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Activity 3.

1. In what ways had Marianne´s father “settled down” at her age? How old was he
when she was born?
When Marianne´s father was 34, he had two daughter in school and another one at
home. He´d been running a business for ten years. He owned a house, and he had
a pension. He was 26 years old when Marianne was born.

2. How does Marianne´s life now differ from his back then?
She lives in a rented apartment with her youngest sister. She has little to no
savings and no pension. Getting married and having children is just and idea for
her, not a reality.

3. What plans does she have for the future?

Her plans only go as far as the next weekend.

4. In what ways is Marianne already a grown up?

She pays taxes, casts her vote, and gives money to charity.

5. How is the “Peter Pan generation” described?

“The Peter Pan generation” is described as a sizeable group of 25 – to 40 year-
olds who are avoiding the responsability of marriage, mortgage , and children for
as long as possible.

6. What does “adultescent” mean? Which two words form it?

“Adultescent” refers to someone who refuses to settle down andmake
commitments, and who would rather go on partying into middle age. It is formed
from adult and adolecescent.

7. What comparisons does Professor Furedi make between the 1970s and today?
Back in the 1970s, men typically got married at 24 and women at 22. Currently, the
average age at wich people marry is 32 for men and 30 for women. The average
age for starting a family today is 28 for women, up from 24 in 1970.

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