Value Stream Q-Basics: Maintenance (TPM) Test Equipment

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Principle 1 | Stop Sign Principle 2 | Andon Cord Principle 3 | Instructions Principle 4 | Process Parameters

Value Stream Customer complaints are communi-

cated within the production site and, if
In the event of deviations in quali-
ty or if control limits are exceeded
Safety, health, production, and in-
spection instructions are complied
The target values/tolerances for
all stated process parameters

possible, displayed directly at the sta- in the value stream (source, make, with. 5S standards are put in place are observed.
tion in question. Using problem-solving deliver), the employee needs to and observed.
techniques, they are processed in a stop the process or escalate.
fast and systematic manner. The sup-
ply chain is promptly informed.

Principle 5 | Measurement/ Principle 6 | Check the Checker Principle 7 | Total Productive Principle 8 | Tools Principle 9 | Restart
Test Equipment Maintenance (TPM)

Measuring and test equipment is The “check the checker” principle A maintenance standard is in- Each tool has a defined service life; Restart after disruptions is clearly
defined, and monitoring intervals is applied, and the “checker’s” stalled and observed at every the current status must be recog- regulated for all machinery and
are observed. suitability is ensured. station. nizable. A quality evaluation must equipment.
be carried out during installation,
removal or disassembly.

Principle 10 | Labeling Principle 11 | Rework/Scrap Principle 12 | Dropped Parts Principle 13 | Correct Product Principle 14 | Remaining Items

Products and containers are The handling of rejected parts Any products that fall on the floor, Only the correct product may The handling of remaining items/
labeled according to the set and those to be reworked is into the machine or cannot be be provided for removal and quantities is clearly regulated.
standard. clearly regulated. classified must be scrapped. assembly.

Version 2.0 Responsible for the content: C/QM

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