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Thou shall remember to have sincere fun

Be creative and link things in the environment to making yourself feel good- fun carefree passion.

Its easier to have fun when you get out of mental concepts and get your physical experience of
things first.

My process for fun -> get out of my own way(let go of bullshit) -> be real -> appreciate/gratitude +
collaboration! -> fun carefree passion.

The currency of the club is fun

Women have sex for emotional reasons, not because of logic

As a responsible adult, you should be able to generate your own good emotions and share them
with the woman.

If you cant do this, you are a spoiler of fun, emotionally irrelevant, and you leach energy.

Don’t look for them to fill your emotional void, instead be the source of good emotions to others and
youll be readily welcomed wherever you go

Application: explore your sense of humor and find your path to making pick up fun.

It makes being in the club effortless

Your ego can block you from having fun

Talk about things you think are fun or funny

Her mirror neuron response will operate in your favour

Have fun, build a connection, lead the girl, sex is the natural after effect.

Don’t filter your sincere sense of humour around strangers

Political correctness is the opposite of true self expression

If she makes a joke you don’t think is funny, don’t laugh, look her in the eyes.

Never argue with the woman, say yes and add something funny or exaggerated. Then change the

Don’t be an entertainer chode in the club. Do whats fun to you and don’t give a damn about her
reaction or immediate feedback.

When your pinging off her for feedback your no longer having your own fun.

Don’t overcomplicate this commandment, just generate your own fun and bring the girl along.

Lots of self expression, non judgement, and fun

Exercises: watch stand up comedy to find out what kind of humor resonates with you, then talk
about those topics unfiltered. If you never offend someone, you’ve also failed to delight others

Write bullet points of shit that made you laugh this week and put it in your phone.

Personal note- validating and approving the shit you say and the actions you take also gets you into a
fun mood.

Books: feeling good by david burns, comedy writing secrets by Melvin melitzer.

Seans ideas

Book: the charisma myth by Olivia fox


The key is to have SINCERE fun, not fake fun. It never says you have to be funny.

This is about sincerely enjoying yourself. You don’t have to be laughing or goofing around, just
whatever your version of fun is.

This is important because game is EMOTIONAL. If the set is logical, the girl will logically have to
spend multiple dates with you before she fucks. Sex is an emotional behaviour.

You raise others emotions by raising your own. Whatever you feel, the girl will feel.

Don’t get alcohol dependent. There are too many side effects.

That original child-like joy never goes away. It is your job to coax it out.

Laugh, dance or socialising brings your natural fun out by promoting relaxation

Fun comes from making a physiological change in our bodies and also from changing our
interpretation of the world around us

Fun is:

1. Engaging in activites you enjoy, more so activities that promote relaxation and arousal
2. Finding enjoyment in the things you are doing

To have fun, it helps to first fulfil maeslo’s hierarchy of needs:

Having sincere fun can happen quite naturally when your other needs are covered.

Also a disparity between one’s skill level and the skill required to complete a task can reduce fun.

It is easier to have fun in the club when your life is enjoyable to you.
Strategy #1: Have abundance in the rest of the needs in your life, then give yourself permission to let
go and enjoy yourself.

Physiological needs-> eating healthy, well fed.

Safety needs-> exercising,

Belonging -> Find a tribe, be very careful about your peer group. One that helps you achieve your
goals, one that you feel a part of, and where people are having fun. Be careful about the thoughts
and media that you let into your head.

Self-esteem-> setting goals that you can achieve and accomplish goals every day so that you feel you
are winning. Make sure you’re getting 1% better every day.

Self-actualising ->

Strategy #2: Carve out some time in your day to do the things you enjoy after you’ve met maslows

If you are not enjoying your life as it is, then you are not going to enjoy your time in the nightclub

Changing interpretation:

Strategy 1: Proof not promises. Your brain needs proof that doing something enjoyable does not
present risk. Negative feelings result from a fear of death.

If you are suicidal, call suicide hotline and get your maslow’s needs met

In your first 30 days of going out, you are going to feel shamed, embarrassed. To protect yourself
from this: have an abundance of social resources(your own tribe), find that nothing bad happens
when you get rejected.

Strategy #2

Write down 20 things you are grateful for, and imagine your life without these things.

Strategy #3

Get into the flow state: simplify the challenge into smaller pieces, improve your skillset for these
simplified challenges, give yourself a consistent stream of positive feedback.

When your in the flow state, the fun just comes in.

Motion creates emotion

Give yourself clear positive feedback no matter what immediately. This is very important in having
fun. Great job doing … x etc. This is a muscle. Great job, awesome job. Don’t give yourself negative

Seeking out consistent feedback. You get into set for the sake of giving yourself the positive

Flow state happens when:

1. Involved in an activity with a clear set of goals and progress.

2. When the perceived difficulty of that activity is only slightly more difficult than your
perceived skill when engaging that activity.
3. Clear and immediate consistent feedback

Find something amusing about each interaction- what you naturally find funny.

Train yourself to find the humour after each interaction

If you do these every night, you will have fun all night, and your natural fun will flow out and into
your conversations. You may not enjoy your first 30 nights out.

2 more muscles:

Self amusement. Exercise: for 1 hour, do NOTHING, not even meditating. You’ll notice you’ll become
bored and as a response your brain will come up with ways to entertain itself

After you open, still be honest, but start amusing yourself. Shift your intention to amuse yourself,
not as a technique or to look more fun, but so that you can genuinely enjoy the moment and have
fun. Do this by talking about the shit you find funny.

To make something funny for you, it helps to have at least 2 of the 6 dimensions of funny:

Clever- unexpected

Cute- adorable

Naughty- sex or bathroom jokes

Bizarre- 2 things that don’t belong together

Cruel- something bad happened to someone or something

Recognisable- Common experience.

Use these to amuse yourself

To practice bizarre: practice saying two things that are completely unrelated

Keep saying the words at the top of your head, but shift ur intention to self amusement

Dark humour: making light of topics that are typically seen as taboo or serious or difficult to discuss.
This is rare and fun. Offensive beliefs.

Remember that this is all just a celebration and having fun.

Day time is for hard work, the club is titty time.

My notes:

I prefer make yourself feel good

Anything that makes you feel good

Doesn’t have to make you feel crazy good, just 0.1% feeling good is fine.

In an interaction, shift your intention towards making yourself feel good.

This just boils down to fun carefree passion. How can I have fun, how can I be more carefree, and
how can I experience more passion. For me, I have lots of fun when I am loud, making silly/retarted
jokes, laughing uncontrollably, being silly.

Before all this self amusement, the collaboration mindset is a good base

Before you have fun, get into a relaxed state. Then aim for fun.

You need to have a full acceptance of whatever state you are in. Don’t try to get into state.

Full acceptance of state and then go approach girls.

After you accept your state, talk about passions, do things you enjoy.

Be congruent + take action.

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