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Crizaldo, Joyce Maricris N.

1. What is the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)?

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers was based on the National Competence-
Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS). It is a set of standards that targets teachers’ quality to ensure
that they are qualified to teach in K-12 program. A

2. According to the DO 42, S. 2017, what are the aims of PPST?

DO 42, S. 2017, the aims of PPST are:

- sets clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of professional development
from beginning to distinguished practice;

-engages teachers to embrace ongoing professional learning for their professional development
to enhance their own teaching;

-provides a framework of uniform measures to assess teacher performance; and

-provides a basis for building public confidence in and support for the work of teachers.

3. What qualities are expected of teachers based on these domains of the PPST?

The qualities that are expected of teachers based on these domains of the PPST are:

 The teacher should know what to teach and how to teach.

 Maintain a learning-focused environment.
 Respond to learner’s diversity and plan and design effective instruction.
 .Use variety of assessment tools. It enhances the teaching-learning process.
 Build a mutual communication between school-community partnerships.
 Engage in professional reflection and assume responsibility for personal professional
learning. Assumed responsibility for personal and professional development as life-long

4. Why is PPST important to you as a pre-service teacher?

According to an article, “the PPST aims to produce better teachers in the country by
improving their qualifications skills and by increasing their levels of knowledge, practice and
professional engagement.” This quoted statement I got from the article, reminds me the
responsibility/accountability of a teacher. It inspires me to become a productive teacher in the
society (someday). While I am on my journey, PPST will guide me to become knowledgeable
about the standards to become fully equipped teacher in the future. It allows me to assess myself
if I am qualified to teach and be part on the k-12 program. One of the importance’s of the PPST
to me is to ready and practice myself in the field study. PPST is like water that showers the plant
to grow. It’s me, the plant that needs to grow and live longer. The qualities/standards of PPST
help to grow my personal and professional development in the making.

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