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Last meeting, we have discussed about Evaluating Messages of Different Types of Texts Across Cultures.

So, first is the Multimodal text. Multimodal is defined in the Australian Curriculum as the strategic use of
‘two or more communication modes ‘to make meaning. For example, image, gesture, music, spoken
language, and written language. We also talked about Examples of multimodal texts.

First is Video Advocacy Campaign (VAC) “Advocacy” refers to the process of bringing about
change inpolicies, law or people’s behavior and attitudes.“Video advocacy” is about using visual
media as strategic tool toengage people to create change.

Next, Public Service Announcement or PSA. A PSA is any message that promotes the programs, services,
or activities like those of your local or national governments or any non-profit organizations. create or
raise awareness about an important topic, •show the importance of a problem or issue,
And third, Media Campaign (MC) Cambridge Business English Dictionary defines Media
Campaign as a planned series of newspaper articles, television interviews, etc. that are
intended to achieve a particular aim.
Lastly, evaluating messages/images is necessary to check the truth, accuracy and relevance of
any information you're reading, seeing or hearing. It will also to prevent us in becoming a victim
of fake news and to spread credible and reliable info.

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