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Name: _____________________________________________________ Score: __________

Discussion. Provide brief discussion (3-5 sentences) for each question or situation.
1. Why is transportation considered to be a “derived demand”?
2. What is the fundamental purpose of transportation?
3. Discuss the importance of transportation according to these categories/dimensions:
a. Historical
b. Social
c. Political
d. Environmental
e. Economic
4. What are the indicators or trends which show that transportation is becoming more
5. Discuss the four core components of transportation?
a. Modes
b. Infrastructures
c. Networks
d. Flows
6. How the advancement of technology affects the relationship of space and time?
7. The physical features of space impose major constraints on transportation systems, in
terms of what mode can be used, the extent of the service, its costs and capacity. How
do the following spatial constraints act as barriers to movements?
a. Topography
b. Hydrography
c. Climate
8. Recently, China is keen to revive the ancient “Silk Road” which was the most enduring
trade route of human history, being used for about 1,500 years. With our improving
diplomatic ties with China, how will this plan going to affect the country?
9. Cite one of the modern-day problems encountered by Filipino transportation engineers.
Discuss your own proposed solution.
10. Discuss one of the current trends in transportation sector and its economic or
environmental impacts (good or bad).
11. Discuss the efficiency of the integration of GIS-T solutions to transportation
(traffic, parking, accidents etc.) problems in the Philippines.
12. Describe the public transportation in Iligan City.
13. Why is it important for the government to regulate or control the drivers, vehicles,
and roads?
14. Discuss the importance of ITS to traffic management. Cite an effective ITS example.
15. Describe the requirements for an effective traffic regulation.
16. Draw an example of the following signs (no need for true dimensions and scale):
a. warning sign
b. priority sign
c. prohibition sign
d. obligatory sign
e. information sign
17. As a pedestrian or a commuter or a driver, what are the problems you observed about
road markings and traffic signs?
18. Why decision sight distance is often required than stopping sight distance?
19. Describe the importance of providing passing lanes.
20. Why superelevation is needed on highways?
21. Discuss the importance of sight distance on horizontal curves.
22. Discuss the importance of sight distance on vertical curves.
23. Describe your experience as a commuter or a driver where sight distances were not
properly employed or satisfied.
24. As a designer, what would you do if sight distances are not satisfied in vertical and
horizontal curves on a highway?
25. If you are going to be hired as a planning (urban or transport) engineer in your city
or municipality, what will be your first proposed project?

Design. Solve for the required parameters for highway geometric design. Provide and support
your assumptions. Discuss the procedure of your analysis with illustration or diagram.

Situation 1. Determine the location of a warning sign to be installed on the highest

point of the vertical curve connecting 3% and 8% grades so that both oncoming vehicles
traveling at 60kph design speed can see the sign while both of them are 1.5 times farther
than the required sight distance. Given PVC is 185+000 with elevation 314.5m MSL.

Situation 2. An uphill section of the highway (70kph design speed) with grade 12% requires
a climbing lane for faster traffic. Calculate the length of the climbing lane to be
provided such that it has enough distance to accommodate the vehicle with enough time
(say 1.75 times required sight distance) to merge back into the lane before reaching 1.5
times DSD from the top of the curve.

Situation 3. A sag curve is to be designed to accommodate 60kph traffic connecting 5% and

8% grades. Calculate the length of the curve required to satisfy headlight sight distance.
At daytime, how fast can a vehicle safely reach on the same curve such that comfort
criterion is still met?

Situation 4. A sag curve will connect 6% and 5% grade for 70kph vehicle traffic. The
undercrossing is to be designed such that all sight distance requirements were satisfied
with vehicle vertical clearance of 6.5 meters at 235+186. What will be the location of
the storm drain?

Situation 5. A gentle crest curve is to be designed such that passing opportunity is to

be provided for faster vehicles on both oncoming traffic. Calculate the length of this
lane for each grades to accommodate 60kph traffic so that oncoming vehicles are 2 times
farther than SSD the moment when they see each other.

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