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Manufacturing of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced

with Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles: Microstructural

and Mechanical Properties

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the low-cost manufacturing of aluminum matrix
composites reinforced with nano iron oxide as light and efficient materials for engineering
applications. It is very desirable to use reinforced aluminum matrix composites in structural
applications (automotive, aeronautical, etc.) because of their outstanding stiffness-to-weight and
strength-to-weight ratios. In modern industry, it is increasingly important to develop new
composites as alternative materials to fabricate multifunctional pieces. Detailed information is
presented on the manufacturing process of this composite, and a preliminary study was per-
formed on the cryogenic-cycling behavior to evaluate the interface between the matrix and the
reinforcement. Microindentation tests were carried out to evaluate the micromechanical prop-
erties of these materials; a simple and practical finite element model is proposed to predict
certain parameters related to the composition of the composite.

DOI: 10.1007/s11663-013-9970-1
Ó The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013

I. INTRODUCTION The microindentation technique is often used to

measure the micromechanical properties of materials,
THE worldwide popularity of powder metallurgy lies and it is advantageous for its ability to determine the
in the ability of this technique to produce complex hardness and local elasticity modulus for particular
shapes with exact dimensions at a very high production conditions; it is also able to handle small sample sizes. In
rate and low cost.[1–3] For this reason, it is very desirable fact, at present, the hardness and Young’s modulus can
to use reinforced (with Fe3O4, iron oxide) aluminum be easily defined using the Oliver–Pharr[5] equations
matrix composites in structural applications (automo- based on microindentation tests of small-sized speci-
tive, aeronautical, etc.) because of their outstanding mens.
stiffness-to-weight and strength-to-weight ratios.[1–9] The main objective of this study is to compare
Additionally, it is very attractive to add iron oxide experimental and numerically simulated indentation
(Fe3O4) reinforcement to improve the magnetic perme- load-depth curves using a conical indenter for the
ability of these composites, thereby obtaining a good investigated aluminum metal matrix composites. Exten-
synchronization between the thermal and electrical sive experimental work was initially performed on the
conductivities and the magnetic permeability.[1,2,10–15] specimens under various loading conditions. Then, a
In this paper, ‘‘aluminum-iron oxide (natural Fe3O4 in numerical simulation was established for the validation
the form of the mineral magnetite) powder composites’’ of experimental microindentation tests that were applied
were developed as alternative materials using a micro- to the considered material to provide a simple under-
wave and a tubular ceramic oven sintering program with standing of certain parameters of the material, which
various aspect ratios varying from 0.25 to 0.85 for the was produced here under laboratory conditions. The
simultaneous preparation of Fe3O4 particles and alumi- results concern the influence of the load on the behavior
num powders (at the laboratory scale). These compos- of the indentation-depth curves. The numerical results
ites are clean and light and are very useful for of Berkovich indentation tests applied to a set of
application in the aeronautics industry. specimens are thoroughly discussed. A significant step
forward has been achieved in the load-depth monitoring
during loading and unloading during the microindenta-
tion cycles. In this paper, the experimental results were
EMIN BAYRAKTAR, Full University Professor, FAYZA validated with a numerical finite element model (FEM)
AYARI, Research Associate, and DHURATA KATUNDI, Research
Engineer, are with the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing of the microindentation behavior of an aluminum
Engineering, Supmeca/LISMMA - Paris, Paris, France. Contact e-mail: matrix composite material that is used in aeronautic MING JEN TAN, Associate Professor, is with and automotive applications.
the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technolo- It is also interesting to study the behavior of the
gical University, Singapore, Singapore. AYSE TOSUN-BAYRAKTAR,
Professor, is with the Chemical Processing Department - P. Vauqelin,
aluminum matrix composites reinforced with Fe3O4
21, Av. Boutroux, 75013 Paris, France. under cryogenic cycling. Normally, magnetite Fe3O4
Manuscript submitted January 29, 2013. conducts electricity at ambient temperatures. Its


conductivity decreases slightly with decreasing temper- 10 mL of ferrous chloride tetra hydrate (FeCl2Æ4H2O,
ature, as will be detailed in the text later. Below 120 K 53 mg/mL) aqueous solution was then added into the
(153 °C), Fe3O4 becomes an insulator. Additionally, flask under stirring. Ten minutes later, ammonia aque-
cryogenic cycling can cause significant changes in a ous solution (4.5 g, 25 pct) was slowly injected into the
composite material, with potholing, delamination, and flask. The reacting solution turned black with the
microcracking representing some of the more dramatic injection of the ammonia solution. The total amount
phenomena.[18,19] Shrinkage of the matrix during curing of the reacting solution was approximately 45 mL. The
and mismatched coefficients of thermal expansion reaction was maintained for 4 hours. When the reaction
among the reinforcement, the matrix, and the ply was completed, the Fe3O4 nanoparticles were separated
groups in a laminate are the main causes of the internal and washed with deionized water several times with the
stresses that cause laminate microcracking at cryogenic aid of a magnet until the deionized water was neutral.
temperatures.[17–25] Structural failure has occurred in The purified Fe3O4 nanoparticles were again dispersed
cryogenic liquid-storage systems when they were not into 45 mL of deionized water. After this step, the Fe3O4
designed to account for microcracking and thermal- magnetic nanoparticles were collected and washed with
cycling-induced stresses.[24–29] For this reason, a prelimin- deionized water several times with the aid of a magnetic
ary study was carried out concerning the cryogenic-cycling bar. Finally, the Fe3O4 nanoparticles were measured in a
behavior of the studied composites to evaluate the laser granulometer at Le Conservatoire National des
interface between the matrix and the reinforcement. Arts & Métiers (CNAM) in Paris.
The particle-size distributions were variable (45 to
70 nm). In the method that we used, the agglomeration
II. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY phenomenon was considerable. However, another syn-
thesis method was also used to prepare Fe3O4 nanopar-
A. Preparation of Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles ticles to compare the two methods in terms of feasibility
The preparation of the Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and the cost of producing a given quantity at the
was adapted from a method that has been presented in laboratory scale.[1,2]
the literature.[1,2,12,15–17] First, ferric chloride (FeCl3, For this second method, we adopted a method from
820 mg) was dissolved in 30 mL of deionized water the literature that has been successfully applied for the
under mechanical stirring and nitrogen atmosphere at synthesis of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles in aqueous
298 K (25 °C) in a three-necked flask. A volume of solutions without any surfactants.[15] The Fe3O4 particle
sizes were measured in the same manner as in the case of
the former synthesis method, in a laser granulometer.
The resultant Fe3O4 nanoparticles exhibited an average
diameter of 30 to 45 nm. The procedure described here
for the synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in an aqueous
solution, while similar to previous protocols reported in
the literature, contains significant new synthesis modi-
fications, which were predominantly developed at the
chemical process laboratory in Paris (‘‘École Chimie,
Établissement de P. Vauquelin,’’ Paris 13ème). In the
framework of the present research, the first synthesis
method was chosen because it was very simple to carry
out, and the main goal of the study is to design
aluminum-based powdered composite reinforced with
Fe3O4 nanoparticles for novel aeronautics applications.
Formerly, this type of composite has been successfully
applied for novel designs of alternators and other
automotive components.

B. Manufacturing of Green Compact Specimens

from Powder Materials and Sintering Conditions
Two manufacturing methods were used in this study
for the aluminum-based powder composites reinforced
with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Detailed information con-
cerning the microwave sintering method used for this
composite material has been presented in previous
articles.[1,2] The application of microwave heating
energy to the processing of various materials, such as
ceramics, metals, and composites, offers several advan-
Fig. 1—(a) Specimens prepared with various aspect ratios and (b)
tages (lower energy costs and shorter processing times)
Typical optical microscopy of the surface obtained from two sintered over conventional heating methods for many industrial
specimens (2.5 wt pct Fe3O4).[1,2] processes. However, in view of the production rate of


Fig. 2—(a) SEM micrographs of the microstructures of Al-Fe3O4 composite samples with 20 pct Fe3O4 (b) Map of the microstructural

the composite, an effective sintering method was material. The purity level of the Fe3O4 was found to be
achieved with a simple tubular ceramic oven in this 99.62 pct, and the grain size was found to be 20 to
study. The specimens were prepared with compact 70 nm (the grain size was measured with a laser
geometry from aluminum and Fe3O4 powders. granulometer). The weighed-out samples were mixed
Aluminum with a purity of 99.7 pct and a grain size of by high-energy mechanical ball milling. Zirconium balls
<2 lm (Merck Co, France) was used as the base of 3 to 5 mm in size were used as the grinding media.


Fig. 3—Damaged surfaces developed during thermal shock testing: (a) Microcracks that were caused by the thermal shock after 20 cycles and
(b) Plastic deformation around the microcracks at the surface.

The ball-to-powder weight ratio was 5:1. As a process C. Cryogenic-Cycling Behavior of the Composites
control agent, stearic acid (C18H36O2) and zinc stearate A preliminary study of the cryogenic-cycling behavior
were used to prevent excessive cold welding during the of the produced aluminum matrix composites reinforced
mechanical milling. The powders were mixed by stirring with nanoparticles (Fe3O4) was conducted in the frame-
before being transferred into the ball-mill jar. Mechan- work of the present paper. The interaction between the
ical alloying was performed in a FRITSCH Mono Mill matrix and the reinforcing particles was also investi-
PULVERISETTE (Germany), which is a planetary ball gated during cryogenic cycling. For this study, three cut
mill with a revolution speed of 600 rpm. The ball-milling and polished symmetric laminates were allowed to
time was 120 minutes, with an interim period of equilibrate at 295 K (22 °C) and were then placed into
30 minutes every half hour to prevent overheating. a liquid nitrogen bath [77 K (196 °C)] for 10 minutes.
After ball milling, the grain size of the mixture was Each sample was examined prior to cycling to insure
measured. There was little difference in the grain size that there were no initial cracks or defects on the
before and after milling (the grain size of the aluminum surface. After exposure to liquid nitrogen, the samples
was approximately 1 lm[1,2]). The blended powders were were placed in a desiccator and allowed to return to
then compacted by cold uniaxial pressing with a green room temperature. Each sample was exposed to a
compact pressure of 250 MPa with the intent of minimum of four or five cryogenic cycles; afterward,
producing an initial green density ranging from 85 to microcracking was revealed under optical microscopy at
95 pct. The aspect ratio of the geometry was 0.85. The a high magnification at the interface between the
porosity of the specimens after sintering was found to be reinforcement and the matrix.
between 5 and 10 pct.
The compacted specimens were sintered [893 K
(620 °C) for 3.5 hours] in a ceramic tubular oven under
argon atmosphere to prevent oxidation during the D. Application of Microindentation Tests
sintering. A typical microstructure is shown in Figure 1; Microindentation tests were conducted on the alumi-
this image corresponds to a composite containing num metal matrix composites to explore their mechan-
2.5 wt pct Fe3O4 nanoparticles.[1,2] The specimens were ical and tribological properties. In this test, the pressure
tested under various aspect ratios. distribution is focused under the indenter. The subsequent


detection of microscratches is challenging, and the ratios (5, 10, and 20 wt pct) to compare the effect of the
utilization of the same tip for both scratching and reinforcement quantity on the stiffness values. These
microimaging may be the best method for microscratch- tests were carried out at below the maximum applied
hardness testing. It is necessary, nevertheless, that the force of 1000 mN, and the creep time was taken to be
experiments be carried out under the best possible 2 seconds. For each specimen, a matrix region was
conditions, so the samples must be cleaned and polished identified on the specimen for the application of
to avoid any corrosion. 9 measurements, and the mean value for each graph
This paper presents a detailed comparison of exper- was obtained.
imental and numerical approaches to microindentation
tests on aluminum matrix composites reinforced with
Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The present study aims to deter- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mine the local yield conditions for a particular material
using a microindentation testing technique; here, the A. General Remarks on the Experiments
load-depth penetration curve yields information con- The manufacturing of novel Al-based metal matrix
cerning the indentation hardness and the elastic mod- composites reinforced with Fe3O4 nanoparticles is useful
ulus. For reproducibility, the experimental results are for engineering applications. It is interesting to evaluate
compared to a simple FEM, and a good correlation is these materials in terms of their mechanical and physical
found. properties, particularly the optimization of the electrical
Two maximum applied forces were used: 500 and and magnetic permeability. Fe3O4 is considered suitable
1000 mN. The creep time was taken to be 2 seconds. because of its lower cost and high free energy of
For each specimen, a matrix region was identified on the reaction. The low-cost fabrication of this material can
specimen for the application of 9 measurements was be achieved without difficulty by controlling the pro-
taken, and the mean value for each graph was obtained. cessing parameters, as has been explained in previous
A CSM standard indentation test device was used: reports by the present research team.[1,2] In our previous
MHTX S/N: 50-0121. The loading and unloading speed work, some of the processing parameters and physical
was taken to be 1000 mN/min for the maximum applied properties (magnetic capacity, etc.) have been deter-
load of 500 and 2000 mN/min for the maximum applied mined; however, we require more comprehensive study
load of 1000 mN. to understand the role of the magnetite Fe3O4 as the
Additionally, microindentation tests were also carried reinforcement and to optimize the manufacturing pro-
out on specimens containing different Fe3O4 weight cedures. All the detailed results related to the analysis of
the microstructure and the distribution of the particles
in the matrix are shown in Figure 2.
Table I. Crack Densities as Surface Percentages, Depending Here, the reinforcing particles are found in the form
on the Number of Cryogenic Cycles of quasi-spherical and/or thin rectangular shapes and
No of Cryogenic Surface Percentage are distributed more or less uniformly in all samples.
Cycling (Crack Density at Surface) (pct) Some local clustering still can be found in many of the
samples, especially in samples with higher loadings
5 0.1 (>2 pct).
10 0.12 In fact, a perfectly homogeneous distribution of the
12 0.55 Fe3O4 nanoparticles in the matrix could not be achieved
15 1.08
20 2.23
in most of the specimens examined here because of the
22 2.5 facile agglomeration of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles. As we
26 3.7 have explained in Section II–B, microporosity was
always present in the matrix (between 5 and 10 pct)

Fig. 4—(a) Schematic representation of the force-depth curve for the microindentation procedure and (b) measurement device.


because of the uniaxial cold compacting. Microporosity C. Analysis of Microindentation Tests and FEM
appeared even at high compact pressures. We chose the Modeling for the Micromechanical Behavior
uniaxial cold compacting method for the sake of of the Test Specimens
simplicity and low-cost manufacturing. However, this Microindentation testing has become a popular tech-
method was not efficient enough to produce a homoge- nique because of its simplicity and the fact that it
neous particle distribution in the composite microstruc- provides valuable information about the morphology
ture because of the nanoscale magnetite Fe3O4. The and mechanical properties of composite materials.
homogeneity of the microstructure could be improved Microindentation appears to be a promising tool for
using a wet process instead of the dry-mill process that the micromechanical and microstructural investigation
was employed in this study. of composites.[15,16] Microindentation differs from the
classical measurement of hardness, wherein the impres-
B. Cryogenic-Cycling Behavior of Microcrack Evolution sions are generated and then imaged with a microscope.
The load and the associated penetration depth are
At room temperature, magnetite Fe3O4 conducts
recorded simultaneously during both loading and
electricity, though not nearly as well as copper. Its
unloading, producing a force-depth diagram, as shown
conductivity decreases slightly with decreasing tempera-
schematically in Figure 4.
ture until it reaches a Verwey transition temperature of
The Oliver and Pharr Method (Power Law Method)[5]
120 K (153 °C). Below this temperature, magnetite
recognizes the fact that the first portion of the unloading
Fe3O4 essentially becomes an insulator. Such metal-to-
curve may not be linear and can be described by a simple
insulator transition behavior is not in agreement with the
power-law relationship:
single-conduction-band theory, which places magnetite at
a focal point of research. One suggested explanation is
F ¼ kðh  hp Þm ; ½1
that in former theories, electron–electron interactions
were too quickly dismissed. As expected, a continuous where k is a constant, and m is an exponent that de-
increase of saturation magnetization with the increase of pends on the indenter geometry. A power-law function
the magnetite weight fraction in the composites should be is used to describe the upper part of the unloading data:
observed. The coercivity should follow the characteristic  
filler-loading-independent response of soft magnetic mi- h  hp m
F ¼ Fmax ; ½2
croparticles. Another important practical consideration hm  hp
is how well the behavior of the electrical conductivity and
the interface area between the matrix and the reinforce- where the constants m and hp are determined by a
ment are known. What will happen in the structure if this least-squares fitting procedure. The contact stiffness
composite undergoes cryogenic cycling? S = (1/C) is given by the derivative at peak load:
To understand the cryogenic behavior of the struc-   " m1 #
ture, preliminary tests were carried out on the prepared dF hm hp  1
S¼ ¼mFmax  m ¼mFmax hm hp
specimens. In the first stage, the evolution of transverse dh max hm hp
cracking was evaluated as a function of the number of
cryogenic cycles. In general, it was difficult to detect any ½3
crack before 10 cycles had been conducted, and the first and the tangent depth, hr, is therefore given by:
appearance of the crack density was detected from the
10th cryogenic cycle of the tested specimens. Certain Fmax
hr ¼ hm  : ½4
specimens exhibited heavily local plastic deformation in S
which a high crack density formed during cryogenic
cycling. This behavior was attributed to highly concen- The contact depth, hc, is then given as:
trated regions of reinforcing particles that were found to
be significantly agglomerated in the matrix because of hc ¼ hm  eðhm  hr Þ; ½5
the non-homogeneity of the mixture during the com-
pacting stage (Figure 3). In Table I, the crack densities, where e now depends on the power-law exponent m.
depending on the number of cryogenic cycles, are given The tangent is found by differentiating the unloading
as surface percentages. Each result is the mean value of curve and evaluating at maximum load (Fmax). The
three or four specimens that were used for each intercept of this tangent with the displacement axis
cryogenic cycle obtained from software called ‘‘Archi- yields hr.
med.’’ The concentration of the particles and their As indicated above, all the parameters, such as the
distribution in the matrix influence this phenomenon. indentation hardness (HIT), the indentation modulus
Overall, these preliminary results demonstrate that the (EIT) and the Vickers hardness (HV), were determined
processing characteristics of the specimens studied here by the Oliver and Pharr method as follows:
were not harmfully influenced by the presence of the Ap ¼ fðhÞ; ½6
nanoparticles. If the distribution of the nanoparticles
can be made homogeneous in the matrix, the thermal- where Ap is the projected contact area.
expansion characteristics can be improved, and the
resistance to thermal-cycling-induced stresses can also HIT ¼ and ½7
be increased. Ap ðhc Þ


1  m2s prepared for investigating the micromechanical behav-
EIT ¼ 1m2i
and also ½8 ior of these composites. Some of the experimental
Er  Ei analysis of microindentation under two different load
conditions is shown in Figure 5 as an example of this
pffiffiffi study. First of all, we obtained the loading and
Er ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ½9 unloading curves (Figure 5(a)) by determining the
2b Ap ðhc Þ evolution of the load and depth as a function of time
(Figure 5(b)). For each set of test conditions, we carried
where Ei is the elastic modulus of the indenter out 12 tests on a matrix region that was determined by
(1141 GPa), mi is the Poisson’s ratio of the indenter the software of the testing program. Afterward, we
(0.07), Er is the reduced modulus of the indentation calculated the mean values.
contact, ms is the Poisson’s ratio of the sample (0.35) Several parameters obtained from the microindenta-
Fmax tion test of a specimen (called Al-I here) are given in
HV ¼ : ½10 Table II. Here, only two different maximum applied
9:81Ap ðhc Þ
loads were used.
Also of interest is the evaluation of the stiffness values
In the framework of this preliminary study, we carried of the specimens containing different Fe3O4 weight
out microindentation tests on certain specimens that we ratios (5, 10, and 20 wt pct) to compare the effect of the
reinforcement quantity on the stiffness values. These
tests were carried out at below the maximum applied
force of 1000 mN, and the creep time was taken to be
2 seconds. For each specimen, a matrix region was
identified on the specimen for the application of nine
measurements, and the mean value for each graph was
The stiffness value can give an idea of the measure of
resistance offered by an elastic body to deformation. It
represents the ratio of the force applied on the body to
the displacement produced by the force.
It seems that these composites are very sensitive to
changes in their microstructure under deformation. In
reality, this claim is not completely valid for the stiffness,
as is observed in Figure 6. The stiffness value is very
sensitive to the indenter; for example, in this test, we
used a Vickers indenter, and the material exhibited


Stiffness (mN/nm)




AF-2 AF-4 AF-9 AF-11 AF-12
Fig. 5—Experimental analysis of microindentation for the Al-Fe3O4
composite samples: (a) loading and unloading curves and (b) evolu- Fig. 6—Evolution of the stiffness values of the specimens containing
tion of the load and depth as a function of time during microinden- different Fe3O4 weight ratios: (AF-2/AF-11/AF-12: 10 pct, AF-4:
tation testing. 20 pct and AF-9: 5 pct).

Table II. Microindentation Parameters Measured for the Specimen Al-I

Maximum Applied Force (mN) Indentation Hardness HIT (MPa) Indentation Modulus EIT (GPa) Microhardness HV
500 286 6.92 27
1000 284 3.13 26.8


Fig. 7—Geometry of the FEA model (left) and boundary conditions of the model (right).

Fig. 10—Zoom of the stress field showing the stress-gradient homo-

Fig. 8—Mesh distributions of parts. geneity.

Fig. 9—Stresses in the compressed zone. Fig. 11—FE and experimental results obtained for Fmax = 500 mN.


different deformation in the matrix and in the area of with a maximum diameter of 160 lm. A contact pair is
reinforcement (agglomeration effect, etc.); its ability to defined between the punch, which is modeled by a rough
recover was reduced considerably, perhaps suggesting conical rigid surface, and a slave surface composed of
the presence of permanent damage. This seems to be a the top face of the axis-symmetric elements in the
strong effect of cold working. Deformation at room contact region. The friction coefficient between the
temperature leads to the formation of new dislocations, punch and the metal matrix is 0.2. A point mass of 100 g
which in turn makes further deformation more difficult; representing the weight of the punch is attached to the
dislocations pile up at the grain boundaries, and there is rigid-body reference node. The model is analyzed with
an increase in strength. Abaqus/Standard, and all parts are meshed with tetra-
It is difficult to compare the various composites hedral linear solid elements, as shown in Figure 8.
because there was little difference between specimens The metal matrix composite is defined with the
containing different reinforcement ratios. For example, *Material option using the experimental test data. The
for a certain series of measurements taken in a region of test data are defined in terms of the nominal stress and
agglomerated reinforcement particles, some values can nominal strain values. The rough surface of the punch is
be variable, and sometimes these measurements were modeled by specifying a friction coefficient of 0.2 for
different from specimen to specimen even if the speci- the contact-surface interaction with the *FRICTION
mens contained the same reinforcement ratios. Far more option under the *SURFACE INTERACTION definition.
repetitive tests should be conducted to achieve a much The numerical model is used to study the behavior of
more thorough comparison. this composite material. Therefore, we consider the
Using these experimental data, we built a model of a following configuration of the model. The punch is
typical cubic specimen formed of aluminum metal applied statically with a maximum load downward to
matrix composite and indented by a rough, rigid, indent the metal matrix composite, and the relation
conical punch. This problem illustrates a typical appli- between the reaction force and the displacement is
cation of a metal matrix composite when used in the measured for both the purely elastic and elastic plastic
microindentation of rigid deformable materials. cases.
The axis-symmetric build model is shown in Figure 7. In Abaqus/Standard, the punch is applied downward
The metal matrix composite specimen has 34 9 by a prescribed displacement boundary condition in the
34 9 34 mm edges. The punch has a conical geometry first step, indenting the metal matrix composite by an
imposed load. The NLGEOM parameter is specified in
the *STEP option because the response involves large
deformation. In the second step, the punch is displaced
back to its original position. The analyses for both steps
are performed using the *STATIC procedure. During a
*STATIC step, the material behaves according to the
elastic plastic definition using the properties specified
with *Material, *Elastic, and *Plastic for this matrix
composite model. In this case, the punch is pushed down
over a period of one second and then moved back up
again in one second. We define the characteristics of the
equivalent homogeneous material and use these data for
the calculation in the finite element analysis as given
here for two different test conditions.
The deformation and contour plots for oriented
stresses and strains are shown for the elastic plastic
metal matrix composite as obtained from the Abaqus/
Standard analysis in Figures 9 and 10. Although the
Fig. 12—FE and experimental results obtained for Fmax = 1000 mN. metal matrix composite is subjected to large strains, only

Table III. FE Results for the First Loading Case (Fmax = 500 mN)

Contact Radius (mm) Fmax (N) Hardness (MPa 9 104) Young Module (GPa) Yield Stress (GPa)
0.052632913 0.513793 0.055141992 30.02796249 0.018380664

Table IV. Numerical Results with a Maximum Load of 1000 mN

Contact Radius (mm) Fmax (N) Hardness (MPa 9 104) Young Modulus (GPa) Yield Stress (GPa)
0.065916527 1.0682 0.072126427 37.12519685 0.024042142


moderate distortions occur because of the small Pois- microcracking was evaluated as a function of the
son’s ratio. number of cryogenic cycles. The crack densities depend-
It is obvious that the stresses no longer satisfy the ing on the number of cryogenic cycles were given as
Hertz contact law, as the yield strength has been surface percentages by the software ‘‘Archimed.’’ It was
exceeded, and plastic deformations are therefore pres- found that the concentration of the reinforcing particles
ent. These figures depict the compressive-load reaction- and their distribution in the matrix can influence the
force history obtained with Abaqus/Standard for both microcracking phenomenon. Overall, these preliminary
steps. As the material is elastic plastic, the stresses relax results demonstrated that the processing characteristics
during loading and, consequently, lead to a softer of the specimens studied here were not harmfully
response than in the purely elastic case. A comparison influenced by the presence of the nanoparticles. If the
between the experimental and the FE force–displace- distribution of the nanoparticles can be made homoge-
ment response is shown in Figures 11 and 12. The two neous in the matrix, the thermal-expansion characteris-
curves exhibit a similar shape, and they are very similar tics can be improved, and the resistance to thermal-
in the unloading domain. However, a small discrepancy cycling-induced stresses can also be increased.
between the two responses can be observed in the Microindentation is presently becoming an essential
loading domain. It appears that the numerical data are tool for the optimization of the micromechanical prop-
higher than the experimental data in the loading erties of composite materials. When rigidity and tough-
domain. This discrepancy can be attributed to the slip ness are important, modeling microindentation tests
between the punch and the specimen in the initial with the finite element approach provides valuable
moments of the experimental loading. Additionally, the complementary information to the experimental micro-
hypotheses used in the numerical model are not very indentation data.
close to the real experimental conditions.
To improve the loading–unloading graph, we have
inserted the equivalent material characteristics ob-
tained under various conditions. The maximum force
of loading was 500 mN in the first case; it was then
taken to be 1000 mN in the second one. The REFERENCES
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