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Effect of carbohydrates on

adherence of Escherichica
coli to human urinary tract
epithelial cells.
A J Schaeffer, S K Amundsen and J M
Infect. Immun. 1980, 30(2):531.

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INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, Nov. 1980, p. 531-537 Vol. 30, No. 2

Effect of Carbohydrates on Adherence of Escherichia coli to

Human Urinary Tract Epithelial Cells
Department of Urology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois 60611

Adherence of Escherichia coli cells to voided uroepithelial cells from healthy

women was measured by use of [3H]uridine-labeled bacteria filtered through a
polycarbonate membrane filter (5-rm pore size). At a concentration of 2.5% (wt/
vol), D-mannose, D-manmtol, a-methyl-D-mannoside, and yeast mannan com-

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pletely inhibited adherence of the bacteria to the epithelial cells. At this same
concentration, D-fructose, D-lyxose, D-arabinose, and D-glyceraldehyde partially
inhibited adherence. Reducing the concentration of D-mannose, or its derivatives,
to between 1.0 and 0.1% resulted in partial inhibition in the adherence of the
bacteria; a further reduction in the concentration to between 0.01 and 0.001%
caused an enhancement of adherence up to 160% of the control level. Bacterial
preincubation in 2.5% D-mannose for 1 min before epithelial cells were added
completely inhibited adherence; similar treatment of the epithelial cells had no
significant effect on subsequent adherence of the bacteria. Bacteria that were
preincubated for 1 h with D-mannose at concentrations between 0.1 and 0.75%
showed enhanced adherence. The inhibitory effect of D-mannose was decreased
if bacterial adhesive ability, or cell receptivity, increased. A variety of other
carbohydrates tested had no effect on the adherence of E. coli to the uroepithelial
cells. These results suggest that adherence can be altered by interactions)
between specific carbohydrate molecules and receptors on the bacterial surface.

Attachment of bacteria to mucosal surfaces of subsequent studies which assessed adherence

a susceptible host is now recognized as an im- with radioisotopic rather than visual techniques,
portant step in colonization and infection (11, the addition of 2.5% D-mannose to E. coli-uro-
21, 25). The ability of bacteria to adhere to epithelial cell suspensions completely inhibited
epithelial cells in vitro appears to be mediated adherence, even when the epithelial cells were
by the surface components of both cell types. To highly receptive (22). The purpose of this study
probe the biochemical nature of the structures was to further define D-mannose-sensitive ad-
involved, investigators have focused on the sen- herence by investigating the effect of various
sitivity of bacterial agglutinins to carbohydrates carbohydrates on the adherence of E. coli to
which compete with identical or related struc- human uroepithelial cells. The results support
tures on the cell surface (5, 6, 17). Studies show- the concept that adherence can be altered by
ing that D-mannose or its derivatives specifically specific carbohydrate molecules which compete
inhibit adherence of Escherichia coli to epithe- with epithelial cell receptors for bacterial bind-
lial cells support the hypothesis that E. coli ing sites. This complex interaction is influenced
ligands can recognize and bind D-mannose or D- by the ability of bacteria to adhere, the epithelial
mannose-like receptors on the epithelial cell cell receptivity, and the concentration and time
surface (8, 13, 16, 20). Recent identification of D- of exposure to the carbohydrates.
mannose-insensitive strains of E. coli suggests
that other bacterial ligands may also mediate MATERIALS AND METHODS
attachment to epithelial cells (4, 9). Bacteria. The E. coli strain used in all experiments
Investigations of E. coli strains isolated from was isolated from infected urine. It was serotyped
urine suggest that several adherence factors are (018) by the method of Brent and Vosti (3). The
instrumental in the attachment of bacteria to bacteria were grown in brain heart infusion broth
human uroepithelial cells. Svanborg Eden and (Difco Laboratories) for 72 h, harvested by centrifu-
gation, and washed once in phosphate-buffered saline
Hansson (26) demonstrated D-mannose- and a- (Difco; pH 7.2). Variation between assays was mini-
methyl-D-mannose-sensitive E. coli agglutina- mized by suspending the bacteria in brain heart infu-
tion to guinea pig erythrocytes, but D-mannose- sion broth plus dimethyl sulfoxide (Fisher Scientific
insensitive adherence to uroepithelial cells. In Co.) at a final concentration of 5% (vol/vol) and freez-
ing them immediately in an acetone-dry ice bath. RESULTS
Frozen bacteria were stored in small portions at -20'C
in screw-capped tubes. For use in the assay, a portion Celi storage technique. The effect of the
of bacteria was thawed at 37"C, washed once, sus- storage technique on adherence and viability
pended in yeast nitrogen base (Difco) buffered to pH was investigated by performing the assay with
7 with phosphate buffer (Na2HPO4, 8 mM; KH2PO4, 2 fresh cells and subsequently with samples from
mM), and labeled with [3H]uridine as previously de- the same cell pools after the addition of dimethyl
scribed (22). sulfoxide freezing. Adherence and viability were
Epithelial cells. Uroepithelial cells were obtained not affected when cells were stored in dimethyl
from freshly voided midstream specimens provided by sulfoxide at -20'C for up to 3 months. Cells
premenopausal women who had no history of urinary stored at 40C or in glycerol showed decreased
or vaginal infections and were not taking contraceptive
or antimicrobial agents. The epithelial cells were har- adherence and viability.
vested by centrifugation, washed once in phosphate- Inhibition of adherence by carbohy-
buffered saline, and suspended in minimal essential drates and lectins. To determine the most

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medium containing Earle salts (MEM; International effective carbohydrate and lectin inhibitor of
Scientific Industries) at pH 5 to a concentration of bacterial binding to uroepithelial cells, we made
approximately 2 x 105 cells per ml by use of a hema- suspensions of E. coli in MEM with twice the
cytometer. Cells with similar receptivity for use in final carbohydrate concentration. After 1 min,
different experiments were obtained by pooling epi- the suspensions were diluted in half by the ad-
thelial cell suspensions and dispensing 1-ml portions dition of the epithelial cells. Bacterial adherence
into screw-cap tubes. Dimethyl sulfoxide (final con-
centration, 5%, vol/vol) was gradually added prior to was compared with that in nontreated controls.
quick freezing in an acetone-dry ice bath and storage None of the compounds used were toxic to the
at -20'C. For each experiment, cells were thawed at epithelial cells, as determined by trypan blue
370C and diluted in MEM to a concentration of 105 exclusion, or to the bacteria, as determined by
cells per ml. Cell viability was determined by the growth curves. Maximal inhibition of bacterial
trypan blue exclusion technique, and total and viable adherence occurred with yeast mannan and the
cell counts were compared with the counts prior to six-carbon carbohydrates D-mannose and D-
freezing. mannitol (Table 1). A threefold increase in the
Bacterial adherence assay. The adherence assay molar concentration of a-methyl-D-mannoside
was done as previously described (22). Samples (0.2
mi) containing 107 bacteria and 104 epithelial cells or D-fructose was required to bring about the
were combined, and control tubes containing bacteria same inhibitory effect. Five-carbon (D-arabi-
plus MEM or epithelial cells and MEM were also nose, D-lyxose) and three-carbon (L-glyceralde-
prepared. After incubation at 370C for 30 min, 0.2 ml hyde) carbohydrates were less effective inhibi-
of each sample was filtered under vacuum through a tors of bacterial adherence and required a 6-fold
polycarbonate membrane filter (5-owm pore size, Nucle- and 13-fold increase, respectively, in their con-
pore Corp.). The number of adhering bacteria was centrations to produce the 50% inhibition
calculated by substracting the number of bacteria achieved with D-mannose or D-mannitol.
attaching non-specifically to the filter in the absence Adherence was inhibited completely by all
of epithelial cells from the number of bacteria present
on the filter in the assay. Adherence was calculated by carbohydrates with the hydroxyl group at car-
dividing the number of bacteria adhering by the num- bon 2 in the same configuration as D-mannose
ber of epithelial cells in the assay.
Inhibition experiments. A variety of carbohy-
drates (Sigma Chemical Co.) and concanavalin A TABLE 1. Inhibition of E. coli adherence to
(ConA, Sigma) were tested as adherence blocking uroepithelial cells by carbohydrates or ConA
agents. D-mannose, a-methyl-D-mannoside, D-fruc- Concn required for 50% in-
tose, D-mannitol, D-glyceraldehyde, L-glyceraldehyde, Compound hibition
D-arabinose, D-lyxose, D-ribose, L-fucose, L-mannose, (mM)
L-rhamnose, dihydroxyacetone, D-glucose, a-methyl- Six-carbon
D-glucoside, D-galactose, D-xylose, yeast mannan, and D-Mannose .. 27.8
ConA were added to E. coli suspensions in MEM to D-Mannitol . .27.4
achieve a final concentration of 2.5% (wt/vol) when a-Methyl-D-mannoside .. 77.0
combined with epithelial cells. Carbohydrate-treated D-Fructose . .83.0
bacterial suspensions were compared with nontreated Five-carbon
controls. Those carbohydrates demonstrating inhibi- D-Arabinose . ............ 166.0
tion were diluted in MEM (final concentrations used D-Lyxose ........ ............. 166.0
were between 2.5 and 0.0001%) to determine how
various concentrations affected adherence. Three-carbon
Statistical analysis. The x2 test was used for all L-Glyceraldehyde . . 350.0
statistical comparisons, and P values were determined Yeast mannan . .0.05%a
by reference to a standard table of critical values of ConA ......................... 0.0093
the x2 distribution. a Molecular weight not determined.
with the exception of L-fucose, which had no strain of E. coli was repeatedly transferred in
inhibitory effect. All carbohydrates with the hy- brain heart infusion broth to select for presum-
droxyl group at carbon 2 in the opposite config- ably heavily piliated organisms (7). Adherence
uration (D-glucose, L-mannose, a-methyl-D-glu- to epithelial cells from a common pool increased
coside, L-rhamnose, D-ribose, D-galactose, D-Xy- from 8 to 80 bacteria per cell and was completely
lose, D-glyceraldehyde, dihydroxyacetone) were inhibited by 2.5% D-mannose. As shown in Fig.
ineffective inhibitors of adherence even at con- 1, inhibition by 0.1% D-mannose ranged from 1%
centrations of 2.5%. The plant lectin ConA, for bacteria that were good adherers (presum-
which binds to D-mannose (23), was also a very ably heavily piliated) to 100% for bacteria that
effective inhibitor of adherence. adhered poorly. The possibility that the adhe-
Effect of preincubation of E. coli or uro- sive characteristics of epithelial cells alter the
epithelial cells with MEM, D-mannose, or inhibiting effect of D-mannose was investigated
ConA. The site of D-mannose and ConA binding by incubating epithelial cells with different de-
was investigated by adding these compounds to grees of receptivity with the same E. coli strain

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the bacterial or epithelial cell suspensions prior and a fixed concentration of D-mannose. Epithe-
to performing the adherence assay. After a 30- lial cells from different individuals have various
min preincubation, the E. coli or uroepithelial degrees of receptivity (22). Epithelial cells were
cell suspensions were washed once with phos- collected from several individuals, pooled, and
phate-buffered saline and then incubated with tested with the same strain of E. coli to deter-
untreated epithelial or bacterial cells, respec- mine their receptivity. Adherence for the cell
tively. The adherence was compared with that pools collected at different times ranged from 13
of control cells preincubated in MEM (Table 2). to 93 bacteria per cell and was completely in-
Preincubation of the bacteria with D-mannose hibited by 2.5% D-mannose. As shown in Fig. 2,
completely prevented their adherence to epithe- inhibition by 0.1% D-mannose ranged from 100%
lial cells, whereas preincubation of bacteria with for cells with poor receptivity to 45% for cells to
ConA was much less inhibitory. When epithelial which large numbers of bacteria adhered in the
cells were preincubated with ConA, subsequent absence of mannose.
E. coli adherence was inhibited by 92.6%, Effect of various concentrations of car-
whereas preincubation of epithelial cells with D- bohydrates on adherence. E. coli and epithe-
mannose inhibited adherence by 29.9%. lial cells were incubated with D-mannose, D-
Influence of variation in bacterial or ep- mannitol, a-methyl-D-mannoside, D-fructose, or
ithelial cell adhesive characteristics on D- D-glucose at concentrations of 2.5 to 0.001%.
mannose inhibition. The possibility that cell Depending on the carbohydrate, adherence
adhesive characteristics alter the inhibiting ef- could be completely inhibited, partially in-
fect of D-mannose was investigated by incuba- hibited, or enhanced. For example, when the
ting E. coli cells exhibiting different degrees of concentrations of D-mannose added to the sus-
receptivity with a common epithelial cell pool pensions of bacteria and epithelial cells was var-
and a fixed concentration of D-mannose. One ied, adherence could be completely inhibited
(2.5%), partially inhibited (between 1.0 and
0.1%), or significantly enhanced (between 0.01
TABLE 2. Effect on adherence ofpreincubation of and 0.001%) to up to 160% of control levels (P
E. coli or uroepithelial cells with MEM, D -mannose,
or ConA
Adherence Inhibi-
Cells and preincubation medium (bacteria/ tion o 80
epithelial I
1 60-
E. coli
MEM .. 17.8 0 S 40-
D-Mannose (1%) 0........... 100 z

Concanavalin A (0.05%) 8.5 52.3 w 20-

Uroepithelial cells
MEM ..... 17.4 0 -1I
20 80 100
D 40 60
D-Mannose (1%) 12.2 29.9 MANNOSE INHIBITION (%)
ConA (0.05%) 1.3 92.6
FIG. 1. Influence of variation in E. coli adhesive
After a 30-min preincubation, the E. coli or uro- characteristics on D -mannose (0.1%) inhibition of ad-
epithelial cells were washed once with phosphate- herence. Repeated subculturing of E. coli increased
buffered saline and then incubated with untreated adherence to uroepithelial cells from a common pool
uroepithelial or bacterial cells, respectively. The re- from 8 to 80 bacteria per cell. Each point represents
sults are representative of three experiments. the mean of two experiments.
100 0.75%, adherence increased significantly to levels
6: 80- 120 to 260% of the control (P < 0.05). With
0.001% D-mannose, the initial level of enhanced
I- 60-
adherence (190% of control) was maintained.
<a 50'
The possibility that higher levels of adherence

40 were due to an increased bacterial concentration

30 was excluded by the observation that the colony-
20 forming units remained virtually constant during
10 the time of preincubation. Furthermore, bacteria
preincubated in 2.5% glucose or in MEM for 60
0 40 60
min showed no increase in adherence compared
with control bacteria that had not been prein-
FIG. 2. Influence of variation in uroepit
receptivity on D -mannose (0.1%) inhibition afeliadhcerl cubated. Lastly, the possibility of enhanced bac-

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ence. Epithelial cells from different individ tuals have terial adherence through mannose metabolism
various degrees of receptivity. Adherence o4f the same was investigated. Preincubation of E. coli for 5
strain of E. coli to epithelial cell pools frona different min with a-methyl-D-mannoside produced levels
individuals varied from 13 to 93 bacteriaX per cell. of enhancement similar to those observed for D-
Each point represents the mean of two expoeriments. mannose, even though growth curves demon-
strated that the test strain could not use a-
< 0.05, Fig. 3). It is important to niote that methyl-D-mannoside as a sole carbon source.
glucose had no inhibitory or enhancirng effect. DISCUSSION
The curves for a-methyl-D-mannosidi e and D-
mannitol were similar to the D-mannc)se curve Further insight into the stereochemical spec-
shown in Fig. 3, except that no enhaLncement ificity of the bacterial ligand can be obtained by
was observed for D-mannitol. examining the extent to which a large number
The possibility that interactions of carbohy- of monosaccharides, yeast mannan, and ConA
drates might modify their effects on bacterial inhibit the adherence of bacteria to uroepithelial
adherence was investigated by adding combina- cells. The carbohydrate combining site of the E.
tions of inhibitory and non-inhibitory carbohy- coli ligand investigated in these experiments
drates to the adherence assay. The ccombined appears to be directed primarily toward the un-
effect of inhibitory carbohydrates apt)eared to modified hydroxyl group at carbon 2 of D-man-
be additive. For example, 1% D-mannc se or 1% nose and its derivatives. Thus, D-mannose, D-
D-fructose inhibited adherence by 80% and 20%,
respectively. When combined, 1% D--mannose
and 1% D-fructose showed 100% inhibit:ion. Non- 220-
inhibitory carbohydrates had no effe(At on the 22
degree of inhibition of an inhibitory carbohy- Z\
drate. When 1% glucose (which had rio inhibi- 0r 180-
tory effect on adherence) was added to 1% D- Iz'
mannose or 1% D-fructose, the inhibit(ory effect 0
was the same as that of 1% D-mannose or 1% D- 0 u 140-
fructose alone.
Effect of time of bacterial prein(cubation-
with D-mannose on adherence. The possibil- uo- 100- ... .

ity of increasing the inhibitory effect c f D-man- zw

nose was investigated by increasing thietime of
bacterial preincubation with various co oncentra- 60
tions of the carbohydrate prior to the additionala
of uroepithelial cells. Adherence was -ompared
with that observed for bacteria preincu bated for
the same length of time in MEM. As shown in
Fig. 4, complete inhibition was obser ved with 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.00 1 0.0001
2.5% D-mannose preincubated with baLcteria for CONCENTRATION (%)
30 or 60 min. Initially, concentrations (Af D-man- FIG. 3. Effect of various concentrations of D -man-
nose (between 1.5 and 0.75%) showe d partial nose (-), D -fructose (E), and D -glucose (0) on adher-
inhibition of adherence (15 to 50% of control). ence of E. coli to uroepithelial cells. Each point
As the time of preincubation increa sed, with represents the mean ± standard deviation of four
concentrations of D-mannose betweenn 1.5 and experiments.
to be unimportant since the a-methyl glycoside
of D-mannose reduced the inhibitory effect ob-
served for D-mannose and the a-methyl glyco-
side of D-glucose had no effect on adherence.
The concept that the hydroxyl group at carbon
z 0.001% 2 in the D-mannose configuration may interfere
0 with binding of E. coli to uroepithelial cells is
u- 160 / supported by the inhibitory effect of D-mannose
on E. coli adherence to buccal cells (16), renal
w 120- /1.5% cells (20), erythrocytes (27), and leukocytes (2,
z 13). Other investigators, using mannose-sensi-
w 80/
tive E. coli strains (2, 15, 20, 27), have reported
results on the inhibitory effect of other carbo-

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hydrates, and even the mannose derivatives,
which differ from our findings. These inconsist-
encies may be attributable to differences in the
O- ; v v 2.5% specific surface characteristics of the bacteria, as
0 30 60 well as the eucaryotic cells, that were used.
TIME OF BACTERIAL PREINCUBATION (MINUTES) Preincubation of bacteria with D-mannose
FIG. 4. Effect of time of E. colipreincubation with completely inhibited their subsequent binding
D -mannose on subsequent adherence to uroepithelial to epithelial cells. Conversely, preincubation of
cells. The results are representative of three experi- epithelial cells with the mannose-binding lectin
ments. ConA significantly reduced their receptivity by
92.6%. These observations support the concept
mannitol, and yeast mannan (a polysaccharide that attachment of E. coli to uroepithelial cells
that is polymer of mannose) were potent inhib- is mediated by a mannose-specific bacterial li-
itors of E. coli adherence to uroepithelial cells gand which binds to mannose or mannose-like
in vitro. D-Fructose was a twofold less effective receptors on the epithelial cell surface. Studies
inhibitor of adherence than D-mannose. Al- with ConA suggest that mannose is widely dis-
though the open-chain configuration of D-fruc- tributed on the surface of other mammalian cells
tose has an aldehyde group at the second carbon, (23) and may be an integral part of the receptor
in solution rearrangement occurs such that D- site required for E. coli attachment to epithelial
fructose assumes the pyranose form with the cells (2, 16).
same configuration as D-mannose at carbon 2 When bacteria were incubated in broth to
(12, 18). Although L-fucose has the same config- increase their binding capacity (and presumably
uration at carbon 2 as D-mannose, it did not piliation), the inhibitory effect of a fixed concen-
inhibit adherence. These findings are in agree- tration of D-mannose was inversely proportional
ment with those of other investigators who have to the degree of bacterial adherence. These re-
reported inhibition with D-mannose and no in- sults suggest that the mannose-binding ligand
hibition with L-fucose (2, 15, 17, 19, 20). This can be altered by growth conditions which are
could be due to the replacement of the hydroxyl conducive to increased pilus formation and may
group on carbon 6 with a hydrogen atom. Any be associated with pili. Ofek and Beachey (15)
modification of the carbon 2 hydroxyl group showed that the bacterial population which ad-
completely abolished the inhibitory action of the hered to epithelial cells consisted of heavily pi-
carbohydrate. Thus D-glucose, which differs liated cells that possessed increased mannose
from D-mannose only in the hydroxyl group at binding activity, and Salit and Gotschlich (20)
carbon 2, did not inhibit adherence even at a demonstrated mannose-sensitive binding of pu-
concentration of 2.5%. The length of the carbon rified E. coli type I pili to monkey kidney cells.
chain also appears to be an important determi- More recent evidence suggests, however, that
nant of the inhibitory effect of a carbohydrate. other mannose-sensitive adhesions, biochemi-
Five-carbon and three-carbon carbohydrates, cally distinct from type I pili, may also be in-
with the same configuration as D-mannose at volved in the mannose-specific adherence of E.
the second carbon, were 6-fold and 13-fold less coli to eucaryotic cells (8, 13). Mannose-insen-
effective inhibitors of adherence, respectively. sitive adhesions also appear to participate in E.
Presumably, the pyranose ring of D-mannose is coli-epithelial cell interactions. Svanborg Eden
not active in this interaction because the open- (26) described mannose-insensitive, pilus-asso-
chain hexitol D-mannitol was a very effective ciated adherence of E. coli to uroepithelial cells,
inhibitor of adherence. The a linkage also seems and mannose-insensitive binding of enteropath-
ogenic E. coli to intestinal cells has been iden- teria, all available bacterial ligands would be
tified (4, 10). blocked, thereby resulting in complete inhibition
We also observed that the inhibitory effect of of adherence to the epithelial cells.
D-mannose was influenced by the degree of re- The relationship between mannose-mediated
ceptivity of the epithelial cells. When 0.1% D- adherence of E. coli to uroepithelial cells and
mannose was added to incubation systems con- urinary tract infections is not clear, but some
taining the same bacteria and epithelial cells studies have suggested that it may have clinical
with different degrees of receptivity, the inhibi- significance. Duguid (6) screened 108 strains of
tory effect of D-mannose decreased as the recep- E. coli isolates from humans by hemagglutina-
tivity of the epithelial cells increased. This sug- tion and mannose-sensitive inhibition of hem-
gests that D-mannose inhibits bacterial adher- agglutination. He found that the majority (74%)
ence by competing with mannose-like receptors of the strains possessed mannose-binding activ-
on the epithelial cell surface and that there may ity and that all of the mannose-sensitive strains

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be a difference among uroepithelial cells in the were piliated. Aronson et al. (1) found that a-
number of receptor sites or the degree of affinity, methyl-D-mannoside prevented urinary tract in-
or both, that these receptors have for bacteria. fections with E. coli in mice, presumably by
The inhibitory effect of D-mannose, and its blocking bacterial adherence to the urinary
derivatives, on the adherence of E. coli to uro- tract. Although it appears that receptors other
epithelial cells was dose related and was linear than mannose could bind E. coli to uroepithelial
between concentrations of 2.5 and 1%. The ob- cells, continued investigation of the mannose-
servation that adherence was enhanced by low binding activity of E. coli to uroepithelial cells
concentrations (between 0.01 and 0.001%) of D- should greatly increase our insight into the path-
mannose, D-fructose, or a-methyl-D-mannoside ogenesis and treatment of urinary tract infec-
is intriguing and may be representative of phys- tions.
iological conditions. That this phenomenon was
due to the production of additional receptor sites ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
on the epithelial cells is unlikely because only We are grateful to Byron Anderson, Department of Bio-
approximately 20% of the epithelial cells used in chemistry and Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery,
the assay were viable. Furthermore, enhance- Northwestern University Medical School, for helpful advice.
This investigation was supported by Public Health Service
ment was observed when the bacteria were grant RR-05370 from the National Institutes of Health.
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