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IoT based Inventory Management system for Blood Bank

The proposed blood bank management system provides efficient access to all stakeholders involved in
the system. The core are Needy, Donors and Blood bank. The sensor senses the blood packets and the
information is stored in the server. Using the application , the inventory in-charge gets the information on the
future demands. He sets the minimum stock level of each blood type to be maintained for that month. Prior to
the expiry of current stock, the system sends an automatic alert message to inventory in-charge so that he can do
necessary action like transferring to other blood banks or hospitals to avoid wastage. The system also sends
notifications to camp organiser when the stock of blood type falls below the set value. The camp organiser uses
the prediction tool to find out the probable dates and location of camps and informs to on-site organiser. When
the onsite organiser accepts the request and confirms the date the system sends automatic messages to all regular
donors and registered users.
When there is urgent need of blood, the needy clicks button in the app. It immediately send an alert message to
issuing system in-charge so that he responds as soon as possible. The in-charge immediately informs the needy
if the required blood type is available using the prediction tool otherwise he communicates with other blood
banks or donors and help the needy by finding the blood type from all the sources.

Limitations of Existing Systems

Blood Bank Donors Needy
1. The blood bank is unable to 1. General lack of 1. Rely on the hospitals to find the
maintain a supply of blood at the knowledge about the process and blood bags
time of seasonal high demand of demand 2. No unified source of
blood. 2. No prior information on information on availability of
2. Reducing the wastage of the upcoming donation camps. blood and platelets.
blood is very difficult especially 3. Fear of rejection at the campsite 3. No real-time tracking of the
during the oversupply season. 4. Unable to keep a track on the donor
3. The human error leading to donation dates 4. Lack of awareness in the
fatalities. 5. Distance and time are major process of issuing
4. No proper channel to contact constraints 5. Difficulty in finding donors
other blood banks and hospitals 6. No post donation follow up leading to high anxiety
for transferring blood
5. Securing donation campsite is
a competition and no addition of
new camps
6. No timely payment from the
hospitals and no-one to contact

Proposed System
We studied all the existing solutions in the current scenario which addressed similar problems. It helped us to
understand their benefits and failures. Analyzing all the features, we found a better approach to this problem.
Even though all of these provided good services but they failed in some way. It was because they were only
catering to one section of the chain. So we thought of an integrated solution which will connect all the three
The proposed system gain many advantages from each stakeholder side. The very first is the urge of
blood for a person, a sensitive case where you need to pay lots of attention. The person can search for the nearby
blood banks and make a request to them. As the technology is growing rapidly, the app makes use of easiest
ways that can be adopted to make the work of the receiver easy. The person who is in the urge has to click on
search button where he is asked to mention the requirement details (phone number, blood group, quantity). Now
the process is automatic.
a) The request is sent in the form of a link to the blood banks nearby.
b) The blood bank admin has to click on the link where he is asked to make confirmation
regarding the donation.
The second is for making registrations. Only Willing donors are requested to make registrations. This is a simple
and one touch process where details of donors are recorded. Working with ease is focused in this app, hence the
procedures, modules are made short and they are quick in responses.
a) Click on ‘Register’.
b) Fill in the form and submit. Now the user is registered as donor.
we focus on Blood Donation camps conducted nearby in the user’s location. All those who are interested in
camps can click on this option where Google map is opened as a reference.
a) With the help of user’s location, the camps conducted in that particular location are traced
and displayed on the screen.
b) All those camps are spotted on the map.
The last module is where a person/organiser can seek help for advertisements from the app’s admin.
These advertisements costs organisers and so we get benefitted. For the organisers to seek help for
advertisements, they need to undergo a simple trusted payment process. Only after the payment is done, seek for
help is approved and the advertisement is displayed on the advertisement page. This is the area where awareness
can be brought among people. The need for camps, how it is to save life and all other matters can be focused
here. The organiser can also mention the cause or the occasion for which they are doing so.

 The solution would be like an enterprise product owned by blood bank who are connected to both recipients
and donors. It focus on three modules where each would have some goal to fulfil.
1. Application between donor and blood bank - Effortless Blood donation system with doorstep donation
2. Application within blood bank - Smart Inventory Management System with effective distribution of
donation camps using prediction tool
3. Application between needy and blood bank - Emergency Request Service for the needy
Module 1: Effortless Blood donation system with doorstep donation service
Here we try to resolve all the limitations from the donor’s side [3] [5]. When the on-site organizer decides the
dates and confirms dates of camps, the dates and location are communicated to regular donors via message. This
system provides doorstep donation service to the donors.
we provide service vehicles during the Blood Donation camps nearby in the user’s location. All those
who are interested in camps can click on this option so that the service vehicle move to the user’s required
a) With the help of the app, the camps conducted in the particular location are traced and displayed on
the screen.
b) All those camps and service vehicles are spotted on the map.
The last module is where a person/organiser can seek help for advertisements from the app’s admin.
These advertisements costs organisers and so we get benefitted. For the organisers to seek help for
advertisements, they need to undergo a simple trusted payment process. Only after the payment is done, seek for
help is approved and the advertisement is displayed on the advertisement page. This is the area where awareness
can be brought among people. The need for camps, how it is to save life and all other matters can be focused
here. The organiser can also mention the cause or the occasion for which they are doing so.

Module 2: Smart Inventory Management System with effective distribution of donation camps using IOT
The blood bank system maintain the data like number of bags used per medical activity, historical data,
average no of days spent in inventory by each blood group, historical data of collection from camps and blood
group, blood group and location of registered donors of the city [6]. Using the data the Smart Inventory
Management System can predict and provide the details like ideal dates to conduct camps, ideal no of bags to be
collected blood group wise from each camp, future demand data, minimum stock level of each blood group to
be maintained for any given period of time, ideal location of camps.
The following are some of the solution features:
a) Prediction tool [7] for future demand patterns based on the historical data of demands
b) Set the minimum stock requirement of each blood group for that month
c) Alert message sent to the blood bank in-charge about the shortage of any blood type
d) Using IOT to generate dates for donation camps and number of bags of each blood group to be
e) Decide the location of camps by visualizing the donation made in the past and blood group type on
city map
f) Facilitate the communication between the camp organizer and on-site organizer
g) Pre-expiration (15 days prior) alert message sent to the in-charge
h) Co-ordination between blood banks and hospitals to manage the excess stock in time
i) Alert messages to the regular or registered donor and colleges/industries near campsite
j) Multiple user login feature available
Module 3: Emergency Request Service for the needy
This app provides on demand service for the needy. This app helps needy to search for the blood in
nearby blood banks and make a request to them. As the technology is growing rapidly, the app makes use of
easiest ways that can be adopted to make the work of the receiver easy. The person who is in the urge has to
click on search button where he is asked to mention the requirement details (phone number, blood group,
quantity). Now the process is automatic.
a) The request is sent in the form of a link to the blood banks nearby.
b) The blood bank admin has to click on the link where he is asked to make confirmation regarding the
This is a simple app that works on the fingertips of India in future with a great response, making life in
India safe and secured. This will be an embodiment of Care and Responsibility. We all know the two sides of
technology. Taking the positive side, the intension behind the app is to help India, grow India and make India a
better place to live in.
This app aims for providing blood to needy people with minimum effort and it also provides donors
convenience in donating blood. As Technological development follows no physical or invisible boundaries and
gradually expands its roots in all directions. Likewise, the Internet of Things has its applications in fields of
home security, Industry, smart cities and healthcare [8]. One of the main goals for this app is to involve the
Internet of Things (IoT) to help Blood bank authority, Donors and the Needy by making better automation in
blood donation and supply for the needy. With a wide range of technologies available across our daily life, we
have found an appropriate way by producing smart system. Donors are able to use the application to enter their
willingness and specify the location with the help of GPS coordinates. On the other hand, the application
provides automation by enabling smart blood bank authority to manage the blood information and its
availability. Finally, this app is used to notify/communicate with the nearest blood bank organizations timely to
ensure the availability of safe and quality blood or platelets accessible to the needy with minimum effort.

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