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SDD for Library Management System




Version 0.1
Document Reference No: SDD/UML/CSC577/4C/G2/2021


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SDD for Library Management System

Committee Members:

NUR DIYANA BT AB AZIZ Team Leader/Software Developer

AIRANI NATASHA BINTI MOHD ANIS System Tester/Software Developer

AINA NUR NADZIRAH BINTI System Designer/Software Developer


NURHANIS IZZATY BINTI HAYAZIT Software Requirement Analyst/Software


Reviewed By: Approved By:

_______________________ ________________________


Software Requirement Analyst Team Leader

Date:18/6/2021 Date:18/6/2021


Accepted By:



Pembantu Pustakawan s17
PD PNM Kg. Tengah Layang-Layang
Date: 2/5/2021

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SDD for Library Management System


1.1 Identification 5
1.2 System Overview 5

2.0 Referenced Document 7

2.1 Goverment Document 7
2.2 Non Goverment Document 7

3.0 Preliminary Design 8

3.1 CSCI Overview 8
3.2 CSCI Architecture 9
3.3 CSCI Design Description 12

4.0 Detailed Design 20

5.0 NOTES 32
5.1 Introduction 32
5.2 Definition 32
5.3 Roles 32
5.4 Abbreviations And Acronym 32

6.0 EXHIBIT 33

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Figure 3.1 Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.2: The CSCI LMS Packages
Figure 3.2.2: Relationship between the CSCs Interfaces
Figure 3.3.1 Visibility of Security CSC with other CSCs
Figure 3.3.1 Visibility of Member CSC with other CSCs
Figure 3.3.1 Visibility of Staff CSC with other CSCs
Figure 3.3.5 Visibility of Transaction CSC with other CSCs
Figure 3.3.5 Visibility of Database CSC with other CSCs
Figure 3.3.5 Visibility of Book CSC with other CSCs
Figure 4.0 LMS Class Diagram
Figure 6.1.1: Login Page LMS User
Figure 6.1.2: Main Page LMS Member Interface
Figure 6.1.3: View Member Information LMS Member Interface
Figure 6.1.4: Search Book LMS Member Interface
Figure 6.1.5: Main Member LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.6: Main Member LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.7: Add Member LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.8: View Member List LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.9: View Member Information LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.10: Edit Member Information LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.11: Delete Member Information LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.12: Create Transaction LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.13: View Recorded List of Transaction LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.14: Update Transaction’s Status LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.15 : View Transaction Information LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.16 : Register Book LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.17 : View Book List LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.18 : Display Book Detail LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.19 : Update Book Detail LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.20 : Delete Book LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.21 : Report LMS Staff Interface
Figure 6.1.22 : Report LMS Staff Interface

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SDD for Library Management System


1.1 Identification

System Number : LMS-2021-2

System Name: Library Management System

System Abbreviation: LMS

1.2 System Overview

Purpose of the system:

This existing system in Perpustakaan Desa PNM Kg. Tengah Layang-Layang uses manual
processes for all transaction books. So it's taking more time to settle one transaction at a time.
Therefore, our team decided to propose some solutions to make the manual library
management system to be computerized.

Library management system defined following several main components in the system.

● A user friendly system for both member and staff.

● Flexible computerized system for registration and transaction.
● Ease staff’s work in handling data of books and members.

1.3 Document Overview

This document specifies the procedure to be applied during:

- Preliminary design stage:

· Breakdown of CSCI to CSCs

· Description of each CSC design

· Description of characteristics common to CSCs

· Traceability requirements set forth in SRS

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SDD for Library Management System

- Detailed design stage:

· Breakdown of CSCs into CSUs

· Description of CSU design

· Description of CSCI overall data

The Software Design Document (SDD) describes the complete design of a Computer
Software Configuration Item (CSCI). It describes the CSCI as composed of Computer
Software Components (CSCs) and Computer Software Units (CSUs).

The SDD describes the allocation of requirements from a CSCI to its CSCs and CSUs. Prior
to Preliminary Design Review (PDR), the SDD is entered into the Developmental
Configuration for the CSCI.

The use of the SDD is for three primary purposes, namely:

· Present the preliminary design at the Preliminary Design Review

· Present the detail design at the Critical Design Review

· Use the design information as a basis for coding each CSU.

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2.0 Referenced Document

2.1 Goverment Document

Not Applicable

2.2 Non Goverment Document

1. ITS332 Group Proposal Library Management

2. ITS232 Group Proposal

3. ITS332 Group Software Design description

4. SRA/UML/CSC577/4C/G2/2021 CSC577 Software Requirement Analysis (SRA)

5. SRS/UML/CSC577/4C/G2/2021 CSC577 Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

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3.0 Preliminary Design

3.1 CSCI Overview

The CSCI LMS interfaces with the Library Staff and Library Member actors which are described
as Figure 3.1 below.

Figure 3.1 Use Case Diagram

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3.2 CSCI Architecture

3.2.1 Static Organization

Figure 3.2: The CSCI LMS Packages

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The packages are briefly described as follows: Member
This package allows member to view member information and search book details. Security
This package provides system security feature which only allowed valid user to login to the
system. User is required to enter a unique user ID and user password. The system will then
checking for the accessibility of the user and related modules will be enabled according to the
user level. Staff
This package manage all staff and member information in this system. Staff has full access to
the system. Database
This package store all information in the system. It controls system user level for security
purpose to protect confidential data. Book
This package manages the books in the library. Transaction
This package manages and recorded all transaction of books made by members in the library.
For this package only staff are able to change the status of transaction.

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3.2.2 CSCs Interfaces

Figure 3.2.2: Relationship between the CSCs Interfaces

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3.3 CSCI Design Description

A package is a CSC. The following details the interior of each CSC (package) and external

3.3.1 CSC Security

The Security CSC provides the security feature for the system. The classes involved are listed
as below:-

● FrmLogin
● FrmSecurity
● clsFrmLogin
● clsLoginManager
● clsDBLogin

Communication with the other CSC’s is shown below:

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Figure 3.3.1 Visibility of Security CSC with other CSCs

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3.3.2 CSC Member

The Member CSC records all member information in the system. The classes involved are listed
as below:-

● FrmSearchBook
● FrmMemberDetails
● clsMemberManager
● clsDBMember
● clsSearchManager
● clsDBBook

Communication with the other CSC’s is shown below:

Figure 3.3.1 Visibility of Member CSC with other CSCs

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3.3.3 CSC Staff

The Staff CSC records all staff information in the system. The classes involved are listed as
● FrmViewReport
● FrmSearchBooks
● FrmRegisterMember
● FrmUpdateMember
● clsReportManager
● clsDBTransaction
● clsSearchManager
● clsDBBook
● clsRegisterMemberManager
● clsDBMember

Communication with the other CSC’s is shown below:

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Figure 3.3.1 Visibility of Staff CSC with other CSCs

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3.3.4 CSC Transaction

The Transaction CSC manage the transaction of issue and return book in the system. The
classes involved are listed as below:-

● FrmTransactionList
● FrmUpdateStatus
● FrmRegisterTransaction
● clsTransactionManager
● clsDBTransaction
● clsDBMember

Communication with the other CSC’s is shown below:

Figure 3.3.5 Visibility of Transaction CSC with other CSCs

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3.3.5 CSC Database

The Database CSC store all information in the system. The classes involved are listed as

● DBBook
● DBTransaction
● DBMember
● DBLogin
● DBStaff

Communication with the other CSC’s is shown below:

Figure 3.3.5 Visibility of Database CSC with other CSCs

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3.3.6 CSC Book

The Book CSC manage book information in the system. The classes involved are listed as

● FrmAddNewBooks
● FrmDeleteBooks
● FrmUpdateBookDetails
● FrmDisplayBookDetails
● clsBookManager
● clsDbBook

Communication with the other CSC’s is shown below:

Figure 3.3.5 Visibility of Book CSC with other CSCs

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4.0 Detailed Design

Figure 4.0 LMS Class Diagram

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4.1 CSU Book

Class Type: Entity Class
Responsibility: Interface of the module. This will allow user to add, delete, update, and display
book records in the database.

ISBN : String
Title : String
Author : String
NoCopies : Integer
ShelfNo : Integer
Category : String


4.1.1 AddNewBooks()
Responsibility: To add new book
Input: strISBN : String
strTitle : String
strAuthor : String
intNoCopies : Integer
intShelfNo : Integer
strCategory : String
Output: None
Precondition: The form need to be inserted with all the input
Postcondition: Book details will be inserted into database
objBook : clsBook
objBook.ISBN = strISBN
objBook.Title = strTitle
objBook.Author = strAuthor
objBook.NoCopies = intNoCopies
objBook.ShelfNo = intShelfNo
objBook.Category = strCategory
CALL AddNewBooks(objBook)

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4.1.2 DeleteBooks()
Responsibility: To delete old book
Input: None
Output: None
Precondition: Record is selected.
Postcondition: Record will be deleted from database.
objBook : clsBook
blnCheck : Boolean
strConfirm : String
selectedData : clsBook
selectedData := selected(Row) of the list
blnCheck := objBook.isExist(selectedData)
IF(blnCheck == TRUE)
MESSAGE(“Confirm to delete?”)
IF(strConfirm == YES)

4.1.3 UpdateBooksDetails()
Responsibility: To update book details
Input:intShelfNo : Integer
Output: None
Precondition: Book details already recorded in the system.
Postcondition: Book details will be updated.
objBook : clsBook
blnCheck : Boolean
selectedData := selected(Row) of the list
blnCheck := objBook.isExist(selectedData)
IF(blnCheck == TRUE)
objBook.ShelfNo = intShelfNo
CALL UpdateBooksDetails(objBook)

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4.1.4 DisplayBookDetails()
Responsibility: To display book details
Input: None
Output: None
Precondition: Book detail is stored in the database.
Postcondition: Book details will be displayed.
objBook : clsBook
blnCheck : Boolean
selectedData := selected(Row) of the list
blnCheck := objBook.isExist(selectedData)
IF(blnCheck == TRUE)
CALL DisplayBookDetails(selectedData)

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4.2 CSU Staff

Class Type: Entity Class
Responsibility: Interface of the module. This will allow user to view reports, search books,
register members, and update members information in the database.

ID : String
Name : String


4.2.1 ViewReport()
Responsibility: To show report of transaction
Input: strDate : String
Output: none
Precondition: Authorized user is a staff registered in the system.
Postcondition: Report details will be displayed.
objTransaction : clsTransaction
strDate : String
IF(objTransaction.dateOfTransaction == strDate)
CALL ViewReport()

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4.2.2 SearchBooks()
Responsibility: To search book
Input: strTitle : String
Output: blnDbSearch : Boolean
Precondition: Form is loaded and data is available in the system.
Postcondition: Book details found will be displayed.
objBook : clsBook
blnDbBook : Boolean
blnDbSearch : Boolean
blnSearchFound : Boolean
blnDbBook := objBook.LoadData(strTitle)
IF(blnDbBook == TRUE) THEN
blnDbSearch := TRUE
RETURN blnDbSearch
blnSearchFound := objBook.Search(strTitle)
IF (blnDbFound == TRUE) THEN
CALL BookRecord
MESSAGE (“The selected book not found”)
MESSAGE (“There’s no data in the database”)

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4.2.3 RegisterMembers()
Responsibility: To register new member
Input: strID : String
strName : String
strIC : String
strPhoneNo : String
strAddress : String
strEmail : String
charGender : String
Output: None
Precondition: A form register has entered.
Postcondition: The new member will be registered into the database.
objMember : clsMember
objMember.ID := strID
objMember.Name := strName
objMember.IC := strIC
objMember.PhoneNo := strPhoneNo
objMember.Email := strEmail
objMember.Gender := charGender
CALL RegisterMember(objMember)

4.2.4 UpdateMembers()
Responsibility: To update member detail
Input: strPhoneNo : String
strAddress : String
strEmail : String
Output: None
Precondition: Member information already recorded in the system.
Postcondition: Member information will be updated.
objMember : clsMember
blnCheck : Boolean
selectedData := selected(Row) of the list
blnCheck := objMember.isExist(selectedData)
IF(blnCheck == TRUE)
objMember.PhoneNo := strPhoneNo

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objMember.Address := strAddress
objMember.Email := strEmail
CALL UpdateMembers(objMember)

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4.3 CSU Transaction

Class Type: Entity Class
Responsibility: Interface of the module. This will allow user to retrieve transactions, update
status, and register transactions in the database.
Transaction : Integer
ISBN : String
DateofTransaction : String
DueDate : String
Status : String


4.3.1 RetrieveTransaction()
Responsibility: To retrieve transaction in the database
Input: None
Output: None
Precondition: Authorized user has successfully registered into the system.
Postcondition: Transaction record list displayed in the system.

objTransaction : clsDBTransaction

objMember : clsDBMember

strID : String

Set rs=myDB(“select from DBTransaction where objMember.ID= strID “)



4.3.2 UpdateStatus()
Responsibility: To update transaction status
Input: None
Output: None
Precondition: Authorized user is a staff registered in the system.
Postcondition: Display new status.

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selectedData := selected(Row) of the list

GET selectedData

SET status=new_status



4.3.3 RegisterTransaction()
Responsibility: To register new transaction
Input: strISBN : String
strDateofTransaction : String
strDueDate : String
strStatus :String
Output: None
Precondition: Authorized user already registered in the system.
Postcondition: Transaction submitted and being recorded.
objTransaction : clsDBTransaction

GET strISBN,strDateofTransaction,strDueDate,strStatus



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4.4 CSU Member

Class Type: Entity Class
Responsibility: Interface of the module. This will display the member information for view only
and search book details.

ID : String
Name : String
IC : String
PhoneNo : String
Address : String
Email : String
Gender : Char


4.4.1 SearchBook()
Responsibility : To search book details
Input : strTitle : String
Output : blnDbBook : Boolean
Precondition : Authorized user logged in to the system as a member. Book
list available in the database.
Postcondition : Book details found will be displayed.
Algorithm :
objBook : clsBook
blnDbBook : Boolean
blnDbSearch : Boolean
blnSearchFound : Boolean
blnDbBook := objBook.LoadData(strTitle)
IF(blnDbBook == TRUE) THEN
blnDbSearch := TRUE
RETURN blnDbSearch
blnSearchFound := objBook.Search(strTitle)
IF (blnDbFound == TRUE) THEN
CALL BookRecord
MESSAGE (“The selected book not found”)

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MESSAGE (“There’s no data in the database”)


4.5 CSU Login

Class Type: Entity Class
Responsibility: Interface of the module. This will allow the user to login into the system.
ID : String
Password : String
Type : String

4.5.1 AuthenticateUser()
Responsibility: To verify user identity.
Input: strID : String
strPassword : String
Output: None
Precondition: Authorized user has successfully registered into the system.
Postcondition: Authorized user has successfully logged in to the system.
blnAuthorize : Boolean
objLogin : clsLogin
IF (objLogin.ID == strID AND objLogin.Password == strPassword)
blnAuthorize := TRUE
MESSAGE(“Wrong input”)
IF (blnAuthorize == TRUE AND objLogin.Type == “Member”)
RELOAD MemberMainPage
RELOAD StaffMainPage

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5.1 Introduction
This glossary will be expanded throughout the life of the project.

5.2 Definition
This section describes definitions for all terms used in this document.

PNM A library established under the National Library Act 1972. PNM role
is to preserve and expand the use of published collections from
within a respective country as well as collections published in other
countries that relate to it.

5.3 Roles
This chapter describes the roles definition from user point of view.

Staff A person who keys in new book info and does the borrow and return

Member A person who registered as a library member to use library services.

Vendor A person that supply new book to the library

5.4 Abbreviations And Acronym

This chapter describes the abbreviations and acronyms used in this document and arrange in
alphabetical order.

LMS Library Management System

PNM National Library of Malaysia

SRS Software Requirement Specifications

SDD Software Design Document

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Figure 6.1.1: Login Page LMS User

Member Interface

Figure 6.1.2: Main Page LMS Member Interface

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Figure 6.1.3: View Member Information LMS Member Interface

Figure 6.1.4: Search Book LMS Member Interface

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Staff Interfaces

Figure 6.1.5: Main Member LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.6: Library Member Page LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.7: Add Member LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.8: View Member List LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.9: View Member Information LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.10: Edit Member Information LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.11: Delete Member Information LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.12: Create Transaction LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.13: View Recorded List of Transaction LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.14: Update Transaction’s Status LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.15 : View Transaction Information LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.16 : Register Book LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.17 : View Book List LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.18 : Display Book Detail LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.19 : Update Book Detail LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.20 : Delete Book LMS Staff Interface

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Figure 6.1.21 : Report LMS Staff Interface

Figure 6.1.22 : Report LMS Staff Interface

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