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Imprint 4
Foreword 6

Part A Introduction

1 On the stage of architecture 10

Torsten Förster

Part B Fundamentals I

1 Building material and products 22

Martin Peck
2 Concrete construction operations 46
Martin Peck
3 Materiality and surface 54
Martin Peck
4 Designing structures with 70
structural concrete
Stephan Engelsmann, Stefan Peters,
Valerie Spalding, Franz Forstlechner
5 Digital design and 106
fabrication methods
Tobias Wallisser

Part C Fundamentals II

1 Sustainable construction with concrete 116

Peter Lieblang
2 Costs and economics 130
Peter Lieblang
3 Thermal building physics and 136
energy efficiency
Peter Lieblang
4 Building acoustics 152
Peter Lieblang
5 Renovation and restoration 160
Arthur Wolfrum,
Christoph Dauberschmidt
6 Interiors, design, vision 172
Ulrike Förschler

Part D Examples of completed

buildings in detail

Project examples 1 to 19 181

Part E Appendix

Authors 261
Regulations, directives, standards 262
Bibliography 263
Picture credits 266
Index 268

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