and
achieving this study as a team; and most importantly having
faith within that motivated us verily.
Most importantly, thanking our own selves in making this a
remarkable experience throughout the making of the study and
consuming our precious time in placing our heart and mind in
achieving it.


We dedicate this study to the following people who were part of

the success of this study.
To our almighty God, who guided us and never leave us in
making this research.
To our loving parents whose words of encouragement and
push for tenacity rings in our ears, a support that made us
come to this success and enable us to see the product of our
efforts and sacrifices.
To our friends who had supported us to throughout the process.
They had never left us to our side and motivate us to pursue
our study. We will always appreciate all they had done.
To the teachers, for the knowledge they imparted to us, for the
encouragement they had gave and for the supervision that they
had done for us to accomplished this research.
Lastly to the readers, we had fully exerted effort just to give a
better out comes of this study for you to have a reliable


TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………..……V

SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY……………………………………………………..…………
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM………………………………………………..………3
RESEARCH QUESTION……………………………………………………………..…….4
SCOPE AND DELIMITION……………………………………………………………..….6
DEFINITION OF TERM…………………………………………………………………..7-9

Social media is fundamentally changing the way people

communicate, consume and collaborate. It provides companies
and new platform to interact with their costumer. In academia,
there is surge in research efforts on understanding its effects.
This paper aims to provide a review of current status of the
social media research. We discuss the specific domains in
which the impacts of social media examined. A brief review of
applicable research methodology and approaches is provided.


Social media continues to evolve. Today there are number of

sites where users can interact which each other and share
information. Social network sites may affects people’s minds in
different ways depending on what kind of information in shown
to them. According to the given definition of Merriam-Webster
dictionary, social media are forms of electronic communication
through which create online communities to share information,
ideas, personal messages, and other content.
Social media is used for many purposes which are to
exchange, ideas, feelings, personal information, pictures and
Most people rely on social media for entertainment, news,
advertisements and information. Nowadays, one can use social
media and get any form of data. The use of social media has
transform the society into a global village where people can
interact freely within a span of a second.
Benefits of social interaction seem endless with the
advancements of communication online. With the complexity of
information available on the internet, new possibilities for
people to communicate on global networks, and for the ability
to aggregate different information streams.
Page 1


This study is significant to the teachers, parents and students.

This study will help the teachers of the school to know the
influence that social media has on their students, so as to
assist them to enlighten and create awareness to the students
on the possible influence it has on them. Studies found out that
academic outcomes of the students who spent most of their
time interacting using social media are positive because they
were to share and generate ideas and concepts related to their
studies. Thus student who lack time management can easily
fall prey to the negative impact of social media.
Page 2


Statement of Problem The world today is a global market in

which the internet is the most important sort of information.
Since the advent of social media sites in the 1990s, it is
assumed in some quarters that the academic performance of
students is facing a lot of neglect and challenges
The manufacturing and distribution of equally sophisticated
cellular phones has complicated the situation, as students no
longer need to visit a cybercafé before they send and receive
messages. Attention has been shifted from visible to invisible
friends, while important ventures like study and writing
might be affected in the process. This phenomenon has
become a source of worry to many who believe in knowledge
and skill acquisition.
In recent times social media have been a major stay in the
minds of students and the world at large thereby causing a lot
of drastic measure by students, teacher and even educational
administrators at large. It is therefore of great importance to
explore some of the trending issues facing students’ academic
performance as a result of social media. Students at all levels
of learning now have divided attention to studies, as a
result of available opportunities to be harnessed from social
media. Whether these opportunities promote studies is a
question that needs to be answered. Thus, the problem this
study investigates is the influence of social media networks on
the academic performance of grade 11 HUMSS students in
Page 3

The following research questions were raised;

1. To what extent would student addictiveness to social network
influence their academic performance?

2. Does the social media network that the students are more
exposed to influence their academic performance?

3. How has the use of social media influence the academic

performance of grade 11 HUMSS students GAMUT NHS?

4. Is there gender difference in the student’s usage of social

media network?

5. In what way do younger and older students influence the use

of social media?

Page 4

Socio demographic Profile

 Age
 Sex
 Civil Status

Social Network Addiction and Low

Social Networking Sites Usage
Academic Achievement
 Average hours of active
internet use per day.
 Social networking profile. Social Networking Addiction Awareness
 Average connection of students and Improved Academic Performance
in their social networking site.
 Number of communities/group
Of students.
 Frequency log to social network
 Favourite social networking site
usage per session.
 Social networking addiction.

Page 5

The study was conducted to assess the impact of social media

on students’ academic performance. Ten (10) students who are
actively using social media are the respondents of the study. It
was conducted during the summer semester of academic year
2017-2018.The study limited only on variables of social media
that the researchers assumed that has effects of respondents’
academic performance. These variables are respondent access
to internet, usage, perception on social media, and their
frequency of using it.

Page 6

SOCIAL MEDIA is the collective of online communications

channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction,
content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications
dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social
bookmarking, social duration, and wikis are among the different
types of social media.
This study looks at social media network participation and
academic performance in senior high schools. The study was
aimed at identifying social media network sites and their usage
among students, how students networked and participated on
social media networks, time invested by
students on social networks, the effects of social media on
students’ grammar and spelling as well as the effects of social
network participation on the student’s academic performance
within the context of the social learning and the use and
gratification theories. To achieve the objectives of the research,
the study used a mixed method approach which involved the
survey of students in four senior high schools and interviews of
heads of the senior high schools. The study revealed that
majority of respondents used WhatsApp and Facebook for
making friends and chatting. In addition, majority of
respondents experienced negative effects 2 such as poor
grammar and spelling, late submission of assignment, less
study time and poor academic performance due to the heavy
participation on social media networks.
Page 7
Furthermore, there was a high addiction rate among students in
the usage of social media networks. Nevertheless, there were
cases where others experienced improvement in their readings
skills as a result of participation on social media networks. Also,
respondents shared ideas, discussed and shared examination
questions among themselves on social media networks. The
study recommended the strict enforcement of Ghana Education
Service rule on electronic devices usage in schools, promotion
of social media usage for academic purpose, counselling for
addicted students and the use of the right grammar and
spelling when participating on social networks.
This study looks at social media network participation and
academic performance in senior high schools. The study was
aimed at identifying social media network sites and their usage
among students, how students networked and participated on
social media networks, time invested by students on social
networks, the effects of social media on students’ grammar and
spelling as well as the effects of social network participation on
the student’s academic performance within the context of the
social learning and the use and gratification theories.
To achieve the objectives of the research, the study used a
mixed method approach which involved the survey of students
in four senior high schools and interviews of heads of the senior
high schools. The study revealed that majority of respondents
used Whatsapp and Facebook for making friends and chatting.
In addition, majority of respondents experienced negative
effects such as poor grammar and spelling, late submission of
assignment, less study time and poor academic performance
due to the heavy participation on social media networks.

Page 8
Furthermore, there was a high addiction rate among students in
the usage of social media networks. Nevertheless, there were
cases where others experienced improvement in their readings
skills as a result of participation on social media networks. Also,
respondents shared ideas, discussed and shared examination
questions among themselves on social media networks.
The study recommended the strict enforcement of Ghana
Education Service rule on electronic devices usage in schools,
promotion of social media usage for academic purpose,
counselling for addicted students and the use of the right
grammar and spelling when participating on social networks.

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